Reviewing ALL 73 PACKS For The Sims 4 in 2024

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if there's one thing we can all agree on is the fact that there's a lot of packs for The Sims 4 73 to be precise so I've decided to do a definite ranking of every single pack for The Sims 4 because some of these are a little bit of a waste of money and some of them are definitely worth it so whether you need advice on which pack to pick up when the next sale rolls around or if you're just here to listen along to my takes on each pack let's get started even though the final score is obviously going to be personal to what I think about each pack I do want to make a point of talking about the weaknesses and strong points for all the packs so you can kind of make up your own mind so for The Sims 4 base game I'm going to put it up here and love it it's definitely not perfect there's a lot of things in these packs that definitely could have been put into the base game rather than into a pack but in general I really do love the Sims 4 obviously I wouldn't have a whole entire YouTube channel dedicated to the game so there's 15 expansion packs and we're about to give them all a rating these ones are the most expensive and contain the most content so like an extra World gameplay create Sim items and build and buy items they go for around $40 or €40 depending on where you are and that's at full price there is a sale going on at the moment it did take me quite a long time to make this one so it is towards the end of the sale but there is sales all through the year so I'm sure that if you don't get this one you can probably catch the next one so get to work obviously is all about bringing more careers to The Sims 4 we got the medical detective and scientific career paths honestly I found that these are quite well implemented I really like the fact that it gives you smaller missions to do during your day rather than just you know a boring rabbit hole and you can also build your own retail business but they could have added some crosspack gameplay for example when they brought out din we could have had maybe the career options be a chef or a waiter I do think it's a shame that the world that we got with this one was so small Magnolia prominade only has three lots and that's kind of hard to justify I think for an expansion pack I'm not particularly keen on most of the cast in this one and build mode 2 obviously we have a lot of items around the sort of work theme it is a pretty solid pack if you're starting to buy some expansion packs for The Sims 4 but also there's so many things that I think should have been implemented in this one I think I'm I'm going to put it in like it cats and dogs is kind of the Sims 3 equivalent of pets although in The Sims 3 pets we did get a lot more animals than just cats and dogs I do like this pack because obviously it allows you to have pets in the game which is really nice it's a little Annoying that we can't control our pets I know in previous games like the Sims 3 we were able to actually play them as you would play a Sim I do like the fact that you can be a vet and own your own clinic in this one as well the hum Creator Sim items that we got in this pack is probably my one of my least favorites out of all of the packs it's pretty horrendous and I never normally use it I think this should be more of a general pet pack where we got things like hamsters and stuff like that so I think I will put it up here and like it with get to work okay so next we have get famous which brings in the career of acting it's quite a major part of the pack and again it's quite well implemented but I do think that there should have been more than one career in this pack it's about getting famous so I feel like we could have had things like magicians or singers or more musical themed things like maybe a band if there is a celebrity that spawns on a public lot it is super annoying because cuz it does kind of cause just pure social chaos everybody stops what they're doing and goes to Fang girl around the celebrity and it's a little bit unrealistic I do like the reputation system in this one though and how that can kind of impact your Sims interactions and the world could have been a little bit bigger as well we don't have very many Lots really to play with so I'm going to put it up here in mid next up we have City living and with City living we got Apartments we got the world of sand myuno which is honestly one of my favorite worlds in The Sims 4 I really like the cultural aspects that were brought into this one and I really like some of the more cultural events we have like the Spice Market we get a lot of cast items in this one and I really do like the fact that it's very culturally diverse and we did get a whole lot of build items in this too I do really really like City living so I think I'm going to put it up here in love it so obviously with Seasons we have the addition of weather and holidays as well and I do really like the fact that you can customize the holidays and kind of make up your own in the calendar that's a really really fun feature I feel like it's a very well done pack overall I know that there's a lot of debate over whether weather should be in the base game or not although I do understand that it's not just weather there's a lot of things you know there's the celebration side of it all so I'm a little bit mixed on that as it's an expansion pack it's kind of strange that we don't have a world for it it would have been really really cool to see like a seasons based World maybe with lots that change depending on what season it is with different activities like a water park in the summer and like a market in the winter but these are kind of my ideas and propositions for the pack that could have been but it doesn't make it an incomplete pack Al together so I think I'm going to put Seasons up in love it so coming on to cottage living next I absolutely love this pack this is one of the only packs that I've gotten super super hyped about I'm obviously a little bit biased because this pack is based on the UK and I'm English but I just feel like in terms of what they were trying to do and what they actually provided definitely matched up this was a really well executed pack we get really nice cozy activities like making Jam crossstitch keeping chickens and cows and things like that the lactose intolerant trait I see what they were trying to do there and I know that it is quite a funny thing to have when your Sims consume milky products you know there's repercussions um but I feel like this could have been implemented in a sub trait system in Cass where we have more food preferences maybe in the likes and dislikes me being lactose intolerant I know that it isn't a personality trait I don't consider it to be one of my three core personality traits so it's a little bit of a shame to waste one of those slots on lactose intolerance but other than that I really really like everying single feature in this pack the cast is great the build by items are absolutely adorable I would say unless Cottage Court is really definitely not your Vibe and you actively dislike it maybe you should Dodge this one but honestly if not I really really think this is one of the best expansion packs that you can get so I'm going to put cottage living up in love it surprise surprise next up we have discover University I feel like this might be an unpopular opinion but I really do like this pack although one major problem that I do have with it is the fact that classes are rabbit holes I feel like they should have been some sort of refresh to this pack when we got the high school years expansion pack the world is pretty good I do like the fact that it's quite based on Old universities like Oxford and then the Technical University is more modern The Sims do get interest in homework assignments they can sometimes bring back a presentation board and do a fake presentation to train on other Sims but that's about all of the University actual gameplay that we get the dorms can be quite annoying for a lot of players if you can install mods once again I definitely recommend installing the personal objects mod which allows you to to claim your own objects so other Sims won't autonomously use them the cast and build Buy on this is pretty solid too nothing amazing though so I'm going to put discover University up here and like it okay so next we have snowy Escape I think this is a super interesting kit and I like the fact that it's based on Japan and Japanese culture I like this world overall I do really enjoy playing with this pack and the fact that we got more winter Sport theme activities all like little things like the ski lift and things like that should be functional though creative Sim is pretty solid in this one and it does contain a lot of items that I use a lot and build bite objects definitely fit the theme really well there's a lot of solid items in there too so for snowy Escape I'm going to come up here and put it in like it next up we have the Horse Ranch pack it's very thematic like cottage living talking of I really love the fact that they added in lore with those two packs between Agnes crumple bottom and Roberto crinkle top I actually recently did a deep dive into Agnes crumple bottoms history so if you're interested in that definitely check that video out I really enjoy the nectar making feature in this one obviously we have the addition of horses as well I'm not a massive horse player and the is very pretty although I do feel like we could have had more involved gameplay things in the map maybe like a market or something or maybe some sort of community cook off and in that respect it's definitely much less involved than cottage living and obviously the cre Sim items are very very themed if you like that sort of style this pack is great for that the build by items are pretty good I feel like it was pretty well executed just like cottage living I'm not a particularly massive fan of the whole Midwestern theme so I guess this one is a little bit more tailored to people who like that but to be fair to it it's a Well executed theme so I think I'm going to come and put it up here in like it next up we have growing together and to be honest I really do like this pack the creative Sim is really good and well-rounded and I feel like it's got a good balance for male and female clothes which isn't always the case in these packs the one major qual that I do have with this is the fact that moles were brought into the game which is fantastic I have a lot of moles on me but I do think it's a little strange to put a skin detail behind a pay wall especially given the fact that we got an sdx drop with v Lio obviously the more representation the better but I feel like vtil Lego is much rarer than moles maybe add all of those things to the base game and not put more common things behind a pay wall build bu's got some really good family oriented objects as well a lot of which are functional something that really stands out to me about this one is the family Dynamics now I use this for so much storytelling in my save file it's absolutely perfect for that I do think we should have had some more residential lots in this one but overall the game play is actually really really fun and I don't see myself playing without this growing together pack so I think I'm going to add it up here in love it I do really really like this pack I know that this is looking a little topheavy but don't worry there's a lot of things that going to come into these categories very soon next up we have Island living first of all obviously the world is very very pretty unfortunately it does feel a little bit surface level though there was no law added into this one I think it could have been pretty interesting to have some kind of backstory to the island we did get some cool features like jet skiing but I feel like this could have maybe been like a skill system we could have had some sort of area where Sims could maybe train and do tricks and things like that like we do in snowy Escape I do enjoy the conservationist side of this pack but I feel like it could have been implemented a little bit deeper we do also have mermaids in this pack I don't find them very interesting in The Sims 3 you could actually follow your Sims underwater when they went snorkeling and it was this whole kind of underwater magical experience which was really cool this pack does have some really really pretty build by items very wood and nature themed I do remember feeling a little bit disappointed with the fact that everything kind of felt very surface level with this one although the world is gorgeous and we do have some very nice cast and build by items but I feel like with an expansion pack you kind of expect a little more so I'm going to put this one in mid okay so next up we have get together I do really enjoy the world of windenburg I think it's one of the worlds that I use the most overall this pack does feel a little bit dated it feels very stuck in the 2010s whether that be through the Cass although it's got some items that are pretty usable still today I did notice the Cass was quite imbalanced on this one there's a lot more things for females than there is for male Sims I feel like the theme on this one is a little bit all over the place my favorite thing about this pack is the clubs feature I don't particularly like the clubs that were shipped with the pack but I feel like there's so much potential and some really good storytelling elements there I do think the fact that cafes only come with get together is a little strange I feel that that should be base game I feel like this is a widely loved pack and I can see why but I do feel like the whole 2010 Vibe the fact that it's so anchored in that time does kind of ruin it a little bit for me I'm going to put it up here and like it so next we have high school years I'm kind of mixed about this pack initially I do really like the fact that the schore is non rabbit hole we can actually see what goes on in the classrooms and I will admit that the lack of interactions when your sim is actually in class is very disappointing as a side note I definitely don't like the high school building that was shipped with the pack but once you make it over I feel like you can have quite a nice experience at school the sports pitch behind the school is completely unusable and unfunctional which is a real shame the social bunny app that was brought in with this one is pretty useless I enjoy the whole thrifting side of things but I don't agree with the whole Trend making mechanic in the game the idea for some clothes to be out and some clothes to be in is kind of a sad reality of our society today so I don't really enjoy having that in The Sims you can sell looks for like almost a million Simoleons and people will buy it which is a little bit crazy there does seem to be a lot more choice for decoration and even in cast for female Sims and male Sims which is a little bit annoying and the pier is a little bit disappointing all of the rides are rabbit holes so you only ever see your sim going to from the rabbit holes which isn't really a fun element of gameplay for Me overall I do like this pack and I do like the fact that the high school isn't a rabbit hole like needs a lot of tweaking and maybe some mods to fix which isn't great but I do actually play with this pack quite a lot and I enjoy sending my teens to school and having them have little stories in between classes you know with each other so for that reason I'm going to put it in like it I do think it needs Improvement now the reason I'm not putting it in the category needs Improvement is because I feel like there are packs that need actual Improvement to be playable but I think high school years doesn't necessarily fall into that category it's getting dark quite quickly so sorry if the light is changing so next up we have Eco lifestyle so this pack is based around environmental factors and you can either have very polluted atmosphere or you can work on it to be a little bit more eco-friendly there's a lot of crafting hobbies that were brought into this one too we also have neighborhood action plans which I think are very dreadfully implemented I think that the neighborhood action plan should have been customizable like the clubs are and have some sort of system where you decide what the different options are and then have the community vote I don't personally like having to balance out pollution in my game I feel like it's a little too real and a little bit depressing but it is a cool concept if you do like that kind of challenge it's not an inherently bad feature I don't understand why we didn't get a new death type like death from breathing in too much pollution we have way more creative and kind of left field death types like the mold one in for rent but pollution seems way more dangerous to me so this was a little bit of a missed opportunity I think the cast is quite cool I like the small details like the piercings for example although I do feel like there are too many items for female Sims rather than male Sims once again despite the fact that I kind of like the principles behind this one and I like the cast and build by I really don't find myself playing with it a lot so I'm going to put it down here in mid so next up we have the last expansion pack which is for rent the world has a very interesting Vibe I like the fact that it's kind of based on Thailand and Vietnam I think the cast is pretty good on this one and there's a lot of really interesting build by objects in this one although it fits the theme really well I feel like there's a lot more versatile objects in this one too which does doesn't make it too pigeon hold into just that theme it has a really good food variety I really like the fact that it's added more Asian food into the game and small appliances like a kettle and a rice cooker which for me in my game plays are now complete must haves although there are a lot of things that I could criticize about this pack to I will say that I was really disappointed to see that only a few of the market stores were actually functional the marketplace is very quiet and dead and this is just not true to reality because we've all seen the food markets in those countries and they're always very Lively and bustling and fun the more kind of per World elements are actually really disappointing like the temple and the tiger senty are just rabbit holes I feel like that was a little bit of a cop out we could have had like a beautiful temple with actual real objects that your sim could go and look at I feel like sometimes the Sims team forgets that we're set at our computers and we're just watching a building from the outside and the game is meant to entertain us as a player and not entertain the Sim theoretically in the game so that is a little bit of a disappointment I really like the amount of traits that we got with this one I think they're all really good apart from the child of the village one which is is a little bit restricted I feel like the renting side could have been integrated into City living as an update and this pack could have just been completely about Thailand and Vietnam just like snowy Escape was for the Japanese theme with its own Hobbies instead of it being like a piggy back for renting there's a lot for them to fix on this one unfortunately like there's really big loopholes like a tenant can also be the landlord and pay themselves rent and you can make a lot of money doing that and it's the only pack that causes my computer to crash I'm going to go ahead and put for rent in need Improvement for now so next we're going to be ranking the game packs the game packs normally retail at full price at around $20 or €20 first of all we have outdoor Retreat so outdoor Retreat comes with this new destination world that isn't actually habitable by your Sims the actual World feels a little bit empty although I really do enjoy the concept of camping I love forests and woods and things like that and outdoor activities but I think Granite fors could have done with some more points of interest there's nothing really to explore in the world I think the cast is pretty good on this one I feel like it really fit the theme and there's also Al a lot of versatile items there but there's a really really strong imbalance for female and male Sims on this one we only got one male hairstyle and seven for females but other than that I really do actually like the cast on this one I guess it's just a shame that the world was so flat and we didn't have more kind of fun activities like maybe rock climbing so I'm going to put outdoor retreat in mid next up we have spa day I actually use this one quite a lot in my gameplay I am a little bit biased because I really enjoy Spar in real life the cast is pretty well done it matches the theme I don't think I would be judging this pack the same way before the refresh as I am now I know a lot of things were kind of tweaked and added in since then I like the fact that you can be self-employed as a yoga instructor or a massage therapist I love the fact that the spars AR rabbit holes I feel like I would be rating this much lower if they were it also comes with the high maintenance trait which I think is quite funny but for what it is honestly I really really like this pack I feel like it was well done so I'm going to put it up here in love it okay next up we have D now I kind of have a love hate relationship with this pack the gameplay part is actually quite fun I like the fact that you can sit down with your Sims and choose what they want to eat and everything I really love the fact that if you are making a restaurant in build buy you can customize the menu you can have themes based on different cultures or different Gastronomy levels and also be aware of the fact that any dining out experience takes way too long in Sim hours normally when I take my Sims to the restaurant I kind of have it in mind that they're going to be there all night but because I enjoy the actual experience of taking them to the restaurant this isn't a massive issue for me one thing that's kind of annoying is if a Sim invites you to a restaurant that isn't in your household you still going to have to pay for them and the fact that if you take a tow to a restaurant with you they can't choose their own food you have to choose it for them which is a little bit boring I feel like for Cass we could have had a few more fancy going out outfits but they're mainly just functional outfits for the waiters and the chefs the NPC's autonomy is a little bit annoying sometimes they take forever to bring in your food the waiters do dump a lot of trash on the floor even if there's bins around like I said earlier this pack does need Improvement but I actually really enjoy the game playay and I kind of like how it was implemented so I'm going to put it up here and like it I feel like that's probably probably a little bit of a controversial opinion I did talk about the weaknesses of it and there is a lot to fix next coming over to vampires I feel like as far as a cult packs go this is probably the weakest one a huge issue that I have with this pack is the fact that vampires and normal townies from other worlds kind of mesh together you get like random townies walking around the vampire world and vampires coming too often into the normal worlds this is super annoying and kind of imersion breaking for me if I'm not doing a vampire playthrough then I kind of don't want to use that element in my game but it's kind of for itself there anyway I think the way that this could have been implemented is like how it was done in realm of magic where there's a specific world that's nothing to do with the normal maps in The Sims 4 that you travel to in order to be around all of the magical things and it kind of keeps a separation between the vampire aspect of your game and the rest of the world forgotten Hollow is a little bit boring unfortunately the cast is pretty bad in my opinion I feel like I could have done some really cool items for this one in the Vampire theme but a lot of it feels a little bit too emo for me I'm going to put it in needs improved coming next we have Parenthood I'm kind of mixed for the cast on this one some of it is quite okay and versatile and some things are very ugly in my opinion there's too many primary colors going on but there are some items like these hairs here that I actually quite like and use a lot the gameplay of this pack very much focuses on parenting from the parents point of view and not so much on the child's point of view and also being a parent to children and teens rather than being a parent in general obviously when you're a parent it doesn't stop when your child turns into an adult I really do enjoy the character value mechanic where certain things will affect empathy and responsibility going into later stages of the Sims lives I think I would have liked more gameplay from the kids point of view and I think to be honest in general high school years and get together and this pack should have probably all been one pack put together so for Parenthood I'm not crazy about it I think I'll just put it in mid actually I think I'm going to rectify D out because looking at how it's higher than other packs I feel like it needs to come down to at least mid just because of how broken it is but it doesn't change the fact that I actually really really like this pack next up we we have jungle Adventure the world of SVA dado was really well made and I really enjoyed the little exploring quests that there was along the way I honestly found myself really immersed and I kept stopping to take photos with my Sims because it was just such a cool adventure and really good memories for them to bring back the build by is really good on this but for cre a Sim I am really not so Keen it's really Limited in my opinion but it still kind of fits the theme I like the fact that the more specialized your sim gets the more chances you've got of succeeding the quests like the more they build up their knowledge and come prepared with the different items that they can bring will greatly affect the outcomes of the quest I'm going to put it up here in like it next up we have strangerville the concept is really cool and I do enjoy the storyline aspect that they put into this it has a lot of similarities to stranger things in my opinion there wasn't enough cast items with this one but the build bu was pretty good the whole possessed Sim thing is very interesting inside strangerville but when they start coming out into normal towns to interact with your townies is a little bit creepy personally haven't completed the story line all the way to the end but apparently it doesn't take very long so maybe keep that in mind if it is something that would interest you it's definitely a really cool concept for a pack and it's something different if you want to kind of change it up a little bit I think I'm going to put it in mid next up we have realm of magic I actually really enjoy this pack although I'm not an occult player but I did try playing the whole realm of magic side of things and I was really intrigued I really enjoy the fact that the world is separate and it doesn't kind of eat onto the rest of your gameplay if you're not playing with a magical household the magic realm is really beautiful and well done in my opinion I feel like the cast is pretty well done I'm not mad on all of the items but I think it would have been nice to see some more witchy items in this like some gowns or some hats I really like how your sim can take on the Journey of learning different types of magic it's up to four different types that they can learn and it's not too easy either the build bu on this one is really strong and fits the theme well but also is usable outside of just realm of magic builds I really enjoy this pack despite the fact that I'm not an ult simmer so I think I'm going to put it up here and like it next up we have werewolves the creative Sim is pretty good there's a lot of things that I actually really like and use on a frequent basis although it's quite unbalanced again unfortunately for male versus female content concerning the werewolves themselves it's obviously down to personal preference with design but I personally find them a little bit creepy they look more like people in costumes rather than Standalone werewolves I feel like maybe their heads are too small for their bodies they look too humanlike and there's something very creepy about watching a human-shaped creature doing very weird animal animations the build by in this pack is very grungy and I really really like it I think it's really well done as for the world I really enjoy the fact that there's a massive Lake that you can swim in and I really like the little bar area the whole pack system is really interesting depending on which pack you integrate you'll have different morals and rules overall the pack isn't mind-blowing but I feel like it's a really solid game pack there's Laur and story lines there which is a really nice touch so overall it's a really solid pack especially if you like a cult and werewolves I'm going to put it up here in like it so I feel like if you like Star Wars why not but this definitely doesn't feel like the Sims I think I downloaded it once and saw that I didn't like it and pretty much deleted it from my game but if you're a Star Wars fan I can definitely see you enjoying this it's got quite a structured Quest system in it it is well made for what it is but this collaboration definitely feels a little bit random and instead of a pack I feel like this should have been a spin-off much like the Sims Medieval was it definitely feels like this pack wasn't made for the Tims Community but rather kind of just as a brand deal I've never properly played with this pack just out of pure boredom and misunderstanding of the concept so I'm going to put this one in no okay so next up we have my wedding stories I remember when they released this one I was so hyped and I was so disappointed when it was released and super buggy I really really wanted to like this pack this is famously the most broken pack that we have for The Sims 4 which is a shame because I really enjoy the theme of it I love weddings in real life and the kind of pretty Mediterranean island aspect of it is really really appealing to me I feel like weddings in The Sims are a little bit stressful because you kind of want everything to be done in the perfect order if it goes weird and wrong and things aren't done in the right order it can and kind of ruin it completely the world of TARTA is absolutely gorgeous and I definitely use it for a lot of things I've made a few restaurants there in my save file and nectar shops and things like that but that's just what I've done with it and I feel like tartos and lots aren't amazing in my opinion the cast is great I really enjoy the fact that we've got a lot of different traditional representation from lots of different cultures the dresses are really well made and really pretty the makeup's pretty good as well we did only get one male hairstyle which is pretty bad and the wedding interactions really do litter the social menu in my opinion they could have been in a submenu if a Sim got a wedding planned we could have had wedding options but it's just so chaotic and it's kind of like playing a game of roulette when you play a wedding I think a lot of people will put it here but I will just put it here because I know that with Improvement it could be a really really good pack and lastly in the game packs we have dream home decorator honestly the cast is really good it's definitely up there in one of the packs that I used the most for cast the build by items are great in my opinion there's a lot of items that are quite reminiscent of the IKEA style we did get a lot of build bu items in this one and it would be weird if we didn't to be honest as it's kind of based around building the career that comes with this one is quite interesting like technically you could literally just make a really ugly room with a bunch of weird furniture as long as it was the right color or the right style and the client would technically be happy which is a little bit annoying but if you do follow the brief and put the effort in to actually make something that's good it can be a really fun feature but I feel like it's just kind of up to the player to do it right I'm going to put it up here and like it I do quite enjoy this pack so now we're coming over to the stuff packs this is kind of where the tier list is going to start equaling out on the bottom a little bit these ones normally retail at full price around $10 £10 £10 basically half the price of the game packs they're mainly items and they can also have some sort of elements of gameplay in there so first up we have luxury party stuff the cast is quite mixed there's a few items there that I kind of like but most of it is quite ugly in my opinion the graphics of the makeup don't actually look like The Sims they look completely different it's very strange it doesn't match the game and some of the these items are truly awful in my opinion and the build mode is very basic the only thing that I like in here is that little Fountain which you can have juice coming out of which is like another word for alcohol in The Sims or chocolate fountain and a little buffet table here but honestly for me this pack is not worth it at all I feel like it's very dated and ugly there's no gameplay elements in this one and for me it's just really not worth it this is one of my least favorite packs and it's just going to go no for me next up we have perfect patio the style of this one is very modern the cre Sim stuff is very weak I feel like it's very basic and there's not a lot here to justify the price again in my opinion this is a very incomplete pack it could have been done much better and had at least a few more items I'm going to put it down here and no next we're going to move on to cool kitchen stuff now the only way they could have meant cool in this case is for the ice cream because the stuff that comes with this pack is definitely not cool you get an ice cream machine and a few quite useful objects in build bu but the style of it is very very basic and kind of has that base game very cubby kind of effect I don't like the cast with this one it feels very out of dat and I just use the aprons out of this pretty much I think you're more likely to get this pack for the build by objects rather than the Cass but there's still not enough there to justify it as there's several kitchen themed packs this is definitely the weakest so in my opinion you should just skip this one out this little pumpkin here is spooky stuff I do really like the items in this pack but by principle this should not have been a standalone pack this is stuff that should definitely have been included in Seasons if you don't like Halloween obviously this one is a hard pass but if you are looking for some more items to kind of spice up your Halloween if you do make Halloween in the Sims why not I do really like the witches hat and I do use this stuff if I do want to dress up my Sims at Halloween but just as a principle I can't put this any higher than no because it should not have been a pack in my opinion moving on to movie hangout honestly I would have seen this as more of a refresh for get together it could have been integrated as like something you could do in a club but I don't think watching movies justifies an entire pack I know there's a bit of a theme form in here where I think that every single stuff pack doesn't deserve its own pack for a lot of these this this is true not for all of them though I feel like for the moment we're just talking about the worst ones the build buy with this seems a little bit random doesn't feel very movie themed but I suppose in of itself it's not too bad the create Sim again feels very random it didn't feel like it fit the theme at all stuff itself again is okay although I do enjoy making my Sims watch movies together and the little social interactions that come along with it like discussing the movies and talking about the actors and things I'm not sure where to put this one to be honest just out of principle I feel like it should go in no comparing it to some of the other stuff packs it feels very light and not particularly worth it so I'm not going to force myself I'm just going to put it in no now this is where things start to look up a little bit for the stuff packs we have home Chef hustle this is a much better version in my opinion of cool kitchen stuff I really like the store and the fact that you can kind of set up anywhere and start a little sale and the kitchen appliances are quite fun credit Sim is quite good nothing mind-blowing I guess but I do like the gameplay feature in this one so I'm going to put it up here in like it next up romantic garden stuff for me this is a little too abstract for a concept for actual pack that you can buy don't get me wrong it has really pretty build bu items if you really enjoy making Gardens and kind of want this Garden of edting kind of theme it could be really nice but it's in my opinion one of the most overhyped stuff packs personally find the crat seem quite ugly there's a nice hairstyle for children but most of it feels very dated again I feel like as simmers as a community we're kind of numb to the idea of such small concept being a pack but when you think about it it's really not enough I feel like I would put this in no but just because the build by items are so pretty and can really elevate a garden I think I might put it in mid next up we have kids room stuff if this and Parenthood were in the same pack together it would be a much stronger Standalone pack and it would be much higher in my ranking although it really does fit the theme really well and I do use these items a lot in my kids bedrooms the only reason I would suggest that you get this is if you are quite into family oriented gameplay because a lot of this isn't really in the base game game you don't really have much choice to decorate a child's room unfortunately but the crat Sim is quite good I'm going to put it up here in mid next up we have backyard stuff I feel like if you mix this in with perfect patio it would be a much stronger pack and I can't get over the fact that in the Sims 3 this would have all been in Seasons something small that I actually really do like about this is the bird feeders you can fill them up and it actually attracts Birds onto it which is quite nice for a garden and to be fair I really do like the wind chimes you can actually hear them and you can get different types of noise which is really nice but most of this Crea him is really ugly so just out of principle again I'm going to put this in no I don't think it's worth your money unless you're really really attached to one specific element in this pack next up we have vintage glamour so the main selling point for this pack was kind of the fact that you can sit at a vanity and apply makeup but for me the most interesting aspect of this pack was the butler you can now hire a butler just like you could in previous Sims games and they will come and cook you food and do different chores around the house I really really enjoy this feature concerning the style it it's okay I don't feel like it's vintage enough it feels a little bit strange there's a few items here that I like like the long elegant robe for female Sims this dress I'll sometimes use and this watch is like the only watch that I use in Create a Sim I don't particularly like the build stuff I feel like the whole black and white aesthetic isn't necessarily very vintage I think if it had better cast I'd probably put it in like or love and if it didn't have the butler I'd probably put it in no but I feel like the butler brings it up to the mid level because it's such a fun element for gameplay so next up we have bowling night so I don't really like the creat Sim stuff obviously we've got bowling gloves and bowling shirts which is okay but the rest of it is kind of a little bit random and in my opinion quite ugly obviously the build buy stuff is basically stuff for a bowling alley the game play is fine I guess I don't dislike the fact that my Sims can bowl obviously that's quite fun but I feel like there could have been some really fun elements that they could have added like maybe having your own bowling ball kind of having your own signature color or design when you play bowling the only functional item in this pack is the bowling alley itself and I feel like it would have been really cool to be able to click on the shoe rack and change your sim into some bowling shoes for example maybe there could have been some sort of competition mechanic added also something that I feel like would have really elevated this pack is if we could have had maybe like a pizza counter or some sort of fast food kiosk to kind of complete the bowling alley or even some arcade games I know a lot of bowling alleys include an arcade area I'm not really sure where to put this one I'm quite split between no puning I'm quite divided between mid and no just because I enjoy the gameplay aspect of this and it's quite fun to have my Sims make a Bowling Club for example I've got to put it in no just because it isn't very strong but obviously if you do want to add bowling to your game this is an option the fitness stuff pack in my opinion is really disappointing it's one of my least favorite stuff packs altogether for The Sims it does come with a rock climbing wall but honestly that doesn't really bring much I never use it in my game it's just basically reskins of what we have in the base game so we've got treadmill and one of those I can't remember what they're called but um to do your arms on we could have had like a step machine added in or maybe a rowing machine I feel like it was such a missed opportunity to not put some sort of fitness trainer career in this one that would have made it really interesting and the Cass is just laughable on this one we have barely anything there we could have had like sports leggings and like little like sports bra tops for women there was just so much opportunity missed with this one and for me it's going to go in no the toddler stuff back is pretty decent I actually really like all the items that we got with this the CEST in my items are really cute I'd say if you like family oriented gameplay this one is probably worth it it also adds the playdates event to the game where you can bring your Todds around and mingle with each other which is really cute and build mode has quite a few little functional items as well which is really nice I do think I would have liked to see a few more items with this but I do really like it so I'm going to put it in like it up here laundry day isn't too bad I feel like it accomplishes what it's set out to do the actual mechanic and how it is implemented into the game is a little bit annoying Sims often just dump piles of stinky clothes onto the floor it could have been automated a little bit better so you don't have to manually wash your Sims clothes for them I suppose it would have been nice to see some clothes that had a little bit too much use or we could have even had some sort of stain system implemented into this one for example if a clumsy Sim is eating there's a chance that they might stain their clothes and have to wash them I will actually say that this is probably the build stuff that I use the most out of any of the stuff packs there's a lot of kind of wicker themed things like rugs and chairs I quite like laundry day despite the fact that it's got quite annoying um mechanics I'm going to put it in mid my first pet is a difficult one because it does contain a lot of items that require cats and dogs which obviously isn't the point of an expansion pack you shouldn't need one expansion pack to complete the other this one definitely should have been a cats and dogs refresh there's items in here for cats and dogs although cats and dogs don't come with this pack we only get little rodents in this one and no other pets like snakes or birds that could have been a really cool opportunity to add those to the game it's a bit scandalous that this exists outside of cats and dogs and unless you really want some little rodents and stuff in your game which I could understand I just feel like out of principle this has to go in the bottom tier because it just shouldn't exist as a standalone next up we have mosino this is a really weird one for me we get the photographer career which is the only redeeming thing in this whole pack I just feel like if I was trying to represent my brand in a game I probably would pick things that made my brand look good and this pack definitely doesn't do that unfortunately there's one hairstyle that I will use and the rest I just don't touch at all it's that Sleek back long one right here the build mode has some redeeming qualities I absolutely love these windows right here and I quite like the kind of camera paraphernalia so we've got a little hanger here with some like a bounce and things and a little camera but I don't really like the overall aesthetic style of this pack I'm going to have to put it in no just because the cast is so awful and the whole point of like a fashion brand collaboration is the Cass tiny living has got a really interesting concept behind it and I can kind of appreciate it from that aspect it's definitely an interesting concept for a little bit more of a challenge in the game especially if you're a builder personally I probably won't get much used of it outside maybe one or two specific buildings in my save file where it will match the Sims personality maybe they want to live a little bit off- grid and a little bit more minimalist but it's not a pack that I'm going to go out of my way to use a whole lot I feel like this one would go really well with Eco living I do like the build by we did get quite a lot of nice things and that are quite versatile as well again quite an Ikea kind of aesthetic and the cast is pretty average I suppose it's not that great just for the gameplay and the challenge aspect I'm going to put it up here in mid even though I personally don't use it that much at all I don't think I've ever tried to do the tiny living challenge but it's a really interesting concept and I can appreciate how much of a challenge it might bring you if you are a builder I'm really keen on Nifty knitting I've got to say not only can Sims build the skill of knitting now and create their own objects via a craft hobby we also have the addition of plopsy which is basically Etsy I really like the creative Sim you can make some really interesting quirky characters with these outfits also I really like the fact that you can give these as gifts it kind of changes up from like the book or a camera this this is a really good stuff pack if you have cottage living I feel like it goes really hand inhand with that cross stitch and knitting go really well together I feel like they're both really cozy indoor Hobbies I really like this pack I'm going to put it up here so paranormal is a really really popular stuff pack and to be honest I can see why we do get a different type of career in this one we get the Ghost Hunter career which is quite fun it also brings back the iconic bone heer and we have Seance table so your Sims can build that as a skill which is actually really cool I really love the cast in this one it doesn't necessarily fit the theme necessarily I mean the necklaces kind of do they give very quirky Vibes but the rest of them are really versatile kind of summery clothes or even like 70s style vintage hippie kind of vibe I really really like it I also really really love the build by stuff in this one I use this little picture frame down here on so many elders and tables near their bed this hand is really good I really like that they got the Seance table the little ball here that's not actually functional unfortunately just overall I really enjoy this aesthetic I do really really like this one and it's going to be the only stuff pack that goes on this top tier and finally we have the kits these sell for about €5 $5 which is obviously a lot less than the others even at such a low price point some of these are really worth it and some of these are not even worth $5 so this is where the rating gets quite interesting so Carnival Street Wear is a creat a Sim kit so there's no real occasion for Carnival street wear in The Sims 4 there's no Carnival event or anything I suppose it kind of fits the theme well but the icon for this is a little mask with feathers on it and I feel like we could have at least had that in Cass some of the items are okay I won't pretend that I don't use a lot of these I'm going to put it up here and needs Improvement not because I particularly think that it actually needs Improvement but I would kind of not say to not buy it because it does what it sets out to do but it's also not on the same level as like get famous or dine out bust the dust is a weird one for me essentially you pay $5 for five different Hoovers that all do the same thing so that comes down to a per Hoover the principal is okay but it's a little undeveloped in my opinion I feel like maybe this should have been integrated into some sort of housework pack along with laundry day and houses seem to get too dirty too fast which is kind of unrealistic and beats the point of this realism element in the game I'm going to put it down here in no Courtyard Oasis is a build kit and I think it's absolutely gorgeous it's really well made you don't get a huge amount of items but the items that are there are really really pretty it's obviously very Moroccan inspired and it's great that we have more cultural representation in the game this could have been a really cool time to add in something functional like a hamam or a steam room think I'm going to put it up here and like it industrial loft is a build kit and I feel like we did get quite a lot of nice items in this one that definitely fit the theme really well I use these a lot it's really handy for when you're making more modern builds with an industrial twist if this is an aesthetic that you like then I would recommend getting this one I'm going to put it up here and like it in and arrivals is my all-time favorite kit I must say it's really really good the clothes are versatile it's got some really really solid items that I use all the time on my Sims if there's one kit that I recommend getting it is this one I'm going to put it up here and love it it's the best kit I couldn't recommend it more fashion Street seems like a little bit of a vague name for the theme of this one but it definitely has a lot of inspiration from Middle Eastern countries and Western Asia I really like the fact that we got Henner in this one and it's a very very colorful pack I like this a lot for my Sims especially when I'm making Sims from those sorts of regions it's really really good I was really excited for Blooming rooms I never thought there was enough house plants in The Sims base game so it was a really exciting pack for me you get 24 different plants in this one which isn't bad at all overall I do really like this one so I have a few things to say about this modern Men's Wear kit I think the title is quite badly adapted for the actual content the theme is more gender fluid than typically masculine which isn't a problem in itself of course this is quite an issue in The Sims 4 a lot of simmers kind of struggle to make masculine Sims because there's not a whole lot of choice I feel like we could have done with a more generalized set of clothes in this one based on how little I actually use this pack and how it doesn't actually really fit the theme necessarily I'm going to put it in mid editors no I'm actually going to change my review on this one and put it down in no I just realized that it has that awful sweater with the armpit slits in it and honestly I don't really use this kit at all so I think it's only fair to all the other things I've put in no so put this one down there as well next up we have decco to the max now obviously this is a build kit based around maximalism I don't dislike the idea of maximalism in The Sims but I feel like it was a little bit poorly executed I might use this in like a quirky artist or fashion designer's house but that's about it I personally don't think it's worth the money so I'm going to put it down here in no Moonlight Chic is pretty good it's supposed to be based on Modern Parisian style which I'm really sorry the Sims team but this is not Parisian style I live in France so I kind of have quite a good idea of what people are wearing in Paris and to me this is more like jeie paror I don't think I've ever seen a French person wear sequins outside of like some extravagant party some of the items in here aren't too bad like the coat I feel like would be quite representative of some sort of Parisian style it's not a bad pack but it definitely doesn't feel like it has any ties to Paris in anyway I'm going to put it up here in mid Little Campers is a great kit if you ask me I feel like it's just missing some sort of functional tent I actually feel like this is a really good add-on for outdoor Retreat if you want to take your kids camping and I really like this little functional outdoor movie screen it did what it set out to do I'm going to put it up here and like it first fits has a lot of clothing for children there's a lot of really neutral basics in here that are really versatile I use them a whole lot in my games although the idea of the pack is really good I'm not sure if we should really be having specific clothing based on age category I think a lot of it should probably be in the base game but as a kit itself I do actually really like it so I'm going to put it in like it I think desert Lux is absolutely gorgeous I would totally recommend it if you're into building and you kind of like neutral themes I am kind of obsessed with this one I must admit I do use these in a lot of builds I think one of my all-time favorite build bu items are these curtains and the fact that you can have them any width with this little ledge that you can put between the beginning and the end curtain is fantastic I can't see this one going anywhere else other than than into the love it section pastel pop is very cute it has a very cute aesthetic if you like this sort of aesthetic the items are really well made and I recommend you go get it and I personally think that if you have high school years this is quite a good one to have in tandem with that it's not particularly my aesthetic but it's a well-made pack and it's pretty well executed so I'm going to put it in like it everyday cluster seems like such a weird thing to have a whole entire kit dedicated to but it was very much necessary if you ask me I was super excited when they announced this one these are all objects that I use all the time so if you really enjoy decorating or want to give your builds a little bit more realism with a few extra details I definitely recommend this one I don't see myself decorating without this so I'm going to put it in love it the syat collection is in my opinion really underrated as a cast simmer I obviously dedicate a lot of time to making outfits I would probably say that this is one of my favorites so I think I'm going to put it at the top I know as a concept it's a little strange to just have bathroom clutter by itself I think maybe it should have been included in the everyday clutter kit but I can't deny that I use this a whole lot honestly I really like it I'm going to put it in like it just because I feel like it should have been part of the everyday clutter Greenhouse Haven is pretty cute I use it a lot it really does the theme really well and I don't really have much to say about it other than that I do wish some of the items were functional but it doesn't really matter it's an okay kit so I'm going to put it in like it I really like basement Treasures I feel like we don't have enough old themed things in The Sims 4 it's really really good for cluttering up a space especially like a basement or a loft again this is one of those kits that I've definitely gotten my money's worth but it's not mind-blowing so I'm going to put it in like K I feel like country kitchen is really underrated I know that there's not really much in this kit and to be honest that is a little disappointing but I think if you have cottage living this is a really nice addition to kind of have in tandem with that even though I really do like the ones that are in this I think it's just too lacking to go and like it so I'm going to put it there grung Revival is again one of my favorite kits I feel like in comparison to The Goth Galore one that came out not too long ago this one was so much better done I use the stuff from this one all the time I feel like there's some grungy things in there but there's also more versatile ones that don't necessarily have to be on grungy Sims so I'm going to put it here this booknook kit is adorable I actually really really like this one it's really cute I feel like the furniture maybe could have done with being a little less blocky but it definitely fits into a lot of different Aesthetics and I feel like the items are really well made in this one so I'm going to put it up here if you're a cast simmer like me and you prioritize using in-game content rather than custom content for a lot of things then you won't underestimate this sort of pack I feel like we've got a really good selection of items in this one and we got the really cute little armband versions for children I use these all the time it's kind of like the equivalent of the syat collection but for swimwear I think personally it's definitely worth it for this one I'm going to put it up here another editor's note I was so tired by this point but I meant to put this in love it I feel like the modern Lux kit is a good overall although I'm not mad on this aesthetic there's a bit too many thin gold details on a lot of the objects but it's a good collection of items one thing I don't really understand is the vinyl record player it's very much vintage but it's in the modern Lux kit it doesn't really make that much sense if I'm being honest but I definitely do use these items here that wall art and the mirror are quite nice and the plant I use quite a lot as well you probably realized this before me but I've just noticed that I got the icons for Desert Lux and modern Lux mixed up so I'm going to put modern Lux in like it and desert Lux back up and love it throwback fit is another cast kit and honestly I really enjoy the Aesthetics of this one I use it a lot in athletic outfits on my Sims this is another kit that I absolutely love so I'm going to put it up here I'd be tempted to put it in like it just because I don't know if it's amazing but I've definitely got my money's worth like 10 times over on this one obviously the free holiday update I'm going to put it in love it because it's free stuff who doesn't love free stuff which leaves us with the most recent two kits that we got I did get Early Access on these two kits and to be honest I didn't feel excited enough for these to be my two first kits that I made Early Access content about I kind of want to keep it real with you and when I make Early Access content I kind of want it to feel a bit more genuine and for these things I didn't necessarily feel that inspired I own this one because I got a gifted did by EA but I don't think that I would have bought this one if it was up to my own personal funds some of the stuff is okay but I feel like it's very stereotypical goth it would have been nice to see some more everyday goth items in here don't get me wrong it's not a bad pack but I feel like it could have been done a little bit better so I'm going to put goth Galore in mid which leaves us with the castle estate kit I actively really really enjoy castles in real life there's something that fascinate me and I love visiting them I feel like there was a lot of potential for this one but unfortunately we only got things like wallpaper flooring and a gargoyle and a few doors and windows I would have really really liked to see some sort of medieval or really really old style furniture even a grand Majestic fireplace would have been really nice to see the things that are there I really really love I love the walls and I love the details that they've added in but I feel like it's just so lacking in actual Furniture I kind of want to just put it here in mid so there we go guys we have ranked every single one of the 73 expansion packs for The Sims 4 I feel like mid and needs Improvement are kind of the same category at the end of the day a lot of these packs do need Improvement if you ask me but those three that are in needs Improvement are kind of worse than the rest of them but I didn't think it was fair to put them all in that category because some of them do offer a lot as well this has gone on way too long I think I've been filming for about 6 hours at this point it's gotten dark as you can tell I hope this was either fun for you to watch or has helped you narrow down a little bit what packs you are thinking of Buy in and I will see you in the next one bye guys
Channel: JazSims
Views: 14,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sims 4, review, sale, packs, dlc, expansion, game pack, stuff pack, kit, cas, build buy, rating, tier, list
Id: 33ONsj9DZmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 26sec (2906 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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