I Bought 250 BANNED Amazon Products!

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we bought 250 ban Amazon products like a giant blob this invisible chair there actually nothing here an Assassin's crossbow along with bulletproof glass and so much more on top of that we also bought some of the most dangerous most disgusting and weirdest products that should not be sold on Amazon starting with the Frisbee of death this razor sharp frisbee cut through anything and we're going to test it on this ballistic dummy but first let's see how easily it can slice through some fruit 3 2 1 oh my god dude this thing is so sharp now some soda oh my God I think it's time for the big Tas the ballistic dummy 3 2 1 that head came clean off that thing is Shar I can't believe they sell this on Amazon you guys won't believe what's inside this next package what the uh that's a real monkey and it doesn't look happy with us she's actually doesn't like the hairspray since the monkey was so cute it was easy for us to forget why they're banned what the [ __ ] what the hell did I ever do to you and she just took my phone hand my phone back okay we're actually going to keep them onil I can't believe that just happened next up we have the invisible chair isn't this so cool wait you're literally just sitting down there's actually nothing here dude how are you doing this do want know how I do it it's that third leg holding me up it worked just kidding this is the actual invisible chair right here the next Amazon package that we bought is a superp power t-shirt launcher this thing can not only shoot t-shirts but fruits as well let's test it out first we're going to show you guys how powerful this thing is yeah now we're going to shoot it at Caleb to see if he can catch it what me three two one dude that would have taken his head off take two he CAU it that felt like a bullet all right time to shoot some fruit dude that was a perfect head shot that would have happened to Caleb decapitated apparently on Amazon you can buy a real cop car and that's exactly what we did you guys better subscribe or you're going to see some excessive force oh it's a cop car can we drive it no that's illegal and I actually think that's why I got banned yeah wait do you hear that yeah something what the I'm about to go your yeah yeah for the next product we bought a giant vog and Tanner here is going to demonstrate why I got banned wait wait wait what what do I do if I get lost over the fence well you're about to find out ready Tanner No 3 2 1 go are you okay are you okay wa what a brave guy hope he's okay next up we have a real zipline and we just got done setting it up but before we go on it let's see if it's safe 3 2 1 what the hell there is not a chance in the world that I'm trying this it's literally got decapitated for the next product we have a Zord ball you can use it for a lot of things but first we're going to see if you can walk on water with [Music] it you can also use it to run someone over Zach you ready yeah I'mma to run them balls over no no no I CH my ball he ran over his balls with the ball now we're going to run you over with a car what no no a the hell oh [ __ ] no I'm not okay oh no [ __ ] oh the next product we bought is this indestructible Barrel we're going to test this by dropping it off our 50t route but first we put a mannequin inside to see the damage three 2 1 oh head flew off his leg guys the barrel is completely fine but the mannequin literally got decapitated but let's shoot this barrel with a crossbow for the final test in three two 1 oh my God wait look inside a barrel look what happened to it the arrow broken half and the head got caught right here so I guess it's a draw since they broke each other next up we have a ghillie suit which is used to camouflage with your surroundings we actually have someone wearing one right now can you guys spot him I'll give you 5 Seconds 4 3 2 one all right you can come [Music] out subscribe if you guys weren't able to find him what for the next package we have some tree climbing shoes you can attach these to your shoes and apparently it'll allow you to climb any tree Let's test it out demonstrate how to climb it so people know that's not how you climb oh you got this you got this one step at a time how's he doing that oh my God how do I get down wait are you okay Zach I'm stuck are you okay how do I get down up next we have literal machete arms that you can wear that can be used to cut through anything a oh [Music] that's ited it exploded and I landed a bottle flip now let's try a watermelon W wo hey imagine this in a real fight time for the best part yeah next product next up we have an unbreakable scale and we're going to going to test to see if it's actually unbreakable first up 550 lb nothing we're good 850 lb wait it still hasn't broken okay 1,000 lb and it's still good well let's see if we can run it over with the call oh it didn't break that scale is actually unbreakable well it would have broke if Alex was the one driving the car you know what cat get in this cop car oh [ __ ] you did break it Alex next up we have a tank of propane gas and we also have an AK-47 from the dark web that we're going to shoot at this propane tank to see if it explodes ready hey fire oh [ __ ] I missed oh he's done for now you can run but you can't hide that's so cool that was crazy and if you think that was crazy stick around till the end because we're tempting to break the world record for the world's largest elephant toothpaste with products from Amazon the next Manan product we bought is Sumo suits T you put on your fat suit yet it's right here well I couldn't tell you calling me fat I ain't calling you skinny oh I'll show you fat what's that over [Music] there wo [Music] wo oh God yeah who's F now son you're still [ __ ] fat next up we have a dunk tank it was used in in the past but was banned because a lot of people would get seriously injured and one kid even drowned wait then why am I up here help help I'm not that short I'm like that kid is someone there help m this is apparently unbreakable glass you can drop this from any height and it won't break let's do a drop test okay I fully expected that to break oh my God perfectly intact there's only one thing left to do with this shoot it with a crossbow I put the arch in [Music] archery no way wait what it actually didn't this bulletproof glass the arrow broke oh what it broke the arrow instead this is like the first product that actually survived the crossbow test the next product we bought on Amazon is a portable nerson chair damn how did that fall over this is actually so comfortable wait why did this get banned cuz people were actually using it as Weapons how like [Music] this up next we have this foam machine and we're going to use this to fill up our entire house I love me a good science experiment oh it's going to fill up the whole house this is sick we're literally playing a snow it builds life wait how are we going to get rid of all this W oh give me the give me the B this is the most powerful pressure washer it can shoot water with so much pressure that it can even cut through steel let's test it out it's literally cutting it in half oh imagine if this was my hand now I'm going to use it to carve a pumpkin oh look at that that's so sick that's a perfect carving right there I'm putting this on my porch this is a gun but not just any gun a toothpick gun and don't let the size fool you cuz it's still very deadly that's what i' be telling all of my hoes W what 3 2 1 oh tiny but deadly Sean is right right here we have something very interesting a giant $5,000 check that we're going to be giving to one of you and all you have to do is subscribe subcribe for the next product we have the world's most powerful conventional microwave this microwave got banned because it was so powerful that the food inside would sometimes Catch Fire we're going to cook this Ramen and see if it catches on fire oh what the holy wait I'm scared I'm scared I'm it's still going you miss holy let's see how well the ramen's cooked oh what the hell oh guys guys the ramen is on fire it's still on fire spring it Alan spring it it's better at starting fires in cooking food that was instant Ramen next up we have an air bubble suit yeah this thing going to keep me safe and protected well to test that out I'm going to shoot you with a paintball gun what no yeah what three 2 1 oh the safety's on you scared me I didn't know anything and that's why I wear protection you know what I mean why would you be the one who wear protection huh this is probably one of the most dangerous products you can buy on Amazon a parachute backpack and I'm going to test it out by jumping off my roof just kidding we're going to see if the mannequin can survive the job it did slow down a little though I would have died behind me is the next Amazon product a giant inflatable TV and we're going to use a npers chair and watch a movie with all of our friends some popcorn too hey guys I can't see at all yeah this n person chair sucks yeah let's just get out of [Music] here who knew I would make it this far they hat it they never believe I never this is good this is what I escape prison for just [Music] happen this is an extremely realistic creepy old man mask and to test just how creepy this mask is we're going to prank our friends he's in [Music] there you want 100% just go wipe your ass right now we're about to scare the [ __ ] out of Sean like that [Music] [Music] too inside here we have the world's heaviest weighted blanket help me oh oh my God so the average weight of blanket is about 15 lb and this one is 70 lb we're going to do a drop test in 3 2 [Music] one God that completely broke the T it split clean it h oh I can't move I actually can't get up what the hell is that Sean what's that poking me even better some one get shot off me you're all mine now hey no up next we have unbendable strength bars we have three levels where each level gets more and more impossible level one I could have done better but I hurt my wrist last night if you know what I mean level [Music] two too easy level impossible you actually can't do it I [ __ ] can't what do you mean of course I can't all right all right let me try I got a scientific method for this ladies watch and [Music] learn wait it's bending a little bit is it my hand hurts so bad all right all right here we go this is how it's done right here god what the dude this one is impossible this is actually impossible for the next product we bought some holy water and Tanner since you're always getting possessed we're going to perform an exorcism on you oh oh that's not how you do it give me it let me do it for you I'm just kidding guys nothing happened well ladies I'll actually have you screaming and singing Hallelujah you all got some dirty minds up next Texas Chainsaw is going to have a Feld day with this one the next product we have is a portable sauna that can fit four people sauna party let's test it out one 2 3 and four wait guys this sauna can comfortably fit six people [Music] seven the funest one just this reminds me of prison this is just another day in prison for the next product we have an umbrella for your car this is actually perfect if you can't afford a hard top for your convertible but it was banned cuz it's not street legal and it looks stupid this is a headlamp and the reason why it got banned is because when it was left on for too long it would overheat and sometimes Catch Fire let's see if that's true get the water H get the H oh it is burning [Music] off okay it's not going out guys it's not going out guys guys it's not going out a few moments later imagine if that was on one of our heads instead we would be dead and would be bald the next item we're trying is bumper Sumo ball Last Man Standing win Lu it's gone this is probably the biggest box we've ever bought on Amazon let's see what's inside another box what that's weird we have another box and inside there we have another one another box let's see what's inside this box there's no way one more box there's another another no I'm kidding no oh my God what is that oh my God it's like a this is the world's smallest iPhone oh my God it's so cute I and it work it work all right picture time wait let see it what the heck how's the smallest thing we've ever bought get shipped in the world's biggest box this is one of the most ridiculous products on Amazon a toilet timer our friends spend way too long in our restrooms but now we're going to know exactly how long so cat just got done using a restroom we're going to see how long she was in there for it's just you [Music] guys this is actually cast right it's not no like tan or some [ __ ] like that right for the next product we a rocket launcher and Sean's going to pump it up and show you guys why it got banned oh yeah I'm about to pump some extra fluid it's going crazy wo wo wo wo wo wo all right it should be good now in three two what it didn't fly to the it didn't fly it didn't work that's why I got paned it's a scam the next product we bought is this indestructible liquid stress toy let's find out if it's actually indestructible let's see if we can handle the stretch test like my banana what dam I'm using my whole way oh what the hell that hit my freaking balls I can make them bows feel a little bit better that might be indestructible but them BS a who Sean so I bought something banned from Amazon check it out dude you look kind of thi yeah you look a little bigger let me know if you guys like this bubba does Bubba like the new sh [Music] yeah this is a super portable oxygen tank and to test it out we're going to see which one of us can hold our breath Alan Alan for the next product we have a tortilla blanket but I'm going to turn it into Pig a blank blanket pet pig pet Min Pig he thinks it's actual food taking a blanket guys look at this pig in a blanket a this pig in a blanket inside this next package we have oh is this a Dilly St no you plug this into your car and it's actually AC but for your balls ooh that feels good wait is there a suck mode on this thing there is the next Amazon product we're trying is this man Fork it has an extra prong to it so you can eat faster and to test it out we're going to have an eating competition without Tanner yeah where is Tanner oh he said he was at a buffet all right so I have the man fork and Alan has a regular Fork go that my come on what that mouth do Ohan won how the hell did you beat me I was hungry what that mouth dud though whoa Sean what that mouth inside this box we have a period simulator oh in that case I'll be trying this song to further experience the hardships that women go through in three two wait wait wait wait wait ladies remember I'm doing this for you okay go ready okay here we go wait that's not that bad actually yeah I I knew girls were faking that yeah what no all right I haven't turned it on yet oh wait what here we go now feels like I got to take a like bad diarrhea or something you agreeing with me all right Caleb how did it feel like honestly it was almost as bad as a cold what the I agree what do you mean what that I agree I'm leaving I'm out of here you guys are stupid the next ban Amazon product we bought is a gun you going to lose weight or what Tanner hey I'm just kidding it's a flow torch gun look why are you pointing it like that oh oh wo oh that's cool oh my go oh dude it's hot do you that you found that heat and we also have a candle that Shawn gave us you don't like that smell what so there's a special message inside this candle Sean said let's read what it says when this Candle is lit give me that wait that doesn't even rhyme what the heck is this I'm assuming this is another band product on Amazon as well all right let's Light It Up Wait I'm I'm not lighting this off oh it actually you smell that it smells pretty good if you like that smell then you going to like this what no I was just trying to get a closeup this is a thermal camera it's used to pick up heat signatures and other things such as the Caleb you just fart that was you no hell no it wasn't me hey we got instant replay on this Thermo camera that's one of the things they can pick up why do I see this green gas coming from who the hell is that wait what was that wao it's wait what wa oh now I'm out of here wa give me that ass I need more I give more on Amazon you can buy all sorts of weird jerkies but the one we bought is earthworm jerky oh oh my God hell no and since we're not trying it we're going to trick our friends in trying it all right Sean we have some jerky for you to try some jerky are you sure this is jerky I swear it's actually jerky are you sure this is jerky it's earthworm jerky oh hell no I'd rather jerk my own earthworm and eat that actually this is the KFC fire log it creates the smell of a 12-piece fried chicken bucket Let's test it out this is literally just a log of wood guys w why is the green all right the log is finally exposed smell tap wait it actually smells like KFC guys doesn't it n that smells like pot pies chicken pot pies with extra gravy and no vegetables with a side of extra fat fried finger licking chicken uh tner you just ate five minutes ago actually whoa whoa whoa don't do that so God that's actually why I got banned because people would do that for next product we have oh wait what is this hot dog soap M I'mma use this to wash my bows and this to wash my ass hot dog soap in prison or we get this regular so but if you drop it then you get the hot dog what matter of fact drop it no drop the I'm not dropping drop the drop drop the soap drop it now pick it up pick the soap up I don't want to pick pick it up pick the [Music] soap inside this next package is a wig but for your dog okay let's put it on him what the bro he looks like a human and apparently this product is dangerous too huh cuz he looks dangerously handsome Now new hair good this ladies for the next product we bought a real tattoo gun and I'm going to tattoo a special message on myself you know this is going to take a while I'd move on to the next [Music] product bck I know you don't want to go back to prison and I know you're also trying to start a new life so this next package we got is perfect for you what's this a fake ID Barack Obama no it's actually obach Obama either way Bo you're officially one of the most powerful people on the planet now H you will never know true power until you've tasted a testicle of a men does wrong you anybody knows who is Tanner [Music] wait Caleb what's that it's a queen of hearts cuz all you ladies are Queens in my [Music] heart the next band product we bought was edible [Music] bugs what you're going to eat them why handful of each oh what the dump oh dude oh God it looks so good you could literally lie to someone and tell them this is chocolate oh my God that smells so bad eat it eat it eat it oh show that to the camera what's in between there what is it is it just bugs in there yeah it's actually really good you're joking no it actually does you're just saying that so try I actually try right now 3 2 1 ew D you eating good P just think about all that protein in there how was it it was good so it's getting really late which is perfect because the next product we bought is an instant bed let's see how fast we can set it [Music] up okay wow wa dude right under two minutes yeah that's crazy pillow and it comes with its own pillow in covers yeah look at that [Music] dude who knew I would make it this far Tanner Tanner Tanner how'd you sleep dude I felt like there was someone tickling my balls me what the hell Sean what was that thing you were doing to my ass no that wasn't me then who was it it was my [Applause] nose what W that was good the next banned item that I got is vegetables how are vegetables banned it's banned from your diet have you ever seen him eat a vegetable why do you always have to call Alex fat cat take it too far sometimes do you actually want me to try this yes try some corn 3 2 1 [Music] what the hell why is this sweet this is actually kind of sweet dude this is bad though it's bad no no you don't throw up on me no hey this mushroom is good it tastes just like chocolate it actually is chocolate I got it from Tanner's fridge the next Amazon product we bought is this watch what wait that's boring just a watch what the heck yep it's just a regular watch dude we should light something on fire and I actually have a sparkler right here oh yeah I have sparklers on you what do you mean what the hell that's so cool wait why did it get ban cuz it would actually spontaneously Catch Fire due to the butane in it what yeah so don't put this watch in your pocket oh [ __ ] inside this package is probably one of the nastiest you can buy on Amazon first drink Caleb you have dirt soda I don't want to drink this pickled flavored soda oh no and the worst for last mine what is it chocolate soda what no that's the best I Got Dirt d mine smells so bad oh dude mine smells like chocolate that smells like pickos [Music] hey hey Loki I do not like this I don't like this this so gross let me try the pickle soda all right I'm going to take a SI the dirt soda oh I can see why they got banned for the next product we have to is dog selfie all you have to do is put this over your iPhone and you can take the perfect picture with your pet let's try it out he's staring at the ball he is staring at the ball this thing works look at this that's a perfect photo that is the perfect picture what do you guys think this product is a stuff animal it's a tissue holder in the shape of a butt oh look wait I could use this as a face mask what the wait what the hell how do you breathe that is not a face mask when that ass smells so good apparently on Amazon you can buy a package that contains all the ingredients to make the world's largest elephant toothpaste explosion I love me a good science experiment uh-oh if you swirl it it will actually pour in Faster oh my go W this thing is already exploding already oh this is good it's cool oh no we're about to make history in 3 2 1 shake it give it shake it Shake It wait you said elephant toothpaste they sent us Coke and Mentos well that's why it's banned let that mouth do though
Channel: Stokes Twins
Views: 61,944,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: banned amazon products, banned items on amazon, weirdest amazon products, products that should not be sold, stokes twins, Brent rivera, lexi rivera, ben azelart, mrbeast, airrack, Ryan trahan, Jordan matter, royalty family, preston, unspeakable, dhar mann, faze rug, Jeremy hutchins, amp, sidemen, Matthew beem
Id: Tb6dciVa1T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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