I bought a house in Tuscany during the pandemic! (and now I’m finally here), Episode 1

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[Music] [Music] okay i've arrived this is my little square this is vivizano we just got a little coffee from here and it's a blue sky day and i'm in heaven i'm literally in heaven right now okay this is my house here i'm being really quiet this is um i think it's because it's like cs to time here well but so you can have a little i mean how cute is my street so here it is here's the whole of the house i'm just gonna snap that one sorry this one i'm about to go up on my big balcony and that is the house on this side and there's a car and [Music] here is the side of the house and again i'm about to go up in my balcony because the sun has just come out okay hi i made it to italy i've just done my first load of laundry so i'm gonna be very italian right now and like my neighbor over there i'm gonna hang my laundry as bizarre as this sounds i'm actually really excited about it um there were a couple issues with my electricity so when i arrived it was um like the electricity was any time i plugged in an appliance it um anytime i plugged in an appliance it shorted everything out and that's because the past owners didn't pay their bill for the past four months or more than that like the past four bills i think i'm gonna have to buy some more of these but i'm gonna hang whoop yep definitely gonna have to buy i mean okay so the hanging may not work no okay so this is so today okay so these are all broken good one so today oh today i'm gonna go into the town and get some more clothes pins but in the meantime i think i should be able to hang at least a shirt on there it's not windy here and i'll hang another shirt so at least i've hung some laundry but see what you find out these are broken whoa and there we go these are broken and i need to go to the shop so the shops are basically closed until three o'clock everybody you know goes home and has lunch amazing and takes a little pause um there we go um but you can see so that's going to be my big thing is is going to buy clothespins today i'm buying clothespins today and i'm getting a sim card for my phone so i'm going to have an italian phone number i need it in order to set up my internet banking but yeah i just wanted to say hi and i can't wait for you guys to come visit here and maybe hang your own clothes and i promise you if you do airbnb this place you will have all new clothes pins there i gotta go get a dust bin um dust sorry dust pan and broom to go um swipe this up but lots to do as you can see but that's what makes it fun and it's a project and i love it love it love it anyway here's to going to get some clothes pins bye [Music] okay so here's my kitchen i have this on a on a tripod i have the other like thing that the gimbal that i'll take around as well but i just thought so i've just opened up my window for the first time so i'll show you what it looks like on the outside and then but i've opened it up so it just lets in so much light which is amazing so a couple of things just to tell you as you know the electricity is now working so i haven't been able to run a dishwasher since which is fine don't mind that but like i bought new plates um steven will insert the new plates and glasses and everything that i bought so a couple of things that i've sort of just figured out is well a the electricity is now working because all the past bills have been paid hallelujah but i did have to go to the post office and pay my bill which was due february 25th um and so that's all good um a few but that wasn't the reason why my electricity wasn't working even though mine was late it was um theirs was like way late for like a whole year of electricity bills not being paid anyway enough about that so so i'm going to load up my dishwasher for the first time which sounds crazy but i'm super excited about it today as you know i'm going to go get clothes pins it's like an exciting day i'm gonna go get a sim card for my phone so then i can i have a bank account here so my internet banking can start and there was something oh yeah super exciting here are my glass jars from my funguini uh sorry uh porcini fungi porcini mushrooms um apparently uh porcini mushrooms are like huge here like massive and these are um beans and so i need i figured out that there's a place in fifizano that i just dropped them into so that's like a trip i gotta go drop them in then i'm gonna go to um to get uh i need dishwasher i have one dishwashing tablet so i need now that my dishwasher is working i need to get that it's a busy day it's a busy day anyway the other thing that i wanted to tell you about is this so we're going to show you so malcolm my amazing interior designer um incredible is helping me virtually uh with this place so i took like and we'll show you some of these photos as well in every room i took like a gazillion photos malcolm was like take all as many photos as you can send them to me and he did the design and then told me what areas in red that i need to measure so that's i'm going to start loading up the dishwasher right now um 15 or 20 more minutes until it's three o'clock when things start to open up and then i'm gonna go make my trips i mean the simple life i'll take it i love it okay anyway so welcome to my kitchen and hopefully uh if you visit here you'll be uh experiencing this kitchen when it gets redone remember this is all being renovated the most amazing antiques place i mean there's too much to show you on this video but it is crazy crazy i mean this is just like literally a speck of what you're seeing right now it's all outdoors everything i've already found some chairs for the terrace there's a net say hi all right i've just bought a whole bunch of things for an unbelievable price i just i bought these chairs 10 euros each all oh this mirror i got is from murano i'm in the happiest i mean i just bought my just basically bought furniture from my house okay as promised i'm going to give you a little bit of a tour so this is the side of my house that's the window leading into the kitchen that up there is the bathroom window and so i just wanted to give you guys a little um tour of the house so you can see it here and all the way up there is a bedroom window that's the kitchen window i've got my mask on that is the sitting room window that's another bedroom window my terrace there's my front door and i come around here my neighbor is yep doing laundry and then there's the side of my house and here comes the postman so there's another door leading to the side of my house and that's to the hallway so let's enter shall we super fun okay front door original front door so i've been here for just a little bit not very long so got to let's see switch on the lights okay yep um we're gonna come into the first room here all right so sitting room here this is not my furniture i'm gonna get rid of it however i did find these side tables at the market so at the flea market so these little side tables they're one of my purchases you can see the original stone we will be obviously keeping some of that but not necessarily some of the designs there's the other side table so i love it these are the chairs annette was brilliant she was like i wanted these i don't know where i can use them so you need to get them these are my chairs 10 euros each got six of them they're gonna go up in the terrace behind here is the mirror so i did take a picture of this before they wrapped it up the murano glass mirror and then these are the amazing sort of antique lights yeah so antique how cute wall lights right so amazing a set a pair of these and then this i just loved and they were like unregal gallo i'm like a gift i'll take it we like our tea so i am a little bit of an anglophile and um or a lot so that is the fantastic tea tray so this is the sitting room and then moving into the kitchen where we came from the outside there's that huge window and again lots to do i'm not going to keep that table nor that desk but it's a huge kitchen which is great just bought all my cleaning supplies today so there you can see cleaning supplies i did get a coffee maker of course they have good coffee here and i can just literally walk 30 seconds and get some good coffee as well all of this is gonna be changed the floor the kitchen everything but not these original steps they are definitely going to stay then we're going to move up here so we're going to this door is no longer going to be a door because i don't really think we necessarily need two doors um so this is going to be a we're going to make it into a window so that's going to be a window moving up the stairs and coming into again all the flooring is going to be changed that's a quick quick peek into my bedroom i'm not going to give you too much one second because it's private but that's my bedroom it is actually really really big i'm gonna show you how to open up these windows in a second turn off the lights and we head down the hallway so there's the hallway here is the second bedroom again everything's gonna be changed oh yeah the light bulb went out like welcome to italy so the light bulb went out so use your imagination but we'll get you a great picture of this original old door how fantastic is that and yes i'm going to open up the windows i'm going to show you how because i had to learn like how do we open up these windows take it through here this is an enormous bathroom whoop so okay sorry i still don't even know how to use the lights nice one so a really really big bathroom yeah doing some laundry there enormous gonna change all that so that's gonna be we're gonna put a bath in here and then we're gonna break through this wall and you'll see why we're gonna break through that wall to go into the other bathroom and so that big bathroom there is gonna have a bath i have to have a bath and it's also gonna have a shower so that's where the shower is gonna be we're gonna break through and then this will be storage here we'll put up a wall here so the bathroom will be big with a shower and a proper bath of course lou this is going to be where the storage area so i could put linens mops all that stuff because i need some storage then heading down here back across let's open up a window okay super fun it's like well i saved this for you guys okay open it up now open it up okay so watch so these they don't open these do not open here they don't open so you got to go you got to open that up and then this little thing here on the side yeah there hook it in and then i can see my neighbor's amazing laundry hanging there it's like everything i'm all about the laundry i'm all about hanging laundry let's do the other one yep okay a little bit tricky uh-huh because i'm trying to do it with one hand everybody so it's true okay okay maybe we'll get do that for later here there we go i got it it's really hard with one hand okay fantastic heading up now so i'm not sure what we're going to do with this whoops uh malcolm is going to let me know heading up to the greatest just the best oh and it is my view and my big terrace okay so here's my terrace it's big it's hot today hot hot hot there's that other chair yeah so there we're gonna have a table and chairs up here and it's super big there's the church oh my gosh i can't wait and then these are my clothes pins look at this this has made my day these clothespins it's made my week it's made everything but look at my view from all kind of four sides if you like i couldn't be happier and the bells ringing make me even happier so i love it here i hope you guys will all come and stay because i will be airbnb and you can walk everywhere you can walk to the piazza you can walk you walk everywhere well i mean within the town um anyway this is my new house and super i'm just unbelievably excited all right annette and i are at this castle because they are selling their furnishings their paintings their rugs all of that this castle dates back to is 1200. so i mean incredible look at the views here look at the views so let's see if i can find some stuff for my little house it sure is i know yours your photos are going to look amazing [Music] is [Music] so [Music] it's unbelievable we were just down there and you can see the river running through okay so i'm with annette joseph everybody you already know all about here because um i already checked fire but your new best girl my new bff somebody was looking down on me for sure annette joseph is an expert on entertaining cooking and styling she regularly appears on the today show and martha stewart serious radio her recipes and party ideas have literally been featured everywhere she's also the author of three best-selling books italy is my boyfriend cocktail italiano and picture perfect parties plus she's currently writing her fourth book a cookbook and i can't wait for you guys to find out what that cookbook is all about [Music] okay so annette quickly explain because i didn't get that on film what you've just done well this is like 100 grams of flour i you i like to use a um zero zero so double zero which is just a finer you know higher protein flour we get it all over here in italy because we have a mill down the road that's amazing amazing which i will take you to i cannot wait oh it's so amazing so what i was telling julie is to every like 100 grams i add an egg so this has four eggs in it and this is a nice portion for four so it's four you've done 400 grams and four eggs and then i'm going to whiz around everybody this is annette's amazing kitchen and i mean um look at those look at this cover look at those copper pans and you can see it's starting to get like a really nice texture oh yeah we wanted to get more elastic so we're just going to keep kneading and keep kneading she's been kneading since we started this i'm almost at a two-minute mark here so that's for about five minutes okay five minutes yeah okay fine you'll know when you get like it's all soft and it's all incorporated yeah and um and what kind of pasta are you making this is going to be tag the italian actually you're going to make it i'm okay that's going to be i'm going to have you roll it out and cut it no no this is a great way to learn how to make pasta it's like you do it yourself okay sorry we need it for you okay that's super kind of you know rest ah for like 30 minutes okay we're gonna eat more virgin olive oil i mean yeah i'm gonna go show you guys this this is amazing okay i'm gonna leave a net to the kneading and then let's just hope i don't ruin the pasta okay okay but can we just take a look at her kitchen by the way i'm obsessed like with away in that she just like this is her fruit vegetable but like look how beautiful that is like everything like look at this beautiful look at this beautiful i know she'd do it for okay look at beautiful everything everybody get a good look beautiful by the way you can get her cookbook which is gonna look she just whips this up whips it up and that's amazing look at these refrigerators okay we'll be back later okay you wrapped this up correct and let it to rest i did for how long 30 minutes so 30 minutes rest but it can wrestle i've got wire i'm going to ask the ques while it breaks down all the gluten okay it lets everything sort of emulsify rest settle down you know when your kids are crazy like they're all riled up because they've been running around well that's what this has been doing so yeah we just settle it down right and you can feel it feel it now you know it's it's a little soft yeah right yeah yeah yeah so what you're going to be doing is you're going to take this flower on this clean surface and you're just going to pour some out okay okay yeah you can stick your finger in there and you can use the spoon okay so i'm going to do this is that enough or more more more very delicate i know i'm scared you are okay okay we've got barbara filming this thank you okay can they go ahead and i'll do a little flower on top yeah all right [Music] now and then this is a real proper rolling pin pasta because you want it to be um it's going to be a very wide sheet and then i like to take it and you know just give it a little beating okay you know it's very satisfying i don't know that it does anything but you know do a little beating just to make it thinner okay we're gonna take you through the whole process i can't believe okay it's gonna be very exciting and you're just always gonna make your own pasta from now on you will it's really fun i'm barbara you have you make balsamic vinegar yeah no my mom does so i'll start it for you okay so you're just gonna go like this yeah you're just gonna roll it and you know what i find this a very very satisfying relaxing and i know you like to work out so it's like meditative it is meditative and it's mindfulness it's also um it's very satisfying but at the end you want sort of a sheet about probably about this big from that little piece correct so you know it's going to be a good size little sheet right here and we're going to hold it up and we're going to see your shadow behind your hands yeah oh yeah okay okay so steven is going to edit this i think i will while i do it no warrior one i should say do warrior one while i do it not on purpose okay can i flip it yes okay it's your dough you can do whatever you want the only thing you have to do is make it look like a sheet of paper okay so are you gonna go have like a drink right now i'm gonna go get my gin and tonic okay this is okay oh my gosh okay yeah it's like it's like yoga meets meets mindfulness rolling annette joseph amazing about akana italiana cuoco yeah american italian cook was that the apartment yeah that was good okay that was good it's all happening here in italy oh my goodness do you see how big i have to get this i know but are your arms hurting you know you can stop don't worry it's okay and actually you know i think it's gonna be really cool okay can you say that in italian for everybody who's gonna watch this okay oh [Music] right rather than you really want to put pressure on it look at that this is like but it's still pretty it's still too fast i could not what do you want to show it in front of the light so we can see through it here look at her face you can't see her shadow yet stand in front of the light okay so we can't see her shadow yet really that's true yeah okay so do you see what annette has done with minimal help from me okay so this is the fun part okay the part i live for okay so what you want to do essentially is you're going to want to fold this up so what i do is i just kind of even it out yeah and again you know you don't have to be delicate with this at all and you start folding it like this i you know it's kind of like i mean what would this one would you compare this to i don't even know but so you fold it up like this yeah i don't even know napkins maybe okay okay and then we're gonna take this away so you can see okay and then you're gonna start cutting it no way yeah you're gonna do this too but i'm gonna show you how to do this so that you have a very good understanding okay so you go you kind of rock the knife yeah right to get it off okay okay so then when these come off you kind of do this right uh so you don't have to separate them all the way so you just make up like a little thing right and then you put that aside and then you start again so you do a section until about here right and then you're going to do something okay okay and you can eyeball it it's about maybe half of an inch okay like that that's great you know and there you go beautiful you don't even have to push it you just keep going okay okay you just keep going down the line oh beautiful see this you're doing very very well so this might be more your speed i think i mean this might be more my thing okay okay oh i like this yeah i knew you would is this very satisfying yeah this is okay so now stop what you're doing okay and then pick it up with your hands delicately toss them together so you loosen them so they become noodles basically all right so you just you wanna they're beautiful okay yeah just want to separate them and then put them in a little pile put them in a pile and carry on put them in a separate pile yeah correct this is and i always like to line them up really pretty because i'm a food stylist i know and then you'll see a refrigerator you'll yeah i think i've seen this done before i'm like cooking shows but i've never done it before also annette has like really good knives okay what do we think enough yes i think you're good this is like so fun a little pile right good beautiful well done okay yes okay so you have to put at least a nice very generous handful of salt into your boiling water and it should be coarse salt yeah not fine sea salt yeah yeah but core salt you're right we call it kosher salt in america right so another thing about the salt is also saltier you know that's true and the the thing about the pile is it's usually they're kind of like a nest italian a nest of uh noodles it's usually sorry a portion beautiful ah so this is a portion i would eat like well you like about a cup you know americans eat like four cups yeah yeah so it's a whole different gestalt here because but you have to understand that italians are also eating this as a preview so they're selling it as a first course americans we're gonna eat this is for dinner right but americans usually eat it for a dinner but italians like when i went to get lunch yesterday artichoke pasta to start with then we had meat for the main and then we had salad and then we had for whatever reason she deserves i don't know what happened there it's crazy you do not actually need to heat sauce before you oh you actually put it on did everybody hear that you don't need to heat your sauce all the time before you stick it on your but pasta cooking water which is hot i love that it's actually you know heating it up and making it slightly runnier that oh my mix it together can i just explain to everybody as you're listening behind the camera last night i made my pasta and i heated my pasta sauce up like wait like to the point it was like bubbling like it was like you know it was at the boil all right annette is giving me the tour hooray like we've seen how many have we seen so far how many villagers yeah probably just four now don't get run over okay yeah i'm not going to what i was saying to you is that every villager is medieval so it is just like living in the game of thrones here yeah i love it and and that is has taught me how to take better photos because you're a stylist i am and a producer okay so here we are oh my goodness and i'm in walking distance of this is that right we can eventually go and eat there we're gonna get a tour of that castle we're gonna go get a tour of this castle this is in walking distance to figizano that's the one restaurant that i'm definitely gonna be visiting and eating at hopefully soon but look at oh my gosh i feel like i'm in like colorado apart from the architecture of course i'm just getting a little video here all right where are we what's it called yeah but is that the electricity oh still i think it's beautiful so this is our very first production of rose the very first vintage we're extremely extremely excited about this it smells amazing i hope so i've already been to the vineyard amazing so you've done you do white and bread we do white red and i asked our vintner to produce a rose and the color is gorgeous yeah it's like a coral color which is your favorite okay here we go [Music] what does it taste like to you it is smooth it tastes like a little cherry in there see i tasted strawberries in it oh okay well we both okay so we both tasted the fruit fruit yeah but it's not sweet no no no that's the difference it's not too it's not sweet it's like that's what yeah it's kind of medium-ish i think as far as the you know it's not heavy it's not too light no it's kind of perfect it's it's it is perfect yeah i have to stop myself from drinking a bottle wait and to go with it and that has given me since we're drinking rose her rose she also has a book up on cocktails italian i swear you're better than my um editor is that the of course here's to many more many many more aperitivo i'm still learning a plural that's right aperitivo is masculine singular and a para tv is masculine very well we have this we've got well one of them is plum the other one this one yeah because they're yellow plums and there we have buckets and buckets and bucket loads so you'll be getting some to you will also be making a plum jam and then the other one is our grapes they're our melo grapes oh my gosh yeah okay this is you guys so much more to come um it's been a busy day for me and that let's just turn the camera around so i can show you how pretty and that looks tell us about your live oh so i had a great life i want you to watch it yeah because it's with a woman in milano her name is thea duncan yep and she is a foreigner so she's an we don't like to say ex-pat because that's not really what she is she lives here she's married to an italian she has a cute little baby she's gorgeous i mean she's outstandingly beautiful beautiful and she's like the most perfect skin i i wanted to go under skincare but we didn't we actually went into how to move to italy and that's what she helps people do right she has a master class and um she's brilliant okay we'll tag her in everybody i saw that she posted that she's doing these master classes on how to basically get citizenship here residency uh how to move here oh yeah she has a really great team yeah uh a lot of great experts and people that are very trustworthy so perfect yeah we all want to move to italy now don't we i did i just did okay and we'll be giving you guys a tour when the next time i'm back to italy in a month's time we're going to be giving you guys a tour of annette's entire um la porteza the fortress because what am i going to be doing here annette she's going to be teaching yoga that's right you know it we put our brains together that's right and western brain milwaukee chicago and we meet in 50s yeah we're midwestern girls right you know it's just and so we're going to do yoga here that's right i can't wait help you okay bye everybody [Music] all right i'm showing you guys my terrace and what i do every single morning is i go to my local coffee shop get my little um double espresso i do it i can say it's undopio espresso calto sopra they know now americano but i still like saying it and then i get to sit out here on my terrace and i get to yeah look at that there's the church spire and i get to drink my coffee and eat my croissant although it's uncornetto okay i'm still learning right i still have my lesson three times a week and then of course right there wooden clothespins found those most exciting day of my life was when i found those i've i can't i'm going to write a book on the metaphor of clothespins and what it means to me right now anyway there's my view and my coffee's behind me see if you can see that there we go nope the other way is my gimbal there it is there's my coffee my chair and me i'm about to go there and there's a there's my uncornetto um in the bag which would be nella borsap and i think that means purse so i think it's sakato okay i'll get back to you on that one but still work in progress okay i'm gonna leave you so my coffee doesn't get too cold but um hopefully uh yeah you can come and see this for yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: American Viscountess
Views: 917,619
Rating: 4.7964072 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 38sec (2198 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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