The american dream

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[Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right um so basically pretty much i bought the fortnight battle royale map [Music] so i saw my neighbor down the road has like a mountain and i was like why didn't i buy a place with a mountain on it silly me yeah i bought i bought another farm down here pretty much everything right here is mine um you can see the cows down there and that barn that's part of it um those power lines are all part of it that field there is part of it every time i would film the same videos that got me here people call me stupid what we're going to be testing today is if you can drift on banana peels they called me stupid every time i filmed the same videos that got me here every video led up to this people called me stupid for it everyone who's like thinking of doing something if you know where it can lead who gives what everyone has to say so this is the hill that that my house is going to be on hopefully the most insane view the most insane this is ridiculous like you can see the sunset multiple times as you come up this year i want a house in the hills i paid big bills for i ain't got it i want to empty out my wallet i want to stop motion stand still wireless and grommet i want to talk more endlessly i wanna erratically vomit i want more dollars for my mama i want a palace and product i want a gucci bag but i can store my sorrows in hardships i wanna go plate my opponents i want endless tomorrows i want a lot more than i got right now that's the problem came with uh four barns three barns in two houses half this video is going to be filmed in like really high definition the other half is just on this phone uh i got sick halfway through this so we're restarting now but this house has an attic and i i remember seeing an entrance in the house that was blocked off so we're gonna see if we can punch that entrance out and see if we can find like a million dollars up there or something this kind of gives you the hills have eyes vibe it literally is [Music] so [Music] the much less haunted house of the two this is a very normal house compared to the other one um i turned the light in the shadow moved something up in there and i was like there's someone standing there dude there's a turkey beard greeting you as you walk in here so basically what happened here is they just left all the and they just left it and there's literally a fully made bed in here smells like a nursing home in here they got this creepy freaking chair this room was the kitchen apparently yep so if you come look i saw this last time when we didn't realize that the attic there was an attic in this house it just looks like it goes to a dead end and it's definitely a brown record like that the ladder doesn't go into anywhere and we saw the window outside where the attic is so here we go we're stirring up some something that doesn't want to be stirred up probably i'm peeking my head up into this attic that has been opened in there could be a little hanging man it's like 5 000. give me here take the phone take the phone take the phone take the phone thousands of wasps forming everywhere up there someone keeps opening this every night how many times i got to tell them they keep leaving notes on the door that's like this is my house get out yeah not too much i'm just waiting for something to reach around and grab my wrist look someone was playing basketball a nice toilet there for children small children holy look at this lizard oh it's a skink come here brother come here oh oh he's climbing up the wall come on bro dude seriously just wanna hug him is a beautiful pennywise well pit where i store my shag carpet oh it came with these free electric towers yeah anyways there was a 57 emc parked right here with this tree growing over and i thought oh there's no way they'll take that and they took it it was parked it had not been moved in like 200 years aren't there bees in here no a brazen bit oh look at that that's nice this is how they used to uh churn butter my dad gave me one of those and i was playing with it out in the yard and he hit it with the mower and he was like what the heck and i was like nothing but a bottle of unimizing came with this ferguson 175 diesel but they gave up because the wheel fell off astronaut that's pretty cool yeah but they took the other truck that was in much better condition it was like brand new almost it was not like even rusted or anything it was like patina but not rusted through like this but uh that's pretty cool you don't see ones like this much oh there's an upstairs oh steps close beautiful living room abnormally large attic up here that is a big angle a big attic it's a big agate you know that's abnormally larger than it needs to be you know most addicts wouldn't be that big oh nice just a beautiful attic folks beautiful just beautiful why is there why is there a pile of like mulch over it pennywise probably put it there trying to like anyone has vibrams look look at that that's nice those wells would be really handy for like sleeping in the night thing oh no they're in that water heater that's a water i'm surprised i made it as far as i did without getting stung dude they're everywhere yep three two one run [Laughter] cow they're we can be everywhere while we go to heaven it's pretty sick american rambler 330. hello guys and everything there's like no engine huge deer blind right here or maybe you should give me the phone yeah i wanna give you something that way you don't die it's gonna be the one of the most unsafe deer blinds i've ever seen in my life there's no angle bracing so like below this plywood floor like you're just falling 30 feet straight down [Music] um unfortunately we got this massive rock wedged in between my duels so let me see if i can find something to pry it out with ah so what did i tell everyone when i got bought my other farm what did i say do you all remember i leaned in real close and i said come to my place again pull into my driveway drive past my place and sit there and wait for me to come home or just drive by and then take pictures of my stuff in the field and post my address on instagram and see what happens i said i'll just get a freaking better place come do it so that i can have that motivation so what happened how do i want to put this all the people of society that they're they're just a little they think a little less than everyone else after about a week of being in my other place because i had to move from my old house because everyone was bothering them out of me um literally i titled this album rats because literally my own neighbors posted my address on instagram really minor mental issues i want to give them a shout out is the underscore underscore duke underscore underscore drove by my place took pictures of my cars in the driveway and then posted it on instagram and guess what i did i drove to his house because i i know more than you think he walked up on his porch i knock on the door and his grandpa is sitting out in the yard i said where's gavin at in his his piece of his squatted truck is sitting out in the driveway he's he's asleep he's got to get up for work soon i was like well can i go in and wake him up i said i'm going to go wake him up he's like oh don't do that and then i see all over snapchat he's like freaking out like he woke up his grandpa came in he's like hey there's people out there looking for you well i guess it's going to hire kevin they won't know what you're doing with this place taking pictures and then it's the nap he won't come in here and wake you up i said no you're not going to do that yeah you don't like people coming to your house too much do you well we'll go through these real quick because i think that these people need credit for all the work they put in finding i said damn i was in bed asleep when he pulled up yeah i i literally wish your grandpa was a little nicer and he wouldn't let me just walk in the house and wake you up because i would have i'm still gonna come again because uh you cost me a lot of money here i have trail cameras i have cell cams that text me a picture when someone drives by my driveway whether it's ten miles away or a hundred so people would drive their trucks right in front of my gate and take pictures of their truck right in front of my place and post it and then they would post it with the town name and then they would send it to us and be like oh i see you moved to like what in what world is that not weird and they'll drive by but they won't say hi they'll just they'll just like take pictures of us working this kid dm's me and he's like oh you're my new neighbor nice to meet you or i hope to meet you soon uh i watch your videos and then literally i saw it and he unsent it i never read it but i saw it up come up he unsent it and reset this he text me my address dm's me my address and says send me a hundred dollars and i won't put your address on google this is uh s dot w dot photo on instagram my own neighbor says send me a hundred dollars i won't put your address on google he said you don't live there yet but it's just a matter of time until the google post card comes and i get the verification code to add it to google as whistling diesel's public farm my own neighbor after i saw him literally reach out to like meet me sends me that i sent my guy to drive down the road and find where he worked and i found it was his dad's shop he's so he says i make a quarter million dollars a year he's like bragging how much he makes so i sent my guy to go find where he worked now we might dull this down a little bit so i don't sound like the creep but i someone found out where he worked and found out that it was actually his dad's shop so i said if you get a knock there um let your dad answer i noticed that both of his accounts said active 17 minutes ago i was like you're so and he's like honestly i don't want anyone showing up and scaring my family it's not too fun having people pull up in your driveway and post where you live is it yeah i didn't think it was fun either look i don't mind looking like the kid that gets scared and apologized i really didn't mean anything bad about it and then if you come over to this place uh you're only forcing me unfortunately to buy those mountains over there and then eventually i just own your place i'll just buy your property i'll be like i'll go to your dad and i'll be like yo i'm gonna buy your shop and then you're gonna work for me
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 3,833,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whistlindiesel, offroad, land, farm, property, cattle, tennessee
Id: iJGGSoISpnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 26 2021
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