I bought an 800hp 2nd Gen to bother innocent people

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] well i got a new second gen i hope the dash ain't cracked oh yeah it's crap second gens are the most collapsed things since applause now i don't want to dis on this kid because they probably was probably the first truck so you know we'll give them a pass but who thought that blue leds were good a good idea in here no they don't they don't you hop in here at night you can't see you can't see anything the lights don't even turn on i gotta click this little fog light thing to even see to go down the road what who thought this was a good idea ever it moves sideways what what is this that should have never escaped the factory they added a light he says there's fifty thousand dollars in mods in this thing i don't doubt it i bet there's more but they weren't very tasteful roll down your window what the hell there we go it looks so much better like that i wish they would extend even taller oh i hope the dash ain't cracked who thought that was a good idea what in tarnation i worry about my neighbors more than they worry about me i think [Music] so [Applause] [Music] seems to be the problem sir there he goes [Music] what are they closed yeah i think so it's my favorite place already it's not even they're not going yet it's not even green and they're not going i should run these people over they're lucky i don't rear-end them even if you see yes that was dude that was a pimping ride did you see that second gen back there no dude his wheel wells all rusted out but the rest of it was mint he had like really nice like the upper half of it wasn't rusted that was the nicest second gen i've ever seen what is up with this guy the speed limit's 30 and he's going 60. get out of the way the road is for moving forwards oh yeah you want to flip me off must be nice to get a new mopar it's like a v6 yeah it must be nice making that much money at work i i barely make it by is all i can do to save up enough money for the second gen this truck cost me four thousand dollars i'm thinking about selling it like 30k obo because i can put like 80k and mods into it that's all they got you don't have any more bush there's not enough if you are looking to get some lift kits put on your second gen go to my friend's shop um i can be going 95 and my wheel is dead straight on the road like really good handling for most second gents like all other beer is garbage it's only bush light [Music] tastes like solid eagle piss literally the grossest beer that exists by the way i have no clue why second generators like this but it's all that they like and they don't like anything else they'll talk crap on everything you want a bush you'll go to a truck meet which is around here that's lingo for let's meet up and wrestle naked i made the mistake of going to one of those once sounds like a man orgy trust me i i know it sounds bad they call them truck meets around here but you get a lot of that around here looks a lot like that field there you go to party expect to feel the heifers where'd you get all this oil corbin corbin i don't think he's hearing ya bush fight not push light this is freaking [Music] easy i didn't throw worn at you who's just grabbing them like they're flies i didn't throw one at you [Music] [Applause] at first glance this looks like nice paint right and then you get closer and you see there's like chunks of sandbox sand in there now in the light this looks the most terrible thing you've ever seen and in the dark it looks like the most terrible thing you've ever seen it rarely looks good it's supposed to sparkle like that but what it comes across looking like is just a bunch of cocaine splattered all over it they didn't mask anything that's one thing about the second gens i always wanted to remove this one and get a fifth gen but those bumpers the bonus about the the new cummins bumpers is that they come down to here so they're like four feet tall but the problem is they don't fit quite right so i'm gonna have like a good six inch gap which is fine you know you won't see it in pictures who thought this was a good idea who done this now i'm not going to name any names but joe schmoe from alabama told me that there was no problems with this truck look exciting to see this now in a second gen owner's mind this is that's clean i mean rust free oh that actually matches quite well prep work is key when you're doing these lift kit jobs prep work you want to prep it good i mean i'm flexing out there i mean i think when i get home i'm going to post a motivational quote about like flexing and money like it took a lot of hard work to afford this not not anyone can do it you gotta have motivation you gotta be ready to go and put in your work i had to weld that on my own because it broke so i fixed it was welded really bad but i fixed it up here those are up there i fixed that because it broke so i re-welded it um i put i put all this bracket on myself i had to undo the motor mount so there's only one motor mount holding it on but oh and look i did this this truck was in a magazine by the way guys a cover wasn't it yeah was it on a cover i think so this truck was on a magazine cover i got up to 460 followers everyone's going crazy over these trucks i'm gonna caption this like flex too hard flex too hard drip too hard if you get like part of your finger in there and you're going to want to get as low as you can so you want to get you're going to want to get lower than your standards show the color match steering a nice video oh yeah we'll add some rap music to it got a lot of you wish you could be like me so so but you better not be trying to flex any sort of the body of this entire piece of garbage on wheels okay like the only thing you can flex on a second gen is the motor please please for the sake of the cringe of the entire planet don't try to flex your second jab although it did feel like my trans was going to blow up and come through the cab the entire time like i enjoy so much rolling coal on old women people in need small children it's the most fun to scare like people carrying their groceries it's so much fun um just watching innocent people like wince in pain feel me here get this get this i'm driving down the road and i see this protest right there's like at least and i'm not even exaggerating like 950 small women and children lined up in this protest you know what they're protesting saving animals so what i did you know what i did i'm a farmer i plant crops my plants make oxygen that you breathe i'm the one that pays for your food i made your food so if you want to tell me to save the all environment women and children went scattering with their little their pets and all the families they were sitting out they thought they could eat lunch out in the park in a peaceful like way they weren't even bothering and they bothered me so there wasn't a protest they were just eating lunch did we get everything yeah i think so yep cover all the points yeah i want to get out of the way before we do our thing see uh mint second gen yeah i'm in yeah i uh color matches suspension yep talked about um bushwick racing because i stout the tow mirrors like the crack dash yeah the um douche bag rolled coal on protest people that um how i'm a farmer so i support the environment rather than people actually paying like to support it i think that's pretty much it yeah okay this is probably the worst mess we've caused in a while on our road but i'm in my driveway we are sweeping it up america should be about putting on a good attitude for everyone not a cocky douchebag bad attitude because as much as you want to think that america is just rolling coal everywhere and doing whatever you want america doesn't mean you can do whatever you want no matter what because there's different personalities okay so you gotta be nice
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 4,349,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V8LoA4bEe8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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