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blitz are you ready what am i ready for the super casual and friendly game of chess okay i'm gonna i'm gonna try to get you in checkmate in the what how many moves one check oh no is this how we're gonna this is what we're gonna do yeah yeah you're in chess check again that is unless i win this beautiful bishop though you are not allowed to win [Music] oh okay so i'm not you're not in check anymore so far so good that was cheating great okay now what are you gonna do a little night out we going horsey mode yeah is that how they were playing with a choice it's the easy choice run away with my horsey or shoot your pawn in the face go minions protect me how does he do it this is not good this is not good for me this is yep yeah i'm so good at this game all right go get revenge oh no turn your head sideways shoot him which one of these is you stab me with my ears he's riding the train it's going anywhere nope i can't hit you anymore all right bouncing arrow when in doubt why are you so skinny this is my attack hug that's your attack hug yeah now what do we do whatever you want should i go for a i'm gonna go for a fork is that a chest term what yeah it's a it's a night forks you watch now you're in check huh and you're you have to decide between your rook or your king what if i just win with this pawn you won't oh okay what maybe you will hey you're so skinny oh that no that didn't hurt at all actually i'm thinking about it oh baby see that's not right at the needle you did that was perfect i was trying to be so sneaky boy back there because i'm so skinny except like wow that was so close to making you dead yeah i really thought i was gone you're just really good at fps games way better than me i've had my years of practice okay we gotta play this we gotta play this like a real chess champion again all right i've got a chess fork right here oh that's actually not a fork that's fine i believe in my horsey's ability is that when you quit hiding behind the minions yeah oh wow you just used your chitty arrow didn't you i did that was you cheated i was cheating okay no wait no i didn't admit to that see i was i was using my buddy as a box strategy i was just gonna rush you and then you just 360 no scope me like a boss now what do i do did we go you're gonna kill me little sniper versus sniper oh great fine with that see your gun pointing up over there immediately go chidi arrow whoa chidi arrow hit me okay okay what just happened there can't touch me now can i shoot you through that tiny little opening is that why are you so good at this garbage game i didn't even really have a line on you i just saw the tiny little are you kidding me right meow how do you how do you even do that i'm a perfectly trained archer behind oh you expected it i did nobody expects the bishop inquisition all right first things first meet oh you eaten two come on just a little more um i had my bum out and already i just shrubbed a bishop in your life you did a lot of damage oh man that was close it was but you know what else is close what's that our friendship oh you she's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to you oh i didn't think you could attack my knight i did getting beat in chess uh-huh oh oh that didn't hurt at all anyways let's stay back or not oh there is no staying back from this friendship i'm bringing the friendship today if i was a boat i would name myself the friendship right now it'd be very accurate um i really don't know what i should be doing now you're kind of in trouble i see it because every single move i make every move i take i'll be watching you that was beautiful it was it's almost like a song lyric oh i shot him in the middle just keep shooting oh there was a table in there [Music] it's over blitz i have the high ground no i say as i proceed to miss all of my shots your friend just just about got destroyed by a car that happened sometimes and by a car i mean a train car big old train why can i not hit you all that evasive action training i've been taking here really how are you gonna die oh my word i feel like i shot you 19 times i feel like i shot you 919 times but you look at all these bullets that hit you it was close at least it was ready for this sixth night that i'm gonna hit is it okay when my castle do that but wait but but wait wait are you moving yes no i don't know where you are i don't know where you are no i missed i'm seeing glimpses of you glimmers glimmers of hope glimmers and shimmers that's it yeah let's stop oh wow oh that's scary i should have gotten closer no i'm hidden i was using my i was using my friend as a projectile oh that one shot though i know i didn't know i was that strong i didn't either you're pretty cool and stuff that's what i was thinking literally exactly that girls only like guys who have skills like skills with knights and with arrows minions go get them oh really get in close and then miss every shot that's what i was okay that's that's blocking my vision hey every single time that i hit you i kill you dead and then the game's like nah i don't i shoot you like six times with the arrow and you don't die every time you shoot me it's like hey i missed but you're dead anyway close enough now what are you gonna do [Music] which of the three pawns would you like to attempt to kill all right i'll show you and bam and bam and hit up chidi arrow that not cheat where is your minion shooting stop it oh oh i'm i'm completely healthy i couldn't get away i was trying to slip my strategy was so smart i put my minion man right in your face when i jumped away and then i shot you in the face from the side because your head's bigger sideways the ultimate plan it was the large brain strategy if i wanted to do this but i gotta oh this is fine i needed a redemption mm-hmm yeah yeah let's go away okay that'll work yeah i'm not talking about this i guess i shouldn't have just ran straight at your face yeah that was a little bit of a help i think i wanna there it is okay the bishop versus the pawn now now the turns have tabled yet again go forth my piece let's where are you at that's my piece ow no i'm stuck i'm stuck yes he's stuck and stuff you killed my friend i didn't he was the only one i've ever had you monster let's wait up and oh i'm stuck on the tumbling piece oh i got it so close that was so close wait until you see how damaged i am i know it because i hit you like four times right in the brain a little retry real quick a little retry and yeet so far so good so far so that was not good you can't block a grenade why who doesn't think you can block a grenade oh you're just melting on my piece oh pecker all right let's see it it's just not good versus sniper rook circuit emotion certainly motion and pop oh no i missed oh i missed and no scope oh that didn't work that's my wall i'm messing up i'm hitting buttons no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes i was so close to grappling out you what didn't though because i shot you in the butt right in the posterior end see you you walled me in with you that's not how walls work what you didn't see was this where am i where in the sky what happened in this you hit me with the bomb and then we went space mode and then i sliced you twice and you did fair enough bomb up in the air space mode slicey slicey dead see it's exactly like i described it yeah that was a perfect description oh no it's my turn i'm ready oh no okay ready set and yeet how good was that yeah that's pretty good dude it doesn't work i was trying to just stand still and shoot you in the brain it's a bold tactic well i believe we have a problem right now okay a little bit of a face off i got it i feel like i got to do this and then i'm going to leave it up to you oh if you're going to try to end the game with a checkmate or if i'm going to end the game with a checkmate i see this breaks so many volumes i've got an idea as long as i win this my idea might be smart oh no no no spider blitz spider blitz doing all the things that spider blitz what are you doing up here can i join no go home why leave him alone he didn't do anything no i am not allowing him you cannot have two queens and somehow you beat me i studied go no good i wasn't allowing you to do that i tried to run away as fast as i could i know poor little fellow he was like i need to leave and i'm like nope just suck oh thank you thank you for bringing it a little closer okay i gotta beat i gotta win this i got it i don't know if i can though i don't i don't have any idea yeah yeah yeah it is you know would you look at that i'm looking right now i didn't think that would that king is stupid overpowered i tried to throw a piece at you but i think you tractor cane in it a tractor i like a tractor that's a fun word it is this is it if i just if i win every pawn fight you are not allowed to have your queen again go minion two blitz it's okay just give up no what if i said please oh okay wow we cannot it'll be real cool dang it was that me it was you yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes i thought i was the fps pro i i you know rookies get lucky a few times today oh so you were one shot this plan this is a sneaky boy plan okay well you just really you're gonna murder him huh i am i'm gonna i'm good at murderizing things i can escape i can't escape there is no escape from our friendship remember i said that all right i'm taking this guy out that'll be perfect and tap oh wow my word you know sometimes i get lucky there's no luck that was 100 skill okay i got rematch of the century let's give it a go i believe and tap all right oh my i can't speak about being able to get away from things go i have a wall can i do i make it in time no i do ah yes my queen is back not for long oh no it's fine i've learned from my mistakes of last time me too i can do this differently fly yes i escaped go my re-summoned queen if i just do i have a piece to toward you oh yeah blitz where'd you go no
Channel: ImCade
Views: 318,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, funny, gameplay, fps chess, imcade fps chess, blitz fps chess, blitz fpschess, fpschess, imcade fpschess, fps chess gameplay, fps chess game, fps chess meme, chess game, chess openings, magnus carlsen, I Became A CHESS GRANDMASTER By USING GUNS, new chess, chess with gun, steam top charts, new multiplayer, When you break EVERY RULE With GUNS, fps chess interndotgif, fps chess intern, fps chess steam, chess games, chess, chess like games, chess like
Id: TtKttjybEpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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