I Spent 24 Hours in a $10 Million Mansion & Lived like a Billionaire (Hide and Seek Challenge)

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(dramatic music) - So in my last video, I dented the roof of my brand new truck. (water splashes) And I broke my GoPro. (splashes in water) I just wish I could just not have to worry about money. And I wish money just grew on trees. Which got me thinkin'. It would be absolutely awesome to spend a day living like a billionaire. Just go absolutely mental without worrying about money. Rent a huge mansion. Play hide and seek in there. Just do what you want in this massive house and just go crazy just doing things that you dreamed that you could have done when you were a kid. But do them as an adult, that's even better. (laughs) So what I've done is I've rented this huge mansion. Now this thing is worth over 10 million pounds. This thing is huge! Loads of bedrooms, multiple swimming pools, tennis courts, everything. You name it, it's got it. So we're gonna go there now. This place has got everything that you want in there already. It's got all the food you want, all this posh food and stuff. Drinks... (laughs) I can't explain how much stuff this place has got. So what we're gonna do is go there and just live the day like a king. We're just gonna do what we want in this huge mansion. I do stupid stuff like this once, sometimes twice a week, so make sure you subscribe if you've not already by pushing the button below. And if you already subscribe, why not push that little bell icon right next to the subscribe button and you'll be notified every time I upload. It's as easy as that. Also, I've just hit 200,000 subscribes on Instagram. I'm gonna do a follow spree. Make sure you follow the link in the description below. I'm gonna use the names @killemftw go, go, go! So we're gonna go to this mansion. I'm gonna take you with me, obviously, and we're all gonna have an awesome time there. This is gonna be so much fun. (laughs) So no messing around now. I mean, I just wanna get done, I just wanna get there. It's like a massive drive. So let's just go. Come one, let's go! (laughs) Apparently we're nearly here. The sign off says it's just down this road. And look how narrow this is. This is insane. (Moon laughs) The truck only just fits down. We're nearly there Moon, five hours of driving. - [Moon] I don't know how it's gonna be? I can't see anything. - We're actually in the middle of nowhere right now. There's just fields everywhere. I hope we've gone the right way. - [Moon] Can't turn around here. (door closes) - Think it's here. Is this it, Moon? (footsteps) You think that's it? - [Moon] Look, I don't know, I don't recognise it. Must be it. - Let's go and have a look. (footsteps) (lively music) This is massive. This is insane. This has gotta be the house. Come over and look, look, look, look, look. Swimming pool, swimming pool over there, behind that tree. Look, it's got it's own pond. Tennis courts, this is crazy. (laughs) (key squeaking in lock) (door clicks open) (big breath) Come on, come on, come on, come on. - [Moon] Oh, my God. (laughs) - Whoa! (both laugh) This is all ours for 24 hours, Moon. (both laugh) Hello? - [Moon] It got an echo. - Hello? (laughs) Whoa! This is bigger than the downstairs of our actual house. Look, there's an open fireplace there. This is where the kitchen, he's got a coffee machine. What's that? (Moon laughs) (laughs) - What's this? - [Moon] What is it? - It's like a professional kitchen here. I'm already impressed with the other kitchen and we got two kitchens. - [Moon] We got two kitchens. Who's gonna cook then? - I don't know what I'm doing. (footsteps) - [Moon] Is that your thinkin' chair? - It's my thinking chair. - [Moon] You're not gonna sit a lot on it. - I don't know what this is. What's that? It's like an office. Massive TV there. We got scad plus. Oops. I just turned it on. - [Moon] (laughs) There's another level there. - It's like a downstairs, but then there's an upstairs, as well. (laughs) There's three floors, let's just go upstairs first. I'm tired, there's just so much walking around this house. There's just bedroom after bedroom. There's a bedroom here, a bedroom there, bedroom there, two or three bedrooms there. There's more bedrooms that way. 10 bedrooms up something. This is insane. (laughs) (bedding rustles) (laughs) This is huge! To think this is the smallest bedroom. Look, it's got it's own bathroom down here. Just for it's room. I don't even know where I'm going. Hello? Okay, so now let's go downstairs. Well, no. Downstairs to the downstairs. Let's go down two stairs. Let's go two stories down? Does that make sense? Let's go down and then down. But how did I get here? How did you get there? - [Moon] There's stairs. - Which ones? Moon? Whoa! Oh, Moon! (laughs) Moon! - [Moon] Oh, my god. Thomas there's a jacuzzi there. - Moon! Private bar! - [Moon] Oh, yeah! - What you want? - [Moon] Glass of water, please. (cushions crunch) I can't believe, this is insane. We've not even seen all the house yet. Where does this door go? - [Moon] Pool! - Pool table! I don't know what these switches do. - [Moon] Don't press all the switches. Oh, my god. (screen rattles down) It's a cinema, Thomas. - It's a cinema room. Moon, we've got our own cinema room. What's this way? There's another door we haven't been through yet. - [Moon] Where are you Thomas? - Moon, I'm in here. - [Moon] What's that? - Look at this! Look. (door clacks open) Steam room. - [Moon] I've never been in a steam room. What you doin' in there? - Sittin' in the steam. Look, one final door that we've not looked through. (laughs) Come here! - [Moon] Whoa! - Swimming pool inside! - [Moon] Oh, my god. - Bingo, a swimming pool, Moon! I can't believe it. I can't believe this. We're gonna have so much fun! - [Moon] I wanna go in. - Mmm, what is it? - [Moon] There you go. It's your broccoli blue Stilton soup with mascarpone and a slice of large malted farmhouse bread. - Mmm. - [Moon] Nice? - Mmm. - [Moon] Got loads of Blue Cheese in it. - Mm-hmm. - [Moon] Thomas? Can you pass me salt, please? - What? - [Moon] Can you pass me the salt, please? - It's really nice, thank you. - [Moon] No, the salt. - I know it's a long table. (spoon clanks bowl) You want salt? - [Moon] Yes, please. (upbeat rap music) ♪ No you don't, woah ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ - [Moon] Who are you playing against? - It's just to look good on camera. I can't actually play tennis. - [Moon] Are you gonna put someone in with Photoshop or something? - I'll just edit it. Don't worry, it'll look good, it'll look good. - [Moon] Oh, okay, keep doing it. - Oh, yeah! (laughs) Jacuzzi baby! This is so awesome. I'm not leavin'. I'm not leavin'. - [Moon] Thomas? - No. - [Moon] Thomas come out. - No, I'm staying here. I'm staying here. - [Moon] Thomas. - No. - [Moon] Come on out. - No! - [Moon] Come out! - No! - [Moon] That is ridiculous. Come out! - I don't wanna. - [Moon] Thomas! (Thomas laughs) Thomas! - No! Woo-hoo! (water splashes) (upbeat music) (water splashes) (water splashes) It's a good pool, but my, there's just something missin'. Ah, chlorine. (upbeat music) (toys splashing in water) - A lot better. (laughs) (water splashing) (toys smacking) (Moon screaming) (water splashing) (upbeat music) (Thomas laughs) So cool! (water splashes) (steam room motor running) Oh! I'm so hot. Who enjoys that? That's insane. - [Moon] Man, man make fire. (Thomas grunts) Fire. (Thomas grunts) Look fire. Fire hot. - Man make hot. (coughs) Moon? Where are ya? I can't find Moon. This place is so big. Moon? Are you in one of the bedrooms? - [Moon] Thomas! - What? - [Moon] Thomas! - Where are ya? I'm in bedroom seven, where are you? - [Moon] Going down there. - I can't find the stairs. Downstairs, oh I found the stairs, right-o. (breathing heavy) (footsteps) Keep talkin' I can hear your voice. - [Moon] Hello. Hello. - Oh, Moon! (laughs) I need this a minute. (groans) And this one too. (laughs) (door clacks open) (groans) Yeah. This is gonna be fun. This is gonna be so fun. (laughs) (bedding rustles) (Thomas screams) (Thomas thunks on ground) (Moon laughs) I'm trying again without these. I feel I can get some more speed. (air mattress squeaking and thumping) (Thomas clunks on floor) (Thomas groans) Little, baby sheep over there. (laughs) Alright, so we're gonna play hide and seek. Moon, she's gonna hide first, I'm gonna seek. You've got five minutes, Moon. The whole house itself, go find a good place. Go, go, go! (laughs) Moon's the worst at hide and seek. I know exactly where she's gonna go. (Moon hollers) - [Moon] So I was count everywhere - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Anywhere you want. (birds singing) (Thomas laughs) - [Moon] Since we've arrived, I know this is it. If we play hide and seek, I'm gonna go in there. (squeaks open) See, I'm goin' in. - Moon? Five minutes is over. Come out, come out, wherever you are. - [Thomas] Moon. - [Moon] He don't find me in here. (breathing heavy) There's nothing if you panic easily, though. - Shh, I can hear her. I can hear her talkin'. (laughs) - [Moon] It's quite narrow. Oh, my gosh. (trunk rattles open) How did you find me that quick? - You wouldn't shut up. I could hear you from other side of the house. (Moon laughs) - [Moon] I'm glad though. - Come on, my turn to hide. - [Moon] I really, I can't find him. I don't know if he cheated and he's outside somewhere. (handle clicks open) Okay, so this must be it. He must be in there. That is the only place I've not looked. It's like an extra house. (door clicks open) (birds chirping) Thomas? (footsteps) Where is he? Thomas? What's that? Ha! Thomas. I got you, Thomas. Thomas! - What? - [Moon] I got you. - How long's it been? I've been here ages. - [Moon] Did you fall asleep? - I think so. It's getting dark outside, come on. (Moon laughs) The day's already coming to an end. I mean, look, the sun is setting already. But, look at that. That is beautiful sunset. Really nice. But just because the sun is setting, does not mean the day's over, still plenty to go. So, let's go do some more schizzle. Look at the pool at night. It looks so cool. Go 'round there. Go, go, go. (lights click on) - [Moon] Whoa! - (laughs) It looks so awesome and we've also brought something with us. (water gurgling) (upbeat music) Ah, that is so much fun. But we've done way too many sports today. It's time to relax. Let's go do some more stuff. (sighs) (water splashes) (water gurgling) (footsteps) (stool scraping ground) (stool squeaking and scraping ground) (Thomas sighs) Moon. I've had a tough day. Give me the strongest drink you've got. (Moon laughs) What is it? Martini? Vodka? Rum? - [Moon] No, no. It's cranberry juice, Coca-Cola, and Sprite. (straw crunches open) - It's the hard stuff. I can not believe what I've just found. I just finished my drink. I sat back off my chair. Looked down. And look at this. You will not believe this. This is the bar. These are the chairs. Look at this. Look at that. It's a well. - [Moon] I don't like this. - That is unreal, it's real-- - [Moon] That's like in that ring, The Ring, where she was down that well. - And we've got to sleep here tonight. It's an old well. How creepy does that look? You sat here in a chair and you looked down and you see, you can't even see the bottom. - [Moon] No, you can't see the bottom. - Turn it off, turn it off. I'm going. - [Moon] Is it better when it's dark? (both moaning) (door clanks shut) (blinds slide shut) - [Moon] Let's just stay in here. - Are we safe in here? (breathing heavy) (footsteps) - [Moon] What are you watchin', Thomas? - I feel a lot safer in here now. I don't know why. We've got this whole house to ourself and we've locked ourself in one room because it's creepy in here. And we're watching a scary movie. I don't know why. - [Moon] I feel safe. - I feel safe. I don't want to go out there. - [Moon] I don't want The Ring girl gettin' me. (balls clank) (quietly roaring) The crowd goes wild. (quietly roaring) Kill'em wins again. (quietly roaring) Another game? - [Moon] Thomas? - What? - [Moon] You're just procrastinating. - What's that? - [Moon] You just really don't want to go out there. We have to get out there. We have to pass that freaking well. - Just one more game. - [Moon] No, not one more game. It's like the tenth game now. You always win. I'm fed up now and wanna go to bed. - One more movie? - [Moon] No. Come on. - On three. - [Moon] Yeah. - Alright. One. - [Moon] Oh, okay. - Two. (door clanks open) - [Moon] Thomas! - You're gonna get her. - [Moon] Thomas! - You're gonna get her. Don't get me! - [Moon] No, no, no, Thomas! - I've got to find Moon. I've lost her, completely lost Moon. I don't know where the lights are. So I can't find any lights to turn them on. Moon? I'm only jokin'. I didn't want the ghost to get ya. Where has she gone? (frame rattles against wall) Moon? (breathing heavy) Moon? (breathing heavy) I'm goin' to bed. (breathing heavy) (footsteps) (door clicks shut) (lock clicks closed) (Bedding rustles) I don't like this. I do not like this. I know she's just playing with me, but I can't handle this. This is too scary. (bedding rustles) (pounding on door) Moon! (banging and squeaking) (bedding rustles) - [Moon] Sometimes you left...(laughs). (door clicks open) (Moon laughs) - Get in. (Moon laughs) - [Moon] You were scared then? You scared? You were scared then? (laughs) (blinds scraping open) - Oh! Oh, morning! Oh, that is beautiful. All this stuff's nice, you know. The pool, the pool table, the cinema, the jacuzzi, all that stuff, you know. It's really nice. It don't improve your life in anyway, you know. And they're just things. No, I'm not leaving! - [Moon] Thomas, we need to go! - I'm staying here. I want to live here. No, more. - [Moon] No, come on we need... (upbeat music)
Channel: Killem
Views: 2,255,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hide n seek, hide and seek, mansion, ftw, hide & seek, killem ftw, 24 hour challenge, hiding, haunted mansion, kill'em, crazy hide and seek, tom stanniland, funny, overnight challenge, million dollar, overnight, challenge, millionaire, 100 hours, million dollar mansion, killem, 24 hours, funny challenge, fun, killemftw, kilem, house tour, kill em, worlds biggest, rich house, hide and seek challenge, billionaire, million dollars
Id: JZejDcJ40l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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