I Built a City Based off Profit and Exploitation in Cities Skylines

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hello everyone i'm kibbits and welcome to city skylines a city building and traffic management game and we're gonna be playing a little differently where instead of our goal being a beautiful functioning city we're going to make a beautiful functioning factory where roads will be our belts and everything will be for the greatest good money so we'll be leaving this quote unquote nice city so that we may build our perfect industrial empire so remember to leave a like and let's get started so we're going to be starting on the map eden valley because it has all that good stuff but i don't have a city name prepared so let me know one in the comments below and also you can check out all the mods i'm using in the description as well getting started though we have nothing we only have a couple roads so we have to level up a bunch of stuff in order to get all of our industries fun fact though i've played this game before in fact i have almost a thousand hours so we're gonna be moving pretty quick here and i like to start with what i call my bottle opening strat where we just loop the highway connection then we split it down here so that off to the right we can go into a nice little suburban area and then we make a square there then off to the left we have our precious industrial zone finally throw a main road in between here for all of that inner city traffic and that is honestly pretty much it nothing all that crazy from there just you know get your power and your piping online and you're fine so come my workers there is much to do very soon we have to get you experienced have to get you moved in comfortable and making money building all those tasty tasty products look at them they flock to the opportunity so unfortunate they don't know their fate though but morality isn't our objective money is and here it comes brother and within no time we're a little hamlet you got taxes and loans oh boy immediately taxes 11 now we just have to focus on getting more people to pay them so more stores more grids and more money speaking of we can also get more money this way loans what could possibly go wrong with that oh yes we are worthy of a second loan but more importantly we're getting into our industries the real money makers around here but we're gonna hold up on that stuff for just a second here because the only resource we have available to us right now is ore and or specialization comes when we're a boom town so more workers first and now the real game begins excellent we got the ore and the public transit which is going to be very very helpful and highways as well oh boy literally everything we need so up until this point we've been playing this like any other game but now we have the tools to do what we want to do so the main thing is we want the ore industries we want all the industries we want to create an empire of industry and how we're going to do that is eventually we're going to shovel the people like i don't know way down over here and then the rest of everything will be factories factories as far as the eye can see because with the industries you end up getting like warehouses massive unique factories and unbelievable amounts of money unfortunately as you're getting started though you have to level up each industry in order to get those cool things so you have to set up kind of like xp farms for our factory areas luckily for us though not luckily i planned everything we have lots of resources near us right now again the ore but farming right over there and trees galore but first i wanted to do some mining so let's do that first we need a road of course there we go next we need a highway for all the trucks to get inside so all of our vehicles right now are going through this kind of weird thing however the entire middle here will end up being a super highway for all of our industry stuff and we want to be a two-way highway for now but at the start here we're just making baby's first interchange and we'll make it better later on sadly though we must have the labor get in here somehow so we'll have a huge whole road come this way go that way and boom they can get to their job and live a fulfilling life because in the society we're building your identity is your work anyway you have to select this as a ore industry and then build the industry building which we can't afford loans gimme we mark this off as an industry area by making the building here and that lets us get started so we can make a small mine a storage area and an aura grinding mill and then how all industry works in this game is really really simple actually you extract stuff as you would and then you can turn the extracted stuff into either metal or glass and then later on we get those factories and we can connect that up to make unique goods and sell those unique goods of course we can sell just the ore we can sell just the metal or glass but of course we want to sell the most valuable thing and also this looks deceiving things get crazy real quick mainly with traffic and getting your workers to their jobs well that stuff won't be a big problem just yet and as for our xp farming we're just going to spam up as many mines as possible it's pretty simple pretty straightforward but the way you level up your industry areas is by getting both people working here and then resources extracted so more places to dig the better and then to make sure all of our workers actually work over here we're just gonna make it the only job available yeah and also we're gonna dramatically underfund our school system because if they get too smart they might think of something like i don't know being financially independent or making their own jobs or doing something other than digging oh actually wait wait wait wait no not everyone's just digging holes they also need to produce higher quality goods like metal at a grinding mill grinding that experience yo check this out now we get the fun stuff a rotary kiln plant this thing is massive electronics factory sea bed mining vessel and a medium ore mine yeah we're not digging with plastic shovels anymore now we get the relatively big boys it's awesome uh yeah just spammed up a bunch of stuff that i could to get to level three because level three is probably as far as we're gonna get here um because we don't have high rises yet because level four needs 550 people and brother that is crazy okay with level three now we can actually have quite a bit of fun so we're gonna delete everything rebuild this place in a much more efficient fashion and start making the real dollar-y do's and now that we're about to build a proper industry area here is the rules of the game what we just need to do is simple we need to get ores from the mine as efficiently as possible to the production buildings that's kind of really it the better you can get stuff from a to b the more money you'll get but trust me it's easier said than done because you have to keep tabs on balancing your production making sure your city's literally not on fire and dealing with all the truck traffic because the way you actually make money from these areas is trucks need to come in from outside your city limits pick up stuff and then leave the city limits now of course trucks can do that trains can do that and even cargo planes can take stuff away but that stuff will come a lot later a few other things to keep in mind the darker grass that's where the ore is the light grass that's where the knot ore is so we want to make sure all the mines are actually on the ore okay that means this space is not as valuable gotcha so what do we do with the not valuable space we're gonna build a freaking highway on it a big one why are we making bridges well it doesn't matter we're doing this regardless so that will go to here just straight up connect to our main highway network here now we're going to try and build this like an efficient loop so all the trucks will want to come in and leave it through here the inbound is this way so yeah they'll all come in they'll all go way back here and enter the system flow through all of the mines and stuff and then poop out over here or something like that all right so pretty aesthetic roads gotta go bud actually what am i saying we're gonna delete everything and we're gonna level out the ground here so things don't look crazy don't worry we'll fix this we'll make it look good soon and we'll have a second level it's a little bit higher yeah there we go so i have some mines up against this hill and then a bunch of stuff up here and i'll do a little battle with all this stuff later on so highway we don't have a lot of tile space here so please just bit that was extremely close and where should we go i guess we kind of have two zones now so we kind of want to stop the highway like immediately so pretty much like right here if i can can i absolutely can and kind of ironically this hillside is rated the same height level as this other road here so i may as well just continue this forward again round two oh it goes right to there huh huh ah something spooky is going down actually can we just delete this entire district and keep our levels yes did it just say that we'd lose our progress please oh no no no no that's okay we lost all of the employees but that's okay we're not gonna get to level four today but we have all the stuff that's the main thing continuing on then making this kind of like a grid now so all the highway traffic comes in here i guess it could leave this direction or i'm trying to make an exit over here too like more options the better whatever we can do to make the dollar reduce okay so that's horrifying all the trucks will just go down this way down the freaking most terrible water slide in all existence immediately sharply turn to the right and then head out on the highway no safety problems there at all the interchange here also has been taken out in favor of the new thing we just built but now we're we gotta get a traffic conundrum because the trucks are gonna be like yo why would i go all the way down this highway or i could just you know go straight go around the roundabout out this way and then this way and then this way and then this way we have to avoid that but we'll test this out first to see if it works but if the trucks try and be sneaky then we're gonna have to do something else i don't know oh my gosh i didn't even notice i did this but look at these like weird hills that were made because of all my terrain stuff i could fix that but i kind of like it it's not a bug it's a feature also we have a triangle down here triangles are the next best shape aside from roundabouts and they can work as pseudo roundabouts and for our purposes as well it's gonna work as a highway exit that is the that is not the leaving lane never mind right side go in left side go out but we'll still leave the triangle because triangles are cool i guess then from the triangle we'll just continue to go straight i don't know what we'll do with the triangle but we'll keep it for a rainy day we'll do that is that like even yeah terrain kind of messes with your vision with those kinds of things but it's good then this would go and connect up into here let's get back to the terrain let's make this all the same height let's fix this up now and wow with things looking this good you'd almost forget this is so dystopian and also yes we're gonna have a roundabout in here generally speaking i don't really like to build roundabouts i know they're the best i know but they don't look the best all the time but there's a time and a place where traffic's gonna get so crazy that it just has to be done [Music] okay but i will admit this is screwing things up terribly and it's been messing up like a thousand times in a row here so backup plan triangle time works pretty much the exact same way just a triangle and then there's this this is going to ruin everything [Music] that's going to be forced that way yeah that should make it all work now we're pretty much good connect the highway right up to there we're gonna make this our one way so only trucks can go in this way and out that way start the loop and for funsies we're gonna have this road just go straight over this way it's not the best idea but dude it's gonna look so cool and sometimes rule of cool production in the rule of cool this is how we create a good society oh yeah you see this is what i'm talking about completely unnecessary complexity but it looks so freaking good dude amazing okay so up here pretty good pretty good entrance and exit over there exit over here exit over there now next phase i realized something's super important so we have a bunch of other buildings like we have like the mining digging sites and whatnot right where people dig holes also we have the buildings where we make everything into the valuable products but we don't need these crazy buildings over here we can have the crazy buildings that make the ore into products down by the riverside not on the super valuable land and then we have a use for the triangle it's all coming together it was all totally part of the plan always is so let's bring this road down just so we can line some stuff up then let's learn the horrific truth that this triangle was never correctly done uh what are we gonna do no wait no no we can't just have two triangles there's only that can only be one well one over there and one over here it can't be like an hourglass aha so we just break the triangle then now it's an x that's secretly a triangle i think the last thing we really need to do then is just one way these streets that making that the pseudo roundabout and the first real mining district is done oh but we have no money to actually build it out foolish game though we have the power of the boobs so let's get started then first up we need our main building the main building needs to have trash collection and a police presence by it so we want to have that relatively close to society since our kind of our town road comes in this way and enters the triangle about i suppose we could have the main building in this square then say i feel like a garbage truck comes here it stop by there go down here go on the highway and out through the roundabout and look at that garbage station right there perfect looking at our loop all the trucks coming in this way going over this way yeah so if they start their adventure going down here we should have a lot of our mining and stuff right here well actually no we can have this whole place be mining yeah yeah and down here will be all processing okay let's just do that instead so let's get we have the big diggers which look good i will put them down here i feel like they fit a little bit better come on dude i didn't even plan that perfect okay so we'll have some mining down there up here oh yeah yeah yeah we need storage so if we don't have storage what can happen is the production plants like the kiln here will order in materials from out of town and that costs us money so we always want to have a supply of stuff or else we'll have a problem so let's put a sand supply there and an ore supply here don't do this or make this work can't stop let me just extend this out a little bit excellent i suppose we'll just have a road over this way go to there and then we can put some smaller mines just around up here yeah we're still level three so we can put in bigger mines later on with like big o diggers so you want to kind of plan for that too this will be great though and get us started for sure oh yeah this will be an insane amount of stuff so now we can actually process it so we have a ore grindering mill we have a glass manufacturing plant now and also the kiln the kiln is the coolest building it's huge so we're going to put that right up over here the glass place could put that next door but do you want to have stuff down here oh yeah here we go and we're out of money oh yeah we're playing with big boy numbers as we wait though we get to see how well our road work does so here come all the trucks oh they're going right along the highway just as planned perfect it looks like we're gonna be good to go no trucks going through the danger zone yeah they're just dropping stuff off so we have stuff to work with excellent wow yeah i did not expect this one at all we've made it to level four this is going very well large underground mine huge industry storage fiberglass plant maintenance building and car factory car factory so the unique factor is if you build those infinite money i don't think we have everything we need for that though industrial steel but we can do that it just takes metal electronics factory you see it needs three resources metal glass and then the dots there i think that's oil so we need to have a lot of our industry set up before we can get a lot of this stuff running except for this one the steel plant so let's try and build it okay that's like half the size of the entire district oh but oh no boy it fits perfectly in there oh no i love that what about down here this would be even better oh it would look so good down here right by the water oh we have to we have to i will destroy everything the road has to be moved over or the bridge has to be moved over yep we have to we have to we have to and then since this building is a massive we're gonna have it close to that one-way intersection one of the roads goes down here and this is just going to go straight up that way and then we will fit it in right next door oh my god dude that's so cool man look at that and this is just our first factory what do you think flying dumpster truck pretty neat eh then we can just force the highway to work right next door like there's plenty of space the game just likes to be a little finicky at times and wow those are some pretty minor changes but oh my gosh things look so much better dude especially that suspension bridge that thing was bugging the heck out of me way better now and then if we could bring in like a train down here and have the train tracks go by the huge steel mill oh that'd be incredible production rate i actually don't know this ah 250 percent interesting it gets a little bit more complicated now though because now if we need the metals we need the metals from like our kilns over here how can the metal from the kilns go to down there well the trucks would come in this way park go down this road and that goes the highway so they'd have to go down here and they're up on this bridge looking down like hey help we just want to give you the goods but nope instead they're going all the way down this way down here over here down this way she's going all the way this way and then they make it that's ridiculous can this [Music] i've done the unthinkable the greatest thing ever how did i not see the truth was right here the whole time are you kidding me are you kidding me dude dude dude i'm so sorry highway i'm so sorry i'm so sorry forgive me it has to be done [Laughter] i knew it was possible i knew it i knew it and oh my gosh i love this game i love it i love it look at this look at this you have all the smoke stacks and factories along the river imagine like a train coming through here again like dude oh man this is just so cool ah it'll look even better with just a couple decorations oh yeah just a little bit of terrain painting and rocks and [Laughter] it looks incredible and also it's insanely profitable especially for a town of 5 000 people and this is what i want to do with the entire map farmland everywhere oil fields covered in pumps more mining over here in factories as far as the eye can see and we've only just begun so if you guys enjoyed though remember to leave a like but that's gonna be all here so have a fantastic rest of your day and bye bye
Channel: ImKibitz
Views: 466,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines gameplay, cities skylines mods, city builder, city building games, cities skylines industries, cities skylines tutorial, city skylines mod, cities skylines let's play, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines game, city, skyline, cities, kibitz, imkibitz, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, cities skylines how to fix your city
Id: 82ZldRYfzmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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