Grand Reveal! Debbie Travis' Luxury Tuscan Villa Is Complete | Building La Dolce Vita

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[Music] i think happiness is being in the right place at the right time and being where you should be at that time in any business you kind of crave something fresh to reignite your passion again one day she comes up with this idea and saying wouldn't it be great if i take a group of women somewhere nice and motivate them i love tuscany so i thought well what if i invite women from around the world and they come and they share my villa with me but i didn't have a house it was like oops we have two weeks before 17 women arrive so it's kind of slightly nerve-wracking i'm in the makeup room at the marilyn denis show i've known marilyn for many many years i would love her to come here and experience what this place has to [Music] offer uh oh blocked by a tractor ciao luciano poi pasare uno every time my boys come and visit it's just so special i'm just a mom hi sweetie oh so you'll never look around it's completely different apart from this bit wow this place is changing every day you know every week every month [Music] when you're in it it's an infinity pool isn't it beautiful i would say when he got here well maxie was gobsmacked [Music] i am stunned when i come back to raniela i'm absolutely ecstatic i love coming back i love seeing the progress that has been made i love the scenery it's truly exhilarating during construction there was an old wooden pergola here not even a pergola there were a couple of wires that plant was laid down and i thought it wasn't going to survive it and here it is four years later i'm blown away how mother nature comes back in force absolutely beautiful tip and i planned a very large garage in which i could store my collection of vintage motorcycles so i ended up with a sort of 2000 square feet more or less fantastic i thought never had a garage my whole life so the plumber comes where is the space where i can put all of the plumbing infrastructure [Music] then debbie says where are we going to put all the linens and the towels and just supplies kind of a waste of space i could actually sleep on this this is my box of tools and that's the extent of what i was given as space that's it so my big garage is no more because the rest has been confiscated by my wife and the plumber this room okay it has to go up this week and p4 has to go up jeeva these things are industrial mirrors um they were old windows that we put mirror in but they weigh a ton i want you to put these on the problem is this is the room i've chosen for marilyn to test out and she's arriving in 24 hours so i want to get their filthy dirty boots out of my beautiful room oh elegante sexy okay what i'm thinking is if we move that if it's possible we move the desk over there and we put the mirror there because then you see it when you walk in [Music] i've put the wrong mirror in the room to start with and now we've got the right mirror but put it on the wrong wall so we're moving it over there and then we have to do that now 14 times [Music] so this is all ready for marilyn it's perfect and i've still got men i've got men running around here i've actually been going to antique markets in london outside paris and about an hour from here is a town called larezzo and that has once a month the largest antique market outside paris so i go very fast through the market because it's huge every single road is full of antiques i always need a pair of hands so i will drag my very tall strong son to carry stuff he doesn't know that of course i like the old diction is this a it's a vacuum the seaside did you have two uh yes i love deck chairs i've always loved the shape it reminds me of my mother you know always struggling to try and get up the deck chair they're making a huge comeback [Music] i think these would look great by the pool what colors would you get what if we did a blue a turquoise and a green does that not say seaside to you very seaside i'll tell you i say una de tre cuatro okay this is nice these are washboards yeah but they make great bed boards you know you serve like that they're great they're heavy they feel how heavy it is so there were these two guys from puglia and they come up they drive like nine hours to get to this place and all i ever buy off them is breadboards la costa doesn't want that 150 for the four 100. love that shake the hand then change the price little bugger look at that lovely chain when you put one piece in a room just one separate piece looks looks awesome one thing that i wanted to do right was the kitchen because i wanted a semi-professional kitchen meaning that we could have cooking classes there we needed two dishwashers we wanted a massive industrial stove we wanted good lighting we wanted a huge counter central island and i wanted to have an old sink and i managed to find because they're quite expensive a beautiful old stone sink well in about an hour we're just finishing these beds uh marilyn's coming marilyn is your typical working girl she works hard you know and she does a radio show she does a daily tv show goddess and she does that we've got these little signs we're going to be giving to all the ladies so from maryland i'm just going to i don't know write welcome on or something this is the largest suite we have it's on two floors so it's very very roomy this was an old cantina where they used to make the wine so we had this great big open space and because we had the volume we could turn this into this big place that's why we put these great big like new york loft type metal windows in the colors the the textures everything is about being relaxed being serene you're on an adventure and you just want to be here i mean i just love everything everything's worked out really really well i just wanted to come in and go wow i love it here it comes i hope she didn't miss it [Music] when friends come you see what they're seeing all right are we going home we're going home oh my god a stiff drink the little things that you're freaking out over don't really matter are you kidding me this is like this is the most amazing view [Music] this is the main villain as it grew on they they built on and built on over the centuries and everything is made the stone comes from the land around here we haven't bought one stone the workmanship the beautiful buildings the way that the trees you know were just swaying back and forth and just coming around that corner and seeing that view it's so peaceful [Music] she had told me about building this wonderful retreat for i don't know how many years and as you could see it in her eyes that things had really changed and it was all coming together you know i know i'm in italy because of the arches who's the guy he's my boyfriend very good looking guy little old but you know [Music] my goodness how much work they have done on this place and how beautiful it is [Music] it was brilliant to be able to see things through her eyes the design style of the place is that the practical things in the rooms i've done very modern the lighting the floors the beds are clean raw iron beds i want every single woman to open that door for the first time he went wrong you know i'm glad i'm here sounds the smells you know everything looking fantastic and feeling fantastic you have the best linens in the world you have these little splashes of color that make you feel happy cool stone under your foot you've got amazing bathrooms [Music] but then i wanted to add some real rustic stuff like old farmers benches big containers where they would put the grapes [Music] this is actually the old door this was the front door of the house this was an old barn but we really had to take it down and start from scratch this is where the women are going to come they have a fire going they can read they can hang out talk so this is your own oh my gosh it's beautiful so this is some of our lavender essence so when you go to bed a little bit on here sleep like a baby okay i have arrived isn't it gorgeous beautiful non-horrario means i don't have a schedule so the ladies who come here don't have a schedule of course i have a schedule but they don't they come here they do nothing they relax have a great time they don't have to worry about anything whether this place will change her or not whether it have any impact whatsoever i don't know i'm relaxed here you know you're not dolled up you're here and it calms you down and and it puts things in focus and what i'm trying to inspire to these women who come to us is you can do that dream that you have [Music] foreign when you are finishing a project here it's customary to throw party as a celebration they're putting up more tables we'll have 11 tables times eight we expect 85 people maybe a bit more bit less so we all have room after three and a half years the sign is going down how do you say finished [Laughter] when i first sat down with volkow and we talked about you know the entire project he originally said uh it would take two and a half years which for me that seemed like a lifetime but it actually took three and a half years and i don't think actually we wasted any time [Music] quincy chiani quindiciani quindiciani 15 years ago quindiciani fought so i'm going to try and do a speech in italian um and practice it i really do want to thank them i mean it's so important these are the best workers i've ever ever worked with what i've learned over those years is really an incredible respect for the traditional ways of building there's no drywall here everything is is stone and plaster obviously it's lost in north america we have different trades but we've lost those traits and here i hope they'll they'll stay [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] we worked really well together it's not always been easy and i'm sure sometimes he just wanted to knock me over at cliff but he never did we've had two brothers claudia and luca who have worked on all the stone building walls that look like they've been there for generations we've experienced a death not on site but one of the key workers got ill and passed away at pensa [Music] uh every time i get into my bathtub i will think of my plumber and all the plumbing issues but ricardo i'll always think of with a smile una persona que eo may in grado diran crazier ring ring grazieri lo abbestanzo caro cara ricardo bravo it feels he could have been a brother in another life you know we've gone through thick and thin rain and snow and heat and everything together as we've watched this building come from the ashes if you will [Applause] [Music] these guys know their business there's something to be proud of this place will stay for 300 years 400 years like it is now so it's something that gives progress to everybody i could carry on forever just building and tinkering and doing stuff but i can't afford to do that it's like our wedding cake oh it's [Music] better [Music] [Laughter] i know you all know each other from running past each other in hecticness this morning we're in a countdown now so we all the rooms to perfect we've got to put all the gifts in really get into a kind of a nice dance i think between us all but just so you all know lucy's role is as a life coach she's going to be talking to all the women which we're going to schedule and jackie's my i would say my my sidekick i've got a fantastic team you know jackie knows me better than anybody else she calms you down she makes you comfortable and she's like that with the women as well i found myself a fantastic chef francesco good looking and highly recommended right now we're scrambling to get things in place but once the ladies arrive my role is to be the chauffeur and to make sure we don't run out of wine jackie's husband steve is the other chauffeur debbie's the boss uh and then i think number number two realistically is my wife who's debbie's co-host if you like in this sort of thing with the ladies they're from all walks of life they are from different parts of the world they are different ages so what i want us to do is look at their registration forms and see if it can work i originally started this project because i believe in this place i believe in what it's done for me i believe in it i guess in the same way as i believed 15 years ago that everybody wanted to stencil their walls [Music] there's 17 women arriving for their next chapters but i'm beginning mine [Music] [Music] [Music] as i was approaching the property i felt like i was in a dream this has been a long time coming and to think that the moment has arrived it's um surpassed my expectations every time we went around a curve i kept thinking is is that it is that the villa just even seeing the room it's like when i see the bed it's like oh i can't wait to have a good sleep tonight [Music] you can't describe the beauty in a picture you have to be here this week it is all about me to do this without having to feel too guilty about doing it for yourself is amazing the dolce vita means the sweet life when we hear the word devita everywhere it's only when i'm here that i understand what they mean you
Channel: Abode
Views: 288,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abode, DIY projects showcase, beautiful home reveal, countryside retreat showcase, creative luxury villa, debbie travis tuscany retreat, elite home makeover reveal, full documentary, grand home reveal, high-class villa tour, home improvement, interior design, italian-inspired villa tour, luxurious living space tour, luxury construction, luxury home, luxury house construction, modern luxury villa tour, motivational villa tour, renovation reveal, women's happiness getaway
Id: aZAqYlVjHPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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