I Beat a Nuzlocke Only Using GOLD Shinies In Pokemon Violet!

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imagine beating a hardcore Nuzlocke only using gold shinies in Pokemon yeah we did that [ __ ] finally we completed a whole entire hardcore Pokemon Nuzlocke only using gold shinies in Pokemon I did the whole entire game including the star bases the gym leaders and even all the Titan Pokemon shiny hunting is very tedious and takes hours and hours to do and as you can see today I'm playing as Team Rocket why well I don't even really know myself but in my brain Team Rocket gold they're obsessed with money they're rich they're powerful they exploit Pokemon for wealth I mean it goes hand in hand in my opinion at least so I mean we just start our adventure as normal we go downstairs talk to our mom and what the yo why are you in my house no I definitely see why my character's so freaking angry and just like most nuzlock videos we really can't start until we make it through the first portion of the game but after that it's time to get a gold Shiny Pokemon to assist me on my shiny hunting Adventure today we have this Japanese me personally I don't know Japanese so if you can read Japanese please tell me what this name is but if you haven't guessed or if you're just not familiar with shiny hunting in general today we're doing the Masuda Method for all of these Pokemon because it's a lot faster versus just looking for them and for efficiency and time's sake you know since we're beating the whole entire game we're gonna be doing this on all the Pokemon that we are using but first things first we have to go get a gold Shiny Pokemon so after traversing the Great Planes Crossing Bridges going up hills and mountains yeah I don't know why I'm making this so epic we just go all the way into this like cave area where they usually stabilize And We snuck up on them and they're level 40 but if we sneak up on the Pokemon and encounter them from the back and pause we can catch them off guard which means we get a free turn so us throwing a quick ball at it would actually be safe otherwise we would just lose the run immediately but we use this mechanic to go ahead and catch this level 40 Sableye and then we decided to breed it with this ditto this process takes a very very long time the combination of waiting for the eggs and then hatching them but hey you guys don't gotta worry about that today we're here to experience some awesome ass gold shiny Pokemons so after a significant amount of time of hatching Sable eyes over and over and over again we finally hatched this bad boy right here this is our first gold shiny and although we got our first gold Shiny Pokemon and I would love to go ahead and take on the first gen uh Sableye his ass imma be real especially when he's low level so we definitely need to get another gold shiny Pokemon in order to actually stand a chance against the next gen and imma be rude with you guys I'm really not trying to do any resets so we're gonna get all the Pokemon we need this is when we go ahead and go to this rocky area and we encounter and catch a growling yep after breeding a [ __ ] ton of eggs and hatching it yeah you already know the process we can hatch this shiny Arcanine I mean growl with I don't know how I've messed that up and finally it's time to take on the first gym with their two Pokemon and uh I'm gonna be rolling with you one of them are just kind of ass but it's time to go against Katie she immediately sends out her Nimble as we send out Sabo or shiny Sableye I go ahead and use Shadow sneak as they use struggle bug on me but Sabo is a physical attacker so it doesn't really matter and we're able to take down the Nimble as tarantula comes out at this point I decided to swap the golden get the intimidate off as they bug bite and I go ahead and use how as they use Insurance knowing that they have insurance I go ahead and get another howl up and then I just absolutely destroy that [ __ ] with a crit and finally her Teddy Ursula comes out and terrazolizes into a bug type but yeah that [ __ ] didn't even stand a chance at all I gotta feel bad for it but of course just like that we got the second gym badge all it took was hours and hours of trying to get a Shiny Pokemon and a little bit of prep but now it's time to go against cloth the Stony Cliff Titan we go ahead and send out Sabo but for some reason he literally just doesn't have any moves that can hit us or he's just not choosing the melees so we're able to get to the second stage really easily but when we are in the second stage we go ahead and utilize stabilize disabled so he's literally not even able to touch us you see stabilize isn't that useless unfortunately Sableye does have the ability stall which makes us move last no matter what it doesn't matter if we are faster than the Pokemon this Pokemon is just in a negative priority bracket which kinda sucks but it doesn't really affect us and we're able to beat the first Titan we need to be and after this it's time to go against the second Gym damn we're actually making some progress I was kind of tempted to go ahead and try to get another Shiny Pokemon but I really just didn't feel like it I mean we're going against the grass gym with a fire type so we should be good so we start the battle against brassius and we send out Goldie against petaly they have own Tempo so the intimidate doesn't work but we just go ahead and use Firewheel and yeah just destroy that [ __ ] knowing that that Pokemon is sleep powder I'm not trying to mess with that today but now small love comes out trying to get as strong as possible without losing too much HP I go ahead and use half taking a tackle in a process but ultimately one-shotting the small Le Bat at Sudowoodo comes out now sudowoodu is a fully evolved Pokemon with a lot of Defense so we need to rationalize this into a grass type we use flame wheel but yeah that [ __ ] just doesn't kill him this is when I had to send out stall and go ahead and use Shadow sneak but he survives it and then he decides to use a tarantulas boosted trailblaze on me but it later really doesn't do [ __ ] so we could do Shadow sneak again but unfortunately we lost goalie we have to put Goldie in the Box I'm not going live this made me very angry when I lost Goldie because I was hoping to be able to use them for the whole entire game I love Arcanine so much that I literally slipped up the naming but hey that's that's the life of not nuzlocks especially when you're doing shiny locks you get attached to them you spend hours and hours breeding them hatching them finally getting what you wanted and just like that they can die to a rock type disguises a grass tape but hey look on the bright side we have Sabo the Sableye what a brave nature yeah that that's really weird yeah at this point of the game we're kind of in a pickle because Sableye is definitely not strong enough to do anything and we need some more Shiny Pokemon so I decided to go ahead and catch a bunch of Pokemon that become shiny a tad bulb a Magnemite and a Nimble we just went ahead and caught these Pokemon in advance but the first gold shiny we were going for was Tad bulb so after hatching a [ __ ] ton of them we finally get this monstrosity right here and you can easily Above This Pokemon with a Thunderstone so we go ahead and do that when we go to mezzagoza but after this we go ahead and try to hatch our next Pokemon and it's a golden Varun look at this thing and last but not least the shiny Magnemite yeah you could barely tell that it's gold but it is definitely gold after assembling our team of gold Shiny Pokemon it's finally time to go against the Open Sky Titan we just decided to use Burmy to absolutely destroy him because he's resistant to all of his moves and look at our lineup right now we have a bunch of like stahly bulky Pokemon after beating the sky tie you can sit down and enjoy this delicious sandwich that we just what the yo Mariah bro my ride on why do you want my sandwich you're a [ __ ] robot you're not gonna have this [ __ ] this is mine oh my of course Nintendo would do this why would you give me the option to say no do not give him the sandwich if you're gonna just force me to give them the sandwich anyways [ __ ] fat ass robot oh my God bro he's is greedy he's about to eat his sandwich hey don't you [ __ ] dare touch my sandwich hey yo this dude already needs to get canceled yo I'ma have to censor out everything he just said but yo yo now do not be alarmed do not be alarmed the next Pokemon that we have that we're breeding as you can see we're in the picnic right now and there's a Magikarp flopping on the ground thank God it's raining because he'd be dead otherwise when you hatch a shiny Magikarp it literally turns into a golden Shiny Magikarp which is cool like this golden Magikarp is so freaking fire look at it but when he evolves yes you guys see it we have a golden Gyarados hahaha only makes sense because bikini was golden so hey here we go look as you can see we have sadly the golden Gyarados this shiny is freaking awesome I'm not gonna lie and it has a plus attack nature and next we have to go against Giacomo he has a pony Ward that we absolutely destroy yeah he literally couldn't do anything and then we have the 4b1 his Star mobile but yeah we just have a bunch of Pokemon including this overpowered ass Gyarados that has an increased defense and attack I mean the [ __ ] was a breeze and I'm not gonna lie this game is so freaking long bro we gotta watch all of these goddamn cut scenes of these people's flashbacks and there's an option to skip these cutscenes but these aren't considered cut scenes for some reason especially considering next we have to go against the lavencia gym but before that happens we have to go against nimona she said sends out rock rough as we send out our golden Gyarados what the [ __ ] you you have a golden gear yeah I know this [ __ ] is freaking awesome I'm gonna be real her Pokemon are just really ass we absolutely destroy our whole entire team and lose no Pokemon or even come close to losing anything now this lavincia gem on the other hand is a big problem every time I go against this gym I barely lose every single time and I lose so many Pokemon she's just a tough trainer in general that being said it's time to go against iono she sent out water row as we send out Burmy and we take a spark and go ahead just use a thundershot and almost take him out and then take them out the very next turn next she sends out Luxio intimidates me and I take a bite as I go ahead and use Screech on them the next turn I try to use thundershock but they Flinch me and yeah they literally knocked me down the 12 hp but we managed to get a little bit of damage on room we go ahead and take a spark don't get paralyzed and we land a foul play taking out the Luxio the next belly bolt comes out this is the most annoying Pokemon in existence I hate this freaking Pokemon but I go ahead and decide to use this able we have stall so we always goes last in a spot this means I'm able to disable their only electric move which gives us the ability to send out selling I go ahead and check the battle details in the rainism which means we do 50 more damage when it comes to water type moves I decided to utilize this and to rationalize Sally into a water type yes I'm using teracelization check the rules in the description for more information and we go ahead and take out the belly bolt in one hit oh my God oh my goodness yo I need you to stop and next Miss magius comes out immediately to rationalizes to do electric type and of course this thing is way faster than me and they use charge speed but we're able to take that because we're not four times weak to Electric they go ahead and raise their special attack but we're able to almost kill them with a waterfall this one I decided to go ahead and send out the most annoying Pokemon in existence ta-da we're able to take their move with ease but the next turn they outspeed me and use confused Rave were able to break through the confusion and use water gun and that literally doesn't do [ __ ] next they use hacks and it's boosted because we're confused and it almost takes me out but we're able to break through the confusion and take it out at this point we have an arsenal of awesome ass golden Shiny Pokemon that are really strong and bulky and I can confidently say that we don't really have to worry about getting any Pokemon anytime soon we go ahead and absolutely destroy the lurking steel Titan wow this is actually the first video that I addressed you by your real name imma be real though you are ugly as hell after this we can make our way to cassarifa and this is when we're met with the task of giving kofu's wallet back he runs into the ride of the map but there's literally not even a way to get down from there so I don't know what he did if he just jumped off or anything but anyways and as you can see I have a lot of good electric type pokemon on my team and water resistance so this [ __ ] is going to be a breed we immediately start to battle with nyler and lunge the Volusia and absolutely destroy that [ __ ] and win it as the work Trio comes out and head butts me but we don't get flinched we get crit though but we're able to one shot that [ __ ] also now the crab bomb of the boat comes out it's rationalizes into a water type we take it with Sally then we decide to swap to Tada because he's very defensive like that slam literally didn't do any damage then he uses crab Hammer that shouldn't do anything either and we go ahead and cheese him with this electromorphous ability yeah I really hate belly bolt but when he's on my team I guess I can tolerate him but hey after the battle we go ahead and evolver Magnemite to Magneton and we can't use the third evolution because it doesn't even look gold anymore so yeah in holy [ __ ] we have the ability analytic yo I had no idea but I did not feel like shiny hunting right now so I just go ahead and go against the poison start remember I don't know how many times we're gonna get lucky in this video but we started the battle and it's raining so we immediately trash less into a water tap and just use waterfall in one shot the stun King yeah the rain definitely mattered there his I mean his muck comes out anyways we one shot that [ __ ] too and rubber room comes out and we have a lot of our HP so we go ahead and just use waterfall again as it uses insurance and we take it out but at this point yeah we're kind of low and starmobiles are very overpowered and annoying and it's annoying that they don't even give you XP for the the [ __ ] battle but we go ahead and take that poison type move I'm not even gonna try to say that [ __ ] I mean it's not even that hard noxious torque I could have said it for real anyways we swapped the Burmy and yeah he's immune to that [ __ ] so we're able to just utilize the analytic ability since we're very very slow and yeah that doesn't do that much damage mainly because we're using a 4D base power move so I decided to swap it up into the 80 base power move that's normal that does a lot more damage and we're able to take him down without dying I'm not gonna lie this dude's nasty as hell he gives us a Gunk shot after the battle but after this I finally festered up enough energy to go ahead and hatch a hundred [ __ ] eggs in a row and we managed to get the pine Co the golden one but yeah I don't have enough energy to level this [ __ ] up so we're not even gonna use it for the next battle but we're finally at like the midpoint of the gyms but this game was long as [ __ ] and we have to do like 18 things in order to complete it but now it's time to go against Larry Larry the Lobster wait wrong anime we immediately use rain dance on Sally and then just waterfall the Kamala but they yawned me so I go to sleep after doing that and done Sports comes out and I decided to stay in because I'm like [ __ ] it the rain's up we take a hyper oh that [ __ ] does way too much damage I'm not gonna lie oh my God yo why is it doing it so much damage what is this a yeah we're gonna have to swap we swapped the Sabo and yeah you can't even touch just because we're a normal type the rain stops and we go ahead and use foul play on this [ __ ] but it glares me of course it glares me but we're actually doing a significant amount of damage to us and the only thing he can do is drill run and finally this Raptor comes out it intimidates me immediately so I just go ahead and swap the burmi hoping that this the Raptor isn't a Pokemon Diamond build with close combat oh my God what's wrong with this dude's shirt yo this game is ass but it immediately to rationalizes into a normal type and we take their ear release yeah that doesn't do anything and we go ahead and use Flash Cannon as we take a facade that literally does nothing and yeah this battle's over I'm sorry boom just like that we get the next gym next we gotta go against nimona and even though we keep turning down her battles she's just forcing us to battle her kind of sucks that we're forced to a non-consensual battles against this girl who doesn't know what no means but we're not gonna get into that ultimately we're able to put the absolute Smooths on all of her Pokemon damn near one-shotting everything smacking the [ __ ] out of this glue what the [ __ ] [ __ ] out I'm not gonna let you disrespect my Pokemon like that then she tries license in real Scar and use a slash that literally doesn't do anything we use lunch and almost kill this [ __ ] and she uses flour oh my God yo I was resistant to that and you remind us one how did you just kill me like that well just like that we just lost nyler which was like a really good Pokemon but hey we're able to barely survive another flower trick and take out the miascar to holy crap that Pokemon's broken as [ __ ] but unfortunately we have to put nyler in the box but this now gives us the opportunity to evolve our golden Fortress look at this [ __ ] this [ __ ] is awesome and yeah looking at my team I don't really have that much offensive power the only offensive power I have is this goddamn Gyarados and a Magneton with the analytic ability but on the bright side we do have a lot of bulk but trying to get a little bit more offensive power I go ahead and grind the next 20 plus hours to get this goddamn azural this [ __ ] comes out the egg looking nasty as [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] it's green the next we gotta go against the only gym leader and only person in his region that likes hip-hop music gym leader rhyme she sends out her bayonet and her mimikyu we go ahead and use Sully and Shine the first turn we take a sucker punch and then we Iron Head the mimikyu and then we [ __ ] by the Slash and then I try to use rain dance but for some reason it doesn't work I have no idea why but okay the next turn we take a shadow sneak and you shift gear and Dragon Dance at this point I'm going for the sweeps the next turn I go ahead and take another Sucker Punch but we're able to Iron Head the mimikyu in one shot that [ __ ] but both for a Pokemon go down like unhappy Housewives trying to get validation from their husbands that don't love them anymore next for toxicity comes out and terrazolizes into a ghost type and get that [ __ ] out of here we just one shot that [ __ ] unfortunately the battle is not over yet we barely take out the Hound Stone the next turn we're just faster than it so we can't even touch it and we take a Phantom Force and luckily we do not get crit yeah that was 120 base power move that [ __ ] could have killed us but we're able to kill her oh my goodness I can't believe we're almost done with the freaking video a midpoint of the vid hey if you're enjoying this [ __ ] you gotta leave a like and you gotta subscribe we're so close to 10 000 subscribers I can smell it I can taste it I appreciate all you people for the support that being said let's go ahead and go against the next Titan in the span of us talking Mary literally just one shot at that [ __ ] oh my god of course we gotta go against it round two and we have Arvin on our side this time which means there's less of a risk of dying thank God because we constantly have to go against overpowered as Pokemon and it's kind of annoying but yeah we just two shot that [ __ ] I'm gonna be real Marie is the move and I'm glad we have huge power on this look at this golden egg rabbit this [ __ ] looks like the Easter Bunny had sex with a grape but finally we're able to relax a little bit and eat it oh my God my ride on why are you like this oh my God bro we've been battling Pokemon for like 15 hours like Mariah and I'm hungry as [ __ ] I haven't ate anything and then you're just gonna eat this [ __ ] in my face okay yo all right bro okay okay I see what type of timing you on bro but yeah finally we make it out of this cave we make it to alfornata and we gotta go against uh namona and we have to have another non-consensual battle against her we take out our first Pokemon barely dying and then when our Palma comes out we just go ahead and use Tata okay this thing has voltas orb we take that out and then we just utilize our goddamn car and rev up the engine and just run over all of her [ __ ] Pokemon hey yo I'm gonna be real it's not fair bro I'm literally using a [ __ ] car and running Pokemon over bro of course yeah we gotta play Dance Dance Revolution and then battle Pokemon simultaneously over and over again it's very annoying but hey it's time to go against Tula we go ahead and rev up our engine against her fat neck giraffe Pokemon look at this ugly ass [ __ ] yeah get the [ __ ] out of here you just got run over by a goddamn car you know what [ __ ] this I'm about to run over all your goddamn Pokemon with this goddamn car it's definitely not over yet now we gotta go against the ice type gym we gotta go against this man yes I'm acknowledging you're a man this video yo it's about goddamn time hey but I'm on your head next video don't don't get comfortable we immediately shift gear as they Tailwind but it doesn't matter because I'm already faster than this so I just immediately to rationalize into a Steel type and absolutely [ __ ] every single one of his Pokemon you're able to just speed run through the game if you could just run over every single Pokemon in your path with a goddamn car that's flexing on you with a golden Grill running around and hatching eggs is so freaking annoying that being said we just beat this gatekeeper for the fairy base which makes a lot of sense because he's Rich As [ __ ] we're not even gonna get into financial [ __ ] right now we gotta go against the zest King the fairy type God the fairy type meister and we immediately start to battle by you already know revving up our Engine with shift gear as a huge charm okay all right all right and he does it again okay bro we take that out and then his dog comes out and then we send out Peanut oh look at Pinot in the goddamn Sun yo he flexing right now bro look at yo look at this sign bro I'm not gonna lie this is the coolest shining we have on our team right now anyways we swap back to our car so we can just run over everything but he just he's just annoying bro he just uses mud slap on me dropping my accuracy and [ __ ] but luckily we're able to break through and then when Wiggly tough comes out we do another shift gear just to be able to one shot everything we take out that Wiggly tough I'm not gonna lie yo I never thought I would [ __ ] with a car this much but hey this is the coolest car in Pokemon the only car in Pokemon we're able to destroy the Starmobile in the span of me having that conversation and I'm not gonna lie I thought Ortega was Italian dressing but it looks like he's double dabbling on them on both teams as you can see in this photo finally we are damn near done with the freaking game let's go boys we just gotta go against the false Titan this this big ass mouth Pokemon anyways we destroy that [ __ ] and then we gotta go against this tattoo giri and yeah this [ __ ] is just bulky as hell how is the analytic boosted discharged doing this little damage like come on bro so I swapped to my boy shine we're gonna go ahead and run this [ __ ] over we take the dragon pulse with ease we go ahead and use poison jab and yeah that does a lot of goddamn damage this is a lit ass Pokemon we poison it it's gonna go down anytime now any any turn now it should it should be dead and then in Muddy Waters oh and kills it okay bro we just lost our car and then this [ __ ] survives like a goddamn Shonen protagonist look at his HP bro you should be dead well just like that we lost one of my favorite Pokemon that we're using in this run and one of the most powerful Pokemon that we're using for this run but it is what it is I'm used to losing Pokemon that take 20 plus hours to get on the bright side we can go ahead and use this shiny real orb he has a Golden Ball but in order to evolve it we have to go to mezzagoza walk around in circles until this [ __ ] gets the inspiration to evolve into a whole nother being yeah it doesn't make any sense to me how you could just push a metal ball and then evolve but you know what it is practice but it's not even like your Forte I mean you're like a special attacker it doesn't even make any sense but anyways in a span of of that time we evolved this [ __ ] and we can continue with the game finally the last team star base that we have to do before we have to go against a bunch of strong ass Pokemon we go ahead and send out Robo against the toxic croak and yeah this Pokemon's ability just goes off because it knows it's gonna die in one hit yeah that [ __ ] just dies next to Lucario comes out and I decided to take the chance and stay in and it has dark balls I almost died but we're able to get the psychic off and swap to sell it taking another Dragon pulse but it doesn't do that much damage then it out speeds me the very next turn and dragon pulses me again almost kills me but we're able to survive it get the rain dance up survive another Dragon pulse and to rationalize into a water type and use waterfall Gyarados is gonna have to put in a lot of work that being said the passing man dies as annihilate comes out and we're able to outspeed it and kill that and finally your Star mobile comes out but I cannot afford to lose this Pokemon Sally is the only wall breaker on my team and I'm forced to swap so I swapped the Mary as it uses a combat tour this is when I decided to use the aqua tail because the rain is still up and we get a boost that does half of his HP but it has stamina which means 50 of his defense gets increased every time we hit this [ __ ] it keeps using shift gear we miss one player we missed two play roughs we get spinned out knocked down a 19 HP then zumro wants to land his play rub oh my goodness luckily we have Tada at full HP is 240 HP look at this [ __ ] but he is high horsepower holy smokes I took the chance though I took another high Hertz horsepower and luckily we're able to survive with 2hp and take out the star mogu but finally we make it to the end of the wait is that Goldilocks in the background hey yo but finally it's time to take on the Elite Four we gotta go against so many goddamn Pokemon this is our team right now like this is the only Pokemon we're gonna be using because I'm not gonna shiny Hut for even more and if I do it's only gonna be because someone died here but we immediately struck the battle against wish cash with our Robo and we psychic it we take two Muddy Waters that don't do [ __ ] and we're able to take down the wish cash with ease as camera up comes out and I completely forget that this thing is a fire type and it absolutely destroys me with fire blast and that could have been avoided because I have fire resist okay yeah I'm really dumb I'm not gonna lie we get the rain dance up but then the camera makes me go to sleep so I just decided to use Dragon ants and stay in and hope that I wake up use a fire blast Miss use another fire blast and it misses damn only if you missed that fire blast on Robo anyways we're able to wake up and we're able to destroy it and then dolphin comes out we pop is sturdy but we take a Stone Edge luckily we don't die we take that out then we're able to out speed the duck Trio and take that out Cloud sire comes out and protects and I use waterfall but I totally forgot that this Pokemon has water absorbed luckily he does not have a move to touch me because I'm a lying type so we decided to stain and crunch hoping that it doesn't take us out we only have 40 HP remaining as the liquid is take us down to 20 each people were able to take him down but now we gotta go against this little girl with Steel type Pokemon he immediately gets rocks up and I just drag and dance and space two times Dodges attack I don't know how I managed to do that but then we terrazolized into a water type and just absolutely [ __ ] this thing into space and then magnetism comes out and I know that this Pokemon is just scripted to just freaking use light screen for some reason no matter what so I just kill it as corbini comes out very bulky annoying Pokemon but it doesn't even matter because we're terracialized in times too bronzon comes out and yeah we just absolutely destroy that thing too and then tinkerton comes out oh my God this cold curious is [ __ ] me up that wasn't even a contest like I said this is our only wall breaker if we lose Gyarados at all I'm gonna be real like bro we're just gonna lose like I don't even think we could complete this challenge next we gotta go against Tropius look how tiny this thing is against Gyarados I'm not gonna lie Gyarados looks freaking lit as hell but yeah we go ahead and just drag and dance twice all in his face as it sunny days and uses a solar beam we're able to just take that and then we go ahead and use ice thing to destroy the Tropius this Raptor comes out an intimidating me yeah that intimidate really does matter but I go ahead and to wrestle those into a water type and use waterfall almost taking it out but it uses a bravery bird and survives yo what the okay well at this point we can't use Gyarados anymore we have to swap the Tada and we're able to take out the strapter with the discharge ulterior comes out we take the dragon pulse get an electromorphous boost and absolutely destroy it as oricorio comes out he cheater dances me which is very annoying and very problematic because we just smack ourselves in the face luckily we're able to get a boosted discharge to take out the Ori choreo though and finally this goddamn pink flamingo Pokemon comes out and I don't really have an answer to this this thing is just really strong it rationalizes into a flying type and then uses close combat on me we're able to take that [ __ ] with ease but this is when I decided to use rollout it used Brave Bird it almost takes me out but then we use rollout and it literally does no damage and then we die because I forgot that rollout actually blocks you into the move and it's a 20 base power move and I was thinking that I had Rock last for some reason but yeah we just lost Pinot we sent out Marine we're able to survive the Brave Bird and land the play rough oh thank God I swear playoff has like a 30 chance to miss I'm saying this thing has a 70 accuracy I swear to God play rough is play Miss because that [ __ ] always misses when I needed to anyways we got to put Pinot in the box which really sucks and now we literally only have four Pokemon remaining and now we gotta go against hassle we immediately Dragon Dance and take out his Noivern just barely with an ice thing then dragly comes out and we just one shot that do we get poison pointed which really sucks it means we're gonna die if we stay in no matter what so I decided to swap in a Mary and then he just quits me with a goddamn Rock tune then smacks me in the face with iron head but we're able to land the player up as falapple comes out this is when I decided to swap the Burmese as a seed bombs we take a dragon rush it does absolutely nothing and then we use an analytic boosted flash Cannon to smack that [ __ ] in the face as Bax caliber comes out and immediately try rationalizes into a dragon type and then he uses brick break almost killing me but we get the flash Cannon off but it doesn't do enough damage this is when we decided to swap the Tada and take another brick break then we to rationalize into an electro type and we already have our electromorphia stuff so after he glaive rushes us we almost die but since he takes double damage after the Glade rush and we're boosted we're able to absolutely destroy the back Excalibur but we lost five Pokemon up to this point we have four Pokemon remaining and we have to go against the elite four member we start the battle by crunching and absolutely destroying the asparada as king Gambit comes out and I really don't have a way to touch this and I swapped the Burmy I took the Stone Edge then I discharged and somehow I'm faster than this but luckily it was good that we're faster than here the avalog comes out and I know this thing has an earthquake so I swap then I try to get as much damage as possible with waterfall but that was a big ass mistake because it has Avalanche and that just does way too much damage so we decided to swap the ta-da and immediately terrazolize into a electric tape and use discharge absolutely destroying the avalog as GoGo comes out and I know this thing can't really touch me but he's faster than us so he charges up our electromorphous giving us enough power to be able to take out this Pokemon even though we're doing a resistant move as Volusia comes out and yeah this [ __ ] just gets absolutely destroyed unfortunately he drops our defense as glamora comes out and at this point yeah I didn't really know what to do I knew this had the Earth of power so we just lost ta-da right there which really sucks but there's literally nothing I could have done there this one has decided to swap the Marie and try to get an aqua tail off as we take a sledge and then we we literally miss it like we could have killed it like we dead ass could have killed it we're forced to swap the Burmy anticipating another sludge wave but we're able to take that so we know this Pokemon has a ground type move so we decided to swap until Gyarados and we're able to out speed the glamora and get a waterfall off hoping that we Flinch it and we do but it doesn't even matter because we lost like three Pokemon in the process of just doing this we literally only have three Pokemon left and it really sucks so this is when I decided to go ahead and get a Miss magius after getting this Pokemon I was done that being said we gotta go against nimona luckily we were able to utilize our wall breaker the golden Gyarados to just dragging it and absolutely destroy all of her Pokemon yeah without this Pokemon we definitely would have lost immediately but it's not over we finally finished our first path of the game but now we gotta go against the director and he is like Ops Pokemon I'm not looking forward to this at all but we go ahead and start the battle with Sally and they get to reflect up as we crunch them twice and we managed to take them down luckily Sally has a lot of goddamn attack next the Houndoom comes out and we just waterfall we're able there's one shot that [ __ ] through the screen but then a bomb of snow comes out and he has snow warning which is annoying it doesn't do trick damage anymore on the bright side but we use icefing it literally does nothing then this Pokemon decides to use a roarville like this Pokemon is so physically defensive it's not even funny besides you use woodhammer and we take that with Burmy and we go ahead and use a flash game and it does a decent amount of damage we take the blizzard and we're able to take out the Obama snow in the very next turn but his whole team still has the goddamn auroraville up so when the polti guys comes out I literally don't even have a choice but to discharge hoping that we paralyze it and we do 30 chance for that to happen we take a Shadow Ball and the snow stops in the auroraville wears off but I'm not trying to lose Burmy belly comes out we take a Shadow Ball and we outspeed it and crunch it now a Mungus comes out I decide to take the chance in just ice thing and we literally freeze it quavo comes out in a medium we decide to swap the Maria as it immediately tarantulas into a water type and then it Aqua steps me it doesn't do that much of damage but he's constantly raising the speed which doesn't really matter because this Pokemon was faster than me anyways but we just have to hope that we land the playrooms we land the first one then we have to land the second one I'm not taking a chance I don't know why I decided to just bounce the next turn we actually landed but it's not over yet because now we gotta go against the goddamn six man of evolution this girl is so goddamn obsessed with Eeveelutions is not even funny but we just utilize all of our Pokemon to the point where we're able to take out her first two Pokemon and then when the Flareon came out I knew that I had enough defense and power to just drag and dance to rationalize and one shot the Flareon and when the Le'Veon came out yeah I probably shouldn't have terrazolized so then I swapped the Burmy we take a leaf Blade with ease and we go ahead and use our analytic ability to one shot the Leafeon Vaporeon comes out and yeah we're able to just discharge that and just one shot it because analytic is just freaking busted finally Sylveon comes out and immediately terrazolizes into a fairy type we flash Cannon because we're faster but we're able to take out the Sylveon luckily we made it throughout the whole entire freaking game without losing a single Pokemon but now we gotta go against Arvin in his Minecraft Pokemon anyways we're able to take out that squirrel and that squid then we gotta go against dream I mean not dream this Minecraft Pokemon we absolutely destroy that test but just like that utilizing all of our Pokemon we managed to make it through the end of the game with these last form on will we be able to beat the last guy I have no idea but we're damn near gonna try you gotta go against arvin's Dad we immediately start to battle with a Burmy and yeah he literally has a freaking fire type out so I decided to swap to selly but it doesn't matter because he's as Ops Pokemon he uses a fiery dance raising its special attack and we to rationalize into a water type and use waterfall absolutely destroying it Nexus iron hands come out and we try to Flinch it but yeah it has Thunder Punch and he absolutely destroys me next we send out dread and we use Shadow Ball and it literally survives it and then Thunder punches me but we're able to take it out now iron juggalus comes out this one I decided to swap to birming we take a Dark Pulse and then the iron juggalus uses flamethrower we survive on one HP yo I don't know what the odds were to that happening but we killed it next his next Pokemon comes out and we're able to get a flash Cannon before picking an earthquake and then yeah his next Pokemon literally just out speeds me and kills me Aaron bundles comes out and dropex me and we're able to land this Shadow Ball and kill it but when his arm Valley comes out yeah that [ __ ] just destroys me so ah we failed this is our first fail on the channel and it was literally at the very end of the goddamn game but technically speaking we we beat the whole entire game so [ __ ] it but these were all the Pokemon that we had we lost all 11 of them but if you enjoyed the video please make sure to like comment subscribe I make videos just like this every single week and if you guys want some more shiny Nuzlocke we've got to get this video to 500 likes we got to we got to that's just what it is but thank you for watching and if you made it this far like I said the other video I want you guys to tell me your favorite food and don't add any context just put it in the comment want to see what your favorite food is but that's it thank you for watching taking me straight to the top there ain't no way that I'm planning to stop I've been racing through all the blocks if you want static call me on shocked I gotta go I gotta go I gotta be the greatest story told so if I go on the road for a while it was like this since I was a child but I've been snapping like a crocodile it's been playing player better go switch up your style go for a mile in my shoe see what I do too much improved gotta put on for the fam and the crew I'm going ham I just do what I do [Music]
Channel: Duwajii
Views: 49,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon nuzlocke shinies only, pokemon nuzlocke but only shinies, Hardcore Nuzlocke Shiny Only, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Shiny Pokemon Nuzlocke Challenge
Id: bMF4hvR4tew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 23sec (2183 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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