Pokémon Violet Hardcore Nuzlocke - Cats Only! (No items, no overleveling)

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this video is sponsored by Squarespace the all-in-one platform to easily and efficiently build and manage your own website I'm flagon HG and in this video we're doing a hardcore Nuzlocke of Pokemon Violet with only cats in a Nuzlocke if a Pokemon faints it's dead forever and I can only catch one sweet little kitten per area the rest of the rules for this playthrough are shown here and in the description down below I'll be doing every single boss battle in level cap order until my jellicle friends face off against the game's final boss AI turo so let's get to it the starter for this run as you might have guessed is the grass cat Pokemon spigotito just like in my puppy lock every encounter in this challenge will be named after pets submitted by members of my patreon but there was only one true candidate for sprigatido and that's this dashing little man grebo top 10 cat names right there it's only been about 30 seconds but I can already say that it was enchanting to meet grebo as a natural Outdoorsman and swashbuckling rap scallion with an insatiable quest for adventure he's the perfect namesake for my first teammate the griebster's grass typing means that he's perfectly capable of trouncing nimona and her terastalizing palmy so after some button mashing we're free to scour the open world of paldea for an army of kitten Warriors our first recruit is a Shinx from South Province Area 3 named after this Majestic jet black kitten pickles look at how fluffy he is pickles was loved by his owner Dakota for many years until he sadly passed away in 2021 but I think we can all agree that pickles was and is a beautiful boy just look at him Roar it's a dangerous proposition naming a Pokemon in a Nuzlocke after a pet and I don't take it lightly so I'll be doing everything in my power to keep pickles and every other one of my teammates alive and well until the very end of the run my next encounter is the static EV in South Province area 5. prior to my puppy lock I asked viewers to vote on whether Evie and each of his evolutions were a cat or a dog from the results here you can see that a majority of people voted that Espeon Leafeon Umbreon and Vaporeon are all cats so those will be the eligible encounters for this playthrough but let me know which Eeveelutions you think are cats and which you think are dogs in the comments down below anyways my new Eevee is named Robbie after this goofy little tuxedo cat Robbie loves hugging his brother pearly giving the camera the nasty stink eye and making sweet biscuits what an absolute cutie I could watch this for hours by making the Trek to cascarapha I can pick up a water stone and immediately evolve Robbie into a Vaporeon I don't want any funny business in the comments section so behave yourself okay my final encounter for now is a Meowth from South Province area too he has a wild flying Terror type and already knows aerialace so I use pickles who has evolved into Luxio to catch him without any problems Meowth is named after Carlisle the orange cat at I guess as a dog owner it's really funny that most people have no idea what type of cat they have they're just sort of like I don't know he's orange also don't look him in the eye or he'll kill you in your sleep while I'm on a random tangent here did anyone else read the Twilight books as a kid and think that Carlisle was pronounced Carly slay or am I just an idiot actually don't answer that Carlisle has pickup instead of technician which makes him roughly 50 more useless than I was expecting but I still give him a crack at the first gym leader Katie and her bug types even with the Terra boost though Ariel lace fails to one shot either of her first two Pokemon and I'm not trying to risk one of Carlisle's nine lives on five hits of Fury swipes from Katie's Ace Teddy Ursa so it's Robbie who comes in and cleans up the battle with a few surfs yeah surprise surprise getting the TM for a 90 base power stab move makes the first gym leader pretty trivial Robbie could also easily take care of the Stony Cliff Titan who's next but I let the griebster take a shot at it he's evolved into Florida with the new level cap of 16 and since cloth seems to have a personal Vendetta against Arvin shelter we can knock him out without taking any damage look at how proud gribo is for doing a murder what a stud brassius the second gym leader is next so it's time for more gribo action he can learn acrobatics which becomes a 110 base power flying move if the user isn't holding an item and gribo's hands are free so brassius's Pokemon are simply no match it's agree malicious sweep for badge number two and my adoration for the little fella grows stronger and stronger but the grebster will have to sit this next one out as the Open Sky Titan threatens him with super effective damage fortunately since pickles has the ability to intimidate and his electric typing gives us an easy way to deal big damage this isn't a particularly difficult fight so it's off to the first team Starbase to face down Giacomo and his dark types since he leads with pawniard I lead with the grebster who can learn the fighting type move low sweep which is I forgot to teach him low sweep well that's a big mistake now none of my Pokemon have a way to hit Giacomo's dark types for super effective damage and we don't have any dark type resistances either Robbie is able to come in and take care of pawniard but he was never the main issue in this fight no that would be the Starmobile and staring down this cyborg Abomination with no easy way to take them out is pretty terrifying now is not the time to spiral though I might be able to salvage this rev a room kicks things off with a critical hit Wicked torque as we retaliate with an icy win to lower their speed not what you want to see especially because the Starmobile is still faster on the next turn though a second Wicked torque doesn't crit and leaves Robbie in the red so my slippery Kitty is able to retaliate with a surf for a very solid chunk of damage but that means that Robbie my bulkiest boy is now effectively useless for the rest of the battle I switched to pickles to get off an intimidate which is phenomenal as long as River Room doesn't get another critical hit for now we're safe to do a bit of damage with a spark as the Starmobile goes for metal sound with the special defense drops we gotta switch to grebo who shrugs off a snarl I terastalize to deal a little bit more damage with our seed bomb as the Starmobile goes for a wicked torque slowly but surely our damage is building up I stay in for a second turn and this time Giacomo goes for metal sound as another seed bomb whittles away at the sentient automobiles HP bar now it's back to pickles to get off another intimidate and tank a snarl which crits that was way too close back to grebo on a snarl this activates our orenberry but a crit from Wicked blow will absolutely kill the grebster from here my hands are tied though I gotta take the risk to get off another attack a wave of relief floods over me as Giacomo goes for snarl which does just enough damage to drop gribo into overgrow range boosting his grass type attacks and giving him enough power for one last seed bomb to knock out rev of room and win us the battle that was an extremely close call but despite my mistake the kittens pulled through it was a phenomenal performance from everyone so now it's off to East Province Area 1 to recruit my next teammate a lit Leo named after Macy the tortoise shell cat she's the perfect namesake for a soon-to-be lioness just look at those claws truly Nature's most fearsome Predator with our fifth kitten adopted I head to lavincia for the fight against nimona gribo breezes through this fight without breaking a sweat but this is a pretty significant fight for me personally because it's the first time I'm laying eyes on a quack swell not a fan anyways after obliterating Dewey Duck it's time for the fight against the third gym leader iono despite having limited super effective damage into most of her Pokemon this is a pretty clean fight Carlisle makes a brief appearance to take out her lead Watch Role with a power gem pickles with an assault vest is a good check into iono's friend-shaped frog he even manages to get a freeze with icefang Skillet grebo is able to grieve all over iona's Luxio with a few sea bombs and then miss magius can be dealt with by a terastalized Robbie his normal Terror type gives him hex immunity which can be abused for fairly safe switches between him and pickles a few turns later miss magius Falls and the third gym badge is ours the next team star boss Mella is Walled quite effectively by Robbie this fight was the main reason that I went for Vaporeon before any of the other eligible Evolutions any moderately bulky water type makes quick work of her torkal and her fire type revive room which can otherwise be pretty difficult Robbie also makes fairly quick work of the lurking steel Titan with a few serfs but not before ruthlessly killing arvin's toad School in some Friendly Fire It's a small price to pay for salvation I'm sure Arvin and his toad School completely understand and there's no Bad Blood by the time we get to kofu and his water types for the fourth gym badge pickles has fully evolved into luxray he's now more than capable of taking out kofu's first two Pokemon with a single spark of Peace kofu's krabominable can do a lot of damage with crab Hammer so it's actually Robbie who whittles away at him with Surf and gribo who ultimately gets the kill with a seed bomb winning us the fourth gym badge rebo's so cool I'd do anything for grebo if he told me to jump I'd say how high if he told me to run I'd say how far if he told me to surrender all my material possessions I'd say I'm a happier man and if he told me to subscribe to flag on HG on YouTube I'd say that kinda breaks the fourth wall gribo but anything you say in grebe we trust that was a pretty easy chunk of Boss Battles but next is the third team star boss Atticus and without a Steel type Pokemon his poison types are pretty tricky fortunately we can get one more encounter here to make things a bit easier from West Province Area 3 I catch another Evie she's named after Henrietta AKA Henry AKA hen another tortoise shell kitty as you can see she's got quite the personality when she puts her mind to something there's nothing that can stop her from getting what she wants Henrietta will need to tap into her namesake's Unstoppable determination because she's crucial for my plan against Atticus with a few levels and a lot of love pen evolves into Espeon inarguably the most cat-like of the evolutions the rest of them are definitely in a gray area but more encounters means more kittens and I don't think anyone objects to more kittens with her psychic typing and monstrous special attack pen will be phenomenal into atticus's poison types the issue is that Atticus leads with the part dark types gun tank who's not only immune to psychic type attacks but also threatens with priority Sucker Punch Henrietta is pretty frail on the physical side so A Sucker Punch will immediately turn her into a ghost type fortunately we can stall out all five of skuntank Sucker Punch PP by just going for a non-damaging move that causes Sucker Punch to fail I use fake tears to lower skuntang's special defense then henrietta's free to out speed and get the kill with a hyper voice I I make sure to rasterize before getting the kill not to boost the power of hypervoice though skuntank is at -6 special defense so there's no way we don't get the kill here but by dropping our psychic typing this baits in atticus's muck with 95 base power sludge wave instead of his rev of room who no longer sees super effective 60 base power Assurance muck is the easier of the two to deal with sludge wave doesn't do much damage so two Psy beams are enough to take him out River Room Steel type means he doesn't take super effective damage from psybeam but since we outspeed I assume he's just gonna go for a bulldoze I assume wrong and an Ironhead gets dangerously close to killing Henrietta that was pretty stupid at the very least we can take out rev of room with another Psy beam leaving Atticus with just the navi Starmobile through a series of switches I can lower their attack with repeat intimidates from pickles as well as chilling water from Robbie noxious torque ends up poisoning a lot of My Pokemon but with their attack drops so many stages Robbie can wall Atticus is mechanical monstrosity fairly well with the combination of rest and surf eventually we get to a point where the Starmobile is in the red and Robbie's at risk to a crit so Carlisle who has evolved into Persian since we last saw him comes in to finish the job starmobiles can't be statist which apparently includes being flinched so fake out was a misplay and needlessly exposes Carlisle to a potential critical hit but since I'm the greatest nuzlocker alive I go unpunished and Carlisle takes out the Starmobile with a hyper voice on the next turn winning us the battle with the new level cap of 36 Macy finally evolves into pyroar so perhaps you'll see some more use now and by more use I mean any use at all so far Macy's done literally nothing litlio is a terrible Pokemon and evolving at level 35 is way too high what is this generation 5 nevertheless pyroar is a decent Pokemon and fire types are quite good in this game but forget that everyone shut up gribo's evolving into his final form Rebo Rebo Rebo Rebo Rebo three bow three bow three bow three bow three bow skarata is a truly ridiculous Pokemon his signature move flower trick has 70 base power always crits and never misses by giving the greekster a miracle seed and terastalizing into his grass type form this effectively gives flower trick a base power of 252. that's disgusting and more than enough to get a clean one shot into Larry's comala in the fight for the fifth gym badge his de duns bars is actually bulky enough to survive one hit but all he can do is nail us with a fairly strong hyper drill before going down on the next turn that leaves the Raptor his intimidate lowers grebo's attack but that won't matter since flower trick always crits we almost certainly get the kill here but just to be safe I pivot to pickles with a U-turn as the Raptor goes for aerialase the bird of prey then out speeds to hit a facade but pickles is holding a Chillin Berry to keep him safe from a critical hit in case you haven't heard you should always always play around those bad boys a volt switch gets the greepster back in who now absolutely gets the kill with another flower trick that was probably unnecessarily fancy but there's no heck in way I'm risking grebo's life I'll tell you that much right now it's always better to be safe than sorry that mentality is crucial in nuzlocking and in life because life is full of risk and there's no way around that but you can avoid unnecessary risk for example just a few years ago a dear friend of mine called me up and said Dr flagon I need help I want to create a website for my business or hobby but without the proper tools it's such a risk So I says to him Adam buddy you gotta use the sponsor of this video Squarespace Squarespace is an online platform that helps you build and manage your own website whether that's an online store for your business or a personal blog for your thoughts with squarespace's all in one platform it's quick and painless to easily design professional and Polished websites for example with the help of their customizable templates I created popular hg.com the one and only destination to find curated pictures of my Corgi puppy poppy that last bit really got Adam interested he just kept demanding more and more pictures of Poppy but eventually I was able to continue so I say to him Squarespace also has a ton of other really useful features like analytic information about the traffic of your website the ability to add and play embedded videos directly on your website and Squarespace member areas which can be used to connect with audiences and create exclusive members only content So Adam if you're looking to start a website for your business or hobby then you should absolutely check out squarespace.com for a free trial and when you're ready to launch your website you can use my custom link to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain with that Adam was moved to Tears by my testimony and he instantly got to work making his website with squarespace.com he even went on to partner with them himself thanks so much to Squarespace for sponsoring this video and for helping my close personal friends acting career get off the ground now let's get back to the challenge time for the Boss Rush at the end of the mid game since grebo is now a dark type and pickles can learn crunch they easily take care of rhyme's ghost types for badge number six Robbie easily dispatches the quake and Earth Titan and then it's back to the grebster for the fight against tulip psychic types for badge number seven that means that we've quickly made it to the 8th gym leader crew shot normally he's pretty easy with any fire type and we have one in Macy but Macy's Terror type is normal instead of fire and her ability rivalry means that she does less damage into male Pokemon which most of grusha's Pokemon are his lead Frost moth is female though so we actually get a boost here not that it matters since flamethrower is quad effective bear take his second in male but apparently flamethrower is Enough For the Kill anyways so I guess crucial just sucks the Titan has thick fat and liquidation but that means that Robbie can switch in for free and then it's pretty safe to take him out with a few surfs that just leaves Altaria who seems to have an incredible success rate when it comes to confusing my Pokemon with the 70 accurate hurricane I've never seen him miss a hurricane but I have seen him get multiple confusions in the same battle many times nevertheless with some switches through the electric type pickles it's relatively easy to get Macy back in safely and then roast the icy bird with one last flamethrower that wins US the eighth and final gym badge and with all eight gym badges it's time for what you've all been waiting for the most exciting most exhilarating part of the Pokemon scarlet and violet it's time to go to school yep we're gonna learn languages with Salvatore and we're gonna do it over and over and over again and then we're gonna take the midterm and then we're gonna do even more classes and then we're gonna take a final and then we're gonna fail the final and then we're gonna take the final again in my defense the Pokemon language questions are there is zero discernible difference between the noises this Pikachu is making I'm I'm being gaslit anyways there's a reason for doing all these language classes and it's not to get five medium XP candies no that's just the sweet sweet cherry on top you spoil us so Game Freak No the real reward for doing these specific classes is that by doing them you get to talk to Salvatore in different parts of the academy and push the relationship between student and teacher to the very dangerous precipice of what's acceptable and has a reward Salvatore eventually gives me a Valerian Meowth who becomes teammate number seven I name him Robin after this adorable cutie right here Robin AKA Dick Grayson got his name because he was a dick to his owners when he was first brought home which is an objectively hilarious way to name your pet sadly Robin passed away in December of last year so hopefully just a small part of him can live on through our little galerian Meowth and he'll be pretty important because steel types are phenomenal and most games but especially this one plus thanks to his gallerian ancestry Robin evolves into Berserker instead of Persian who gives our team some much needed physical bulk but he's not the only one because now that our level cap is above 50 I can head to South Province area 4 and catch the wild Terror type Leafeon that's waiting for me I name him friend after this very affectionate stray cat that one of my viewers took care of since then Fran has found his forever home and I can't think of a more deserving furball to be represented by my favorite Eeveelution I also head to Al for not a cavern with the intention of catching the wild Terror type Umbreon there but try as I might I can't figure out how to get to him without being able to climb up walls so he'll need to wait just a little while longer the fourth team star boss is next and as usual his fairy types are pretty easy his lead to zumerel and Wigglytuff are dispatched by pickles with a few Sparks and then Dodge bun and the root boss Starmobile are taken out by Robin the Berserker after that we can head to Casa Royale Lake to face down the final Titan friend is able to pretty easily dispatch the Don dozo but even with an assault vest he takes a bit too much damage from tachigiri's Icy wind so it's Robbie that comes in and ultimately finishes the fight but with that my Zoid can climb up walls so I head back to alfanata Cavern and catch the final Encounter of the Run thanks to a broken Ultra Ball Umbreon hits gribo with a foul play that would have just straight up killed him if it crit that was pretty stupid of me but one ball HG is not used to dealing with faulty pokeballs fortunately the second Ultra Ball works just fine and Umbreon joins the team before there's any more issues I name Umbreon after moonshine who's technically a female cat but the name is just too perfect take a moment to Marvel at moonshine's unrivaled athleticism she is Grace she is beauty unfortunately that's all the cat-like Pokemon and Scarlet and violet there's just not nearly as many as there are dogs which is a bummer because I'm not able to feature more of your adorable pets but I really do want to thank each and every one of you for sharing your pets with me so many of you sent in so many pets special shout out though to the person who sent me 41 pictures of their cat Atticus to be fair he's very handsome but seriously thank you all so much I hope this montage is just a small consolation for those that couldn't feature in the main video and if you want to send me pet pictures for future challenges consider joining my patreon or you can become a channel member I just recently activated Channel membership on YouTube for people who can't or don't want to subscribe on patreon but anyways with that it's time for the final team star boss Erie she can be pretty tricky but we've got a ringer in Henrietta as with Atticus seriously likes to spam Sucker Punch so we need to stall those out but then a psychic easily gets the one shot on toxic rope Lucario comes out second threatening with Dark Pulse so I switched to Macy who retaliates with a flamethrower for the one shot the Simeon is next and since Macy baits out a close combat with her normal type that gives me a pretty safe switch back into Henrietta a psychic kills persimian and brings in annihilabe but annihil Apes pretty bulky so it's back to Macy on a rage fist which fails and then right back to Henrietta on another close combat with the defense drops psychic now does more than enough for the KO leaving Erie with just her rev of room but since Fran is physically bulk Ian has access to charm it's pretty easy to pacify the car switch to Robbie and then take them out with a few serfs with that the team star bosses are defeated and All That Remains are the final boss fights of the game clavel is first but gribo cools through much of his team all on his own night slash immediately kills a ranguru Obama snow comes in second so Macy takes care of him with a flamethrower Gyarados is third and because Obama Snow set up Aurora Bale I bring in friend to stall a few turns and put him to sleep with yawn then gribo comes back in and gets the kill with Thunder Punch polti guys goes down to a single night slash and a Mungus goes down to two last is skeleturge but Robbie with an assault vest makes quick work of him easily taking care of the UVA Academy's Headmaster so now it's the Elite Four and as usual we'll be using a single set of six Pokemon for this Gauntlet here they are all a little lower than the level cap so that we don't go past the next level cap of 63 for Arvin and Penny my kitten Warriors are strong and with Commander grebo leading them into battle I'm confident that they've got what it takes Rika is first and her lead whiz cache obviously goes down to a flower trick from the greekster camera up to Second so it's off to Robbie on a fire blast before getting an easy kill with surf Don fan is third and has sturdy but can't do enough damage to my bulky water type for that to matter third is Doug Trio so it's back to grebo as Rika sets up a sandstorm but since flower trick never misses we easily kill the triplets on the following turn and then a flower trick one shots quadzier as well winning us the first fight of the Elite Four can't spell grebo without God second is Poppy so it's time for Macy to let her pyromaniac flag fly flamethrowers get one shots on Poppy's kaparaja bronzong and corvanite magnazone has sturdy so as usual they're able to set up a light screen before going down this means that we won't be getting the one shot on Poppy's tinkerton so it's off to Robin who just Dodges a Stone Edge fake out does some probably meaningless chip damage and then take a ton out speeds us but because she's not very strong we can tank the hit just fine and then our British exchange student retaliates with a close combat or the one shot that's two down third is Larry so it's time for the best Larry strategy in the game choice scarf plus strong ice move ice beams from Ravi kill Tropius staraptor alteria and oricorio I'm a little nervous that we don't get the KO against his flamigo so I switched to Henrietta on a close combat and despite no longer being weak to psychic moves with the defense drops from close combat a psychic is enough for the one shot winning us another other clean battle so forth is hassle unfortunately Robbie's not strong or fast enough even with choice scarf to ensure an ice being sweet instead I lead with Pickles into hassle's lead Noivern he takes 50 from a super Fang and then uses volt switch to bring in Henrietta she too takes 50 from a super Fang on the next turn or she would have if Noivern didn't miss with the Vault switch chip the dazzling gleam is enough for the KO axris comes in second but immediately goes down to a dazzling gleam the Galaxy is third and goes down to a psychic flapple is fourth and you guessed it falls to a dazzling gleam that just leaves back's caliber but it's not quite over yet I switched to Robin as vax caliber goes for a massive Terra boosted Glade Rush despite resisting the attack it does nearly 50 percent if back's caliber crits with another one of those it'll just kill Robin but I have to risk it this might be a first for the pal Dan Elite Four blade rush comes out but Robin survives and since play Ruff will never miss afterbax caliber uses Glade Rush that wins US the final fight of the Elite Four which means it's time to face down the paldan champion Gita for seemingly the millionth time in this playthrough King grebo is our lead and right off the bat a night slash gets the kill against espathra Go goat is second so a U-turn does great damage and brings in Macy as Gita gets greedy and go goes for bulk up a flamethrower finishes off the farm animal and avalug comes in third so Macy just turns her into a really big puddle fourth is King Gambit and with the Rivalry Nerf we're not getting the kill but fortunately Robin can come in on a Stone Edge and then get an easy KO with close combat so fifth is vuvuzela which gives me a safe switch back into grebo on a liquidation and then a flower trick for lays gita's fish so last is glim morum but since Gita trastilizes into a pure rock type one last super effective flower trick takes him out and wins us to fight against the champion of paldea it's a good thing that she's not the final fight in the run because I could have done that in my sleep the next four fights are definitely more challenging Penny and Arvin have the same level cap of 63 so I go with Penny first she leads with Umbreon and if you had to guess who do I lead with Umbreon is bulky enough that a flower trick doesn't just straight up get the one shot but it does enough that we only need to shrug off a single Dark Pulse before getting the KO Leafeon is second so a U-turn to bring Macy in on an x-scissor one flamethrower from her and Leafeon is leafy gone Vaporeon is third so it's time for a mirror match since Penny insists on wasting time with baby doll eyes this is a pretty simple mirror I Ice Beam her until she's at about 50 then I get bored and bring in pickles to finish the job with a spark fourth is Flareon so it's back to Robbie who gets the one shot with a serp fifth is Jolteon so it's back to pickles who expertly Dodges a thunder twice I would been really curious to see how this matchup went if Jolteon didn't miss but it seems that the double misses have convinced Penny to just Spam baby doll lies for the last few turns which nicely sets us up to kill Jolteon with a volt switch since for some reason he has his hidden ability instead of volt absorb this gets me a free switch into Robin and with Penny down to her final Pokemon Sylveon Robin is free to take her out with a super effective iron head winning us the battle sadly gribo grew to level 64 from the experience in the penny fight so for the first time in the Run he's sitting this next battle out instead our lead into arvin's obese rodent is Robin who dusts him with a close combat that brings in sko villain so it's off to Macy on a fire blast than a rivalry boosted flamethrower knocks out the spicy peppers organical is third so I switch in Robbie as he misses a Stone Edge I mean nice Stealth Rock there would have been pretty annoying but now a surf just gets us a one shot toad screw comes in fourth to seek revenge against Robbie for taking her out with surfs during the fight against the lurking steel Titan she's a lot scarier now than she was back then and easily arvin's most obnoxious Pokemon since she oscillates between attacking and clicking Spore seemingly at random a switch to Macy instantly puts her to sleep so I have to immediately switch to Moonshine for his debut despite a special defense drop from Earth power he can easily wall toad screw by putting her to sleep with yawn staying healthy with moonlight and eventually taking her out with a few foul plays Cloister is fifth but after putting him to sleep with yawn pickles is able to come in and get the KO with a volt switch letting me safely bring in Fran who can deal with arvin's final Pokemon mabas Tiff thanks to his intimidate Leaf blade isn't a two shot against the dog but since firefang doesn't do much to our bulky boy on the first turn it's pretty safe to stay in even a terror boosted crunch doesn't do much on the second turn so a few short turns later mabastiff Falls to a final Leaf blade winning us the battle which means that it's time for the final two fights of the run just two more battles between my kittens and a deathless victory the final fight against nimona is first and she comes at us with everything she's got fortunately with the new level cap the grebster is back on the squad and the perfect lead into her Speedy lycanroc one flower trick and you know the rest with her wolf down pomod is next which is nice because I can terastalize and knock that pest into next week with another flower trick palmot is able to hit five of my six team members for stab super effective damage I'm glad to see him gone Goodra is third so I use U-turn for solid chip and to bring in pickles with an assault vest he gets hit by a sludge bomb which poisons that's a little inconvenient especially because Goodra outspeeds us but we handily survive a dragon pulse and then a nice Fang is enough for the KO orthworm is fourth so I switch to Macy the plan was to give her an air balloon for the safe switch but I realized just a second too late that she has a charcoal instead my heart dropped and my eyes widen as I catch my mistake I fall into a panic completely helpless in a situation caused by my own foolishness is this really how I lose my first teammate from a freaking earthworms earthquake thankfully no looks like Macy was bulky enough to have actually survived even a critical hit which is either a testament to Macy's bolt or earthworm suckiness or both but all that matters is that Macy lives and flamethrower kills earthworm on the next turn so fifth is the dunce bars I switched to Robin who comes in on a super effective drill run but he's bulky enough that that doesn't even do 50 a fake out does a smidge of damage and causes the Dunsparce to Flinch before Robin gets the KO with a close combat on the following turn that means that nimona is left with her qua quavel Quay quavo Quake of all I really don't know how to say that since gribo is intentionally already trastalized he's no longer weak to fighting type moves meaning that he can safely come in on a brick break and then do I even need to say it a flower trick kills nimona's disturbingly human-like dancing chicken that wins US the second to last fight of the run but can I close this out deathless or will turo's Paradox Pokemon claim the life of one of my sweet kitten Warriors after the Macy scare against nimona anything's possible but one way or another this ends right here with the most badass Pokeball throw in the history of the franchise AI turo leads with iron moth and I lead with friend in the formerly stray with a single dig he takes out the fire poison type Paradox Pokemon in one shot fading an iron jungle gym next anticipating an air slash I switched to pickles the jet black Jungle Gym doesn't do much with a Dark Pulse thanks to our assault best as we retaliate with a spark that doesn't kill but does get the paralysis meaning that we can finish them off on the following turn but that easily could have been a Flinch from Dark Pulse instead and then things would have gotten a bit scary iron Thorns is next which means it's safe to go back to Fran on an earthquake Fran and pickles are a pretty great team huh another dig gets the one shot on the Rock electric type type leaving turo with just 3 Pokemon left but fourth is his iron sack a very fast and very scary Pokemon they threaten with freeze dry so I switched to Macy The Fearsome iron pouch just goes for snowscape though I can't imagine that freeze dry wasn't a kill against friend so I wonder if this thing is always coded to set up the snow anyways it's off to gribo the Brave on a now baited water pulse thankfully there's no confusion so with a choice scarf the grebster is able to out speed and one shot iron jump with a Terra boosted flower trick that means that iron hands is fit but we've got the perfect answer for him Henrietta the determined comes in and takes a pretty stupid amount of damage from fake out but that's fine because on the following turn she obviously out speeds and one shots iron hands with a single sidekick with that turo is down to his final Paradox Pokemon iron Valiant and though iron Valiant might be stronger Henrietta is quicker so with one last super effective psychic turo's Ace Falls winning us not just the battle but the entire run completely deathless and so ends another petlock with everyone safe and sound just like the puppy lock this one was a ton of fun I got to use Pokemon I've never used before and it really opened my eyes to how ridiculously good of a Pokemon meowskarata is skelettered still has my heart though with dogs and cats taken care of what other pets should I Spotlight in their own Nuzlocke any bird owners out there horse girls what about people that own like hamsters or something let me know in the comments down below and thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed watching it'd be great if you could like the video and subscribe to the channel or don't I don't know but I do know that you should follow me on Twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges you should also subscribe to my highlights channel to get highlights of the challenge I'm currently streaming before it's cut down to a video on the main Channel I just finished a run of the romhack Blaze Black and my editor is doing an amazing job making highlights out of those streams and lastly if you want your pet to be featured in a future Nuzlocke consider subscribing to my patreon or becoming a channel member on YouTube the links to everything are in the description below stay tuned for more Nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit foreign [Music]
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 426,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Gaming, Pokemon Challenge, Challenge Run, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Generation IX
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 55sec (2155 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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