How We Revived an Abandoned Pool After 15 Years

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[Laughter] oh that's just in there yeah he broke the stick it like immediately broke there should be another stick in the garage we can just put on it yeah just replace it do you want to use the other room for now you're done yeah [Laughter] [Music] yeah huh 35 35 25 25 I don't feel any suction I think that was just the water being pushed I feel a little bit I guess it's starting now then yeah I'll just hold it now I'm sucking nicely down okay nice we just need to clear out whatever is around it so we can suck the top part and not you know all the it's just clean water this is a memory we will keep one day when the house is done just in two weeks at's funeral we remember him is a dumb ass why you just Jing it has to come out being how am I the walls what about the walls SP minutes cleaning them and you diring them in 2 seconds I don't want to say something stupid cuz he might do it what I'm going to drink for water no I going to say why don't you swimming it's a little to you just told them you would I didn't spend years you spend congratulations yeah you said get a talk right yeah it's just going little yeah but we get the out and then you can just pump the water out's not going to let you you're going have to work through bra bra cuz he's a AP Apes together strong take the top throw it over scoot the out leave the water pump the water out it makes too much [Music] sense we a lot of try new things in this house I'm going to P what if I get the top get [Music] it [Music] [Music] n [Music] l [Music] ah [Music] [Music] n [Music] oh it do a MK what what nothing what happened I may have made mistakes yeah I noticed it has a cool trick if you actually made a hole no apparently if you make a hole in the one side it goes smth [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] it's not we are we [Music] are It's Not Who We Are Who We Are [Music] we [Music] we we are we [Music] are it's right We Are Who We Are oh
Channel: BLEM DIY
Views: 23,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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