I ate at every Rainforest Cafe in the Country
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Eddy Burback
Views: 5,324,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vA-bjpKvIw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I would die for Ted's side of this where it's like a 5 minute highlight video of him having an amazing ass time at every Rainforest cafe.
This felt like the Endgame of Eddy videos and I can't explain why. Absolutely loved it.
And I thought the Morbius vid was real commitment to a bit. This is absolutely insane commitment.
i've never been more excited to watch a video in my life
i loved this one so much
It was the end of the video. My fianceรฉ and I sat in amazement, silence filling the air throughout our basement as we began to process what we had just watched.
It started with a single clap, then two, then three-- our cat and dog glaring with judgemental eyes as we stood up from the couch and gave the best, and perhaps only, standing ovation we had ever given our lives.
Eddy, sir, you are a national hero.
My favorite part is that Eddy called the Nashville mall "Ordy Mills" instead of "Opry Mills"
My city, Toronto, had 1 Rainforest Cafe and they got rid of it like 15 years ago. Needless to say I never got to go...
Also i guess this definitely means we're not seeing the end of the Barnyard Creamin' Cows?
Can't say I've wanted to go to a restaurant less than after this, haha.