I Became the PRESIDENTS BODYGUARD in Brookhaven RP!

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okay everyone it's been a long day of work today and I'm finally excited to get home and hold on actually what is that behind me boys why have I never noticed this new house what the heck this thing looks huge okay I probably shouldn't be doing this but I'm going to move a little closer cuz I want to see what's going on over here and dude this thing looks like the White House oh my gosh and bro there's a limo out front okay wait a minute guys maybe this actually is the White House and bro I see someone inside there what are they doing okay I probably shouldn't move closer cuz this is the White House but you know what I'm doing it anyways but I don't care oh my gosh this thing is gorgeous and know look in there there's a guy right there George and Mr quill he said yes Mr President bro that's the President George he said did you find any bodyguard yet wait bodyguard does this guy need a bodyguard he said I'm bored of staying in here he said I have business to do golf matches to play bro what the heck he said sorry sir I couldn't find perfect one yet they are all immature bro wait wait wait wait wait boys from what I'm seeing right here the president is in need of a bodyguard right now I know this sounds kind of wild but what if I become the president's bodyguard you know what let me see what else he's saying he said uh when will this end whatever and he said I'll try my best sir boys I'm doing it look let me change my face really fast cuz I'm not going to lie I look quite immature at the moment I'll just pick a face that looks meaner like this one right here and there we go boys now I look serious I'm going to walk walk up there right now and ask for give me The Bodyguard this might be dangerous but uh here we go oh gosh even the doorbell sounds different than the White House and he just said uh who are you he said who's at the door oh my gosh that's a president right there oh my gosh I'm going to say hello sir I've heard that you are in need of a bodyguard well be in need no more because I am here does that sound serious or immature I don't know he said boy you literally just finished high school and his assistant laughed she said haha uh well I'll have you know I never finished high school I'm that serious into being a bodyguard and he said what I've dedicated my life to this craft sir he said you left high school to be a bodyguard exactly he doesn't understand guys he said interesting he said hm sir let's talk for a second uh okay I'll be waiting ah boys I'm going to become the president's bodyguard today well hopefully at least now listen my goal is to survive one day as The Bodyguard cuz this is not an easy job people die doing this stuff and if I can make it one day I can make it a thousand days so hopefully they accept me and know he's back he just said Hey kid come sit inside oh my gosh president Brook Haven boys I inside of The White House right now all right at cool at cool I'm going to say yes sir and I said yes sick I can't spell oh my gosh he said take a seat all right I'll just sit right here he said so tell me how many people did you work with bodyguard any of them were important question mark um well I've worked with numerous celebrities people who live in Estates and famous people well I guess that's the same thing what am I saying I've had to attack Intruders stop carjackers I've done a lot as a security guard boys I actually have this is all in previous experience and know there's his assistant he said hm you heard all that quill he said yeah and it's true he said I did a background check he's not lying and he said ah perfect he said quill set this kid up I'll go back to my office and send him to me when he's ready and he said on it sir oh my gosh boys today is the day and he said all right sir follow me and oh my gosh where are we going boys look at this room guns and ammo a bed he said this is your room he said you'll be living here full time and he said gear up and meet at the door after 10 minutes Mr President is waiting for you all right got it oh my goodness boys it's time all right boys as you can see now I'm fully geared up I've got my suit on my shades a bulletproof vest and I've got weapons flashlights binoculars and even handcuffs I'll wait by the door now and ah here I am and oh my gosh there's Mr President look at him he said ah you're ready I'm going to say sir I'm always ready he said did you take a tour around our white house yet uh I have not sir he said oh come on quill well I'll show you around all right sounds good oh over here is the kitchen he has a chef of course he does he's the president he said hello Mr President and he said hello Val who is the new man oh hi I'm the president's security guard or actually he already said it so I'm not going to speak he said oh wow you finally found one and he said yep ha he said congrats and he said I can finally leave the house and oh here's the backyard a giant pool wow and oh a helicopter I'm going to say looks beautiful Mr President he said over here this where I like to sit oh wow look at this some sort of uh gazebo you could say very nice I could definitely use some the lookout area any let's see the second floor now wow look at this up here oh my gosh boys this is the Oval Office look at this wow I feel like I've seen this on TV before but I definitely have it looks insane he said on the other side is my sleeping room oh okay look at this boys this is nice too giant closet oh my goodness I know what's this over here some sort of ladder wao roof access this will definitely be useful he said and the roof I'm going to say I'm glad GL you gave me a tour sir it'll allow me to guard you much better and he said anyways it's time to head out now got it sir let me ask where to sir he said to the ice cream shop it's been months since I've ate one uh you got it boss let me just turn around over here this car is quite hard to turn around but it's okay I got it all righty boys even though I'm driving the car I still have to be on maximum alert okay I cannot let Mr President get spotted or attacked or approached or anything I am his one and only bodyguard and I'm going to keep him safe anyways here we are he said ah perfect and ah look at him he's picked his ice cream flavor I'm going to say take your time sir I'll be ready said you want to join too um no I'm all good thank you though let me just make sure I'm keeping Lookout though boys I I hear footsteps above me right now for some reason and no we got him boss right where we want him who is that sir stay inside he said Oh dangy Sees us move in there's two guys they have guns I got to shoot now one down one down he said hands up I ain't putting my hands up boy uh boys what's going on right now what does he even want okay I got to shoot I got to shoot I got to shoot I got to shoot here we go pull the AR 3 2 1 got him got him got him W that's two down oh my goodness sir sir I didn't make press it's okay where's he at where's he at uh Mr President Mr President oh he's laying down right there sir are you okay he said yes I am is everything good now uh I believe so let's move fast let's get out of here bro this is a hot area I'm not sure what's going on some sort of attack by uh enemies I'm not really too sure but sir let's move oh my goodness bro what just happened and he said wow you saved me there thank you I'm going to say of course sir it's my job to save you step inside please oh my gosh he looked so scared he said all right oh thank the Lord that we're back bro that actually was dangerous what even happened man I'm going to say Mr quill there were two attackers at the ice cream shop please try to find more information on what happened he said really all right I'm on it all right good oh my God go dude this is way worse than guarding a celebrity I'm telling you guys people want the president dead and I'm not letting that happen I'm keeping our president safe boys anyways I'll just wait here now for my next orders and I'll keep patrolling to make sure everything's safe I guess and now Mr cr's coming he said tap uh yes sir he said there's another wave of criminals coming wait what what do you mean he said they're planning to break in uh are they related to the attackers from earlier like the ones that we just saw in the city and he said yes okay got it lock down now he said it's a big group oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay I'm going to tell Mr President uh Sir Mr President come with me now and he said huh I'm going to say there are more Intruders coming is it what's happening follow me follow me we need to do the safe spot a ASAP bro all right let me take him to the bathroom over here I believe his closet or his bathroom proba the different spot let me think uh yeah right here I'm going to say sir you hide here if anything happens take this just in case but he won't need it he won't need it and he said all right thank you I'm also going to barricade him up that way no one can come in there and we're good back to business boys and where's Mr quill at bro he's hiding I think oh gosh and let me lock the doors really fast there we go and I hear a car engine boys this is not good Chef why aren't you hiding he said I'll be fine LOL I've always been here nothing new um all right whatever not my job to protect him boys it's my job to keep the president safe and that's exactly what I'm going to do even if it means I have to die trying and oh gosh they're here I hear them oh gosh they're shooting all right I'm going to hide right here boys I'll be ready for them when they break in they're not going to like this boys and oh gosh they're coming in right now they're at the front door they're about to break the lock and oh I think they broke it they're in he said ready to wreck this door down and oh gosh one right there shoot him shoot him shoot him one down okay the other one where's he at where's he at he's right there okay uh he definitely heard me he heard the gunshots I'm going to move it around the back and where is he shoot shoot shoot come on come on come on come on gotcha sucker and he said ah no I'm dead that's what you get for trying to attack our president stupid and the chef said is everything fine sir bro are you joking I mean everything's fine now you're lucky you didn't get shot he said do I throw him out um sure I guess you can get rid of him he said come here buddy let me make sure the outside's clear as well there's the van they came in interesting empty van though let me just secure the perimeter and the back side is clear thankfully this side's also clear so I think we are good boys oh my gosh that could have been bad and all right the chef's cleared out all the bodies I believe Let Me Tell The President that it's safe to come out and here I am sir and look at him hiding over here oh my goodness he said everything good I'm going to say sir yes sir I've cleared out the threat he said oh my goodness I don't know what I would have done without you thank you my bodyguard no problem sir anyways we're back downstairs Mr quill is also here not sure where you went but at least he's safe and know the chef said food's ready man that was fast how did he cook while they were inside of the house kind of crazy low key then he said oh good I'm starving Mr President is H hungry I guess we can go and eat this right now he said sir I cooked your favorite and then he said no sir this plate and he said huh why not this one yeah wait what the heck it's not the same food yeah it is the same food I'm pretty sure he said well sir I prepared this better he said it's the same thing though okay hold on wait don't eat anything okay guys this is actually really sus right now and George said huh tell me why the chef wasn't scared one bit when The Intruders were here matter of fact The Intruders came and ran right past him he said you just came here now you say that he said because this is my place I sit there all the time I'm going to say there were men with guns ready to kill and they didn't kill you now you're saying eat this certain plate did you poison it huh he said you could try it out yourself I'm going to say well I don't want to matter of fact why don't you eat it he said I've been a cook for the for years I've been a cook for the president for years I'm going to say perfect eat the special one that you made then then okay there all the other ones are gone and it's just his plate and he said uh I just ate no you didn't because you serve four seats why would you serve four seats huh you didn't just eat buddy he said I'm not allowed to eat at the same table with the president and he said well you and quill and Mr President and one extra who's the one extra it's you now eat the special food or else all right this guy's making me mad bro he said anyone are you stupid there's not anyone else here and he said all right fine and he said I and why does he have a scared face I can't he said I admit it I tried to poison Mr President I knew it he said they offered me so much money for me wow you traitor he said I'm not yeah yeah yeah hands behind your back right now he said I have a family to feed you also had a chef to feed he said my kids needed that money I'm going to say I'm sure he pays you well now hands behind your back or else you die oh my gosh bro this filthy criminal he said I can't believe believe it Val after all those years I know right it'll be the only people you trust what a sick man cuz if you betray me like that you deserve a rot in jail he said I'm sorry sir dot dot dot Mr quill arranged a police car to pick up this traitor chef and he said got it sir and Mr President said wow tappy you have saved my life three times today that's very impressive no problem sir it's what I do after all he said I can officially call you the best president bodyguard ah thank you sir much more to come well boys I guess my job here is complete if you enjoyed this video leave a like if you did subscribe if you're new and I'll see you boys in the next one peace
Channel: Tappy
Views: 264,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tappy, tappy roblox, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven roblox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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