I AVOIDED FARM RAIDS with the Nomad Lifestyle! - Survival Nomad 5

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to scrap mechanics survival nomad edition and we have our brand new nomadic survival vehicle complete with a crafting loop in the back vacuum pumps it's got a bed it's got room to barely walk around in and kind of get stuck a little bit trying to crouch through here just uh as all the fixings pretty much um i actually put some headlights in it since you saw it last now for this episode i'm going to attempt to have a raidless harvest of um what are they where the the the things i need to get a spud gun oranges and blueberries and i have a total of 16 between the two of them but i need 20. oh i have nine oranges plus 11. as long as none of these oranges get destroyed then i will have exactly as many oranges as i need for this bud gun and then i just gotta save up some blueberries so yeah it is my understanding that it takes roughly 21 minutes for the oranges and blueberries to grow i hope i'm right about that so this means if i play my time management perfectly i can plant this harvest just after midnight when the raid would normally be triggered avoiding that raid and then before the next midnight rolls around they should be sprouted so i should be able to pick the crops and pick up my soil and leave before the raid even comes and i won't even have to deal with a raid i hope and actually where's that haybot that i just killed because i want his scrap i still don't i still can't mine uh rocks yet without a drill so i need all the scrap i can get we're halfway through the day so i'm gonna maybe try to loot one place and then i'll try to uh oh are you there's a farm right here too hmm this is this is a tempting area to try to do it okay i'm gonna i'm gonna play this confidently and overconfidently enough that i'm not even gonna try to protect my farm uh throughout the day because i'm gonna bet that i can do this without getting without having to worry about a raid at all look at this guy look at this guy avoiding me we got ninja hey bot over here he's got all the moves well he's dead now so i guess didn't help him that much i have better moves yeah why don't we drive our brand new and amazing looking nomad vehicle over to this place i hope i didn't loot i don't think i looted either of these places i actually don't know for sure i don't think i looted this place let's go check it out okay lute are you here are you here loot oh look at him just guarding it just like that all right well he is guarding it no longer now i am ah okay okay okay okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on i'm sorry i killed your friend well not really now you must die too no one can know what has happened here look ooh component kits that was a good one what do we got here component kit uh nope all right so in order for this to work i have to have the plots uh already placed and watered by the time midnight hits and then as soon as midnight hits i have to lay down all the seeds and i think that the tough thing is going to be being there as soon as the uh the harvest sprouts and picking everything up before the raid comes that's gonna give me about uh three minutes to pack everything up and nomad my way on to the next area which would be the packing station actually because i could uh pack some of those oranges all right let's eat some beets get our hunger back from our one successful harvest in the last episode after those two embarrassing failures i just thought of another idea i'm gonna try to this is risky but i am tempted to use my nomad vehicle to just plow through the raid because i'm not gonna have any defenses i'm not going to have any obstacles in the way by the time they get there so it'll just be a group of bots so i can just run right through them all right i got this place all looted it was actually a pretty good loot and i'm going to risk my life here not that much of a risk because i'll spawn right there but i'm gonna try to jump into my driver's seat from here ready pulled it off all right how much time we got we got six minutes left so i'm gonna go ahead and start getting the plot ready i had really really bad luck planting out a farm in the last episode i want to redeem myself and do the same thing with just as little uh defenses but this time not lose the entire crop this is the redemption episode all right so where should the actual plot be i'm gonna do the plot over here oh another water bucket um all right let's get all the stuff i need for this i'm actually kind of getting i'm feeling rushed all of a sudden like that now that night is approaching all right we need that uh we need that and i need so i need a ton of soil all right let me get my inventory organized here all right there is 20 let's go up to 30 which is just going to make the packing up time a little bit longer whatever i think i played my cards right i'll do this i'll do this successfully all right is that 30. one two three four five six yeah that's 30. all right we are pretty much watered look at that all right all watered up you know i'll just have a couple of extra ones watered just in case you see these ones that were already there and now we just gotta wash the clock two minutes left and then i will plant and then i will just re-water some of them just in case you know what why don't i why am i not doing i should be having my truck facing over here that way it's all lit up look at that this tree is kind of annoying can i get rid of you nope all right five four three two one it is a new day i think i it was kind of where i didn't see the day number change maybe i looked at it too late but uh it is time to start planting every second counts oh no i wanted to plant my carrots first one two three four five six seven there's all the carrots all right we are good and i'm going to go ahead and uh just put some more water down just refresh some of the water unauthorized farming detected all right we got 23 and a half minutes until the raid comes but we should have 21 minutes until these are ready so we're gonna have two and a half minutes to pick everything up and oh i actually forgot about these uh those are gonna be a little bit late but it's gonna be fine all right so let's put our beacon down where's my beacon do i have it on me i don't have an ami i i gotta uh i gotta do better with my inventory management i just got stuff in random chess i need to have more of an intuitive system here where's my oh there's my beacon all right i'm gonna leave the beacon right at the farm too just because i uh i want everything to be picked up really really smoothly let's get this stuff out of the way let's just clear this up as much as possible oh while i'm here i'm going to harvest this for wood so i can make some more wood and my game crashed for some reason the game did not want me to tear down that establishment there all right i'm loaded back in i hope that didn't mess anything up with my world i did back up right before i recorded just that's just habit from the last uh the last series oh my game crashed again that's not a good sign i think i legitimately broke the world all right one more time loading into this world i think this world is done all right i am very very happy that i backed that up all right now i'm loading into the previous save which shouldn't crash the game if this crashes the game then we may have some problems all right we're back in all right we're back where i started the episode okay so i don't know what i did wrong there this world is backed up again from this stage but uh it is now 10 in the morning so same plan i'm gonna try to do the same thing and expect a different result because this isn't real life this is scrap mechanic and often doing the same thing will get you very different results so let's loot this place again and get over to the farm and plant the farm and deconstruct that establish the farm establishment there and see if the game crashes again so i am deconstructing this first in case it crashes my game uh i think oh that scared me i think i what is going on what is wrong with this shack what did i do did i do something bad to this world this is really weird because i always deconstruct the shacks the same way like that and i've never had that crash the game before so there's something with i think it's like with this shack in particular yep i literally bricked my save file again all right welcome back again for the third time on this save file uh this is like groundhog day now so you know what i'm gonna do this time i'm gonna go straight to that shack i i believe i backed up the world again yeah i'm gonna go straight to the shack and i'm gonna uh try to deconstruct it in a different way uh so it seems that the issue is uh like i could do this side no problem oh let me get this guy out of here so he doesn't hit my vehicle all right so the issue was this side and when these things fell to the ground i think that is what glitched out my game so now that i've placed these things manually on the ground let's see what happens if i do this all right now it's fine so far i'm just gonna go ahead and place these just manually now i'm like paranoid any time something falls off of a structure i'm going to be so paranoid that it's going to uh crash my game whoa whoa whoa that scared me i how does that not crash the game but just the single piece does that doesn't make any sense to me what look at this i just deconstructed like the whole how is the game not crashing now it was like that one piece that one piece must have been just glitched out for some reason i really need my weld tool so i could just you know oh i guess that works i could just do this oh those look like valuable pieces but they're probably heavy they're pretty durable the weight isn't that bad actually these support structures might actually be a good building material good for protection i'm taking them okay i spend too much time on that uh let's go ahead and get the farm set up not watering it but just get the plots down and then we'll see how much time we have to loot before we have to uh water it and plant this is still a time management thing i'm just doing things in a different order now and i'm getting different results all right that's all good now let's head i i definitely wasted way more time this time but let's see if we can still loot this warehouse because i still had a couple minutes to spare and by warehouse i mean ruins because this is definitely not a warehouse warehouses are very different but it's gonna be my third time here i should know exactly what to expect now i'm gonna park myself in the same spot so i can jump into this vehicle so let's see if mr haybaugh is still guarding that crate just like he was last time ready oh well these are already alert oh they're mo they're more aware of me now too it seems like ah oh boy okay here let's uh let's get ourselves in a nice confined space with all these bots chasing me smart moves there we go and let's see what happens sometimes they even though like the lift strategy seems like that happens sometimes they seem to be able to have like extra reach on occasion and they surprise me like that all right come after me now it's re like the that you have slightly more reach than they do and with them knocking you down a peg every single hit sometimes they get you just within their hit range and they knock you off so it's still challenging all right uh yeah def okay hello we got an extra one here excuse you we go i'm worried about the integrity of this save file now it seems to be very very fragile like anything could crash it now it makes me nervous to loot all right so one thing i've noticed is that while the chests are random every single time uh these are not random like every single time i think those have been the same materials inside um all three run-throughs of this ruins but the chess were different results for every single run-through so that's kind of interesting oh carrot oh oh i missed this how did i miss this both times a gold chest oh a piston yes that was wait i can't pick up the inventory full i'm getting rid of something uh uh i'm gonna drink some milk all right here we go third time's the charm and i mean also a charm because i didn't mess up the first two times yeah all right all right let's get back to the farm we got four and a half minutes to get the crop watered i think it's plenty of time we're doing really good on time actually and this time we're not gonna crash the game right scram mechanic right you with me you with me on this no crashes you know what i'm feeling so confident i'm gonna actually tear down this keep out sign the bots are gonna not even know that they're supposed to keep out there goes five four three two one and it is time oranges first and blueberries then carrots we got eight this time and then beets all right there we go i'm feeling good about this now unauthorized farming detected so now we have until uh the next uh well 21 minutes we have until 21 basically we got to get back here at 21. so let's go and uh loot some more gonna loot some more ruins all right this place looks massive have i been in here yet this is so many levels oh there's hay ball oh no no no no no they say oh there's tablets all around hold on i gotta make sure there's nothing on the other side of my vehicle all right i think we're okay all right this place is alright i haven't even gone inside yet i'm already getting ambushed through all of the wheat whoa look at all these guys where'd you guys come from oh wow they should have had me there they definitely swung at me when i was in their range he's just like oh i'm done with this guy i'm waiting till he comes down i'm not i'm not falling for his games i'm not gonna play it okay okay all right you guys uh you guys been practicing huh you've been practicing your your high swipes i feel like they got more difficult this time around oh oh what did hank have something to do with this hank left me behind i didn't leave hank behind okay he has no right to exact revenge like this by training a haybot army to be bigger and better with their skills all right when chapter 2 comes out we're going to be revisiting that survival world we're going to be going back there saying hi to hank again and uh i'll have some i'll have i got some words i've got some words to say to him because that's how communication works you say words to each other all right i've made it to the top the loot was decent but i'm wondering if there is a chest hiding up here oh yes are they always hiding up here i don't think i made a habit of checking up here in my last survival world and that i mean feels okay but uh take a look at the view from up here there is oh there's a boss uh the farmbot biome over there we got a three-story warehouse over there plenty of water on this side uh let's turn on where is the mechanic station in relation to me right now all right mechanic station i think i'm actually in the opposite side of the world from my starting area like literally the opposite end of the world that's kind of awesome all right do you think i could do this from up here oh this is a high drop i'm gonna try it yeah i love that that is such like that's even more convenient than the toilet although it takes a little bit of skill i missed a haybot apparently well no worries i've got this thing i've got a tank oh i got an idea there we are yeah i got an idea some of those pieces that we found i'm gonna use for uh ramming protection there we go so i'm gonna use these things oh that's gonna mess up my steering isn't it you know what i need to do i need to put those on i let me get out of this wheat field i can't see anything i'm doing in this wheat field and plus i can get ambushed by a hay bot so easily very little visibility over here all right so anyway my idea uh here let me put a bit of a bumper thing actually i'm just gonna do it all the way like that that actually looks nice and then i'm going to have this does that block i can't tell if that blocks the light or not it shouldn't block the light i don't think but i want this as a bumper that looks kind of cool and the cool thing is we can still see through it so we can still see the light the light should shine through and we can still it kind of obstructs the fuel gauge but at the same time it's still visible so i like that this adds some protection to the front because the durability of those what's the durability of these the ability of these is i just want to count it with my mouse but i can't durability is six as opposed to wood which is three this is double the durability of wood but it doesn't interfere with steering i'm down for that i like this i like this uh i like this addition to the vehicle all right let's see if we can craft anything i would like to craft another beacon to put on my vehicle not only to mark my vehicle but also as an aesthetic choice all right what else do we got here so a lot of you are saying why didn't i use these glass tubes when it came to uh making the craft bot loop instead i kept putting all my metal into making these chests but look at the glass tube requirements you need glass first of all which i don't have a lot of and you need tier 2 metal for it whereas with the chests um i mean you need component kits and metal and a lot of metal at that but like a chest gives you additional storage and works as a connector piece so it just has that it has that uh benefit so that was my reasoning behind not using glass tubes i wanted the more storage and didn't want to have to use glass and tier 2 metal because with glass i actually want to make lights um it takes a metal piece of metal too alright looks like i can make two more lights now i can have some rear lights some tail lights all right our craft bot is done we got the lights we got the beacon all right now we got some orange tail lights because i don't have a paint tool yet and we have another beacon which i'm gonna put on top of my vehicle which i don't actually think i showed you guys that i think i forgot to show you this part of my design but i have this uh this carving out here because i can access all the chests like this from the roof no problem um so for the beacon where do i put beacon i'm just gonna put it on the corner like that there we go we now we got a satellite dish on top of our vehicle and it marks our vehicle at all times but you know i'm gonna go ahead and turn that off for the time being because i'm really not gonna need that very much so i think that's kind of cool now it looks like we have a satellite dish on top of our vehicle all right we got seven minutes but less than seven minutes we have four minutes actually so you know what i'm actually not gonna risk my time management here and i'm actually just gonna hang out by the farm let's actually let's take a stroll through this wheat field see if we can kill any hay bots with our new ramming device in the front i call it a device like it's something fancy it's just literally slabs of stuff placed on the front all right here we go enjoy the metal in the face oh my okay didn't actually kill him all right let's just go after this guy then eh okay it's good at punching them in the face i'm surprised that they're not taking more damage from it man look at these hay bots all over the place all right come on kill this one just run him over there we go i guess you have to run him over in order to get the kill oh no oh no what is wrong with your leg i mean your spine um oh there we go we just spit it out like that there's one thing i was curious about uh apparently i should be able to pick up corn uh with my vacuum pump i don't know how effective it's gonna be but i wanna try pressing the button as i back up over this corn i don't know if that's gonna be in the range or not uh nope it doesn't appear that it oh it did work interesting it's definitely a little too high for some of it but it does appear to be able to work at least alright so i am capable of actually picking up corn here let's go over here no it's not working here all right the sun's coming down i'm back at the farm we gotta get ready for the harvest so now i did see in the comments sometimes that wait is this ready already not yet i just think in the comments that when you're close to the harvest apparently if you just throw some extra water on it it'll uh speed up the final process so let's see if that's true well then i missed this plot really can't believe i missed the plot unless something does something happen and destroy that one i didn't think i missed anything wait did these oh no they still have water on them i was worried that they already ran out of water because i did the water early all right so in 13 seconds this should happen very very soon eight seconds and then we just gotta pack up and get out of here here let me put my light here two one come on come on come on come on come on hurry up please hurry up please everybody you were supposed to take 20. there we go there we go all right come on come on i need we we have two minutes come on we have two minutes can you oh now it's working oh now it's actually working okay i need to throw more water i need to throw water at these things come on not all of them are doing it all right that one worked that one worked yes yes yes we're running out of time the raid will come at any moment why does this happen if it's 21 minutes just be 21 minutes don't make me throw water on them all right there we go there we go sprout please there we go sprout thank you sprout thank you sprout thank you uh i think that's pretty much all there was a carrot over here that i think i watered oh no i didn't water it i totally forgot to water it apparently all right now we have two minutes left and we've done it we've just had a raidless harvest so if i wanted to right now i could just leave this place oh no i gotta pick up the what am i doing i forgot i gotta do this part of it all right i have two minutes to do this so this is a huge benefit to the nomad lifestyle since you're not actually settling down anywhere you don't need to stick around for a raid if you do your time management right you can just plant right at midnight and then leave before the next midnight at least for the you know this tier of crop if you were going to be planting pineapple and broccoli which brings you like boss raids uh they take a long time unless you use fertilizer but i still don't know if it's uh enough time with the fertilizer but yeah so check that out we don't even have to be here anymore but i do kind of want to just for the fun of it i want to use my new ramming system and just ram through them just to have some fun you know so let's stick around if things get a little bit too heated we just drive away we're nomads we can pack up and leave whenever we want all right here we go four three two one here they come is there any hay butts oh there he is he literally tripped on the corn apex predator right there tripping on corn like where where are you going where are you guys going what are you after yeah you know i'll just why don't you all group up group up for me yeah just they're attacking the thing oh no are they gonna they better not they better not crash my game look at this they're just attacking they think i you think i built that no no no no i got stuck on it ah things went wrong drop the vehicle on them okay let's just get in and back up oh no they attacked me get out get out of my vehicle what is this they better not have destroyed my seat i don't think they did okay you know what let's leave we're leaving now i'm gonna go ahead and leave now bye did they destroy something i don't think they destroyed anything i think we're okay you know what just kidding coming back coming back to get revenge uh-oh make it through yes i actually made it through the pond [Music] i'm so stupid and reckless right now well he's waiting by the water oh there's three hay bots that would have actually been a tough raid more hay butts i think i may have killed a hay but i don't know i don't have a good uh i don't want to just go into the water like this here come after me you guys come after me should i risk trying to no there they go there they go there they go right out in the open that's what i wanted that's what i are you avoiding me that was actually a nice dodge all right what's behind me we're good these guys don't know what to do they really don't know what they're like what is he what what's his nothing here is mine you have no power here all right yes yes yes there we go that was a good lineup we got two bots oh i'm a little stuck right now so let me just go ahead and do the final blow with my hammer all right there we are now let's uh i'm just gonna i want to find all their pieces so it doesn't go to waste all right so there we go we got 23 oranges and we have 11 blueberries not terrible and now we have 12 blueberry seeds so if we do one more harvest of blueberries we'll have enough for the spud gun but in addition to that we still need to get a caged farmer however all right so let's head to the trader we got quite a trip ahead of us uh and by the trader i mean the packing station which is near the trader marker so i'm gonna head over there and i will see you guys there oh no i don't like this section there's definitely a boss in here somewhere i'm just trying to get to the trader there's a big ocean in between me and the what is this i think going the other way is gonna be better hey i don't know where i am i'm a nomad everywhere is home this is home you see that home you see that over there home oh look at these rolling hills here this is really satisfying to drive across i like this all right how do i get through here how do i get to the trader from here this is some difficult terrain how's first person [Music] first person is so good this is an amazing view i love this let's do follow camera oh this is awesome i am such a fan of first person in this vehicle i did not know that i built a good first person like that all right we're getting closer to the farmer let's see if i can get up this hill i'm gonna keep first person come on oh we're slow there we go i think the farmer is in here but where's the front of the farmer that's where the packing station is i need to go third person again i need to see my surroundings all right packing station i'm just gonna bomb off the cliff i think it's right down here all right here we go ready you ready i am coming packing station for some reason i thought it was a bush that i could go through that's a very large bush though oh there's a hay but here to visit me you see what i did look what i did hey bot this is beautiful that right there is beautiful getting stuck in a tree with a uh very much land-based vehicle kind of amazing okay here we go we're gonna miss the tree this time i hope uh and all right it's just it's barely a jump oh that haybot got annihilated that was a lot of speed all right here we are oh no i'm stupid the oranges and blueberries don't go here but i do know where the other one is it's in that direction which is not an easy direction to go in but excuse you a cow just ran into my vehicle and there is a greeny tumbling down that hill a lot of action here all right i found the second packing station let's go ahead and line this thing up all right let's do the oranges first since that's what i have more of so for this i have to actually i'm going to clear that i'm going to put just the oranges in because i don't want to accidentally waste a blueberry on here make sure that is the oranges all right why is it not it'll probably help if i have this going outwards there we go all right now do the thing there we go okay orange thyme all right this is gonna be big progress all right 20 oranges are packed and i got two extra ones in there so now i will load up the blueberries i only have 11 blueberries i need 20 total but i'll at least be able to get a crate now we just got to place these on the vehicle and i think that should be pretty easy you know what i'm actually going to do i'm going to place i think right uh over the wheel well i'm going to place them on the wheel well at least i'll place the oranges on the wheel well the last one i might place up in front to balance out the weight so we got a lot of weight in the back there we don't have a lot of weight in the front i'm just gonna place it i'm gonna place it right up there why not there we go we can put a lot on this we could definitely put a lot in this the issue is the hills all right back to the farmer we go well the good news is the pathway up from the second packing station is actually a much more gradual slope than the first packing station which is pretty much a sheer cliff all right mr trader i got your oranges and some of your blueberries not all of them all right i don't know why i'm going over here like i can actually get something at this point because i only just got this requirement fulfilled obviously i still need these two things well here we go our vehicle has upgraded a little bit and i have finally found a uh advantage of the nomad lifestyle there's a lot of challenges with the nomad lifestyle for sure but one big advantage of not settling down anywhere is you also don't have to you don't have to wait for a raid why wait for the raid if you if you do your time management right as a nomad you can get in and get out before the bots even know what's going on so let me know what you guys want to see oh the lights work i just confirmed that the lights actually work well let me know what you guys want to see in the next episode what should we work on oh wait how much fuel have we used not that much we got down to four over here hey leave those comments down below hope you guys enjoyed this episode if you did you might want to check out some other stuff on the channel that you can view on the end screen right here hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been scrap man and i'll see you next time [Music] bye you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 97,905
Rating: 4.9668312 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic game, scrap mechanic survival, scrap mechanic survival mode, survival update, physics sandbox games, creative games, sandbox building games, best building games, best building games pc, base building games, scrap mechanic survival gameplay, scrap mechanic nomad, scrap mechanic nomad survival, scrap mechanic survival nomad, nomad farm, scrap mechanic mobile base, no raid farm scrap mechanic
Id: 5LJRhn6YLP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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