Back in our Villa in Tuscany after 6 months forced absence.

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[Music] okay hi and welcome back so today's the big day i'm heading to italy i'm in the car i've got some some bits and bobs with me and i'm about to hit the motorway uh they relaxed the the rules for eu travel so with a good reason i can go for five days without quarantine into italy i need to fill out a pre-registration form online and take a negative test and a justifiable reason why the justifiable reason obviously is the house and the fact that there's probably well most definitely water coming in through the roof i also have a meeting with the uh with the architect for the uh for the subsidy uh plan we're gonna have to sign some paperwork there to get that actually going on um so that shouldn't really be a problem uh i did my test this morning uh obviously negative otherwise i wouldn't be sat here now i would be in quarantine uh i've got my masters i've got a little bit of food and stuff so i won't have to to leave the village much um and now we have to drive well across the border we'll see how that goes and then and then across the various regions there are some restrictions to inter-regional travel so i might well get checked i'll let you know as and when but i've got all my paperwork with me so we should be fine um i do follow the rules quite well but then very specifically so if the rule says this then i would have made sure that i've got all the correct paperwork for that and there'll be no discussions um so it's about uh what time is it it's almost exactly 10 o'clock in the morning so we've got uh four and three quarter hour probably in front of us so sometime hopefully before three this afternoon we should ship up um and that'll be perfect the sun is shining we're gonna obviously have to open the windows put some heating on get the water back on get the water heater on so but for now let's uh let's hit the road and see how well we do getting across the border so we're not quite over the border yet you can still see there's a bit of snow up on top of mountains um but what's very surprising is just how empty the motorway still is uh there is really nobody here we're still in austria we've got about 13 kilometers to the to the border there are a couple of villages in between but you would have expected a little bit more traffic there's a couple of lorries but that's really about it so we'll see what it's like in italy if the roads are as empty as this then it'll be a very nice relaxing and quick drive down um thank you foreign is okay well we're in italy um went through the borders only austrian checks um they checked my test my negative corona test uh and asked where i was going and how long for that that was it they just really wanted to see the test and the italians haven't checked me at all yet coming in so quite often there is in fact the first uh italian control is done at the uh at the place where you have to pay for the motorway so i'll film as we go through there but so far so good i've made it far this is a complete standstill traffic jam i don't know how long we're going to sit here the uh the nav says a quarter of an hour but nothing's moved since uh since i got into traffic i haven't moved meter engines off people getting out of their cars and having a cigarette um how very boring i hope this isn't all the way down and they've decided to fix all the roads because of because there's less traffic but this is very very dull okay so we're uh we're definitely getting closer about 50 something kilometers away now from the house so about 45-ish kilometers from the exit to pontrimony of the uh off the motorway and up the uh little windy road up to the hill it's about 20 degrees so it's a lot warmer than it was in uh in innsbruck it's been fine the weather's been really good we've had a few quite a few little traffic jams so it's taking longer than normally would but that's mainly because they seem to be repairing every road from here to to inspire for some reason i guess it was a hard winter um i'm getting more and more well not nervous but i'm very interested to see you know it's been a good six months of forced absence oops the roads aren't great here so it keeps shaking the phone around so after six months of forced absence it'll be interesting to uh to see if things have gone mouldy if we have creepy crawlies or mice or anything in the house i don't think we left anything worth eating in the house so that should be okay the village is uh well equipped with cats so i haven't seen any mice hanging around um but i'll i'll be very interested to see so the last uh three quarters of an hour and then we'll catch up once we're there [Music] [Music] okay here we are i'm sorry it's a little rattly but as you can see the road is not been redone since we were last here i hope you can hear me my keys ring around and everything and everything in the car rattling around but in just a couple of meters you'll be able to see the house for the first time in six months but you forget how tight this is just up here i'm gonna have to fold it both wing mirrors to get through uh but there it is and it's still there so what i'm going to do in and is through this extremely tight gap without bashing either of them hopefully and now i'm going to pull up i'm going to get my bag and what out and put him on the stairs i'm gonna park the car up by the church and then i'll come down tomorrow we're going together [Music] so here we are i've unloaded my stuff some beer obviously some toilet paper some clothes laptop and a couple of noodles nothing's moved obviously uh that gutter's still there that piece of metal we put up it isn't okay oh it's just starting to rain so i'm gonna have to go and get the stuff up at least the clothes the beer will be fine okay well it looks just like a quick shower it's beautiful over there there is one cloud up here without further ado i've just thrown everything up there let's open the door i'll be right back there we go so that worked okay so obviously with heavy rain some waters still come in underneath the side of the door that we didn't fix up properly inside of the door we did seems to be okay and it's still leaking in there no surprises there but that's probably going to have gone into the little bedroom let's see how we're doing in here everything's still here oh i don't remember leaving that window open but i obviously did i don't think that's a terrible thing although a lot of dust and stuff on the old washing machine let's see how the terrace is holding up little bulky lights are still here that plant has died i don't know if that's a weed or if that's what we planted in there but all of the rosemary's quite happy though um and the view is still as spectacular as ever oh there's some tiles that have gone we really need to get the roof done so i'll update you on that once i've spoken to the architect but it looks okay there's the jacuzzi um yeah these have held up quite nicely and they're still quite a nice color so that's not bad none of them have blown away let's go up the stairs now we'll turn on the water in the lights in a minute okay to be honest with you it doesn't smell that bad it really doesn't [Music] well there's some damp there and there's a little bit of damp there and there's a little bit of mold there but this is all dry to the touch so the last time i came there was water in one of these chains obviously that's plastic but this time it doesn't look like there is so that's not too bad i don't think i've turned this knife and turn this circuit on so we've got no lights here let me see this is light here because this is obviously a different circuit well really doesn't smell bad and there's no mold there anymore ah this water that's come in there yeah well it did rain very very heavily and there are lots of lots of roof problems here that's this looks fine shower's still here still looks fabulous uh i haven't turned the water on yet it's not massively cold let's see what it is in here we've got 12 degrees so 12 degrees i'll do i'm going to open all of the windows now um and then we'll go through the plan of action the first plane of action i think is going to be going to get stuff in from the terrace get the water on get the lights on get the windows open and then probably have a beer water's on i can hear running into the loo up there let's go and see if we're filling up certainly sounds like it so go upstairs open the taps let the air out of the lines and open the windows okay well to be honest i'm quite pleasantly surprised because um nothing seems to have been really rotten there's that little bit of mold on the sofa but i'm not really worried about that but it has rained a lot over the winter there are some infiltrations we will definitely have to do some serious work on the roof um but all in all i'm just happy to be here getting the size of cheshire on my face so um i'm gonna basically tidy up get myself a beer after that drive um and then we'll come in tomorrow morning with the plan for the next couple of days what really needs to be done urgently what needs to be done and realistically can be done and what we'll have to wait for next time oops looks like i made a bit of a mess of that the water drain plug at the very bottom it's still plugged onstage only running out here see these clever clever locks they have here something like an old shoelace let's go and turn that off let's stop wasting water okay that's off that's it uh while we're down here nothing looks particularly wrong the last couple of juggles will come out of there doesn't look like much has shifted here either there were some cracks but compared to an old picture maybe at some point but there we go so that was the foolish but all fixed now i see something over there calling me okay so well i've got the heating running i've been just wandering around pottering it out a bit looking at things enjoying the view and i've had my beer now so i'm feeling much much better and i haven't really come across anything terrible so far um turn the fridge on it's now 17 degrees inside so that's um that was pretty quick and easy um tomorrow we'll have a clamber up here and see um see what's going on up there how much water came in there we'll have a general bigger poke around and then we'll move on to some of the projects for the next couple of days um but first what i'm going to do is i'm going to wonder up and see what the golf looks like the convertible golf that we left here at the end of last summer uh it's been stood in the field we'll see how that does there she is hasn't moved tyres are probably a little flatter than they were but let's see oh dear oh dear sorry looking sight that's a lot of mold on the steering wheel and on the uh gear lever and a bit on the seat in fact yeah see if i can open the door which i can you can see but where it's pretty much only molded where bits of person have probably sweated and so on so seatbelt this is obviously from someone's hand as is that i don't have to mention where the middle of the seat is but the passenger seat has much less um so obviously it's not super watertight i think the best thing to do i'm just going to see how the battery is um number plates form off no big deal there the battery is huge but i did disconnect it cleverly i certainly wasn't expecting it to have to sit around for that much time oh there was a little spark there petrol oh look at that that's volkswagen for you started perfectly even though it's been stood here for six months so um i need to get rid of the mold quite dramatically which i'll get some spray for back at the house first thing i'm going to do because it's not going to rain today or tomorrow is just let the roof down and let it air for a bit still result that it starts well if you stand a little bit further back it doesn't look too bad as you well most of you will probably know i do have a soft spot for old volkswagens um and this one is no exception so leave it to air for a little while and then uh maybe tomorrow in the evening of half an hour once i'm fed up with doing things in the house give it a clean right i think i might just go for a little wonder now it is pretty up here but that's probably going to be it for today um we've had the trip i've got my mask a picture obligatory outdoors but there's no one literally no one about so it should be okay um thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed i know most of you are more interested in italy than in cars but uh this is the first time i've been able to come back and i'm back and i should be coming back regularly now as uh as long as it stays this painless um i'll be back tomorrow with more things and we'll start doing some stuff and checking some stuff out and hopefully i'll be meeting with the architect soon and i can update you on the super eco bonus so thank you very much for watching uh if you enjoyed it do subscribe because there's lots more coming uh but bye bye for now stay safe see you soon
Channel: Not Useless Yet
Views: 61,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: uGmD9PgSWg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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