I Built The PERFECT Endquarium in Minecraft Hardcore

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for some reason i spent a long time in the last episode flattening the end island because i was under this misconstrued notion that it would look nice and uh it's pretty ugly so i'm going to blow it up and replace it with an aquarium now blowing up the end island is going to require a massive amount of tnt thankfully i have a decent head start on the gunpowder from the gas farm i made in the previous episode but i am sorely lacking in the sand department and you know what that means i'm going to build another farm because mining a million sand by hand sounds horrific first though i need to kill my slime family i'm sorry but i desperately need your gooey corpses um what because i spawn proof part of the end with water which you know kind of stops tnt from exploding i've decided to take a quick detour to an ocean monument to gather up some very useful sponges i just gotta find the bosses that's one that's two and i think the third one's up here yep and now we wait for the mining fatigue to wear off so i can finally get these things ah sponges you truly are the ocean's fruit just gotta cook em up all nice and dry and that should be all the materials i need for the sand farm now i just gotta build it and as i return to the end portal i've remembered that the obsidian farm components are still in the way so let me just take this apart real snappy [Music] that's gonna be a little over the top to edit the whole thing like that so let me just skip to the end oh look the room's all cleaned up yay now it's time for me to get help from my little friend these are the fruiting bodies of a fungus their function is to remove the end portal like this now to just get the other sides done and look it's fresh it's clean and we're moving on to the machine [Music] it's looking good so far [Music] and the machine is complete well except for the fact that i need to add the sand in but i'll do that after i make the collection system in the end which means i need to clean up this mess that i left from the obsidian farm in a brief but lovely time lapse [Applause] as i run out of chests for like the gorillas time i once again have come to the conclusion that i really need to make a tree farm next time with the sand in place i can finally turn this thing on and jump right in i mean it's really weird how like quiet this thing is but it's working perfectly fine now i just get to sit in my tiny little glass box for like a day or something and farm up all the sand that i'll need as i mentioned previously the gunpowder that i have was a good start which means i'll be killing a bunch more gas and hopefully getting a few levels because i am also very close to being that really funny number that everybody loves pointing out in the comments and mentioning the comment section if this video gets at least seven comments i'll continue the series so let's hope you all can rise to that challenge anyway it's morbid time [Music] that was a relevant joke right i mean you all saw morbius opening night didn't you kids were all dressed up as their favorite character everyone was morbid around waiting for the film to start it truly was one of the movies of the year wasn't it oh this is the dumbest joke i've ever made as you can see i have an ineffable amount of gas ears and hopefully enough gum powder to fabricate the explosives i need to remove the end island from the end this is what it looks like after you painstakingly transport it all back to your base and with a little bit of movie magic oh god no this is you can move all of the sand just as easily and with another dash of movie magic you can instantly craft it all into color coordinated shulker boxes without having to spend hours and hours crafting by hand and once you have them all like this you get to move them back to the blast zone where you'll actually use them fire in the hole fire in the hole iron the hole fire in the hole fire in the it doesn't seem like one layer was all that destructive so let's do a time lapse of a couple of them for a bigger impact progress is a little slow but that's fine the real issue is that the endermen keep interfering and they can apparently pick up tnt which i did not know but is super annoying so i'm going to put a pin in this for the time being and work on making a mob switch to prevent all the endermen from spawning in the first place i was informed that i could break bedrock using redstone lag instead of tnt so i'm gonna try that out and see how it goes [Applause] [Music] i think that's a good sign let's see if it worked nice i'm building a railroad over to my shulker farm because i think shulkers will be the easiest mob to get for the mob switch i just need to grab the backup shulkers from over here and then push them along the oh i had this brilliant realization that i should make the container for the shulkers before moving them all over here and that is exactly what i am doing now we shall push the boxcar children over to the end portal oh i need a backstopper it won't fall in well i suppose there's always round two i totally forgot about using an activator rail but i can totally get them into the portal from here like that oh like that perfect uh i can't seem to find the shulker never mind let's get you moving on over to the end so change of plans once again another mob that will work for a mob switch and is exceptionally easier to deal with is a zombified villager so i'm going to get some villagers and a zombie and stuff them into this hole please get into the mine carts it's very simple you either work for me or you starve to death just just get in i'll take you to uh it's not a better place per se it is it is a different place though we'll take you somewhere else that's not here now that i have you all here please move along why are you all stuck in place oh how how do you all just get stuck wherever i put you around every corner all of you are just getting stuck so just please move along that doesn't sound good well that also doesn't sound good what the hell so of all of the like 40 plus villagers i tried to move over only two survived which is to be honest all that i really needed uh i just feel i feel a touch touch bad yeah that's about it i don't really have much shame when it comes to these guys i'll just force them to be stuck in here to reproduce like a hundred times i'm sure that's ethical i mean it's a children's game i'll just lure this guy over here what an idiot he's going to be staying in here for quite some time in order for zombie villagers to not despawn and count towards the mob cap i must trade with them before letting them get zombified and once they're all fetted and rotten i'll put them in my other box for safe keeping this is as good a time as any to be smelting some of that sand i got earlier in the glass because well i definitely need a lot of it later though i do need to source some fuel first fuel has been successfully acquiesced so as i'm getting close to finishing this i've noticed that the amount of enderman spawning around here has not actually decreased like at all so something must be wrong i'd like to thank the minecraft bug tracker for informing me that zombie villagers and mine carts do not count towards the mob cap which means these guys all have to get out okay so now i have a new infuriating problem some of the zombie villagers are now holding the mine carts they were in which means they still don't count towards the mob cap so they must be removed uh also they do this weird head movement thing i don't know what that's about and now i get to replace all those poor souls that uh died in a skiing accident that had nothing to do with me and this should be the very last enderman since he is dead no more should be spawning in as long as the mob switch stays loaded it felt like that was a waste of a few days but now that it's completed it's going to be really nice to be able to build here in the end without having to worry about spawn proofing everything and enderman just griefing the crap out of whatever i make i can finally fix the grass cube that they've been dismantling since the last episode ah they're so annoying now on to the main event growing brown mushrooms and chopping them down several times i put off making a slime farm ignore the arrows for a long time now because i didn't feel like digging out several chunks but with this new design showcased by omango link in the description if you want to go build it yourself or learn how it works i don't have to dig out any chunks or spawn proof anything at all which is great because i'm incredibly lazy [Music] as per usual i shall be cowardly hiding in a glass display case while i afk this farm for at least a few hours to get all the resources that i require [Music] that seems like an abnormally large amount of phantoms right let's check out the storage to see what we got nice i just made a quick stop back at the home base to grab a few other parts i'll need to make these flying machines that's right i'm going to destroy the end island with tnt duping flying machines if you thought i was going to blow it all up by manually placing tnt then both you and i have severely overestimated my commitment to that idea let's do a quick little test run to see if i built it correctly it seems like i did so have fun watching a few days of work crunch down into about a minute or two [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] and after all that work we make it to the final block i suppose this should feel like some momentous occasion in the pinnacle of my own success but in reality i'm just the architect of another small stepping stone on the journey of my own spiraling descent into madness yeet it looks kind of cool being all empty and void-like but since i want to move the ocean here i'm going to need to make another farm for all of the blocks that will be required to contain it but first i need to replace the pickaxe that i accidentally tossed in the void yes sadly i didn't record it while flying around looking for a better ocean monument i found some really cool terrain you might like to see i could definitely make an expansive cliffside village here it would just take a lot of time and not that that's really a limiting factor for me i'm just not gonna do it i've found a very large mushroom island but what i'm looking for is kind of yeah it's kind of that uh to make this farm i just wanted an ocean monument in an ocean with no land nearby but a mushroom island works just as well since it prevents hostile mob spawning this is yet another enx04 farm design if you have yet to subscribe to his channel please pause the video now and go down in the description click on the link and do so that looks correct i just have to do it a second time i think after checking yeah i did need to make two of these little spawning area things well i mean they spawn below this is just the portal area so i don't know exactly what to call so after the guardians teleport to the nether and then come back to the overworld they'll pop out of this portal that i'm building and into the killing chamber slash item collection area down below i skipped over building that in the video because i'm trying to make the video a little high octane you know that kind of fast pace something interesting is always happening like how many blocks do you even want to see me set down exactly i mean just watch this wow when it comes to the nether side of this farm i have decided to show all the blocks being placed because it's a pretty small thing so it should fit well into a montage have fun editing that future me [Music] does it work uh yup as soon as i place this last block of as soon as i place this last block of soul sand the farm should be complete well i guess i need to turn the portals on first [Music] as you can see i decided to rebuild the storage for this farm to better suit my needs and it's working out pretty great i got a bunch of sea lanterns prismarine blocks and bricks and i even got a bunch of puffer fish after popping back into the end i'm ready to start phase one of constructing the toroidal and aquarium that's what i've decided to call it uh an and aquarium because it's an aquarium but it's in the end i'm clever [Music] not gonna lie flying around this is pretty satisfying it's interesting looking but in order for it to house any fish i'll need to fill that thing with water and as the classic minecraft saying goes it only requires two buckets to fill the bottom half of a hollow donut it shouldn't take too long right [Music] something i realized while filling this thing is that if i for any reason go afk underwater here i'll just drown and die which as we say in the business is not an ideal situation so let me find a solution to that as cool as my initial idea of having a lot of stations throwing water breathing potions on me was i remembered that conduits exist and they're significantly more elegant just gotta line myself up and hmm i got a strange feeling about this yeah you know a part of me feels like i didn't really need the map for this one give me that this looks like a lovely spot for the conduit [Music] i shall never drown this is perfect this is not perfect the conduits range seems to only be a quarter of this taurus so i'm going to need at least three more of these things that's one that's two that's three that's four i made a small drown farm and well it sucks it's so slow that i've estimated it'll take about five days to get all the nautilus shells that i'll need so it's time for upgrades people upgrades that's how we make the dough i've made another super smelter for two reasons one this new drowned farm based on a no mango design link in the description go check it out similar to the endquarium requires a lot of glass and two i destroyed the last one one thing that's nice about the 1.18 update is that you can get these really really big river biomes that are perfect for making drowned farms [Music] [Music] i am now the proud owner of a green circle and the green square i truly live a life of privilege [Music] with almost a stack of nautilus shells i'm already content with never coming back here that's one that's two that's three i've done it i have fully made my water donuts safe now it's time to see if i can actually get aquatic specimens to the end aquarium starting with this dolphin the best way i can think of is to just drag it across the nether ceiling i got about two minutes before he drowns or i guess reverse drowns uh it aerates too much come on buddy just get in the mine cart and this should speed you up on your oh [Music] well that's not good we'll grab another specimen take two this should make him go a little bit faster perfect it seems to not be working out great third time's the charm go buddy go go go go your life depends on it okay he made it in oh perfect perfect now let's just quickly craft this up set him no okay wait if i can go fast enough oh that's the wrong direction if i make myself speed potions i should go faster yeah it makes sense okay let's go we're running come on buddy hop in the mine cart we made it over here much faster this time okay go this is perfect this is perfect go oh what no no no no no no go back in no what is going on no dolphin please fourth time's the charm e let's just shove them over this should work out fine wait he didn't go through no i put an activator rail down why so i've decided to expand the hole so i don't have to bother with the mine cart at all i'm just going to drop the dolphin in but that requires a bit more bedrock breaking so i just need to do that like a bunch more times if this doesn't work egg hmm it it it needs to work it just needs to i'm so confident i'm going with two dolphins this time i just gotta drag them into this hole oh those oh the leads broke okay let me just get back to them come on oh come on parkour please please okay okay sick uh where are the leads let me grab these and i gotta grab the dolphins okay then i'm gonna grab the other dolphin uh oh he just took falling damage that's fine okay now i just need to get him in here please dolphin please hop in please please please no what are you doing i need more spit i don't know what attempt number i'm on but please just go through the portal okay i got you now we just need to get you up into the other portal come on please just jump in why are you no don't go around jump in jump in jump in please please please please yes he's in the end okay um i just got a swim up here no don't open he's doing it oh my god he's giving me heart palpitations please please just get in we're already here just oh he went under again um see swimming up and i think if i pillar up just a tiny bit that should work out fine come on come on just uh swim a little bit higher please please and i have named him after myself because well i mean i'm the one that put him here and it i it took it took it took a little bit of effort if i'm gonna be honest let's do it again this one should go perfectly fine because i already know what i'm doing now just drag him over why let's go again two dolphins at once don't ask where the other dolphin went and you shall be named emma and shawn i'm also collecting a bunch of tropical fish to make it look a little more lively around here and you can be named leo oh we got frickin frack and that should be enough for the time being however this place is still pretty ugly so i need to go purchase some decorations despite the fact that this coral reef is adjacent to a village it seems like no one owns it so i'm just going to exploit it for my own personal gain boom would you look at that it's it's uh it's a lot different now the water here may be stagnant but my creative juices are flowing now i just need to make several hundred more coral structures of varying designs ah i should do a montage of every single coral block that i place no no i i really i really shouldn't do that [Music] so [Music] it may look pretty neat but it's a bit of a pain to traverse by just swimming around this reef if only i had a nice boardwalk it took me like two hours to build this there's always the danger of falling off the sides or having the dolphins just jump out into the void so i think it's best if i finally throw a roof on this thing [Music] because the top half of the end aquarium is significantly more boring than the bottom half i'm going to need to spruce it up with some leaves and some glow berries and spore blossoms which are honestly quite a pain to get a lot of i mean they really didn't make it convenient i know exactly what you're thinking he's going to talk about the tree behind him and making more trees to fill the rest of the space and then go into a montage there are time lapse of that but you'd be wrong i'm talking about death the fish are dead the dolphins are dead they're all dead they're gone and i have no idea why okay after watching through the replay i believe i have some idea what happened to them it's about right there you see that dead fish on the dock that explains everything what i believe occurred was that the fish swam into the bubble columns popped onto the dock and suffocated before they could flop their weak little bodies back into the water as for the dolphins i have no idea and on a tertiary note i ran out of spore blossom so i need to go find more hopefully there are some in here and that should just about do it i've spent the last three days making trees appreciate my effort the only thing that's missing now is life because everything died you shall be my friend and you shall also be my friend these guys are super easy to transport which i appreciate immensely never mind at least leads work on you two since i can force the parrots to sit here maybe they won't die like everything else and you can stay here sure brewing potions is in fact a mechanic in this game but really it's just a temporary solution to a permanent problem hopefully this is enough stars to make a beacon highway oh and you can keep my extra skull [Music] this is truly untapped levels of genius right here we got emma two because emma one is dead and leo two same reason we got zam we got roj three dolphins at once this man is truly unstoppable since none of those dolphins survived i've decided to make a turtle beach i believe these can hatch here at least don't forget that you can support me by subscribing to my patreon link down in the description and you can get your shout out in the video like all these cool kids with fish named after them if you don't feel like giving me money that's fine i don't want to give me money either i'm stingy and cheap so you can just like the video and leave a comment because it's free and it helps with the algorithm thing also subscribe and bell rings so you don't miss these videos i upload like twice a year it's totally worth it oh and follow me on twitch so i can eventually lose in an mcc i also named some fish after all of the commenters on my most recent long play video so yeah you missed a golden opportunity right there with the ocean full of fish the sky feels empty in comparison i'm sure these bees will adore their new home i mean it should be a major improvement over living in a box in the nether which people didn't really like that i did to them as far as i can tell they seem to be enjoying the space quite a bit and unlike the dolphins i don't have to worry about them dying so i fade overnight and the turtles hatched which is exactly what i wanted but what i didn't want to happen was have all of the bees die so i've been doing some testing with these bees here and it'll happen yep okay so they just kind of swim into water and take damage like i understand that the bees take damage in water like that's a mechanic that's fine but they just pathfind into it when they don't have to so they slowly take damage and die yeah so i'm left with two options option one have a lot of bees that will slowly die option two ask my friend bashan to make a data pack so that named bees and dolphins are immortal which is what i'm doing and if you don't like it well you just you hate the animals don't you this should be the last time that i take dolphins across the nether roof ever again for anything ever it's kind of sad that we're on leo number three taking four dolphins at once means this should be the very last trip that i oh and with these final bees the endquarium should be completed thank you for watching what turned out to be a very strange episode overall and i can't wait to see you in like four months or whenever i end up finishing the next video i'm gonna start recording it right about [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: RyanTheScion
Views: 3,369,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, but, hardcore, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, i built this in minecraft hardcore, i made this in minecraft hardcore, ryanthescion, pink slime, minecraft 100 days, minecraft challenge, minecraft hardcore challenge, hardcore challenge, i created, i built, minecraft obsidian farm, minecraft guardian farm, minecraft end base, endquarium, end aquarium, minecraft aquarium, minecraft megabbase, minecraft end base idea
Id: CEilHlRvk9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 47sec (2207 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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