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[Music] if you are ever at a party I want to impress everyone just become Houdini how do you do this u.s. well just go steal a hair dryer out of the bathroom and then grab that ping-pong ball that they're playing you know that Christian game with and make the ball levitate there you go Wow never seen this before never see it's always twist it's always a no stay with a really yeah well was that a heck no heck I learned that in science class machetes are like cheese the sharper the better so just grab your dad's buffer from the garage and start buffing your machete until he can cut the sharpest of cheddar look it's the Gulag Condor 28 inch overall blade did he really just freak out wonder do you not understand a grinder works like this I open the knife three two you did it early man come on wait for my countdown next time extra crunchy yeah it's peanut butter it doesn't agree ball Tom it's peanut butter doesn't agree ball Tom boy yeah boy yeah there you go very good all right this is good I love that peanut butter this well guys we did it we've got nuts and balls together you happy about that you're welcome now make all the jokes you could ever desire from this the possibilities are endless ooh that's a members mark hand sanitizer now my hands are clean that's not working oh wow that looks so cool that's bright and it does I was about to say that oh wow that's pretty cool this is mesmerizing and then they light it on fire ooh that's pretty cool oh it's warm to the touch all right another surgery funny thing these guys don't love more than cutting up some coke bottles pop sockets have been around for a while they need something revolutionary to change them up so just create your own and add some tic tacs to it you can keep you snacks in your socket and then when you're ready to have a snack Y unscrew the lid pop a few of them bad boys right in your mouth pop a tic tacs like it's nothing I'd be poppin take text man after just like the rock star what a tunnel a tunnel this looks insanely unsafe but he's got some moves so I guess in there what he's doing this is stupid unsafe what could have happened here that dad all of that could have blown in his face it could instantly lit on fire and could have just sprayed fire into his face literally the most unsafe thing I've ever seen life hacked channels you're better than this and you're getting a zero that was the death didn't work seriously guys don't try this at home or I'll take all of your penny hey where your hands are too small pop suck it's everywhere pop it pop it pop it socket guy's handling a blender can be hard sometimes so you know what to do how when you can blend your Apple this a thick blender that is a thick blender just slap a bunch of pop sockets all over that thing now you and your baby hands can handle that blender with care since you just can't grip the blender okay this is one of our more useful hacks well my brother mr. beast is hard at work building something sometimes it's hard to hammer those nails in without hitting his hand so I showed him this hack and now we can be safe while he's grinding away on those awesome bills now this is a really good heck see look at that power not about this I could've been nearly things a lot easier that is actually really useful I rate that hack 10 out of 200 - that is a good huh we're very proud of you life hack Channel who can't open up the cap me okay it's hard this is a bad idea because that cap is actually how you measure how much laundry detergent you're supposed to use or you could just use it up that was so good the turret the color is beautiful 45 days of freshness you know when you're just really hungry Chris and you cannot get into your apple sauce looks like he just got into it that the correct way we're just gonna ignore him opening the lid of it all right so I guess you gotta earn a hole in the bottom of it I mean that's how you get the most apple sauce right through the bottom jeez that is a big hole full mix it up real good mmm Oh God it's a nice hole oh sure how do you cook your ramen well however you do it you're wrong real man cooked the ramen with metal balls heat that ball up then plop it right into your soup from now on you guys have to cook like this if you don't I'll be very angry I eat these noodles on the regular on the work on the regular but no joke you can get these for like 39 cents the fact that you can get like a meal but it's 39 cents it's got to be horrible for you does this actually work in this it looks like it's burning it I bet it smells good is that all that smoke smells like ramen noodle soup back when I was in college I used to only eat ramen noodles and I gained like 40 pounds I mean if I was eating back cheese at the little cups so I've lost all the weight have you lost your weight and now are you pyromaniac but your mom doesn't let you play with fire because it's too dangerous well you better hit her with this new safe invention grab two matches and put them in a straw it's as simple as that now she has no choice but to let you burn whatever you want oh we're gonna have to get the fire extinguisher if the flame gets any bigger than that next time but let's use two matches this time gonna sit in the straw oh so that way he can he can be further away from it oh it's a safety guard nice and safe Oh No why did they let me get to that point it's like they were watching it and they're like oh God look it's gonna happen in like 40 seconds somebody get ready do you have such a weak grip everything falls through your hands well fear not little baby boy we have a cup for you man look at my dumb stupid sweaty hands I'm so nervous all the tears I can't hold my drink so what's a boy to do well dang it I'm gonna glue some zip ties to my mug so that way I can hold on to it with the force of a thousand suns Suns how many sons do you have a lot of babies it's pretty though until the glue melts the side of the cup like it normally does did you know that thanks to these life hack guys I now know that if you put hot glue anywhere near a Red Solo Cup I'll just crumble instantly now you can have a grip on each knuckle so you'll never drop your glass again alright mac and cheese I used to live off these in college I used to eat them all the time but his student from over there really good when you use the perfect amount of water and they're not so watery it's just like really religious yeah but this is the best way to heat them up you know using your metal ball that you have in your closet stir it up oh don't wanna be leaking going right through it it is not it is right there it is metal balls not good for muffin Oh Kermit the Frog here its Luke from Yoda to Kermit the Frog thumbs up oh my god I can't get my Doritos Doritos with my thousand degree nerve another extra spicy I mean extra hot now they're extra spicy oh my guess come on get you some Doritos Doritos well guys we've been searching for a good deodorant for a thousand degree knife and I don't think this one will cut it oh man this poor guy can't get into his deodorant and he has a date in 30 minutes whatever is he gonna do is very stinky who's that stinky boy's been doing life hacks holiday but you know what the only thing you can buy life is burning way to just cut me off their chili sorry this is why we have two tracks now look they can make your voice just disappear we'll finish your joke then meanie nope not finishing it see the knife has such bad Bo when we try to apply deodorant to it it ends up lighting on fire I wonder if our knife will ever find something to mask its terrible smell dude it's literally on his hand and then I'm like a glob of wood why did that light on fire so well as D aren't really that flammable through the he already said those aren't playing proof so that guy's just holding a mug of fire Chris must I say let's get this broom oh dude eating a peanut butter sandwich it's kind of hard unless you got like a good tall glass of Mountain Dew beside you mouth gets out dry you know what's even harder big old thick loaf of bread like that dude if we got a bread like that we'd be set for life took the brick is he making a bread bow oh my I'm done what he made a lunch box out of bread to carry his bread in I'm done wait where's my trophy you don't get a trophy everybody's a winner right you weren't first sure tuba like me I was first chair trumpet though never cares about trumpet what do you mean sorry are there tube is in the bubble bowl if they are no yes there's like 700 trumpets ooh did you grow up in a generation where everyone's a winner but you didn't receive a trophy well to make sure your friends don't think you're a loser just grab an action figure and spray-paint it gold now you can go to the ward ceremony looking like a balls look he's gluing stuff to stuff because he's such a sad little man oh isn't a bad idea actually oh look at the other happy you got the Academy Award for the biggest loser and not in a weight loss standpoint toasty marshmallows is fun at all but who actually wants to go outside and build a fire and all that hard work look we are all lazy so the best way to enjoy the taste of s'mores is just to eat a thousand a great knife and cut right through the middle it's not transferring all of that you don't know you're not a much spoon yeah it's pretty look at the colonization yes I know these terms because I watched the anime food Wars what's the secret ingredient Chris that would have to be your mom oil pop-tarts oh okay all right guys I'm gonna need to deposit which pop-tarts do you like the best I'm kind of a cookies and cream type of guy I love s'mores so Sue Ellen it's more says 200 calories cookies and cream has 190 oh I see why honestly I would eat this stuff I'm a fat American nowadays oh my goodness that looks like a painting or something that is pool that's art that's Modern Art other so good yeah I want a pop-tart cake you look at that that makes you want to pop out our ice cream cake oh you ever make those cookies that are a little bit too big to dip into your milk glass well we have a solution now look we got a nice little empty tic-tac bottle mm-hmm or container rather I've no clue what's going on I'm confused and I'm a little uncomfortable making a spray bottle out of a tic-tac container gosh yeah so why wouldn't we just use a spray bottle because you can't put milk in a spray bottle why are you spraying milk it's for your 30 cats at home in your cookies because what if the cookies too big if you can't fit it in the glass that's why I have a glass specifically for dipping cookies in fit literally it's like the size of a freaking bowl so why would you just use a bowl it's nighttime you're getting ready for bed and you see the biggest cockroach of your life now I don't know about you guys but if I see a bug in my bedroom it has to go pronto hmm how do I do this oh wait I forgot I built my bow and match the night before now I can just shoot that cockroach away I've seen this and it's really crazy is it really really crazy your it'll blow your mind this wait for it cutting the cord like how do you come up with this just wait I'm waiting insert ina do people love it or we do that we're so funny I guess he's making a bow and arrow it's a bow now watch this plot twist oh it's on a lighter lighter make sense oh so it's like a crossbow I match I don't want my kid to be a delinquent you got mad at me for interrupting you for that yeah I was gonna say something funnier but then now can't think well pressure [Music] remember whenever you click on a mr. Peavey's video always watch to the end the end of every video would play rock paper scissors people that don't flow rock paper scissors their parents don't level alright today's game of rock-paper-scissors will be brought to you by Chandler Rock Paper Scissors shoot boss that one right Paper Scissors shoot oh yeah oh you have Oh got that doe it's nice Rock Paper Scissors shoot that's the first L we've ever taken out right Chandler can't win anything yeah alright guys make sure you subscribe if you're new around here and I'm gonna go play [Music]
Channel: Mr.Beast
Views: 3,684,229
Rating: 4.7856183 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, kid friendly, prank, funny, 2018, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, kids, fun
Id: fY123wWYbo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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