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hey guys become a member of the channel today for exclusive live streams every single month the rage nation is awaiting you enjoy the video last time my friends and I decided to move out of the neighborhood because of all the bad things that have happened so I decided to move into a brand new city all on my own welcome to episode 1 of block city make sure you watch the entire video and leave a like how did I fall asleep pretty sure I was working on a mod for Minecraft yeah I didn't turn off my computer wait oh my gosh there's so many bugs in this code oh my gosh what am I going to finish this mod I feel like my life is in shambles right now mine well take a nice breath of fresh air very nice Wow oh hey guys so as you know I moved out of the last neighborhood because my friends and I we experienced so many bad things so I decided it might have been better to you know go our separate ways so I moved to this city right here check this out guys I bought a brand new house and let me just tell you guys I'm running out of money on this credit card right here I don't have much money left just because you know all the other houses that I've bought in the you know the giant mansion and the house in the last neighborhood yeah well those houses I can't sell those because no one's gonna buy them all these cities and everything people are gonna know all the bad things going on with it but anyways I have my bathroom right here very nice shower and I also have a very nice mirror as you guys could see and we even have sliding doors with another balcony and guys you can never go wrong with a pool so I have a pool in the backyard very very nice there's this house you know it might not be nice as all the other homes that I've had before but I really really like it I want you guys to let me know in the comments what you guys think but let's go downstairs we have a very modern kitchen man this just makes me so happy I really hope that you know starting my new life in this new city it is a really good thing but uh yeah we got my refrigerator right here a very nice stove and all that good stuff nice living room to sit down right here enjoy my shows we have a dining table just in case you know my friends do want to visit I don't want to live near my friends but they can visit I'm okay with that but check this out guys from the front my house looks so beautiful yeah break this out of ten guys from one to ten I want you guys to rate this house out of ten but I want to show you guys around this whole city this city it's called block city oh my gosh I got a brand new scooter as well because I needed an upgrade I needed an upgrade I basically spent my last coins on this right here so I've got my neighbors right there you know all these all these out like all these houses of my neighbors I actually haven't met them just yet so maybe later on I might introduce myself but let me just take you guys around the city and show you guys what's around because I haven't really explored that much either I just moved in sound really good reviews and I hope this time the internet was accurate last time it wasn't accurate and we got into so much trouble but I think to the right is a church it's a pretty big Church I'm not gonna lie and you guys know my history with churches I'm probably not never gonna go back in a Minecraft Church let's just say that so let's take a right right or let's take a left right here there is a mall over here which I think you know we might go shopping one of these days I don't know we might have to we might just have to wait a second guys I think this is actually a school I haven't seen this actually let's park my little nice scooter right beside this beautiful orange scooter there's some pretty nice cars over here a ton of smart cars actually and that guy right there he looks like a Chad Johnson we got Chad Johnson right there who is this oh we've got another dude right here coming to school in a scooter this is scooter gay guys scooter gang and OH class of twenty graduates I don't I don't really want to go to school for another year to graduate if only guys if only I could like find a way to graduate this year that would be really really awesome because I might just have to go to school for another year or something like that oh wait some dude just hey this this guy is also a scooter yo this guy has a really nice black school wait you just dropped something excuse me sir excuse me what what is he going excuse me sir you drop something uh okay well he's moving too fast for me to catch up to him guys maybe I should like turn this into lost-and-found or something like that hold on what did she drop actually he dropped a block city high school ID Jim Davis Jim wait block city high school ID Jim Davis oh wait a second oh we worried that that security guard is looking at me oh wait I have an idea guys wait what if I pretend like I'm Jim Davis and try to graduate in his name so I will at least have graduated high sign oh this is wrong guys I know this is wrong but it doesn't sound like a bad idea let me see if I can I don't know maybe maybe I might be able to do it with his idea I don't know god I don't think I look like a high school anymore but let's talk to him real quickly ID please here goes nothing let's pass him Jim Davis his ID yeah here's my ID sir here's my ID you may enter Oh he let me enter okay okay we're in guys we're in I think I need to use the bathroom let me just go in here real quickly ah actually take a nice look at myself actually you know what I don't need to use the bathroom anymore I just use this as an excuse to look at myself alright let me just close this real quickly walk around real real quick we have performing arts section we have the gym weight room locker rooms wrestling room health driver's ed okay okay this school is actually pretty big we have a dancing room as well we have all these trophies wow what the heck this pool has like everything they have really nice vending machines I don't think my high school ever had that honestly guys so many trophies this school seems to be very very like prestigious there's oh this right here is an office all right I don't think we're allowed to enter that though let's just keep looking around and um let's see what else do they have here wait the Bell just rang guys I actually have no clue where I'm supposed to go I which class does Jim Davis goes you guys like how do i how do I even check my schedule like I only have his idea I have no clue where I'm supposed to go okay um this person doesn't really look that friendly uh okay that guy right there he seems like he's a football star they're usually not that nice let's look around Oh who's this right here Ashley oh hi nice to meet you um what's your name I'm Ashley oh oh okay okay okay um my name is Jim and and I'm an exchange student so I was kind of like looking for my classroom and I was hoping you could help me possibly what class um whoa what class are you in Ashley I have health mix oh yeah that's right that's right I'm in health as well oh what a coincidence okay okay oh that's so cool follow me okay okay okay sure let's go let's go Ashley by the way my name is Jim Davis okay yeah my name is Jim Davis all right um main gym right here dang this is a pretty big high school guys like I've never seen a high school in this big uh okay well let's go into health class and hopefully we learn a thing or two guys oh my gosh oh yeah hey Ashley the last few oh the the last few like 20 minutes of the class was pretty boring I'm not gonna lie you agree right you agree that was a pretty boring class I really I really don't like health class yeah but the day is over oh really oh oh mr. Johnson that's like the most generic teacher they've ever you two were talking the entire class okay I would give you detention if it wasn't the last day it's the last day I thought graduation was soon but not but not the last day anyways don't forget graduation at 10:00 tomorrow be sharp oh wait it's tomorrow graduation oh this is perfect so Ashley oh it was nice meeting you Jim dang guys like she's kind of cute oh my gosh I'm starting to think I like her um yeah yeah it was nice meeting you as well maybe I can become friends with her I'm gonna head home so I can get ready for the big day tomorrow oh yeah yeah me too me too by the way my name is Jim Davis see you there okay Jim Davis okay okay sounds good sounds good all right I'll see you tomorrow Ashley all right okay all right bye okay guys all right all right listen let's head back over now guys let's head back home and hopefully you know graduation goes well tomorrow and I hope I don't get caught guys because I'm not actually Jim Davis all right well security guard bye bye sir bye bye it was it was nice meeting you as well alright alright let's go let's go alright let's go back into my scooter right here and let's drive back home oh my gosh guys it's finally graduation day and I truly finessed the system they have no clue and isn't Jim we that's him Jim Davis what is he saying what is he saying well let me get back here let me in I'm Jim Davis yo if you find out I'm lost my ID please oh my gosh guys if he finds out I stole his it's gonna ruin this is gonna ruin my life hey guys guys don't get mad at me all right I'm doing this for man I'm just doing this for you no I don't know guys I'm doing this for the best I just believe this is for the best I tried giving back the ID when he first dropped it but he wasn't listening so that's just how it is guys that's just how it is all right our security guard you met me yesterday so yeah you don't really need you don't need to see my ID you met me yesterday all right okay you said you may enter all right let's just go in guys okay so where were we supposed to go 10:00 a.m. I think it was the auditorium all right let's go into the auditorium oh my god am i late guys there's so many people in here already waiting Ashley hi hi hi nice hey Jim oh my gosh I think she's happy to see me looks like you forgot your cap and gown - yeah I did um at least we're you know we're not alone in this you know we're together you know we have something in common right Ashley yeah have something in common hahaha all right I wonder when oh it's it's headmaster headmaster film what is he saying he's so far away guys let's see what he's saying ladies and gentlemen let me get a little bit closer guys let me let me get a closer to look at this all right let me see what you say I'll go back to my spot after but let's see it Congrats okay let's see what he says headmaster Phil welcome the class of twenty alright guys class of 2020 I feel bad for the people actually graduating because guys quarantine is ruining all these kids like it's it sucks they won't have like a normal graduation it really really sucks but okay okay I think that oh the graduation walk oh my gosh okay okay okay okay I I wonder when it's gonna be my turn guys alright let me head back to where I'm supposed to stand all right all right all right I wonder when Ashley's gonna go yo are you excited actually yeah I'm about to graduate oh my gosh my name is Jim Davis okay okay alright alright I got to make sure you know when they call Jim Davis I gotta go up cuz I get in big trouble if they didn't say like I'd be like oh oh Ashley's name got called already okay almost almost okay I wonder when it's gonna be my turn alright please call me up sir headmaster Phil oh I think I think he said my name okay Oh Jim Davis Jim Davis okay okay okay let's go let's go Jim Davis yeah thank you good to meet you kid all it takes so much weight you're gonna take him back you're gonna take it back come on now Rock City HS diploma Jim Davis okay you gotta make sure I don't fall off the stairs you guys know how bad is I don't want to be put on a failed compilation now all right guys we did it yo guys I actually graduated oh my goodness hey it might have not been the you know might not have been the the nicest way of graduating but I did it guys I now have a diploma under someone else's name which is probably illegal but I had to do what I had to do guys I'm sorry I'm sorry I like guys man you know what sucks the fact that I just moved to a brand new city for a better life and I already crude committed a crime does this make me a criminal already no no no no no everything should be good but let's go back home and you know sleep in our own bed you know amazing house that I just bought do I really honestly guys do I even need a diploma like after being a billionaire for so many years fight maybe I don't need it but hey it's nice to have it anyways guys well I'm gonna go to bed now and I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow all right good night everyone bye-bye life is so much better as a high school graduate look at this we have a high school diploma guys I mean I know it's not under my real name but starting today I am Jim Davis all right so you guys know when you graduate high school or college like you put your diploma like on the wall so let's put it up on display just like that and we really don't need this idea anymore guys like I could give it back to Jim Davis the real Jim Davis but we could get in trouble for that so let's just hide it here like I said we have become kind of like criminals and I'm I'm kind of sad that you know I just moved into this house and you know what I don't want I don't want to leave already so anyways good morning to you guys let's go ahead and take a nice little morning Dukey it's uh oh oh excuse me alright let's go ahead and take a shower real quickly ah very very nice guys let's get clean let's get clean there we go I know I'm supposed to you know not be wearing clothes when I take a shower but that's just how I do things guys that's just how I do things things have become very very different oh wait did someone just ring the doorbell hold on AH wait gotta look at myself real quickly all right I'm looking fresh alright I think someone just rang the doorbell I'm not too sure those let me go downstairs see what is up like who would ring my door it's a neighbor I don't know let's go ahead and look around wait there's no one here wait hold on was this here before hey Jim it was right really nice meeting you I'd love to hang out with you today I'll be at the mall if you decide you want to Ashley wait wait hold on a second how does she know where I live yo this is kind of creepy guys like how did how does Ashley know where I live like my name isn't really Jim Jim Davis uh like if they looked in the school records that that shouldn't be my address right I don't know but hey Ashley's looking cute we might have to meet her up you know at the mall because she said she's gonna be waiting for me I hope she's waiting for me alone because if she's with her friends I get kind of nervous you know approaching someone when they're with their friends all right you know what guys I'm a little too happy right all right you know what instead of taking my scooter I'm gonna take a nice light jog to the mall and meet up with her I'm so excited guys I'm actually so excited and we have our friendly neighbors right there wait is that is that Jim wait that's mrs. Davis so I'm assuming that's mr. Davis that's his dad she said were disgrace to this family I never want to see you again wait what what is going on here guys you had one chance at graduation and you blew it leave at once oh my gosh guys yo Jim is wearing like a weight that's the Jim we know right Jim Davis he's wearing like a grey hoodie and like brown pants oh my gosh I think his parents are angry oh shoot maybe we shouldn't get involved with that guys like Oh imagine if they found out that I was the one who took his ID and like graduated in his name oh my gosh yikes all right you know what guys I'm just gonna take the scooter and head to the mall as if I didn't see nothin all right let's keep moving oh my gosh oh my gosh let's head to the mall and meet up with you cute Ashley I can not wait guys I cannot wait well wouldn't this be considered as a date night maybe I should consider this as a date or else or else I'm gonna be a little too nervous let's take a left right here let's head to the mall and that right there to the right is where we graduated well I don't think I was supposed to graduate there but yeah well let's head to the mall real quickly this is my first time heading to the mall by the way let's go ahead and park right here block city mall all right guys I just parked my very beautiful red scooter and yeah let's head to the mall I wonder where Ashley is I wonder where Ashley is she said she was gonna be waiting for me at the block city mall and I am here all right I'm so nervous guys like I'm getting the butterflies right now okay anyways let's go into the mall where are you at Ashley hi oh wait what were you looking at puppy-love store gym I didn't think you were gonna show up I'm here I saw I saw you left this little I note in front of my house was that you the dogs are so cute oh they are they are do you want to look at the dogs real quickly before we get some food or something I am kind of hungry I just woke up yes Oh which one's your favorite which one's your favorite these are all so cute I kind of like big dogs but at the same time I like small dogs too which dog is your favorite actually I like the beagle I don't know what the beagle is but I all right yeah The Beat go The Beat go yeah all right all right okay okay beagle very cute I'm assuming it's a little warm out there but yeah yeah yeah oh we got the worker right here hello sir um oh hey sir what can I help you two with today uh nothing nothing we're just looking around I'm actually hungry yeah me too like I haven't had any food this morning I just woke up actually Ashley so let's go get some food um do you know any good food spots here because this is my first time here actually at this mall I mean McDonald's McDonald's for a date I mean maybe she doesn't consider this as a date okay okay my fave oh it's her favorite oh okay okay all right let's go let's go let's go guys guys like I want to be a gentleman and buy the food whit and like for her for us like so uh okay Ashley um pick out anything you want on the menu just make sure just make sure it's under $10 for the full price just please you know you know it's okay you know how I just graduated high school you know not not not many high school kids have a lot of money you know you know what I mean all right well she's sure I think she's kind of mad guys uh okay um hello sir can I get um in ice water can I get an iced water and one McChicken please guys if I spend too money or too much money on myself she might order something big all right let me see what she gets can I just get an iced water and uh yeah one McChicken please what about what about Ashley Ashley what do you want I'll order for you chicken nuggets a fry a milkshake how much would that be okay five dollars eight dollars and two dollars okay okay so so it should be like nine $10 and that should be fine hmm what she's gonna order more oh wait oh maybe an apple pie for us to share okay okay share okay okay all right yeah yeah can can we get all of that please yeah can we get the the Apple hi fries chicken nugget and a shake please all right thank you so much all right let's go we had a seat so you know before they call us out you get to choose the seat all right all right let's enjoy our meal I am stuffed especially that apple pie that that really topped off the meal honestly that McChicken was good but that apple pie though Ashley I'm so glad you ordered that oh that was a good meal I know yeah okay um you know how like we're kind of bloated and like full from the food maybe we should you know take a little nice little rest right here on this bench ah yes all right all right look at these guys we're so cute sitting here together oh oh actually Ashley can I um I'll be right back I just need to use the bathroom real quickly gotta make sure you know my hands are clean oh it's my own space okay okay okay possibly awesome all right I'll be right back I'll be right back oh I'm actually kind of nervous oh I am sweating all over the place puppy love store she I have a plan guys I have a plan I really really like Ashley and I'm probably gonna ask her to be my girlfriend today I know I haven't met her too many times just yet I you know we haven't known each other too long but I saw her looking at these dogs and like maybe this might you know make her say yes like a higher possibility of being her becoming my girlfriend so uh hello sir uh ma'am um hey sir what can I help you with today um so this is actually gonna be a gift all right there's this girl that I really like and I want to ask her to be my girlfriend and I think you actually saw her a few minutes ago or like you know 15 minutes ago we went to eat some food right you remember us right yeah yes yes okay okay so she said she wanted a beagle and I actually have no clue what in the world that is but can we get that please can we get that we can totally get you the dog you want yes yes yes yes not not the dog I want but what she wants okay okay oh this worker has some bones okay okay okay I don't know if I'm supposed to go back there and my supposed to go back Oh am I supposed to come okay okay okay all right I didn't know I had to come back here but go ahead and tame the dog sir or ma'am which dog is the Beagle she's making sure oh it's that one okay okay let me let me tame this dog real quickly come on this dog is so stubborn guys hurry up cheese I am bright oh there we go I was like I'm running out of bones but oh look how cute this dog is I already know what I'm gonna name this dog guys I've always wanted a dog even in real life too and you guys know I love naming my dogs spike is this tall gonna fall me come on come on come on hello hello come on follow me okay you know what screw it I I think oh I mean maybe I can ask this person for a leash oh they have one yeah yeah yeah this is exactly what I was gonna ask you for all right thank you so much guys their customer service is absolutely amazing all right let me let me drag spike out of here come on come on come on cutie fun cute little doggie okay I should probably close the door so the other dogs don't escape come on spiky spiky spiky spiky okay okay let me just go ahead and close these are these doors real quick also sir take this oh when they give me water bowl whoa whoa we got a whole bundle package we got a throw a stick we got a dog bed did you want a name tag uh yeah yeah yes please I'd like to name my dog spike if that's possible perfect okay oh my gosh we already have spike this is honestly the cutest thing ever and it already knows how to sit okay I'm gonna take spike with me real quickly oh wait wait wait Oh sir okay can you repeat that please ma'am I apologize I apologize I totally forgot to pay here's my credit card I don't even know if I have enough money left guys oh my gosh I already spent like ten dollars today now I have to spend another $80 thank you dang it wait wait where's my credit card okay thank you so much all right guys guys I should probably uh put the doggie over here all right sit here spike I'll be right back okay uh hey Ashley hey Ashley I thought you left me huh no no I didn't I was just taking a you know nice time at the bathroom trying to look good for you because you know you're looking all cute and stuff for me I thought I wasn't you know I thought I wasn't looking good enough did you hear that wait did I hear what what wait what the the dogs are barking I think oh um actually follow me follow me follow me I have a little surprise for you actually duh don't don't look just yet close your eyes okay close your eyes yeah yeah and follow me let me hold on to your hand okay okay follow me okay okay mommy follow me we're about to do it guys my heart is beating oh my gosh this is actually scary Oh No okay okay come over here come on come on all right now look this way look this way all right all right perfect don't turn back until I I count to three okay all right one two three ah surprise oh my gosh yeah yeah I got you a little present you got a dog no no no no this dog is for you yeah I got this dog for you and um no way I actually had something to ask you Ashley okay um so I just really wanted to say you know ever since the day we met which was yesterday um I just thought you were really really beautiful and um I you know I just wanted to ask you if you would like to be my girlfriend oh really yes yes really oh yes oh no way oh my god oh my god oh my gosh oh he said yes hey let's go okay okay well uh would you want to come back to my place and basically you know aw that that that's released now all right so do you want to come back to my place we can teach spike some new tricks and stuff like that that'd be really really awesome and the worker actually hooked us up with a water bowl of food bowl a dog bed and the throw stick yeah oh wow that's so nice yeah I swear they sold that dog like it was a like a bundle or something like that but yeah let's head back to my place and yeah let's uh let's play around with spike spike come over here we got your little water bowl right here your food bowl and we should probably put the dog bed right here so you can you know watch TV with us and stuff like that if you need to come on Spike come on sit sit oh that's so cute he's already listening and he's suck he's only a baby he's only a baby wait what'd you say your place is really nice oh thank you so much I had a question actually how did you know where I live because I know you like you know send me the letter and stuff and I I didn't tell you where I live last time so I was like just wondering but yeah spike is so cute spike is so so cute we got the food bowl I had it delivered by mail oh okay okay that makes a lot of sense that makes so much sense but yeah spike go go fetch go fetch spike go fetch okay spike hasn't learned fetch just yet maybe you know you can teach maybe you can teach spike how to fetch you're actually here Ashley here's um here's the you know the throw stick you can teach oh oh you're throwing a lot of sticks okay okay thank you for an extra stick spike such a good boy such a good boy spike oh wait what are those do you guys hear that what do you hear that Ashley huh yeah they kind of sound like police sirens we were oh I was not meaning to talk wait who is that Officer Wilson what what is going on guys wait wait wait wait isn't this Jim's house wait hold on um hello officer what is the problem sir please stand back oh oh um what's going on there has been a crime oh really okay okay well what Ashley what what Jim what what's going on my ex Greg lived here wait here in this house her ex Greg Davis oh that's wait you're a Davis uh yeah I mean Davis is a pretty common name you know a lot a lot of people had the last name and Davis true yeah yeah yeah so officer what is going on here like um like I don't know double homicide of two parents wait what bus suspect was seen wearing a gray hoodie we hold on guys wasn't Jim wearing can I get your name sir and address I'm going to go home this is scary spike and I will see you later okay Ashley make sure you go back home safe okay I don't want anything happening to you what did you say I'd be safe ma'am okay yeah yeah be safe sir - okay I'll talk to you later sir Oh No yes yes officer your day my name um grab it I say Jim and he's gonna know cuz they're looking for a Jim day um hmm yeah my name is uh alright yeah my name is rage my name is rage and yeah alright well it was nice talking to you if you see anything suspicious let me know ok I will I would definitely do that officer Wilson officer Wilson I will definitely let you know I'm a Good Samaritan I'm kidding I'm kidding officer Wilson all right good have a nice day whoa oh my gosh guys oh my gosh I'm pretty sure the cop was looking for Jim Davis the real Jim Davis I should problem guys I should probably hide this high-school diploma because it says high school diploma of Jim Davis I gotta put this in this cabinet guys oh my gosh I I don't know what I'm gonna do but things have gone pretty interesting guys like we did this to Jim Davis he went and killed he went and killed his mom and dad I'm pretty sure I don't know guys I don't know let's go back let's go back to the house because the police isn't there anymore I don't know if the crime scene is still there I don't think we're allowed to enter the house right now but let's just go take a peek let's just go take a peek guys let's go take a peek inside the house and see if the crime scene is still there I know I shouldn't be doing this guys but it's kind of my fault is that mr. Davis that we saw oh and mrs. Davis the one who kicked Jim out wait their house is actually pretty nice I'm not gonna lie but what the oh my god oh okay okay I should I should probably get out of here before my finger prints and my foot prints you know get caught oh my goodness what do we do guys what in the world do we do you know what guys I'm just gonna try to sleep this off and pretend like none of this ever happened all that matters is Ashley guys I can't believe every single city and neighborhood that I move into something bad happens I need to sleep this off I I just I just can't I just need to clear my that was a nice nine-hour nap oh my gosh I still can't believe that I have a girlfriend in Minecraft of course but guys like look look at how happy I am that this is what rage elixir looks like when he's in love but anyways guys like I I miss Ashley and I want to hang out with her today I think I think it you know we could we could hang out at the mall or something like that that's where we became girlfriend and boyfriend in the first place so we can we could probably have a good time you know let me actually call her up real quickly I'm I'm really really missing her so let's see let's see let's see if she wants to hang out today I know she will but you know just gotta ask hello Ashley oh I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out today oh wait oh okay um all right well I'll talk to you soon oh um it seems like Ashley's busy she said she'll see me like later or something I don't know she's busy with something and I still haven't figured out like how to complete this minecraft mod but you know what guys my job really doesn't matter too much right now you guys know like I'm thinking about right now is Ashley but um I guess since I'm not hanging out with Ashley right now I'm probably gonna like you know I look around the neighborhood cuz I haven't really introduced myself just yet we've only met one neighbor and we haven't actually you know I never got to introduce myself because yeah they're not around anymore let's just say that well let me hop on to my nice bright red scooter and look around oh oh oh okay okay okay I don't know why this scooter is so so laggy but um we got this really nice house right here I feel like my house is probably the worst in the neighborhood let's be honest guys and it makes sense because I don't have too much money left but look at these homes these homes are amazing like we saw this one I think before um like we get we they have a pool in the front yard usually pools are in the back yard but you know you've made it when you have a pool in the front yard it's it's pretty insane guys so let's just get by the house that that uh apparently Jim Davis lives in so let's just get by there real quickly but we have this like all these homes are so modern looking like this one right here I kind of wish I bought this one but apparently it was already sold when I when I was doing some house shopping so anyways let's go ahead and look around and see you know see what else is new in the town so I noticed that I haven't really taken a look at the church just yet it just looks so intimidating because of how big this churches and also because of you know the past experiences I've had with churches so let's just go over here since you know Ashley doesn't want to hang out with me right now and go to the mall with me I might go there alone and just like do some window shopping or just go to the food court and get some corn dogs or something like that but before I do that just for memories and like old times sake let's just go around to the to the school and see what's up you know see how how everyone's doing I it's it's pretty much summer season now so only people who have like summer classes come to the school but we have the guard right here he seems like why is he is something wrong guys this this security guard is just like pacing back and forth like excuse me excuse me sir um security guard mr. security guard do you remember me Oh someone broke into the school last night wait what oh I noticed the doors are open and everything - what in the world is happening they didn't take anything of value huh only the personal information of all the recent graduates oh wait we were hold on hold on does that mean does that mean he has my information I don't think I added any information to Jim Davis's but who knows guys like I don't know what's going on but he said my job is at risk here oh my goodness guys well I don't know but I feel like whoever might have broken in it's possible that it could be Jim Davis just because you know he'll yeah like like his life is ruined because of me like who in their right mind would do that right it's if it's true that Jim Davis murdered his parents he wouldn't be scared to break into you know his old school as well so I'm kind of getting scary guys like I don't know do I want porn dogs or should I like to find a new house to I don't know guys like I I swear every single place I moved to it's just bad luck I swear I'm just engulfed in bad luck every single place I moved to I don't know guys maybe in this mod they might have like a you know like a real estate agent or something like that at the mall I go to there's like there's like this real estate firm where they help you like you know find new homes and stuff so hopefully in the block city mall they have a real estate like firm or something like that I have no clue so we've been down here I know the food courts over here I'm kind of hungry right now but you know what we have more important things to attend to right now so we have a bookstore down here it seems like over here there's like a little farm store or something like that another grocery store we uh I noticed that I haven't really explored the second floor just yet so let's go check out the second floor see what's up there and I hope you know there's something that will help us find a new home right we have a whoo oh we have a fitness center how did I not know about this this is exactly why exploring is a very good thing I had no idea they have punching bags they have treadmills and guess what this gym probably lets everyone in they probably don't look at Oh only if you're strong you can come in guys like I am slowly losing my muscles because of being stuck in quarantine guys so I'll be back I'll be back Fitness Center we have a bank in here whoa I I've actually never seen a full-fledged Bank inside of a mall which is pretty awesome so we have home I don't know what that means home I don't know what that is but we have a Sprint store I'm guessing that's like the phone store or something like oh it says home real estate how could I be so stupid guys hopefully someone is working in the real estate store so they can help me out um there doesn't seem to be any employ oh wait wait wait there's a dude right here excuse me oh uh hello sir hi hi um I'm just Oh what can I do for you today uh so oh wait I can't tell him that something bad happened in my neighborhood um so I was kind of in the market for a you know looking for a new house for my girlfriend and I because you know we're we're getting pretty serious in our relationship and I just feel like I might need a bigger house oh cool yeah yeah it is very cool actually how long have you guys been together two days yeah to date he said dot dot dot okay yeah we're getting really serious like I can't wait to start a family with her one day like I already know she's the one you know what I mean a realist age like man I already know what I'm gonna call my first baby you know you know No okay anyways Wow he doesn't care guys he doesn't care about my life story well let's see what he has to say so you need a new house exactly I think I need a house like you know um a little bit bigger than the one I have and there isn't much on the market right now it doesn't matter it doesn't matter honestly anything will be better than where I'm living right now that you could afford at least uh-huh what is he trying to say like does he not know I used to like own a billion dollar house with your boy action like I don't understand like I want to beat this guy up right now for saying that so I don't think I can help you no no please please excuse me sir do not the customer is always right okay so please take me to the house I promise you I can afford the house okay I make the big bucks here all right ah fine I have nothing else better to do man yeah exactly that's why you live in a real estate firm you can come with yeah exactly exactly man disrespecting me and everything thinking I can't afford a big house man all right let's go let's go all right whoa I I was just joking all right I was just joking no need to no need to get all aggressive with me all right all right well guys I guess I'll see you when I he takes me to whatever house is left he said there's nothing on the market right now I feel like he just wants to turn me away just because he didn't light like he wasn't even nice enough to listen to my whole life story so I guess we'll see you guys at the house so so this is the house this looks like it's four four times bigger than what I have right now oh he said this is it yeah is it okay if I look inside could you could you show me around or something Oh fine what in the world this guy I'm gonna I'm gonna give him bad reviews for sure this guy's actually irritating me already like you know how sometimes you meet someone and you already know that you're not gonna like them yep like like look at him guys like huh wait well this guy has this is the front door big head boy yeah yeah this is the front door nice nice okay very nice guys mastermind boy all right okay dang this house is huge what in though guys they have a high ceiling they have like surround sound and like a friend oh my gosh this place is insane what I thought that was a living room they have a separate living room what you know you know you've made it when you have more than one fireplace in your house this is insane what okay I love this oh my god they said so you want to show me in the UM it's not fully furnished but man not fully furnished look at all this yeah I can I can just sit here with my family it does come with what's here really oh my I know this is the one but but just in case you know can you show me the second floor I'm really hyped about this house like look at the kitchen super modern they have bar stores and like oh my gosh look at these like it comes with the knife set and everything this is the one guys I already I already know 100% but just in case you know just in case take me around my guy the backyard is great over the backyard oh oh what's they have a little barbecue set oh my gosh I already know like my friends are you gonna Rico a pool wait I believe my house out of the pool already but this is like three times the size and it has like a little Cabana oh my oh my dude oh shoot this is insane like whoever owns this house now super lucky super super lucky I can invite all my friends over like my family can live with me too like my parents can come over anything now the upstairs Oh shoots I know you guys have never seen me this happy before but this the previous family did have a kid well that kid my friend is probably really lucky so there's a finished kids room oh my god like I said guys like one day I want to start a family hey the family's a goal uh Wow I got a Nintendo switch guys like I didn't grow up with this now my family's gonna like like my kid's gonna grow up with an NES oh we got a little toy thing I want I hope these teddy bears okay so it looks like it's being squished it's like it looks like it's stuck in there oh my god they got doll houses and everything just in case you know I get a girl or boy it doesn't matter like they'll have toys for everyone alright Looney Tunes oh wow an office this way that's why I'm gonna be recording my videos and making my mods okay okay you know this setups not as nice as mine but hey free setup right they did say that everything that's in this house already comes with the house the brab the bathroom is across the hall oh my gosh everything's just easy access guys like look at this there's a whole living area right here too Wow Wow like look at how beautiful I look in there guys oh my when you say oh and the most important the master bathroom bathroom or bedroom always downstairs let me just use this real quickly give me the privacy I need sir all right all right all right very nice okay anyways let's go outside let's go look at the master bedroom apparently that's where it is downstairs this way okay let's look around oh wow this bed is pretty small for a master bedroom but it's fine it's fine what the bathroom is huge down here okay I'm impressed hey mr. agent mr. real estate I'm sold I'm sold let's go let's go let's go out let's go outside and let's make the deal let's make the deal let's talk money like like you said like I'm I'm about to prove this man that I can afford oh wait this is the backyard isn't it oh gee guys like see you know you've made it when when the house you live in you get lost oh my god all right let's talk money big boy let's talk money I'm I'm approved to this guy that you know he shouldn't judge a book by it's cover like you know just because I look like I'm poor I don't look that poor right do I guys let me know in the comments but I'm gonna you know show it show them that you shouldn't judge book by its cover well well what mister well what let's go back to my office so I can check my computer oh all right mr. professional III get it I'm starting to like this guy actually he was pretty patient this time okay well let's talk money mister not mister money but let's talk money mister let's see what he says well dot dot dot well let me look at some numbers guys there's nothing I can't afford come on you guys know me mr. rich rage you guys know like this is gonna be a breeze like the whole Maybach it is currently on the market for 2.5 million dollars guys the house I currently live in is like five hundred thousand dollars and it already looks insanely good what why are you having a seizure are you okay sir are you okay oh okay okay I think he's okay well done sir um you know how's that price um you know I'll be back actually I'll be back um I just need to discuss this with my wife or I mean my girlfriend first one day she'll be my wife but um hmm yeah I'll be back I'll be back I like this is actually a pretty great price like this is actually way way cheaper than I thought it was gonna be honestly like I I think I can afford up to like whoa Yeah right you you judge me by you judged whose dog what what do you mean whose dog oh wait spike how did you get here spike man I need a leash excuse me sir do you have a leash by any chance no dogs out oh damn a leash by any chance uh I wanted to take my dog out like like uh oh oh thank you thank you for the leash I didn't expect the real estate agents have a leash on him but hey spike come on now I don't even know where spike came from wait does that mean Ashley's I don't know like what where where were you spike were you oh my gosh spike you're coming with me okay good boy all right all right guys well let's just let's just hope that you know hi let's just hope that everything's all good let's just hope that everything's all good wait I just said it I just got a text message oh oh wait Ashley said she's gonna meet me here no way guys no way I'm so excited she said she's gonna meet me at the mall in a few like in a few minutes or something like that but um yeah well I guess all we gotta do is just wait I guess I'll just wait at the entrance cuz she's gonna be coming around here I'm just gonna sit right here with a spike right here good boy oh wait wait wait spike spike you're gonna sit here okay spike sit good boy good boy hello hello sir hello kind sir dang this guy has all he said Scott look at his clothes guys like it's all raggedy oh but then again I did say don't judge a book by it's cover uh yeah yes sir Oh what do you need I'm just I'm just waiting for my girlfriend we're getting pretty pretty serious and I think one day I'm gonna marry her and we're probably gonna have kids one day or something like that you know I need he said do you need a ring oh not really a girlfriend so how about a jeep ring cheap why would it who do you think I am mister I don't want I don't want to get a cheap ring for my girlfriend come on bro I can do a good deal on the guy does look sketchy but then again I did say don't judge a book by it's cover oh can I see the ring at least you know a cheap ring to save for a house what what does that even mean what does that mean let me see that ring sir oh that kind of did look like a diamond ring wait a second that actually looks like a pretty decent is that a diamond ring well what kind of what kind of um what kind of gem is on oh it's a diamond ring no way you are lying mister have to be lying it's the most expensive ring in stores it's a Russian it's Russian gee I've never heard of that before very rare uh oh okay trust me it's a steel bro alright fine fine swipe my card swipe my card and and give me that ring please wait actually actually wait hold on hold on hold on how much is the ring exactly you said it's cheap give me my great card back like I got a bag please sir all right wait how much is it wait wait how much money did you just take guys oh my god I'm so stupid why oh my god I should probably check my credit card thing ring of what the heck is this guys I just feel like I just got scammed but nothing I can do at this point right ah well spike you're gonna you're gonna see your owner soon okay your mommy soon Oh Oh Ashley Oh give me a hug give you a hug oh it's so good to see you Ashley it's so good to see you I missed you so much what why did why did you leave spike at the mall Ashley spike was in the I missed you aw dude I saw a spike in the real-estate agents how like oh he ran away from me bad spike bad spike why would you do that spike bad boy bad boy and he must have smelled you actually guys like I I didn't think I would do it this early and I've been more an i she said I you what yeah I have something to tell you wait wait hold that the hold that thought Ashley hold that thought guys I've been oh man I I was gone I have something to tell you I was gone no no no hold that thought actually I have something to tell you first okay okay Ashley I'd no no don't stop Ashley just listen to me guys like I really and now that I have a ring guys Ashley will you marry me the moment I saw you I knew you were the one and I want to spend the rest of my life with you oh you said yes okay okay here here you go the ring I don't know which finger I'm supposed to put it on I think it's the left hand like ring finger I think I feel a bit strange what are you okay anyways no no actually I aren't you happy our Juice aren't you really happy oh my god give you a hug give you a hug oh my god I missed you so much today I'm really happy too honestly I have news man okay okay fine fine since I got my news out of the way tell me tell me tell me actually like that there's no news that can like top this it better be good news very good news Ashley you said you were at the hospital I don't I don't know it is good what what you you're what I'm pregnant uh are you sure are you sure are you sure it's my kid I'm sure uh-oh oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm happy to UM I'm sure he has red eyes Oh guys I'm Ashley we need to get married now like we need to get married now we're having we're having a kid we have a kid on the way like oh my god Ashley you are I knew you were the one all right where do we get married the church or something like that I haven't been to the church I let's go let's go Ashley oh my god I'm so happy oh this is the best day of my life I can't believe I'm getting married this is honestly the best hey priest oh yeah hey priest can you marry yes today yes yes please can can I help you yes today yes today today sir today quick quick quick we need to get married as soon as possible all right sure oh my god that I just proposed to her like usually when you propose to someone you wait like a year or something are there any guests not one guess oh yeah spike spike spike our little baby a dog excuse me sir excuse that's our baby all right all right all right sir Oh give back up now aye aye all right well marius all right you despair do you disrespect it my doggy all right spike you're a good boy okay all right actually I cannot wait we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together all right marry us now sir we have joined here today to share with rage elixir and Ashley an important moment in our lives or in their lives let's get straight to the point okay whatever gets us married do you rage elixir take Ashley to be your lawfully wedded wife uh-huh yes yes yes yes yes uh-huh of course of course I would not want to spend my life with anyone else Ashley yeah you're gonna be mine forever oh my god yes all right perfect perfect all right I guess that's just how it's done guys wait by the power vested in me by block city I would print I known as do you husband you may now kiss the bride all right spike let's go let's go boy let's go all right guys we're spending the rest of our lives together I am man guys like we had no guests but it's all good it's all good you know it was it was super last minute we're getting out of here oh yeah I'm so I'm so hyped guys I'm so hyped we're having a kid can you guys believe can you guys ever imagine me as a father this is insane dude this is insane oh my gosh like my day can't get any what what happened to my house Ashley do you know anything about this why is my house on fire holy Oh someone help help my house is on fire my house is on fire oh my god why is that why is my chair outs why is my house all blown up what's happened what happened to my house actually oh my gosh what do we do do we call the cops or something I oh my gosh like what do we do Ashley what do we do I'm actually like so so I'm on it okay okay okay thank you so much Ashley I'm I'm in shock right now I need to do whatever I can to put out them oh my goodness my house is all blown up calling cops okay okay okay holy crap I can't believe this is happening happened in my house like when I came back my house was on fire what happened I don't know I don't know do you know do you know it like like I am sold oh my gosh I can't believe this is happening oh my let me check my reports holy crap why is this happening like I just got married with you know beautiful Ashley right here we're starting a family there's a kid inside her belly right now guys like why is this happening let's see what he got from his reports according to my reports there is a man reported wearing a grey hoodie wait grey hoodie do you guys know what wait listen Jim Davis reported as wearing a grey hoodie life uh we've been looking for this man uh no III don't think I I'm sorry he got to you no no don't don't worry about it but what can I do um good thing there's insurance haha wait oh my gosh that's right I did purchase home insurance you'll be completely covered do you think do you think I'll get more than what I pay for the house too possibly like oh absolutely oh my gosh wait this might actually be a good thing that my house got burnt down oh thank you so much Jim Davis uh how much was your house um five hundred thousand yeah five hundred thousand dollars I hope I can get up to like two point five million that being saved guys obviously I'm just joking around because like two point five million from five hundred thousand house probably not but if if it was possible guys like well like you feel as possible I'd buy that house to make your day better mm-hmm-hmm you can receive up to three really oh my god Ashley we're rich hey honey I have a quick note uh actually we're rich don't even worry don't even what uh what do you mean you have a question fine ask me why did the priest call you Rage elixir uh it's like a name I go by on the on the internet it's just like it's cut okay alright no extra explanation alright perfect well um actually I have a plan uh I can't wait for the baby to come to like oh my god alright guys I don't feel safe anymore last time I don't know who it was exactly but I think it was Jim Davis because who else has anything against me I think that dude has a grudge against me ever since I stole his ID which I know guys I know it was wrong to do it but I needed I needed to graduate high school guys so what I did was you know like I'm scared for my family safety right now so yesterday I actually ordered a pack of security cameras from the the best security camera company so I think it might arrive like sometime during this week which I'm very very excited about so hopefully we can get that installed in the house so you know no one breaks into the house I mean if someone does I'll be able to have like some evidence and stuff like that but look at this guys look at this we have spike Oh something wait what was that that better not be Jim guys that better not be Joe I'm what what is this yo this alright this better not be a bomb or something like that from Jim Davis way hold on hold on I I don't trust this guy I don't trust wait what is this the security cameras hold on wait a second guys that was so quick how did the security cameras already arrive I don't even have Amazon Prime guys like what this is crazy okay so I should probably install these security cameras before anything bad ever happens again I don't know who exactly that was but I I just suspect that is Jim Davis all right guys so just for the safety of my family I should probably install cameras around the house so I'll probably put one right here near the living room so this one this camera right here we'll get all the space from here to here and then I should probably put another security camera in this corner too just got to make sure my family is safe you know I have a son I have a wife gotta make sure they're safe I should probably put one in the kitchen - this would this might be smart to do that and also in the garage because eh who knows I have pretty nice huh I have pretty nice vehicles in the house so I'll put a security camera right here mm-hmm best bet someone someone tries to steal vehicle of mine oh they're about there but oh they're about to deal with all the consequences so I think downstairs it should be good oh wait we wait the backyard oh I gotta make sure the backyard is secured too I'll put Asian you know what I'll put the security camera right here we should be good downstairs so far so I should probably put a security camera inside of babyrage elixirs room I don't know why we never had a baby monitor in the first place have some good parents we are guys all right um oh definitely not in the bathroom okay we should probably put one in the office and one last camera I think just in the foyer area this should be good just to see you know you guys like you never know you never know you you it's it's it's good to have cameras everywhere oh I should probably set up the cameras like from the from the manual that I saw all you have to do is right-click them I think so let me go ahead and right-click the cameras real quickly okay perfect Oh awesome so that one is assigned as camera number one what else okay so the second camera let's set this as camera number two this will be camera number three and this one down here will be camera number four and oh let's go to the backyard one let's set this to camera number five oh I almost forgot there's another one right here camera number six and I think we have a seventh one right here I think we have two more cameras I think maybe maybe maybe three more so one right there do I have another camera right here nope and I think that's it Oh yep this is the last camera all right guys I want you guys to look at this this is actually the coolest thing ever this is why I ordered this security camera because it's the world's best check this out so if you click on the specific assigned camera it will take look look this is the baby monitor basically this is so cool guys what are you think it isn't as awesome isn't this awesome I think we can all we can zoom in we can zoom out I've never seen anything like this is this is just this is legit guys this is legit okay so I think the house should be all secure now I'm very very happy like man this is what a happy person looks like guys oh my goodness Oh Oh actually it's been a while I know you've been getting a lot of rest and stuff so are you doing okay she said hi honey I feel much better how are you is there anything I can do for you I'm doing I'm doing amazing by the way everything is going great nothing to worry about just you know trying to get better thanks for taking care of our kid while I was resting oh no not a worry like he's he's our kid you know it's my responsibility as well to take care of our kid so you know like where is he by the way I'm going to oh I'm gonna go shower I'll be back yeah yeah babyrage elixirs actually in his room right now so you know he's doing good take a good shower okay all right well oh okay well while Ashley takes a shower guys I should probably go look for babyrage elixir so wait where is our baby what he wasn't in this room oh my goodness okay we're in trouble guys because if Ashley finds out she's gonna kill me okay um I'm so glad I installed the cameras maybe the security cameras will show me like where the baby is I don't know please baby read the leaks our Junior where are you let's check camera number one okay nothing right here the baby room nothing at all let's check okay let's check a camera number three I'm just gonna skip around see what uh you know what rooms okay the foyer he is definitely not in the foyer cuz I'd see him right now let's check camera number four okay we were just there there's nothing over here man where is guys where is baby reasonably clear I'm gonna be like I said Ashley's gonna kill me kill me for losing our baby guys let's check camera number six nothing here either what about I mean last time when babyrage elixir went missing or like missing he was just hiding for me he went so the he went to the garden or like the back yard let me check the back yard Kemp Oh babyrage of course he's being a little wait who is that wait wait he didn't he just hid babyrage elixir we what is actually what no no oh my gosh no no no someone just took baby Ruiz oh my gosh okay okay okay Ashley's in the room right now maybe it's it's best not to worry her where did this what's that who the heck was that guys who um rain elixir babyrage elixir oh my gosh where did they go wait why are there these hold on hold on hold on this is like some sort of trail or something like that oh my goodness guys I need to take my car or something crap okay okay let me take my car get in the driver's seat okay okay let's go let's go let's go what in the world is happening what oh my goodness look look they left them what is this I think they left a trail who was that guys who who in the world was that who what just took my baby um okay where is this even gonna take me guys I'm I'm actually worried right now like my baby just got kidnapped that is like a parent's worst nightmare holy guacamole where is this even taking me I'm kind of worried I don't have like I don't know guys oh my goodness tonight maybe I should have just called the cops or something like that maybe I should call the police I don't know when it comes I don't know how much the police will do when it comes to kidnapping so I might just have to take matters into my own hand how come this trail leads me back this is my old house wait that's babyrage elixir right there who is that um excuse me that is my baby um could finally we meet who who are you I'm Jim the real Jim okay okay back up now Kinnick I can I just get my baby back please I don't know what you want but I'll give you as much money as you want like anything you want you took everything from me what do you mean I didn't take I didn't take please please wait wait wait wait I didn't take anything from you okay I didn't take anything from you I don't know what you're talking about I will take your life we once no no ow okay okay you keep stop stop stop stop please please what what's up wait what is that huh Oh what does what what just happened um did you just baby baby raised elixir did you just kill Jim Davis um hey hey don't point that gun at me okay give give daddy the gun give daddy the gun no no no please you can go - no no you can go to jail you can go to jail that is evidence right there if they find out that Jim Davis has been has been taken out you will go to jail okay give me give me give me we need to dispose of that now give it give it to me give it to me No okay okay give that gun to daddy okay all right whatever you do do not tell anyone about this okay don't googoo gaga to anyone else okay just just keep this between you and me we need but but what we do need to do is tell mommy okay because we can get in trouble for this but mommy needs to know how these ain't come back come back please don't please don't go off on your own again if you never if you never want to get kidnapped again get in my car you need to stay beside your parents okay mommy and daddy all right we need to go we need to go oh my goodness what just what just happened dude guys I ruined gym I ruined Jim's life and now and now we took it oh my god we knew we need to go back and tell Ashley guys I need to tell my wife everything that's happening because I can't keep this a secret from her I don't know guys maybe maybe I should tell her that I'm not actually Jim as well that rage elixir is actually my real name not my not my internet name guys okay never again I think I think now my family is safe but like what we just did was really really messed up babyrage elixir hop out now hop out okay okay follow me okay oh my goodness we need we need to tell Ashley everything holy guacamole guys I'm so glad I have the security cameras because if I didn't have it all my goodness I would have never never known that you got kidnapped Ashley I honestly cannot believe all that just happened babyrage elixir please promise me you won't tell anyone about this okay oh my goodness and by the way guys we finally got spike back oh my goodness I don't know where he ran off to but he's getting quite old you know he's been around since you know before Ashley and I were girlfriend and boyfriend which is awesome and now baby Rachel Easter he gets to have fun with spike look spike is actually he might be a little bigger than babyrage lessor but uh it is nighttime now babyrage elixir you know what time it is it's bedtime stop playing with Spike right now okay it's time to sleep okay I need to go find mommy and tell her about everything too oh my goodness you have so much energy relax relax it's time to sleep I get it I get it I know you're trying to prove yourself trying to trying to say that you have a lot of energy you don't want to sleep but it's time to sleep okay okay good boy all right I'll buy you I'll buy you more toys okay I know you're already really spoiled because daddy and mommy you know we worked hard for you but all right good night bye good night kiss mwah okay all right let's go look for Ashley guys man where is Ashley like like I didn't see her like when I came into the house right where could she have gone is her car in here I'm pretty sure the cars yeah the cars still here where could she have gone guys like I'm so confused like should I maybe I just didn't see her in the corner of her room or something like that let's go check on inside of our master bedroom Ashley Ashley honey oh that kind of scared me guys the mirror I was like wait who is that but it was just me Ashley oh man where could she have gone I'm so confused um every night she does like write in a journal is it this journal right here um where did she put her journal cuz i know cuz i know she every night she like write stuff but i don't know she might have left a note or something for me um any notes if anything like she puts her like like a lot of her like personal stories and stuff inside of her journal is it in here nope in here oh I think this might be it I'm not too sure but let's go ahead and take a look thank god he finally left I hate him so much just a few more days though and this will all be over what we this is this isn't her diary is it thank God he finally left I hate him so much just a few more what do you mean Ashley doesn't hate me right what help what have I ever done to Ashley to make her hate me guys like you guys know like I love my wife I love my kid like I'll do anything for them but what it huh I don't know where she went but maybe I should check the security cameras or something like that I don't know oh oh actually let me try to look back at the footage around this room and see you know earlier in the day what she was doing okay let me check the camera okay so it was yeah it was noon at the time right so I mean nothing's happening where where could okay okay I found something she's just looking around like huh I mean she's just doing whatever she does every day she usually sits down on those rocking chairs and she's just like reading in school what what in the world are you guys seeing this what the heck guys the floor just disappeared what is happening okay okay we we need to okay I don't know where Ashley went she went underneath these floorings right here I didn't even know my own house had a secret like room what is this where did she go again she went by the rocking chairs right and then she pressed on a weight was it the oh never mind it wasn't the plants oh shoot okay okay she's gonna get mad at me for breaking the plants or whatnot where did she go she went into the fire foot what was this always here how did I not know about this I didn't actually ever it's there's a whole stairway that leads you down stairs that I didn't even know existed underneath my house oh gosh I'm actually kind of terrified I don't know like whenever whenever it comes to like going into unknown spaces I'm scared the floor just disappeared just like Oh what I stepped on these pressure plates and look the flooring just came back pink doors this you I don't know guys I don't know what this room is I didn't even know it existed in my house but maybe Ashley just wanted you know some alone time or something like that because she does have another diary that I didn't even know about but look there's a picture of you know babyrage elixir going down a slide one oh when we had that day together at the park and when babyrage elixir was on top of the slide and stuff like that Oh on top of the jungle gym or whatever or whatever that is but yeah she you know one thing you guys might not know about Ashley is that she does do a lot of reading and writing and you know I'd really like to see you know what she's been up to she said she hated me for some reason I need to talk to her about that cuz I don't I don't think she wrote that maybe it was like for a story of hers I don't know but um oh wait I think there these are other Diaries - wait let's go ahead and take a look at these real quickly I can't believe I did this I only started talking to him because I wanted to know why he was pretending to be Greg's brother she knows Jim then I found out he was rich which turned out to not be entirely true I mean we do live in a mansion now why is she why is she attacking me all of a sudden until his house magically got destroyed Jim and I may have played the part in that the real Jim wait are you telling me she burned down my house she helped him burning down my house hold on I married him to get my dream house our kid isn't even ours it's Jim and i's kid that can't be true babyrage elixir looks like me how is that how is that even possible how is that Jim's kid if the kid if baby if my baby looks like bit like me like a mini-me this is all ending soon enough though what and Jim and I will finally be a happy family I'm going to kill him at the perfect moment I can't fake this any longer I really thought we had something going on like I really I seriously thought that we had a good life going and that you know everything was perfect but I guess I guess not maybe yeah I don't know guys I'm gonna put these Diaries back and just pretend like nothing happened let me look inside of her why is there a knife in her why is there a knife in her desk cabinet um guys like I don't know what is happening but what do i do what do i do do I just leave how is that even possible how is babyrage Alex are not mine when the baby look the baby looks like me right wait this thing is still closed how do Pope oh oh hey hey Ashley wait what wait it why does why does babyrage wait wait what oh good spike good spike wait why does the baby look like why does the baby look like Jim oh wow I'm gonna die I'm gonna die oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness holy crap guys what is actually happening was i imagining that the baby looks like me the entire time oh my gosh oh my gosh guys I don't have a weapon well we were I do I do I have a knife and I also have the gun from last night where did babyrage elixir go I mean I don't that's not even my kid anymore how do I even use a gun I'm gonna die guys like I'm actually so close to dying where did the baby go oh my gosh I'm so thankful spike did the work for me oh I can't believe I I can't believe I just no no no that I I have to be dreaming this has to be a nightmare guys there is no way that any of this is this is not real right this can't be real this cannot be real oh my oh my gosh I don't know what to do anymore guys do oh shoot I I know this might be this might be the best idea spike you're coming with you're coming with me okay you're the only one I have left I don't have a family anymore all everything just got deleted all of a sudden please be a nightmare I really really hope that this is all just a dream and you know when I wake up everything will be just fine hurry up I need I need a drive out of here guys how come every single time I move to a new neighborhood something bad happens I don't I don't get it guys I don't get it I'm getting out of here I don't even know if I'm I don't even know if I'm gonna move to a new neighborhood I might just I don't know guys homeland homeland I might just have to you know just ask for chump change with my dog and I don't know I can't even sell this house anymore there has been two murders I mean technically one was an accident spike spike technically took out Ashley or Ashley I don't even know who that is anymore I don't even know if that was my wife anymore my life is in shambles honestly oh my gosh what do I do you [Music]
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 1,885,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Block City, Block City Minecraft, RageElixir Minecraft Roleplay, Minecraft Roleplay Block City, RageElixir Roleplay, RageElixir MCPE, Getting Married in Minecraft, I Asked her to Be My Minecraft Girlfriend, RageElixir Ashley, RageElixir Minecraft Girlfriend, RageElixir Getting Married, RageElixir Kidnapped, RageElixir Baby
Id: leX3ZJOPg64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 36sec (5496 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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