PvZ with Only 1 of Each Plant is Ridiculous

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Plants vs Zombies is a game about planting plants like a lot of them even the game tells you to do it planting at least free sunflowers improves your chances of surviving a zombie attack but what if we ignore that would it be completely impossible to progress through the game or would you need to Simply hope to get lucky and eventually beat the game this way today I'm doing the Highlander challenge there can only be one of each plant at once this means only one puff German Knight one Lily Pad in pool and so on can you still beat the game the answer is obviously no because we cannot get past 1-1 since the game forces you to plant two peashooters before sending any zombies to this level so this challenge is impossible but wait don't go yet since one one is not beatable we can modify the challenge can you beat Plants vs Zombies with only one of each plant except level one one stick to the end to find out if the game is still beatable this way because we are pushing pvz1 to its limits again with roof and pull levels under this condition and how these levels are beatable is mind-blowing but first please subscribe 150 000 of you lot are out there watching but only 42 000 are subscribed so if you're already enjoying the content just hit the button you can always unsubscribe later back to the video zombies are coming We Begin The Challenge on one two and immediately you can see the problem in the first level of the challenge you cannot defend three lanes with only one peashooter the irony is that some flowers allow this to be beatable by using sunflowers to stall out two lanes you can force lawnmowers to activate later to craft the last wave to spawn in only one lane pretty obviously you can use this exact same strategy again in one free where although the level has more waves you also now have access to Cherry Bomb which can eliminate two waves at once in fact we can just repeat the sunflower stalling into Cherry Bomb maneuver three more times to beat the level it's kind of nuts that cherry bomb has a fast enough cooldown for this to work level 1 4 means you need to defend 5 Lanes but the game now gives us another stalling plan the walnut walnut will be used just like sunflowers in the level previous where they stall a zombie to group it up with another zombie in the next wave letting a cherry bomb kill two zombies at once with luck on your side if any second basic zombie goes into your repeat shooter Lane you can keep defending using the Walnut and Cherry Bomb maneuver due to realizing the lawnmower mechanic we can install any additional zombies out with our sunflower late enough to ensure no zombies and the final wave end up in one of our empty lanes the next level is Walnut bowling you just need to wait for Walnut to leave the screen to plant your next walnuts so I'm not sure what's so different about this now with potato mine and the shovel it gets much easier you don't need to fuss around with stalling using Walnut if you can clear the first four waves with just potato mines the best part is unlocking the shovel we can finally replant our peashooters somewhere else when we need to defend another Lane with zombies in it and it doesn't come as a surprise that 1 6 ends up being one of the easiest levels in the entire challenge for the next level 1 7 is the first two flag level at first glance this seems impossible to beat intuitively you would think only one view shooter and one snow piece shouldn't beat a two flag level obviously The Game Plan before the first flag is just the same as 1 6 but afterwards the strategy changes a bit it's still correct to sacrifice lawnmowers to all Lanes without attackers here the very important thing about this is to move our sunflower to activate the pole vaulter's jump they walk slower after jumping just enough for our peashooters to kill them off we can also use sunflowers and potato mines to counter pole vaulters and alternatively snow peas can kill a pole vaulter at full speed on their own is placed at the very back we can then use the Walnut stall into Cherry Bomb two birds one stone strategy again to deal with the remaining zombies that might be left combining all of this strategy together gives us enough reach to beat this level as we simply spin a cherry bomb to easily clear out any pole vaulters in the final wave and I play this game every day and I still somehow managed to screw something like that up I just want to slap myself in the face so hard I improved some Lane management here as I put Snow p and peashooter on the side Lanes to ensure cherry bombs get maximum value hitting free Lanes without attackers at once this now guarantees a win for 1-7 and allows us to move on to 1-8 now the introduction of bucket of zombies really doesn't affect us since we're just going to kill them with instant kills anyways so the difference between 1 8 and 1 6 is fairly minimal level 1 9 is just one seventh with repeater same early game as before and as we know just one Snow Pea or repeater can defend a lane for the whole level from the one column Challenge snopy and repeater will each close off a lane from any danger of us losing the level there and we can survive the three other lanes with just walnuts cherry bombs and potato mines as shown in one seven not much else to say but that's one nine completed now you might be wondering how this challenge is going to be even doable in the ultimate Battles since this is a conveyor belt level it is mathematically possible to play this level and get only cherry bombs which basically guarantees a win for obvious reasons well let's say we play this normally the early game shouldn't be hard at all with practically an unlimited amount of free plants for all your pea shooting plants after the first lag you can use all four cherry bombs leaving just 5 more waves to the event with the appropriate while installing it's pretty easy to get back to more cherry bombs to win that about concludes daytime with only one of each plant on the lawn at once thank you we're on tonight and this time our ability to plant puff shrimp is even more restricted than we had inflation then we had only one column surely they aren't still overpowered you would be wrong again because you can be 2-1 with literally just a single puff shroom I don't know how we got here we went from one column of puff streams all the way to 200 Sun pop strips down to just one puff shroom and puff shrimp is still Op with only one on the lawn you just shuffle a puff shroom whenever it's done killing a zombie and simply with a little bit of damage it's got it is able to beat the whole level by itself option honestly deserves a tier of its own mpz tier list due to how ridiculously overpowered having a zero Sun plant is even though the challenge restricts us to using only at most just a sunflower and a sunroom perfume helps save Sun so well tutu is not even a challenge simply puff shrimp and potato mine alone can defend off up until the first leg and I allow us to afford both repeater and snow pea to close off two lanes now you simply defend the three of the remaining Lanes with flushroom and potato mine for the rest of the game and that's actually all the defense you need puff shrimp is just that broken since just planting puff shrooms and potato mines basically beats any one flag Night level there's no real reason for me to show all of two three two six or two eight so let's just skip them in this video there's also really not much different about beating 2-4 here since puff shrimp allows us to activate pole vaulting zombies early and potato mines to clean up screen door zombies easily as for 2-5 you don't even have to plant plants to beat this level so let's move on to level 2-7 except shall I remind you two seven is almost always just an easier version of 2-4 since the only football zombies only appear in the last two waves of the level so same strategy goes here and in 2-9 now you have Doom's room so any Dancing Zombie should not ever be a problem to you as all other basic zombies and conettes are easy killed by Puffs rooms 210 is yet another conveyor belt but with Doom's room it's pretty much not possible to lose this level if you just Doom stream every single wave down and spend an ice stream to stall even with just one of each Sun producer nighttime was a breeze thanks to being able to constantly reposition our one puff shrimp in most levels foreign world of the game we now have to plant lily pads or we cannot defend the pool at all and we're limited to just one Lily Pad in this challenge against two water Lanes but with only one flag in free one and only two zombies in the water it's fairly trivial to just beat this by moving around a peashooter in the pool and span potato mines elsewhere free to unlock squash squash is so good that you can beat any level up until the first flag with just gouache potato mine and Cherry Bomb so I'll be skipping to the first flag for every level from now on in pool in free 2 we use both repeater and snow pea to close off two lanes and the way to beat the remaining Lanes is by simply repeating what we did for the first half of the level instant kill spam simply spamming instant kills is the most reliable way to beat the level when the challenge limits us to only one of each plant at the same time it's unintuitive that instant kills could defend 4 Lanes At Once by themselves but this is a viable strategy due to the low number of zombies in the base game naturally the more expensive planes are better in this challenge as we are limited to the number of plants that we can use at the same time in our Loadout repeater is an excellent choice as it covering three lanes at once helps reduce Lanes we need to spend instant kills on from four down to just three now Upstream is still an excellent choice here used to just slow down Coneheads enough to make sure they can't reach our backlines to deal with any snorkel zombies we also have lilypad plus Walnut combo and they also just died to any instant kill which we already used to defend for the second half and the empty lanes the strategy in Freeport is the same as in free free as pole vaulting zombies don't really pose much of a threat with us being able to just plant a Puffs room and newspaper zombies are pretty weak and obviously you just spent an instant kill on bucking at zombies and that's it this strategy offered free Peters to cover three lanes and instant kills on everything else even works in the free flag format instant kills are just that strong even with their deceptively slow cooldown and this slow cooldown is mostly just mitigated due to puffstream's free stalling provided puff shrimps are really just that powerful only one of each plant in three five now to defend this well one peashooter is certainly not enough to kill anything so you're going to be relying on just Cherry Bomb here by relying I mean a lot of them Cherry Bomb Fiesta shall I say it's either you get lucky or you go home you can't really do much else other than falling with walnuts for them it's not too bad to beat this level thanks to the time between each wave being extremely short allowing us to easily get enough cherry bombs to get past this level 36 introduces the first upgrade plants and also the last two slots to re-clarify the rules for upgrade plants we won't be counting in an upgraded version of a plant to still be the same plant itself this means we'll be allowing ourselves to plant another sunflower when we upgrade our first sunflower to a Twin Sunflower now the solution is fairly obvious with 10 slots to use and enough sun to plant additional attackers free Peter covers three lanes while snow pea repeater and Gatling P will cover the three other lanes however in level 37 we have another problem we can only have one Lily Pad so it's once again impossible to use free additional attackers to help cover all six Lanes at once since we need to use the lowly pad to reveal the snorkel zombie it was good while it lasted but we're back to just spamming instant kills just like in free four instead of Walnut I simply went for Tango kelp as just puff stream by itself is a good enough stalling plant already in hindsight now looking back I definitely should have brought jalapeno instead of spikeweed but it's still fine as you only get overwhelmed later on but by then it's ready to final wave simply Tango kelp squash and potato mine all planted on the fourth column will give sufficient time stalling out waves to keep replanting them repeatedly every wave I'll skip ahead to 3 9 since the strategy for free 8 and 3 9 is the exact same or rather should I say the strategy for this is the exact same for free 7 as well dolphin rider zombies similar to snorkels this allow us from using an attacking plant in the water as a defense no singular plant deals enough damage to kill it before jumping this means we are once again forced to just use the instant kill spam strategy there's really not much difference between dolphin Riders and snorkels once you use the instant kills in fact dolphin Riders are easier to beat compared to snorkel zombies as just one Lily Pad in the row to activate its jump early allows the dolphin Rider to dive into just a free Peter so it's pretty reasonable to say that 39 is just an easier free 7 since puffstream also completely mitigates any fret posed by hole vaulters now 310 is a whole other problem you still only have one free Peter to work with but three times as many zombies spawn because of this being an ultimate battle you also have Torchwood but that's only worth so much here when you can only buff One Singular three-peater within the main problem this level is that the two most common plants in the conveyor belt are three Peters and lily pads both of which you really don't want that many off free Peter's seeds are especially detrimental to get in this level as it is the only plant that we really don't need to get more copies off to replant yet we get the most of to beat this we need jalapenos a lot of them one free Peter and one Torchwood is basically never going to be doing most of the damage as we can basically only use them as cleanup the only other Saving Grace to this level is we have tall enough with spikeweed which basically permanently stalls out a lane but that alone is definitely not enough to make this beatable each Zamboni is completely unbeatable with free Peter and definitely requires an instant kill and you don't get nearly enough jalapenos to make it past this entire level not only that you still need jalapenos to take out the dolphin rider zombies and snorkel zombies which otherwise he can only spend Tango Kelps on which obviously isn't enough I've tried my best to beat 310 without any thieves coming and honestly it might be somewhat possible to do legitimately with a few ways to maximize the chance of reaching the final wave regardless this is still a completely RNG level that can be beaten by just pure luck eventually there will be an attempt where the game showers you with just jalapenos but I'm not talking about using Steve's going to make this possible like plain legitimately kind of possible the secret really is within how many zambonis the game sets zombones have a speed mechanic that no other zombie has which is the fact that it is the only zombie that slows down according to how far it has stayed alive it is by far the slowest zombie in the entire level and the benefit of this is that it additionally takes on more wave points or basic equivalence because of its ability to summon Buffs the teams as we already know we are already forced to spend instant kills on them because repeaters cannot kill zombones on their own so keeping zambonis alive is actually important with a Zamboni alive it will increase the chance of a boss lead team spawning and each box of the team that spawns in the zombony lane will end up dying throughout jalapeno anyways this effectively means keeping zambonis alive helps group up more zombies together which sounds kind of absurd but it works I tried my best and after 4 hours my best attempt was the final wave and unfortunately still free jalapenos short from beating the level which at that point I've pretty much had enough of playing this level it should be fairly clear that without using any safes coming or tools it's fairly reasonable to assume this is speedable I don't have four more hours to pull off just one more attempt at reaching the final wave only to get screwed over by not having jalapeno again so yeah I'm going to skip this level here foreign probably the majority of the time that I allocated to record this video on 310 we're in fog now and once again I'm not going to explain why puff stream is so overpowered just scaredy shroom and puff shrim replanting is enough to be any one flag fog level postroom is simply just that overpowered even with only one of them allowed since the early game is so easy during night time the easy solution to the two flag fog level is just by simply using a free Peter similar to what we already did in pool levels free Peter will be harder to afford during night so I brought free some producers to maximize the sun production puff shrimp should easily allow you to save up for it before the first flag similarly to pool we'll have to use the remaining plants we have to cover the free remaining Lanes not covered by free Peter again just scaredy shroom puff shrimp and sea shrooms is Enough by moving them around enough which are obviously more cost efficient than squash or potato mine during night time obviously bring doomshroom in case you run into some trouble and I don't think there needs to be explanation for why doomship is even better than cherry bomb here the story for level 4 free is very similar to the first fog level but you just need to plan an additional Cactus for the balloon zombie to pop it and afterwards 4 4 is basically yet another save up for free Peter spend the rest of our plants in the free other lanes this time it's a slight bit harder since we need Plover here lover is definitely optimal over Cactus because we need to actually clear the fog to see which lane we need to plant a lily pad in to activate the jump off dolphin Riders apart from having to spend blowers on balloon zombies the differences between this level and forth 2 are minimal to practically unnoticeable beating facebreaker with just one of each plant is easy thanks to how the level was made you get 5 squashes against 5 zombies for the first set of phases so the solution is obvious in the second set the solution is four squashes for four zombies snow P for one zombie peashooter for one zombie and the rake for the last zombie lastly just use hypnosium on Dancing Zombie in the last set of Aces and then let lawnmowers clean up too easy once again 46 marks essentially the end of the fog levels as you know Cattail is ridiculously over powered because it can Target every lane at once at the cost of only one plant thanks to how little Zombies the game sends one Castle is basically enough to solo the entirety of any one flag level making it extremely easy to defend without having to do any micro similarly in four seven instead of just using free Peter to cover free Lanes we can use Cattail which covers all Lanes this footage I'm showing you is not sped up I can turn the game speed up to 10 times faster because there's literally nothing to do other than plant ice rooms safe to say Cattail doing all the dirty work here shed some light on how stupidly ridiculous broken it is to have cats out in normal levels pretty sure no explanation needs to be given that unsurprisingly 4 8 is beating in the same way as in four six and four nine is just a complete repeat of the exact same thing we did in 47 already now I don't have four more hours to play this game to explain to you why 410 is literally not possible to beat it's pretty obvious that this level was going to be our downfall because of the plants we have this level half of them are just glorified peashooters or C shroom with no instant kills and only one star to work with it's safe to say it is not possible to beat 410 with only one of each plant in a real game this is this is why I asked extra a well-known tool assistant expert in Plants vs Zombies to help confirm that the level is mathematically possible to be under this condition check out his channel Link in the description for how he managed to beat this level using only one of each plant on the lawn to make this easier to watch the dark screen has been removed even early on every plant already has to be used to defend the first two waves so you might be wondering how this is speedable with very precise split pea usage extra managed to defend up until the first flag without losing lawnmowers so so far not too bad moreover he used split peace backwards Jaws to kill Pogo zombie the main way this level is made possible is the fact that we can use magnesium to eliminate free basic equivalent worth of Health very easily from just the one bucket at every weight not only that there needs to be Immaculate lock to get as many Jack-in-the-Box zombies to spawn and explode themselves up as well as balloon zombies to use up our blowers all in all it's it's still extremely luck face to beat this level because just one more bucket of zombie in a wave could potentially ruin a run due to the lack of magnesium available overall it is mathematically possible to beat this level obviously the final wave is definitely not beatable so it's just a matter of keeping enough lawnmowers up until then to win thank you and shout out to Exeter for helping me find a possible solution to this level and make sure to check him out for the awesome stuff he's been doing foreign levels now this is where things get interesting because we are also counting flower pots as part of the challenge now obviously you might think that 5-1 is impossible however in all challenges that I attempt pre-planted plants do not count as a failed condition so we can still use the pre-planted flower pots to plant our plants on top of it but the challenge rules mean that we are effectively bar from planting any additional flower pots for the entirety of roof unless we dig up every pre-planted flower pot so we're going to need to be pretty careful since we're not going to be able to replace any eaten flower pots in this challenge in five one obviously using a wide variety of plants will solve this level as you still have flower pots that allow pea shooting plants to hit zombies they can be Pew Shooters repeaters whatever however 5.2 reduces the pre-planted flower pots down to four columns so straight shooting plants are off limits for the rest of the challenge the only two attackers that can be used on roof is cabbage pull and Chomper I put them behind a tall knot and a walnut since both of them are pretty slow at killing zombies obviously that leaves us with three more Lanes to work with and that means we can once again bring back the strategy used in pool levels spam instant kills to kill everything give or take it's a bit more rough than in pool since we have less time to plant our instant kills when we need to keep our flower pots alive however using pumpkin as the first stalling plant should help out here to make sure the zombies cannot eat your flower pots unfortunately the strategy in 5-3 is the same as in five two yes you do unlock kernel fault but it does nearly no damage at all on its own so it is even worse than Chomper here with only three columns the margin for error is even less in this level and even with quite literally maximum stalling we still need to keep check of all our wall plans and we can barely beat this 5-4 unlocks The Coffee Bean meaning we can use Gloom shrimp in date however we are only able to plant one Gloom shroom to cover three lanes meaning we still need to defend tumor Lanes not only that the problem is because we are bringing coffee bean we effectively have one less plant available to be planted onto the lawn at once with Gloom from covering three lanes by itself the only options we have left are to rely on fume's room and cabbage Pole to defend the two other lanes and oh boy they kind of suck both of them cannot reliably take out even just Conan zombies without getting a flower pot eaten and we only have two slots for instant kills left after bringing Magnus room the only feasible manner that this can be beaten is by utilizing our one sunflower as a 50 Sun meat Shield it seems pretty unrealistic to get rid of either squash or Cherry Bomb for Puffs room so we're just going to have to pay a premium for blocking off zombies here unfortunately even then it's still pretty dicey as we need to also make use of relocating our pumpkin the danger of losing the gloom's room to a pogo zombie exists but just a bit of luck will get you through this level we got dangerously close to losing with only one flower pot left in the bottom Lane but thankfully the reach of Cherry Bomb helps us get past this difficult level now 5-5 may seem like another one to use saves coming on but the level is so hilariously easy to beat it's not even necessary say simply by using Chomper as just a Tango kelp on roof is all that is needed to thin out the strange Frets and we get sufficient cherry bombs to deal with the remaining grouped up zombies the final wave is kind of impossible to clean up but just letting our roof cleaners go is all that we need to beat this level now 5 6 introduces catapult zombies which are a pain to deal with without umbrella Leaf we are forced to put defensive plants in the back to not lose our flower pots I once again use the Cabbage pull chopper with support plants Loadout here replacing pumpkin with posture as posture is simply the better stalling plant against catapults I mostly just killed catapult Zombies by letting them spend all their basketball so they roll forward and using a squash Cherry Bomb or Chopper on them once they are close enough 5-7 has ladder zombies bungee zombies and also catapult zombies in the free flag level making this the hardest level yet instead of Madness room having jalapeno will make this easier this is mostly because we are unable to stall out catapult zombies with those Loadout other than utilizing our sunflower as a 50-sun meat Shield once again jalapeno enables us to counter catapult zombies even when we plant them on the other side of the board my strategy against bungee zombies is to Simply use our sunflower to block the Bungee Zombie from stealing our flower pot the zombie density should be low enough so that we could effectively stall our catapult zombies and bungee zombies with just our sunflower towards the end of our run I was pretty unlucky and got two catapult zombies at once so I had to dig up the pumpkin to protect my flower pot but not that big of a deal and we beat the level 5 8 is beating just like in 5-3 Gargantuar only spawns on the wave after the first flag and the final wave so just have both potato mine and squash by the first flag and you can defend in five nine we finally get melon pole so we can replace cabbage pull in our Loadout that we used for five seven for this free flag level melon Paul's ability to deal with lone coconuts reduces the amount of instance required throughout the level and the level is pretty much identical to five seven but with Jack-in-the-Box and once again gargantos can only spawn on the last two waves of the level so if it spawns you can just let it die into the roof cleaner since it's the final wave anyways that brings us to the last level of the game since we already know that this level can be beaten using Just One Singular tile as shown in the one column challenge you can also beat this with only one of each plant if there's only ever one space you need to plant in to beat the level that concludes this challenge with a resounding yes you can beat Plants vs Zombies with only one of each plant on the lawn at the same time except the first level of the game if this video is received well enough I'll do this with all the mini games as well and see if they are possible as well with only one of each plant shout out once again to extra for helping me out to find a way to beat level 410 and creeps for the challenge idea remember to subscribe and thank you to our channel members for your constant support for now have a great day and I'll see you all next time
Channel: RCCH
Views: 416,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RCCH, RCCHGaming, RCCHGaming123, Ronald RCCH, Ronald, RC, RCCH123, tower defense, defense, RCCH1, pvz, pvz heroes, heroes, card game, fry em up, pvzh, highlight comp, fail comp, clash royale, royal giant, cr, plants, vs, zombies, plants vs zombies, pvz2, plants vs zombies 2, project, project eclise, eclise mod, eclise, pvztryhard, highlights, fails, hard mode, brutal mode, living dead, pvz mod, pvz mods, hard mode mod, brutal mode ex, hardex, brutal mode extra, difficulty pvz mods, kaizo
Id: _k_FsLMmr1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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