The Drain Unblockers πŸ’ͺ BEST UNBLOCKS COMPILATION πŸ’ͺ

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[Music] [Music] [Music] s keep sping off it's all newly installed all the long AG you can see it's quite a long run the radi doesn't seem too bad but it's quite a bit of a asking for a bit of a force to send all the way along here and the so start rounded I feel like there obviously the boiler is coming in here which I've not seen before so not this is backing up it's actually backing in th into the boiler which I've not actually seen that set up like that before so that's not that's safety standards or not I got yeah for a second St [Music] [Music] Jesus oh oh lovely hey I wasn't expec it to go that high no last time it done that but it didn't come it didn't go [Music] that that's the bottom of the shil stock [Music] [Applause] NOW want to Second me this watch out this part [Music] [Applause] [Music] here the bubbles after you l you got something in the L Bach yeah try and get it there this way here a little bit of a li on there as well catching a littleit on the way out that's not being [Music] think it's it's coming back in no I don't know exactly that was a break then though that was like thick as anything that's come out there here's a favor there mate going give it a flush forers let's have a little look so that was well and compacted in there hopefully you seen the majority of it let's just see many fles now it comes through but I think there's an issue on the rest bin that the soil St that's coming in oh I mean them drains are narrow they really are narrow for um for what's coming through there's a FL that's come through perfectly far yeah fly that [Music] way ah yeah okay baby's only like three months old well that's all come through fine and the tissue perfectly fine it's s a little bit so not that seem all right right come on Joe let's have a so we just had a quick look here he's got a blocked downstairs toilet inside manle right by the front drive here and it follows through to a manle at the back and Joe's got a bit of a leak in his uh H pack there Joe you need a bit of maintenance on this mate oh and there there's his downstairs toilet to the left and there's man on the back oh yeah okay so that's blocked do you want to put on its uh side a little bit just in case it comes out I guess cones e yeah get your cones yeah put a cone on there right that's that one there you go Jo shorts you want me to you want me to do it you wen't saying it was nice a minute ago hey man do you want me to do this see everything seems slow come on camerae there we go oh we are look at that oh nice Joe nice one this plug what Dela yeah try yeah okay let's get the Dela let's just do that first you want me to again yeah go on you like the glory don't you so yeah it's slowed up on here see there yeah yeah it seems to be wipes in there you disinfect the wipes get used well they shouldn't be going down the door no I know kids well that's kids for you isn't it yeah there a lot of wipes in there here it comes now it comes just stand back slightly there it comes no soil in here as well and silter we give this a good clean out all right [Music] yeah right get your we get the [Music] pl [Music] sh I'm just fascinated all of these years all of these 30 years 25 years here we go let me get the plunger here it comes oh nice that isn't it yeah beautiful so go and check that other one down there beautiful come out in it of wipes in there here we go y empty it's empty now it's just slow going down couple of buckets of water I think that's yeah gone life it's just slowing the line in it yeah get D through the wall it's going that it's like a fountain oh let me just do something subscribers while we're doing this we brother M xman and engineer yes he writes books I've been reading this one give it a bit of a plug for him uh shafted by Mike Morton it's about his time true story about his time in the pits in the mines when it was taken over when it was privatized was makes a good read so if you get that on Amazon it's quite a good read that one is that where it is on Amazon yeah yeah Mike Morton shafted what's it called shafted shafted shafted by Mike Morton and obviously shafted means shafts in the M you sure you've read that B that that that that he talking about I've actually been in that mine have you the other brothers we all went for a day there well I want to say a day day out yeah we went down the pit he took us down there what we think this is sometimes people say why do we do this job different breed of man that wasn't it [Music] yeah let's just keep them through do it on the other one up [Applause] there I it's way given that a jet you know that line okay I'll get the jet glad you said I was just waiting for you to say that Tes I'm feel a lot better today as opposed to yesterday right how was you feeling yesterday J not as good as today nice day it hey fresh it's brisk yeah Andy's in the office there I told you before he's got I think he does he still wear slippers in the office Andy um just get toes out now did you see that subscribe someone mentioned about Andy should go see aist about all sticker you see that I personally don't think he gets enough stick I don't I think he go EAS on handy he'll do anything to get out of out of a day day on the on the van won't he have you done you put that away remember I said to you Jem I'll put the hose away mate don't you Woody and you said no no no no but yeah look at all of that that's in it no it's in there the RO in there you know the camera through yeah yeah as you said don't about 67 in this road everyone have you got a right sand of the glove yeah that one that was shoing before how got the clo on there get in there more satisfying getting Roots out of a drain like that here we go hey do you know have to cancel my haircut today why is that book for half one as an Andy took your slot taking it yeah so he has to put his feet up all day yeah isn't Jenny giving him a pedicure as well did you say come on that that one's nicely clear so there we go nice clean not a bad job that but I say I've done load here so and we've got the Manel over here which we've exposed great so I know it runs all the way around this way so let's see if I can get it with this [Applause] length [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] f [Applause] [Music] there it comes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] you going give your little no flush for yeah keep the lid down just really really really poor [Music] [Applause] gradi all right that's flow much better now [Applause] yeah yeah might miss most of that but never mind right okay that's it ni so he's got to downstairs L that's side as well let's just get all these flushes in I'm hoping you haven't been completely covered all the way through that unblock but that's what happens sometimes isn't it let's see upstairs Loop just all them last bits that was set on the edge there that's fine rinse another Bucket over there and there's the downstairs VI the downstairs VI is on a really poor radient and he knows there's a little bit of displacement on there too and through his kitchen there a lot of roots
Channel: The Drain Unblockers
Views: 53,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Drain Unblockers πŸ’ͺ BEST UNBLOCKS COMPILATION πŸ’ͺ, how to unblock a clogged drain, the drain unblockers, drain unblock very satisfying, sewage unblock, drain unblock diy, satisfying drain unblock, how to unblock drains, unclogging drains, drain clearing, drains being unblocked, unclogging drains satisfying, how to unblock outside drain, drain cleaning, unclogging toilet, manhole unblocking, soil stack unblock, blocked soil stack, fat berg cleaning, manhole unblock
Id: sat1tdrxXBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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