I Bought All Of THIS For $50 At The Flea Market

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another day another flea market morning welcome to paper and moose and welcome to the flea market [Music] how to record again because the guys playing music with tow man's here and i'm late and all these people ah why do i always do this he's getting bombarded he's like the only one here that has stuff oh he has a horse if i needed a horse carumba yarn or socks hopefully not much socks i need pot holders but i don't don't need beanie babies fanny pack what is in here yeah i know who's this guy someone i don't know cds okay we're gonna focus on this this thing down here excuse me elephant man [Music] no idea oh figment [Applause] clothes the figment is a good find weight watchers who's that that's of beanie babies here today yo watch myself right here no juice gotta get down it's from dora i think i'm happy finding that figment that's a good ride to disney whoops sorry i'm on all right i think we exhausted that box that's awesome [Music] it's a steward sandwich sign that's really cool know you see that's on what are you doing that's cool though oh you got some dolls she's nice on the left they're both really nice [Music] [Music] what's this book little men selling little women franklin school building to athena hess from her teacher i've seen those books before there's a key it's all dunking basketball fun and false mother got a permanent oh curls this is the guy that um whose paper i bought from jimmy so we need this to [Applause] is no it's magnifying uh whatever that's called i forget matchbox car britney spears oh geez oh my gosh her shirt i don't know what that's worth i will not be getting that though school flexible that has a cute look to it actually lisa what's this stuff here send help we're gonna get that jimmy has some pretty good stuff today american government so i just probably got the the deal oh there's a silver bracelet oh there's a much of them are they silver what did you find oh there's bracelets down here and goals yeah i don't think i know it might be my lucky day i doubt they're silver but there you go i could wear them so i just got the deal of the day i bought a whole bunch of photo albums i'm gonna say one thing what thanks god my wife isn't here because oh no the first thing which not another one because i'm always picking stuff me too if i find pennies doesn't matter if they're heads up heads down i take them absolutely money's ya huh money yells at you yeah because she goes to me i you know when she does the vlog and she says you know i have to check your pockets you're worse than a kid well tell her he found someone else's just like you yeah you too but i just got a whole bunch of albums for fifty dollars one two three four five i think there's like six and there's world war two albums so deal of the day and i found some bangles not the band the bangles don't mind the hair it has been a long day so the flea market started out a little bit rough for me because this was the same day that jack town was going on so there weren't that many people there there wasn't much to record but i did come away with a really great find and a few other things my favorite sellers at the suite market are obviously the tote man and then jimmy they are always there they have great stuff to look through they bring in different stuff each week and you know the tote man just fun to go through all those totes and see what you can find because that is like a treasure hunt um luck of the draw if you're there when he first pulls in i think every time this year i have not been um but you know people walk onto his trailer they take out a tote essentially the first dibs on it start looking and start digging and then jimmy he always brings such interesting things and i've bought a lot of paper off of him in the past and then this year so far so it's always fun to see what he has and what he has so nicely put aside for me we have a tote man what did i get from him figment uh this is from disney world and at disney this guy would probably be in the 25 dollar to 30 range to buy him even has the imagination institute little ribbon not ribbon necklace which is the figment ride in epcot he's pretty much an underrated character or yeah character disney character i think i remember him in the 80s and the 90s i think but um you know they don't have a meat figment that'd be amazing if they did that but the ride is fun you know you you hear this catchy tune and you try and chase figment so yeah this was this is great again you know 25 30 plush at disney world i didn't look to see what he would sell on ebay because he's not going to go on ebay he'll stay with me from jimmy i bought a few things which i need that send helps on because send help i don't know why i put it i bought the send help flag i thought that was fun you know what i'll use it for i don't know that's probably for your car maybe um the diary and then the the button pin badge or whatever you would like to call it for lafayette college as a freshman for a freshman that actually belonged to the person whose paper i purchased so that was a fun find so yeah jimmy had a lot of boxes out to look through so it's always fun again to see what he brings to the flea market the best fine which i did not tape because there are some times when i'm at the flea market and i think this person is probably going to be so expensive what's the use of me bothering you know to film because i'm not gonna be able to buy it and so yeah i was shocked shocked as they say in the youtube world because i got this and a book there was a book that was thrown in here so we have one two three four five six photo albums and one book i was going through and the man was talking to another person so i waited and i waited and i'm looking and i'm looking and i'm like oh my gosh what is he gonna what is he gonna say you know how much are these there's just a whole assortment um oh there's a girl with a puppy you know ross um i'm thinking you know is he gonna be like oh oops this one i have to be careful um hanma canal canal zone you know what is he what is he gonna say how much he's going to be so i asked him you know how much are the albums and i'm thinking you know 50 apiece 500 for the whole stack and he goes fifty dollars for all of them i was not going to haggle i was not gonna ask if he could do better i couldn't get the money out of my little satchel fast enough because these photo albums are amazing and considering the one military photo album that i bought at jacktown my video prior that cost me forty dollars i got a whole stack with two military photo albums for fifty dollars which was the better deal at other flea markets an album like this this one alone a seller would probably charge a hundred dollars for when my price range i would never i think a squirrel just jumped um anyway squirrel um but yes i would never pay that i i i just wouldn't this has some farm life a lot of dogs but yeah an album like this would easily look at that one of that poppers they would ask for a hundred dollars so fifty dollars for everything is crazy especially again because there are two military albums this one has well honolulu 1940. um but here yeah this is from 1937 to 1940 and they even state the name of their uh naval ship there's a christmas card from here we have diamond head island of oahu a card a christmas card again so there's that military album and then there's another one of this one was rather fun because there are all sorts of various pictures i mean these are pretty much filled i love this colorized one whoops i hope it didn't fall out yeah so they're like on a ship it must have been some kind of i don't i don't know what they were doing whatever the military men do on the ship maybe like a challenge or some kind of roast or just you know having fun because some of them are dressed up the one has a cape with a skull and crossbones on the back maybe they were making a play or acting like pirates this looks like they're trying to be poseidon there's the the staff and then they have a wig and a long dress on um let me see if i can show you another one so these again are this is this is a great photo i think yeah they're like in mud drenched in mud but i just enjoy that photo so we can get a good shot so two military albums and four other albums for fifty dollars let's see one is a little bit newer i think i think i know you can tell from the cover oh yeah this one i'm not sure again what is going on there's a guy dressed as big bird you can see him so you know again it's like military guys i think um i've no idea this guy's like in an electric chair but hey this came with it so i'm not i'm not going to say no this is a great like beer beer room picture i can't read the prices jack daniels about a dollar 45 wow coors 80 cents can you imagine oh he's drinking pepto bismol so the flea market may have been a little bit slow but still pulled through got stuff from topman jimmy and then this man that made me so happy saying 50 for all the albums that was the deal the deal of the day so it was a good dad's flea market stay tuned for another flea market or swat meet adventure i go back to jack down and i find another great deal of the day not a photo album this time but something that makes me happy and again it was a great deal so i couldn't pass up on that but i love finding these photo albums at great prices and being able to go back and look through them especially the military albums there's just i think something about you know that that that air you know world war ii that um i studied it so that's why i enjoy it but i don't know there's just something about those photos and even the other older photos and those are great to look through as well to see the dress and just what the people took pictures of you know taking pictures of their pets of a plant of their tractor and you just wonder what was going through their minds and through their lives at that time especially today with technology you just hold up your phone and take a picture and it's done back then not so much but yes jacktown video will be coming up and i have a few other videos some rummage sales so be prepared for that as well but thank you for watching i hope you have a great morning afternoon evening middle of the night early morning whenever you may be watching this i hope that you have a great day and that you are doing well and thank you so much for watching it does mean a lot and now i'm rambling so i'm going to say thanks again for watching i will see you all in the next episode
Channel: Paper and Moose
Views: 12,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flea market finds, trash to cash, flea market madness, flea market flip, reselling at the flea market, buying at the flea market, WW2 photographs, Hawaii WW2, naval history, ephemera, old photo albums, junk journal albums, collecting military, Taco Stacks, Blue Bus Daev, Paper and Moose, Paper Moose, colorized photos, garbage picking, trash finds, treasure hunting, NJ flea market, PA flea market, reselling paper, selling ephemera, thrift with me, US Navy, reseller, thrift
Id: dnyTnmXsuak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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