This Stubborn Graffiti Refuses to budge... Until It Meets An Ibix Blasting Machine!

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good morning guys another day another job okay so graffiti removal today um so a little bit of a background story on this one uh I was here about a week and a half ago I tried to use um Steam and graffiti removal chemicals um but the problem is with this particular wall it's been graffiti so many times that there's it's become super super absorbent um now um I'm going to advise that they put some sort of anti-graffiti coating on here because clearly it's just a hot spot for the graffiti uh artists taggers and um it's they're never going to stop so all they can really do is just uh put some protection on there so then each time it needs cleaning it's much easier to clean off and it will cause less damage to the wall as well because the wall um I don't know how many times this Wall's been cleaned I've cleaned it twice um I'm back here today again uh there was a guy that cleaned it before me well I don't know if there was a company or the council did it um I I'm assuming they must have used cold water and quite high pressure uh because the um the actual pointing is in really bad condition um a lot of it's been blasted out so yeah it's super absorbent I mean the brick originally it is a a very Sandy type of brick um so it's very it's quite a difficult one to remove graffiti from you have to go over it twice no matter what some bricks you can just go over it once put the chemical on let it sit and it comes off straight away with the steam but these this particular type of brick you have to go over it twice there's no getting around that sometimes even three times um but because this has been gone out so many times it's just not coming off when I was here a week and a half ago it just um it wouldn't even touch it even the F the first uh the first spray of graffiti removal chemical it wouldn't touch it and uh that that was when I just thought this is there's no way this is coming off even with two three four attempts so um we need to bring in the big guns um and let I'm going to turn you around and show you what I B today uh to get rid of this so let me just turn you around okay there you go there's a Ducan 140 CFM compressor air compressor okay so that's connected to An air dryer this is come from the states uh it's s know if I'm pronouncing it right but L man L man um L man stract dryer this is excellent B kit CU there so much moisture in the air if you didn't have this it would just make all the blast media wet and it would all stick together and Clogg and it would never come out the nozzle properly so you have to have one of these uh anyway so that goes over there we'll go down another look so uh there's helmet breathing apparatus show you the graffiti at the same time so there's the graffiti so the maintenance guys told me that the there was a guy that came in before me before I tried to steam it um that was going at it with an angle grinder and a w brush so um look at the end of the day was probably told by someone higher higher up than him to come and do that but I mean totally inappropriate way to try remove this graffiti needs specialist equipment I mean not even a steam cleaner could get rid of this cuz like I said the the bricks are now so porous it's just sucking it in there it's really difficult to get out but uh this we'll get it the IIT awesome bit of Kit this can't tell you how many times it's got me out of trouble that um there's gun okay let's get set up and you can watch me do [Music] it [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] right [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Laughter] I [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] come [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and there you have it the power of an ibit I mean that is what Steam and chemicals couldn't achieve done easily with an IB um next St now is to get this W protected um so I'm in discussions with the guys who've hired me CU this has been subcontracted out to me um and the guy that subcontract it to me is speaking to the guys who run this to see whether they uh are willing to pay for uh some protection because ultimately this wall is just going to get destroyed if they just keep going over it and I keep blasting it go over it blast it over it blast it it's just going to the bricks are just going to suffer but for now that looks pretty good that's looking good don't really know what's going on here but uh for some reason moisture is coming through the brick work um this is making it look dark but that's that's not staining that's that's cu damp I imagine it's seeping through up there somehow and then coming down to here probably through that join there anyway not really pleased with that come up really really well yeah more moisture up the top so sort of about there uh there's moisture in the bricks so that's why it's dark all the graffiti is gone I even took some of the efflorescence of uh well actually it wasn't efflorescence it was calide cuz that's been on there so long it's bed a calide crust I've taken some of that up there for uh well the worst of it anyway right let's pack up it's Friday I think it's only about midday nice early day for me happy day all right guys thanks for watching and I'll catch you the next one [Applause] [Music] [Music] cheers [Music] [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Prestige External Cleaning
Views: 200,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graffiti removal, graffiti remover, worlds best graffiti remover, graffiti removal business, graffiti removal from brick, graffiti removal machine, best graffiti remover
Id: EgtC1cyFQDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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