Top 5 BEST and WORST ADVENTURE PLANTS! | Plants vs. Zombies 2

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today we're ranking the top five best and worst Adventure Mode plants in Plants versus Zombies 2 this list includes any of the plants you unlock for the adventure mode from the tutorial all the way through to modern day and all plants will be judged based on their level one stats I'll also primarily be judging their usefulness in the adventure mode only since that's both the mode where you unlock them and the mode where they're designed to be used we'll start with the number five worst then number five best and Alternate until we get to the number one spots if you disagree with any of these placements drop a comment below and tell me why starting out we have a pretty abysmal plan intensive carrot intensive carrot is a 100 Sun cost single use instant that revise a deceased plant the main reason why it's bad is because its Sun cost doesn't justify its gimmicky functionality in order to get any value out of this plant you need to use it on a plant that costed more than 100 sun to begin with otherwise you might as well replant the plant that died in the first place for this reason trying to get any value out of this plant is really tough an additional challenge that I personally certainly don't need on top of all the crazy PL versus Zombies challenges that I do but there's also another game I've been really enjoying outside of Plants versus Zombies and that's this video sponsor War Thunder War Thunder is an epic free-to-play military combat game where you can take Land Air and sea vehicles to war against other players in action-packed battles War Thunder is available on Playstation Xbox PC and Mac with its stunning graphics and diverse range of realistic tanks planes helicopters and ships War Thunder completely immerses you in the experience of vehicular War as a viewer of my channel I'm sure you love strategy and War Thunder has got you covered with a WI wide range of military Technologies such as guided missiles smoke screens night vision and even massive nuclear strikes as well as functional and aesthetic upgrades for your vehicles War Thunder has just now received the new Alpha strike update with a plethora of new content including Hungarian Aviation as well as gameplay and visual improvements War Thunder looks absolutely beautiful and plays as smooth as it ever has with this new update which is exemplified by the alluring new map North Holland allowing you to take your tank and Aviation skills into complex Urban settings download War Thunder for free using the link in the description all new players and those who haven't played War Thunder in over 6 months will receive rentals for the P40 E1 aircraft and M4 tank for a whole week along with unique skins for them as well as the special Eagle of Valor decorator 100,000 silver lines three premium Vehicles a premium count for a week and more all absolutely free but this promotion ends soon so download War Thunder for free right now using the link in the description thanks War Thunder for sponsoring this video now let's get back to the list the problem with using intensive carrot for only more expensive PL to try and get value is that the more expensive the plan is the more you would want to protect it in the first place so it's less likely to die for example using intensive carrot on a wintermelon would save you 400 Sun but how often do zombies actually get to your winter melons if you play like me you place your expensive Heavy Hitters at the back of the lawn so they don't die to begin with so this makes intensive carrot kind of counterintuitive why revive plants when you could just well protect them so they don't have to die I do think that if this plant costed Less on say 50 or so it would be far more versatile and you could pocket more value from Reviving plants it would actually be at risk of dying more often such as close- range plants like Snap Dragon or Bonk Choy a lot of the time bringing intensive carrot into the level feels like a waste of a seed slot which is sad because I do think it has potential to be a good support plant but oh well at number five best we have DUS globber who's just an allaround strong damage dealer I'm ranking DUS globby here under the assumption that it's in its boosted form I said this before but I prefer rank plants individually instead of ranking them based on their synergies with other plants but this is an exception because DUS globber is a shadow plant it's designed to be boosted by moonflow DUS glob it costs 150 sun and lovs splashing projectiles down its Lane when boosted it launches three of these projectiles in its Lane and adjacent Lanes these three projectiles all splashing at once racks up damage on the zombies very quickly and when you have a whole column of these guys about 13 projectiles all with their own Splash damage will be launched each time they attack glob plant food ability is also very strong launching explosive buds that also deal heavy Splash damage in a game where zombies are packed in dense waves a strong Splash attacker goes a long way and DUS globber is no exception to this rule given what I just said about DUS globber you'd probably expect me to praise this plant because they're quite similar Peppa p is a 200 suncross lobbing plant that also deals Splash damage however Peppa P can only lob one projectile at a time and it costs more sun but those negatives alone aren't what lands pepper pult on this this list what makes this plant so bad is you can barely use it to begin with pepper pull seed packet takes 20 seconds to recharge considering most levels only last a minute or two in this game you'll only get a few of these guys down before the level ends this just makes pepper pult pretty useless at being an attacking plant its recharge time makes it obsolete in comparison to other similar plants such as melon p and of course DUS globber which only take five and 10 seconds to reload respectively and considering that sun is easy to build up quickly in this game possibly due to a we'll get to later the 125 Sun difference between melon p and pepper really isn't too bad even in its home World frostbite caves pepper is outclass by other plants such as VI PE and hot potato for thoring your other plants Primal Walnut is the first but definitely not last Primal plant we'll be discussing on this list Primal Walnut is a 75 sunc cost defensive wool plant that's far superior at any other wall for multiple reasons first of all and most obviously it recharges stupidly quick for defense plant it only has a 5-second recharge meaning you can spam them absolutely everywhere let's compare this to the regular walnut's 20 second recharge which is the same time as pepper PS the extra 25 sun is more than worth it for this plant considering it has the same Health as a regular Walnut and gets extra protection against instakill attacks from zombies yeah that's right on top of the great recharge Primal warut can enure attacks that no other plant can including three attacks from gargantuas the only downside of Primal Walnut is that its plant food ability is 8% less per potent and regular Walnut but to be honest when are you even going to notice that a lot of you would have expected spring Bean to be higher up on the worst plants list but hear me out spring Bean is a 25 suncross plant that bounces a zombie one tile back before taking a nap to recharge however in pirat SE spring Bean will do the same thing but if there's a tile of water within a 3X3 area it'll plunge the zombie into the water spring Bean is pretty abysmal in all the other worlds apart from Pirate Seas but let's just say you plant one these guys and it does basically nothing you're only losing 25 sun which isn't that bad so even though he's useless in Worlds Apart from Pirate Seas he could be worse at best bringing him into a non- Pirate Seas level is like losing a seed slot but in Pirate seeds level spring Bean really shines I mean come on one plant food and you can basically wipe out an entire wave just for spring bean plant food ability in Pirate Seas alone I couldn't bring myself to raate him any worse than number three and like I said wasting 25 son on a useless plan isn't that bad compared to what we'll get to later with more useless plants that cost even more sun for the number three spot we have a tie between coincidentally three plants why did I lump them all in together well they do basically the same thing with some minor differences iceberg lettuce freezes zombie in place stoia slows all zombies in a 3X3 area and stunion freezes all zombies ahead of it in a 2x1 area personally might go to aolia but all three of these plants have their advantages and disadvantages iceberg lettuce is great for the start of a level when there's only one or two zombies so you can freeze them all repeatedly to allow you to build up your sun producers but its lack of AOE makes it relatively useless as the level progresses iceberg lettuce plant food ability is probably the best of the three though as it freezes every zombie on a lawn stoia is better for levels with large clumps of zombies or just in the later half of most levels in the game where the zombies start to pile up it's less effective than iceberg lettuce in the start of a level but still really good it plant food ability is probably the worst of the three since it slows the zombies in the lawn which is just a straight up downgrade from iceberg lettuce stunion combines the advantages of the other two and is great for any situation but cost sun in General stores are really great in Plants versus Zombies 2o to count to the fast-paced levels which are designed in such a way that your progress through the level dictates when each successive wave is summoned so a lot of the time you want to slow down the zombies to build up your defenses rather than destroy them as fast as possible all three of these plants are great for this purpose fat beers are 150 cost attacking plant who emits damaging pulses in a 3X3 area and capsulating it the only problem with this is that it basically does no damage which makes it bad in its role by default Fat Beat takes five shots to kill a regular zombie so good luck getting any work done with it since it's basically a Gloom shroom from plant withus Zombies 1 that tickles the zombies rather than damaging them this is all not to mention the fact that basically every zombie in neon mixtape Tour the World fat bead is introduced in hard counter the plan fat bead can only attack zombies at close range which is also also where Punk zombies kick them glitter zombies trample them MC zombies swing their mics and arcade zombies crush them this is also true for a certain other plant that you'll see pretty soon later on the list fat beat's plant food ability launches a larger more powerful shock wave that hits zombies in a much larger five tole radius it's all right I guess but it often feels like it doesn't hit as many zombies as it should judging by its animation making it feel like a really unreliable and inconsistent ability to figure out why this is I had a look at the plants versus zombies Wiki and found that its plant food ability was nerfed significantly in every aspect since fat bead was released its outer damage inner damage and radius were all nearly hared in the 4.4.1 update so it's no wonder that this ability feels weaker than it should or why its animation doesn't feel consistent with the really lackluster damage here's a question for pop cap out of all the plants to Nerf why fat beat this plant would probably still be bottom tier without the Nerf I really have nothing nice to say about this plant it's just so outclassed by every other attacking option in the game I have a bit of a confession to make up until recently I religiously used Twin Sunflower as my main Sun producer I think this was because I was stuck in my ways since when I first started playing the game the only Sun producers were sunflower and Twin Sunflower but as more sun producers got added like sunroom and Primal sunflower I stayed loyal to Twin Sunflower eventually though I caved and tried using sunroom and I immediately noticed how much more efficient sunroom was so shout out to sunroom it deserves an honorable mention here but when I tried Primal sunflower it was clear that this was the best Sun producer out of a lot Primal sunflower retains original sunflowers 1:1 Sun ratio that is it cost 75 sun and produces 75 Sun where sunflower produces and cost 50 this increase allows you to both ramp up your sun production quicker than the regular sunflower and produce a larger amount as the level progresses this is something that Twin Sunflower doesn't have since it costs 125 sun while it produces only 100 this can often lead to short periods in levels where you can't afford to drop another Twin Sunflower so Prim sunflower is the way to go here is it doesn't have that problem Primal sunflower plant food is just the same as basically every other Sun producer which is nothing special but it doesn't subtract from its usefulness there's nothing else to really say about Primal sunflower it's just a really great Sun producer now onto the number one worst and best adventure plants starting with one you may have seen coming garlic is an abysmal plant there's just no hiding it even in the first game garlic was pretty gimmicky and relied heavily on Gloom shroom to be good but in this game garlic has it much much worse garlic is a 50 sunos plant that redirects a zombie to one of the two adjacent Lanes when eaten with Gloom sh ABS in in the game replaced by coincidentally the second worst plan on this list glic already struggles to find its place compared to the first game this is also largely due to the fact that so many special zombies and plants vs zombies 2 destroy plants without biting them these include all the gargantuas and ironically most neon mixtape to a zombies despite it being its home world so when you unlock this guy you can barely even use him until Jurassic Marsh which which is probably the nicest world for him but then comes Big Wave Beach in modern day with octo zombies Surfers fishermen All Stars balloon zombies all of which GC is utterly useless against gc's plant food ability is also irrelevant to the point that I can barely even remember what it does but that may just be because I barely ever use this plan so to recap garlic is essentially useless for the whole game except Jurassic mosh and even in Jurassic mosh what can you even do with it the plant it's made to synergize with is nearly as horrendous as garlic is something else I haven't mentioned yet is the fact that garlic was special in the first game for its ability to move zombies between lanes which correct me if I'm wrong was completely unique to the plan but even this has been stried away in the second game is there are multiple new plant that do this better such as sweet potato on hot dat and they don't even need to be bitten to move the zombies it really is a shame but garlic is completely obsolete in Plants versus Zombies 2 now enough about garlic here comes a number one best adventure mode plant in all of Plants versus Zombies 2 Primal potato mine is by far the best world plant in the game hell even one of the best plants in general Primal potato mine is essentially cherry bomb that instead of exploding instantly has a 5-second delay and can be planted on a lawn instead of being instant it also has a 10-second faster seed recharge so you can place them more often I would say with all this considered Primal potato mine is probably better than Cherry bomn but wait I haven't even mentioned the fact that it cost 50 Sun that's right a plan that's already better than Cherry Bomb based on it stats costs 100 Sun less than Cherry Bomb and Cherry Bomb is already a pop tier plant can you see why problem potato mine is the best in Plants verus Zombies 2 explosive plants are very important because of all the tanky and difficult zombies which they're basically a get out of jail free card for even one explosive plant can change the whole dynamic of a level and ease the load on your attackers and walls hell if you bring a whole bunch of instant you can beat whole levels without planting any actual attacking plants so now that we've established that explosive plants are the best type of plan in the game and the Primal potato mine is without a doubt the best one or at least not including sedums I hope I've made it clear about how absolutely broken this plan is if you don't think Primal potato mind is good do yourself a favor and uninstall the game right now okay seriously though if you disagreed with any of the picks in the list leave a comment below I don't care if you leave an angry incoherent rambling or a well- constructed thesis on why I'm wrong just drop your opinions down there see you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: KoalaPVZ
Views: 109,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pvz2, pvz3, seed slot, only peashooters, premiums, gemiums, seediums, ranking, tier list, challenge, best, worst, pepper-pult, garlic, phat beet, spring bean, dusk lobber, primal wall-nut, primal sunflower, primal potato mine, iceberg lettuce, stunion, stallia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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