I Blast A Pair Of Mouldly, Old & Neglected "PROWLING PANTHERS" Can They Be Restored??

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morning guys okay something a bit different today I'm using my iix and my compressor today um you might think what's unusual about that cuz we've seen that before but normally this equipment is used for doing uh M brick cleaning um but today something different couple of prowling Panthers so uh you can see these are completely covered in well not covered but that one's quite bad you can see the base that's basically black spot now that is so bad there that I'm going to try h on it get rid of I would say the majority of it but these spots all this stuff around here should come off no problem um this one's better so I'd say I reckon I get 50% of the the black spoted black spotted is that a word black spots off and then I'm going to get the rest with um uh the the IIT using soda these are made of marble uh you can obviously they've been outside otherwise they wouldn't like this that is lien FL spot lien um and yeah i' got to be careful here cuz you can see that crack there like a faint crack I don't know how deep it is but yeah I has to be very careful cuz I don't think these are sh anyway let's crack on see we get right so I'm set up to go uh so what I'm going to do first is stick a load of sodium hydroch chloride on here I imagine because this is so ingrained and it's been here quite a long time that um I'm going to have to blast it with the soda so um but I know I can get rid of at least 50% of it using the sodium hydroc chloride so that's what I'm going to do and uh come and join me while I do it and see how I get on Cheers you know what I'm done put a mask on wow what difference already that's literally just one application look how much brighter they are already I forgot to bring myself factant I'm only down the road so I'm actually going to go and spray this again then I'm going to go and get mying cuz it needs to stick it's not sticking properly like it's it's it's coming off on the like it just pours off from around I mean it's nice and it's sitting there nice and doing its job there you can see it's all going white which it means it's eating into the black lightting so um yeah I need to make it more sticky and typically I left my surfactant at home it's because my van went in for some work yesterday and I just emptied out all the all the Clutter that was in the van because I didn't want it get in the way the guys needed to do the work so um stupid me I forgot to put it back on but anyway yeah so far so good F he going to come out lovely anyway um going to wash this off reapply then I'm going to go and get my stuff probably come back and do a bit of blasting let's do that okay second rinse you can already look how much brighter they are wow you might be wondering why I'm not using a Crusher washer on here you may or may not know but marble is an extremely soft Stone like Limestone it's very soft um any sort of pressure from a pressure washer can scar it I mean look you could go really really low pressure and you might be okay but why take the risk so um I'm just going to rely on chemicals and um very very low pressure extremely low pressure through the ibit um this should look like new I'm pretty optimistic it's going well so far but hey you want to say stuff like that start normally start going wrong so touchwood we're all good all right look at that I mean come on already I haven't even blasted it yet it's done at least 40% of that black spot that one's looking awesome awesome right okay uh let's carry on uh sorry I forgot to press record uh I've already done a little bit of soda blasting um very little I remembered I needed to record this so uh see there's a little bit on the floor but um yeah so I mean these are are coming up absolutely lovely so I'm just going to use the soda to get rid of say these little bits here see there quite sure what that yellow is could possibly be organic I think it is um so I may need to go go again it that with the hypo but um some of these more stubborn darker bits here oh that has melted away that's G mushy and yeah so yeah let sa that bit there I don't know whether that's actually part of the the marble cuz you know Marble's not completely a consistent color it has like different shades in it like um bits of black bits of yellow so I'm not going to go it too hard cuz he's a vintage um but yeah so far so good so that bit there is a little bit of paint I spoken to the customer and I said look um the problem is if you go it too hard I could um put like a an indentation in there and he said look I just want the paint gone I don't mind if there's a little bit of Dent there so yeah that's what I'm going to do there that is definitely paint That's not organic but these bits here they are defin organic here so these darker bits here sure they are are they anyway so I'm just going to got myself a coffee I'm going to drink that and then I'm going to make start on the uh blasting [Music] sh [Music] is [Music] right that's come up a treat okay so there are some marks on the marble I just think that's I don't believe that that is um I mean I'm going to put some more Hyo on it now but I actually don't believe that the marks are organic I think they're within the stone I mean it is Natural Stone marble you know when you get marble work Toops they're nice and Polished but they'll have like lots of different sort of colors in them even though they are a main color like if you have a white one you'll have bits of black sort of going through them bits of yellow um and that's just the case with this um I don't believe that these are stained I think it's part of the um marble so let me turn around and show you bear in mind it's still covered in a lot of sun I need to rinse this off but let me point out what I think um is just within the stone anyway so the lights not great um yeah so if you look these I think that's just within the stone yellow that is definitely there on that one you see that is not organic there's no way that's within the stone so do you know what they've come up really nice I think there is a little bit of black spot dotted around I don't want to go um the thing is with the with the soda blasting is very gentle and the soda is um it it just doesn't take stuff off if it's really ingrained in so you you'd obviously need different blast medium for really stubborn stuff but obviously because these are quite valuable and I don't want to damage them I'm using soda anyway see there I reckon that's black spot still um it's quite deep within the the marble but uh I'm going to put some more hyper in this now and see if that helps [Music] okay so I reckon we're nearly there uh there's a few stains around on this one I'm not overly pretty sure that's actually still organic stain but I don't know not sure whether that's with actually in the uh the marble itself but that one is is pretty much perfect I'm going to let this sit for 10 15 minutes and eat away at any uh black spot that's still there or organic growth that's hidden away and then I'm going to try turn the pressure up very slightly and try and get rid of these bits here and then yeah see how we go from there okay it's actually turned really warm today it's about 15 16° I'm actually getting really hot anyway so I'm really pleased with how these are turned out um this one here looks amazing look at that look at that wow so these marks I'm 99.9 9% sure that's within the uh marble because if you look at it from a distance it's like lines Stripes like streaks like how how the rock would have um formed in layers originally however old it is millions of years I imagine um so yeah I'm I'm not going to go at that anymore because I I'm I would even say I'm 100% sure that is part of the rock so I'm going to leave that well alone looking lovely so these were these did live outside hence why they were covered in all that stuff but they're going to live indoors from now on so they should stay lovely and clean right this one still looks amazing but not totally happy with these bits I think they're organic I'm almost certain they are but I don't know so I'm going to turn the pressure up a little bit have a quick go at them but if they don't budge I'm going to leave them alone yeah apart from those bits the rest of it looks amazing these bits here they are definitely part of the stone 100% like I said you look at marble work polished up they have different shades and colors in them like just like this so yeah looks awesome but I'm just going to do this last bit and I'm [Music] done okay I'm done I think we can count this as as as a success let me show you these look pretty awesome I must say so yeah so I got rid of a little bit more back down here um but I genuinely think it's just the um pattern within the stone there I didn't want to go it too too hard cuz you got to be and plus you don't want them looking absolutely spotlessly perfect they are old just uh you don't want to remove all the character from them and that's not just me making excuse um but yeah I mean it looks pretty nice you got me I'm actually really pleased with how that's come out so uh yeah happy days that one looks the best definitely okay um well thank you IEX and hypo you've done that well right so time cut up now and I'm done for the day I'm going to go and show the customer I'm sure he's going to be over the M thanks for watching [Music] guys [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music]
Channel: Prestige External Cleaning
Views: 46,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marble restoration, soda blasting, marble statue, marble statue cleaning, marble restoration process, soda blasting marble, statue cleaning, satisfying video, asmr, satisfying video cleaning, satisfying videos asmr
Id: JQghP3pwqw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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