We Searched "Advanced" on the Workshop for Cutting-Edge Stuff! - Scrap Mechanic Workshop Hunters

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to workshop hunters and today we've looked for advanced creations what does the horn have to do with anything you just you know you're the one that's you're the one that's honking it why are you telling me i don't know you're going to play yeah i'm just i'm just talking because i'm alright yeah that's just okay well this horn uh as we all know in order to appreciate an advanced creation you need to first understand a basic creation so you can see this is what a basic horn sounds like but i have by salisman an advanced horn which looks like this [Music] yeah you hear that it doesn't that doesn't i thought it was going to be some big deafening i thought it was going to be some deafening thing no it's got it's advanced it's got more than one tone it's so it's advanced see you see the um the basic horn only has the one tone [Music] but this is my underwhelmed face does can you see my face no see what it looks like when it's underwhelmed um what was your surprise face looks like [Music] all right you got something more advanced than that let me see it you know you're you know you're you're talking you're you're talking down on my horn you're setting the bar so so incredibly high i mean i just i don't know how about ever this is my master this is a rocket and this is this is pretty this is advanced this is for someone who thinks that that horn is advanced this is going to seem like it's out of this world man just just jump in the top of a rocket that's out of this world yeah just jump in just sitting there look at this this is just right up your style there you go what why does this feel familiar there you go there you go you're you know you're one of those feel free one of those kids in the ball there you there you go this feels very familiar out of this world scrap man what happens if it's not welded uh well then bad stuff happens but i got an idea what if i just here we go wow this is a great ride wow that was that was exciting amazing this is my underwhelmed face all right i think it's gonna get a little bit more advanced now this is called advanced jetpack by logicfeller okay okay i'll give you your advanced jetpack i'll have my advanced jetpack it doesn't even touch the ground it's oh it's got an anti oh yeah how do i turn um so i think if you press three it'll lock your camera to like do camera turning but it doesn't work very good yeah all you can do it tries you can see it trying but it it's for some reason doesn't it it's weird mine's like oh mine works now mine suddenly works oh and now it kind of stopped working well oh i'm in a tree oh no this is an interesting creation why did it it could have i feel like a and d what might have been easier maybe i'm just going up okay i'm coming up with you go all the way up to the top to the top of the world this is i mean oh i'm at the top oh no am i dead did you get my presents yet why are there a bunch of pieces falling out of the sky are they are they hit yet no they're falling they're they're almost here did it hit yet okay some of them are on the ground now oh did it hit yet my game is frozen what did you do i might have dropped a nuke oh three no three nukes why i i dropped three oh there we go one exploded oh there's goes the trees there comes another nuke oh no all right another nuke just went off oh some rocks are flying around oh no here comes another one why why did you drop so many i have uh i have something this is advanced tank by onyx dawn now this um this tank tracks the player with the turret oh um so you don't even have to get it to try it always was tracking me because i feel like you're the host so i feel like it's it's not going to track you but it's going to track me i'll get in the seat okay yeah i'm going to assume it's going to track one of the buttons one of the switches makes the turret track i don't know up down left right fire uh i pressed number six yes you know i think it's tracking you still oh yeah it's true because you're the closest player it just click the closest player so i don't know how to get it to not track distracts you it literally wants to shoot itself ah how do we how do we get it to not track i don't understand how it works white i got a white one oh no i locked myself out my good news is mine seems to aim at you oh mine still aims at me you might want to go press e on it then all right now ignoring me hey it says it's now ignoring me stop it stop all the guns are okay no why so yeah so i don't know how that works but you know that's that's the tank it's pretty funny wow look at this thing ow look at that wow it's pretty accurate try to hit me now oh no all right i got uh an advanced speeder by tron 58. this thing's actually pretty cool pretty simple too i mean it's advanced it's not simple i didn't say that it's advanced um okay so you just press number one and yeah you can go up if you want once it gets to a certain height the uh the landing gear will come up but yeah and then it speeds it speeds around and it's got some guns too okay so i figure maybe maybe we can slap some nukes onto the back of these things and see if we can battle it out yeah no no i'm not slapping nukes on the back though um nuclear's on the front on the front you say huh it's very difficult to fire and turn at the same time come on come on can i not go up am i too heavy to i'm too heavy to go up did you increase your thruster power oh i forgot oh you got me i forgot to turn my upper thrusters on that was my bad as per usual i'm gonna spawn in something that we can just look at for five seconds it looks cool and it's kind of technical and that's but uh this is advanced steering system by andrew um okay cool it's it's complete just look it's just look that's it that's it it's weirdly asymmetrical and i don't like it but it looks good okay the steering system is cool but like what couldn't this be like centered somewhere i mean i don't know but this is all it is it's just here you can you can just it's just a steering system it's like it's just one of those i saw it and i was like this is exciting it looks advanced even though it's completely excessive yep it's definitely advanced i like how a majority of like it like you know advanced or over engineered stuff in scrap mechanic is just it's never better than just doing it the simple way yeah like you're just doing like all this crazy suspension and stuff yeah reality you can just slap down a regular piece yeah it yeah it looks cool but i think that's kind of the purpose of scrap mechanic is uh you want to make something you know that's not just your typical easy thing to make and then that's what makes it interesting otherwise okay so there is there is one advantage that this has compared to what you're talking about right which is this system the wheels even if they get bumped will always stay parallel um yeah yeah wheels on individual bearings that should get bumped and not not stay parallel the steering wheel will stay in line with each other all right i got something a similar concept to look at okay so this is advanced well actually it's called it's called advanced suspension and turning vehicle by cossacks oh it's another person to use the the the dome pieces what are they called the um okay so this says it's got it's got adjustable suspension yeah it's got some adjustable suspension it's pretty cool it also has an interesting way of um activating boost the boot yep the boost only activates when you're pressing w because it uh pushes a piston back into a sensor with a logic gate so you can have no boost while going forward let's do a real boost while going forward steering setup on the front uses two arms like two linkages with two bearings yeah it is kind of interesting and it kind of keeps the wheels like they kind of stay in their spot if you notice rather than like pivoting around a point so that would be really if this thing had wheel wells it would work well but it doesn't have wheel wells so you kind of don't really utilize the benefit of it no it definitely looks cool the nice thing about that setup too is you have the strength of two bearings instead of just one yeah yeah because it's like it's gonna have a double support setup oh there's a nice jump that's neat wow this thing just absorbs that jump so well i didn't even get any air off of it oh man i'm going so fast the suspension's getting like pushed so hard oh no oh i broke it i bro i broke it khan khan come here con help back with another it looks cool but it's just a vehicle uh this was an advanced suspension by a bunch of characters that don't show up um this is really cool this is different yeah just look at the fronts whatever just look at the back look at look at the back and and try and understand how the back works when you watch the drive okay i've never seen someone build suspension like this before it's really kind of cool i don't not sure i'm not sure i okay oh wait what okay take all the back suspension and compress it to one and maybe that'll help you visually the front one does it too it's basically like it pivots about an inner and inner point but like it cambers the wheels outwards you'll see what i'm talking about it's so weird to explain but it's really really cool this is really weird why are there there's so many bearings like in between each suspension piece is bone bearing yeah i'm trying to like soften mine completely that's really weird is this like is it based on a real suspension concept or is this just like an original never yeah i mean i've never seen a car with this on it to be honest i don't know it it just looks cool all right khan i have an advanced explosive trebuchet by cessy and i gotta be honest i gotta be honest it's uh it's pretty much a catapult uh but it's also advanced so here i gotta weld this to the ground this is like not even a trebuchet i told you it's you know don't worry about it don't worry about it all the history about 1960s trebuchets con you know what it is this trebuchet this trebuchet is so advanced it's actually a catapult that's how advanced it is it doesn't okay well it's uh you know yeah i i see this is the clearly the catapult part yeah all right you ready oh you're not going to want to be there you're not you're not going to want to be there what well maybe i do want to be the explosive's going gonna go there see this explosive behind myself over there it's advanced already watched all right let's see it all right here we go watch it this is excessive this is not um hold on this isn't working the way it's the whole hold on no this is all i look like it's not working the way it's supposed to work you know what i was like you made it feel self-conscious about being a catapult yeah all right ready here it goes this is gonna work this time all right it's not working why is it jittery it does it's not supposed to jitter like that okay it just needs it just needs khan's sweet gentle touch there we go there we go it just needed it just needed content yeah there we go it probably still should have been welded because now we gotta do this oh it worked fine it's not bad it doesn't need to be welded oh yeah that was pretty good yeah so it's it's advanced hold on okay okay shoot another one shoot another one dude oh boy you you say that like it's gonna be an easy thing all right firewood ready all right it's working yeah you just gotta hold the button it uses like a knot so you gotta hold it a little bit or else it pulses out all right you ready yeah i'm waiting catch oh that looks really good that looks really good okay okay it lands right here okay shoot the exact same shot okay i'm actually just gonna attach another explosive rather than respawning it yeah yeah do that do that all right there we go all right let me come over here i want if this works we shouldn't have to be over there all right are you ready all right yeah i'm ready all right here we go is it gonna work i don't know it's gonna work [Laughter] i have a wonderful piece of advanced art this is a giant spud gun by 22 who am i 22 uh this was using brent batch's blueprint tool so it is literally as terrible as you'd think oh my god i can't even spawn it khan where are you going i gotta find a spot to spawn where you going how big is it why are there so many look at all the logic oh here we go hold on let me weld this up oh yeah yeah don't worry about it oh no okay don't worry about it i've welded it up oh i got a knife i know how i want it you just have to yeah there's a seat way up at the front here we gotta find it with the thing oh no no okay hold on there we go it's till you ready i'm ready you ready for my giant spud gun yes oh yeah all right hold on hold on i got the perfect thing great i got the perfect evening it doesn't even render like half this all right wait wait slow down slow down you're freezing the game okay oh my god my sound is all messed up now everything uh please stop all right i have a cardboard yes it's cardboard and glass so i'm just gonna go ahead and get in front i know when you're lined up uh do i look lined up i don't know i can't tell really okay all right go ahead and shoot it has oh much kickback okay hold on wait wait wait wait get back yeah i gotta get back i gotta get back i don't have any control on my gun this is a really good gun if you have everyone attack you at the same spot all the time and never ow oh okay okay all right hold on hold on do as much damage yeah i feel like i need to go like sideways to it oh this is bad out okay you're ready all right i'm ready i'm re i'm ready shoot now shoot oh no do you have any idea how many blocks this is going to destroy do you have any how long this is going to take probably a lot and it's like weirdly oh my screen flash oh that actually wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be all right khan i have a fun challenge for us here um this is called the advanced demolisher by exton 55. so here go ahead and uh just give it a try first just so you know how it works and then and then i will submit my challenge i clearly i clearly know exactly how this is gonna work uh-huh all right so you can swing it around spin yeah and then you gotta like press one and then press two to release yeah pretty much pretty much it didn't release it it should have i think maybe because you were spinning so fast it missed or something so here i'll spawn mine and you can have yours and then the goal is to uh you know destroy each other okay well that's that's okay oh here we go there we go here we go all right well good job there all right ready yes uh oh oh close we need new ones we need new ones all right there we go there we go one then two right oh look at that look at that shot check out your whole base hey hey hey hey i have one last creation but it doesn't even work so i don't know why you saved a lot it was not working one for less all right i want to see it i don't know i'm intrigued now advanced sp by van du's right i'm just thinking it was operator error so it's game boy advance sp right this looks like it's supposed to work look we can open it up i want to see the best okay nintendo game boy advantage he said there's gabe cartridges on his on his workshop so i went to his workshop and i got a game cartridge okay right what game is there's no instructions on how to make this go with that you weld it so well okay they're genius so pull out your weld tool involved at that and show me how well i never i never had i never had an sp so i don't know how the game card is even supposed to go in i don't i don't know either but like well clearly you weld the uh or uh you weld it like that right okay right and then you turn it on how do we get yeah no just we just have four bars at the top look look at that look at the game that that's the whole game yeah that's the really it's a really advanced game um just getting just getting through the start screen is the challenge does it how advanced it is the other way maybe maybe that was welded the wrong way what if we try this one oh it won't let me weld it the other way i actually can't weld it the other way i don't know hey your game is different than mine oh okay you turn oh you're turning on okay so that's what i said i saved the one that didn't work for last i thought it between our combined brain power we're gonna get it to work but um i don't know it's got a lot of connections yeah this game is too advanced for us yeah obviously those are the most advanced creations on the workshop because i mean we search for advanced and they showed up so that's how yeah i mean that's not where everybody always labels you know everything perfectly and uh tags are never wrong and uh yeah so look forward yeah let us know what else we should perfectly uh search for on the workshop and have 100 accurate results [Music] yeah leave those suggestions down below and uh we'll see you guys next video bye [Music] you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 164,197
Rating: 4.9600773 out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic workshop hunters, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic multiplayer, best creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic workshop, workshop hunters, scrap mechanic kan gaming, scrap mechanic advanced, advanced creations, advanced vehicles, advanced suspension
Id: C2Jyb7buO3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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