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so in the last episode of black city baby rage and i went trick-or-treating to see who could get more candy by the end of the night however things took a turn for the worse when someone impersonating as me kidnapped baby rage and tried to blackmail me nobody knows where he went but in today's episode my little brother tim surprised me here in black city watch the entire video to find out what happened welcome to episode 16 of black man that was such a good episode of block city block city episode a day keeps the doctor away oh my goodness that was that was such an amazing way to start the day all right man gotta make sure i stretch a little bit or else my legs will go dead i don't want to go paralyzed now all right oh little buddy how's it going little fluffy little fluffy little thing oh man oh ashley how's it going man you don't look too well hey why are you walking like that are you okay huh hey i haven't been feeling the best wait why i think i might be no is that why you haven't gone out with us till like halloween and all that oh no here here we are let me take you to the hospital come on come on come on you you shouldn't be you shouldn't be you know dealing with this all on your own i i remember i'm rich now you know i got no no no listen no no listen to me you're sick come on come on please i'll carry you to the car if i need to listen uh wait i can go to the hospital on my own it's probably no no no you're you're you're just you're just trying to you know make it seem like it's nothing you need to stay here with me now we'll take baby rage with us come on no no let ah listen to me hurry up go we can't take him to wait why not he will get oh my goodness fine you know he has a baby he is only a child i get it i get it but like you're sick right now you know you need to stay here with him okay fine fine fine only if you say so all right fine i'll stay with baby rage here he's probably upstairs just chilling and playing video games right now um also another thing huh how are you gonna get to the hospital he likes to be called rage junior now man just because he got a little he isn't so baby anymore just because he got one year older that the man oh by the way guys his birthday party is coming soon but uh fine fine i'll call him maybe uh babe rage junior okay it's gonna take a while to get used to i'm gonna get in my car and go now are you sure you can drive maybe you should get in and please for a love of god no you should probably get like an ambulance or something make sure nothing happens oh fine fine you know this is block city this is block city something bad could happen but please be safe okay please be safe i i would not know what to do with myself if something bad happened to you if anything bad happens while i'm away i will be very mad okay okay okay nothing will be nothing will happen make sure rage junior is safe okay man nothing's gonna happen she's just overreacting i swear oh man ashley all right goodbye goodbye man i hope i hope everything is safe and everything but yeah i should probably make her bed cause um you know she probably didn't have enough time to make her bed she's really really sick right now all right wait someone's ringing the door it's ashley back see i i told you guys she wasn't she wasn't able to drive all the way because she's really sick right now ashley i knew you see you're back i told you i forgot my suitcase huh suit what suitcase where is she going hold up wait wait wait why do you need a suitcase to go to the hospital it has all my details okay all right all right all right okay well and just in case i have to stay overnight man the hospital has everything for you i swear you overreact too much all right well see you later ashley make sure you be safe now all right well anyways i should probably go finish making the bed and just make sure i clean up this entire room and all that um man gotta make sure i look at myself in the mirror gotta make sure i do my hair a little bit as well you know and guys don't forget to wash your hands baby rage how's it go oh baby jumping on the bed stop jumping on the bed be good now okay man wait someone just rang the doorbell hey what the tim what surprise wait wait wait this is block city yeah you're never i came here to surprise you wait wait wait wait all right uh hold on hold on tim tim hold on just a second yo yeah where did you get this car is this a rental no this is my car i bought it how would you find your way to block industries i'm pretty sure i didn't tell you this is my work car all right don't worry about it but anyways wait i mean where's your wife i even tell you about vlog city how did you get here hey rage's wife where are you dude this is a surprise indeed wait who are you looking tim i thought you were here for me no i'm here to see if you have a wife you lied to me no no i swear i'm not saying that you have a wife but okay no i'm not i can't believe you anymore what do you mean where is your wife you keep saying you have a wife i do have a wife i do i do i swear i'm not lying to you okay uh trust me so so she just left the house you barely just missed okay she sure she said she felt like okay okay if there's one way to prove it tim come come upstairs with me i if i didn't have a wife how in the world would i have a baby that looks exactly like me meet baby rage baby rage meet tim your uncle uncle tim hi oh oh my i'm sorry uh rage junior rage junior yeah yeah yeah uncle tim that just does not look like rage that doesn't even look like you what do you mean oh that's why you need glasses wait what because you're blind it doesn't look anything like you okay okay rage junior uncle tim is a little blind he's just washing up his eyes right now gotta make sure you know i'm sorry i'm sorry he didn't see you the way he was supposed to yeah i'm sorry my glasses were a little dirty a little blurry huh okay yeah oh see he looks like you now don't know why but he looked like a girl for a second there oh man that's probably i don't know it's probably a sign or something like that you know hey all right um should i call you baby rage or raise junior because i'm confused i usually call him baby rage but apparently he's strong he's all grown up now all right aren't you it's rage junior now no baby wait i still can't believe that you have a wife though wait what are you sure you didn't adopt a raise junior wait why would rage junior look exactly like me if it wasn't genetics you know i don't know could be a paid actor no no he's not paid at all trust me right not paid right oh your mom lives here okay i guess i'll i guess i'll have to believe him for now yeah yeah i can't exactly believe we had here we had family pictures maybe not huh maybe we should take some family pictures yeah we actually don't have any bad future since you're here now oh dude you surprised me should i give you a house tour or something this house is giant it is see let's even like get the money for this oh can i come yeah baby of course of course of course you can come look at this look at this tim there's over one million dollars on this credit card right now or maybe less than that now because i've been spending it are you sure you haven't been doing illegal things no no of course not guess what happened though i won the lottery oh yeah all right so anyways here's my house here's my house tim yeah let me give you a brief rundown even though you kind of just barged in and looked through the house anyways already but we have the first fireplace right here kaboom right there first fireplace do you have multiple oh you'll see soon and then we have the living room right here where i watch a ton of block city you should you should definitely get on that soon vlog city episodes are insane uh but we have the second fireplace yes yes yes okay see i told you what are these flowers up here they look nice um they're they're called uh um rose uh rosemary's or something like that i think i don't know my wife does all that stuff all right okay okay anyways we got the master bedroom right oh mom got see mom got them yeah yeah yeah all right and this one here too she got tattooed there's also rosemary yeah and then we got this uh candle right here the ditto candle for the pokemon ditto candle uh and then we've got smells pretty good yeah yeah yeah strawberry strawberry scented and then we've got you know our bed and all that then we have our master bathroom look how big this bathroom is you know and you can even look at it look at yourself in the mirror yes yes yes i did wash my glasses upstairs so yeah exactly i did see that oh yeah so let's go upstairs um we've got baby rage's room right here with all his amazing toys he's he's a very spoiled kid let me just say that yeah his room is bigger than my room yeah uh bigger than my room actually this is a little guest room we got a tv computer you know you know what tim you know what's funny i think this might be one of the first times i've been in here yeah my wife decorated this okay and then we have the sound to be my room maybe maybe possibly if you move in um but yeah this is the bathroom you were in uh now the best part of the house is back here oh and by the way we have our little uh bunny right here that we adopted that bunny nice all right come outside and take a look at our resort our little paradise back backyard you know whoa wait this is your whole backyard third third fireplace if you could even call that you know the pool yes yes the pool that's correct rage junior see look at this what do you think what do you think you like i kind of want to take a dip but i don't have any swim trunks oh yeah true i could give you one later but uh yeah wait why is there just a baby pig sitting here um it's a toy it's a toy okay i was about to say you have so many pets yeah so if you call them over here i didn't even know this until baby rage found it we have a little tree house the last the last owner had like a tree house built and everything like that and baby rage was hiding here one time which was pretty funny this place is giant and you have a nintendo switch just sitting up here yep that's baby rages what if it rains oh don't worry it's a tree house it's it's you know it's insulated pretty nicely i don't think you've been keeping up with block city lately how'd you even it's hard to believe you i i just found your address and i came huh yeah okay sounds a little scary but yeah oh wait what do you mean i'm your brother of course i know where you live what i don't know how that works but um yeah we got our kitchen right here a bunch of knives have anything good ooh milk i'll take some of that and drink you drinking that milk all right all right very nice stop snooping through my cabinet oh he said oh yeah i'm kind of hungry myself you are yeah what kind of places are there around here i know a spot all right i know a spot okay i'm excited all right let's go let's go i know a spot mcdonald's no what is that okay it's it's exquisite all right just come with me all right let me take you guys to the uh to the spot leave me be mcdonald's it better be a fancy place all right and then we go right here oh no yay see oh i'm trust me tim this is this is none like this is none other this is none other this is a very very high end mcdonald's ever heard if i could believe you there why man i mean it is a really big mcdonald's though hey my guy robert how's it going robert welcome to mcdonald's hey robert how's it going how's it going robert hey robert doesn't seem very happy to see you hey robert oh tim tim i did get fired from here but you know because we didn't get robbed my favorite mcdonald's would you what would you do you want today what do you guys want you guys can order four on menu on me on me i like a burger maybe um this whole box of donuts probably maybe oh you want some that would be nice you should probably uh happy meal with toy all right uh baby rage wants a toy he wants a meal with just a toy okay see see rage junior this is why we call you baby rage because you want toys big boys don't want toys yeah big boys don't need toys anymore i do no i do okay and you sir um i'd like a salad because i'm trying to stay healthy you know with quarantine and everything it's been it's been rough on me it's been taking a toll on my body i thought you were rich why are you eating at mcdonald's all of a sudden oh i told you this is a five-star uh mcdonald's this is uh five times the price oh thanks for the salad yeah yeah is that even worth it then yeah yeah you gotta pay the price of being that would be 25 dollars there you go 35 and and you know what you know what i'm being generous because my brother's visiting um i'll give you a 50 tip oh okay now you're just bragging at this point this is a baby toy i thought you wanted toys what kind of toy do you want a grown-up toy what do you want a nintendo switch or something all right well where should we sit or should we eat in the car no what in the car we're rich oh wait it's mcdonald's i know the spot i know the spot all right come over here okay all right we're going to sit out here at the big table you know let's see what what's the biggest table they got um this one this one pretty sure they're all the same size no no trust me it's an inch bigger uh so tim how have you been liking block city has been good it seems super peaceful i might actually move here really think about getting a new house oh okay okay yeah yeah yeah it's like so nice it's a very very peaceful town don't even worry about it but it does seem a little expensive all the houses are so big i don't know if i could it's bored it's big but i'll help you out you know as your brother and this credit card we can help you out right maybe i can stay in your house for a bit maybe yeah actually that doesn't sound like your guest room that doesn't sound like a bad idea uh rage junior what do you think about uncle tim living with us good bad yes yes see junior has already taken a liking to you even though you know you mistook him for someone else a girl okay let's not talk about it right oh man all right so everyone finished their food baby rage you're done eating i think i'm full i accidentally bought a full box of donuts yeah i don't know why you needed that but um i was really hungry you know what you know what uh let's walk off our food why not right let's walk off our food um so we're going to the gym right no no i mean there is a gym in the mall but we're going to explore them all a little bit this is your first time right first time in the mall yeah i mean i went straight to your house oh yeah yeah all right all right so we have a real estate thing right here which is how i got the house we got sprint so maybe i should buy my house here oh that is good um yeah actually the guy is really grumpy all the time um wait um we can run here no no no no this is a phone store this is a phone store here the the gym is right here the gym is right here you can sprint here okay all right race here it could chill in there uh i'll just walk around with rage wait what he's a baby well i mean he could he could work out i think he could lift these weights he said no i need to stay with dads yeah see he's a good boy but yeah um actually uh i need to take a little wee-wee is that okay uh sure all right uh stay with me i'll just stick with raise junior then unless you better not leave there once again better not leave him okay all right all right you stick with me don't leave my back all right girls bathroom oh no no wrong wrong bathroom all right this one right here okay okay all right let me take a little wee-wee real quickly i lied to them i don't i don't need to take a wee-wee i need to take a number two oh well that mcdonald's oh my gosh that mcdonald's hurts off my stomach wait i should probably wash my hands hey did you change your shirt yeah wait where did they go hey hey tim baby ray where are they going why does he hey guys wait who is that staying okay is that the junior let's go hey hey guys guys guys guys you're going with the wrong person guys they just left without me oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh i should dude i'm taking this car i don't i'm sorry whoever owns this car oh my god why is this car so slow why is this car so slow i'm happy with that the heck mcdonald's is actually worth it now they actually let's go ray jr they just went in the house with the fake rage oh no i want dude i wonder what he's trying to do what do you need to do that was fun yeah that was really fun thanks for taking me there i appreciate it great junior go to your room okay i guess it's time for you to sleep right what but okay this is so bad this is actually so bad it's early yeah it's a little early but i mean it's early but it's early wait we'll come and tuck you in okay all right ray junior you should go to bed no no i'm just going to explore the house for a bit all right he's going with my as you do that that's him let's hang out after yep i'm done with that all right he had a knife in his hand oh my what the heck i think i think i have a knife in the tree house or no not a knife but a but a crowbar just in case this is a yeah i'm just hungry you're not gonna lie can i have some toast okay i need to go in there the box of donuts i need to go in there i'm so hungry oh my gosh i need to call him out i need to call him out this fake rage guy man all right i should probably put it back at the refrigerator hey hey hi guys watch your hands up you fake ray yeah hey stay away stay away from me with that knife stay away from me that with that guys calm down calm down what do you mean calm down dude that's a fake rage tim look at it what do you mean why is there two of me okay yo yo he's swinging that knife hey of you guys are the hey all right dude are you in tim tip oh my gosh this is so bad when you have someone with glasses here open your eyes down answer my questions all right ask me something only rage will know okay ask me the question ask me a question please where did your wife go to the hospital to the hospital obviously bed bed see okay see no more no more questions ah what the whoa what the what the huh what what what what just happened dad did you just kill oh man these habits put that gun away you have one girl got that gun away baby rage oh my gosh oh my god i still don't know if you're the impossible or not i'm the real one i'm the real one i'm the real one i have a gun now okay you don't want to mess with me all right don't mess with me all right give me that taser you do that hand me that taser or i will shoot him all right thank you thank you see now you believe me i'm the real rage oh i don't you just try to threaten me with the gun all right but i didn't shoot but i didn't shoot if i was the real one i mean if i was the fake one i would have shot okay stay away from me okay okay i'm sorry you guys could both be impossible hey baby rage maybe rachel ray jr why'd you do it away from me why don't you have to shoot i mean you know what you did a good thing because that guy's been trying to you know how was that a good thing just killed the person no he was protecting me that guy had a knife he could have killed you i think he was planning to kill you tim [Music] believe me he took out him i can't stop him no you couldn't have he could have stabbed you for all i know i had to do something he didn't need to kill him fully i saw the look he had in his eyes see see please believe race junior come on i don't know i saw that same look in your eyes when you had the gun out no no no please see he said please no no no no no i don't like this neighborhood anymore get away from me what the heck no no no you're not leaving hey hey i don't i don't wanna be back here we finally you guys are all crazy you guys are all great get me out of here hey get back here back faster get me out of here get me out of here get back here oh my gosh dad no okay okay i'm sorry i won't do that to uncle tim oh my god no it's all broken all right uh ray junior please do not tell mommy what happened okay okay okay please don't tell mommy about this because if she found out about this she will never forgive me i'm sorry no no you did the right thing by shooting the impostor okay i wanted to say you did a good job you saved me you saved me okay you tell mom and dad about this all right all right let's go let's go home uncle tim all right all right let's go let's go but uncle tim it's okay he'll be back he'll be back trust me trust me all right um let's let's head to bed okay it's time for you to head to bed it's it's bedtime okay let's let's go to sleep all right good night babe uh goodnight rage junior oh this is gonna take some time that you get used to oh man you're getting too big for the bed now oh well that was one heck of a day [Music] you
Channel: RageElixir
Views: 695,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RageElixir, RageElixer, RageElixir Minecraft, RageElixir Intro 2020, RageElixir Intro, RageElixir Outro, RageElixir Block City, Block City Minecraft, Minecraft Block City, RageElixir Pocket Edition, Pocket Edition Minecraft, Minecraft PE, Minecraft Java, Java Edition, Ashley Minecraft, Baby Rage Minecraft, RageElixir Ashley, RageElixir Family, RageElixir Merch, TimPlayz, RageElixir Minecraft Family, RageElixir Little Brother
Id: kpP_1Q6Z7RM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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