Turning Fast Food Into Gourmet

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this is a Domino's Pizza and this is a Domino's Wing today we're going to be turning fast food into Gourmet let me explain the rules today I'll be going up against darkus in a Cookoff to see who can turn a cheap Domino's Pizza into a luxury gourmet meal for the rules we'll have 10 minutes to prep 20 minutes to cook and we are only allowed to use these household products to transform our dish at the end we'll have a Michigan star Chef to try each of our dishes to see who wins and gains their first m star this is turning fast food into Gourmet FD darkest the Bal mtis all right darkest how are you [Music] cooking today I'm going to be turning Domino's Pizza into a gourmet meal now I'm up against darkest man and I lost his cousin instantly and I need to get it back in blood so I'm going to be telling him that I'm going to be all nice and jokey but I'm going to be trying Harding on a slide I see if he notices yo yo guys I'm dark I'm going up against AJ today I feel pretty good cooking is not really my Avenue but I'm going to live there today I think I'll beat AJ I think I'll beat him but you know it is it will be a bit um it's this one's going to be like specifically difficult because Pizza is like AJ's Family logo today we are working with three two one Domino's Pizzas okay so you got the um I just got random stuff in my and I got the um Margarita for the far T yeah this is my favorite Ty Pizza what's that just like beef and every stuffe so beef and stuff is your favorite kind of pizza so you order pizza you say beef and stuff all right so do you know is I got lucky I I got a margarita I just I'm looking at it it's a margarita pizza very very plain so I'm just thinking add stuff on it so now we have 10 minutes to prep our food so let that 10-minute timer begin right now okay sweet sweet soet I kind of already know what I'm going to be doing I don't know nothing um yeah he's going to be usually I'm The Vibes guy he's going to be extra Vibes today all right wait wait wait you can't just take F we have to like pick it okay all right so as soon as a guess I'll let you take the first thing next okay take x i i SW three I'm not take the egg oh sweet I get cool so I'm taking [Music] P good one good Bo good Bo I'm taking some Doritos darkest picked up eggs and Doritos what is this man doing is there something he knows that I don't uh I think there's a new Marti flavor coming out when he puts on his head I think that's I think that's the best thing I can think of not going to lie I don't really know what I'm doing I'll be very very honest with you I I I I just eat bro but so I'm just trying to grab stuff that look familiar to me I'll go with some onions okay cool you went for pasta I'm going to go for rice rice rice he's going to turn pizza into into some rice dish all right cool I don't know why I chose rice rice I just went for rice cuz AJ went for pasta and I always saw the two as cousins so I just like you get me past the rice I don't even eat rice bro I don't like rice I don't know why I pick rice but you know um I'mma go for is that b ooh I need that butter I need that butter butter butter butter I need that butter butter butter butter butter butter okay okay okay I want some I want some I want some I want some I want some I want some want good choice good choice tomato oh do with which flavor better do I said do which flavor better with a do do I said do I said wood flavor is better do you don't anything else actually no sweet chili I'm pretty good as well I'm pretty good I'm going to take some of this lemons and then I'm happy to say I'm happy to say everything else here we can just share yeah all right cool let's go time stop pring this [Music] egg already CED egg already CED so basically what happens is my my middle finger is like damaged right now and so I can't really use it too much so eggs is not really an item that I should be carrying willy-nilly egg really crack what a green star I'm going to be trying to turn this Domino dish into a gourmet Pasta Pasta yeah okay so what what you want to start with I'm going to use this as the sauce okay all right so what you want to do is just take it all off is he a mad man take it all off yeah you're sick you know this is the best thing about having Margarita call me crazy but I have an idea if I scrape off all the toppings I could use that to mix in into my sauce so my sauce I don't even need to have like ground beef into my pasta it's already there in it's genius it's literally 1 million IQ not once in my entire life have I ever seen a grown man scrape the skin off a pizza before but you know AJ so because I Broken Egg I'm allowed another one just made that roll up there we go you see that he that's the chicken's Fox that's the chcken that is the chicken all right just from this large pizza right here look how much sauce we got we got a whole Bowl all right guys you don't even know what's going on right now bro M watch watch okay get that in there get all of that out there I think that's most of it gone I think that's most of it gone get that aside all right put that I know that looks nasty right now but just get it aside yeah okay hey I'm currently rapping with arus chilling dancing but he doesn't know that I'm serious he doesn't know that I am trying to win this I'm just putting him off by the time he notices I think'll be too late I'm a Whi in the kitchen till there's nothing left my wa in another check yeah I got 44 something in another check I'm putting the pizza and I'm making some eggs I don't chat to my friends I don't tra for the BS I just tra for the arms I don't tra for the legs come on bro back get back get back have much time we have much time you need hurt me [ __ ] onion man if you've been watching the channel you know I start all my dishes with some onions um I don't know why I think it's just kind of like a thing where I feel like I'm doing something um just to like get in his head I don't know if it's working yeah bingles SPL rushi mushka you know what yeah all these cooking videos that we done I'm slowly I think I'm slowly getting better and better yes I'm filming I'm filming can I call you back I'm just trying to make something so uh when I touch the cheese and then the mozzarella I just I turn into luconi that's my name why did you sell me go Italian me yeah I it just when I'm cooking it just kind of brings it out of me yeah you I mean especially when I'm dealing with tomatoes yeah Tomatoes ain't a joke you know what's your favorite like meal to cook I me um cereal de la water okay I think if you put all this you put all the free stuff that you ever done yeah I'm I'm prepped bro I'll be I'm good I don't even need 2 minutes I don't even need minutes minutes me what ready to goish what you're not on it bro you're not on it my mom's life let the let the camera [ __ ] turn off the flipping turn it back on I you [Music] I all right listen we don't really need much time to prep let's get straight into the cooking section let's go all right it's time to start cooking we have 20 minutes to make our meal to turn fast food into Gourmet you ready just before we start just one question BR um why do I why do why does why does mine look like a butt cheek and you get like a proper man triing this you gave me a plate bro yeah yeah all right do you know is there's no bigger display of racism then giving me the small pan and he takes the big one I had no space like I was limited what I can do but I made it work all right cool uh this this is going to take the longest this is going to take the longest okay so what you want to do is I need some olive oil watch this watch this you lot watch this I beg you just please watch watch you need to put the hand there see I'm going to start off with some salt yep to do s around there you go salt right in there once you once you get your salt in there open them po open them open them start add some P up open them open them you get it you do yeah bro the Huges plants all right cool right now I got Tomatoes just simmer in with the olive oil and then after that eggs the problem is you know the problem is you haven't studied what I've studied what what have you stud see I haven't yeah fair enough we're going to let that relax for a bit a little bit more oil maybe yo yo yo yo I beg you just please cuz a lot of people just po egg on the while it's not ready give me a second J is this your M sorry so I just want to make sure I do this right because a lot of you I know you don't know get mean normal easy was that Swift yeah very very normal normal normal stuff that we do around here do you get me all right so what we're going to start doing now is you see you me efficiency bro look how long you take with life the flavors are already starting to H remember the toppings from The Dominoes well we're finally using it you got very this oh you got to come up get it in there man oh I did yeah get show you that you can just add in the sauce all of it all of it a no waiting around brother all of it a oh yeah yeah oh yeah we made many we made many oh my God what am I watching again come on bro oh my God come on bro you don't even know what's going on you don't even know what's going on that so I put scrambled eggs on my margarita just to cuz you know it is ah you get it am I playing on like level one this might be the worst contestant ever this might be the easiest D in my life you know you're supposed to change the pizza at toppings you know how much you're not changing it though what do you mean it's a marar it's already canvas you're supposed to change it into a gourmet meal it's still pizza right now no it's not it's pizza with eggs I don't think this bold prick has gotten the memo of this video I've explained it to him multiple times he's arrived here he knows what he's doing yet I haven't seen the pizza change to another meal does he know what we're doing here today I don't think so wake up you bold prick what you know about this 10 minutes remaining chili hot chili CH chili CH always is way too much let me just calm down this time we got next up we got some brown pepper all right you lost too much of that grapes grapes on the pizza that might be the first I've ever heard of that I thought I was weird this guy is he's in with B head top so I put grips on the pizza because I like grips and I wanted them to be a part of this no you didn't and what does that do what kind what does that add it add some sort of lighting flavor to be fair at the beginning it didn't I had no faith in AJ but then once I actually saw his sauce come together and then he was you know boiling the pasta it confirmed my theory he doesn't know what he's doing P now let me just wait to get time hey hey heyy oh my God you know what this guy came here to lose B got the margarita some scrambled eggs mixed with some tomatoes in there some grapes yeah me just for some Jena and then Theo chili heat with just to give her an extra kick and we got some sweet chili sauce here on the side please don't say I didn't bust you this is high this is high in protein be Qui be good new [Music] taste [ __ ] up fck oh brother brother please try some try some try some imagine that your Bard so guys back to mine back to mine mine M one's High in f high in tobacco because you can um and cuz I'm pretty sure there's I've created bro I scrambled some eggs put some potatoes in there you actually took it serious yeah pass GP I'm focused I'm locked in I need to win this there's no way I lose to both blood cousins so at the beginning I thought you know me and AJ were just we're just messing about doing what we do then towards the end I saw him like he was even like he didn't blink like he was serious about this meal so I was thinking cool then fairs [ __ ] I would genely stop making like cooking videos I need to beat him at least I I will have some sort of redemption no you didn't use no you can't do that you can't do that you never once said you could do that what you didn't say I don't know what you're diding but you can't do that I can't do that you just can't and wrong right now wrong L do it right now are you done what the I've been done so darkus is almost pushing 30 his hairline is already pushing 60 to be fair and he still don't know how to make food what is going on this guy get in the H he's how is he married what you want do now is guys I'm going to teach you something very cool okay all right so what you want to do with your pastor yeah this is just a trick I learned that they don't don't worry about the Wast what day what day what back in what day back in what day cuz I was there every day don't worry about it do that once you got that fully watch this you keep that there for a bit I want to see this that's going to have to come off at some point yeah but we're going to I would love to see it hey you know if you open the restaurant people would starve you take so long that's overcooked how's it overcooked that's definitely over no how how long are we over there you just don't know you just don't know how much time left this is the trick what you know nothing you did made any difference they this is this yeah AJ you know you know what this proves to me today your mom did a g say she's naked you're actually decent me though they [Music] baloney we just finished timeing Domino's Pizza into gourmet food now we're going to be having the Michigan star Chef coming in and deciding which one of our meals is better no further Ado bring in our missig star [Music] Chef what's up man what's up good to see you again been a while it's been a while oh you brought presents as well so this and this are going to be two of the prizes that these two wonderful contestants have a chance of winning this is a I like this this is our all gold set all gold so you'll talk me through what we have here today boys so which one you want to go with first honest with you I think you should go I think you should talk about about it and then I'll decide so um my meal is called I'm sorry and so basically what I did was I got a margarita pizza with some scrambled eggs mixed with some Tomatoes grapes and then a whole pack of Dorito chili heat waves on top of it and um yeah w at this point it was just trying stuff and I knew I wasn't going to eat it well I'm sorry man just cooked up I cooked it with olive oil are you sure definitely make sure make sure you get the grap in there make sure you get the grape in there get gra top to top on top yeah good good get the grape in there yeah no just let it Sim there we go let it go we go tough being the migan star Chef that I am mhm I've done a few of these you know projects if you want to call it per se thanks for yeah this might be probably one of the worst meals I think I've had on this channel since I've started here mhm um but the flavors are flavoring thank you so I'll give you I'll give you some points there we go again dark is setting a record but this time for the worst food ever created on this channel what a prick I think I've got this in a bag now surely I do there's no way mine is even worse just tell me D just tell the um Mission star Chef that we started today with a pizza and what did you end with today so I I started this day with a pizza I ended up with um pizza with some stuff on it talk to your what so I started off with um pizza with a bunch of stuff on it and I uh and what's the bunch of stuff is it just School pizza with a of stuff no it had beef on it had Peppers you know random stuff in there and what I done is you know put it all together into just fine combination of the best flavers you can find in the world now this is no longer a cheap pizza this right here is the best of the best a mission Star Restaurant com enjoy all the flavors that they mou about oh no I want you to picture a hairy white ass yeah as you eat that see I wasn't nervous when the mission star Chef was actually trying my food I was actually pretty nervous cuz recently I did some research and I found out if you spend too much time next to a bold person and you shake too your hand you could go bald yourself um so yeah I was more nervous about darkest next to me the whole time yeah think about think about it this used to be a pizza think of hey think of a back the back of a school computer flavors the back of a school computer when it's dusty and okay sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry today these guys started off with fast food and turned it into gold Gourmet Domino to be precise look at the definition of the word Gourmet and you know maybe you can decide what either one is so without further Ado can we present the winner drum roll [Music] please wow wow the winner of today fast food turn G video is [Applause] AJ what a performance yes what a performance your winner today with my first Michelin star and I've won a whole golden set oh my God look at that listen I'm not a chef I'm not none of that if you want to BM me on the court basketball we can do that that's my Avenue I'm not Chef you what you know what I'm I'm not a chef but I did this I'm to come to basketball and to come to your zone so how much likes how much likes and I'll do it okay you know because it's something I want to do if they hit 100K likes I'll get to the cour first all right cool you know what if this gets 100K likes on my life I'll play at Boston 101 cool all right if you want to see that make sure you like and um subscribe to this guy right here while he's here thank you so much for watching anyone who wants to play me in oneon-one cooking please let me know in the comments goodbye
Channel: More Aj
Views: 768,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fast food into gourmet, turning fast food into gourmet, cheap vs expensive, challenge, cook off, youtuber cook off, turn fast food into gourmet, into gourmet, gourmet food, food challenge, ajshabeel
Id: VgSaUvem7nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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