I Bought 250 DISCONTINUED Products From Our Childhood!

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growing up we played with tons of weird and dangerous products and since then most of them have been banned So today we're buying 250 of the most insane products from our childhood that have been discontinued and putting them to the test but first we have a medieval Anvil I've always wanted to try this as a kid since it's in every cartoon so we're going to use this to crush a bunch of things first up a bathtub and I'm going to have to pick up this 300 lb Anvil by myself to throw it 3 2 1 go [Music] that was insane now a car Dad Ready set go it didn't break it again on your mark get set [Music] go I'm so lightheaded I'm literally seeing Stars right now like in the car and now you guys know why it's banned this childhood toy is the Austin magic pistol it can shoot pingpong balls at dangerous speeds by creating a fiery explosion Caleb here volunteered to show us why it got banned I don't remember volunteer fire this probably got banned the same day it was released this is 75,000 Orbeez and this is 75 million Orbeez and Tanner we hit a key to a new car inside of here and if you can find it it's yours oh let's go you have 1 hour good luck look at that try not to swallow any of this because it is a choking hazard I can see that ass up next we have Zelda's master blade W and the reason it got banned is because kids would accidentally cut themselves playing with this so we're going to play some fruit ninja in real life instead [Music] you can't tell me this thing doesn't look like you the little bird here I'm going to cut the rest of this oh my god look how clean this slice is Jesus Christ yeah kids definitely shouldn't be able to play with this this is so much fun yeah all right time to find that key oh there's always M here this is a Spartan spear it's considered the most effective weapon in combat and also a Spartan's first weapon of choice and we're going to show you guys why it's the most effective weapon you can use it to stab things oh holy hell to slash things that's and to throw at things Jesus Christ oh my God that was right in the heart that's definitely why I got banned I still can't find the [Music] key all right I give up I can't find the key but I think there's something else in here it keeps biting my ass ow what was that go [Music] my help me leave my friend Al oh you you made me miss my ass you're about to get your ass please this is a fire extinguisher ball it works exactly like a bomb but when it explodes it can put out any fire so we're going to light this on fire and see how it works holy crap what Happ wait for it here it goes fire the hole oh my God that work though yeah let's go wa is not working get the home OU what just happened that one worked though right this thing is more of a grenade that's why it's banned oh my God these are Hot Wheel tracks you guys probably remember playing with this grown up but they got discontinued and we're going to see what it does three 2 1 oh go oh god what the hell are you okay d i can massage it if you want this is a catapult it was designed to launch objects at deadly speeds the reason for for the band is because it was considered too dangerous and unpredictable Let's test it out oh man Ready Aim Fire prous now we're going to put the catapult on full power ready a fire oh my God it went right through the window and if you think that was cool what take you see some of their products we have coming up up next we have the Crazy Cart Shuffle this is literally one of the coolest toys I've ever seen and I wish I had one of these growing up sway this thing back and forth back and forth back and forth and you can [Music] ride dude what the this thing doesn't work I'll show you guys how it's done wo oh the break's not working it's not breaking put that you can't help me right now I'm sitting on an exploding bean bag you can use this to prank your friends but I'm going to show you guys why I got banned and I would step back if our you ready Alan no Ready Set go what just happened are you okay dude that is not funny not funny you guys wanted me to try this yeah this is a rocket propelled grenade launcher otherwise known as RPG and I've always wanted to shoot one of these things growing up but never got to since they're banned and very dangerous but now that we have one we're going to show you guys why they're banned ready and fire my God what the [ __ ] this is a giant 6ot water balloon and we're going to show you guys why it got banned get in here SE don't show my feet don't show my feet the water cool Sean stop while the water's filling up we're going to film some more scenes no no it's cold I look like a ball the next product we have is this mini hydraulic press it can be used to crush almost anything and it got banned last year cuz someone lost a finger playing with it uhoh hey anybody want apple juice let's try something harder [ __ ] oh my God why did we not think that was going to happen final test [Music] Coke the can is still perfectly sealed I think I just peed for the next product you guys have definitely played in this growing up a bounce house this is literally every kid's dream we're going to tell you guys why he got banned but first let's have some fun now we're going to have a WWE match to find out who's the strongest Allan versus Alex go watch out watch out watch out here's [Music] the oh [Applause] anybody there it's cold it's C round two fight terner versus boss [Music] no dis qualified that's an illegal no show you one in the [Music] move are you recording no this is the world's longest straw it got banned because it's considered a choking hazard not if you're good at sucking we set up a Coke on the other side of the house and we're going to see if this actually works Moment of Truth [Music] oh my god [Applause] oh working what that mouth do though let me get a [Music] try going up going sucking so hard we're losing it come on SE remember your training yeah oh oh oh W come suck SE oh oh oh oh I knew you were the man for the job up next we have nitrogen filled balloons and Sean here is going to show you guys why they got banned oh wait it's working oh that's too much that's too much hold him down I'm sorry I'm sorry come on oh my God we're never doing that again thanks for being fat al was that supposed to be a compliment yeah thank you Sean the next discontinu item we're trying is this Tesla coil and if you guys don't know what it is you're in for a treat see that [ __ ] you guys saw that you guys see it oh a I'm just kidding it's not bad at all turning it up to M settings I don't see how this is dangerous it should get [Applause] unbanned next up we have a ramp we actually used to have one of these grown up but they were banned because they're unsafe and people use their bikes to jump these and end up getting hurt and breaking their bones ready Zach oh [Music] [ __ ] that was definitely Z SH his pants Z literally his pants that's scar stop recording stop recording this is the world's strongest water gun well it technically can be you can shoot this thing with so much power it can even break glass where going to test it out by shooting a glass cff with this holy [ __ ] my God that would leave a nasty bruise that's why it's banned the next discontinued item for our childhood is this Gatling gun and it was banned because kids would use it to team up on that one friend what stand still I said stand still dang I'm out this should be baned oh hey hey wa this is a quick wrap hair curler and the reason why it got banned because the heat from the curling iron would cause your hair to catch on fire we're going to see if that's true or not you just take a straight of hair put it inside the hair curler and then you turn it on let's see what [Music] happens W no way that was not signature SL out did you get it dude it just caught on fire out of nowhere oh my God it's so dangerous I can see why it got banned yeah fire on the thing God oh you fart in my hand why you snipped it oh dude this is a human slingshot it's basically a humanized rubber band that allows humans to fling into each other ooh I like the sound of that let's [Music] [Music] play cat is in the perfect position for a good oldfashioned all I have to do is fall on [Music] accident move that's mine make it they never believe me what the who that Bing this up next we have a pet chameleon and these are illegal almost everywhere because they carry a bacteria that can cause a serious illness in people called salmonella oh in that case I can't touch it I'm allergic to salmon and vanilla um okay but did you guys know that chameleons can also change their colors based on their surroundings so right now he's green but if we place him on a blue shirt he'll turn blue no no I can't I can't I can't I can't can't I can't you bringing the EP P it's a different kind of allergic reaction Tanner oh wait I can already see it turning blue oh my god wow guys he can't touch my skin remember I'm allergic uhoh all right guys now we're going to see if he changes to Red oh my God this feels so weird his sides are turning red hey help now uh someone take them off of me right now this is a baseball pitching machine it can rapid fire baseballs and the reason why it got banned because it will sometimes misfire and injure people that's the whole ride yeah let's go that thing went straight to the Moon run this is the world's loudest whistle and it was banned because it would cause deafness in people oh my God that was loud my ears are ringing now we're going to see if it's loud enough to break glass [Applause] this is a 2004 Buzz Lightyear toy it was actually one of the ones that got defected causing a recall in 2006 let's find out what the defect was to infinity and Y Mama's house what wa wa I don't remember that line from the movie I don't believe this let me try Andy tell your mama she can play with my woody anytime okay highly inappropriate I'm going to sue Toy Story for disrespecting women Caleb it's already banned our next discontinued product is smelling salts Apparently after smelling this product it Alters the pattern of your breathing resulting in improved respiratory flow rates and improves response time they can also be used to restore Consciousness after fainting what y'all believe that no I don't wait it says Rhino on it are you sure these aren't Rhino pills that'll wake something else up sniffing time oh God sniffing but now we're going to see if Sean's Reaction Time improve he's going to dodge some balls but I don't want to dodge it God stop I'm done I'm done I'm done work I got to say to say it works [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] next up is the pixie selfie drone and it was banned because people are using it to Spa other people pretty much it follows you around everywhere check it out look it's it's it's going to follow me around you see that oh my God I doing dude that's sick let's take a selfie all right let's check out the pictures that we took wait what the hell I guess the camera really does that 10 lb or in your case 50 lb you guys might remember using this childhood product at your school the original MacBook this thing is heavy I remember playing all sorts of games on this and I remember clicking on All Those ads all right let's play some games on this don't check my browser history oh it brings back so much [Music] memory w wait wait don't look at my brow history next up we have a love pillow and what I mean by that is this pillow supposedly makes your dog want to hump it yeah I doubt that let's find out Arthur Atlas come here oh oh uhoh a wait guys I think he's feeling shy we should probably just [Music] leave good boy at I can teach you another see on the pillow I see why it's banned now next up we have this twister Game it was banned cuz parents thought it was too inappropriate for kids to play we actually never played it growing up so we're going to give it a try ready Alex left foot blue okay Tanner left foot yellow right foot green right hand blue wao wao he's too close to me Alex right hand red I am not doing that I'm not doing that oh no right I swear to God if you fart Tanner oh no all right hey I'm not doing that I quit I'll do it oh my God right foot red oh okay okay I'm I can't do this my no will no 10 R chicks no we're playing twister that's how we playing prison now you next this is a split machine you can use it to see how far you can split and we're going to see which one of us can split the furthest I'm going to go first because girls are more flexible than guys [Music] wa5 cat I'm going to break your record you everything you sit on wow even gone yet all right I'm going to restart just for that okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 shut up 19 20 20 my God dang one come on one more come on one more if you can't go anymore you can stop cuz people would actually pull their grinds doing this challenge oh jeez Alex stop okay okay I can't go all right 43 go come on you got it okay I can't do it anymore but I can split on that I'm going to show you guys who the more flexible twin is 1 2 3 4 come on 14 oh dude that oh you're going to lose to me 16 oh four more come on you can't lose the Sean 17 18 I actually almost pulled my freaking ass cheek out hey you need a massage M I'm going to show you guys a scientific method on how to do a split you see God let's go okay fine 25 wait my knee actually hurts I'm done I would have been able to do a lot more if you guys let me explain my science saving the best for last you got it Tanner oh God God you okay you okay get out here you okay well that means cat wins this is a glow-in-the-dark basketball and you can use it to play basketball in complete darkness but they were discontinu cuz people would get radiation poisoning from them for real that's not a good thing you better get off this court before I pull this move on [Music] you hey that's a travel to my house yeah bu going try that same move on you [Music] s up next is this giant inflatable soccer ball this thing is almost a big as Tanner all right I'm leaving and it got banned because people would kick it incorrectly and hurt themselves but we're going to show you guys how to correctly kick it along with a few other things go wa yeah I love taking balls in the face give me them balls the next discontinued product we're trying is steel gloves the reason why you're banned is because you're literally wearing brass knuckles as gloves let's try it out open up I'm hungry Dam big boy is hungry that was insane if only this was deep [Music] fried deep watermelon for the final test we're going to test to see if the steel gloves can stop a wood Katana slash ready Tanner no oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] 3 2 1 well don't get in a sword fight with me I'll mess you up the next band product we're trying is the world's bounciest ball this thing can apparently bounce hundreds of feet in the air and the reason why it got banned is because people are sick of random balls appearing in their backyard not me let's see how high this thing can bounce oh I got I got I got I got I'll the ball where is it dude it never came down where's the ball I'll just get one of these balls instead up next we have the world's smallest functioning TV uh looks pretty average to me hell no that's small wa wao well it worked for you last night Sean let's see if it turns on yo are you kidding me dude oh that's sick it's turning on you can switch channels too look dude all right and now I can turn up the volume no freaking way I can pause it too you can pause it too well that's how you know size doesn't matter it's how you use it talking about the TV right what we have next is a boob squirt gun I don't think think this one needs an explanation on why I got banned yo I feel violated it tastes like breast milk oh all right well if that's the case I uh I need to take this back to my lab for scientific research purposes what I wanted some more this is shock potato and it was banned because one kid got shock too hard and led him to have a seizure oh that's dangerous who's all playing it let's do it by random um cat Sean Tander boach about you I got to film what go through worse oh shoot it's getting closer any second [Music] [Applause] now that hurts just hurry up and give it to me no it's getting closer I won go power you guys might remember this from your childhood the Chinese finger trap if you stick your finger inside this it gets stuck and it got banned because someone had to get one of their fingers amputated after having their fingers stuck for days what is that real that's actually true no it is all right so you're going to try it now right I'm going to try it all right let's do it yeah wait why did you go so deep yeah oh sh oh oh hell dude I hate that feeling oh my God wait stop pulling stop pulling stop ping oh my God how do you get that out how are you supposed to get it out you got to use scissors dude are you pulling up oh so the correct way to actually remove this is so instead of point out you're going to push in and then you're just going to be able to take it out nice and easy yeah low key it actually felt kind of good the tugging on your finger I know what you mean but I think this should definitely be unbanned I agree let's move [Music] on this is a four-wing boomerang apparently the More Wings it has the more AC so we're going to start with the single blade one and work our way up oh okay okay it's coming back it's coming back it's getting closer [ __ ] damn dude it almost came back to me help help now we're going to try the four-wing [Music] boomerang all right hey that's why I got banned it came back but almost fing hit me so this is a 1990s happy meal and inside here is a toy that got discontinued here we go o a McDonald's brass knuckles I've never seen that before w w w w oh my god oh oh yeah can you imagine kids playing with this and then getting into fights with each other apparently some kid even got a concussion and died from this actually I'm afraid so but ladies don't be afraid to hit my line up next we have magnetics it was banned in 2014 because if a child swallows just one tiny powerful magnet the others can attract to its intestines and cause perforations and or blockage Caleb no one understands what the hell you're trying to say with your fancy words sorry I'll try to use smaller words so you understand me well that's not going to be good enough either were you dropped on your head as a baby yeah I actually was my condolences what' you call me Tanner calm down I got Popeyes coming in 15 minutes Popeyes deep fried fingerlicking chicken this is the world's hottest gummy bear I don't know looks pretty average to me you know it's the beauty on the inside that matters can we just eat the Gummy Bear all right you first you first [ __ ] work all right in three two 1 oh [ __ ] oh god oh no no no no wait it's actually hot oh no oh hell no no no no no [ __ ] hot wait why is it so freaking hot oh no can I leave can I leave I'm done I'm out oh oh my gosh [Laughter] H give me my Kucha oh dude this is worse than a one chip my teeth are burning my gums are burning my tongue is burning I can see why these are banned now this is a pool hamster wheel you can use it to run on water but the reason why it got banned is cuz people were using it in the middle of the streets now let's roll into the pool wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo ready tan here you go wo yes okay wet oh [ __ ] I'm getting wet sucked it sucked can't feel my hand guys I'm seeking please help let's move on to the next product guys help please help next up is a 1980s squeaky baby doll it looks pretty innocent right but when you squeeze it it emits a harmful gas oh you oh dude that smells like a fart that kind of smell good this there it is he also admits a harmful gas when squeeze guys help me these are croc boots they're literally boots but designed like Crocs so they're pointless because you're supposed to wear boots when it rains have holes in them they're not working and that's probably why I got banned on a serious note the main reason why they're banned is because the leather would cause your feet to sweat stink and cause blisters yeah ooh look at them feet yeah dude yo these are low-key comfortable I'm not even going to lie jump test time to put these in sports mode they're already in sports mode oh they're already in sports mode okay dang my freaking knee hurts ah in conclusion I almost busted my kneecap so these should stay banned next item we have from her childhood is this rare novelty cereal it's the 1994 Michael Jordan weedies they were discontinued cuz they had way too much sugar and were considered too unhealthy to eat even more reason to try it it got stuck on the box is old what the heck is that oh it smells so stale oh it smells like Amazon packages hey that's a handsome man dang wa Sean you're pouring the milk first oh that's weird wait wait no no no no no no no no you're supposed to pour the cereal first not the milk no I've always poured my milk first that's weird right guys yeah what the heck like this video If you pour your milk first And subscribe if you pour a cereal first I'm telling you right now that's weird because if you pour milk first wait wait wait a minute that's actually smart pouring the milk first cuz now we can eat more cereal wait wait cuz if you pour a cereal first you don't know how much milk you can pour but if you pour the milk first you know how much cereal you can add M but my milk fits with all types of a right oh oh oh no are you okay he said no it tastes like o oal no it tastes like paper like straight up just paper it does oh no this is like recyclable cereal e scamming us you know what this could use what some deep fried finger licking chicken with 100% fion off next up we have this remote control paper airplane and it actually got banned because someone got hit in the eye and lost their Vision let's hope that doesn't [Music] happen wow I'm going to try to make this in the soccer goal I throwing it perfectly all right we have a new method Ready set go dude that thing sucks up next we have the wait there's nothing in here where'd you put it wait do you hear [Music] that what I'm just trying out the new product the shake ice machine but all we need now is some coke well you're in luck what what you just pull that out of your ass you open it I'm not touching that can oh yeah you squeeze yeah squeeze it oh it's called the squeezer not the sh sh oh then I've been doing it all wrong I've been shaking it SE this is supposed to turn into Coke slushy wait hold on that doesn't look right what that's not a slushie yeah that didn't work that's cuz I add some of my cream in there even better this is a kid leash it's banned in many places cuz it's considered cruel and a choking hazard if the leash gets caught up around your neck and we're going to have our 700 Monon old baby put this on I'm not a baby but you're my baby no can we go to Disneyland I won't get lost damn SE back I want to get on that ride back here that's what it's for you know this is banned everywhere but the only place it's not banned is Disneyland if you're under nine you actually have to wear a leash or they kick you out of the park like seriously this is actually a new rule like I'm what what the hell these are bloonies my parents never let me use these you know why they want it why cuz they contain toxic chemicals that can cause cancer what I never knew that oh I can smell the chemicals this smells so weird oh they're banned cuz I'm about to pass out man oh oh oh we're going to see who can blow the biggest bubble all right ready guys yeah okay three 2 1 oh you got it oh what the maybe we should stop doing this for I actually pass out [Music] yeah this toy got banned cuz it's considered a throwing knife after someone used it as a weapon on a plane now let's find out how sharp this thing is 3 2 1 go oh my God what just happened dude it C the watermelon at least but it didn't stick on it that thing is sharp on your mark get set go yeah it broke it broke you probably lad in this product growing up a mini hammock and it was banned in 1996 after 12 kids died damn notice how there's no support on the sides when people would get in and out of this they would strangle themselves oh my god well then why am I in here you know what I don't believe it let's try it out no no no no you guys are too fat no no next up we have a voice changing module you can use this to prank call anyone and sound like a girl a guy a grandma or a grandpa but we're going to use this to pretend to be Sea's crush and prank call him and by the way this is what we're going to sound like to Shawn hey Sean Sean's going to fold instantly hello hey Sean how's my little boy doing or should I say big boy after last night what this is Melissa why you ignoring my texts what I'm so bad at text me well that means we need to hang out in person more silly F okay what are you going to do next time you see me I'll give you a hug with what you want me to hug with you yeah what are you going to hug me with I want to know something well Sean how about you hug this hey he fully thought he was having a conversation with a girl he so smooth you won't believe why this next product got discontinued Altoid sours oh that sounds good I know old best one used by 2000 this is B I've used by November 2005 oh my god dude it's so hard to oh oh no no wait what the hell is in here no no no that's messed up BR you guys see sour for us to what the hell is this what does it taste like it doesn't have any like Flavor oh my God oh my God it's sour it's sour that's it though we're probably going to get diarrhea from this wait can I watch what this actually wasn't too bad CRA oh my God this is a square golf ball and this is a regular golf ball and we're going to compare the two to find out why the square one got discontinued first up a normal golf ball holy [ __ ] dude it went into the baseball field I swear to God it [Music] did that hit the light pole now the square golf ball oh my God it broke it broke did it break reminds us too strong we don't know for sure all right guys so this is why they got discontinued this is an LED beach ball and it was banned because the UV lights inside contained harmful chemicals that would cause cancer and birth effects all right we won this is a watermelon cutter and you can use this to cut watermelon very easily like [Music] this perfect watermelon cubes M that's good and that's the second product we have for watermelons right here look at this watermelon bones and the third one oh that's [Music] sick oh that was sick give me that give me that give me that give me that wo wo where the heck was this my entire life it's good but it's not finger looking good like that finger licking chicken no but as good as this is the reason why I got banned is because someone accidentally cut their fingers off while using this ah my finger oh my finger my finger oh [Music] [ __ ] I'm just kiding D I got excited for no reason I was about to give you CPR what you can still give me CPR give me them balls these are aquad dots they were banned in 2007 because they contain GHB the incident happened in 2007 when three kids ingested Aqua Beads and went into a coma you can actually use this to make 2D art and Sean's going to draw something for us I already fill it up Sean's going to draw balls look I I made a heart now what your heart Al go like this yeah yeah harder okay I think it's ready wao that's not a heart what is that I don't know but I kind of want to eat it oh W the next product we have is Axe Body Spray the reason why it's banned highly flammable so flam able that a truck hauling Axe Body Spray caught fire and exploded damn for real so because of that we're going to turn this into a flamethrower oh my God that was insane you're telling me kids use it you're telling me kids use this we got to turn it off the fire department's about to come turn it [Music] off save the day again the next product we have from our childhood is fro Loop straws oh I used to eat these all the time as the kid yeah why did they get banned cuz they're actually 250 calories per straw what the hell but apparently they're supposed to make anything tastes like Froot Loops I don't believe that well to test that we have Coke milk and then water yeah oh dude this is God nostalgic what the hell [Music] okay M dude this is like straight sugar you know when the cereal is been sitting in a too long and it becomes super sweet that's what it tastes like all right now let's try the coke I really doubt this is going to make it taste like cereal but let's try it m oh tast like Froot Loop flavored Coke that's what I tasted now the water dude I could catch myself drinking more water using this method wo wo wo wo wo wo wo wo that mouth do though up next we have the bungee tow rope you can attach this to anything and tow your friends around it got banned because people would attach this to cars and get seriously injured so we're going to try this out on a bike instead oh me dude I did not mean to do that I actually didn't mean to do that first we're going to try it with a skateboard oh man oh man damn you're heavy woo w oh sh oh they need to stay banned this is a discontinu 1993 McDonald's Shak maker and we're going to figure out why it got banned you're going to pour the mix into the top nice and gentle you always got to be gentle around the ladies guys ever you mix it oh wait that's so cool oh it stopped working it stopped rotating this is a McDonald's ice cream machine it's true they're always moment of [Music] Tru look at this finished product this thing is like a wet pudding a liquid [Music] pudding it tastes exactly how it look some kind of thick creamy fluid some kind of what the oo that looks good to me oh oh Sean ew that doesn't taste like what I thought it would the next item from our childhood is slap bracelets oh yeah I remember playing with these in school yeah these were literally my favorite schools literally banned them because they claimed they were too distracting and the bracelet has sharp edges and cheap Fabrics that left some students in literal stitches what yeah that's insane it was a bit itchy though cuz I used to use the slap bracelet on my other leg what Sean what the ah oh that oh dude that hurt the next band product we have from our childhood is weird meat flavored chips I got maggot cheese I got poisonous Blowfish I horse meat you can eat that but before we try it since it was just Thanksgiving I actually just wanted to tell you guys that I'm really thankful for you is there anything you're thankful for Caleb H what am I thankful for I'm thankful for women sorry I'm I'm thankful for women well I'm thankful for the food we're about to eat let's dig in I'm thankful for women God that smells bad Che cheers 3 2 1 I'm trying not to eat it the only way this should be unbanned is that be deep fat fried it and 100% Popeye's bacon grease straight from popy's Chicken Kitchen yeah what that mouth do though
Channel: Stokes Twins
Views: 48,162,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: banned toys, banned amazon products, banned products from our childhood, discontinued products from our childhood, stokes twins, toys, mrbeast, mark rober, Jordan matter, dhar mann, airrack, Ryan trahan, royalty family, ben azelart, sidemen, lexi rivera, Jeremy hutchins, Brent rivera, amp
Id: Wny9C18HuHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 19sec (2959 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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