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good morning everybody we are back out here working on this Swamp Road um the bugs the Flies are already trying to beat down on my head I got my gator on me uh trying to keep them off my ears and stuff from biting me um if I get bit by a I call them yellow flies but a lot of people call them deer flies if I get bit by one I just I swell up really bad I'm really like allergic to them um so anyway uh but that just comes along with working out here in the woods and the swamps of the low of South Carolina so we're out near nickels today out in the middle of nowhere um and uh we're going to try to finish up this Swamp Road I got big Munch let's take a look at what we got all right got big munchie we're going down to uh CCE down in Monks Corner tomorrow to swap out this muler um for another TMC canella muler if you saw my video with the big monster truck thing um you'll you have saw that muler uh um at the end of that video so we're going to go get that one get it hooked up to the ASV get it tuned and uh yeah that should be fun we'll have it for a couple weeks before we get this one back um the teeth on this one I'm getting a new set of teeth for this one too while I'm there they are about dunies at least the ones over here in the in the center but they should do what I need to do for today basically we're just going to go through really just kind of clean up some piles and and a little bit of stuff in the back so I got this pile right here we're going to clean up some of these big bigger chunks and uh I got two I got one pile there and another small pile a little further down yeah one and two so that's what we're going to do we're just going to go through here and grind this stuff up and make it into little bitty pieces so let's get started oh oh got w [Applause] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] w [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] okay we are moving along with this very nicely with the skid steer getting some of these pesky stumps gr down and there's a lot of stumps in here you can't really see them on the camera but they're kind of hidden along the ground they're everywhere from the stuff that they they cut down these prate mushes and trees and stuff oh it's tight in here tight working around these trees we are chewing it up pretty good even with ad teeth so what happens you're running knives and they get dull they basically kind of turn into carbides where they're just kind of hammering the stuff more than they're cutting it which is fine for what we're doing in here honestly it's not half bad cuz I'm grinding a lot of this stuff on the ground so might as well use old teeth anyway just takes a little bit longer to grind it up at least get it into a a piece small enough to where you can back drag it and get it to go through the muler cuz that's what you're really trying to do is to just back get it small enough to back drag it to get it to go through cuz that's what's that's what's making your mulch like that right there that's what's making the mulch boy this place has got some Vines too goodness it is full of vines oh there's a big old stuff right there y not anymore I am super excited to go to Mon's Corner tomorrow and get this new multure hooked up already got uh two jobs for it three job three jobs actually so I'm excited for that wet over there we haven't had any real rain in a while so it's nice and dry in here thank goodness a big old Creek or drainage or big old Creek right here it's pretty deep too I don't know if that's natural or somebody bued that years and years ago I have no clue I'm guessing somebody dug it cuz these looks like the dirt piles from when they dug it right here golly that thing must have been dug ages ago because some of the trees growing around it are garat that was a bit tight but we got it okay we're about to start on this whoa that's a big old stuff I didn't see that oh there two of them jeez they're everywhere they're so hidden anyway we're about to start on this pile right here and uh we' got a few more piles back over in here and uh I'm going to take the mini through and just kind of clean up these edges a little bit probably pull some of that stuff out it's falling back there into the woods and this will about be done so stay tuned can't wait to see what it looks like when we're done this has been a project year no doubt stay tuned [Music] a [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well the Sun finally went behind those clouds and got out of my face the sun glare in here was awful sitting in that machine but uh I think we're done got all that cleaned up and looking really nice got a nice open area in here and got those piles ground down got that all opened up got those trees right there pulled out from across that Creek I stacked them up right there they might want that for firewood that's some some pretty nice Hardwoods right there if they want to come down here this would be a nice little campsite actually this would be a beautiful little campsite come down here and and stay honestly this would be a pretty decent little deer hole I've seen a lot of deer tracks in the sand up there at the top of the hill uh you got plenty of trees right here to put a stand into and look that way cuz this all opens up into his property or you could sit here and put you Lane across that ditch right there or something this is beautiful in here really it turned out very nice I'm I'm really happy with this the owner came by yesterday just after I had left and he saw the front up there what I had done and he was very happy with that so I think he's going to be super happy with this so far so that looks good man we made some mulch in here today baby holy moly good night that was a pretty big pile right there and then I went around with the mini at the very end just kind of cleaned up the edges and stuff pulled out some of little stragglers and stuff made a couple little small piles mulch that up so I am excited to get the new machine or the new muler head tomorrow hopefully everything goes well with that we'll get that oh I got a stick in my undercarriage here oh no what do we got uhoh I'm going to have to get that out I'll go grab the Chainsaw cut that out but we're going to pick up some new teeth for this thing too and when I get it back we'll change out the teeth but dull teeth no teeth it don't matter she chewed it up anyway and spit it right back out we got it done like I said when these teeth get dull like that they basally just become carbides you know just takes a little longer to to get it down into a size where you can backd Dragon into the machine and spit it back out but she did it no problem so we'll be changing out all those teeth I don't even know if they've kind of taken a beating which I'm glad I used old teeth in here cuz we were grinding a lot of stumps and stuff on the ground you know grinding these piles on the ground it was a lot of ground grinding so I'm kind of glad I had some old teeth to use on this job actually end up turning out pretty good I think so I don't know if we you got any spares on there they all look oh I can't turn the drum it's on the ground but they all look pretty done but all right stay tuned we'll be I'm hopefully make a video of us hooking up the new muler tomorrow I'm going to get this thing cleaned up blown off loaded up and we're out of here so I'll check you guys on the next one bye everybody
Channel: IDigIt4
Views: 31,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IDigIt4, transformation, satisfying, relaxing, time lapse, ASMR, forestry, forestry mulching, mulcher, forestry mulcher, outdoors, camping, paradise, swamp, land clearing, heavy equipment, AMI, operator, letsdig18, skid steer, CTL, ASV, RT-120F, overgrown, brush, underbrushing, TMC Cancela, landscaping, landscaper, nightmare, excavator, mini excavator, Munchie, Big Munchie, munch, grind, mulch
Id: jSdjUM-f8s0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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