Why Plants vs. Zombies: Battle For Neighborville Failed

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Garden Warfare 1 a masterfully crafted game that perfectly adapted a classic mobile game into an incredible third-person shooter then came Garden Warfare 2 one of the greatest sequels ever made that added even more content to the Garden Warfare formula these two games built a legacy for this series and so the logical Next Step was to throw all of that away this is Battle for Neighborville after the success of Garden Warfare and the even bigger success ESS of Garden Warfare 2 pop cap the gamees developers wanted to keep this series going which was a no-brainer they knew the chances of this going badly were incredibly slim they continued to update G Warfare 2 and did so for over 3 years but over time less and less people were playing the game and they knew they had to make a big comeback and so in May of 2019 EA announced that a brand new plants versus zombie shooter game was in development and people were hyped the Garden Warfare Community were so happy EA were finally continuing this beloved series and were making a Garden Warfare 3 that's an interesting way of spelling it on September 4th 2019 players were surprised to see the announcement that this PvZ shooter wasn't a Garden Warfare game instead it went by the title Plants versus Zombies battle for Neighborville a Gameplay trailer was released showcasing the game and while it looks like a Garden Warfare game it actually isn't because the peashooter looks scary I honestly don't understand why popcart decided to call it this instead of Garden Warfare 3 because I guarantee the name alone probably turned a lot of people off it and if that wasn't enough to kill any hype for this game rather than having any marketing whatsoever it just came out no buildup no teaser trailers just hey game so battle for Neighborville was dropped out of nowhere which resulted in a pretty messy launch but that's not too big of a deal what's more important is the actual game playay and the first thing I think of when I think Plants versus Zombies is the characters why do they look like that looking past them changing the iconic character designs into whatever the hell this is Battle for Neighborville added nine brand new characters to the game unlike the previous games BFN splits up the character roster into different classes attack defense support and swarm first up on the plants you've got night cap this character specializes in stealth and attacks by throwing blades which means that yes the most annoying person you know will love this character her first ability is casting Shadows where she throws a purple smoke cloud which can be used as something to hide in or offensively as it slows down any zombies in it next there's fun Fu where you charge up a flurry of attacks and quickly deal damage to any enemies within its radius and finally she has Shadow sneak where you briefly turn invisible and gain increased movement speed which you can use to either get into situations or out of them night cap is pretty fun to play being a disgusting sweaty spy man in TF2 I enjoy stealth characters in shooter games quite a lot but similarly to spy dying to this character makes you want to die in real life AER next the snap dragon this is a close-range character that breathes fire as a main attack and can shoot Fireballs as a secondary his first ability is Swoop slam where you fly into the air and then die far dealing damage on impact then he has blue blaze where he shoots a blue homing Fireball and finally he has blazing trial where you Chuck down a wall of fire this character is pretty good but let's be honest this is just a chomper he looks like a chomper he plays like a chomper he's a chomper Chomper te now before we get onto the next character I need to quickly mention the sponsor of today's video Aura now many people you probably included have been a victim of receiving scam calls spam emails hbang and it would make me really uncomfortable if all my information was just out there for people to take advantage 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is basically a sticky grenade that knocks back opponents and then he has Acorn Dash where you quickly spin forward but where this character gets interesting is with the ability called invoke Oak using this transforms you into a huge Oak stump which other acorns can board this means that if multiple people play Acorn you'll basically have one huge tank on your team he shoots slow firing explosives that do a lot of damage you can use super sap trap which is basically a huge version of sap trap and finally he has roll for damage where you roll a giant log forward squishing zombies in its path this character is pretty good but if you're playing alone and you need to rely on other random acons to help you it's a little frustrating as the only people still playing this game are babies but it's probably the coolest concept for a character so far beta moving on to the zombies for now we have the 80s Action Hero his main weapon is a bow that deals more damage and is more accurate the more you charge it up which results in this being the most satisfying weapon to use in any game possibly ever his first ability is dynamite Dodge where you drop a stick of dynamite and do a Dark Souls Dodge roll he next has Rocket Ride which is the most patriotic ability I have ever seen and finally he has C missile which is an incredibly funny play on words you shoot homing rockets that either lock onto the closest enemy or the last person you hit with your bow I love this character more than I love myself honestly it's mostly just the main weapon I'm drawn to it's just so satisfying to use especially when you get a Kill from a country's length away s next up is Electric Slide which is a weird name for a character she shoots electric bolts and if you hit a plant enough times with it they'll get temporarily stunned which is a mechanic that I'm sure everyone loves her first ability is funky bouncer where you throw a magnet that pulls in any nearby plants and will send them bouncing around with it she next has a fight where she evaporates making her temporarily Invincible but can't shoot and finally she has disco tornado which summons a small Whirlwind but if you time it right and press E when it's next to a player it expands into a huge tornado doing tons of damage if I'm being honest I don't really like this character there isn't much to her other than the tornado ability which I do enjoy but there are definitely much better options e and then there's the space cadet and this is basically the zombie equivalent of the acor she can use gravity smash to go up into the air and slam down dealing damage or Big Bang Theory beam which fires a precise laser after charging up but her main stick is that she can turn into an entire space station the other space cadetes can get on the main attack is a very slow firing laser but the space forci ability increases the rate of fire and finally there's kto maker where you fly up and shoot an absolutely devastating laser downwards similarly to the acor this character is all right on its own but it's sometimes difficult to use when you don't have other space cets on your team I would say that acor is a bit better though so I'll give her a CER now you may be thinking M didn't you say there were nine new characters you only listed six you scammer you schemer well don't worry there are three other characters Wildflower TV head and The Wizard however these need to be unlocked and the way you unlock these characters is through a specific challenge called giving EA $30 now I'm all right with some microtransactions and if you play the game for a very long time and earn 1.5 million coins then you can get all these characters for free but the game already costs $30 to buy and you expect players to spend that twice in order to play the new characters no so in protest and I apologize for doing this cuz I'm sure they're very fun to play they're going in F and you have EA in their big greedy Pockets to thank for that one most of these new characters are pretty great addition their abilities are unique the weapons are satisfying to use and like the previous games all the different character variants are sure to be um the um hang on let me make a quick call um yeah hi um I can't seem to find the character variants um oh really huh okay uh bye they removed the character variance this is one of the worst decisions pop cap could have possibly made the different versions of the classes in the first two games were what made the game different to every other game and here it's been replaced by upgrades which makes it way more confusing way more boring and it means that the players who played this game for longer are just going to have straight up better versions of all the characters when players realized this they weren't happy and it's one of the main reasons why this game failed but don't worry it's not the only reason battle for Neighborville is different to Garden Warfare as there is much less focus on multiplayer PVP matches instead it focuses more on free roome upon starting the game you immediately spawn into a huge map containing six different regions Dave mana and zombos HQ are simply the spawn locations for the plants and zombies respectively and this is where you'll find pretty much the same stuff from the second game such as the matchmaking portal character select and of course the sticker shot Sticker Shop Sticker Shop unlike the past games however you'll notice in this area you can actually see other players and this gets even cooler when you make your way over to Giddy Park as this is a skirmish area where you can fight actual players in a casual environment this was one of the few things people wanted from Garden Warfare 2 no longer were you just limited to fighting Bots over and over again now you could try out new characters and abilities in a realistic environment without having to load into an actual game you can also ride the ferris wheale which is fun then there's the three remaining areas Town Center Mount Steep and weding woods these differently themed sub regions are where you'll find the game's main quests you'll go in either as a plant or zombie depending on the area and you'll find NPCs all around the map and if you talk to them you get a quest and here the game fumbles again these quests are boring they all follow pretty much the exact same layout talk to NBC skip through the unnecessary amount of dialogue go over to area while fighting enemies fight something specific go back skip through more dialogue repeat obviously there are exceptions to this but a lot of players really didn't like this type of gameplay and it's a shame because it feels like the developers were really pushing the PVE over over the PVP and it just wasn't very fun this complete disregard for what people loved about Garden Warfare is what led to this game's failure and because of this most people were calling this game the worst game in the series but some people still had hope there was still a chance for battle for Neighborville to be saved if the developers just continued to update it made changes to some of the things people didn't like and added new content maybe just maybe this game could be great oh they've discontinued it on September 1st 2020 not even a year after the game released pop cap announced that they will be discontinuing the game due to its commercial failure players were devastated after the success of both the first two games seeing this attempted Revival of the series completely fall flat was a huge gut punch and many players simply went back to playing Garden Warfare 2 leaving battle for Neighborville abandoned [Music] however I was determined to find out if this game was still playable and to see if maybe the players were just being too harsh on it well it's time to find out a that music makes me tingly I'm just saying guys if this game was made today it would be called woke plants versus woke zombies I said it I said it I'm the only one brave enough to say it memory of the super see that guy agrees right come on M you were the number one rated Garden Warfare 1 player of all time okay hone your skills first enemy destroyed second enemy nope oh woh um I think that may have been Aimbot listen all right you guys haven't seen nothing yet [ __ ] breathe fire I got that guy all by myself they're not going to expect the attack from above one zillion damage uhoh burn burn boil no don't run [ __ ] destroyed we're doing a bit of a flank here we're doing a bit of a flank uh-oh you see me yep that went well yep perfect yep yeah nicely done nicely done nicely done yes nicely done nicely done hide behind this shoot that shoot them homing things beautiful hop up in the air that was not the air that was ground level Citron man what did they do to you he looks like the Roblox man face looks like this Acorn is Airborne looks like this acorn will be AED guess what guys this Acorn just a spawned I'll tell you what Citron had it bad but good Lord engineer what [Music] happened never mind I spice keep it bit a stack B one me cuz they know I got bans you thought I was feeling you hi spice if you're watching let's run some battle for Neighborville whoa um I'm a freaking goat oh that feels good that sound is better than most things um ain't no one falling for that one buddy ah I'm good tell you what that is an awesome tiger I'm going to get that tattooed across my entire chest and back watch this guys no looker watch this guys no looker subscribe all right not going to lie this game gets a lot of [ __ ] but I am having more fun playing this than I do when I play OverWatch so like that either says something about this game or about OverWatch come back here uh-oh how did that not damage them all right this game's the worst game i' ever made see now I have a reason to call it the worst game in the title me when dinner's ready me when there's vegetables like the video if you're like to that one guys that's that's some of my best work you think you can beat me do you know who I am the name's M kid uh look it up on wiky tuia hang on this thing's quite good hang on but come on overtime we can still do this come on I have to win this game otherwise I'll look like a loser in front of all my YouTube Friends guys just so you know all 200,000 of you are officially my friends all right I that's that's the truth I hate you all if there was a rank for best the best best Joker I would I would be on there guys like the video If I'm the best Joker critics are calling me the best sniper of all time I just killed a potted plants ah God the head shot sound in this game is glorious I'm actually unbelievable someone stop me lock me up and throw away the key guys be honest if I was in court and you were on jury duty would you convict me 17 what does this mean guys get get mapat on this 17 38 hey I'm like hey what's up hello I figured it out guys the mystery has finally been solved hey hey hey big tree how about you log off all right I'm done after playing battle for Neighborville in its current state I have mixed feelings I honestly had quite a lot of fun playing the PVP in this game and that part did feel like Garden Warfare it's just everything else didn't I couldn't care less about the PVE missions and the whole character upgrade system is just so much more confusing than just selecting Cheeto Chomper I honestly think this game had a lot of potential but with how many mistakes there were in The Game's marketing changing the main focus of the game and the unnecessary removal of features that made the first two games special it was kind of inevitable the players were right this is like a gun Warfare game from an alternate universe where they made all the wrong choices and it's honestly sad that this is where the series has been left it's pretty clear that they aren't going to be making another punch versus nor shooter game after the failure of this one and the fact that what once was a perfect series now has this mediocre stain attached to it is upsetting maybe one day popc cap will make a comeback and release a true gun Warfare 3 but until then the reality will be that battle for Neighborville was the last Garden Warfare game we're ever going to get and now finally after going through all three games I can say that it was the best series nobody plays anymore thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video and this three-part series as a whole please consider subscribing and liking the video it helps me out tremendously and if you enjoyed the gameplay segment I'm doing more live gameplay stuff over on my second Channel I'll see you next time and remember
Channel: MewZe
Views: 283,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mewze, mezze, mewe, video, sharing, camera phone, video phone, free, upload, plants vs zombies, pvz, garden warfare, battle for neighborville, bfn, bfn new characters, night cap, garden warfare 3, gw2, gw3, ranking garden warfare characters, explaining battle for neighborville, video essay, commentary, meme, funny
Id: nxIP5V9W5Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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