We Searched "Space" on the Workshop to Leave This Planet! - Scrap Mechanic Workshop Hunters

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to workshop hunters and today we are going to space or something up up in the space space you know what i don't understand right rockets rockets use like rocket fuel and stuff but everyone knows nukes are more powerful than rocket fuel yeah why don't you just use a nuclear-powered rocket nuclear powered right yeah why don't we just turn this up vertical and then it can go to space yeah they do really well yeah just yeah here we go how are we how are we how do we um yeah good luck well i gotta figure this out hold on we gotta we gotta ring up a contraption here with uh there we go and there we go okay okay we're going how much time did you put on that timer uh i think like 19 seconds why okay we can just use our great bantering skills to really fill the time you know and and let the people know that we really care by expressing how much we can fill the time with develop all right physics space is all about physics so uh why don't i start us off here with some space physics we're gonna we're gonna go to space by epic two this is just called to space so obviously i gotta whoa oh yeah i got i'm in the chair i'm in the chair all right hold on don't press anything yet i wanna come with you uh i'm just gonna don't worry it's really not gonna change anything here we go we're almost there i think i think we're almost there oh we're good we're at this base now did we do it yeah so it surprised it recovers almost what is the chair on there for can you control this in any way let's go i want to go find out you have fun with that uh no there's nothing there's nothing connecting to those ones okay hold on where'd you go oh uh there you go there you are okay all right see if you can detach and attach me at just like the right perfect time oh yeah the perfect time i can definitely tell the difference between the non-perfect and perfect times which you're not even the thing isn't even here anymore oh oh oh no wait a minute i oh what are you doing over there i'm playing the game wrong power dude how did that even happen dude i where are you going what what i'm going so fast i'm not even joking the water isn't rendering it's actually a trench with no water in it how dude jump out of the seat while you still can just jump out while you still can uh the first thing is a space house by el bedito and it's a space check this out space house this this looks like a spaceship it's a house okay come on in okay all right again you just closed the door right in my face thanks for that we got some rooms on the sides here now before we explore this just just sit in one of those seats just hitting any of the seats you got a seat getting the seat you're gonna stay seat okay all right all right i'm having a seat i'm gonna sleep all right well let's wait until we get to the top of the map here and then we can explore it's meant to be in the top of the top of space are we there oh we're good we're good it's all right we're stable all right we're stable we're in the space house some rise space down what do these buttons do no connections oh my god look at all these controllers that are just bad for no reason why are these all bent for no reason because you know uh aesthetics face out what's this is nice look at this we got space house storage i don't even know the space house tv screen oh i don't even know oh that's cool oh the space house swivel chair see that look at this watch your space tv okay and on the other side of the space house we've got space plants and space space pooping oh space poop space shower clean fishing space space radio no and uh and then that's pretty much and then there's a space cockpit but all that in there is the one button to turn on the space space uh what happens if oop oop well this is still on we're good oh oh no no no no oh you almost got me there oh boy oh that was close all right what about uh oh oh no uh this is a space rover by risu006 and this thing is just it's just it was it's a space rover for space is it is it glitchy free wait do you have that too all right you got yours i got mine i don't know how he found the same wait who made yours is it stolen reese was sick i thought i thought i was on even pages you were i was on odd pages maybe it was on the even pages okay maybe uploaded two copies of it i don't know it was on the evening page this is a really good rover though this is a really good rover it's a really like yeah the suspension's amazing look at the hill climbing ability oh look at that mine's better look at that yeah mine's definitely better uh because i made it all the way over here but yeah the suspension is very very floaty which feels really nice when you're going over different things all right but uh i think if it was a true space rover it would have to collect nuclear samples from the uh oh i thought you were gonna say if it was a true space rover it should work under water but you know oh no there's two a true space rover would would collect nuclear samples obviously so oh okay underwater new this is space shuttle by bab now i will say a little bit of its labor it was hard to find space shuttles in the workshop because a lot of them didn't work um the thrusters changed and a lot of goodness uh yeah this one uh you can probably see it's very sophisticated detachment system uh-huh with some explosives yep uh and we've got a rocket yeah there's uh there's only one seat in it but you can uh hop on down somewhere inside oh the perfect oh no there's multiple seats i like i like it i like mine no your seat sucks you're gonna throw off the weight oh it's fine all right i like mine i like the outside view all right here we go in three two one lunch lunch all right lunch grab a lunch detach the first set of rocks oh no that does not look like a white one rocket oh no no it's so explosive i feel like we're doing synchronized diving right now all right and then and then we just we're down look we're this is space we're in space wow it feels the gravity feels so much lighter in space it makes sense yeah look look you got no gravity yeah look at that we can float around this is amazing it's so realistic this is what it is it's also hard to breathe out here in space because you know lack of oxygen you can see all right here we go in three two one we're gonna go a little bit higher this time uh-huh i think that'll help all right uh and then we're gonna attach them all at the same time oh boy oh that is so cool oh no oh no it took out all the thrusters is it is this oh wait you have extra thrusters you just turned on oh i do oh oh good perfect now we're just kind of falling slow well both we're very stable this is crazy we could make it we could probably land like almost oh true true we're gonna spacex this look we even got three landing gear look at that how it like made a tripod yeah this is gonna be this is gonna go flawlessly we're not going to land on uneven terrain at all we're coming in fast oh no we're good we're good we're good we're good nailed it yeah yeah all right perfect gotta celebrate all right so this next one is i i don't remember if we looked at this before if we did then it's worth looking at again it's pretty cool it's called space by guy yuri punk and here you can have that one i'll have this one i feel like this landing gear is something similar to what we've seen before but i don't know if it's the exact creation that we've seen before this is really surprisingly fast this is very fast um i think number one is like upwards thrust kinda or yeah number one adds some upwards thrust it also works really well in the water yeah i was just i just was testing that out yeah i wanted to see how it number two will give you extra upwards thrusts but yeah this thing will cruise on the water if you get an actual sea level look at this thing this thing looks cool too it looks like a hot a space hot rod almost oh man this thing feels so cool just like going close enough to the ground that it feels like you're going super fast now oh there you are let me get back over there oh how did that not explode i don't know i like i could have sworn i hit you all right let's go we're just going to gingerly touch noses together yeah get a touch i mean i don't really have a nose like you do wait what well it just was that not a hit no just there we go what what that was that felt yeah that felt like a hit for sure all right oh there we go oh there we go this tree yeah we're taking all the tops of this but down at the bottom literally the tops of the trees that is crazy that's so cool i don't know about you but nothing says space to me quite like a carnival ride called age of space by dark demon cs go 500. wow with the cs go betting sites like jeez i was getting one of those seats here uh it's uh okay hold on and then we're just oh it's one of these did you weld this to the ground no hold on oh okay we gotta uh wait i just gotta wait uh i'm not feeling very confident in the operator skills here you know what you know what what there we go okay okay all right there we go and then i turned that on this would be a really good time if the uh follow cam actually went upside down with the player but nope does the weird 180 thing yeah unfortunately the thrusters are hooked into the seat with w so this doesn't actually oh we can't even uh gotta i gotta basically sit here uh i have a really good a really good solution take a thruster right i just put it on a switch instead i mean i don't think you had to delete the other thruster to do that yeah this is easier oh yeah are you ready yeah i'm ready perfect all right let's do this oh no oh this is bad let's go to space travel oh probably better than the first squad yeah i'm coming oh my goodness i am i went hard into a tree there there i come here i come i may have overdone it a little bit i can't even tell you how much you're actually overshooting all right just just land there i'm coming to you no no no stop you're you're me i'm coming to you i'm coming to you i'm coming to you very good close all right i got one here that looks amazing but i think it was made before the thrusters had their updates so it doesn't fly as good but it is called space comp by lady skelebro 69. there it is check this out this really looks cool this does look cool doesn't it uh unfortunately this is broken for some reason this is obviously if you look at it this is like set up to open up all the way but uh it doesn't need to pull up we just need to block right i tried that it doesn't work i don't know what broke this but it like i looked at all the bearings and connections and it seems like everything is hooked up right oh what was that what'd you do the wedges the wedges ah the wedges hashtag wedge gang no more boom bro you're going to regret that i just have that stupid weird like sideways hit box you know what i mean where like the side of the wedge grab stuff um all right you can sit in one of the passengers no no no no no you can get in the driver's seat i insist no i am riding i got the door open i'm riding in the past all right all right fine oh that's the landing gear hold on there we go that's a really cool door by the way these are nice windows in first person but now those are really nice nice windows to look out oh yeah yeah all right um all right so yeah this is the problem is it goes up like that uh so i don't i don't know how to i don't know how to oh boy hold on i gotta see is there a pitch back let's see what happens okay yeah so this is uh this is how it flies this is yeah we're going to space and oh look at this space biome wow so this like wins the aesthetic award yeah um but it is the flying capability oh oh wait a minute w w is to pitch back are you kidding me well that worked yeah all right hold on how do i i just gotta oh oh um nailed it oh boy oh where that is number four all right we're doing it we're doing the thing look at this it feels like it equaled oh look at that you turn and stuff uh of course i can't oh well yeah i got like a roll and then i can pitch and lose lose control right look at this i can do this can your spaceship do this can your spaceship do this oh con where are you going why'd you bail why did you eject this like there's something wrong something making you uncomfortable here yeah are you uncomfortable with what's happening here you're not like what's going on here are you not liking the that was protected i was protected by the wings i got it i got it i have uh something else here that's really cool this is uh by lady scala bro hey that's that's what i was buying oh okay well this one's even better than that one this is uh this is space concord this is it's um oh this person likes space this person really likes space i don't remember where the front oh yeah that's right the entrance is um under here check it out it's a little sneaky gotta go like this well this one has wedges and works fine yeah the other one has wedges and doesn't work uh i'm going to once again sit in the oh no that's the wrong seat passenger seat power sit in the passenger seat you know what that's fine i'm gonna sit in the throne of justice um right here all right all right all right this is justice let's go let's grab it fly let's grab it fly i i know nothing happens over here i don't have any buttons or anything let's grab it get the other seat last one i put the last one i don't want to fly flying in multiplayer sucks all right so one does something it activates these lights um there's like a horse run to the ship but you can't get in the front like there's nothing there's nothing in the front for us i think it's just this is how she goes w tips back three goes forward oh that's four controls and everything literally the same controls um uh how do i how do i five oh this is such a cool design i am not a good pilot i am not a i'm not a good pilot i mean it depends on if your goal is to wait what that was weird did you just skim the water i'm a really good pilot i'm curious if this is a design like after some other design i know yeah if this is an original design this is a really impressive design yeah like if it's a design off some like tv show or something you know like some space show like i could see that but i honestly have no idea like i don't you know i'm sure concord i'm sure the comments will let us know this is pretty cool what were you saying could your spaceship do this oh yeah your spaceship do this and you bare a roll what about a drill ship i have no thruster noise do you thrust yeah i'm fine i got the rest of noise i'm fine look at that landing nailed it perfect all right we know we don't have to go back up all right i got something that's going to bring you back to the early days of scrap mechanic uh this is by what the silly name and it is called space elevator oh my god no you remember these things remember these oh no all right so before before you get up there i gotta go down and i gotta not no not necessarily i gotta go down here in the control room and detach the space elevator from the original creation oh yes the space elevator all right and then i can open this oh that's perfect though it's good the door jacks no that did not happen before it worked fine for me oh no okay fine all right i i hope this still works all right uh all right we're good we're good we're good we're here you can press double up you can press number one i think and then w yeah i did that we're not moving very quick we should we should um did you break it what did you do what have you done i got in the seat and i pressed w and one at the same time uh oh we'll pick it up oh there we go there we go now we're picking up speed there we go no oh yeah so the funny thing about not welding this is if you keep going full speed it'll actually lift it up off the ground as it hits the top here so pay attention for that perfect that's good there we go and then we land back on the ground just like that uh yeah so it'll keep it up here oh unless you turn the thrusters off and then in which case we're just gonna go crashing back down on the ground yeah whenever you're ready we can go to the top again all right here we go no it went right through it oh great oh yeah there you there you go there you go perfect just climb it just we get back to the base and we'll reunite and it'll be perfect yeah just uh just waiting for the right angle and there we go there you go nailed it right scrapbook i have one final creation this is a space shuttle by dumb things that is a rather large space shuttle get in and uh there's a couple seats and there's like a little entrance way down here which goes to nothing anyway you can uh get the ones yeah i'll get in this seat you can have that seat you know getting the other scene i like the other i really like this seat this feels really comfortable dang it all right so you have to fly now all right it actually flies check this out yeah you can open the cargo it's gonna flap the wings right right just flap yeah yeah if you flap them fast enough we should get airborne all right no there are w goes up goes up wait we don't even see happening okay here we go yeah there you go and it's got some controls you know it could turn yeah no it's a nice looking space shuttle it's pretty good it's a good scale all right there we go are you ready for this you ready for this are you going full vertical yeah yeah i don't think i don't think this was designed no this was i don't think i'm pressing w to go forward you might want to tilt it back down before we you know i'm trying uh oh boy uh look at that look at that oh what a recovery look at that recovery i'm an expert i was just faking you out there is all yeah i know that's good i thought this i thought it just looked as as far as like aesthetics go i thought this is one of the best-looking shows you know in terms of the overall look looked like all shuttle i saved my best for last the way do you see my finale okay wow all right i'm just gonna go ahead and do a little bit of this well you gotta land in the water i hear spacecraft laying in the water oh it does not like this position i don't know why it that is really weird yeah maybe the cargo bay is glitching out oh maybe let me open the oh yeah there we go oh yeah yeah all right here we come in for the landing he just caught it all right khan that was a pretty impressive shuttle but uh i i think i got a i think gotta raise you here this is by sweet and this is called space shuttle we're gonna have a whole lot of space shuttle is is literally a cardboard box hey hey hey hey mine mine has other features can you can you move a little bit i gotta weld this thing all right there we go now i know this thing don't worry this thing it's gonna make it don't press the red button don't press the red button please don't press red no no no no i said don't press the red button so let me get this straight press the red button no i don't pre i'll press the right button there you go have fun oh my god we're back all right this time we're not going to press the red button all right what do we do we gotta open up the thing yep we can get in here all right now we press the red button there we go where do we where do we sit for this experience uh so we open this now we open this and i don't know why there's this like weird ramp here but just don't worry about it and then i'll get in this seat you get in that seat i don't there's buttons attached to that i don't know what it does but i know that i can control everything from here all right you ready yeah all right i just pressed a single button and there we go oh we're launching we're launching launch sequence initiated i don't i don't know anything else from here to be honest i don't know if these things i don't think they detach i think it just goes up like this all these buttons are connected to something but none of them do anything i don't know yeah i don't uh maybe i don't know try wasd too uh so if w activates the thrust oh really did it oh that might have been me i'm pressing buttons oh that was you that was yeah i got some just controls and stuff i i don't know i put oh that one has this one has a cargo bay too look at that that's fancy it's got an arm a robot arm in there yeah uh i just started pressing all my buttons so i don't know what they're doing anymore oh i control the robot off oh you control the roll bar on no way look at that oh look at that that and then i could rotate it and then somehow can i rotate it nope the other way oh yeah yeah i just lost like you can oh well what you did you just do that no i didn't press anything i think we hit the roof oh is that what it does i did not did my testing never did this for me is there a sensor when it hits the roof maybe there's i don't know maybe there's a timer or something and it's just the amount of time i'm not doing you killed it i'm not doing anything right now what is going on my mind is getting older no we're falling back to her is this thing gonna land itself i think it was timed i think before they changed the map size it was time to like go up to the top and then like tilt you know that is insane that it just leveled itself off like that it's a little off tilted to be perfect can you adjust it at all could you fix it uh probably number three yeah look yeah there we go that is so crazy i did not i did not wait that long when i tested this thing i just launched myself i'm like that's cool it launches i just have my mind blown by this thing oh look at that okay i'm in the cargo i was in the cargo bay for a second i'm in the back now oh yeah are you pressing buttons no i'm not trying to were you pressing something oh my god i fell out oh no oh no oh bye bye scrap man all right goodbye it was nice knowing you i'll uh i'll see you on another planet someday all right i'm coming oh i hit the wall to come pick you up i hit the wall mayday mayday oh my goodness this good good job well khan i gotta say this episode was out of this world ah okay we're done bye bye bye leave some more suggestions we'll see you next time this new policy now whenever you make a dad joke no matter where we are the recording has to end that's the new it's the new rule it's just it's as soon as the first dad joke is said that's that's it game over what do you need some space yeah i need some space okay please please give me give me some space get it because you know hey if space is empty how can you give somebody space [Music] all right all right like subscribe give us ideas for more powders [Music] you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 698,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic workshop hunters, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic multiplayer, best creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic workshop, workshop hunters, scrap mechanic kan gaming, scrap mechanic space, scrap mechanic space ship, scrap mechanic space shuttle, space shuttle, space ship
Id: Ph5Hyz9BaLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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