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what is the best estate car in the world or wagon if you're American now I would say it's the Audi RS6 but what would make it even better if they were cheaper of course for a lower mileage 2014 RS6 now you're looking to spend over 40 000 pounds I've always wanted an Audi RS6 since my BMX days so when this popped up at auction I knew I had to buy it and with it being crashed damaged it was an opportunity to get an RS6 for cheap and this one was a lot cheaper obviously this was like this when I bought it not from the bin incident but there could be a reason that this was so cheap but I guess we'll find out later in the video as we start stripping this thing apart no I'm literally so buzzing fondly own an RS6 and let's face it I was never gonna buy one which wasn't damaged and I think we've got an absolute bargain on this one of the best parts look at the space you get in the back oh when we've even got what that actually doesn't look that bad oh okay how fast this is to have that much boot space and five doors as well what more could you want my dog is gonna love this car but judging from the damage that I can see here and a little bit of damage over here and from the photos that I saw at the auction this looks like a fairly simple repair and there's a DIY myself I think we could do this and do it quick and those with eagle eyes would have noticed we already started we have a smashed windscreen and our only theory of why this windscreen is smashed because the passenger airbag hasn't gone off in the dashboard which normally what smashes the windscreen is that this could have been somebody's head if you've got no seat belt on you you are you are going in that general direction so I called the guys in from screensaver to come and change the windscreen before it even started the rebuild as this is one of them jobs that I have no idea how to do and I don't fancy giving it a go myself but within an hour a fresh windscreen was in place now even though this car has been in an accident and the airbags have blown it does still start but there's a fair amount of warning lights including a coolant one so we can't run it for too long and it's so easy to see why the RS6 is so popular it looks great it's aged well and it comes standard with a fully a twin turbo V8 with 552 horsepower now for four years we've been rebuilding cars and I wanted to take that challenge to the next step and try and get this done in 24 hours but not without some help think about the car the better if it was a BMW what do you think about the car great a lot of outage better than BMWs well let the comments decide that one but we've got to rebuild this thing quick and for a very good reason which you'll see later in the video but for now there's no time to waste okay first place I think we're gonna start is of course where the damage is and something that could make this link a little bit more expensive to repair is if there's any suspension damage which personally I don't think there's actually going to be any but there's only one way to find out that's to get all the wheels off there is yeah this Tire's gone but let's get it in the air let's do it before we put the car in the air we thought it was a better idea to remove the passenger side door first that way we'll be able to get all the bolts for the wing off without the door getting in the way that's how you do it there's two grub screws holding the door to the body of the car and one bolt in the check strap I need the wing mirror don't damage but then we found some damage we didn't expect oh that has actually done let's check it again it's a bit of damage we don't have the time and I'll explain in a minute why we can't repair this right now like this is another thing that you don't see when buying Crush damage cars some unexpected damage I don't think this is going to affect any structural Integrity of the car but it just doesn't look very pretty so a bit of a kick in the teeth with some unexpected damage but that's gonna have to wait for now next up are we gonna remove the Bonnet I pulled the washer Jets out of it and all the washer lines and then there's two bolts each side which hold the Bonnet to the hinges then Chris explained how we was going to rebuild this car in 24 hours try not to break some stuff keep Spirits high and don't offend anyone and I think Chris was right we've got to stay positive here let's hope we don't find any more hidden damage oh that's a bit cheapage but nothing mud a bit of rubbing actually looks quite good Jill I hated these calipers at first but now I've actually seen what color green though it's like your Lambo now this well that bit doesn't like logo here actually gives away a little bit of who the previous owner was what I want to know is if there's any damage to this chassis leg here I don't think there's going to be any but we'll find out once we've got all this Arch lining out we can have a quick look and getting this Wing off because that's definitely damaged next stop we're on to the arch line in and the wing yeah it's looking all right I think we've got ourselves a bargain for once and my dad is on the front end of the car removing all the trim panels there in preparation for is to get the front bumper off because again that along with the grill are gonna have to be replaced once the bumper is off that revealed damage to the crash bar part of the radiator and some of the lower radiators in front of the wheel and the final thing to come off was the wing whilst Christmas is taking the wing off um I noticed this is all loose and that oh is that a stock no this is a k n air filter so the engine cover is missing I feel like this has got an aftermarket exhaust on and with this air filter who knows this could have been possibly tuned as well so we I think once that Wings off we'll get it in the air and have a look at the exhaust because it's definitely louder than standard but that is also not stock Chris had to remove the washer bottle first and managed to get it everywhere after that we could finally get to all the bolts which held on the front Wing but as I mentioned I think this car could have had a tune it's definitely had a lot of modifications done to it [Music] foreign [Music] there's a motec exhaust on it oh there's still catalytic converters I can see them up there this one's quite old though I mean it's going all the way back it's pretty much like a straight card it's a two big is it valved oh it has on the top on the top there ah yes so there are valves on it but I think it sounds pretty good for what's going on there I don't think but the airbag's completely off though oh yeah look it's not good oh the RS6 use air suspension as standard and the rear bags don't look like they're sitting right none of them are sitting in their seats we'll have to see when we lower it down if they sit unless it's watch around if it goes we don't think that this is caused by the accident we think maybe just by putting it up in the lift but they won't go back into the original seats we'll have to see when we put it down where it sits I think it might be a Jackie mood yeah you might have to put it in the jacket mode like the Bender in fact let's find the full history of this car out which I did check out before I bought it but I'm going to show you guys as well which has got a little bit of history that we're going to show you on screen now as well the brand you can see here mental or better known as mental monkey is owned by Aaron Lambo along with many other things he modified cars and then gave them away through his raffle company I found this video on YouTube of my RS6 being given away to one of his lucky winners best of luck please but it doesn't look like the winner crashed the car this video was put out on November 15 2021 and when I go over to the car vertical check I can see on the timeline that the ownership was changed in November 2021 but later in February 2022 an ownership was changed again so perhaps the winner sold the car and the new owner in August crashed it and we can see on the car vertical report that it was categorized as a category s structural damage which maybe we yet to find on the rest of the report I can see that the mileage all lines up and it's not been recorded as stolen and there's no outstanding Finance on there and also if you check a car which was crash damage and it was auctioned off at a car crash auction site is likely like this BMW that you actually see the photos of when it was auctioned off pretty bad so if you want to check your car your friend's car or call it potentially about to buy click the link in the description box below use code map for Discount and thank me later when you save money on buying your next car there's definitely something not right with this air suspension um I think we've got to let the air out of the suspension so then we can reseat it and onto the arm because that does not look right especially well it looks like it's trying to come out of the arm but yeah didn't expect that but all of that will have to wait because we need to pay our attentions to the front of the car right now we're removing all the undertrays to see if there's any damage to the engine or any leaks but all looks good so now I'm back onto the radiator pack and the Crash bar at the front we've got to remove this broken crash bar out the way and now I can access the radiator pad this is the aircon condenser here behind it is a cooler for something else and behind that is the cooler for the engine what we're trying to do is take this off without taking the pipes off so we can move this out the way of the other pipes and that's because it's got aircon gas in it and if we take the aircon gas out we're gonna have to pay for it to go back in so we're trying to preserve that save money and also save us time and the environment and the environment so we've got to slide it off but it's a bit of a challenge it'll be a lot easier just lose the aircon gas but you're not supposed to lay out an environment you can get fine for that and it's quite bad yeah but we might be doing it in a minute luckily we didn't have to because we managed to get the aircon condenser and the pipes away from the car and now we can work on removing the full radiator and everything else on its own we're just trying to get everything disconnected that's connected to this front slam panel so we can remove it away from the car into cooler pipes water cool pipes cables everything fast just like the M5 there's loads of Radiators and loads of hoses on the front of this car there's a radiator which holds coolant for the engine in fact I think there might be two of those there's also a radiator for the charge cooling system as well and it's all compacted into the front of the car but once all those hoses were disconnected we were now able to see the front of the engine to see if there's any damage there as well foreign yeah Matt does the work and you just take the glory come on it's already unplugged no so there's two plugs and one's not plugged in that's strange but it doesn't plug into anything just disconnect from here please oh oh okay I was gonna disconnect it's just a lot easier to disconnect one connector than multiple you see on this you know what that's what I like about hanging around with you I'm always learning teamwork whoa so that reminds me of do you remember like back in like probably 2010 it was a big big thing about TVs come at the end of your bed okay [Music] I think we've done all right here we've actually got ourselves a pretty good bargain and there's been not really any hidden surprises the more we've taken apart obviously we've only just found the dent in the door in the a pillar which I don't think is too bad we've also found that the door cards are missing the door speakers so whether they had aftermarket speakers and they took them out before it went to auction so that's going to be set back a bit because they're both speakers but other than that I think we're all good to rebuild this thing so the Audi RS6 cost me 20 000 pounds and the car is a 2014 model with 36 000 miles on the clock and I think if we can repair this car and under 10 000 pounds we've definitely got ourselves a bargain but there's a time limit SEMA arguably the biggest car show in the world which is located in Las Vegas halfway across the world to where I'm from my plan was to build the RS6 into a show car and ship it across the world in time for SEMA but there's one problem with all of this SEMA is in October the end of October this car is getting shipped to the USA on the 5th of September one month from now so not only have I got a reboot this car as quick as possible we've also got a modifier and change it into an ultimate show car well as show car as you can get in 30 days so there is a literally no time to waste we've got to get this thing rebuilt at minimum in this video I've managed to get a full front end for five and a half thousand pounds now this includes literally everything headlights bumpers radiator packs and a lot of stuff which I didn't really need I probably could have saved a little bit more buying stuff individual but because of the time frame we've got everything all in one so with no time to waste we're back on with repairing the car my dad repaired some broken wires at the front of the car first then I started fitting the new radiators which sit in front of the front left wheel sitting in magic wasting all my time I later found that the plastic shroud had to come off because it's going to get in the way of the rad pack which we're about to fit now and we actually managed to save the old aircon condenser it looks like it was free from damage with a brand new second-hand Rod pack in place we can now fit the crash bar and this protects the whole front end of the car there's two bolts each side of it which hold it in I noticed on the side there was a few riff nuts which were pulled out the frame of the car but with the rivnut tool and some fresh rib nuts was able to replace them quite easily foreign I'm pretty sure these used to hold the bracket which holds the front Wing or Fender if you're American to the frame of the car and now Chris is testing out the new rib nuts [Applause] but ain't going anywhere what did you say why they're not fitting the different plugs different plugs oh no everything was going so well until my Dad decided to break the news to us that the new headlights with the front end we got weren't gonna fit the plugs were completely different the new front end is off a facelift Audi RS6 and I have the pre-facelift one but I thought it'd just be the case of coding the headlights to get them to work not the fact that plugs are different see look the face if one looks a bit more it's like smoked inside looks a bit more evil than that one it's got LEDs but the plug is different just found something from another YouTube uh you have to you need new modules to power the front so it has to be genuine Audi parts so maybe Audi sells something that you can almost have a conversion we now had to decide whether it was worth the hassle we're trying to make the facelift ones work or Resort back to the originals and buy a new one but first we wanted to see whether they actually fitted in the bumper oh it does fit then so all they changed on the facelift is literally the headlights and they've changed the grill they've changed this it says now Quattro so the pre-facelift lights fit into the facelift bumper and worst case I found a preface if headlight for 395 pound on eBay but how much better did the facelift lights look does look better but does it look that much better it's not off the headache yeah it's not that much better I don't think it's a bit of difference to care no so it's a shame looks like 395. so we're in another 395 pound down but we could potentially sell the facelift headlights as they were all in good condition but nevertheless that didn't stop us from starting to fit the new body panels starting off with the front wing foreign [Music] we're going to put the facelift lights in just for looks and then obviously replace it when we get the one it is such a shame we're gonna have to get rid of the facelift lights because I think they look pretty good but unless any of you guys know how to get these to work then it looks like we're resorting back to the pre-facelift headlights but 395 pound wasn't so bad yeah yeah I mean that's good next up is the Bonnet and you may have noticed it's a slightly different shade of black just like the rest of the front end and I'm not going to worry too much about all the panel gaps just yet because you'll see in the future episodes that there's still a lot more to do in the meantime I sent Matt my cameraman to go and replace the damaged Tire we're back at wheel Mania and once again they're here to save the day now we ordered a tie yesterday and they've managed to get it next day so let's get it fitted and back to Matt so we hopefully you can get this car running and driving now obviously we're not going to be keeping these wheels this front left one is pretty badly damaged but just to get us rolling for now real Mania have come in and managed to get us a replacement tire in one day so once again thanks wheel Mania I'm sure we'll be back to pick up some crazy wheels for this before SEMA the wheel is done it's time to get it back to Matt so we can get this car finished and back on the road and let's hope everything else from now goes well oh yeah let's get it on back on goes the not so pretty alloy but with the fresh tie on there which should get us rolling for the meantime [Music] [Laughter] not quite an F1 Pit Stop right the budget so this is the door and I think a good body shop could probably repair that but the good thing about rebuilding something like an RS6 is that a lot of A6 stuff just standard diesel standard diesel stuff should fit over to it so instead of getting the door repaired which would probably cost a couple hundred quid I just bought a new door off an A6 diesel for 209 pounds which are things pretty good providing that both of these doors are the same okay maybe they're not maybe they're not the same the same but it's just different it's like this is just rubber yeah first off first off before we take anything off should we just oh put it on that and see if it opens and closes and it looks right good thinking I think so and then we can start deciding now this was a bit of a gamble because the A6 diesel doors were a lot cheaper than the RS6 doors that is pretty good but it looks like it fits exactly the same way the only difference being the chrome trim at the bottom and the black trim at the top of the door which now was gonna have to take off and replace it from the old door onto the new one which was a lot more hassle than we first thoughts talks talks there was so many little things holding these trims in right to undo all the Torx bolts on the side to remove the trim that allowed us to remove the seal around the door and then the door was stripped completely bare we had to do the same on the inside as well from then on me and Chris tackled the extremely fiddly job of putting back all the new seals on the outside of the door and the inside as well I also had to swap over the wiring looms for it to work and there it is one door which is a slightly different shade of black to that door and a slightly different shade of black to the wing is on the wing mirror is on and all the door cards run it definitely took a lot longer than we originally thought because we had to change absolutely everything over the one thing that we are missing is a door speaker so I'm gonna have to order that and the final thing to do in the interior is the airbag and the airbag cost me 295 pound which I think is quite expensive really but it is an airbag yeah yeah is that him right yeah yeah it is it is yes she's sweet look at that now there's not really too much point in US putting this on because he had to put the washer bottle in yet because we need to line up the arch but there was one thing that was missing and it was the engine cover and this thing was surprisingly expensive but I did want to fit it because it just looked incomplete without a cover 164 pounds 98p for that 95 P sometimes you've got to call a pro in to do these jobs now we're gonna pop some coolant in to see if there's any leaks and also to run this car up to temperature then we're gonna get to hear exactly what the exhaust sounds like we're going to be able to run it up to temperature here we go [Music] it's really sweet we do still have a fair amount of warning lights on the dashboard I'll assume the airbag light is only on because we still need to cancel the codes hopefully noise yeah it's got like a bit of a bang I think it needs a remap I feel like it needs like some kind of remap like it's like just there's just not not like a ah it's all right it's all right that was a absolute solid effort in 24 hours it's obviously still a long way from SEMA and being a SEMA build we've got a lot to do with that but total cost and then 24 hours including the car 26 564 pounds to get to this point right here now I realized I missed the windscreen off which was 225 pound which now brings the total build cost to 26 789 pounds but actually I think that's still pretty good going we've got a almost running Audi RS6 now and if that's not motivated you to go and rebuild or get a crash damage car and try it for yourself I don't know what will we've still got a long way to go with this but thanks so much for watching if you've enjoyed it hit that subscribe button hit that thumbs up button and I'll see you in the next video peace out [Music] oh [Laughter] my God [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mat Armstrong
Views: 5,609,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mat armstrong, audi rs6, rs6 c7, audi rs, copart build, cheap car, auction car, rebuilding a wrecked car, rebuilding a wrecked audi rs6, rebuilding a wrecked audi, rs6 c7 rebuild, audi rs6 build, copart uk, crashed rs6, totalled audi, audi rs6 avant, wrecked car, audi rs6 performance 2023, rebuilding, restoration, matt armstrong
Id: Rvl4FRGjMtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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