I tested DEATHLY DOSES of different food items

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the first food item they were about to test the lethal dose of is nutmeg and I chose this one not only because it's surprising but because this is an actual everyday product specially on Christmas people use nutmeg for savory foods they use it for like gingerbread cookies like it's so easy to use a lot of this so we've also call scientific scales these are those scales that are very precise and like to the milligram I hope that's the thing so I'm not sure if you're gonna be able to see the numbers on the screen so I may have to read them to you I'm no scientist this is not precise but basically a lethal dose is how much of a food item you can eat before you die this is such a like video on my channel Merry Christmas I just want to say that I read these in like blog posts and while I tried to be like scientific about it I'm very amateur about everything I do so I'm gonna try cutting into it but basically zero point two ounces of nutmeg which we're gonna see how much it is this it's strong enough to give you convulsions so we're gonna start by cutting that how quickly we'll get to the lethal dose so this is zero point zero seven one grams we need all the tools here because if I mess up with the scales this is not going to make any sense because the measurements for this one are so small four point 68 I'm gonna try to cut a little bit more so I'm gonna try to add as much and that is basically eight so this amount of nutmeg is enough to give you convulsions it's not much of a stretch to think that someone would use this for like cookies or for something according to what I read a single nutmeg is enough to give you the feeling of impending doom I think I've lived it my whole life I'm assuming that when I add this this is around how much nutmeg will give you a life-threatening condition it's not so I think the form of nutmeg that most people use is like in powder that's such a small amount imagine if you make like a cake and you eat the whole cake that's realistic that's the amount of nutmeg that you'd use this is realistic that this goes into bread or cakes or cookies and look this up and pay the explanation is that nutmeg is a hallucinogenic it can affect your psychological health but also obviously physically as well I feel like this sets the mood perfectly for the rest of the video we're gonna move on to the next food items I don't even know if I'm writing myself unlike the first one I chose this next when no because I find it shocking like this small amount like how much the lethal dose is but because I know a lot of you guys are going to be asking how much sugar does he actually take to kill a grown adult so we're gonna measure how much that is visually what does it look like but I think a very interesting thing would be to also see how much that is in candy in chocolate in different food items this time around I'm using a scale that isn't so precise this one's for bigger unit so that's around 2 kilograms of sugar so I don't know what that's going to look like visually I mean it wouldn't even be possible to actually have this much sugar okay so this is around 1.7 we've all had bad days but that's a lot of sugar so on this bowl I'm gonna try to do 400 grams this is officially the lethal dose of pure sugar so what I'm also gonna show what it looks like in different candy and if you're wondering what it looks like for example a chocolate bar this amount of sugar is basically these and any chocolate bars so this will amount to I think 35 chocolate bars dinner has been sorted for today my last mukbang obviously depends from candy bar to candy bar this one is not even that high in sugar so I also want to show you what it looks like in like regular like hard candy so this candy is higher in sugar than actual chocolate this is more like the classical like hard candy so this is obviously high in sugar because this is how much it takes to be the equivalent of the lethal dose when I say I've got a full plate this is what I mean this is basically what it amounts to I don't think it's realistic that someone would eat this in a day but the fact that we can almost fit it in a play this one was different from the first one because the first one was a very small dose this one I just wanted to show you sugar looks like because I know many of you would be interested where everyone freaks out in the comments I am going to tonight all this chocolates in all these candy so don't worry you can't get rid of me yet if you guys pause this video right now I bet then no one can guess we're vegetable I've got in this bag right here there has a surprisingly low lethal dose is it lethal today say hey Syria what is the meaning of lethal I pay my life five minutes in the YouTube comments lethal enough to get me grabbing your nutmeg so the vegetable with a surprisingly low lethal dose potatoes so before everyone freaks out now you can't die from eating potatoes as we safely eat it but yes you can die from eating potatoes if you prepare them poorly how do they not teach this is cool like what do I need mathematics for what else you learned in school I've never been if I had to go back to school I'd take to nut bags in my pocket I actually thought that this one was honestly something that I didn't know like no one's ever told me this I want everyone to send this to their moms and grandmas because every single time I'm like using a vegetable and it's called these dark spots like in potatoes they usually have these like roots growing from them I always think that this is bad for me but my mom always says no it's perfectly fine you can eat it just throw it in there wrong so this is the part that I find the most shocking apparently three to six milligrams of these roots is enough to kill someone obviously we have to remove all this other stuff that isn't part of it oh this is a really good one this one's got like a little root that's adding up quickly you wouldn't be able to measure this with regular scales because obviously 3 to 6 milligrams is a very very small amount apparently you should also avoid any potatoes that has like a green color to it that's even more dangerous like even a smaller amount in three to six milligrams look you can see where the root was growing on this one look even if you peeled it off he goes quite deep so this is actually realistic that I would peel off the potato and leave that root on the inside and like I'm making mashed potatoes and basically adding poison to it my cooking skills are so bad that you would pro it taste better me sleeping for six hours being like wow those potatoes are great when people say you shouldn't forget about your roots time right we officially got to 3.1 milligram obviously we did not do a very good job at removing the peel so I know you guys are going to be interested in what the explanation for this is what I found is that there is something in the roots and the stems and the leaves that is called a glyco alkaloid if he builds up in the potato and if you leave it for too long eating them can leave to like cramps diarrhea headaches coma and death that's a slippery slope I'm taking no risks here this is way too dangerous this next food items are actually two food items it's not so much about the amount of lethal dose that is surprising it's more about which part of the fruit is dangerous and also I think I could be wrong about this but I think it contains cyanide which i think is a chemical that is poison so this might freak out some people who love cherries and who love apricots or peaches there are weird people in the world but I've never seen anyone do this but if you ever eat cherries or apricots please don't eat the pit don't eat the stone on the inside because that is the dangerous part of cherries specially I do have to keep it real as well the amount that it would take to kill like a grown adult of cherry pits or apricot pits is around one cup which I'm going to show you how much it is this is almost one cup just a little bit less because I couldn't eat that many cherries in three days this is really gross to look at but basically if you ate these many cherry pits you would die which is the equivalent of two and a half of these boxes apparently the same thing goes for apricots and I'm going to read you the explanation I didn't even attempt to eat that many apricots to make it a cup because it would be very difficult so I don't think anyone is hitting the pits of peaches and apricots but I do think it would be literally impossible to fill a cup you'd probably need to eat like 12 if there's anyone eating the pits in your family and your friends group please stop them so basically the explanation is like apples cherries contain a type of hydrogen cyanide called prussic acid so apparently that is extremely poisonous so if you eat this make sure you subscribe before you finish your meal not so much about the amount because I do find this like very hard to get but more about the fact that this is another one of those things where my mom would probably tell me oh it's fine if you eat the stone of the pits of cherries and actually it's not fine like woman are you trying to kill me I mean I know I was hard to feed growing up but damn this next one is so scary that I honestly find it hard to believe but basically if you're someone who buys like beans that are dry you're supposed to soak them in water before you eat them so these are some pinto beans and I've got some black ones here but this only actually works for red beans so I'm gonna show you why this is dangerous and why the lethal dose of this is scary scary low but obviously it applies to red beans instead the lethal dose for red beans is half a cup like this right here full of these dried beans there's right here if you ate this if they were poorly prepared you would die and I'm gonna explain to you by obviously if these come already cooked in a can there's no danger I mean you can eat all of this so if you buy this amount half a cup of red beans dry and if you don't soak them for at least five hours which is a long time basically these are incredibly dangerous what I found out was that red beans have got this very dangerous toxin which I think is called lectin and this toxin if you eat it without soaking the red beans for five hours at least what happens is they will destroy the cells in your stomach which obviously is incredibly dangerous and half a cup is enough that potentially could lead to your death I make a lot of jokes about poorly preparing food on my videos and I truly don't take it seriously this is actually something that I possibly do like I could soak these for like three hours and just be like you know well that's good enough and then I would eat them and if I hate this amount I could actually die it would be an honest mistake and once again no one is teaching you this no one is saying this I actually had to research and find these in like different websites to me this is one of the scariest one in this video because I do can see this happening to me and obviously I don't know if this is entirely true Lou your research but you been warned when they thought of making this video I knew there was one food item that I had to include and that is obviously coffee because for some reason there seems to be this general idea that the lethal dose of coffee is very low and very easy to achieve I drink a lot of coffee almost everyone I know drink so much coffee like my parents they drink so much coffee I immediately found hard to believe they've lived for many years without ever having issue and drinking so much coffee I immediately assumed that the lethal dose would be very high this one is actually slightly bigger than an espresso so this is supposed to be the regular amount of caffeine in one small espresso before I show you what the lethal dose is I try to understand why people seem to believe that a lethal dose of coffee is very small the lethal amount of caffeine enough to kill a grown human is 11 grams which is very low like this sounds very very scary but in reality when you're having coffee espresso when you have an instant coffee you're not having just caffeine like it's not pure caffeine I hope this makes any sense so let's imagine this is the content of one espresso let's assume that there's right here it's supposed to be the amount of one espresso just so you guys have an idea of how much that would be around this much so I want you guys to pause the video and leave in the comment section down below how many times do you think you need to drink this amount in order to reach the lethal dose because I was honestly impressed please allow me to show you how much coffee you would need to drink as in an espresso like quantity in order to reach a lethal dose yeah and if you thought that's it no let's try it one more time I mean that's a lot of coffee so if you're expecting that this is it I mean this is probably worth 50 grand at Starbucks and a lot of heartburn in reality you would need to drink 4.5 letters of coffee in order to reach your lethal dose and I'm talking about espresso amounts so if this was more diluted it would be even worse if you think that anyone who would ever drink this amount of coffee then I mean you should definitely be concerned for them but I'm gonna have a feeling that that's not the only thing they've got going for them and if you're watching this from America and you ever wonder what Europe is like Italian people be like I don't know how but I nailed the concentration if I should say this because I feel like I made so many inappropriate jokes in one video but honestly though this is the cleanse their beauty gurus and BuzzFeed are hiding from me I mean your intestines would be squeaky clean I think e anyways the whole point is to show you that even though when you go on Google and you read that 11 grams is the lethal dose of caffeine that doesn't mean that that's very easy to reach this is something serious I think people have died from this but energy drinks are in a complete different level because they highly concentrated in caffeine and if you drink many of those you could actually get close to these amounts I love energy drinks more than anyone else but it's definitely something that I wanted to mention to you guys just so that you're fully aware so when it comes to the explanation you know 11 grams like I said is the lethal dose for coffee for caffeine but even smaller amounts can cause cardiac dysrhythmia and seizures caffeine poisoning is rare by coffee like I said but the problem is in energy pills and drink I love providing educational content so right here I've got a bag of almonds please allow me to show you the lethal dose for almonds and before you freak out 3 4 5 6 7 nope that's it I was very shocked when I saw this how could seven elements like kill you like I would really be dead better than my self-esteem I didn't know this so I thought it'd be interesting to put it in the video but apparently there are two different types of elements one of them is a sweet almond and the other one is a better almond and the almonds that we could assume I think are either sweet or cooked if you buy it from the supermarket I mean chances are we all want to believe that these are safe to eat but if you ever accidentally eat the wrong almond if you eat one of the better ones seven is enough to kill you the explanation is kind of similar to the one from the cherry pits because if you eat seven to ten better almonds it's supposed to have a high concentration of hydrogen cyanide which obviously as you know that is lethal you know I'm slightly scared and concerned every time I eat almonds well I love my new life if you guys ever decide to do a Google search on foods that are poisonous or just foods they have a reachable lethal dose you will definitely hear about this vegetable called as cassava I think that's how you say it so right here I've got this is almost one kilogram of cassava ording to my research per kilogram of this vegetable cassava that you eat you will be consuming twenty milligrams of cyanide and just to give you an idea of how poisonous or like or lethal this could be if you eat two kilograms of this it would be enough to kill a full cow like a full a full size coward like why am I talking like this miniature cows a fully grown fully adult cow like cows are huge animals twice this portion would be enough to kill a cow obviously there's kind of a catch I think if you prepare it incorrectly which I think involves undercooking it or just not cooking it the way that it's supposed to be safe so honestly I feel like this is one of those foods that I'm not gonna trust anyone else cooking this for me like Gordon Ramsay can come and he could put like a Michelin star on theirs and I'd be like I'm good imagine twice this amount if you've eaten that and if it's poorly prepared if you don't cook it long enough or maybe I think you might be like if you don't wash it it will actually produce hydrogen cyanide I don't know like people who have sent this please do a good explanation so if you ever eat this and cover it in antibacterial boil it for one month and then hire Gordon Ramsay to cook it and hopefully you'll be fine why does it smell like something that I want to eat when someone asks me how much I hate myself that much yes you're looking at one of those squeezy bottles of honey so before everyone freaks out no honey on its traditional form isn't lethal or dangerous for you however I find this really interesting because I honestly didn't know that I wanted to share it with you guys apparently the honey that we buy it's supposed to be pasteurized which I don't know so I found out that honey can be dangerous if it's not done correctly if they don't pasteurize the honey correctly I don't know if it's people or bees one of them if you have around one tablespoon and I'm showing it to you because this is like no even at those so if the company they made is for God to pasteurize it this is supposed to be incredibly dangerous apparently there is a harmful toxin called gray and toxin I think which is supposed to be dangerous so if you eat this for the next 24 hours just this small amount so just so you imagine how powerful it is you would get diarrhea vomiting you feel dizziness like all these symptoms come from this small amount so imagine if you like let's be honest if I was putting this on top of like bread or oatmeal I would put a low more than they I would think that they would advertise that they've pasteurized this honey but no unsuitable for infants under 12 months which it could be because you know if there's a risk that there's anything wrong with it they just want to be safe I did find multiple sources they had very similar amounts and how dangerous honey can be and this is another one of those things that we're just gonna have to live with I'm gonna go to bed everyday just knowing that I could die from eating honey honestly worth it if you really think about honestly not worth it like you find you I was gonna die I'd just go straight up for sugar because I mean anybody time for this save the bees there's next food item that kept on popping up on my research is rhubarb I've never used rhubarb to make anything so I might be the uncultured one but I wouldn't even know how to use it we're about to send some vegetables out of the supermarket so this is a 1 500 grams of rhubarb and when I tell you where the lethal dose is you guys are going to be shocked because the lethal dose is around 4 kilograms which is practically 10 times that in order to eat that amount of rhubarb I don't know the reason why this kept popping up on my search and I wanted to put it in the video is because even though the lethal dose is so high even if you eat a small amount of rhubarb even if it's like a little bit more than you should be eating I don't know let's say people use this for like four desserts maybe to like they blend it or use the flavor of it too little misstep preparing a recipe or adding a little bit too much it can make you seriously ill so while the lethal dose is actually hard to reach it contains oxalic acid which can cause kidney stones very specifically how sick this can make you and because of that reason like if I miscarry I wouldn't have used this in the first place but now I'm like this is even worth it if you live dangerously it tastes like dessert celery I don't know I think this one is particularly interesting if you're someone who suffers from kidney disease I wouldn't be eating rhubarb flavored things very often if I were you there is no way we could make a video about the lethal doses of food and not mention salt because I feel like we grow up knowing this salt is so bad for you and then we have to be careful whether it's in fast food or like the snacks that we eat or just even in naturally in foods salt is supposed to be really bad for us but if you've ever wondered how much salt does it actually take to kill a grown adult I wonder how many people have wondered that it's probably me so this is one teaspoon so I'm gonna feel one teaspoon with just salt and you guys are going to let me know how many teaspoons it's roughly 1 teaspoon you guys are going to tell me how many teas how many teaspoons you think is the lethal dose of salt pause the video and let me know in the comment section down below I was kinda shocked by this because I expected to be in the hundreds like there's gotta be like you saw that amount of sugar but when it comes to salt it's very different because forty six teaspoons of salt is enough to reach the lethal dose I'm not gonna do the calculations so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna measure it in grams I'm going to show you a visual representation of what it's like two hundred sixty-three seems to be the equivalent of forty seven teaspoons of salt so I wonder if it's even gonna fit here that's gonna sting all that much that's that's lunch afternoon snack dinner one in everyday life I am these many grains of salt from dying you guys know that like I I'm not the healthiest person I never talk about like healthy things but I gotta give it to people when it comes to salt because you saw how much sugar like he was this and more of sugar that he was the lethal dose but when he comes to salt are you kidding me every savory food that we eat is full of salt honestly don't think it's that much salt and that is the lethal dose suddenly I'm gonna ask for my McDonald's fries and salt if anything this was an educational video for myself like I talk a lot I feel like eating like fast food and like we make a lot of jokes about this but some of these I was honestly kind of scared there are a lot more foods with very shocking lethal doses or just dangerous those as they can make you seriously say I would love to do this again if you'd like to see it you guys know the trail giving the video like just lets me know if you enjoy the content or if you want to watch something else we just certainly find as well so if you like my videos please subscribe to my channel but obviously only do it if you like my videos if you don't maybe you know I'll I'll try to do something else next time and hopefully you will enjoy it then but thank you to those of you who press the subscribe button I made some jokes in this video they my like a little inappropriate but that's just in life sense of humor is like everything I'm slightly uncomfortable that's my coping mechanism I'm sorry in advance I didn't mean to take some of these things lightly we're talking about some serious subject I should just be doing Clark Mills I love you guys hopefully you enjoy that and I will see you on my next video I mean if I make it there bye bye
Channel: Raphael Gomes
Views: 243,148
Rating: 4.9193869 out of 5
Keywords: raphael gomes, lethal, dose, doses, food, foods, item, items, coffee, how much, can, kill, poison, poisonous, nutmeg, nobody knows, secret, secrets, eat, ate, too much, deadly, deathly, portion, size, science, chemistry, hallucinogenic, scales, lab, precise, dangerous
Id: DUkhmBlBmt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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