I Aint No Justin Johnson

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all right people catfish dave here uh i get these uh comments on my youtube channel this video was to the people that were saying i need to take tips from kayak catfish you know i need to find out what he's doing blah blah blah blah blah so i figured i would take uh one video and try to do it like kayak catfish first thing i noticed about his videos as he was getting there way before i was i don't have much current i don't know if i can throw this one out or not will find out if i get too much boat spin i'll just pull it back in this time of year you don't get no current until much later in the day i actually got out here at a decent hour today today i'm fishing like justin johnson today's goal is to get some actual numbers of fish in a video and hoping for a shot at a golly whopper i've got a much better shot at accomplishing that goal simply due to the fact that i got my butt out of bed and got out here at a decent hour i'm so confident i'm going to catch fish i'm going to go ahead and get my landing net ready normally justin johnson would be drifting right now this time of year but i'm over such a good spot right here that i am going to give this first part of the morning an anchor first bite already i ain't been here 10 seconds now one thing i do have to deal with this time of year is the small fish especially on a morning bite and in the summer the gar will always plug you you'll get these big takedowns nothing on the other end either way i'm planning on putting some fish in the boat this morning i'm fishing like justin johnson for all those that don't know who justin johnson is that's a guy called kayak catfish on youtube he fishes my area there went some bait jumping over there i probably got a small fish on this rod first dank of the day he's got my line all tangled up with the other rod like justin would say the skunk is out of the boat there he goes there goes the old heads getting to take down oh that's one of them gar i was talking about you'll get a lot of that out here this time of year good bends no hookups there goes there he goes that's what happens when a guard hits your bait and he rubs that line right up on his uh body just right looks like i'll tie me another rig here dag blast it i told you them garb was gonna be out here we gotta weed through them and since i am suspend fishing with at least this one rod i'm gonna tie a little shorter leader on it too i make what they call a straw snail i wrap it down back up around the straw put it through the hole the straw pull that out and there she is right there i believe that one hooked himself there he's on there so that fish right there has wore that headpiece out i won't be keeping that small fish typical for this time of year on a morning bite think number two they completely shelled that skipjack head ain't nothing in there y'all noticed my boat ain't getting rocked too bad out here this morning why because i'm fishing justin johnson hours still no sign of a skipjack bite out here i'm waiting for it also waiting for some of these smaller fish to clear out i'm obviously over the top of plenty of fish right now gar and catfish i'm bringing these fish up slow because i'm hooking them so deep [Music] fish number three fish number three for me i'm gonna put that back down there might as well until something bigger starts showing up there's number four y'all number four i call that a score that's number four [Applause] and the beauty about coming out here this early is if i don't see nothing of any size in the next hour so i've still got time left to hit another section or possibly start drifting change tactics a little bit either way i've got four in the boat so far and it's still early i don't have me a malfunction this morning even anchored i got pushed up against that uh rock bluff up there and i just had to cut my other rig off so now we'll retire another one i've got one bait officially in the water and i'm still drifting over so i'm gonna get way out there and i'm gonna redrop having all kind of good luck out here this morning i appear to have a small fish on that rod to the left there i've got my rig tied up number five they running small but it's still fairly early five fish in the boat because i'm fishing like justin johnson so number six on that old wore out skipjack kid the fish have seemed to move deeper i'm right at the edge of a hole right on the ridge of it but the last two fish has come out of deeper throwing out on the bottom over and about 70 foot i'll try that one more time and i may want to reposition my anchor six fish in the boat fishing like justin johnson oh we got a little better fish on here now definitely bigger than the others why because i'm fishing like justin johnson this feels like a fun size here we're getting out of dinkville and getting into fun size yeah we're going to call that in between a dinkin fun we're gonna call that a fun dink number seven i'm in catfish heaven because i'm fishing like justin johnson i believe i'm gonna stick around for number eight and then i'm gonna switch gears and start drift fishing bigger bait one guy's always talking about i'm always complaining justin's always smiling even if he catches a boot so if i'm on fish like justin johnson i gotta give it a smile there we go [Music] i've been reeling in so many fish i ain't had a chance to eat a little debbie hey there could be something to this getting up early think i'm starting to run out of skipjack i'm not used to catching this many fish i thought i had plenty of bait and looks like i got a little over four skipjack left looks like when you fish like justin johnson you got to bring more bait who would have thunk it i see some uh either skip jack or white bass breaking behind me and i am low on bait so i'm gonna throw it right over there in that breaking water with these flies i got one on oh [Music] now i've seen old justin johnson he posted in a video not long ago that he seen skipjack jumping and he didn't have a skip jack rod on him well i seen him flip over there and i had my skip jack rod ready it's a good thing because i was getting low oh oh we got another one we got another one i got a double on there actually if they stay not one got off i had a double no i still got a double get on there boy look looky there you all need to be more like catfish dave and carry your skipjack rod on you i was out of bait but not no more all right people i have established numbers i have established some more fresh bait since i do keep my skipjack rod in my boat we're starting to get into the later morning hours and i've seen the bites decrease meaning that morning feeding time is starting to slack off now i could sit here anchored till noon and i might pop a a golly whopper right here but i know this time of year when things slow down a good thing to do is drift yo that's a fish whew whoa so [Music] [Applause] dag blasted waves wow oh i believe this is the biggest one of the day so so whew whoa lesson number one in the summertime the early bird gets the fish now i always knew this problem is i'm lazy so i usually get there about 9 30 10 o'clock i live a long ways from the river it takes me a while to get up i work hard all week i don't feel like getting up so even though i already know that getting there early would help me out i go there when i feel like it because that's just me but either way in the summer uh two times you're gonna catch fish on an active bite which is early in the morning usually up till 10 30. you can still spark one out past that and sometimes the bite dies off at 9 9 30. after that any fish you earn through the day you're going to earn that fish you're just going to earn it and then again going into the evening around dark and then pretty much all night you can catch them but that's your two key times uh what i haven't done this summer really is do any night videos and i sure ain't been there early lesson number two always be prepared to catch bait you know i i watched one of his videos and uh he was talking about well there goes a skip jack but i didn't bring my skip jack rod now as many of y'all know i have hooked him up on skipjack several times and i've always got my skip jack right on me so as you've seen when i was in his situation and i seen the skip jack jump well hey i got three in that video that bought me more fishing time you know that's time that i didn't have to go catch skip jack that i could go ahead and go fish so in the tennessee river system you never know where those skip jack are going to start popping when they're going to start popping so it's good to be prepared for him if you can now in his situation he's in a small kayak i can understand why he would not want an extra rod with flies or whatever maybe on the kayak with them because a kayak is limited on room but either way always be prepared to get bait you never know you may run out of bait through the night you know have a cast net on you always be prepared to get bait because you never know when you're going to need more you could have a good night and all your bacon ghosts be going like that lesson number three experience plays a role i got successful on youtube off the bank and what i had done is i had be come good with my area okay i had learned basically kind of patterns off the bank from these public parks around knoxville and watts bar and so on i knew it this time of year for instance in the spring was good to fish here i knew in the fall was good to fish here i knew in the summer it wasn't good to fish nowhere but i did it anyhow any big fish i caught in the summer was usually real deep water late at night but i had developed these patterns justin johnson has been catfishing now for i know at least five years out in that kayak or whatever so what he has done is what i have done off the bank and he has developed the same patterns he remembers back well this area done me good this time here this area done me good so he has developed these patterns he has an advantage over me out in the water away from these public parts as far as you put us on a floating vessel he's been doing it five years longer than me but either way how did he get that um just time on the water experience you know same thing i've done off the bank that's what i got to do now so the more you fish the more you learn experience plays a role lesson number four we talked about time on the water but i'm going to talk about it in a different sense i live 60 miles from the river justin lives right on the river uh justin has a more flexible work schedule than i do typically in the summer i get two days i can take a shot at a video and that's uh on the weekend you know he has the option to fish during the week so he has more time on the water i heard him mention in a video and one thing i like about justin is he's not fake i heard him say i didn't do an intro to this video because to be honest with you i got skunked the last two trips there you go people there's three shots he took to get a fish on video in the summer he admitted it okay summer fishing can be tough and that's what happened to him well he had that third day he was able to pull off a video so time on the water is key the more you're out there it's common sense the more you're going to be able to catch fish that's what justin had lesson number five you can do everything right and still not catch a big fish that day you know i went over uh great catfish areas man um everything that's known about catfishing i fished those type areas where they would where they would be holding and uh i was on fish i landed a lot of fish that day but i did not get on big fish i drifted the ledges i fished the holes you know i don't want to i was supposed to do the big fish did not bite my bait that day and that can happen you know do everything right don't mean you're gonna go out and get a big fish so there is some luck to fishing and uh when the big fish decides to bite well that's on his terms not always on your terms lesson number six i ain't no justin johnson and y'all don't need to keep comparing me because we ain't the same uh we're not in the same situation and uh like i say he's a friend of mine i respect him as a fisherman you know is he a good fisherman well hey just look at his videos that says everything right there so uh you know he's getting experience under his belt you know he can do it eventually you know i hope he gets lucky enough and it don't happen to everybody sometimes the guys that are the best fisherman don't land a triple digit fish ever in their life that's why they call it a fish in a lifetime okay those fish are pretty much lucky fish you know especially in our area where you do not see many fish over 100 pounds there's some luck involved into getting that i hope if he keeps pursuing he ends up with one i've done my time i've caught many big fish in my day before my youtube day i've gotten my 50 plus inch catfish fish over 70 on way up past that so either way y'all quit comparing i ain't no justin johnson and uh i went out that day and that was typical summer time in east tennessee y'all this is a video there was fish in the video that makes it a fishing video it's catfish today with another one signing out you
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 75,906
Rating: 4.9253244 out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, Catfish, Skipjack, Tennessee River, Kayak Catfish, Blue Catfish
Id: CDbf9m28t68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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