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alright guys it's your boy king reps are here back with another video I hope you guys are having an amazing day and if you guys aren't you know the drill camera but it's about to get a whole lot brighter because your boy is here and today we're gonna be doing something very very very stupid okay it's a pretty normal around here very normal but what today's experts to you because I bought a shirt that I paid a disgusting amount of money from this website where I bought this shirt from claims it is absolutely indestructible I mean they said you could take a sword they said you could take a dagger a stab a slash impact even bullets so here is the shirt that I bought okay I'm gonna put this shirt down and I want you to tell me what do you Parker think that I paid for this I also watched you guys at home to comment down below for me what do you guys think I paid for this and he probably know it was a title put ok do this test well first off you're said ludicrous so I have to take that into account for you what are you 45 45 dollars how much you think I paid for a bulletproof shirt you pay 50 this shirt was three hundred and fifty dollars towards the Gucci now open this up edge right on it's ripping note I was $350 your eyes should gripped a lot more ties I just ripped this order that you might both so like I said guys we're gonna be comparing a regular t-shirt the bottom of the barrel teacher to this okay you know to be honest this brand right here is the cheapest shirt you could possibly find and it's also with 95% of youtubers use for their merch not me which is why mergers taking sometimes I'm trying to drop some quality stuff for you guys not just throw it on a future insult to you guys so Lori to do compare this shirt that's true that's we're gonna be doing here alright here we go ready okay all right no hear yourself now give this puppy a dare give up you know dear oh I don't want to give that puppy it's our give this puppy it they're good it's a good dog all right let's see those little hands at work this is the anti-bully sure no one's ripping yours for today so now let's find out I'm just a minor test and see if it really does I don't wanna do anything unnecessary like I said if it's unnecessary so we're gonna see if it really is cut proof all right guys so we're outside now and we have a new guest which is a Jeff's body we're gonna call just body and you know Jeff is the hermaphrodite so that's why you've got this by as you ordered a male mannequin and this is what came so bring we test it on this today so we're to put on the regular shirt first and I'll give Jeff a little bit of a little bit of roughing roughing up in yeah okay so we haven't started the video I just broke my $70 mannequin with that one kick I kind of glad we just no do one to build up anything today so we're gonna have to make him a lot better by putting this putting that cinder block on her back so we're putting the regular shirt on right now guys on just so that way we can get a comparison to a better shirt I put it on backwards but that's okay it's still the same material this is called the hunchback look is called the Cuba this is called Daniel Avery yeah man it's just like my dad's been sent it to jerk and I just been having such a rough time I just just have to do something with this pent-up energy it's definitely probably more of a meat thing anybody else but like I just know what take this Alex and buddy yeah I'm gonna buy you a new shirt don't bully that is what bullying looks like you are irrational in Yorkshire don't treat people like that treat people with respect like Yuri like to be treated bullying is very bad but the whole point of this just to show you what would happen if you had a regular sir both versus the shirt we're gonna put on it and this this is low it out but it'd be pretty messed up oh you can see their nips oh that's disgusting oh my god that's right vile all right putting on the bulletproof shirt and we're gonna try the same thing and see what the results are of this so we have this shirt it doesn't look as comfortable as the other one but not by vital by a lot and it was starting to rain which is just I seems like every time I film the video it's raining for some reason so we're gonna go ahead and just get an umbrella room and what you think about Johnny take my anger just irrational thoughts dude that's the kid from history wait wait here hey you right Chad she's got a branded I hate when people get new things I don't have them - I totally agree man I'm always asked for new parents ain't never get none I know understand mine to get back together but still on him yeah yeah yeah come on Chad come on yeah yeah he's not moving he's not budging oh I'm getting really tired dude it's just trying to make me realize maybe this is a little bit of radical I'm kind of bored in this situation you know I just kind of realized that like without that list like what do we really have maybe he doesn't deserve this this shirt really really is enlightening maybe I'm just trying to break people because they got a little broken it okay so the cert you can't bully this jerk you can't it's unbelievable so this is the strip Geneva a lot of people probably need and bullies now you can look at stuff stupid you look alright guys so now we're gonna now I'm a grown man okay right here we have the regular shirt we're gonna be doing the slash test on this thing what kind of damage a regular knife would do to a regular shirt I know we were doing with a better shirt and see what happens already I'm he's my cheaply made my wall like Home Depot right ready oh dude I want more than one yeah that's my cutting is deep this or something bad dude I don't expect this straight-up line we will try different ice but better not ok got something a lot sharper as we use so see how this one does ready oh oh all cheering straight through everything you broke all the ridge all these these videographer Marines now we're gonna try sword and see what happen all right so now we're gonna be using machete I was thinking a sword but instead we're using machete good you look better for this in three two one oh okay went through everything and the shirt as you guys can tell collar is the hard press this is what that shirt is made out of 100% just 100 in collar never break this is the one thing that doesn't break so that's what would happen if you got into a machete slash knife slash another knife fight with somebody you it would end up pretty bad here we go this I think this I have trouble believing this is gonna work three two what do you think this would hurt that would I still feel like you got stabbed but you wouldn't be bleeding here you laughs / I can actually not believe it's actually working I'm like striking you - I don't believe it or not oh yeah this life sucks so we're trying another knife there's a better one I just want to see if it we can have sex I don't want to use anything unnecessary all right here we go through it alright machete time that's where you struck like every other knife that's also true I did have a lot of knives this thing I'm turning it up nuts we're gonna go get the katana cuz we have a load of damage maybe like even in this spot eventually maybe some laughs three two one oh this is straight line there's no way do like you can hear a sound a little bit but that's about it you're making all those lines that thing is not going anywhere this is the most we ever did we're gotta get it you may not be right now look a couple minutes sometimes we're good alright guys so the next thing is the shirt claims to be bulletproof where I live in California you can't you can't do anything with a gun because because Rylands kind of sucks but I do have is this airsoft right what are these drugs there's ever like illegal yeah and there's also this which is something you guys sent me which is a paintball gun that has a bitch made a flaw to where you can shove anything in the barrel and it's suitable we'd be trying that on this thing alright so first off I took a regular dart just one like this and I modified it to something we could fit in the barrel of this very very you know I made this like 2 minutes so it should work oh that's a tight fit that's how you want it right ok so three two one Oh tranquilizer shot I got you covered with this thing so it went all the way in dude that might work the same way another shirt we're gonna find out let's try a regular BB though all right now we're trying this thing has 2,000 FPS so let's see what happens this thing is a very very strong air rifle three two one Oh okay so here's where it went in right here you see that yeah I think dude completely through it god no more shots make sure you guys see that and then we're gonna try down this shirt regular shirt you have no chance whatsoever now we have the indestructible shirt on the goal is to hit an exact same spots of the exact same object and see if it has any more damage than otherwise maybe the shirt could be semi bulletproof let's find out three two one oh dude back out right back down okay we're gonna try that one more time three two one okay we got into this shirt it got into the shirt it did not go nearly as deep as it did last time and the first time it deflected it now let's get on to the air rifle and see if that makes any difference alright here we go three two one okay something happens ok the bullet definitely went through you see that did it go through both sides though no okay then yields are both sides of them okay it's definitely okay if you can survive an air rifle it probably is it bulletproof yeah but it didn't go through both sides like the other one does back a little respect very very little respect okay that's that's a lot for me all right guys so what are we doing is the indestructible test claims to be flame retardant fire resistant so basically these if you were in a burning building you have a better chance of somebody in a regular t-shirt so let's say that you're in see what kind of cam it's this um this weed burger would do to this shirt and then we try on the indestructible shirt and see if you give a survived some said fire yes yes he's here Parker with the spark here oh Jesus okay you can see the flame right but trust me it is definitely definitely on fire because he might be drying up the concrete let's see if this person was in a fiery blaze wouldn't they survive with a regular shirt and that is how you toast the shirt we versus your application broad topic okay so if they weren't a fiery building this this is will be the result of that they would not be a very very safe situation okay so now we have the indestructible supposedly in a truckful shirt because now that we have it on I'm actually starting to see the damage we've done there's two little holes up here another we really a chance to look at we have a hole right here and then back here we have awesome other micro holes as well this is definitely not indestructible and devlin tiger plays are you sure let's see if you would help you in a fight but that's like getting like a 59% in your test base didn't fail too bad okay so if this person wasn't a fiery building could this shirt help them a little bit let's find out what is happening to it okay first off no it wouldn't you be Frankie burning but look at it dude it's coming out of this shirt like sand and it's smoking a lot well technically it's not burnt like it hasn't it's not on fire it's not when you just go to gym clothes down that's not fireproof a little maybe a little bit but you were both in the building you have that strippers the other one the other person would be dead and you would be closer the door but still days crazy the fibers got red-hot like you said favor of the fibers guys were literally red a hot like steel that's how thick that shirt is you should probably stop that cuz we're not good common conversation here as there's a fire here yeah it does probably a little bit too much for comfort okay so we put it that way actually didn't put that there's still some fire in the back okay go ahead spray that deer over look like okay it is out let's assess the damage here and there is nobody left there is you would be dead nobody yeah there's nobody at all nobody left nobody yeah we got it we all we all do
Channel: ADHD's World
Views: 1,099,627
Rating: 4.8707371 out of 5
Keywords: Kids, Family, ADHDs World, Funny Challenge, DIY Challenge, ADHD’s World, ADHD world, adhd, ADHD life, ADHD world most dangerous toys, nerf, nerf guns, dangerous toys, secret hidden, punishments, challenge, cam and jeff, funny, family friendly, top 3 diy apocalypse survival weapons vs fruit, vs fruit, survival challenge, 24 hour survival, zombies, we built, backyard, diy, do it yourself, cheater, hacker, game master, fruit ninja, Best Rated, Worst Rated, Mystery Box
Id: jqUm90Q8QeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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