Can you beat Plants vs. Zombies 2 with ONLY PEASHOOTERS? Part 1

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peashooter the first plan you unlock in Plants versus Zombies 2 or any plants versus zombies game for that matter it's the most basic plan in the game that you're meant to replace with better options as you unlock them but what if we only use peashooter and its variations for a whole run of plants with Zombies 2 no sunflowers no walls nothing only peashooters will it be possible let's find out this is the plant fors Zombies 2 only peashooters challenge quickly before we start here are the rules I've decided on as usual we can only use level one plants except peashooter which will be level two because we're forced to upgrade him at the start of the game powerups and zen garden boosts are also banned any plant that is a peashooter or closely related plant is allowed for example variant of peas shooter such as repeater and PE based plants such as peanut also we'll skip over levels that choose the plants for us such as locked and loaded levels and conveyor belt levels since obviously we have no control over the peashooter Sun production levels will be completed with peashooters and one Sun producers so that they can be possible also pre-planted plants on the lawn at the start of the level a fair game also a quick thanks to oh high 687 it's me 8 for the video idea if you guys want to send over some video ideas to potentially be turned into full videos feel free to drop a comment as well with that out of the way let's jump straight in we blasted through tutorial Days 1 through 5 with only peashooter besides day two where we're forced to place three sunflowers at the start of the level technically the sunflowers are pre-planted on the lawn since the first wave is only triggered after you've planted them at which point the actual level begins just to be safe though I put the sunflowers at the front of the lawn and let the zombies eat them immediately so they didn't make too much of a difference to the overall level now on to ancient Egypt day one was straightforward with a regular peashooter day two was meant to be the power up introduction level but sticking to my no power Ops rule I managed to beat the level with only the pre-planted plants and placing peoes yeah somehow the level designed to let you spam power Ops for free as possible without a single power up nice day three was a breeze partially due to the pre-planted Cabbage p and two sunflowers it's actually annoying how many pre-planted plants there are in the modern ancient Egypt levels the game just handholds so much in these early levels that it feels like the devs are playing the game for you day four was a conveyor Bel level so we played it as normal day five was another straightforward level with peashooter we unlocked iceberg lettuce which would be great if we could actually use it day six was the Gargantua conveyor battle so like day four it was admitted from The Challenge day seven was easy peasy I'm really sorry day eight introduced tomb raisers who are the first real threats of the challenge this is because they're literally designed to counter peashooters encouraging the player to switch to Alternatives such as cabbage P that can shoot over tombstones slight problem though West stuck with peashooter I accounted for the abundance of tombstones by using my plant food to destroy them when necessary beating the level day 9 and 10 were simple and day 11 was a locked and loaded level meaning we can skip it but just for fun I beat it with only peashooter any anyway since it was one of the given plants don't expect this in the later World Z they get really tough and not so fun for me but fun for you guys as viewers to watch as I suffer an endless cycle of peashooter torment the next 3 days were clean sweeps with peashooter in day 15 we had to protect the endangered sunflowers besides one close call with a pharoh zombie we did fine on the other hand days 16 and 17 were a return to Mindless peashooter spam day8 was our first L stand level can you guess what strategy we used day9 was yet again more peashooter spam we better unlock a new peashooter soon or else this challenge is going to get really stale oh you look at that we unlocked repeater a direct upgrade to peashooter we're going to be using this guy a lot days 20 21 and 22 all showed off repeater power on day 23 however we had our first loss because an Explorer zombie burnt straight through a repeater I tried again this time using a combination of repeaters and normal peashooters we cleared the second attempt orbe it with the loss of a couple lawn mowes day 24 was another loss stand level and well let the footage speak for itself and now we've reached day 25 the ancient Egypt boss fight I beat the level with just repeater for fun even though I could have just played the level normally as per our conveyor level rules I actually managed to beat it on my very first try this way this is probably because I became so good at using repeater in this level from grinding it for hours the last time in the one seed slot challenge video where I beat it the exact same way with just repeater that's not to say I didn't get lucky with zom boss's charge attacks pirat sees brought a whole new level of difficulty as seen in day one where the squash buckler of zombies pressured our repeaters and we had to tactically sacrifice a lawn mower to defeat some con heads to counter the faster pace of these levels we have to employ a new strategy by placing our peashooters at the last possible second before the zombies get too close we can stall the next wave of zombies from triggering since a new wave only spawns when the current wave has experienced a certain amount of damage this allows us to maximize the amount of time we have to collect Sun from the sky to place more peashooters when we need them this is a strategy essential to all PvZ challenge runs that don't allow sunflowers this strategy pulled us through day two with one close call from a seagull zombie days 3 to S were all clean repeater and peashooter sweeps day eight was a World's Gargantua conveyor level and days 9 to 11 were all repeater spam day 12 was the coconut Cannon mini game and day 13 was a pruc sun level so I brought sunflowers to meet the requirements as per our rules after day 14 we unlocked peashooter our third usable Plan Three Peter is all right but probably the worst option out of the peashooters we have so far due to its large Sun cost day 15 was one of the harder levels we've played so far but making use of three Peter and reg peashooter we pulled through day 16 was really fun since I basically just Spam plant food on the endangered spring beans to beat the level the next couple of days were more repeat of spam day 19 was a produced Sun level so I brought sunflowers again it actually turned out to be tough even with the sunflowers though we passed on the second attempt day 20 was is yet another produced Sun level why on Earth did pop c cap do two in a row that's beyond me this one was significantly easier than the last one though for some reason and day 21 astounded me even more yet another produced Sun level what were they thinking seriously three in a row despite how mad I was about seeing that gimmick a third time in a row I completely forgot to produce enough sign to pass the level that's embarrassingly ironic I remembered the second time around day 22 was extremely close if the Imp cannons had exploded even a second later that lawn mower wouldn't have hit the imps that scattered in that lane causing us to lose but the repe to spam wins once again day 23 was a little tricky with the flowers but some well time peashooters and plant Foods was more than enough to win day 24 though was a tough one what was I meant to do about that a lot of the level was just hoping for luck so that the swashbuckler and imp Canon RNG could land them in the water tiles more times than not on about the fifth attempt we did it largely by Saving plant food food for any imp cannons as well as using plant food on the spring beans to get invincibility frames when seagulls started chewing them yes it was that precise we played day 25 zombos fight as normal since it's a conveyor as usual I tried beating it with just three Peter like I had with reper for ancient Egypt but the amount of zombies were too overwhelming for the whopping five three Peters the conveyor is allowed to give you like I said the fun will be over quick as the difficulty of the challenge will soon Spike after an easy day one we unlocked our next peashooter split PE split pee will be quite useful later on as it's our only way to beat certain gimmicks and zombies day two introduced the first of these gimmicky zombies prospector split pee took care of them day three was easy using repeaters on Minecarts day four was kind of funny because it was a conveyor level but only gave PE Plants anyway day five was a breeds day six was The Last Stand level and we actually unlocked yet another peashooter PE pod I didn't really expect that it would be that useful but i' later be proved wrong at least for this world wild west is already the most PE world day seven was nothing special day 8 was a conveyor and Day N was a given plants level day 10 introduced a whole new problem chicken Wrangler zombies since we don't have lightning read or Snap Dragon we're in a lot of trouble the chickens sced a couple of losses but we managed to fend them off using a strategy I like to call Minecart spray and prey we beat day 11 with just one cluster of PE pods day 12 was another conveyor we day 13 with just split pee day 14 had heaps of chickens but I found it using peepot on the mine cart took care of them since it shoots in burst of 5 PS as well as using reg peas Shooters plant food to spray the chickens for day 15 peep pod clutched up again can you see why I was wrong about this guy for Wild West it just saves so much valuable sun when planted on mine carts and it gives you so much wave storing opportunities as you can pick and choose when to instantaneously kill zombies by moving mine carts for day 16 I made most of the endangered Walnut while using split peas to take care of Prospectors and reg peashooters for Basics day 17 was close due to these flowers and when I say close I mean extremely close but by using PE pods on mine carts again we managed to narrowly survive day 18 was The Last Stand level that really showcased how vulnerable we are without lightning read yeah they just Spam so many damn chicken Wranglers look at all these chickens there's nothing my repeaters could do I restarted this time with PE part and well the same issue I tried reg peashooter and yeah out of desperation I tried with three Peter and that ended up much the same so now that I tried to each peashooter individually I was kind of out of ideas but I noticed that each time chickens killed me it was because Prospectors infiltrated my defenses clearing the path to them so I tried a mixture of three Peter split PE and reg peas shooter three peder was who I used plant food on to spray the chickens split peas protected the back Lanes from the many Prospect spors and the r PE shooters were just kind of there because I had extra Sun this combo managed to win day 19 was a pretty fun level because the gimmick was don't lose more than two plants so I had to make sure I took down any prospector zombies before they could blast off to ours side of the lawn I did so by specifically using peashooter plant food on any Lane with a prospector a few slipped through though and we ended up having zero plants left to lose which was pretty tense but we managed and yeah looking back I probably could have just used split pee day 20 was another not okay Corral conveyor day 21 though started pretty Grim it was really finicky to stop the zombies crossing the flowers on the last wave one or two zombies would always slip through I tried this level countless times but it would always lose this way however I eventually realized that when it came down to just one zombie I could just shovel up the plants in other lanes for extra sun and then spam peashooters in the lane to protect the flowers I honestly kind of felt dumb for forgetting about this feature especially since I've used it a lot in past challenge runs such as the one seed salw series day 22 was a given plants level day 23 was another tough flowers level that was let's just say trigger happy with chickens again surprisingly though the solution was not overthinking it and just using reg peashooter whose plant food was great for taking out pianists and dealing with chickens I also used the final wave shovel Str at the end that I'd forgotten about before day 24 went surprisingly well with peashooter until the final wave where a chicken Wrangler in every lane ruined everything however in my second attempt I barely managed to cling on until the final wave then plant food with all the walnuts to protect them from chickens as well as slide them up and down the tracks to stop the balls charging I then noted the lawn mow is carrying me hard and did some more final wave peo to digging and replacing and just like that we've beaten Wild West since day 25 is just a conveyor belt boss fight day one was simple with repeater in day two we use split peas to break the ice on the Frozen repeaters this would be so much easier if we could use hot potato or any fire plant for that matter instead we have no no efficient option to throw out plants which is obviously a problem in a world based around freezing plants day three was a conveyor level in day four we experienced a massive difficulty Spike due to the introduction of Hunter zombies you know how I said we don't really have anything to prevent our plants from freezing all this guy does is freeze plants for that reason he's probably the most threatening zombie so far in this run after a couple of losses I eventually beat the level by using the cheaper reg peashooter so that losing one to the hunters wouldn't cost too much to loss in Sun it was still really close I also found split peas useful as I could hit the hunters from behind rather than in front so that they were out of a snowball range day five was another conveyor level day six turned out to be basically impossible there's so much icy wind in this level not to mention the constant barrage of Hunter zombies so is that it is the run over well no actually it's far from over that's because there a peashooter that both thows out other peashooters and is immune to the freezing winds itself that's right we're getting fire P the problem is he cost 100 gems and we have a grand total of eight so we're going to have to do some gem grinding I did all my daily quests in the travel log watched some ads and played some pennies pursued I then registered my email to bring us up to 55 gems I swear it used to be 100 gems I mean considering how they massacred the expansion Epic Quest gem reward this is far from surprising I had to wait until the next day to do all this again except the email registration obviously to bring us up to 100 gems just enough to buy 5p after buying him we returned to the dreaded day six which I beat first try yeah FP is just that good in this world oh yeah and the sunflowers are pre-planted by the way no need to freak out in the comments I blasted through day seven with 5p as well it's so satisfying not to have to worry about the freezing winds and Hunter Zombies anymore day eight was another conveyor the third in this world may I add Day N introduced the dodo rider zombies while flying through this level with fire P I realized something very cursed where the hell do the imps go when the dodo dies there's feathers but what about the Imp does the Imp just disappear is it imp made of feathers too is it another dodo in an imp costume we may never know day 10 was yet another conveyor I'm starting to see why people point out how many conveyors there are in this world in particular that's 40% conveyor level so far day 11 proved to be the toughest level yet this is partially due to the introduction of the blockhead zombie a straight up tankier Al alternative to the bucket head something we'll be seeing a lot more of in the future the sheer amount of Blockheads and buckee heads in this level were implemented to encourage the use of chardard is a filter into the bottom Lane however since chard obviously isn't a peashooter what we actually get is a whole bunch of tanky zombies penetrating our defenses in the bottom Lane until we become overwhelmed fire P couldn't handle this level on his own as a result we're going to have to get a little more creative I got a little worried that I would have to spend ages grinding to get more peashooter Plants or dare I say buy them from the shop but I remembered a Nifty little feature recently added to the game renter plant renter plant lets you watch an add to try out a plant you haven't unlocked yet perfect for the situation we find ourselves in I rerolled the renter plant button by restarting the level over and over until we started seeing some peashooters first up we got Primal P I thought to myself surely Primal P has this level in the bag right wrong although he got close and his knockback serves as a good alternative to that of the CH guard he simply doesn't do enough damage to overcome the block heads I then tried renting slingpe who made it about as far as Primal p Electric peashooter no peanut not even close Shadow p no moon flow to boost him useless defeated I stared at the game over screen at 2:00 a.m. after hours of rrolling rental plants and attempting to beat the level I was genuinely about to give up then and there but then I saw one last peashooter appear on the plant rental goo peashooter I instantly knew goo shooter could give the level a run for its money you see the main problem we've had with this level isn't the Frozen winds Doos or Hunters it's the tanky regular zombies especially the blockhead goo shooter is exactly what we need to counter these guys this is because it poisons the zombies in case you didn't know the poison effect in plants of zombies too pierces through armor meaning it damages the zombies directly this means the damage bypasses whatever inanimate object sits on its head or in the case of the blockhead encapsulates its whole head sure enough goopy should have shredded through the level by sweeping through the cone head's bucket heads and Blockheads I got so excited that I accidentally messed up my emulator window for a second I'm so glad I stuck with this level and eventually found a solution this advice could go for real life as well never give up stay dedicated and find solutions to the problems life throws are you to be honest I'm reading my script right now and I don't really know what I was trying to do here it's literally a video about Plants versus Zombies I think I was genuinely going insane over that level day 12 was a piece of cake and I beat it first try which is kind of anticlimactic considering what we just went through day 13 was fine until well uh pop cap what is this I struggled quite a bit with this Gargantua after about 15 attemps I got really good at my fire P placements and timings but I always still lost on the final wave due to the Gargantua crossing the flowers I noticed fire P's plant food wasn't strong enough to take down the Gog so I remembered that split pee exists I simply put a split pee behind the Gog used a plant food and boom problem solved if I had have remembered how clutch split PE is this level wouldn't have taken nearly as long as it did to be day 14 was a locked and loaded level day 15 wasn't too bad but it was too much for 5p to handle on its own since I had to rent Primal P who took care of things nicely day 16 was a conveyor level we'll let this one slide since it is a Gargantua fight day 17 was straight forward with 5p I wonder if pop cap likes conveyors days 19 and 20 were nothing out of the ordinary day 21 was another conveyor level at this point it's every second level I mean I'm not complaining since it reduces amount of levels in this challenge but why though day 22 introduced weasel zombies that fire p and its plant food handled surprisingly well day 23 was just as easy especially since there were a generous amount of pre-planted twin sunflowers that I thought out would FP day 24 was a produced Sun level so we permitted to spam sunflowers everywhere to meet the sun girl I don't even know what to say at this point Day 26 was surprisingly easy again this is probably because of the pre-planted sun producers like day 23 day 27 was immediately a challenge five p couldn't take out the trites effectively while also keeping zombies away from the rotos the main issue for all the peashooters I tried were the gargantuas three of them to be exact and keeping them away from the endangered plants was a struggle to say the least but then I remembered what's the one peas shooter that can soft lock gargant was by knocking them back indefinitely Primal P day 28 was a Last Stand level where we just used brain dead fire P spam to win and as anticlimactic as that sounds that was the last level in the challenge for frostbite cave since day 29 is locked and loaded and day 30 is a zombos fight which is another you guess it conveyor level I think that'll do us for the first part of the challenge as you guys requested in my poll I'll be splitting this challenge up into Parts probably three or four so definitely stay tuned because as we progress into the later worlds things are going to get really crazy really quickly so make sure you hit subscribe so you can see part two as soon as possible when I release it and drop a like on this video so I can see if you guys want to see more Challenge videos like this in the future I'll also probably be streaming some of my attempts this challenge here on YouTube so if you want to see more of the series between episodes drop by one of the streams hopefully I'll see you [Music] there
Channel: KoalaOM
Views: 500,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: challenge, pvz2, pvz3, peashooter, only, only nuts, nuts, appease mint, series, ancient egypt, pirate seas, wild west, frostbite caves
Id: bUQlY9uNkaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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