I Attempted the Hardest Nuzlocke Ever...

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real youtubers play emerald kaizo this game is  extremely hard i always like want to underline   it when i have extra time i don't know why man i  haven't done an intro a while it feels good anyway   hello it's me guy who didn't wait for cameron to  finish warming up before he started apparently   anyway today uh we're going to do something a  little bit different we're actually looking at   emerald kaizo which is a rom hack of pokemon  emerald and it's very interesting for a number   of reasons basically those of you who have played  pokemon before probably are aware that pokemon is   not the most challenging game right it's actually  very very very very easy to the point where i   think nearly anybody could complete uh a pokemon  game with the right amount of time perseverance or   like you really don't need timer for like  it's really just like a very kind of foregone   conclusion right once you start playing no one  no one thinks oh my god can i beat this game   well uh some people sat down and they decided they  wanted to make emerald very very hard and you know   i wasn't sure exactly what to play for those of  you who you know follow the channel you know that   i recently completed a base emerald nuzlocke and  i decided i wanted to try emerald kaizo i wanted   to see kind of what this game that is so difficult  that it has only been beaten at the time recording   this one time um which is extraordinarily  difficult because there's a lot of people   playing it right now so i think there's only  one person who has ever successfully completed   a nuzlocke of this game excuse me not the base  game but the nutslack so i wanted to give it   a shot so there's a couple interesting things  here the encounters are all changed there's some   evolutions that are changed like for example  pokemon that require trading you can now evolve   regularly um some move pools are changed actually  i think a lot of the movables are changed um   i think the the goal is to make it so that every  pokemon is at least um somewhat viable whereas   in you know in normal emerald there's a lot of  pokemon just garbage um some abilities are changed   and uh some moves are changed as well we're also  playing with a patch which will allow me to get   uh infinite berries basically wherever when i  pick up one copy of a berry i get many berries   um the reason for that is because i could just  sit down and grind for berries but that seems   like a waste of everyone's time so this is my  first attempt we'll probably some more content   on the channel because it would play a fair bit on  stream but oh also no no healing in battle that's   not nobody can use items in battle you can use  held out of it but there's no there's no healing   items uh in it and of course base rules for the  nuzlocke apply as well i have who won faint it's   gone forever and um you only get one encounter  poor per like differently named area so also   if you haven't already please make sure that you  subscribe to the channel about half of my audience   actually isn't subscribed which makes me feel kind  of bad uh i don't know like if there's anything i   could do to earn that subscriber button please  let me know but um yeah lots of people don't   realize they aren't subscribed so if you want to  support me and support the channel and support me   making content like this video and many others  please make sure that you click that button it   only takes a second um and if you want to see the  whole uncut um you know version of these runs on   you know in full not the edited version there's  hours and hours and hours of extra content that   don't make it onto youtube i do stream pretty much  every day monday through friday on twitch and i   also have a follow-up channel that's twitch.tv  slash wolfy vtc and then wolfyvods on youtube   um yeah i stream most afternoons eastern uh on  twitch as well so yeah hope to see you there my first evernote first ever emerald kaiser does like  know that's never been done i'm gonna be completely honest with y'all i don't  think that i can win this this is not gonna be   another run in terms of like we're gonna try and  complete this this is just gonna be how hard is   this because i know that it's like ridiculously  hard this is about to get messy oh lord messi   is just messy is an understatement  how many characters i only get seven characters i think the goal is to win i think  the goal is to get past gym one do we all agree   is this blind yeah i ha i got some documents  so i have documents but i i've never   i've never played this before peach house  on attempt 74 i had to maintain my oh no   oh no it's so doomed all right ready for death  fodder round two your hubris is incredible   wait i'm saying that we're going to lose what  hubris we're trying to get one badge get shiny   all right so far i have tackled this is a  good start swift that's oh this is the right   version isn't it that never misses because i don't  think he's gonna learn to switch normally oh boy   oh no the first battle is hard oh no wait where  did it go health back you just lost your run wait   why wait why did i lose because money game  is bad money is garbage wait which is good   trico good really wait did they buff trick  do they buff do they buff sceptile death oh wow all right cool i'm fishing oh it's so  doomed oh no okay taco quick attacker that's   all which is fine okay no barry i guess you're  supposed to be able to beat this i'll play her me   i win this is so easy why everyone say this is  hard i will so use this game first try oh that's   a strong incentive i don't know maybe maybe i'll  be able to do it now so much that i should fish   here there's a fishing spot for me should i do it  if you get past watching my first step y'all i'm   trying i don't know i'm hoping to get to rocks  to beat roxanne by the end of my attempt here yes cool shiny little disc let's go oh  i'm absolutely wiping this glove disc   i want to catch it i don't know if i can because  if it crispy once it's doing 60. okay because i   don't want to run with pokeballs because i don't  fell on a counter oh wait no no you can go to   the towns without running into wild pokemon  right okay cool okay okay we got two pokemon   all right encounter i should have loved with glove  disc because it's good isn't that strong i should   have left with a love disc here and charmed doing  five damage so i could take oh no it's doomed okay   we're into trouble aren't we okay uh okay i could  do six damage actually i probably should just   run but i'm down to just die delicious things  are good first attempt that's just level three   is good i'm super down high risk how reward baby  that's why they called me high risk chiropractic okay this is a this is a grass type but i'm pure  water so i don't need to worry that much about it   there's grass behind the mart okay one two three okay cool okay   all right 102. is that a trainer well we have  a counter first the encounter is gulped okay wow wait a second gulpin is kind of good this is italy wow wow okay all right  cool level time all right we have a   team of level 10 pokemon i'll check  with some grinding let's fight them   all right first trainer except for may three  pokemon first mod level six century not bad   okay quick attack does five damage good to know  headbutt does a lot of damage let's go for a swift   quick attack those five okay i'm getting a little  low definitely a little nervous here pucciana okay   uh we don't have any really resistance this look  like headbutt here i almost the one shot okay   engine down to 11 that's fine even a crit would uh  could we kill but i'm faster and smith so i can do   that and now i'm gonna switch out which is good i  got them to the last pokemon i got to see what it   was and then i could switch so whatever it is i'll  try and go into resistance or whatever zigzagoon   okay i don't have resistance but my most  physically bulky pokemon should be this   deathpotter let's see what it goes for a  sand attack okay that's kind of annoying   um but i should be winning this fight hopefully  without losing my water gun misses that's fine   they're gonna go for swift which is just  doing three damage right yeah this is fine   water gun does uh clean to a ko okay  and we win the fight okay so far so good no sorry so let's just recap what just happened  togepi metronome through paralysis into   thunder hit out of hail with rain and crit  me okay this game is fun fun game by the way fun game by the way it's getting really good moves   from metronome i feel like  they must have buffed it all right cool we survived okay zero   okay good stick fat thanks chad i don't want  blank chat chat you lied to me this thing sucks oh no huh jesus jesus i think we're wiping on  the fishermen i really didn't intend to play i   mean i guess i would have only twenty five seven  damage attack oh god okay i have to use strong one   here uh i'm gonna go for head but it's still  fast please no please hit okay okay for swift   i don't think this will hit but i i could try it  yes nice swift by the way never misses by the way   oh god okay 23.16 i'm not paralyzed okay don't get  full paralyzed please kill okay okay this one's   a fifas uh i have a wait i have a grass type  all right i couldn't bring it in because yeah   thanks hypnosis okay i'm asleep that's fine  right thank you sleep thank you hypnosis isn't   it purposely i want some health back don't  confuse i'd honestly rather be asleep then   god that's so weak is my level 10 song gonna lose  to a level eight females okay chris doing eight   damage please wake up chris do eight i guess  i got max oh my god it is old gene confusion this time he uses facade for some reason okay cool   shot again just doing four damage i can take  a crit okay that's all it took apparently uh   rain isn't great though because i i am out of  water resistance except for this thing huh oh   accuracy drop somebody go over another one okay  okay okay okay last one love disc okay i believe   okay the rain is gone um i'm gonna charm it it's  gonna go for a dive okay but that's a special move if it was merrell i would have  switched it in but it's not it's a zero   it's faster than me okay let's dive right the turn   i could go for a yawn as well maybe there's one  this is risky though but i'm gonna hit one you   wanna probably win don't hit one yawn take six  damage okay god this is so annoying are you seeing   this it's like everything that can go wrong will  go wrong okay i'm taking six per hit please hit there we go okay i just needed to not wake up this turn  okay this should let me heal enough that   okay i should be out of  range of another one now nice okay one more we'll kill i'm  at 15 hp i should be fine now   okay they go wake up they  go for a dive that's fine   okay criticism damage do they mess with  the um did they mess with the rates of   crits or anything or the race of player misses  or whatever because i'm feeling kind of like uh   yeah i feel like there's been some interesting  things here that was extraordinarily difficult   given that my opponents were all pokemon you'd  originally consider to be bad is useless for you   why i wouldn't fish for cart because just because  you probably won't get far enough to use it   well well given that how much difficulty  i had with the trainer that presumably is   supposed to be kind of easy i don't think i'm  making it to roxanne that's making me nervous   okay encounter the encounter that we have  fanfee oh oh i like fanfee fan feed there's   not a second h yeah fancy i'll stop you want me  to spell for you first is fan and then it's c   fancy chad you might be good at emerald  kaizo but you're not good at spelling   this is fun i hope you all are enjoying watching  this i'm actually having a really good time i'm   sure if like if i kept doing this a bunch  i wouldn't be having a super fun time but   fancy the fancy pokemon okay is you really go to  jail or more i'm lucky a little both my ones here mega drink okay all right that's  why you want me to wait huh sunflora   in terms of my team everything's level 11 except  for this zigzag and mudkip should be leveled   up a little bit as well at this point so let's  just try that did you restart lol quick little   primer for the chat what does this look like to  you so i know what it looks like to me so let's   kind of maybe sit down and answer the question  together on the screen there's a couple pieces   of information it might get confusing so the first  is that um it says attempt one so we might we're   going to come back to that later um because it is  kind of confusing but i think there's something   that we can untangle there then it says deaths  zero so that means that no deaths have happened   we'll come back to that one later too now if you  ask me are we on the first attempt or the second   attempt that's a tough question but i think that  somewhere within here there is an answer to our   question maybe but i can't quite figure it out  chat i'm gonna leave it up to you in my absence   figure out what it means i'm actually upset i'm  just happy you're watching thank you for watching   more like venom not the live we are well into  the woods at this point like that musical which   i think i was into the woods i was the wolf i  don't think it's great i'll be honest with you   okay apparently this is really difficult five  what five pokemon okay level eight okay not a huge   level advantage which is okay uh i'm thinking fire  punch and i'm faster please one shot this thing   is batch vegetable okay okay okay okay okay chat  this is a thing of self-destruct i'm down to i'm   down to no any knowers i don't have to switch it  anyway i have to just take it this thing is okay i think i just want a fireplace  here i don't know let's try to be on but this should be a two shot easy oh  just barely not okay we'll always protect   okay um i think that i should go into mud  kit now because that's a really bad burn   truthfully and just 10 damage that's a  ton of damage so i'm kind of i'm not like   done for it's going to protect here right should probably protect oh no okay i don't know if this kills it's  a stab move though oh god okay okay kill it's fine pound hour why are they sending howard  on me i don't know if i want a water gun   here because i don't think i one shot  let's just see what happens if i switch oh i'm not dying to that though there's no way  out of that okay very glad i switched there   okay very glad i switched water  pulse this isn't super strong   i have peachy berry so it's fine  i can i can go back to the pretty   much there okay big damage confused oh  please hurt yourself 50 50 50 percent okay no dragon rage no no rage  is gonna headbutt spam all right let's go for that then okay four damage special move it can flinch five damage attacks doing five damage i think  after this next one i'll have to switch though   i think i can take one more i'm gonna  go for it if it crispy with it would   have to creep with headbutt which is  not even going for right now yeah um i'm not confident in some secret power  range i'd rather just be safe switch into   actually fancy come in here because i can  i shared it with the ko because that way i   can switch into zigzag after this someone  does six damage i'll finish off a shirt   it's a cool animation okay one left oh no does  this thing have nice shade um all my mods that   can beat this are damaged like really damaged so  it's kind of the fancy right okay this looks like   it's gonna be like willowspin stuff let me think  about this because i can't use what do i have left this thing is useless protect willowism okay shadow  snake only damaging move okay   it's interesting because what i can  do with this if shattered is the only   damaging move then i take four damage  per thing so what i actually do is this okay it goes protect i'm just  curious how much damage is doing here   i'm down to his waist protects  let's get a little bit of damage   that's like here confused protect  why not mudshot doesn't have levitate doesn't have levitate or no  it better not be leftovers what am i gonna do what am i gonna do here i  have three i take three damage per shot right mine is two accuracy you just bite who who has bite nobody has bite chat who do you want me  to bite with them i lost attack never mind   never mind they don't have trouble  okay i don't think i go down to one   shadow sneak ah that was a mistake that was  mistake that was mistaken okay it's just   okay okay i think shadow street kills which means  i cannot stay in on this thing stupid dust goal okay i think i might get solo by this  thing my team's gotten so chipped down   i wish i knew so i could just give it like  something peach berry at least a raspberry   gonna shadow sneak again okay it hits this time just pour it in five damage i get stronger  than earliest i have to beat it with megan rain why now is it not protecting oh god why confuse ray oh my god i think i lose  it's how to protect okay it's growth again   please boom oh it's so doomed i'm taking  seven okay i missed swap tears confused   and it also gets rid of my boost boom please  i don't think i've hit a single attack out of   confusion yet okay there we go okay i'm plus  two i kind of want to click mega drink now okay sand attacks were so clutch  i'm just going to spam mega drink   i want to click mega drink to see how  much i'm killing and how much it does oh boom please oh my god okay i'm at half health this is so i mean if i  got hit with that first lois it was over right   the shadow sneaking why is this  shadow sneaking is that a willis no please i'm gonna lose if i hurt myself in  confusion now i lose the run there we go okay god this sucks i hate confusion okay that was all it took ghost doesn't resist grass ghost doesn't resist grass oh well  yeah no i know about poison i know   i know i'm not moving look not moving  not moving not moving items bag antidote   let's just confirm burn burns nothing  nothing nothing healthiest pokemon's fanfee   all right it's time so if we use growlithe we just  chucked the great ball new mel okay straw oh strap   somebody for it like one disc what do i do  chad so you're saying i won't use zigzag   versus roxanne so i just use it as my  main attacker right now listen to spagos   who's spago just grind everyone tbh okay  well i guess could have been box then   ah i meant to talk to them one time would have  worked well until you see this double bottle xd   okay only two wands which is either  good or bad and they are smeared i swear to god if this thing clicks dark void i  will delete my channel if these absolute jerks   click dark void oh no oh no please kill oh it hits both of his forth wait  why are they so bulky why are they so bulky chat wait what's this doing oh swift it's both oh yeah lower  defense any defense drops in chat okay good thing acid hits both because i  did not know it hit vote let's go big crits all right okay going slow that's wait a second that doesn't look like a it's  a fisherman right wait do fishermen all look like   that uh actually i think maybe we should just  end the stream here i feel like if we kept going   it's pretty obvious that i would just  beat this run someone said lead love disc   but that i don't know if he's gonna lead  pikachu charm strat okay enough people are   going to love this now i'm trying to love this  all right let's try it curse evie it sounds like all right how many ones wait how many ones  i didn't see i didn't see i didn't see how many how many ones does he have five six one three five so it's probably pikachu charmin it's probably  pikachu in three starters right if i had to guess   so i can guess this whole team then there we go but there are defense  boosters so there's no damage oh oh wait pikachu i could try and go  like in florida plus six on this thing   but this is going to be an issue  does that like snore or something oh ah that's a physical move though that's fine crit for the kale okay nope but now one more  we'll do it oh boy russ nor curse plus one   surf pikachu that's gonna be an issue isn't it oh  wait i have some floor always oh citrus berry boy   maybe she's charming it's doing doing  too much damage there we go that's big okay nice snore by the way ah this should do  it right as long as i don't rest this turn   then two more water pulses will kill or crit  let me quit this turn that'd be nice gotta pay   okay one down yeah you can confuse my sleeping  because confusion stops for the other conditions   all right cool so we still love this which we  could save for later pikachu pikachu pikachu blast okay see wave and now it will go for surf i think   uh fantasy might take it but  i'd rather just do it this way okay there's surf and i got some fluorine just   taking a circumstance underway which  i'd rather have yeah see much better   okay mega drink attack that's fine you can  do too much damage oh yeah this is not bad nice clean two shot even with the berry oh  this is just berry okay now it's two shot   but it should quick attack  again right okay it's fine nice damage ideally we'll  go for quick attack again   excellent that's really nice i got rid  of pikachu without taking any damage and every two weeks are slower you should set up  here if you can oopsie well now i know i never i   didn't know whenever tv slower charmanders  now uh okay that's fine this thing probably   has something for water types right i could go  fancy but i i think it's going for a fire move   because we're burning okay that's all right it's  good to know i'm glad i went this instead of oh   wait no zigzagging would have been really good  to go there i'm just going for a water gun and   see what happens right okay doesn't have a move  for this so unless it flinches me okay it does   uh i take how much damage removed from this i can  take one more remember even if crits oh i couldn't   take one of a crimp but i'm in torrent range now  right below the third okay that's torrent crit   thank you thank you bulbasaur comes in this is  part poison type this is why i saved it probably   see right all right i'm gonna switch here into  open i also have backup um backup uh pursuit okay   i have backup disease again mega drink comes  out because i want one of the kill so i can   fire punch let's go for a fire punch now special  move this is pretty this is this might not even   do it ko it's bulbasaur's really bulky okay  nice burn be good cut oh okay not very powerful   oh yeah it's broken ah there's a chance if i  high roll here there's a small chance i can   kill it i'll play level one though yeah looks  like it burnt nope okay that's not great um   it's going to go for cut right  like i want to switch into   it it's almost certainly going to cut for  a cut right so i kind of want you to fancy   i think it's too risky though but  it's almost certainly going to go   i don't think i'm in that much danger i'll always  stand for a turn and see what it wants to go for   yeah i'm also just going for cut it's only doing  six damage though so i'd rather i think fine   because i don't need goldman after this one one  last one it's squirtle this should be pretty   manageable i saw this before left looks oh it got  into that not a big deal um wow like i'm kind of   hp what's what if sludge bomb critic puts it at  low hp and then like wakes up and you know max   geysers me for this torrent range let's do this  why i'm a world champ by the way just kidding i   was super sweating thanks for that i think heads  up chat yeah i'm not too worried about fossils okay i forgot it's not body type oh  my god i didn't know it was bug type okay spoil okay not terrible i think okay cool i think my next step is to grind  everything to level 14. what does the chat   think what do my experts think so now i have  all my encounters and only to get kabuto   or omanite so now chat is time to look at roxanne  do we agree chad now it's time to peek any peekers   jude level 15 at choice band self-destruct i am  very glad that i peaked very very glad nose pass   self-destructive track seismic toss thunder wave  so versus nose pass because of the self-destruct i   can use charm to beat it oh no toxic curse roll  out sunny day shuckle sludge bomb jiggly dream   recover ancient power oh no let's eliminate some  of these mods that we're definitely not bringing   uh magikarp is not coming right zigzagoon is not  coming right i don't think i'm bringing meryl here   what do you all think i think this is a no-merrell  game i also don't really see what new mall does   but that's fanfee wouldn't do so i think  that sinflora has to come i think that nozzle   i think nuzly has to come charmander nozzle  always beats lunatone okay which would mean   that love disc would have to come as well how am i  being leap how am i beating anarith how am i being   relevant i have grass types for so relic i'm  going to say is a non-issue oh i do have marsh   tom so i'm going to use marsh tom to beat the  anarith i think nemo's not coming here but how on   earth am i beating the leap and how like the most  problematic launch of this leap in this shuckle   i think gulpin might be chuckle i'll use gulpin  to beat lily but then how am i going to beat the   shuckle you can use mayo charm to make it weak in  ko or you can just love this charm or something   else to be chuckled it cannot raise its attack  up right okay then i think my last one should be   ominate or caputo i think this is my team i think  it's these six the cave uh we have somebody who's   smart in the chat and they told me not to do  the game so i'm not gonna do the cave right now okay alrighty that's a lot of grinding  took a couple hours we finally evolved are you not using the calculator there's a  calculator chat you got to tell me what calculator   have you been holding down on me is there a  calculator i can use all right next encounter i think ideally we'd prefer omanite but kabuto  is fine too hang on a second pokemon challenges   was bragging about nuzlockes using calculators  when they can use calculators for the run we   have i have to memorize my damage calc do you  have a calculator you can use during the run   like okay actually hang on we're gonna pause this  mid run just remember just so we're clear with one   thing now uh no there's no just so we're totally  clear about something this is what i memorized for   worlds when i won worlds this document everything  on here is what i memorized there you don't need   to do this for every tournament but this is what  i did to win worlds i memorized everything on here   i can tell you i can tell you exactly because  that way like when a groudon used earth power   on me i would know is that timid isn't modest i  could tell xerneas is bulk from any of my attacks   this is what i did to win worlds memorized  memorized in my head i couldn't you can't   pull this up in the tour you can't blow those up  mid tournament excuse me hang on let me just let   me just look this up you know you have 45 seconds  anyway you can't pull this up mid kipple's at mid   the tournament i'm pretty sure you can buy  great balls at the gym you know what that's   good enough for me all right great ball use great  ball blast come on come on come on come on come on one two three worth it super worth it super  worth it all right this is for you daffy   i have made it two the first badge which if  this was normal nose luck would not be a huge   accomplishment but uh for this it's actually  kind of a big deal uh did can bullets miss hang   on let's just let's just go slow and steady  here right this is 40 this is 25 and always   hits twice so actually bullets is my strongest  move here i forgot to turn animations back on i   want shot of people oh my comes in uh once again  this is my strongest move it's faster shoot chat   oh i should have mega drained i didn't know  it was faster okay well those league is not a   commission for this this battle uh this doesn't  have pursuit right oh sure comes in daffy cafe   with another 25 gift subs oh no oh god oh i'm  so faster okay oh it's doing no damage confused it had to happen eventually all right let's  see if we can close up this fight though   dang i was really kind of relying on the um  that mine god it's not doing enough damage why is it only cooking okay if it crits me now  i will lose ah this bond combined okay it's fine   that was really unfortunate i mean i  knew this was going to be a problem   did you get merrell for lunatone now oh actually some damage it's faster than me does 11  damage i can take one crit please two shot oh god okay is this business okay  okay okay i'm still alive no i think i'm gonna wipe wait i think i  actually no no it's fine it's fine it's   fine because this will do forty percent so i  think what i do here is i lose that's right okay   i'm sass i'm sassy computer i think the only  way i can win this is to click rock gym here i was right i think i'm strong enough i i  just i honestly do think i'm strong enough   all right i don't think this is going to go very  well but i'll give it a shot this will be the last   battle of the stream one way or another because i  want to take a break because i'm definitely tired   so i go for my shot here they go for brick break  it does 13 damage my shot connects it's not one   shot but should lower a stat here speed i think  okay and then this one should have speed and ko   okay kill the aaron all right one  down three to go i think this thing   is fast i think the course was faster  than me though which is the problem okay did it have my health and lowers my  attack okay that's pretty bad hold on a   second should i yolo and click mega dream  that was right that was the wrong move   oh no i was already moved let's say rock  to me okay they connect and they crit again   hard rock okay stupid ai okay it's not  a speed tie aerialist ancient power   chica drain silver wind i shouldn't do too much  okay yeah yeah this is fine you're almost fine   okay it's easy to shot uh i don't  think an aerialist crit will kill   me oh they switch ah that's a problem  they switched god this is so stressful i hate i'm gonna lose oh no oh no i don't have  any switches into this uh it's universal horn   but i'm kind of worried at the larva turn  now miss okay uh i am in range of torrents   exactly by one hp actually no exactly range  of orange just one shot okay chicago okay   um i think at this point the better  move is yawn because they switch no okay it only did twelve it only did twelve  only just one so i should be fine burn i can take any attack except for chickaring  i don't think they're going to change your english   i should live this they cripped me runs dead  run is absolutely dead on a crit silver wind   uh i have no priority moves and nothing i can do i  i don't see a way out of this for in any way shape   or form it's got max speed it's got giga dream  i can't do anything it's boosted that's the run   i'm sorry y'all i should i got greedy i guess  is there any way to win this i don't think so   i can't do anything about that i was anyway thanks for watching i hope you enjoyed  i'm definitely tired this is a lot of uh yeah   it was a fun first attempt and i think that's  it have a good have a good evening everybody   thank you for all the support  and i'll see you next time goodbye you
Channel: WolfeyVGC
Views: 296,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wolfey, Pokemon, VGC, Wolfe Glick, Competitive Pokemon, Pokemon VGC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, twitch, twitch streams, pokemon nuzlocke, nuzlocke, pro gamer, gaming, gamer, hardcore nuzlocke, smallant, ludwig, pokemon challenge, pokemon challenges, alpharad, nuzlocke jaiden, wolfey nuzlocke, nuzlocke wolfey, pokemon emerald, pokemon emerald kaizo, emerald kaizo, emerald kaizo nuzlocke, pokemon emerald kaizo nuzlocke, wolfeyvgc emerald kaizo, wolfe glick emerald kaizo
Id: MdoRt_HUFc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 28sec (2248 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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