We Used Evolution To Create The Superior PAPER PLANE!

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welcome back to multiplayer Monday and today we are doing the paper plane Evolution challenge where we have to evolve the perfect absolutely 100 perfect paper plane that can go the entire distance of uh infinity in front of us yes uh so we'll have like three minutes to build our initial foundation for a paper plane and then we will launch them all uh off of this launcher it'll go down like that that was an amazing performance by the stock example plane you don't if we don't beat that I know if you do worse than that can we mark it let's mark this let's mark this for our reference so we know we don't beat it so okay so how are we we're gonna mark from this point yeah the furthest point back oh yeah like the tip of the wing there right yeah like right there right here okay so there you go for airplane yeah so after our initial lunge then we're gonna have like a shorter time to make modification and try to get farther and farther until we have the best paper airplane in existence let's go someone just someone put up a timer three minutes okay that's not a lot of time but it is not gonna be a lot of time to start off with remember you're not allowed to have any moving Parts on your planes that like like I mean you can have like controllers and bearings and stuff but everything on your plane has to be static once it gets launched like it just has to it has to do its thing okay three minutes uh three two one go all right all right uh first thing we're gonna do is uh just lay out some parts do I want to taper the nose would that help does that help it'll make it look more like a paper airplane is that really well I guess it depends on the type of paper airplanes you build huh what do we have a length do we know how long it's supposed to be I think uh I mean if you do 16 I think you'll be saved that's what I'm checking on no no I don't know I'm you know I'm just I'm just going for it here I'm gonna just make something that looks like a plane a plane that's our what's our time at a minute 48 left oh there's not more than half that's not bad I need to add a controller to this for these to work why did I replace my controller I had one in my inventory and now it's gone how many things do you have in your inventory I know right I had a lot of pipe pieces thinking I was going to use them but I don't think I'm going to be using them bro there's no time I know I know what are you even thinking All-Star here I don't even know if a tail is totally necessary but I don't know either but like you know it's it's gonna happen that's where I'm at right I wonder I feel like a part of me might try and go start and go like all out and then reel it back I don't know yeah I mean it's kind of hard to tell isn't it I'm dropping it off my lift as a testing device I don't know how much information that gives me but yeah but like what controllers I only have one set of pairings that are I'm adjusting right now yeah I mean I guess save something for the next round you know yeah uh 10 seconds left guys 10 seconds 10 seconds left oh no I think I'm just gonna stop here yeah I think I'm good I'm just gonna add some paint just you know can we paint afterwards just to make it look like paper yeah paint paint yours up paint it up okay yeah okay mine all right that's it 10 seconds is done all right just gonna paint it up oh my God my phone won't shut up shut up oh shut up all right rock paper scissors yeah all right three two one go all right uh three two one go oh my goodness okay all right three two one go oh what do you want Mumbo first or second I'll go second I'm just gonna go second one yeah okay boys here's my paper plate it looks like this isn't a paper plane this is a plane plane it's a real one I want to make a little place all right you know I don't I don't know I think the ratio of wing to tail might be significantly off but the tail is adjustable with some Pitch so I'm gonna just try it and then see what happens and maybe make an adjustment with the controller if I have to um okay are you guys ready default not changing anything for it further than this no tests okay here we go let's go full speed full speed big launch big launch oh yes and it stopped all right should we have the final resting point oh wow because it kind of landed back here but then it bounced forward slightly I don't know what do you guys want to play with final resting I don't I mean it's hard I think final resting place is the way to go because I think so it's easier to fall yeah easier all right well hold on no we get yeah right am I supposed to take it yeah two throws I'm assuming this could be pretty consistent it's probably gonna swoop just the same way that is quite the swoop so I'm assuming oh that did worse that did worse slightly worse yeah all right so we'll keep with this one um I need to make some adjustments okay all right here we go okay so this is mine it's bigger paper is this how you fold your paper airplanes there's a few Staples in there too it's like one of those uh tube Flyers yeah exactly I was going for the tube I don't know if that matters or not though I think I mean that might not be bad I don't know well here's a question are are your controllers set to anything right now are you just going freshly I'm just gonna go flat I think I feel like I need to get a baseline right so okay okay here we go first launch set it up throw it come on see oh okay another boy I'm actually I'm actually really happy that it doesn't slide much with the frictionless blocks here because I was like if you just slide that's cheating yeah I would agree I would agree yeah so pretty much like yeah like right right now that's not bad I mean let's see that is just barely like just a couple of blocks better than con wow I'm surprised and I feel like if I could get my swoop or perfected so it doesn't go up as much I could go way further you know like if it swooped a little cleaner all right did it look worse it was slightly experience it's still slightly better than it's still slightly better than Khan but all right Scrabble what do you got let's see what you can see all right well this is uh my generation one of a paper airplane hey it looks kind of like moonbows yeah I think I think mine looks like more like a paper airplane than anyone else's so I got that going for me yeah is that concrete or plastic that's plastic yeah it's like mid-mid range you know Midway range weight all right please don't do terrible here we go all right let's grab it all right timer's going please do good please do good oh no why did I go down all right I have it I have some theories that's for sure right here why why did it go down I have like more weight in the back than in the front all right all right please get better I did beat the default at least further yeah [Music] okay all right there you go so that's number two I will start up a two minute timer here we go three two one make your changes all right I don't think I'm gonna make too many I'm gonna do one small change hopefully that's not too much and then I'm gonna do this I don't know I don't know it's so risky to make flight characteristic changes without being able to test oh I know like what you think is a good idea is like not a good idea I think you guys said we can't change controllers mid yeah whatever you whatever you finish building you cannot change make any changes afterwards we have seen two different distances every throw as well actually so only slightly but yeah it's true but we have seen it's never been like pretty much the same there's a few blocks every time which is interesting yeah yeah [Music] I feel like I'm not really the adding blocks here you know I don't want to add blocks well I don't know if what I'm doing is a good idea or not but we're doing it [Music] I feel like I overcompensated on this one yeah I don't know 40 seconds left yeah I feel like my changes are so subtle at this point and like not even all right I think I'm good time's up all right I made my modifications this better be better because if it's not I don't know what I'm doing very small modifications I angled those bottom Wings here in the back yeah and I added a couple blocks on the top front here what two blocks on the top where just to balance out some weight oh just out in front I see I see I see okay interesting he's gonna pitch up now which is interesting that's why I added those two blocks there oh counterweight I see I don't feel like those two blocks are heavy enough to make well let's see if it does better let's see if it goes better ready to launch let's see come on come on oh there's the picture it was gonna do better and then it went backwards it's like right here on this line like wow okay well yeah round two bring it back and round two second attempts yeah yeah less backwards yeah I feel like the launch has slight variability with how it contacts the push uh here's my second version okay okay I put a couple little bit of concrete there to make the nose longer and then I made the tail have more tail robust yes more tail the angles on the tail are still zero though I haven't changed really wow really all right so here we go attempt number one I'm hoping this uh I hope this does something here we go gonna launch come on oh no critical critical mistakes wow you got too much lift in the back too much weight in the front yeah you did yeah Khan's evolving backwards get back in the water okay well it's right it's right here here we go oh yeah exactly the same it's exactly the same it is exactly the same yeah all right I think I'm taking third place in this one guys but I'm not sure here but yeah well we'll see if my adjustments uh are better or worse so uh here's what mine looks like now okay it looks similar so I've cut off the bottom layer so it is now not as tall um I checked I changed the angle on the back by a decent amount and I added angle adjustments to the front Wings they were not there before did not have those bearings before no angles there though at the moment no there is it's very very subtle yep um and steeper on the back and I added one concrete block in front of the controller in the back so yeah yeah so I don't know I don't know if that's gonna help or hurt after college performance so far we've all evolved backwards actually move but went backwards too oh yeah that's true as far backwards as I did I noticed that last time I better not nose drive this time but I don't know if it's gonna be better I know it might just go straight up at this loop back here we go backwards [Applause] it's worse I evolved backwards it's literally it's the same as mine all right come on do better do better that was a fluke I know you just wasn't you weren't on your game [Music] I'm no longer the Worst That Matters all right that doesn't matter if and it changes from now on one minute yeah three two one go all right I know exactly what I'm doing like oh I don't I like I don't know how much to adjust my adjustments are clean I don't even like I feel like just adding more Wings is like kind of like whatever it's worth a shot in some ways all right time's up okay okay that's what I was doing oh my goodness wow all right so here it is again what'd you do so with some wedges now as well for that fake aerodynamics you know yeah I mean it'll help an extra wing on either side here in the middle here these ones are new oh really okay change the angle of my back Wings here by five degrees just to ease it off of it okay here we go attempt number one for the third generation I feel like it's gonna be really good be better oh it's always like perfect I can't imagine that getting much better right that trajectory was amazing it just touched down from the back like like a foot he had well if he had a slightly flatter trajectory yeah slightly well I don't know he wouldn't have kept the height as long I don't think it was flattered but he would have yeah he would have it's it's a cost benefit attempt number two ready to Launch see what we get okay I don't know it doesn't look as good oh no actually it's pretty much it might be a little bit it might be exactly the same this block but it's like the same is it it's it's exactly all right well consistent if you're consistent now I'm next right yeah you're next Keep Second of the second round I think uh what the heck oh More Wings um so I added rounded tips onto the wings um and then I adjusted the controllers by like I don't know five degrees in the back and one degree in the front and I've removed the concrete as well and I actually realized I forgot to paint where I removed the concrete thanks thanks for that appreciate it there you go there we go perfect sabotage that's gonna make all the difference I know the paint yeah the paint matters of paints instead of yeah I'm ready with your marker scrap man I'm thinking right here somewhere oh my God get out of there get away no get away from there okay so it got to here uh uh what's the that was so terrifying that initial nose down was bad all right second attempt Here Comes [Music] so it dies down at first even well I did take weight out of the back this is my third version reduce the nose back got rid of the concrete in the nose put the nose back to where it was I added the wings I chopped the tail a little bit so it's like I don't think the tail is necessary you know it's not like yeah straight line first attempts come on plane it's gonna be good it kind of did it it was the most neutral flat trajectory I've ever seen yeah my accidentally deleted the block I'm my bad number two this is not gonna I don't think it's gonna go any further you don't think so oh all right boys number four you guys ready one minute on the clock I'm ready three two one go okay I don't even remember what mine did how do I change what I did all right I'm done man I don't think you changed much right like this is so nerve-wracking though I don't know because like mine's has a weird trajectory I don't know how much degrees of change has what of impact you know all right I did add another concrete block I don't know if I'm gonna regret that oh there's the timer okay the only thing I changed was the angle of the uh the front Wing here I'm trying a slightly down yeah I don't know I'm trying to just see I have I have this generation and then the next Generation so I want to take I want to make one more mistake okay you know two more steps forward you know what I mean bottom sets down they're all gonna yeah you might just kind of like go straight or not like just level into the ground level down yeah I mean yeah let's see what we got right first attempt oh yeah no that's bad that's really bad that was pretty bad yep I thought maybe I thought maybe it would like fight with the top Wings a bit more than that yeah yeah that was pretty bad it's gonna be bad gonna do pretty much the same way how did it work is that what I wanted it to do I think so that was the biggest difference between launches I've ever seen wow it like kicked did you see that it like yeah it kicked the nose up and then it was level it was up yeah so that was a launching issue or a launching anomaly was it wow well here's mine uh so what I did is I actually added a concrete block not at the tail but a little bit more up forwards yeah you made the mistake I know is that yep and then I made a one degree adjustment on the front and uh like a like a four or five doing adjustment on the tail to try to like you know why you don't less Extreme Concrete scrap man you know why they don't make airliners out of concrete why is that yeah why is that you're about to find out right now okay I'm about to find out all right here we go first attempt Make It Count oh it didn't get the swoop no that I think that concrete might be a little better than that concrete yeah a little heavy there we go take two let's see it that was even worse wasn't it a lot yeah dang oh no straight to the ground all right well I have one more chance of redemption I've been terrible this whole time not one of my attempts were better than mumbo's this is paper plane four okay yeah as you can see it is not at all different from paper plate three I just wish this wedge has always been here yeah by five degrees that was it five degree tail that's it is that gonna be too much all right here we go full speed Let's Go Fly yep all right well this I don't expect this to go any further but here we go it's yeah it's like an attempt oh no it still gets that oh no that went further it's a little bit yeah that yep definitely further right yeah that's gonna be a better one all right I gotta come in for the underdog on this one I'm all behind way back here this is gonna be the one I don't know what adjustments to make though fifth round guys this is it what about using these blocks scrap man these blocks are pretty slippery I mean I do I guess if you if I want to rely on the ground friction though but that's not really the point the launch mechanism oh yeah I guess yeah uh three two one go okay whoops I mean I'm not changing I'm not changing like you know I'm not changing anything really just no it's just the one angle like that's it I'm just gonna change the tail angle and you know go for go for go For Broke right like hopefully I don't know I don't know hopefully this works 20 seconds three two one time is up okay let's hope this is better okay so I like I reverted the angle on the front Wings a few extra small wings along the center there a little bit down at the bottom and we still have just a modest five degrees on the back bottom Wings there all right interesting okay so I'm hoping I'm just gonna squeeze out like an extra block you know remember this this round is the only round that matters so yeah you just final round who is the best afterwards you've already won so like all of these years of evolution come on one block it looks like wow I feel like you have just a lot of drag literally one block yeah yeah I feel like with the amount of wings you have is just like it's just you can't you can't keep going final attempt here we go this is it the last one final generation let's see what we got I don't want to be on the platform when it choose I don't know why oh whoa what happened whoa big difference whoa nothing what it just like it just fell right off okay well that's one way to end up yeah well obviously that didn't count because it wasn't as best of the two but I mean that was a fizzle out wasn't it good thing uh good thing you got that first one I guess so wow my fifth plane I made it from five degrees to one degree one degree is that gonna be enough no here's the thing you went from zero to five and you went from like way yeah you went from right into the ground to a little bit further but it didn't the zero didn't dive it just kind of like went straight that's true that is true the one degree might be all you need don't screw up there it is there's no swoops not enough but it's still your second best it's gonna be a disappointment oh no oh man two degrees you needed the extra one degree I think all right all right I'm not I don't think my second one's good One's Gonna Go any better well let's find out here we go come on baby oh it's holding oh wait wait did you change the degrees you changed the degrees didn't you you changed it okay you did okay you would have one that's so crazy wow okay we're not counting though I just wait we didn't mark your we didn't mark your uh yeah oh is that the five is that five okay one two three yeah all right I I changed the bottom to frictionless blocks so hopefully that there's not as much drag on the lunge I also changed my front wings I added one degree to the front wings and I took one degree away from the back wings um so I'm gonna have a little bit more lift in the front a little bit less in the back and I took the concrete block out so like there's a lot of changes that happened that could factor into this and that makes me concerned because I'm not I'm not zeroing in on things yet I haven't gotten there and I don't have time to get there so this is my last attempt all right no idea what to expect with all these changes but let's just hope for something better let's see oh yeah yeah I see it I see it all right let me try one more I'm so mad I went from five to one bro I'm so mad I know I probably have that going on with me right now if I change one of these by one degrees all right here it goes final attempts yeah man it's way too much yeah did I do better this time was better yay okay well I gotta see I'm gonna do a one degree change on the front wings too and just see what happens I'm going from Three Degrees to two degrees it's just it's one degree yeah and let's just see what happens all right here comes the one degree difference [Laughter] that's so stupid I can't believe if that's the result had no friction with the ground because it was just like this yeah right like yeah that's funny it was trying to get that swoop is obviously legitimate 100 uh sanctioned by the Olympics um it's so good my Evolution track went from here and I'm back and then I went up to here and then I went back back and then I went back up again so I had a consistent like forward back forward back trajectory I I should have never changed my first design I know your first design was your best attempt out of all your legitimate attempts I really was and I just kept going you know I went backwards and I kept trying to get oh actually so your first attempt and then you went all the way back and then you consistently got better again I've never got there and then moonbow was just like all around the same area this was just there was a generational period where it was just failures you know leave some more suggestions for a future multiplayer Monday videos down in the comments below and we'll see you guys in the next one bye foreign
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 562,870
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic challenge, physics sandbox games, creative games, sandbox building games, scrap mechanic multiplayer monday, scrap mechanic evolution, scrap mechanic plane, paper plane, best paper plane, evolving paper planes, paper plane evolution
Id: PIr4153f_4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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