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alright guys it's your boy hey ruff bark back with another video today we have a beyblade video as you guys can tell you with this big big red Stadium what we're gonna be doing his work for something questions maybe Wade started somewhere right at some point a beyblade had to be an idea a concept and where's cuts that come from right here we've all seen them uh spinning top so I have the idea of what if we pull it you guys all seen two BuzzFeed videos we got one dollar water versus the 1 billion dollar water right here something like that so what I want to do is do the same thing but with beyblades I thought what is the cheapest beyblade I could possibly find and your boys nerf made happen because right here we have a nerf beyblade what's this I have to nerf beyblades oh my god is so much fun this is way better than thing I won I totally won do you see that that one bring a lot Denver's right in it oh he's waiting he's winning but we're gonna make it fun so I found the absolute cheapest babe land I could possibly find and you know this isn't debate weight cuz you can't I'll let it rip with my fingers that's not fun you want a ripcord this is the cheapest beyblade I could possibly find and it actually has a ripcord this thing was one dollar one dollar for firewood this is worth it is a dollar for a piece of firewood so this is our area doesn't get shot of it right now the stats on this beyblade spins faster than any beyblade you've ever seen Valkyrie forget it phantom Orion forget it right here this is the beyblade of Champions made in Mexico exclusively so when you spin it this is what happened you literally are pulling the shoestring and it spins this pamphlet here we go ready I don't know what the sex act though cuz I'm hey Siri how do you say let it rip in Spanish ruff stick that's like Starfire right there you know how you like this is the stick to certify here that is our beyblade right there that is our $1 beyblade now you guys are probably wondering this is our $1 beyblade so we have to have an expensive competitor and I do and it's go oh what you can't be expensive without gold you know anything that's like you're ready here we have a cheeseburger dollar for gold on it a million that gold anything and we did that right here we got sprig on recreant right here Wow I know all the beyblade days mostly by difficult saying them right here gots pre-ground breakfast three Requiem Cinnabon Celestia real guys this right here with my wallet it hurts this expensive this will run you about eighty to a hundred dollars if you live in Japan but after a bunch of import charges and stuff I have been around to in Raleigh so dollar fan blades right here this one is a limited edition as a super super rare beyblade I have one here for you guys right now thanks I'm pretty expensive it's already putting this one which cream of the crop of beyblades purses are one dollar Hispanic one dog comes to pay one dollar in Mexico it's very cheaply made but see what comes out on top all right so the one thing I didn't realize about the beyblade this band is run it's a lot of fun we're gonna get into the sit up on the right person right now so but you got to put the shoelaces little and you got to keep twisting it until eventually it gets there just now that works so that's how it works right there guys we're gonna get into this right now though all right so here we go this they're just don't worry about that here we go but I got a lot of knives right here it's always a nice left so here we go opening this stuff oh god yeah I'm hoping for a pretty good experience for the price you know it's like we're 200 bucks I'm hoping that like when I open this P Diddy will be in there soon this is the ultimate fancy cue the fancy music here we go oh that looks so freakin clean dude don't walk the new camo you worked hard for it now you got gold camo fish yeah yeah this is sick I mean this beyblade it's already a beyblade but this is a gold limited one right here this thing is so freakin sweet dude so we're gonna set up and then I'll show you guys a better look at it and if you guys were interested in buying this I have something you guys do you guys are actually very lucky because I picked you what it always poor because when I wanted it it was not available on Amazon and I buy it on eBay and I'm gonna save you a long story basically you're getting it for cheaper than I did so links are down below I didn't think you see this video anything there's a link word down below this thing is currently only 80 bucks of that which is still kind of a lot to be honest but it's a lot less than what I paid for it so yeah this right here this is how you know it's fancy when it comes with this thing like what even is this like I've gotten a lot of beyblades and they come with just these three things that's it well that go see a rip cord just to make it look badass that is that is that is quality so what my rip cords usually looked like yes damn it okay guys so you guys all know that there is like when you buy expensive items sometimes they're just an experience involved like if you buy like a crappy phone because no one comes in that blister pad you just rip it up it's okay I bought a crappy phone but even iPhone just drop that box and it slides down you got the crisp green protector it's an experience and that's what this was this is so beautiful oh my good I've never opened a beyblade before that felt this luxurious look at that gold oh my goodness so that is all the stuff that it comes with guys right there it comes with a ripcord which is a very very thick when it comes with an extra piece attached to it it comes with the actual Ripper comes all the different pieces for the beyblade which looks super super fresh I mean to be honest I think that could have made the bottom gold I'm just being honest yeah we really what a rut wouldn't want to run out on gold paint alright let's let's put them together alright here we go let's bond them right now they're gonna be a full-fledged beyblade all all that is expensively status bike I am very satisfied my wallet is just like really putting the Ripper together I'm sparing this one oh wow wow that is just clicks right oh oh that is a girth east rip yeah aw dude I've got both sides here you go all right oh my god this just feels so sturdy that is beautiful I feel like I could rip a black hole baby I really do I feel I could spin this so hard it would rupture time as we know it and create a black hole that's all sorry this feels all right first ever rip I mean realistically I'm not sure I pretty sure it's just a regular baby boy because most probably looks really sick that's what life's about looking really sick all right here we go first ever rip oh my god to read this much to hold much handle this is always so small there yeah 3 2 1 oh that looks like you are the richest kid on the playground oh my god that is such a sick day oh oh my goodness dude that looked good I saw I was like battling somebody if I walked through a group you'll playing baby when I saw this one spinning head like who invited Blue Ivy this is so extra but the question is will give it a feet the entire nation of Mexico win this beyblade let's buy now and we haven't buzz around no regular beyblade because I saw right here's God God where's this is God layer system this thing ain't no regular beyblade Oh God so we're gonna do the next rib but I'm gonna put it up against a regular ngon god beyblade let's see what happens alright ready oh that golden I can't get over I'll stick that gold one but will he be able to defeat oh let's get it close Oh God yeah is the god layer system one and the first beyblade battles ever winning and she gets us it's like destiny it's like you know you escape more your first kickflip you gotta win your first battle oh yeah so now we're gonna be warming up now we're gonna put him against the nerf one since y'all words and then we'll go up against Mexico alright here we go beyblade versus the nurse this is gonna be interesting here we go ready set go suit leaving yes you got this you got it launch this is like a Shaq pop Kevin Hart oh here we go fireworks that's what happens when you play with the guy okay so though that was a close battle what if you guys didn't know I'm sure a lot of you guys you know this right here we can actually switch on this beyblade different settings we have attack we have defense which are basically them to defend it and then we have stamina which is you guys probably know which is my favorite beyblade is phantom Orion I like my stamina I like for it to spin for as long as possible so we're gonna try stamina and see how he competes now alright back at the way better okay let's see the other one Bruce afraid did I say met so guys we're gonna do a rematch right now with an apple explosion was just random but also guys this beyblade can be a left spin if I wanted to by using this I can actually transform it into a left spin really if I'm gonna keep a rice Bigsby's in the first battle like that let's go ahead and see what happens okay oh yes so much weight on the way those kids happen Cote rules come on dude okay see how much difference the battle is this time this thing oh no they were actually both kind of close that one barely won yeah it's one both though in different is different for the battle we've all been waiting for in this story left corner we got Mexico the original being played been here since the eighteen hundred's I'm pretty sure I don't know that's not affect and right over here from Japan right here it's pre-drawn Requiem right here that's close enough right here okay here we go I'm very interested that what separate first that one all right here we go come on oh oh come on come on get some hits get some hits in here get some hits in here come on come on come on I paid so much money you gotta get these mints go on do this section closer than I expected come on oh my gosh this is way closer than should be no come on [Music] all right mats but it's been a half hour I'm I'm right there with you but I just lost to a $2.00 Babli $1 actually but I know as sodas but we we all hoped for it but you know that's how we that's how they get us you know it's always been like that you know Oh what dollar break I want a rematch right business thing okay so right here this is my theory I think because this beyblade is just so big that it has a lot of kinetic energy spinning so it's a harder force to stop then maybe they're a little smaller so it does really work that way so hopefully try this out maybe I could be there rectify my purchase god okay come on come on let's go now you got some fight in you let's go come on come on you can do this do it for your babe like that oh my goodness I feel like we could beat them but I just can't try exactly attack modes our only option okay guys last battle and I jumped a bit to beat lose I put him in attack mode this is our last last resort here we go come on again spin but you ever is it sometimes the money doesn't matter sometimes sometimes size does matter we've been Babli um we're gonna go ahead move on I'm gonna go ahead a pillow somewhere I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you guys didn't hit the like button if you're new here subscribe if you haven't already hey guys again thank you so much for watching as always I'll see you guys next video adios
Channel: ADHD's Life
Views: 765,845
Rating: 4.7356677 out of 5
Keywords: ADHD’s life, ADHD, Life, ADHD life, ADHD World, ADHD pokemon, ADHDs World, ADHDs life pokemon, nerf, Beyblade, Most Dangerous Beyblade, Beyblade Challenge, Beyblade Gold, Most Expensive Beyblade, Rarest Beyblade, Gold, Best Beyblade
Id: 2CGqgbRbkZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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