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that thing's expanding oh wait a minute wait a minute are they going to go to RS is that a monster I don't know what that was oh my what is that oh jeez who are you oh it's Guiding Light that makes so much sense that's a60 like he's human form yeah it's a60 dude that is the worst possible time for A90 oh dude it's like an Gino memory there you guys run behind holy cow hey everyone it's your friend think noodles and welcome back to think reacts for today we are reacting to season 2 complete edition Roblox doors animation by Jenny Punker we've already reacted to his first one about six or seven months ago and it took him this long to make it you guys have been asking me and asking me and asking me like in emails and DMS and on Twitter and everything everything to react to this video and it's not that I forgot it's that uh like any good uh react YouTuber I asked for permission to react to videos and he said absolutely of course but wait until October uh give give the video about a month to be out before you react to it so following his instructions but but I wanted to point something out real quick it's got 2 million views and look he's almost got 2 million subscribers he's less than uh a th wait what how does it I can't uh yeah less than a thousand away if he's not already there guys I'm going to leave a link to his channel in my description if you guys could please go there make sure to subscribe make sure to get him over 2 million subscribers absolutely deserves it I think uh based on when the first video came out and this one it took him six or seven months to make this video also it is 41 minutes long I'm going to try my best to not pause it I'm going to like I wish I had someone to hold hold my hands behind my back so that I I'll try it myself just to keep them back there uh I probably will pause it but I'm going to try not to cuz already 41 minutes long guys grab the popcorn get a drink take a pee and let's watch all right so they're heading down the elevator as they would at the end of uh at the end of doors yep oh they hit the floor you good yoin where are we the elevator crashed we must have lost Consciousness after that Allan Wake Up it hurts what happened play again wait it's finally over isn't it so are you sure it's okay to end it like this yojin you want to save him why was that all glitchy don't make the wrong choice because of us he always rescued us when we were in danger he oh it's always showing glitch we also want to help him if you want to save him play again okay so they're going to make another run through uh floor one see I was thinking that it was going to be Floor 2 all right uh uh is there any way we can save him well I can't think of anything at the moment and if you guys don't know who it's referencing check out my previous video on or check out his previous video how about bringing more people cow why did you come now or why did you come now the door is locked the door was locked so you couldn't come in a then the door might have been locked darn it that means we can't get out either but how did he get in then now if it's locked it's okay let's go together now it's four of us it'll be easier than before all [Music] right okay back in the elevator this guy I don't know about this guy wait you're giving him a flashlight I don't trust him uh okay it's okay I forgot about what happened back then don't worry I forgive you a okay I I I don't trust the look on his face man the smug like winky face like these people look properly concerned but he's always what are you guys wor hey where are oh they're looking for glitch where are you sh lower your voice what if the monsters hear your voice and come here dude it's the lobby nobody oh wait yes I've had Ambush spawn there before wait is it Ambush cuz it's it's happened is that a monster I don't know what that was what was [Music] that oh it's Guiding Light oh it's a rift did they Rift wait huh who are you that's not the [Music] rift uh I don't know wait oh okay they took it uh wait what what are we doing guys wait oh is that him whoa oh it's Guiding Light she's using Guiding Light like a flashlight it's like and the like personified Guiding Light like he's going to light the [Music] candle yeah cuz I mean that that candle does guide us like Guiding Light makes sense what's the matter is she already on door 61 cuz I feel like we uh we fast forwarded a bit here oh he loves fire oh he's remembering his birthday oh look at that the moon tattoo and a the oh that's rush dude so they used to live here wait I've never seen cake [Music] indoors or any food for that [Music] matter yep vitamins but bro what are you going to put him on your back cuz you're the only one dude oh he dude he just knocked him for [Music] real so oh dude that's door 61 or door 60 or whatever it is in the you know what I'm yeah hey yes it's rooms whoa what is all this man there's so much going on here oh the candle there you go happy birthday brother oh you're good you're good down there you're [Music] good oh wait he found a the closet what about his brother happy birthday to us I love you brother I knew it was his brother so they're [Music] twins but what happened and oh come on Rush didn't blow that candle out when he went by huh [Music] really okay you're fine that's what I was going to say I mean your arm looks a little twisted but so wait where's everyone else the lighter is broken oh man wait what okay you all good guys oh this guy yeah get him Screech slap him oh no he got him okay oh there he is she found a friend did you all try to leave me behind no I went down to the dark basement to open the door but you didn't even wait for me no they're right there do you all hate me that much oh she's feeling like he did no you're you're misunderstanding yeah they were just hiding and then oh I I I was going to say I saw SC oh Screech bit her yo get some Band-Aids guys Lena we didn't try to leave you behind I'll explain what happened look at him oh nice nice yeah let's see what did happen let's get out of here for now out of like the whole run I'll explain what happened after the the iron bar door was open the lights in the room flickered right away this is totally true this could happen Yen was trying to go save you but I couldn't leave it like that because you were where where you were was safer than where we were absolutely true when you're down there he can't get you Allan's right and everyone could have died trying to save you oh that's a nice that's a usual run it's a real Rush jump scare uh we didn't try to leave you behind you you might have thought we hated you but we don't we trusted you we were able to survive see I didn't even know that and I ended up hurting you all oh because of the Screech bite perhaps I am a needless existence to you all what come on stop feeling so sorry for yourself and get through the stupid run this painting is titled I'm right behind you what Oh that's oh ht's coming that's foreshadowing right there dude dude we're going to see hul lots of flickering we know we know what's about to happen oh boy yep get ready to turn around turn around turn around turn around guys I've been really good right I haven't I haven't paused it yet aren't you proud of me I think it's too dangerous to continue like this your injury looks serious you got a Band-Aid she's fine she's got full health now it's okay I can still hang on maybe if we look around should be able to find a way to heal my injury you literally have a bandaid on that's how you heal it oh can they not see him from here on out I'll walk on my own thanks for your help what you're not good at lying oh get ready wait who's the bacon wait there was a why was there was there always a bacon oh no he's gone now what was that was that supposed to be H oh I was going to say wait why did she trip get up am I misunderstanding things again no it's not a misunderstanding we hate you H you tried to kill me in the past who on Earth would want to accompany someone who tried to kill them you decided not to be with you anymore what no that's not true she was just hurt it's the vitamins oh dang aggressive they don't say that I could tell because you were lying so blatantly you're fake so halt is like so please stop putting noise in my ears anymore so halt is like impersonating her friends uh I thought you were most fooled oh exactly what you're seeing is an illusion the situations you least want to face or the moments you don't want to leave the most whoa so that's his brother you is it really you oh cool get ready up turn run no that oh she's going to die she got bit and hit by halt you're an illusion aren't you if that's not the case this is so cool oh no it is him get glitch glitch is the bacon uh what was that he helped her why are you not running yeah dang Hall looks super cool in 3D yeah there you [Music] go it made it sound like she got out of a seek Chase oh look at all that good stuff there though you need that look at all the Band-Aids and the healing medicine and well that's it's just vitam come on oh no it's going to hit her for the second time she's dead she's done wait no how did she get out oh is it cuz they got out oh she is lucky cuz she was about to get taken by him and she got the Band-Aids let's go wait okay yeah are they GNA are we going to see Jeff and El goblino and everything God annoys me I want to see them in 3D 33 oh it's dup yep uh-huh y'all know how to count oh jeez oh wait he pulled her back I wish you could really do that indoors did she wait did she get scratched no oh that was close cuz I think when he first did this how uh they didn't exist yet hey come here it was before Hotel plus when he first did this oh man oh that's that's rooms that's a00 Z that thing's expanding oh wait a minute wait a minute are they going to go to [Music] Rooms okay that's not how that works oh my what is that that's a60 like but like he's human form that's his smile right or is it a120 no it's a120 that's a120 [Applause] smile wait what are they what are they are they hiding from A1 be quiet something is coming yeah dude it's a120 no that's a60 though that sound because a a120 doesn't make that noise that's maybe they all got out yeah it's a60 [Music] dude what happened you guys better watch out for A90 he's the worst oh okay seek Chase y gross seek juice wait why are they on that side you guys need to be in front of him you're sort of okay okay I thought they were behind him yes they know what to do though they've done this before dude this is like a remixed version of the seek Chase I love like it man she fell she is really accident prone and he always saves her Duc Whoa man I actually like that guy I didn't like him before but he's he's like helping uh why are we looking at one of the SE guys on the wall guys go follow Guiding Light [Music] oh where's the fire [Music] yeah that fire looks real oh that is the worst possible time for A90 are you kidding no oh she's dead oh dude there's A1 they got no wait what it wiped away a120 I was going to say if there's a120 and A90 they they've got no chance what oh okay I don't know where he got that that also doesn't work but I'll take it that's super cool catch her before she lays in the fire dude that was intense what actually what oh he is I'm telling you man that guy is a hero what he got it back oh I wish you're good you almost died he saved your butt again actually they both did seek looks tired yep she slapped him with the Band-Aid it's like a Shiloh Bros video okay boom so I mean they've done this before they know what to do y oh wait what's he oh he see yeah that's Guiding Light again knocking over the yeah which we know Guiding Light actually does that I've just never seen him in a human form before like that but I like I like it I I like that [Music] um oh she found it a creative Liberty that they took with [Music] that you don't have to actually read the book dude you can like put it no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh throw books at him again the number in the square is three hurry up and find all many hints wait don't go in there oh does it smell oh you're hiding your breathing that's cool the crucifixes oh he needs to charge it oh gotting light powered it up M man that's the thing that it does in rooms yeah oh man cuz the crucifix didn't exist before either super cool animation uh-oh it's going to break shattered well there you go that's what you get for using it on on figure there it's only temporary by the way I have unfinished business what uh guys did you uh do it wrong hey come dang he looks so scary you are going to get bit again oh she's going to burn the place down yeah I mean we already oh man we already know figure don't like fire we've seen that in door 100 what how did he not grab her what is she oh what she jumped over the fire hey they got the code okay here they come come on I might wait why is he blue I got it no he's just right now no Vis it will love the music won't they Bob a they they did Sans nothing happens what I couldn't read it was too [Music] fast oh dude it's like an elino memory there look Bob wait vors wait wait wait wait I have to go back guys I said I wasn't going to pause it but this is Al goblino man I got to see what like that little animation was there so it's showing uh snare in um in greenhouse and he looks sad and then he's looking down at his arms and and based on the flooring he's in the greenhouse right yeah and then and then Bob's hat so and it looks like they're oh and look yeah so that's what happened to Bob I think or that that's what this animator says happened to Bob is Bob got killed by snare because snare was up right like snare was like up here and then he looks down the snare goes back down and and all is left is Bob's hat so that's how Bob died but you can't really die from snare but [Music] fine don't be afraid it's elino guys h elino who are you we from the perspective of you humans We Are Monsters but from our perspective we are friends we didn't see new friends we have brought many things with us here used to be something useful for you Among Us want to take a look he talks fast we don't have any items worth exchanging with you don't you got PL give us something shiny uh-huh yeah you got it you know it wait is it this oh this would have provide enough horse to FL one of Jeff's fingers is there nothing else friend what you got in that backpack [Music] bro are you guys trying to put on weight Jeff put weight on Jeff this will be useful to you later yeah we know don't use it on him don't try to assassinate me oh yeah don't bother my friend I think we talked enough I'm done talking for now take care dude I love it don't try to assassinate me oh yeah monsters and humans it always ended up with Bad Endings oh my goodness is it a jet and elino skit I love it let's go this is so good just make more of this oh this is how they built Jeff's shop look him trip yeah dude this is them setting up Jeff shop that's that's Bob right there before he died oh look figure get out Jeff just knocked him out yo they're painting and everything no way this is epic so okay Rush came through he just closes it but all the stuff stayed oh they went and got stuff that's when okay so that is when Bob died right so you see like they go running and then like the lights go out and you can hear stuff happening and then El goblino comes back carrying Bob he's got the skeleton key they were collecting stuff for Jeff's shop and that's when Bob died and then that's when they came it's the end of our story in the end Bob died trying to save me human just walk the path meant for you the path you've chosen will only bring you pain oh I want to hug him he is someone dear to me someone I can't leave behind easily that's why you couldn't leave this place either right I will make a promise this time the ending will be different also I'm loving that like broken down doors song with just the piano that was amazing I can't wait to get my El goblino blush I want to hug him like that I love that little guy we walked quite a lot but not a single Monster in sight what's dang man she is always it hurts she's messed up did it hurt get hurt when I fell earlier maybe it's the smoke from the burning in the library yeah you could be on to something [Music] 62 are they going to try rooms we haven't seen A90 or A10 or a60 reappear what's wrong dude something is stopping you from opening the door what the door won't open oh oh okay that's a120 y'all need to hide y'all all need to hide guys don't go that don't hide over there that's where1 120 comes from yeah it seems better not to leave right now yeah just wait cuz it comes back lights curious light what is Guiding Light going to do when it sees curious [Music] light we should go that way too the noise from outside doesn't seem to be disappearing we have to believe in that light it's our only [Music] option oh the cake oh his brother is curious light oh that makes so much sense if if he's Guiding Light and his brother is curious light blow out dude you got it wait who blew that out is that a feather oh yeah that is it the blue and the yellow curious like what are you doing brother at this rate the candle will go [Music] out he crying it's hard to put out a candle is it the I mean it [Music] a so they're re so now they combined but do what do they see do they actually see them you've met new friends so oh whoa whoa nice to meet you new friends so they're not I don't know if my brother could have helped but no your brother showed us a Guiding Light in a dangerous situation that's good to hear then oh no no no she is messed up it's eroding if this continues you will die oh herb veritus you all have good luck oh it's a repayment for letting us meat let's treat this first okay are they going to go to Rooms to treat it cuz they could use it oh no they're going to the hospital okay I was thinking they were going to use the skeleton key on rooms whoa he can make portals we need to get curious light into doors man it's really spacious come here man dude is quick here yep go get it that's what you want in the end you too oh man that does not look good try using this eat it I don't know what we actually do with it there we go feel good it's not fully healed that thing will keep trying to devour you but the herb can keep healing you so please leave the hotel as soon as possible uh before it's too late the door is locked even if they finish this run they ain't getting out oh Courtyard oh he teleported them there past the seek Chase we'll stop here oh man the greenhouse is too dark for light to enter that's not true Guiding Light can show us which like the doors and stuff but none of them have ever wait oh no no no I wasn't paying attention hold on many people have entered the greenhouse but none of them have ever returned there's no light there so you'll have to rely on sound well I mean that is true but even that sound will be muffled by the rain also true we infused our light into your candles and this crucifix better than before what does that mean um that's not a good sign whoa It's a metal crucifix sure if I could come here oh he saw it behind him you could come here too okay now it's time to say goodbye if we stop that you guys run behind holy cow yes I always wanted those statues to do something go away this is our story not yours dude you're going kind of slow good luck oh he took him to the portal with him all right so wait is he going through too run away cuz Guiding Light does help dang I love all the remixed versions of the songs looks like a cookie don't step on it guys oh eyes Down Eyes down no don't look keep your head down keep your head down don't look at that blue light he closed his eyes finally uhoh scree yeah slap him oh look look at him down down down down that definitely hurt her but oh you got a little Screech kiss there huh what's that is that wait why are you eating vitamins what are you doing hide in the closet behind you cow why is his name Cow oh she's taking off we don't have enough closet for all us hid in this stream I'm going to the next oh sacrifice themselves it's going to be me oh yes crucifix M man I thought it was better than before are you a fool don't ever do do that again there to go Allen Allan saves everyone man this time the situation is opposite to what it was back then hey is everyone okay I'm fine Alan saved me even though we lost the crucifix but we need to leave this place quickly I thought it was going to get multiple uses cow when did the candle go out 5 minutes [Music] ago wait what how what just how did door 100 wait how did that happen oh no no no no no no no wait okay there he is she's not going to go through is she if I were to meet you again I I had been wondering what to say let's leave this hotel together I don't think he [Music] can all right well they're in door 100 I don't know how that happened I I think actually he oh I think what happened is he glitched them forward out of Rush's way oh wow they're just going for it they're not even unlocking the thing first with the lockpick man oh oh that's so cool to see from figures POV y'all need to run yo what are you doing standing there guys he's not running is he wait guys wait where's figure okay they got the key they went up and got the key oh cuz figure went after them until now I I've lost you but this time I will never lose you so they're all going to get through this time oh get it get it get it get it get it it's a breaker switch yep that's right if we find all of these we'll be able to leave the hotel I need to let everyone know he's voice chat oh oh oh she's going down to the rift are you okay no no no he doesn't come here no he doesn't come here it hurts my body won't move there he is she's going to lose him again hold my hand even if I tell you not to come you'll still follow me right but at least give us some time the rift you know you died saving me and now I still depend on your help I'm sorry she's so clumsy yoin every moment spent with you was the happiest time of my life from the moment I met you until this very moment I have no regrets where did he get that oh he had it in the rift it's going to hurt isn't it it hurts for me too wait why you know yoen if you're not alive it can't be a happy ending for me what's he doing what did he just do he just sacrificed himself on [Music] figure I don't think I can hold this one yojin please don't come to this hotel anymore more yeah look it it's right through him it pierced him but he's not evil though how why would the crucifix take out someone who isn't evil you lied to me you agreed to leave together he knew he had to save you if I'm not alive you can't have a happy ending that's the same for me too the story you told me in the last game three lights will help those in the darkness honestly I I didn't believe you because light didn't come to us back then but he is and then in this game him Guiding Light curious light I actually met those two and then there was you however despite that I didn't get my happy ending what happened to her eyes I couldn't keep my promise hey why did you do that who's that monsters instinctively fear the crucifix why did you use the crucifix he's not a monster our story was too dark I wanted to shine a light on her so that hyoin wouldn't be afraid of the darkness anymore even if I'm not by her side oh it's it's an entity with with feelings the fire is already spread and it's burning this game will end soon and soon the story will come to an end animation is so cool on this take [Music] this it was yours anyway that's a revive but you can't use revive [Music] dude but I I'll let it happen for the love story I won't use it for a while this hotel is full of strange occurrences perhaps other people too May hope for the light to rescue them but what about your girlfriend you don't I will stay here the game is over and hin will also leave this hotel don't you want to go with her this is for when I can leave this place oh so he's going to help people but when he finally figures out a way out then he's going to use the revive so that he can go be with her that's really strange this place is where the story unfolds according to a lot of rules but in this game there seem to be a lot of various probably because of you isn't it there was there were modifiers that's for sure this ending didn't exist in the hotel you're right this hotel is full of strange occurrences that's cool at times unexplained glitches occur like and those glitches can sometimes threaten lives and those situations there's a light that appears and we call it we call it the glitching light what bro so there's three light Guiding Light glitching light and curious light and he's the glitching light what happened the glitching light it's over it's the ending now we'll be waiting hen what got to say goodbye to the glitching light man did I arrive too late I don't think I can go with you other people will need the light too oh man when the time comes I'll come find you so let's meet again for sure dude he's so cool now of course oh that was is that it oh man that wow that was a lot of work and really cool oh look at that there a smile too window oh oh Timothy oh these end credits are so cool dude [Music] Timothy uh I feel nauseous and I don't like this did you bring this upon yourself oh yeah Goodbye Oh W wait no wait what that's A90 sound Dam so this is what this so yeah he went he went through the portal after well it kind of looks like a6's face a120 uh I was trying to seal you here fool what happened here you don't hesitate to save others that's why I like it what is Screech eating is he eating a banana what mozzarella sticks what was that is he really gonna Oh I thought he was going to use the crucifix on scre if you're trying to sacrifice me please don't I'm not playing to win this game of course I wish we could win together but it'll be sad without you these are different character because I'm happy every moment with you so don't sacrifice for me ELO come to think of it she's right our story was over but I didn't admit it oh he's going for it dude Bob I'm going to find a new story if we meet next time where's he give me a hug I will man as soon as I get that thing as soon as I get that plush I'm gonna give him a hug thank you for watching and there it is at the end alino there's no more Jeff shop in this animation uh well guys I hope you enjoyed the video I mean that went all the way to the end I thought there was going to be like 3 minutes to end credits but no it's like post credit scene uh if you guys enjoyed my video make sure to click my uh uh the like button on my reaction make sure to go watch the original like that video as well make sure to subscribe to Jenny Punker so we can get over 2 million and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 702,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, thinknoodles roblox, thinknoodles gaming, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles reacts, thinknoodles shorts, roblox, roblox doors, doors animation, roblox doors animation, jeny punker, roblox complete animation, season 2, doors season 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 7sec (2707 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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