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[Music] having an amazing date if you guys are guys on the drill camera I'm back I'm back I'm back I'm back of this job I know that I know it's been a while but I may be trying to maintain two videos a week over here I'm not really sure if that's gonna happen I'm gonna try my best let's do it be pretty consistent I'm gonna try to tweak some videos a week at least one we're gonna work on it but right here today's be a very very fun day because today I just have on my vlog channel linked down below I got a mystery box physically and home box is a Nerf mystery box a bunch of nerve stuff and I was a Marvel stuff an abundant stoners in general go check that video down below link down below check out after this video but spin I got sent a bunch of these different Marvel products right here and we're gonna be modifying these today we're making most dangerous Infinity Ward is you guys have been asking for this is the first Marvel but you got a million views neither wanted to see another Marvel one so here we go Marvel infinity war Avengers edition right now we're gonna get into this right now to be a little contest be Mia Parker we're just started this right now finisher you guys weapons we're gonna be using and if it said you guys haven't seen already downloaded you haven't seen already the blog chill use an insane a mystery box absolutely crazy go check it out after this video up anyway right now are three options hit the like button just have it already hit the like button if it is an even number to odd number or a 0 this is what infinity gem you get the power run use the power of one infinity gem to take on the regime wherever go every diggin on I guess is you know your mom your dad sister your grandma your great-grandma your great-great grandma is probably dead but you know use the soul stomach bring a bread common three two one zero let me know what so do you guys get and what would you use this infinity stone for down below anyway let's get started this in three two one oh my mouth is so bad alright guys so here are all the levels we actually have more stuff right there that is gonna be used to for ADHD less abuse I don't repair my blog channel birth top why why haven't you subscribed my blog shop he kind of probably heard about it you know if you have it then your dothis a new beer is good done well it's Krypton it's my to subscribe to it but anyway these are the weapons were using this videos be conscious being partner I'm gonna pick two things he's epic two things and some of this helmet but that focus wrong has no relevance I'm making a battle equipment down below in the comments but gonna see all the stuff cost money so huge shots and images for actually bothering this video because they're not that means like what I told you as an app the pays you to live here that that's really loud yeah it's me it's living I'm living right now Fargo right now clicking tokens for now called nemesis and biscuits now that pays you to live you can't beat that I won't tell you guys about I think it's actually awesome it's actually genuinely crazy and there's nothing else like it so let me explain a little more so what did you guys do is go download the app and it's called business it'll be the top of the description again their responses was a huge shout out to them and I simply put it as you guys download the app and you're gonna online wallet which you can collect tokens from NIMS they're called NIMS you get one for every minute so essentially by the end of this video but then this promo you have collected an image by the end of this video you like 15 to 20 minutes I don't wanna be is gonna be but you know there's a lot of names and I'm in time so every single day you can get 1414 embed the end of the day which fun fact I never knew that's how many actual minutes there are today so every single day you can click that many names but it's contributing so use download the app right now it's in the description the app is a little with a bunch of cool features and basically you can travel anywhere in the world you could see people around you that are also using the app and you can literally travel anywhere and see what's going on there the app is still in development right now but the developers promise a bunch of really cool stuff it's in be coming here very soon you can use it to buy things like coffee music subscriptions video games all types of this would be coming as well so all that stuff's gonna be launched in the u.s. very very soon but you can start saving your nibs now so that we wouldn't that stuff gets you're gonna have so many NIM so nothing we were ready to go help you out there throwing NIMS get it right nibs if you guys want to so make sure you guys download it down below right now and use my code right now on screen ADHD use this code and you'll get some bonus names just for starting out just for using that code in general use that code and I'm on there your boy King Reptar is on there so make sure you use code ADHD and I'll also click coupling in from that as well so thank you and I really appreciate you know it's your boy just give me a little help out there from there light I need some mints right now download the app guys link is in the description thank you alright guys so now partners gonna choose two items and I met you guys we got boards we get to just put it up down the middle here one of us oh good you I'm gonna pick this Goblin you that gonna I get this going what okay of course I get this big a good story like oh this is where we get good products and then you got the bad store like good store the Boers Thor is so daddy they sound though you're yours looks like it's decent to put your hands in yeah this one's decent to look out for your head I think it's ridiculous the thing is that's Parker's got right there I'm already lose my fish okay and then I'm gonna choose okay okay you guys use between Thor's hammer and Captain America shield well then we get this that storm yeah this is all meticulous burger got that this this crappy Infinity Gauntlet I got the good one we'll give him Captain America's helmet dudes really get a bonus item he'll get one more item to win you guys over who eats read about in the comments down below and I'll get caps shield Avenger the symbol so I got these two I have the Infinity time gonna be using these two partners gonna use this helmet and this Infinity Gauntlet go in these little bitty raisins on it jammed infinity raisin hashtag Infinity raisin and the comments down below so I have this deal that he has that garland a helmet and a storm breaker we're gonna modify both of these all these things and we're gonna basically customize them to our own needs over here besides the comments down below because about for some reason their cockpits down below who did the best job of modifying them who has the best Avengers zombie apocalypse weapon made let us know down below two dishes all right guys it's the next day biscuit we spent the entire day yesterday working on those weapons just for fun to see what we could do that goes to the contest you're gonna comment down below not yet what you've seen all the weapons gone through parties we go first wheresoever stars are infinity got on the park at the harder plastic one I got the big one we're gonna see right now who's a 50-gallon came out better and also which one does more damage this is it look what doesn't it's gonna work well so you guys comes down below or let us know who Jerry rigged up the sweetest and also the best infinity guys are down below and then whoever won the overall contest down below into the video all right she had a couple the name for a first well I'm really good at names so I'm thinking the infinity that's the word I would call it the X infinity like because you're like Wolverine with three blade and it's the Infinity Gauntlet the X infinity X 23 or like you know it's too late to it so this is the infinite it's got what is on here three little daggers and one big long cutting blade this is it writer that is pretty sick if you were to punch somebody in the chest I'm pretty sure that's fleece tabs at once they'd be dead if it weren't a zombie in the chest at least this is pretty sick the infinite we're gonna see how it works when I'm gonna go up next through you can't oh yeah you can do like this tool of dare use my dominant in this and for the dominance alright so here he goes classic jug test first let's huge is the most damages abyss the most water out of the jug and the time here we go go for it you can go for a punch we go for a slash however you want to do your goal is to do as much water damage as possible you have to have all the water hopefully as much water out of the things you can and no time just one hit ready 3 2 1 everything's what I think you did a good job but mostly soaking me I'm so sorry all the water just what a meal no Tommy's really swimming I'm sorry I'm just so powerful then I close my eyes I didn't want me to blade the play obvious about Iowa's our summer blade but hopefully that water not my blood that was a good hit Wow it's the damage on this that's a big oh my god all over the other side and then we got two small puncture wounds from the tiny daggers that's freakin sweet okay that's really good I don't know if mine's another beat they don't for a simple as our design the puncher is gonna break to be honest but didn't break the infinite in time you will know what it's like to lose feel so desperately that you're right there to fail all the same right it run from it Dustin's still alive not as cool as Parker's looking this is Lucas close partners but I went for efficiency so all I have is one clean and clean and blip mine inside of it so it's got a lot more structural strength the Parkers know that structural strength will squizzle I'm about instructional spring that's the fact that you have structural structural was the lady bleeding but now it's structural structural three comment down below hashtag struggles drink so this is parking right here does the damage that was done see if I can do structural strength oh yeah yes they got all over me okay I won Brewster look at that Oh baby I think mine does better if I get a better hit boys I can see you through that is on the trucks rules drink or the incident was more like with more demand for our thing right here there's mine goodies yogurt I think you got a better hit news items all right next up was a lift test cuz they have a bladed left when did you know will moraine he grabs them lifts them up and throws in place some guys know they're short got to cut through metal but do you lift it doesn't just cut through her body he lifts them up smile that's a good point science structural not science social science the grab your melon chuck it on the floor if you can't do that and see who's the most damage is it swiftly will be the most easy okay already alright three two one structural string can it be lifted oh dude I'm surprised I missed the friggin slam surprised that even held up the houses little bit of slivered glue holding all of that power druggable impotence EU structural all right my darling go enjoy Toys R Us near you with the infinite structural spray all right so I'm gonna let sit on the back my melons a little bit freaking bigger this we can't count that damage now it has a little less structural strength you didn't even get this limb so I mean it's even okay let's do a child this is abnormal child okay ready three two one jor-el's right structural right I thought that knife was gonna fling out or something do that and that thing was stretching dude oh that's no that's pretty good that's pretty good and gets left okay I'm gonna try again okay structural I'm Marcus and this is how I was so sure that I couldn't lift it it was just slicing that's your choice of blade sir well if you had to if you have to convince people why you want the alive okay the first part the second part let us know down below who was better structural or is it the infinite by the instructables drink all right so while we're clean realize minor the features purpose doesn't have okay what's that your blade they're all welded on my it's completely a part of the device so it's all removable I do that pull mine up and then Wow Wow okay well I admit that was a very very nice throw I can do the same thing I can do the same thing well first claiming his to do the same things let's see all right so just real quick I'm gonna show you a little glance real quick real quick glance well that's what we're doing next and I'm really pretty kind of our restaurant put these guards on Oh razor razor get the eyeliner oh you're my Island this is your originally my mom stockings but I said I'm gonna put some holes through these wraps race and taser taser taser lazy someone play black parade by My Chemical Romance all right so right here this is mine we're doing melee weapons now this is Park start first last time start first this time this is my shield the Captain America shield and what this basically as I call it the five angles of death five angles I've angled okay well this video is every single star point has a giant frickin blade ooh so we're gonna be using this right now drying it out see if you do some damage on this big gourd all right let's go all right so here you go I got my shield ready we're gonna try this out and see if it works but I wanted to I'm a little nervous because it easily sliced my arm a lot of things is a big thing here we go for Chris Evans oh my oh my dan the throw didn't do too much slashed it does damage I'm counting that as damage that was a this was a hard-ass plastic that would have freaking hurt somebody mad bad mad bad but you did this yeah cause the better than the throat again you know you got three tips left next throw here yo I just messed up my first throw there you go it is a throwable shield there you go very nice the reason why it's great so I can still do side slashes and this enemy is just standing there taking it raise our different structural strike but what am I supposed to target on the big kids throws in the air stick it somehow in the air really okay let's do it that was a delicious hit by a Mexican food I like it delicious target oh all right partners turns left you gotta go get that little jug here we go Oh baby that's some fund what do you call this thing pretty cool okay let's try this out right now I have the most structural strength by structural good all right here we go ready let me let me figure out a battle plan just go into another [Music] two damage okay you made a lot of holes brewery this is a cottage cheese contest and you definitely would win but our Swiss cheese and we were making some cow udders you would win and we were making some rain depositories you were winning but this is a damage you can even own the body good [Music] razors perfect so open the warm freezer daddy this is partners life item I'm gonna have to do wearing a b2b throw in the obstacles this is part I get partner bonus on it because you got the words affinity college actually to working in this big roof is about Thor's hammer that second floor thankfully so we're gonna try this out who won't crazy grants routine is going out throw an apple you said I can come through my head already well you ready - I'm ready three two one go alright you got it don't pretty good put a little damn steep already three you ready - I'm ready to call the applet oh that was hurting a lot this is nothing was defensive alright let's try it out a little bigger feet - 105 hurt nearly as bad as the Apple this is amazing that just easy oh yeah again - hey Marcus you want to wear the cantaloupe cantaloupe oh you want cantaloupe yes sir Oh make a fruit kabob come to warped or near you this your metal Avenger alright water Jack this is probably really bad idea wait but here we go three two one the metal Avenger the medal of vengers so I'd say my thing is that pretty pretty cool yeah because if you have this on you can run it someone sticking someone's running away oh he's running this was Parker's last item let me know down below guys overall between all the items Far Cry 3 as I have to design let me know down below who do you guys think won your point King ruck oh by the way I should say that's throwable I'll be the I'm just I know it's throwable I think I've seen it enough time to get my own judgments throws hell mad people have a metal Avenger oh I need a fresh shower baby there's also attachment for Aquaman's helmet some way so hardcore no that is it accessory alright guys so that is actually a partner 5 what 5 weapons I like my saying - more than me alright let me know down below who Diaz better overall whose arsenal of weapons is better for zombie apocalypse like this region let me know down below who did better Parker or your points that are down below let me know by commenting that down below Parker or King rep are you boy Parker no we'll just see you happy so let me know down below guys but anyway if you guys are new here makes you subscribe hit that Bell button down below so let's do I miss video when I posted it all tons of great stuff going on over here gonna be trying to help with two times a week here I guess a two times a week hopefully pretty try for that but let me know down below if you guys thought there's always else
Channel: ADHD's World
Views: 1,002,076
Rating: 4.8999796 out of 5
Keywords: Most Dangerous Kids Toys, Extreme Beyblades, Dangerous, Insane Challenge, Crazy Challenge, Challenge, Kids, Family, Scary Kids Toys, ADHDs World, Funny, Funny Challenge, DIY, DIY Toy, DIY Challenge, DIY Nerf, Nerf MOD, Nerf Gun, Nerf, Zing Toys Air Storm Fire Tek Bow, Zing Toys, Zing Bow Mod, Exterme, Dangerous Nerf Guns, Nerf Thumbtack Roulette, Gun, Bow, Nerf Challenge, Brainsaw, Bayonet, Nerf Attachments, Light Saber, Star Wars, ADHD’s World, ADHD world, adhd, ADHD life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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