Ducks Only Nuzlocke | Pokemon Violet

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welcome back to some stupid [ __ ] that I thought'd be pretty fun I want a nuzlock Pokémon Violet using only Ducks why Ducks you ask shut up but are there even enough duck Pokémon to do this yeah pretty much so gather around my little ducklings I'm Hades on holiday and this is the duck lock so the general rules of a Nuzlocke are very simple if a Pokémon faints that adorable little bastard is dead forever I mean they went to live Upstate on a farm but our duck loock will have a Twist this will be an elimination style Nuzlocke instead of getting one new Pokémon per route like you usual I will start with my full team of six and that's it partially because I could only think of six Pokémon that fit the bill God I hope you like Duck puns and these six Brave arguably Ducks will have to be strong enough to take us through all eight gym leaders the Elite 4 the champion and the blood God herself and if we lose all of our ducks that's game over so buckle up butter duck it's time for Pokémon duck version if you're new to the Channel first of all welcome also crazy unrelated trivia did you know that YouTube has his fun little animation whenever you subscribe I mean it looks pretty cool I'm super close to 5K so I'd really appreciate it maybe leave a comment below about what other challenges you'd like to see me do also come check out my twitch where I do all the streaming that ends up in these videos all right that's all the selfpromo I've got for now so without further ad duct let's get into it it's time to assemble the Ducks no choice about it we're picking quackley this duck is [ __ ] serving it may seem quiet it doesn't it seems judgmental he's my son and I love him we needed a legally distinct name so we called him Flack we meet our bestest friend who sure does stare at us a lot and flag takes her out no problem after some more neona stares and listening intently to dialogue it's time to assemble the rest of the Ducks introducing huddles the lotad duck Norris the ducklin flare the Magby the quacken and finally who could forget quackers adorable little duck and known war criminal these six ducks are all that stands between us and utter defeat and so begins our duck mock all right I'm going to start talking normal now now before anybody tries to duck expain anything yes of course these are all ducks if they aren't Ducks then why duck bills if they're not Ducks then why shape like Duck your honor I rest my case now since most of our ducks are DLC Ducks I had them imported so quick shout out to hulkin and call me Ohio in the chat for ethically sourcing our ducks for wartime purposes and with the team fully assembled we could finally play the game so we start up by beating some kids up and shaking them down for money don't judge me you're not better than me and since it's been 5 minutes neodo does thirst for blood once more so it's time for our next Rival Battle sadly this does mean I need to beat up this adorable little bastard I close my eyes and Flack does what he has to do I'm so sorry my little baby boy okay all right let's never think about that again until we have to do it over and over whenever we fight neona now neon's next Pokemon highlights the biggest challenge we're going to face in this duck blck we are poorly balanced and electricity is kind of a big problem for us so flare steps up to the plate and while he hits hard off brand Pikachu gets a paralysis and we lose a turn after potioning up flare finally finishes the fight cming the bloodlust of pona for now this battle foreshadows the shape of of our duck lock I'm going to need to play creatively to get around our teams small to massive weaknesses but hey no no pressure right but regardless we waddle on and along the way we meet our other other best friend Penny embroiled in Conflict don't hurt her even though she kind of started this situation the more I think I'm not here I'm not here to critique the plot of Pokemon I am not here to critique the team star storyline Falls very short for me none of this bullying situation really makes sense because they did they they become not going to think about it we're just going to fight this team star member because this is a scripted sequence we're going to get Penny as a friend and then we're not going to worry about the plot of Pokemon all right look at me Big Hero in campus that's great can I leave not until you sit down and finish your unskippable cut scenes yum yum yum please get me out of here after a while we're finally released out into the playable game so we Mount up on our robot dragon with tamagachi for eyes and we jet fart our way to glory and we've already got all of our ducks in a row so there's nothing left to do but begin our gym leader Gauntlet we leave awake a destruction and feathers in our path as we make our way towards the first gym and puddles immediately evolves into an awkward team and naturally stops respecting me we pull up to cortono and it's time for our first gym trial bruit forcing a baby puzzle made for babies oh this is hard work with our basic spatial awareness proven it was time to go face to face with the sugar bug herself Katie now I'm not too worried about fighting Katie because well she's Katie but rule number one in nuz loocking is don't get greedy so out comes flare with a rolled up newspaper in hand dropping Katie's team like flies this is actually going pretty quick you know I do have to commentate on it as if it's high stakes but this may very well not be high stakes but you never know despite my best efforts to add drama to this fight duck Norris comes in hot with a finishing move against Katie's bug bear securing us our first badge hey maybe this won't be so bad after all why haven't you edited past this what does that text say anyway we head off towards Artisan for our second Gym battle now brassus is a grass gym leader and weird but I'm not worried about his grass types I'm worried about this thing S Wood is a rock type that terzes grass and my only two little ducks that are good against Grass are weak to rocks so my Strat is to hit him as hard as humanly PA oh no oh double crap okay quick pivot I need to releas the quacken and get a paralyzed okay apparently those can miss now how long's Happ been going on oh all right well I don't have a better strategy right now so I potion up on the quacken I go for a Thunder Wave and R Jesus blesses us with two skip turns and somehow I managed to snatch a victory out of the Bill of defeat securing us our second gym badge but don't get comfortable yet because the next one's going to be harder but along the way something insane happened I casually walked past and missed a shiny makuhita to make matters more embarrassing I thought the growth might have been shiny I always see Growlithe and I'm like is that a shiny is that a shiny growth and I just straight up don't know I just straight up Dono I just walked by shiny makuhita oh no oh is it gone is it gone already oh no oh no but then I sh you not my luck doubled down [Music] okay so how can I it's kind of got a duck-shaped face it's a little duck shape OS is arguably a duck they're similar to a duck right literally 5 seconds after I was saying we're probably not going to get another shiny the most obvious shiny that I could have possibly walked past I have to say the duck lock has duck luck and the duck Gods smile on this honorary duck this would be a sheep to the untrained eye but if you look close enough look closer look closer there right there it's a duck it's a duck did you not see it it's like it's been so obvious from the beginning duck actually wow there it is look at them and while at this moment I'm not desperate enough to shoehorn them onto the team with that logic we'll see how this goes because we have the hardest match yet on the horizon iono taking on this vicious ubu vtuber is going to present the toughest matchup of the duck loock so far so lean forward in your chairs everybody because we are going to have to get sweaty on this one okay so the team needs to be in ship shake so we evolve Flack into a duck and fifth position are you seeing this cuz I can't look away from his jiggly head hypnotic and shining gunam in the chat helps me evolve the quacken into Porygon 2 who is going to have everything to do with this fight I then dabble in some light sequence breaking to get some KTMs for later but more importantly traveling to the other side of the goddamn Globe to get wakan berries those little guys that look like baby binkies but these ain't your run of the mil itty bitty baby binkies they reduce super effective electric hits by half and for the final piece of my sweaty try hard puzzle it's the evolite item which boosts the defenses of an unevolved Pokémon giving the quacken a metric duck ton of defense and if all of that doesn't work well then we're boned that's that's all I have planned so with the Ducks and Peak condition we head to lincia city where our murderous best friend lay in wait okay crap all right crap crap crap crap crap I forgot you were here I forgot I had to deal with you Noona frankly but it's great to see you and and your constant Lust For Blood so blood for the blood God and ducks for the duck Throne it's time for another Rival Battle and the quacken freaking dominated the sheer bulk of this duck is insane every attack rolled off like water off a duck's bag and the quacken was able to claim a Flawless Victory but as I received the customary clasped hand stares of pona I couldn't help but Wonder would our luck hold out well let's find out everybody let's enter the iono Zone I open up with Flare hoping to do as much damage as possible so that I can save the quacken for the real threats and this little baby dinosaur duck delivers hell yes let's keep this gravy train run well Goose crab so I have to release the quacken a little early and belly bolt gets lucky with the par but I've got my secret weapon conversion this changes the quack into an electric type meaning all of iona's strongest moves aren't very effective but this weird looking guy isn't going down easy so I casually slip the quack in some performance-enhancing vitamins and belly bolt goes down next up we take out our Luxio and it's time for the final threat an adorable little witch ghost with a light bulb for a hat she immediately confuses us but the quack is presses on and blow by blow inch by inch we slowly wear each other down with no safe switches I'm forced to continue to stall and after a long fight the quacken finally prevails claiming victory for all duck kind the Moa monstrosity has been defeated and only five more to go that'll probably be fine so off we ride on the farts of a robot motorcycle dragon in search of the fourth gym badge along the way flare evolves just in time for the water guy we evolve him a second time just for good measure and it's off to cus and after a Monumental waste of my time I can enter the gym now where we meet ra and I only Panic a little bit hassle could you move to the side a little bit I'm having trouble understanding what's going on with my brain kiddo I'll I'll get I'll get used to that a few deep breaths later we take it outside to battle kofu for our fourth gym badge and I've got a little secret weapon duck Norris who's rocking a grass type move called trailblaze so let's make some filet of fish let's get a trailblaze oh my God oh my God is is duck Norris weak is duck Norris a weak little guy every time I've counted on Duck Norris I feel like I've been let down let's get a roost in let's see how this goes ET and sketch old duck Norris slash all right that's a crit huh all right release the quacken the quacken freaking carries also puddles comes in clutch against wug Trio before the quacking descends once more to take out kofu big gross Muppet crab securing our fourth gym badge kind of thought that was going to happen but as always something came out of nowhere to stress me out but our next next badge won't be so easy we head to medali where one of the game's hardest fights awaits us against workingclass sex symbol Larry and we're far from ready for this fight so let's get a montage in all right quackers evolves to their final form and yes their moment is coming and puddles puts on a sombrero so I guess he's ready and speaking of hat tricks duck Norris reaches their final form as well I assure you this is not a swan with breasts it is a duck with breasts so let's just put that to rest the duck lock can continue through the power of smuggling we get an ability patch so that Flack can get their hidden ability Moxy which will be critical in the upcoming Larry fight we're smuggling right now it's a smuggling operation that we're doing and there's nothing wrong with smuggling in this context it's okay to smuggle when it's a duck lock that's in the rules and to top off this insane round of Evolutions Flack 2 reaches his final form all right everybody I need you to join me let's just get it out of the way look at how thick this duck is all right stare if you must so that you can get it out of your systems look at their hand Gest look at their sassy little half LED stair just take your moment get it out of your system that's a tickto not going to be weird unless you make it weird now we can move on and with that the entire team was at their final forms the quacken will not be evolving again they're a perfect little baby just the way they are and I will never change their insane defenses which means the team is ready for the big time I step into the gym building where neona lion wait to politely threaten us hey how's it going it's me your rival do you want to fight you want to [ __ ] fight look at me look at me the eyes do you feel it do you feel it the blood boiling in your veins I want to release that blood onto the world friendship violence battle blood then back to Friendship that's the flowchart all right let's freaking go let's freaking go you me let's freaking battle okay and with nothing left to do we set out for combat making an entire restaurant of people disappear mysteriously never to be seen again they're probably fine which means it's time to face down the typical typhoon the average Avenger the Casual cataclysm Larry so Larry's team is not to be trifled with and they will steamroll you if given the chance so we're not going to give him the chance out com swack whom taught bulk up bolstering his attack and defense he takes a slam like a freaking champ so I go for a second bulk up and his sleepy drop bear goes for a yawn attack but a case of the sleepies ain't going to stop Flack so I go straight for the aqua step which frankly looks Fierce as far and it takes out Cala bringing our speed up also because of our Moxy ability every time Flack knocks a Pokémon out their attack goes up kamala's yawn does its work and Flack goes to sleep but Flack slams The chesto Berry like a 5-hour Energy at finals he's ready to sweep Larry then sends out his dunpar who has an annoying amount of tricks up their sleeves despite a lack of sleeves or arms I'm drifting from the point quack is able to talize and take them out in one shot then his Ace the emo bird descends whose intimidate lowers our attack stat by one stage and this thing hits harder than the fans disappointment in the final season of Game of Thrones so I put everything into a final allout attack come on come on by the power of the thick Duck's magical Bata slide yes I I'm so sorry to my neighbors but we've done it oh my God we've defeated Larry everybody praise the duck with the fifth gym badge in I found neona foaming at the mouth on the sidelines ready for combat but our ducks have never been stronger and we take her out much to her excitement on the way towards the next gym I can't help but Marvel at how far our ducks have come it seems like only 12 to 13 minutes of edited time ago we were just assembling the Ducks for the first time I was starting to think that we could actually do this that this rag tag team of poorly balanced Ducks could actually see their way all the way to the top but tragedy struck in the form of a big stupid ugly crab oh crap oh oh no all that progress to Simply perish on some optional fight with a random hiker Flack deserved better than this but no one knew better than Flack that we live by the duck and we die by the duck and so too do we make confusing metaphors that don't necessarily go anywhere by the duck so we can't quit now he would want us to press forward to go all the way to the top while dancing in weird hip gyrated ways and soac lives on in the halls of his ancestors not before we kill that crab though and we ride to the montava gym with this annoying character and we pass our gym test watching Ryme roast the hell out of this poor kid he wraps about being a cashier I don't think you need to I think that's enough and then it's time to fight for our sixth gym badge all right everybody we're taking on rhyme double is it still happening so out come duck Norris and the quacken ready for victory and my strategy is simple duck Norris makes use of the move feather dance to make Rhymes Pokemon to we to fight back as the quacken Rains Down Thunderbolts and it works perfectly mimiku is essentially a squeaky Hammer at this point so I can focus on only one of her Pokemon flare comes in to do some demolition but he takes heavy damage from houndstone but not without leaving it with a burn huddles comes in and tanks all the hits like a champ he takes out mimiku while houndstone is on as Phantom Force bullsh and Ryan brings in her final Pokémon as a bunch of ghost puppies dance which frankly I'm not mad about the last part DJ G RVE is freaking darling the team manages to take out houndstone but puddles gets knocked to death's door I get a giga drain off but I'm not sure if I can survive another hit and I have no other safe switches but in a stroke of amazing luck the quacken manages to paralyze her toxitricity because it's no longer an electric type meaning puddles out speeds and we claim victory against Ryme and her adorable dancing puppies I almost see a thick duck in the sky smiling down at us this day with only three matches left to get we paddle our little webbed feet forward but not without complaining back in my day you got stuck in caves the cave was like no we're doing this on my terms you don't know the way out there is a bunch of very frustrating puzzles about pushing rocks or sliding on ice and you're not going to get out of this cave until I say it's time and I just feel like kids these days don't understand then the trainers also like wouldn't let you leave they'd be like oh we've looked each other in the eye and I'm afraid of intimacy so we need to fight but now you can just scoot on past them these guys are woke they're not afraid of indicis you see they know how to love free and and wild and vulnerably so I don't know I just think we should go back to the old ways thank you so much for coming to my segment to the show where I complained about stuff that doesn't really matter that it changed having complained our way all the way to alera I approached the gym building but neona hopped out of a corner having tracked our movements and challenged us to another Rival Battle and neona came to freaking play immediately she gets big damage off on quackers and a Flinch to boot so cool puddles comes in to finish the job but quackers is hurt quacken wears down her Sligo but out comes her punch punch Pikachu so I send out duck Norris and you might say isn't that like a really bad idea damn right it is what electric rodent could resist punching a swan this was my trap through the powers of crystals and Science and stuff I was able to talize duck Norris into a ground typ meaning p a got duck diddly to fight us with and duck Norris takes him down but then out comes skurge and with quackers injured and duck nor is currently a ground type I bring in the quacken hoping to wear them down but you don't wear skele dge down they wear you down with every torch song it uses its special attack goes up bringing us closer and closer to one shot territory I bring in flare to try to stop it from setting up by using smoke screen and while we get a couple Miss flare isn't able to do enough damage to take it down and he ends up having to make the ultimate sacrifice so that quackers can come in and finish the job God damn it stop staring nimona I'm mourning you're making it weird all right flare goes to the halls of his duck sests leaving us with only four ducks left but will that be enough as if I wasn't depressed enough I have to sit through the dumbest part of this entire game which is just dancing with metam just dancing with yeah you're angry o you're surprised what's happening you have like 10 seconds to press a single button what are we testing my patience but dancing Med aan will not break me we pass because of course we do and so with four remaining Ducks by my side I challenged tulip and miraculously through some Insane luck Foul Play and Shadow Ball the quacking is able to single Beacon take out tulip's entire team meaning all that now stands between us and the Pokémon League was grusia but having lost my only two ducks that are good against ice I was going to have to go maximum Shenanigans to get this win so let's get shenanigan all right if I'm going to pull this off I got to take out Frost moth first I bring in the quacken hoping to outlast and overpower it and we narrowly avoid catastrophe I can handle blizzards yeah I'm [Music] frozen I thought out holy crap holy crap nothing could stop the power of the quacken oh my God that was I have never experienced such a quick swap of emotions in my fing life next up he sends in his crotch bear and this is where I can begin my allout duck crazy strategy duck Norris comes in and uses feather dance three times to make bartick hit as weak as possible this lets quackers come in and set up for the sweep we kick it off with a substitute because if Beck gets a critical hit he could still onot quackers and a little plush holds up so I proceed to use Calm Mind six freaking times meaning quackers now hits with the force of a th000 ducks and they absolutely decimate the rest of gush's team this maneuver would come to be known as the quacker Gambit and it may just be our ticket all the way to the top and the Pokemon League is next so I just go there there's no Victory Road I can just walk but the real duck Souls Starts Here everybody these are going to be some of the hardest fights that our ducks have gone through but what our ducks lack in balance and stats they make up for in raw duck tenacity and we have have not clawed and pecked our way through every gym leader to give up now and I've decided that we're going to do this with absolutely no potions and so we enter with the wind at our tail feathers and ra asks the hard-hitting questions like how we got here and so the gauntlet begins in the first Elite 4 battle against ra and with her ground type Pokémon my duck should have an advantage but I can't get greedy so I'm going for the new and improved quacker Gambit I've taught the quack in a little move called Eerie impulse which harshly lowers the opponent's specialist attack so between duck Norris and the quacken I should be able to set up on any kind of attacker so once quackers comes in there's nothing that whiscash can do to stop them and now quackers heals a little bit each turn with the leftovers item so even though it costs HP to use substitute quackers can just snack on his leftover Chan Masala letting them stall while they set up fully set up quackers Begins the sweep now this isn't a perfect strategy because donfan has sturdy meaning they're able to tank the first hit and take out quacker substitute now we're vulnerable to a fast physical attacker yeah like that one crap but through the miracle of bad AI Doug Trio goes for sand storm meaning quackers can safely sweep the rest of Ra's team defeating our first member of the Elite 4 but poppy is going to be a different story her bulky team of Steel types is going to make the quackers Gambit a tight rope walk I need to give this everything I've got this is going to be our toughest Elite 4 challenge yet and I know I said we were coming in here with four ducks but there is a secret duck in order to truly accomplish a duck only Nuzlocke one cannot simply be a trainer one must become a duck themselves I stand here today the fifth duck ready to defeat poppy this is going to be difficult for my visibility is this a good bit cuz I'm sticking with it let's [ __ ] fight poppy with all the Ducks assembled We Begin our battle she opens up with karaja and duck Norris does what duck Norris always does throws feathers at him until they can't punch good but because karaja a physical attacker quackers can't stall for quite as long so by the time quackers is set up they can't take any big hits just in time for the biggest obstacle of her team to show up magnone also with the sturdy ability it could break my substitute leaving the next physical attacker an opening to end quackers and luckily it decides to go for the light screen meaning quackers is safe to continue their sweep we just have to hope that the light screen won't be enough to defend her team from the duck mageddon that is quackers who manages to one hit KO her next two Pokémon and out comes Poppy's Ace who tanks one of quacker attacks but luckily we still have our substitute so quackers is able to clinch the Wind by the skin of his little webbed feet that's two elite four members that have fallen to the quackers Gambit and speaking of which we take out the last two elite four members with the same strategy short of a couple close calls like a critical hyper voice piercing through our substitute from noer that was pretty spicy but when the dust settled we had defeated each member of the Elite Force solely with the power of ducks meaning the time had come to scale the Mountaintop and challenge champion and Jellyfish human High hbd GA I've been dreading the GA fight because we can't pull our usual Bullit because our lead Pokemon a spck copies any stat changes we increase yeah just like that I try to lower her special attack with an eerie impulse but her Lumina crash lowers my special defense two stages as well not really an even trade I decide to go for the Shadow Ball knowing that if it doesn't kill I'm in serious trouble come on take it down take it down yes holy crap that would have been so bad holy crap the power of the quacken is real I bring in Duck Norris against her avalo I begin to feather dance it down and while it makes its regular attacks weak this flat bastard has body press which bases its damage off defense apparently meaning no amount of feather dancing will give quackers the opportunity to set up so with no better way out I stall with Roost and when the AI chooses Avalanche I take my opportunity to air slash and just as I run out of roosts I give this Glacier a sweet dose of global warming then comes ga's biggest threat King Gambit knowing this Yakuza boss has insane attack I talize duck Norris ground type that way I can eat a Stone Edge and feathered dance it down I completely minimize its attack and then I send out quackers to do their own Gambit but this thing still hits pretty hard though one sub goes down after two hits so quackers can only set up bit by bit as their HP slowly drains narrowly avoiding death by crit twice I go for one last substitute and with five call Mines quackers begins their sweep taking out king Gambit and manages to outspeed in one shot her go-o but valo is a different story this thing resists every attack I have but it's Aqua Jet attack can't break my substitute weird choice but I'll take it her devil fish goes down leaving only glamora left but with the force of all that we've gone through quackers uses surf again yes we one shock lamora guys we have defeated we bre can't of your words that's it everybody we have beaten Pokemon Violet we have defeated G we have beaten the entirety of the Pokemon League duck lock has been one oh hold on wait yeah it's not freaking over we got to beat neona give me a minute I can rally I okay neona give give me 10 minutes in a juice box please I just need a minute can you and me beat the crap out of each other over and over again and then we sleep and then we beat up each other again and we rest a little bit more sometimes we don't rest but then we just beat each other up again we just continue to beat each up again over and over again blood for the blood God violence for violence and friendship for friendship sake yes neona let's be best friends and beat the sh of each other ad nauseum and so neona and I enter our final battle and we beat the ever loving crap out of her with the same broken strategy I rampaged my way through the Elite 4 with officially bringing a close to our duck only Nuzlocke everybody thank you so much for joining me on this Bonkers journey I hope you had as much fun watching it as I did making it if You' made it this far thank you for watching make sure to subscribe to the channel for more stuff like this and let me know in the comments below what else you'd like to see me try check out the twitch we have a blast over there check out the VOD Channel there's so much I had to edit out of this video so the whole Adventure is up there now and until next time quack On You Crazy ducks
Channel: Hades on Holiday
Views: 55,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon scarlet, pokemon scarlet and violet, nuzlocke, gaming, video games, nintendo, nintendo switch, lets play, pikachu, gottacatchemall, pokedex, pokeball, charizard, gamefreak, surprise trade, teal mask, dlc, epilogue, indigo disk, Hades on Holiday
Id: TSLkPoN5aCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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