I ate at every Rainforest Cafe in the Country

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I would die for Ted's side of this where it's like a 5 minute highlight video of him having an amazing ass time at every Rainforest cafe.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 46 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/0-2er ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jun 30 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

This felt like the Endgame of Eddy videos and I can't explain why. Absolutely loved it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 29 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/Good-Laird ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jun 30 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

And I thought the Morbius vid was real commitment to a bit. This is absolutely insane commitment.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/LeanMeanKorean ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 01 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

i've never been more excited to watch a video in my life

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/gollyhilbert ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jun 30 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

i loved this one so much

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/smurphboard ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jun 30 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

It was the end of the video. My fianceรฉ and I sat in amazement, silence filling the air throughout our basement as we began to process what we had just watched.

It started with a single clap, then two, then three-- our cat and dog glaring with judgemental eyes as we stood up from the couch and gave the best, and perhaps only, standing ovation we had ever given our lives.

Eddy, sir, you are a national hero.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/LightObserver ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 01 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

My favorite part is that Eddy called the Nashville mall "Ordy Mills" instead of "Opry Mills"

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/GRIZZLY-HILLS ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 01 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

My city, Toronto, had 1 Rainforest Cafe and they got rid of it like 15 years ago. Needless to say I never got to go...

Also i guess this definitely means we're not seeing the end of the Barnyard Creamin' Cows?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/northcountrylea ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 01 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies

Can't say I've wanted to go to a restaurant less than after this, haha.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ๏ธŽ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ๏ธŽ u/incogpepis ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ๏ธŽ Jul 01 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ๏ธŽ replies
[Music] so you clicked on the video thinking is this guy actually gonna go to every rainforest cafe in the country technically that title is a lie i'm going to every rainforest cafe in the country and canada the rainforest cafe home of a lot of weird animatronic animals and monkey noises the rainforest cafe is self-described as a jungle themed restaurant that was originally created in 1995 at the mall of america by steven shustler if you know of the rainforest cafe you probably know of it because there was one in your mall near your hometown that has probably since closed but there are 18 locations left currently in the us and canada but you're probably asking yourself why would i do this my friend ted also a youtuber ted asked me if i would be willing to go on a three-week road trip to hit every single rainforest cafe in the country and canada so obviously my response was ted that is quite possibly the stupidest idea for a trip i have ever heard in my life and i am in so it is currently wednesday may 25th 2022 and i am about to embark on the greatest journey of my entire life i should also mention there are a couple of challenges to this road trip one we can only travel depending on when rainforest cafes open and close at that specific location and two i have only been to a rainforest cafe maybe once in my life and to extra challenge myself i have not looked at the menu for rainforest cafe before starting this trip so today i will find out what my options are looking like for the next three weeks of my life this is so stupid this is so stupid this is so stupid so the first rainforest cafe we thought was in los angeles but it's actually right here in ontario california and just like that with a group of friends we were off and as we got closer my excitement grew walking up to that mall and seeing that beautiful sign with running water the rainforest cafe don't zoom out don't zoom out because then you can just see most of it's a blank wall and they just made a little tiny sign in a big big wall so we got everybody together we walked in and there it was the first rainforest cafe out of 18. oh boy it was something [Music] monkeys everywhere so many i cannot stress how many vines there are in this restaurant as we walked in we noticed these large aquarium pillars that seem to be missing it's an important aspect of an aquarium trying to remember what it's called oh fish yeah there's no fish just a bunch of bubbles but as we were seated there was only one thing on my mind the menu i still hadn't seen the menu and i couldn't have guessed the things i would read next we started easy with something like the rainforest burger okay i understand that rasta pasta ah all right and then we get stuff like iggy's piggy sandwich or mojo bones and it really started to hit me that these were some of my only meal options for the next 21 days whether i liked it or not mojo bones were on the menu so we ordered some drinks and had some fun i got the fried fish tacos here they are they were all right and as we ate i did not know that rainforest cafe has thunderstorms [Music] yep those thunderstorms i believe happen every 20 minutes and i will be at rainforest cafe a lot so i will experience these every 20 minutes most days and finally i made a stop in the bathroom and i could not have guessed what would happen when i walked through that little king of the jungle door a full safari surrounding the urinals and journal cakes birds staring at me p watching judging i couldn't escape the rainforest even if i tried i was like robin williams in jumanji now if the only jumanji you've seen is the one with the rock and kevin hart i totally understand it's sort of a similar scenario but in the robin williams one he's a boy and his dad owns a shoe factory and he accidentally gets one of the best workers fired and then that night he plays jumanji and gets uh trapped in the board game in the jungle for so long that that boy grows into a wild robin williams so that's the reference i'm making if you didn't understand anyways um sorry uh that was it for day one and we drove home on that drive i started to mentally prep for the journey that was about to begin so it's the morning of it's really starting to hit me and i'm gonna be on the road for three weeks and then i think like why am i gonna be on the road for three weeks to go to every rainforest cafe in the country and somebody might say oh that sounds fun you know three weeks of travel on the road with your girlfriend seeing the whole country no not my girlfriend ted so i said my goodbyes to chrissy and ted and i hit the road 21 days 18 rainforest cafes and a whole lot of miles the plan for the day is la to phoenix where we eat at our first rainforest cafe then we drive a little bit more to tucson to stay for the night but on the road tragedy struck i like to hydrate maybe a little too much and my body wasn't exactly in road trip mode yet so i had a little bit of an emergency so we stopped because i needed to uh emergency pee or i was gonna piss myself in layman's turns i was gonna piss my little pants like a little baby boy so we got to the gas station here they don't have a bathroom there's a jack in the box luckily for me right next to it locked so i went in that bar and grill after almost wetting my pants like a little baby boy we continued to phoenix and made it just on time there it was in the beautiful phoenix sun our second rainforest cafe but very quickly a word from our sponsor city if you don't already know seatgeek is a ticketing app that allows you to buy tickets for major events on your phone it's an app how hard is an app to figure out you buy tickets on your phone this shouldn't be complicated for you by now and it is now the summer so if you're not busy going to every rainforest cafe in america and canada you can go to all of the concerts that are happening right now kendrick's about to be on tour dkink also wanted me to tell you that they want to make sure you get a good deal so when you're on the app look for green dots green dots mean good deal red means bad so use code eddie for 20 off your tickets on seatgeek that's 20 off your first purchase using code eddie you can click the link in the description below to download the app now back to the video it was again in a mall that looked identical to the one before the last one was in ontario mills and this was arizona mills a lot of the rainforest cafes are in identical malls that are a place and then mills after it walked in still no fish just a bunch of bubbles again and we were seated next to two elephant animatronics and they were loud it's kind of funny because it's like [Applause] at the phoenix rainforest cafe everything happens to be allowed including the thunderstorms i forgot to mention that yesterday there were four thunderstorms while we ate i'm gonna keep a total rainforest cafe thunderstorm counter just to make sure we don't miss any so there were four yesterday and three during this meal so we're at a total of seven thunderstorms already i ordered the rainforest burger and it was a chain burger like getting a burger at applebee's it was about a five out of ten and the fries were actually pretty good ted got an appetizer that was a mozzarella flatbread with arugula and for rainforest cafe this was awesome if i got this at a nicer restaurant i would not think so but for rainforest cafe this is the best thing i've had so far you know it's really nice to enjoy a quiet meal at the rainfall so we paid and left and made it over to tucson to sleep for the night exhausted after a first day so after the phoenix rainforest cafe there is not a rainforest cafe until texas where there are four dallas san antonio houston and galveston or galveston i i don't know how to pronounce your place so we split the drive up into two days first driving to camp near white sands national park in new mexico we showed up and got this camping spot i could not believe how beautiful this place was it was so cool to camp here then the next morning we headed on a 10 hour drive all the way to dallas but first we stopped at white sands national park look how pretty it is okay that's enough but more importantly we stopped at the world's largest pistachio look at how big this nut is [Music] as we moved into dallas for rainforest cafe number three i started to become very confused with the quality of rainforest cafes in this state because getting to grapevine mills yes it was in another mall similar to the ones before i was shocked to find that there were people there and they were enjoying themselves they also had fish something mysterious and possibly illegal was going on here and i was sure of it i got a rainforest burger again so i could directly compare it to the one in phoenix the phoenix one was just okay and this one was pretty good what is going on the next day we moved through to san antonio to eat at a rainforest cafe with some friends and this one was cool it was on a river walk in the middle of the city i don't understand so this rainforest cafe is like actually a cool spot to eat that doesn't really make sense to me i'm supposed to be in a mall and depressed i got the turkey club there and after multiple days of rainforest cafe and camping food it was really good and fresh and i liked it no no no so our plan of moving through texas was going great we were on our way to houston until the truck started to make this noise so the next morning i got some well needed rest as ted waited at 8 00 a.m in a midas in austin texas and in that midas they decided to play saving private ryan at full volume and after the movie ted went outside to make a phone call and also update me and when he came back in they were playing saving private ryan again but the car got fixed in a timely manner and we were on our way to katy mills in katy texas just outside of houston oh i also forgot to mention that we went to the alvaya sanctuary maya showed us around this place is so cool i got to hold a snake i got to hold a bird i got to pet an emu thank you maya for having us this was so cool if you guys want to donate to alves i put the link in the description down below all right back to the trip and after a stressful day of worrying about the truck i will be honest this rainforest cafe broke me i was exhausted after five days of travel and this was probably the most depressing rainforest cafe we'd been to look at the mouth on this elephant look at don't look away don't skip look at it i got the creole mac and cheese and while it looks pretty good it was so rich and filling and creamy that i could only get through a couple of bites and i felt terrible about wasting this food right now i am at a low energy wise mental health wise this guy's judging me for it this guy's got his nipples out i don't even know what this guy is doing so we headed back to the hotel and i was just sad and panicking that i had only gotten five days done and we had so many more to go do i look like i've been on the road too much to you so my katie mills experience was a bit depressing but i had no idea what was in store for me tomorrow okay day six um oh i'm tiny in this frame we are about 26 minutes away from galveston texas which i believe is like an island town and pretty touristy ted and i were very excited on the way to galveston because we had heard that it was the best rainforest cafe but nothing could have prepped me for the absolute gold standard this restaurant was this rainforest cafe was a full waterfall volcano building directly on the beach and it did in fact have a separate building next to it for a ride say goodbye to the boring rainforest cafe malls this palace stood on its own not connected to a wetzel's pretzels or a lid store where in 2011 they sold so many flat brim caps with superhero logos and unlike katy mills i was feeling amazing so i ordered one of their icees and their souvenir cups so i could get a little cup with cha-cha the tree frog on top [Music] ted and i started having the best time of our lives they had better mozzarella sticks as an appetizer everyone in there was happy and i was happy enough that i ordered the most embarrassing thing to say on the menu and i did say all of this out loud uh hello i would like the iggy's piggy sandwich please serve it to me in a trough and give me a little pig nose so i can oink while i scarf it down like a hog the sandwich was pretty damn good i think there was a little too much meat iggy sandwich was just a tad too much piggy but other than the turkey club this is probably the best thing that i've had so far this has been the highest high of the entire trip ted and i were having the best time of our lives [Music] make the sound do it all [Music] leaving galveston was like saying goodbye to a childhood friend ted and i had surely been changed for the rest of our lives from this experience and after that we headed for the night to new orleans and walked around bourbon street we had a great time drinking [Music] everything about this place was so much fun some days on a road trip across the country you go to the best rainforest cafe of your life and you end the night in new orleans and some days you drive eight hours from new orleans to gainesville and and that's pretty much all that happens and it's exhausting no rainforest cafe today no anything really but um road trip so the plan for the day was to skip past the orlando rainforest cafes and go all the way down florida to fort lauderdale but i can't stress enough you're seeing a montage of this i was so exhausted was eight straight days over 48 hours of driving with pretty much nothing but sleep driving and rainforest cafes it was like a woodpecker on my brain i i was so exhausted at this point and it didn't help that the fort lauderdale sawgrass mills rainforest cafe was in another mall oh my god it's another boring mall fun i got the blue mountain chicken sandwich it was fine the chicken was really dry but when i went to the bathroom i realized something interesting i was away from friends and family but wherever i went these monkeys were here for me they weren't just paintings on a wall at a jungle themed restaurant across malls in america no no these monkeys were my friends we'd been through stuff together they were here for me no matter where i went these were my pals these were my boys so i don't know a lot about the future of this trip but i do know that my mental health is being held up by these monkeys on the wall and that's how i know i'm doing fine arriving in orlando was great i got to see chrissy again we all got dinner with drew and amanda am i in the shot oh yeah am i in the shot yeah get it yeah yeah am i in the shot oh you are totally yeah yeah yes delicious um this dinner was uh very cursed disney springs was a very cool building they had a volcano that shot fire [Music] [Applause] and i was gonna get something healthy but drew pointed out on the menu that there was a forty dollar stake and that usually isn't on the menu so i bought a 40 steak at the rainforest cafe yeah it just happens every time this happens every 20 minutes okay we also tried a lot of appetizers because we were in a big group there was a pepperoni flatbread that we were sure was just pizza and we were correct finally my steak came and it was actually pretty good i i should note it was pretty good for what i expected at the rainforest cafe so after a big meal of appetizers and our own entrees the waiter said the next time you see me i'll have the check and then he disappeared for 40 minutes so we sat around hearing thunderstorm after thunderstorm how do you feel about number four of the night for a thunderstorm easily the scariest one so far the others i was like they're not even trying but this is this is scary i'm shaking in my boots i bought some boots and i'm shaking them right those are really nice yeah shaking a lot yeah they come all the way up to my thigh yeah i like that and we were just very ready to get out of there we're going to disney after disney springs was the rainforest cafe just outside of animal kingdom and they had a breakfast menu which means i didn't have to eat the normal menu for a day we got breakfast sandwiches they were pretty good ted got a bloody mary at 9am before we walked around disney in the sun for the day and then we just had fun at the park and did you guys know that the animal kingdom park actually turned the rainforest cafe animatronics into like real things that walk around i mean the money that disney has to make these animatronics look it almost looks like it's eating off a tree it was a really really fun day at disney and afterwards chrissy and i got to go get some sushi walk around the boardwalk and i thought man this is such a great end to the trip i had driven so much we had accomplished a lot and i just was ready to go home sorry we're only about halfway through but no that can't i must have you must have miscounted that there can't be more that's too many that i've already so exhausted of this rainforest cafe the safari fries i can't even another one let me just that's one two three four five six seven eight nine that's oh no oh god oh god no don't make me keep going please don't make me keep going please okay ted is in the shower we have a big drive today we are headed to the nashville rainforest cafe that's number 11. we got two days of driving left to work in new york city and then we start the final stretch across the country once we start that final stretch i'll feel maybe like i'm you know headed home and not trapped doing the dumbest idea of all time because i don't know if you you know watched to this point and been thinking this is a pretty smart idea but actually when you're in it and three weeks of your life and you miss your girlfriend and you miss your apartment and your uh bad and your life it starts to become what's the word um stupid dumb idiot dumbo idea so on to nashville um i misspoke in the last clip this is the 10th rainforest cafe so set me back one on the progress bar i was very low energy it's the 10th rainforest cafe in 12 days and also 11 a.m however ted was not exactly where i was energy wise oh oh my god oh my goodness gravy oh my goodness hot dog hot diggity dog do you guys think that maybe i could ask the rainforest cafe people to dunk ted head first in the tank and leave him there orty mills was another mills rainforest cafe the mall looked near identical on the inside from like eight other malls we had been to i i lost count i don't even know where i am anymore we had about a couple of minutes to kill so we went into this nashville store and tried some hats on wow so i got the turkey club which i know is a bit boring to get it again but um i feel like uh death today from so many rainforest cafes so it's a sandwich and my turkey club was fine but before we left i had something very [Music] can i see your mud flaps [Music] today ted and i have our sights on yet another rainforest cafe i got to see this cat at the gas station however as you can see i clearly caught this cat trying to park in a handicapped spot i got this on camera i would like to press charges against this cat or at least give him a violation so we were on our way to atlantic city and something really really bad happened as we were driving we passed over i wouldn't describe it as a highway bump you know those bits of the highway where there's a little bit of a guard rail and the pavement goes up like a tiny little bit and then goes back down we went over it in the truck and immediately the truck bounced like crazy it had suggested we pull over we pulled over to a service station in the middle of delaware and as ted looked at the truck he realized that the entire body of the truck was tilted to the left this does not look good now i don't know a lot about cars or trucks so as we went back into the welcome center to call aaa we were both unsure if this was the end of the trip yeah uh i got basically going over i'm on a road trip right now we were going over a i was driving my truck when we went over a bump in the road and i'm 90 sure it's on visually looking at it but the front left shot like snapped so we had to cancel our reservations in atlantic city and stay the night in newark delaware so the tow company told ted that they can only fit one person in a tow truck so i'm gonna uber i'm out in the rain but i'm trying to stay dry uh ted is over there with the tacoma as it gets loaded onto a tow truck we're getting the car towed um and now we're splitting up and we're gonna meet at the hotel feels a bit weird but just uh bye i'll see you in a bit yeah bye i guess see you see you later so there's only one seat in there i can't go with ted but it feels weird to just like abandon him with the tow truck and go back to the hotel by myself this is so stupid this whole idea is so dumb and you hear the idea and you're like oh that'd be so funny that'd be so funny if we went on this trip and then you're on day 13 and you're in the rain and the truck breaks down and you don't know what you're gonna do i have all my bags sitting here and i will be heading to the nearest hotel i need to call an uber or else i'm going to be trapped at the biden welcome center for the rest of my life i don't feel very welcome joe delaware has not been welcoming so far joe the estimate we got for fixing the truck was maybe around two days which was not an option for us miraculously the truck got fixed that afternoon which was great but the opposite of a miracle was us having to hit two rainforest cafes in one day two days in a row so we quickly booked it to atlantic city we had mozzarella sticks and they were fine all the food is fine at the rainforest cafe it's all just okay we then drove all the way up to edison new jersey to the saddest rainforest cafe i've ever seen the employees at other rainforest cafes said this is the worst one and you can tell by the sign outside and the mall that it's in luckily we were joined by jakey and fritz i ordered a steak at the worst rainforest cafe because i thought it would be funny and my steak was tiny here's my hand for scale and it was also super dry shout out wayne gretzky [Music] the last the last little tears said everything dude we went back to new york with jakey and fritz and had a great time but got barely any sleep before we had to book it to the niagara falls buffalo rainforest cafe there we had a spinach dip and it was one of the better things we had but i'm so tired of being here but at least ted and i were done for the day and could wait there's another one in canada across the bridge that's the canada one there's two at niagara falls i have to eat another one today oh god we gotta go to canada now uh we were just denied entry into canada because we did not have the proper information filled out it was our fault but we did it and now we're doing round two baby round two my sanity is hanging on just by a thread so lucky for me the canada rainforest cafe at niagara falls was pretty good apparently it is the only privately owned rainforest cafe and they had a shark in their tank ted and i had front row seats to these gorillas and i got a plate of salmon that was by far the best thing that i've had at the rainforest cafe this feels weird coming out of my mouth but it was a good meal this salmon was really really good it wasn't burnt they wanted to stress that it wasn't burnt that was the glaze on the side but this is by far the number one thing that i've had and i don't think anything will top this so rainforest cafe you did it you made one good plate of food that i consider to be better than rainforest cafe quality will i give it to the rainforest cafe company no because this one is privately owned so this really the credit goes to i guess this one restaurant this is where i started to feel like i was living in groundhog day we drove through more of canada we woke up we drove into michigan ate at a rainforest cafe we drove some more we stayed at my mom's place in chicago but had to immediately leave to go to a rainforest cafe in gurnee illinois oh my god i have to go to another one luckily we were joined by my good friend danny gonzalez and i was very happy to see him even though i was not very happy to be back at another rainforest cafe already you buy me you buy me a souvenir yeah do you want to get one maybe that says that says danny you want them this one i bet there's one that says danny if you want i gotta say megan sorry did you say they also they all say megan then that's so that's what i want ted and danny were having a pretty good time i i listen i can't do this anymore i'm so tired of this menu i got the korean spicy stir fry it was okay the rice was really hard the chicken was dry there was way too much sauce at the bottom and when i went to the bathroom there were animals there but my monkey friends weren't there my monkeys weren't in the bathroom do you understand why that's a problem [Music] look at them they know i'm having a bad time they're watching me and laughing they think i'm a joke [Music] ted and danny were having a blast i can understand it for danny this is his first rainforest cafe ted however how how is he enjoying this this is number 16. so then we said bye to danny it was really good seeing him and headed for another rainforest cafe the next rainforest cafe at mall of america is the original rainforest cafe the reason for all of this and after driving five more hours we finally arrived at the original source of the rainforest cafe this was my final boss because every rainforest cafe that has tipped a full year off my life has been located in a mall and not only is this the original place it's the biggest mall there is in america this rainforest cafe stood for everything that was standing in my way from going home we came up on the sign again and look at them they're laughing at me maya iggy bamba cha-cha rio and niall they knew i was forced to eat this damn menu again stuff my face with safari fries to have these mozzarella sticks again because ted ordered them for the billionth time and speaking of ted look at him look at him enjoying himself this is the 17th rainforest cafe out of 18 how is he not losing his mind all i can hear is the rainforest i can hear the elephants when i go to sleep when i close my eyes i see them i see them laughing at me i can't do another rainforest cafe i just can't do it okay so maybe um i got a little carried away yesterday rainforest was kind of getting to my head a little bit there sorry but i am happy to say that there is only one rainforest cafe left that i will ever have to go to again but it's all the way in vegas so ted and i made the trip across the country we saw the jolly green giant who was a very giant himself but didn't have his own jolly green giant if you know what i'm saying the man's he's got no and balls we then drove through nebraska through the rocky mountains which was beautiful we then camped in the desert near arches national park and on the next day i woke up in the best mood of my life today was the final day that i would have to go eat at a rainforest cafe and i even had the pleasure of meeting one of my heroes at the gas station highlighting i'm a big fan so as we arrived to vegas i was on top of the world we got into an uber and headed for the final rainforest cafe ted and i decided to celebrate by finally getting the most famous item on the menu the volcano cake watching it arrive to the table was as joyous as i could only assume looking at your child for the first time is so i got a spoonful ready and as it hit my mouth it was it was very sweet it was it was super sweet but i didn't care because as i was finishing up i realized that i was done it was over and the only thing left to do was say goodbye to all my pals goodbye gorilla goodbye bird goodbye tracy tree goodbye gorilla goodbye monkey goodbye gorilla goodbye gorilla stepping out into this super hot vegas air was one of the best feelings i've ever felt in my life three whole weeks 18 rainforest cafes checked off the list ted and i had done the impossible and i'm assuming we set a world record but i don't know if there's a record that they were measuring for this but i'm pretty sure we're the first to do this so we had an incredible night in vegas we ended that night with a quiet moment in front of the bellagio fountain reflecting on the journey we'd been on and finally after 21 days it was time to go home home sweetheart so i am now back from my journey across the country and to be honest even though this bit was very dumb i'm really proud of what me and ted have done over the last three weeks we got to travel the country and see so many amazing parts of it meet a lot of really cool new people see family and friends but i think at the heart of all of it the big thing that shines through is the rainforest cafe not only is the ambiance of every restaurant incredible but really what it's all about is the food the iggy's piggy sandwich the mojo bones the creole mac and cheese it nourished me on the road trip in ways that i could only describe as food or in my stomach so i have to thank you rainforest cafe for being such a friend to me during this trip across the country because really you were the best part of all of it and on that note i should say that uh i'm lying oh my god i will never step foot in a rainforest cafe ever again if i have to see one of those animatronics or eat a safari fry again the safari fries they're just fries you can't just put safari in front of something and make it a new food it's just a frog [Music] foreign
Channel: Eddy Burback
Views: 5,324,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vA-bjpKvIw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 54sec (2214 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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