Their 235 Chevy BROKE DOWN 10 Miles After The LAST Shop's Rebuild...

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so we've got one in here that is actually just a couple years older than you yeah we're always working on this older stuff but not trying to throw any shade but customer fell by name of Max young man actually a third generation customer I've done work for his grandpa for at least his uncle and now Max there said he's wanting to restore his Grandpa's old truck it's a 1961 Apache pickup I don't know a whole lot about it other than he told me he had had someone else do this engine claims it ran about 10 mies and locked up he has had the valve cover off told me it has a bent push rod he has had the pan off told me he took a couple bearings off couldn't see anything really wrong with it I don't know why he didn't take this back to the shop that originally did this engine maybe there's a little more to the story here than what I've got kind of looked this thing over and like I say it's supposed to be a 1961 Apache pickup but looking at the casting date here I 2756 I think that's September the 27th 1956 so obviously this is not the original block out of his 1961 pickup on the pad here by the distributor where there's supposed to be some identification numbers you can see here some of this has been kind of ground off has an M 9265 I don't think that's anything that GM would have stamped on there I'm guessing that's some Rebuilder along the way has done that and you know from 1956 till now uh geez 67 years who knows how many times this block could have been worked on I pulled out our uh a head and block book here just kind of check out what the casting numbers are 38374 this book just lists as being 49 to 62 actually it model is ays cane so maybe that's what it was when it was new maybe not I don't know how accurate this book really is going around here to the head casting number 3836848 book shows that to be either a 235 or a 261 49 to 62 on a 235 59 to 62 on a 261 and that's a common number I remember seeing that on others we at least have a a fairly close to the CR head and block for a 61 pickup uh I don't think anything he's worried about numbers matching he just wants to put Grandpa's pict Grandpa's pickup back together so we're going to tear into it and see maybe it'll just be something simple maybe it's something simple maybe it needs a whole lot done to it we don't know till we get it apart I'm just a bit puzzled by the bent push rod and I don't think a bent push rod would cause it to lock up the engine but he said it is locked up I haven't tried to turn it but uh I'm going to take his word for it at this point and see what we find the stress of having something go wrong on your project car might make you feel like pulling your hair out and that can be a problem if you're like me and your hair is already starting to thin but luckily keeps has the solution keeps is an online subscription service that makes it easy and affordable to treat male pattern baldness keeps makes it more convenient than ever before by delivering a personalized treatment 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their hair with over 4,500 f-star reviews from Happy customers so remember hair loss stops with keeps for a special offer to get started head to Jims Auto or click the link in the description that's Jims Auto thank you to keeps for sponsoring this video now let's get back to it be funny if it turns smooth yeah and it's Sol in his transmission it wouldn't be the first time I get the feeling nothing that happens in this shop is the first time what's it like to have done this 41 years uh it flew by I don't know how H it's not locked up no no so I wonder what the story is cuz he told me it's locked up well I know he's had the valve cover off messed around on the top end he's had the bottom end the pan off messed around down there taking some bearings apart I say at this point let's tear it down if nothing else we check everything out and basically just freshen it up again make sure everything's okay I guess I mean he went to the trouble to take it out but that is not locked up these old Motors called them the old stovebolt Motors and I don't know where that came from other than the fact that these things had what I know my dad always referred to as a stovebolt instead of hex head their screwdriver slot bolts why don't you grab a can there for us to throw some parts in I wish I could find some safety glasses that didn't have a bifocal it's practice for when you get old yeah uh I'm going to start a little pile here of the washers yeah okay you ready for this it's a big moment okay well it looks like whoever did this did a pretty good job of cleaning everything uh inside that valve cover looks nice nothing bad here so where's this bent push rod is that maybe the one he has has head off yeah there's a bent push rod these rocker shafts are always a pain if I remember right there are four different style Rock arms on here there's uh kind of left and right exhaust and left and right intake the way they angle and uh length of them the way they curl over they've got this funny long stem on the end of the intake valves it's funny how the stuff back in the day there's like stuff that's super simple but whoever did this was on drugs yeah the the engine itself is super simp super simple but then how complicated they made a simple six-cylinder rocker shaft I mean we go from Motors that have the same rocker all the way through intake and exhaust and then we come to this one but look at the head how they made the exhaust valve caned in where the intake is straight up and down yeah so this was some pretty Hightech stuff back I don't know when they started this design maybe in the 30s let's pull that shaft off there and it'll come apart in two pieces here splits in the middle I'm going to at least kind of hold that together for right now okay whoever built this engine they did go to the treble they refaced the ends of all the rocker arms everything up to this point is looking like they attempted to do a good job anyway shaft has been polished let's go ahead and split this take that part there and now you watching this cuz we got to remember how I put that back together with all these washers and and uh Springs yeah looks like they T touched up the inside of the Rockers on a home it has some wear on it but it has been polished all the rough stuff taken off of it you know working on something this old you can't always get all the parts you'd like to have sometimes you have to make do if a guy could even find these rocker shafts I'm sure the price is through the roof so you know there's a tradeoff there make do with what you can if you have to anyway let's see here yeah I think that's the yeah for some reason that push rod is bent let remember this is one with the bent push rod now if you'll notice when I take these out I'm pushing that push rod sideways kind of at the bottom as I lifted oute there because I don't know if this engine would be one or not but if you pull straight up sometimes you can have the lifter stick to the bottom of the uh push rod with just with the oil suction there and you'll pull it up and pull your lifter up out of place and you may be having to dig into the motor deeper to put lifters back in where you didn't mean to pull them out of so now that valve is stuck yeah look that one there I can pop it that one I can pop it down that one is solid so let's get the head off of it and take the head apart and and see what we find on that valve and let's put a straight edge across there it's stuck open a little bit well that's what I thought it looked like you got it yeah yeah at this this point that valve is still either stuck open um I'm assuming that's what it is or it may have held it open and the Piston uh came up and kissed it and bent it it's tempting to use an impact to take that temperature sender out of there I don't know if there's any truth to it or not but I have been told that if you use a impact wrench on a sending unit you can damage them due to the the shock so I always try to use a hand wrench when I take something like sending unit out I am seeing all this did they use a whole bunch of uh ARP Lube all over in this thing uh because I don't think it's looking like that's metal when I first saw that I almost thought uhoh we got a bunch of metal in here Ultra torque yeah that is their uh yeah there's just Ultra torque on everything use lots of it so why is that slotted oh that's what it is that's the bolt that has to go in that position cuz the oil comes up through it and and that's there's a galy here it's drilled across to that little loopd Doo tube yeah so was it in the correct position it is in the right position so the oil comes up from the bottom end actually through this headbolt little tiny hole drilled in it oh I missed a couple we could have tested the uh yield strength of those let's not so another thing I see here we'll see this when we tear this head down but from the factory all these have for valve stem seals is just an o-ring in underneath the keepers just like your small block V8s but somebody has added umbrella seals to this yeah um I don't think that would necessarily be a problem but maybe they dried it up a little too much you know if I could train my left eye to use the bifocal and my right eye to not well if you tip your head just right I mean if I'm tired I do get a lazy eye so if I could just train it to be a lazy eye you got all the bolts out oh yeah must be it's coming off uhoh yeah are the valves supposed to leave imprints and the Pistons uhoh 60 over to0 over yeah we're out there ways thanks Obama so it has hit the Piston after the valve stuck open or the or the piston started chasing it shut because it wouldn't go shut I'm going to say we've got a stuck valve guide there because the bent the push rod trying to push the valve open because it was too tight but then it stuck open and the Piston was chasing it back shut and it stamped 40 there so is that the last time it was rebuilt and they barded it 40 over or did they take 40,000 off the deck what does that mean yeah we're about top Center on those Pistons there I don't think that's 40 off the deck I think in a prior rebuild prior life it was board 40 over and they stamped the deck as 40 but at this point we're 60 already yeah we're 60 now all right and if it really does only have 10 Mi on it I think we can probably just hone the cylinders again and rring it when we go back together nothing obvious here that would lead me to believe that they had a bunch of hacks working on it so that's f29 uh 6 so that's 56 also so this was cast what would that be June is that right A B CDE e f yeah June uh 29 of 56 so let's flip this up look at the other side here this side down gaskets on the right way looks like they used uh some proba silver paint yeah it's a copper gasket these copper on one yeah copper on both sides use silver paint on it which is quite common F Pro gasket um I thought I saw logo yes Fel Pro gasket and looking at those Pistons there earlier appeared to be uh Federal Mogul Pistons so I think it has Quality Parts in it but that valve is is stuck open for some reason I'd say those are new Springs they don't appear to have wear on the mhm ends of them so you said they did not have umbrellas on the intake from the factory no but they had the O-ring that yeah the O off the top of the rot or the retainer retain yeah the O-rings here are uh what that would have had from the factory but this umbrella has been added in addition to there's our bad one and these are not stuck that's just having to uh get past that O-ring cut it so it'll go on past so let's kind of look at these one by one as we take them out just giving it the feel test here here um no excessive clearance little bit gummy you smell it see what you think why do I have to smell it cuz you always smell everything oh I touched it to my nose I don't know what they polish the stems with well is that a new valve that's a brand new valve well they may have uh I've seen shops do that I thought maybe it looked like it was starting to Gall just a little bit but it whatever it was wiped off so I don't think so yeah they they definitely uh polished all the STS put quite a crosshatch on them feeling there there's no excessive clearance or I'd say maybe a little on the tight side we need to get out the uh gauges here and measure normally I wouldn't go to that much trouble but since this issues oh crap you get a pigment no I had that old hydraulic cylinder there off one of my tractors laying there and I purposely have had it sitting with that fitting up so it wouldn't leak oil and sure enough it got turned okay so now let's look at the intakes again I'm not feeling much clearance there are you sure those are brand new yeah I'm sure they are why would you polish a brand new valve like that because some people think they like to put a crosshatch on but it's pretty aggressive I can feel that with my finger but where I was going with that look down here at the bottom it's already completely worn that off there and yeah up high so that's why I wondered yeah 0308 so that's an SBI V Val yeah it's hard to read on there I don't see the logic in polishing a brand new valve but well I have heard people think if you polish them and put that heavy crosshatch in them it'll help pull oil help hold oil just like a cylinder wall does yeah I for the for the five minutes while the wear accelerates and yeah I I I certainly know if you're using guideliner you don't want an aggressive cross on the valve like that cuz I mean I run my fingernail on there it feels like a file yikes so now let's see if we can get this valve out that is solid let's get something to drive against that with this will get some uh attention you might want to put your safety Squints on along with your uh safety glasses [Music] man that that is in [Music] there I mean that might seem aggressive but what else are you going to do well I F through that valve is toast the guide is toast if fits that stuck nothing there is good anyway I almost thought at first that was taking the guide with it you got to grab that so I don't knock those over yeah completely gold oh yeah that one that one really ran dry for some reason man it just transferred metal all the way up and down should have put a little more cross-hatch in the back yeah a little more cross-hatch so it'd be smaller so what's your opinion on the way that valve G that much that has nothing to do with fuel no I don't think it was a fuel problem I suspect and we're going to find out here in a little bit I suspect they fit the valve guides just a little bit too tight and then with putting uh those umbrella seals on there it kept it from getting enough oil why that one well one's got to go first yeah one's got to go first but why that one went so much worse than the others I wonder we might want to look at the Locker shaft there too see if there's some reason that we can see that it wouldn't have been getting oil to that but again we've had this discussion many times before when we go back together with this I'm going to put positive valve stem seals on it yeah because my belief is a positive valve stem seal will always wipe a little bit of oil onto the stem of this valve as it runs where this with this umbrella on there and as close as they fit uh to the size of the the guide there I wonder if that um umbrella didn't just flat starve it for oil yeah there's there's definitely different opinions on putting seals back on where seals never were yeah okay so process here they list one to 3000 being acceptable on this for uh guide clearance okay I would consider one to be a little excessively and that's intake and exhaust that shows intake and exhaust okay to me one sounds awful tight espe especially on the exhaust side three is getting up there where you're a little on the loose side had we done this the first time I'd have probably hit somewhere in the middle on that I'm going to lock the mic down at that and I'm going to transfer that over here to our dial board gauge okay about one and a half down in there yeah in tightest spots we're one and A2 of course that's our bad one we can't tell any anything there they're pretty consistent the exhaust let's see what we got there exhaust is about two yeah assuming the valve is and the valve I did measure the valve it is a little bit smaller so they probably had 1 and2 on the intake considering the size of the valve stem on the exhaust being a little smaller we may be closer to 2 and 1/2 on it gosh I don't know what to think maybe a little tighter on the intake clearance than I would feel real comfortable with but it's in Spec it it'd probably be fine in a scenario where everything else stays your oil always stays you know yeah oiling you don't get it too hot all of that kind of stuff but it didn't leave any room for yeah there probably wasn't any room for any other air anywhere else on this you know it might also be a deal uh we don't know what the carburetor was like we don't know where the timing was set at and again I'm wondering about that rocker shaft we're going to look real close at those rockers but I almost wonder if right there is our culprit that those umbrella seals just dried that up just a little too much you know even all the other exhausts when you look at them intake or intakes yeah they're starting to show a significant amount of not any transfer of metal but it's it's starting to wear you you can see the wear pattern on there already uh which I think is quite a bit for 10 miles like what they're saying this has so we don't have a bad contact pattern but I'm questioning their angle cuz it's like it's uh leaving a real crisp line on the inside and if you have the interference angle the way the angles come together it should be contacting the outside first instead of the inside it's not all blue hasn't been excessively hot um uh does it look to you like they put exhaust seats in there I don't think so I don't think they put any hard exhaust seats in and this head would definitely need the exhaust seats for the unleaded gas we have now I guess we'll know after we clean it we'll definitely be putting the hard exhaust seats in and these intakes are down in a little bit deeper than I'd like to see so let's plan on putting intake seats back in it at least one intake valve guide will need replace placed we'll hone the other guides maybe give it just a little more clearance than it had the last time around unless we find something else along the way here yeah that we can definitely blame the stuck guide on so this rocker right here is our one in question and looking at that rocker everything is nice appears to be like it should oil hole is clear the exhaust next to it same thing I can I can see down through that oil hole in the top in hindsight the next day after cleaning we noticed that the Rockers actually were pretty dirty still and did have a lot of grit in them but we still don't think that was a major cause of the stuck valve everything looks like it should be the ball on the adjusting screw here looks good as does this one the shaft itself when I turn it over the intake here is real nice the exhaust is the one actually has some pretty good wear on it but that's not the one that we're having problems with I don't think it has anything to do with the Rockers or The Rocker shaft when we go back together with this I'm going to look around see if we can find some better rocker shafts but I'm not convinced we'll be able to find them that stuff's getting a little hard to find so let's go ahead and tear this rest way down cuz our customer thought it was locked up but you know we've since figured out that this engine is is not locked up up it turns just like it should if he thought it was locked up I think he was feeling the Piston up against the valve making it turn hard but he did say he'd had the pan off he'd taken some bearings off looked at it so we need to go in there and make sure everything's okay maybe more interesting to have the camera on this side for this ah nice okay so we went through and pulled all the lifters out and numbered them cuz probably reusing them yeah most lik reuse them again I didn't hit record on the camera so so you didn't get us get to see us arguing about the way we were pulling them out and numbering them cuz we never fight with each other well there's the wrong way and there's my way ah glad you think so anything left over there to take off bolt and some freeze plugs it moving yeah yep there you got one you can drill out that was stupid by the way these old Motors most of the bolts are grade two they twist really easy tell me if cool starts coming must not be oh yeah he's got most of them out already pan is clean other an excessive amount of that some of that looks a little shiny there well yeah get down in here there is some sparkle in that oil there can you see that in there chunks of something there yeah that's there's some metal there pretty good size chunks so I'm not sure where that came from well look at this somebody has cut apart the screen they must cut it all apart to clean it and then they put this piece back on and just tack welded it all around the outside here does have a new oil pump in it he he told me when we did it he wanted me to put a new oil pump in it but it it has one in it I can see some marks on the crank here looks like 30 on the probably on the mains another Mar down there 20 on the maybe 20 rods and 30 mains so nothing too unusual there this uses one bolt pins oil pump in so I guess I'll start taking Rod caps off this has what they call pale nuts mhm has lock nuts on all of the rods I don't know if they really do any good but they make you feel better made somebody feel better yeah okay that's off I already lost one I'm probably laying right here and I can't see it it's right here see rods and caps are already numbered so I'm not going have to worry about numbering them that bearing's kind of scratchy looking yeah really scratchy 30 Under 12 of 17 so I don't know if this was done recently or not then or if the bearings just been on the Shelf a long time same with that one it's pretty scratchy looking I'll put some bolt boots on here so we don't so we don't damage the scuffed up crank why don't you put your hand under that good yeah Pistons do look real nice there's a few little scratches in here but there's nothing that'll hurt anything you want to catch that piston it'll be a lot like uh catching babies you know you got one coming up here I ain't going to catch it somebody's going to have to got it there's a rod nut in there too and the rod nut jeez look how worn it is from who knows how many times those been on and off we'll definitely put new Rod nuts does that one look okay I'd say it looks all right there you go yeah same thing getting scratched up bearings lots of lots of dirt went through that already so despite it not being tied up it's a good thing we yeah I think it's a good thing we went into it here deeper it's pretty snug it does turn a bit hard this one he had put back on backwards maybe that's why it's snug but it was just snug back down it wasn't tight there I could tell there was two of them that were loose that he must have had out how does the pins feel are they free yeah okay feels fine well we want to check that piston real close but I don't think that's going to most likely hurt it any as far as running it again yeah as far as reusing it again okay that makes it feel better I think it was just that cap turned around backwards it was making it a little bit tight we're going to we'll have to measure to see how worn it is here yeah you got it ban them out pull cam out look uh all those loes over and make sure they look good I'd say so nothing huh nothing I'd say is concerning okay that's good we've got these uh flat screws here originally when those are put in they take a punch or a little chisel there punch and pean just a little bit into the slot of the screw to came from coming loose but it doesn't look like doesn't look like that got done so hopefully they come loose easy yeah you can tell this thing's been apart a few times with as rounded as the heads are on a lot of the bolts is there one hidden oh yeah one hidden under the gasket there yep one more now I think we're down to just silicon holding it on okay now it's going to be the interesting part the early ones of these used shims under the main caps the later ones did not always like working on the later ones that do not because they're easier to okay you got any shims under there not that I can tell okay and this is a later one that does not use shims boy those sure look rough for brand new okay I'd kind of forgotten about this but those are pinned bearings oh yeah rather than having the little tab on the side they actually have a pin yeah underneath them yeah the the bearing itself has a TI on the back side to hold it in place 20 30 m says 20 o that's not good huh so I wonder what it really is so we've got the front main bearing came out says it's a 30 and the second main bearing says it's a 20 vice versa I think no 20 on the front that was here and 30 here so that's tell me they maybe did some funny things to try to save the crankshaft on this hopefully that's what it's really ground to and that would be okay if one is 20 and one is 30 it's a little unusual normally we try to make all of them the same to eliminate confusion but we're going to have to check that real close and buying two bearing sets yeah and have to buy two bearing sets to make that happen so let's see what this one is this is a Thrust bearing here it was riding real hard like that uh dowel does not fit into the cap maybe quite like it should where the others that way maybe a little bit not like this one is that one is 30 20 3030 so let's see what's back here again that one is rubbing pretty hard next to that dowel and it says 30 let's lift the crank up out of there and get the mic and measure and see if that really is how they ground it that's really weird if that's what they did on this I don't quite understand out pull them out check them uh I'll go look up some specs here of what that should be this says 30 30 they don't have some major 30 30 my eyes weren't lying to me were they those are all 30 that's a 20 so there's one one half is an odd bearing there's a 20 lower in the front in the front bearing what's a part number on those bearings 2152 CP they're Federal Mogul oh they're Federal Mogul bearings yeah well let me go get a Federal Mogul book I think I have one over here uh 235 1940 to 63 line 26 so that's saying 1956 to 62 engines that a shim set required but those didn't have any shims in and then uh gives me standard shaft diameter dimensions and that's also one of the things that's interesting about this engine is each each main bearing uh gets larger from front to back so they're a pain to grind to crank because every single Journal you grind you're starting over again setting your gauge up you setting your size up have your mixed a 20 and 30 shell not on the same journal the only time I've heard of that is when somebody was trying to Cobble something together to take to the auction okay so that is about 654 some change 2.6 54 so if that's 30 under it would be 6 uh 84 which there we are so that that one is definitely 30 under let's try the next one with a 20 and a 30 bearing is that the one that had the yeah huh so then this one measures 2.6 yeah 2.6 85 and some change add 30 to that so 2.75 so that journal is definitely 30 2 2.76 so add 30 to that 2.7 46 and there we are so that one's 30 2.7 48 add 30 to that 78 yeah 2.77 s and A2 uh so the crank is definitely ground 30 on the uh Mains all the way through as it is did we check rod bearings we didn't check rod bearings yet uh I think we decided they were 30 yeah so that crank has ground 30 rods 30 Mains all the way through but we have a 20 lower bearing on the front main so why good question uh somebody messed up how do you mess that up let's you want to measure just the thickness of the bearings uh we could just with the calipers here about 108 so this should be five less 103 yeah almost on the money five yeah yeah I guess I don't know if I'm holding that in front of the camera or not well there's a word I want to say for what that is but I try to keep it family friendly has rope seal in it at least at one point in time you could get uh the neoprene seals for this mhm so we'll attempt to get that when we go back together so now does that that looks like Factory finish in that it's not been n nothing been funny about line Bo or anything um but what what what's weird is a book says this is a block that should have a shim set in it but it doesn't and obviously it didn't need it or it would have had that crank locked up yeah although over the years doing these things I've always been puzzled by which ones were supposed to have shims and which ones did not have shims so what we want to do with this when we get ready to go back together is we need to torque those caps on and measure each one of those BS and figure out for sure if they're in Spec it'd be nice to know the logic behind whoever whoever did that what they were trying to accomplish well what's a date on those bearings 04 of 18 on both okay so that's preco unless they were manufactured and didn't get packaged until isn't it kind of weird that a 20 and a 30 would have the exact same date though do they really 0418 0418 well a month that's a month span yeah but um makes you wonder if they were packaged wrong yeah that's what I'm thinking is they were packaged wrong and nobody ever checked right yeah whoever assembled this motor uh just took them out of the package and put them in and assumed everything was okay everybody's human mistakes get made I mean rest of this looks decent pretty decent I I'm not seeing a lot wrong with this motor let's get it cleaned up probably torque your caps on after it's clean measure it see what we've got measure the cylinders see if they're good enough that we can just run a hone through them and uh get a good crosshatch going in them again check the deck on the block all have to check that crank a little closer see if I can just polish it I hope so and the head oiled from over there though right yeah I was just trying to picture which way the oil all moved through if would it have oil pressure issue being that loose uh yeah I would have thought it would have but if this only ran 10 minutes he probably didn't run it long enough maybe he got lucky that that valve tied up before the crank yeah before he ruined the crank and the block both [Music] started out I was like oh this will be interesting to see what's wrong with it and then you figure out it's not actually locked up and I'm like well this just got boring but then it got interesting again look at all the junk under there they didn't have that off when they cleaned the motor the last time yeah look at that yeah that's that's bad yeah that's why the crank chea I think baffles are probably one of the main things that people skimp on when they're cleaning time to take them [Music] off okay so that ready for the oven I think it's ready for the oven I think we clean it up and you know check a lot of things and hopefully the last guy's machine work is good to where we don't have to do very much machine work we'll order up a kit with with bearings and Rings probably fix that one valve guide I was noticing on the valves they use the old style non-plated stem exhaust valves in this although they're brand new and look fine let's upgrade it and put the Chrome plated stem valves in like the newer small blocks use their same valve as a small block kind of interesting yeah let's wrap this up clean up our mess and I'm more than ready for bed you keep me up too late this was your idea to do it at late at night I didn't want to do I'd like to work during Norm normal work hours but well the trouble is when we try to do it during normal hours we keep having a customers come in and interrupt us so all right after hours we don't have to deal with that I just have to deal with you see you in the next one okay see you later
Channel: Jim's Automotive Machine Shop, Inc.
Views: 1,050,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Engines, Engine Machine Shop, Machine Shop, Engine Shop, Machining, Automotive Machine Shop, Automotive, Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Gas, Diesel, Performance, rebuild, high performance, internal combustion engine, pistons, cylinder heads, jim’s, jim's automotive, jamsi, jamsi online, Blueprinting, rebuilding, engine building, connecting rods, engine block, boring, valve job, engine rebuilding, jim's automotive machine shop, 235 chevy, 1956 chevrolet, chevy, engine failure, engine teardown, fail
Id: 7reTNgYH3tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 14sec (2774 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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