I Accidentally Joined Empires SMP

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[Music] will i ever see the sun again [Music] just a sorry sack of man in a beautiful hawaiian shirt oh it's so cold down here i might not last the winter oh it's you it's you oh i'm not dressed for the occasion i bet you're wondering how little old me ended up with this big mess a renowned minecraft youtuber reduced to just a sniveling rat in a cage well if you've got the time i can tell you my tale but it starts long ago let me take you back to a previous life let me take you back to afterlife [Music] [Music] late into my second life i was locked in a never-ending struggle of man versus freaky fish whippet come to catch the big one and i protector of the sea was the last thing standing in his way is this fish too big for you fisherman there's no fish too big when you met me before i was merely part man part fish but now i am part c you still look like a freaky little fish guy to me you've hooked your last pathetic cod fisherman prepare to taste the force of the sea i paid 20 pounds for this whip i've got to make use of it come fisherman let your rod do the talking do it ollie oh you gave up your high ground i don't need the high ground the ocean is my high ground i'm getting you out of the water let me just hook you with this rod your rod is no match for my triple pronged assault yeah you are a quick little fish now wow oh god heal his heel i'm gonna get him oh my god why am i so higher what's going on i will never die as long as you're gonna break these waves you're at my back get away from me say goodbye to your precious life i did it i did it i arose victorious the ocean safe once more i ascend to the heavens above but as it turns out i'd hide the wrong special effects guys sausage you went too far well that's what i was supposed to do with this hat it was a poetic death to be sure the wave settling is our great feud finally ceased but twas at this point that my troubles only started to get worse i'm a wooden boy but father i've got the whole world to see ah it's like the movie ah the boys are gonna love this one classic wooden boy ollie's never been done sausage sausage but there was only silence at heaven's reach oh that's a funny bit catherine catherine panic started to set in as i realized there was nobody here catherine mommy i'm going to be sick i covered all reaches of the server from orb to orb but there was no one to be found surely that could have happened to joel joel is big and strong jimmy jimmy are you here sweet jim timothy sweet jimmy jones oh no oh no i might have done a silly one wherefore are now my boys [Music] well that's not good afterlife was a ghost town after my little break of three months everyone had decided to go a little bit silly and die by animals why was there so many ghasts by accident i have no words and even by song i'm gonna miss that little guy oh he's dead oh no sausage he's coming back down he's gone oh i've killed him i've killed him with the sound of my song leaving me poor innocent ollie as the last one standing wait wait wait wait does that mean what i think it means i'm the winner i did it i won afterlife and it was so easy too i'm the bestest gamer there ever was everything the light touches is mine all mine i reveled in my victories for a little bit come on boys dinner time i'm gonna get you i'm gonna get you whoa nobody expects the ollie inquisition got up to my usual hijinks praise the orbs praise the opps but a multiplayer server is nothing with only one person no one to help me in times of crisis well i didn't do this who's been editing my rail i'd like to get off now no one to laugh at my funny bits mommy i can't reach my diamonds eventually it all got too much so i came up with a foolproof plan one last ditch effort to ascend to the heavens above defy the gods and bring back my sweet baby boy sausage it was my last hope i've gotta go now i gotta rise up and be a hero goodbye sweet oh goodbye my precious home i'll be back for you one day with friends companions oh my little bee hearts are fluttering to infinity and beyond bees were made to fly i'm coming sausage i'm coming getting a little bit nervous up here what if the wings don't work what if i'm like icarus we didn't even test them oh it's got all dark heaven is that you ah i think we're close oh i don't like this i don't like this mommy oh it's all calming down hello hello is it over have you stopped trying to hit me with lightning bolts well i guess this is the place oh and i got some funky new wigs okay we just go up to the door we're polite we're charming squeeze a little bit of sausage and then this will all be back to normal knock knock what's this now i'll live in the sky why am i getting visitors what do you want me to do oh it's a little weird worm you must be god pleasure i'm ollie you've probably seen me on youtube oh yeah yeah maybe i saw the telly what's up little bit ago i sent up a good friend of mine mythical jay sausage i know him yep yeah he's cool but he's a lovely fellow isn't he can i have him back please no he's sleeping when you say sleeping what do you mean by is he sleeping no we got plenty of beds we're just gonna ignore these just walk past it i don't know if i can just walk past there's a thousand headset what did you do okay it was a legendary battle and see now he's just very tired can i wake him up no please no let him rest but pearl there's nothing for me down there there's nobody left well you can stay here and be my new sparring buddy i said stay here in heaven yeah exactly i don't really want to stay dead po i want to be alive sausage isn't dead he's just sleeping that's like what do you tell your kids i don't like this like he's not sleeping you've done something here i got so much left to give i really think not really i fell from the heavens above my wings cut short by the greed of the gods where's my wings gone where's my wings gone oh this isn't good is this the end is this how i go i help no no no luckily i landed in the sea i think we're fine what was that although partially unlucky as i hadn't written down any coordinates and i had no idea where the orb was where are we where's my house it had all my things in it oh where are my powers i can't even open tab how am i supposed to know how many lives i've got left this can't be good well i guess this is it it's not like i have much other choice so i decided this was the end i built a boat from twigs and twine at least i landed on an island with a tree afterlife you're one of the bestest series i ever knew except for all the other ones but you were the bestest most recent series i ever knew and with that i sailed off into the great seas beyond my afterlife was over [Applause] but ollie the orion sounds quest still had more in store the work is never done sure i could quit right now the only series i've ever finished completely no there's a whole new world just just sat right here tempting me calling me lady be a little tease it'd be rude not to have a little peek game of time i journeyed west on the hunt for a new home fresh shores to stake my claim and eventually that's just what i found land ahoy hoy huge day for me i'd hit the jackpot ah this is sick let's go name's in progress through the mountain straight lay a hidden utopia a string of pristine islands untouched by the coarse hands of man this was to be the foundations of something great throw a little bed down up here and suddenly he's starting to feel a little bit more homely huh wild creatures frolic free and easy i will name this island chicken it's like the great mayan civilizations of all waterfalls flowed from the cliffs like wine what secrets do you hold oh just a wall but i think in time this waterfall will serve me very well and to its sumptuous rares it's at a mighty mountain range it's scale competing with that of fuji itself i could make the sickest ski resort out of this you just wait i'm gonna make a tory's dream i'm sorry i started my journey the usual way punching wood making tools meeting the locals tis i your ruler oh you did fine work up there maybe i'll just sample a little bit of yours oh delicious seed i'll be sure to pay you back i'm never paying him back i conquered the olipelago depths with ease not today god i'm goated with the sauce garnering fine riches and loot six iron i'm getting myself a brand new pair of pants no no no no no no i'm so close yeah that's right come out into the sun i dare you ah double dare you what's one arrow in the back to a man with as many muscles as me but a gaming savant like myself couldn't last long on wooden tools so i quickly advanced the ranks nothing better than the smell of iron smelted in the morning come to bolt we have the whole world to see it was all coming up bali but eventually the weather took a turn for the worst you know the oly pelico isn't as aesthetically pleasing in the rain not very homely i only the orion sound wasn't gonna be seen cowering in a silly little cave and that's why we need to build ourselves our mega base and so i set to work building a mighty base strong sturdy built to last the tests of time the rain stopped just in time for the sun to rise over my brand new creation it's ugly as hell but damn it it's mine my ugly little igloo i can do what i want on my server no sausage telling me my build is asymmetrical who's gonna judge me are you gonna judge me no that's what i thought all the freedom all the time my mega base and my work here is done with base built armor smelted and confidence at an all-time high i was prepared to voyage further out and discover what bounties my great lands had in store adventure awaits i sucked upon the treats of the land a crumb of blue maybe a hint of yellow oh don't tempt me with a little bit of red i stumbled into the new mangrove swamp it was so squelchy i must have it a propagule don't mind if i do [Music] hello sorry oh it's just a frog i'm sorry i'm sorry oh god i didn't mean to tread on your children my bad my bad thank you for the proper kill i'll be leaving now i don't think i'll be returning here but we got the goods and it's a speedy getaway for the propagule boy i'm sure nothing bad will come of this a sparred with pillages what's wrong lassie there's fire over yonder wait what is this is this new i'm slow roasting baby out gun it's a pillager thing oi i was just admiring your handiwork there's 12 seats where's the rest of them we'll play tennis for the campfire i win this round pillagers just another day is the hero of this place i took refuge with the locals a quaint village i'm gonna borrow a bed i hope that's okay can you keep it down i'm trying to rest what's going on fellas why are you so sweaty oh oh no i may have made a small error oh god they hit hard they hit hard and then immediately left those locals to deal with the problems that i caused oh my god what is that ah i don't even know them they probably deserve it they probably committed crimes war crimes not like you guys you guys are the goodies it's still chasing me have some bread take all my things i don't want them anymore oh god abandoning that small issue i arrived at the foot of an even greater peak if my mountain was fuji this was everest a hardy foe to tackle but i was kicked out i had big gear didn't even sweat it baby i'm gonna bolder this whole thing but maybe my hubris was a little much ah mountain zombies save me from the coal furnace save me from the cold and equally frightening with the ravenous beasts that roamed these icy precipice bloody ellen it's a mountain dog it's a bloody rabid mountain dog i'm chill oh why are you so ah ah like to know the mountain dog you tried to warn me mountain dog you're a friend have my delicious pork okay maybe not have frightening i found myself an ally i'm gonna name you sausage after an old friend of mine oh you're a good boy reunited with my sweet baby boy i finished setting up my safe haven a base where we could continue our mountain ascent we made it this far boy let's see what this mountain's got in store for us but even with a crumb of hope there was still dangers on these old peaks it is incredibly dark down there careful sausage the snow everything around me is quick snow how have you found the one bit that isn't oh you're a good boy engrossed in my intense petting i hadn't noticed we weren't up here alone ah goat you got moves do that again we'd unwittingly dropped in on a nest of goats you got a whole family up here they're boulderers they really are like me for real for real i bonded with these mountain beasts so myself in them ah little guy scrunchy little man little horny little guy not that one i think me and you are gonna get along just fine but alas sometimes even those who you perceive to be goated are in fact not goated stay still sausage he might see us as a friend he didn't see us as a friend ah he's bowing to me it's bad no no no i fell into the dance doubtly avoiding spikes and fire we seem to be going further down he sees me going further down until eventually the water dragged me down to an even deeper low lower than i'd ever been oh a diamond two diamonds let's go uh what on earth is this i do not like the look of this at all somehow i'd ended up in the deep dark this one i wasn't prepared for how have i found a deep dark by falling down a hole it was open to the mountain hello hey friend that doesn't seem like fred that doesn't seem like friend sneak sneak sneak i think we've done a bad thing me and sausage tiptoed through the darkness the lights come back on please i don't like this i feel very uncomfortable me attempting to be stealthy i think maybe we just sneak around down here and we don't make any sounds kim not really understanding the assignment stop barking what are you doing what are you doing stop making noises sausage and although the dark was full of terrors and spooky noises it also had some really good loot nice i got a dis ali golden apple i'm eating good tonight baby just borrowing this thanks so much but in my greed my arrogance i had made one fatal error i stopped pressing shift come on sausage there's loot looter bound oh no oh no oh no oh no do not make a sound sausage sausage oh my god sausage sausage now sausage my sweet prince had fallen but i had no time to grieve my life was still on the brink oh i don't like that it's following me i'm really sorry i didn't mean to steal your things i mean you did kill my dog so i guess fair trade with nowhere left to sneak i made a final run for it i'm running i'm running make a run pokey can't swim oh god against all odds i'd survive the warden as long as there's no more goats up here i think we've made it out scot-free but at what cost i miss my boy here lies sausage the bestest boy i ever knew all right that's not how you spell new let's try that again he had such a loud bark some might say a little too loud oh it still makes me weep there's one less star in the sky tonight and one less sausage in the pantry i'm gonna miss that little guy but on the plus side i beat the lord and baby are the best gamer there ever was i journeyed home by a sea gliding atop the back of a kind ocean creature yeah baby i'm like a speedboat i mean in my head a picture i was writing on his back if you draw any fan out could you draw me on its back and also i i look really hot too and i got big muscles in this as well so you could draw that as well that'd be swell is that my little bit of crevice is that my olipella go we made it oh i actually can't believe we made it back this progress is kind of insane it's been less than a day and i've beaten the warden i tamed the sea i've done it all little bit of this little bit of that oh that's bloody heroic and that sounds like winning music if i've ever heard it i'm the king of the world [Music] oh it kind of slaps this wooden beat i kind of feel it makes me want to croon it [Music] the biggest man around i'm a big man from a big town i'm a i'm a guy with a big old dolphin i had a friend he was a dog he died [Music] okay okay let's shut that off let's go to bed but on the morrow it was time for my true trial to begin a brand new day [Music] we now have a new goal we've completed everything on land we've conquered the sea i've got some cool drip now there's only one thing left for me to do complete the game get to the end and defeat the ender dragon never before have i done it solo last time i was there when it was beaten but i didn't really offer much to the team are you guys doing all right over there but this time this time this time it's all me baby and by that i mean i'm going to get some help for an undertaking of this magnitude couldn't be done alone if i was to rise up and face the strongest mob in minecraft i need the advice of a seasoned master the tutelage of a gamer who lives breathes sleeps block game i needed the help of a speed runner i knew just who to call fruit berries and cream lumina aluminum dreams i don't want you here go away leave oh but none of them picked up so i went with hello this is critic zeus how may i help you my sweet petty poi you've come to my aid in these trying times what do you need me for today ollie i'm in the need for a man of gaming prowess so you're gonna say i'm in need for speed damn he was already funnier than me how am i supposed to keep my viewers like this it has been a while but i will dust off these old bones for you but ollie you have to promise one thing anything for you zeus you have to listen to me you have to listen if you don't listen it's gonna fail no time to listen we set out on our quest knee on the keys and zeus spectating over my shoulder like a proud father we were on the hunt for a very special set of ingredients we need blaze rods we need enderpearls to make ender eyes ah hall of which could be found in the nether many long minutes of traveling later is that a lava pool it only bloody is and using daving finesse we crafted ourselves a mighty portal and it only took us an hour together we took our first steps into hell zeus it's snowing no that's just the ashes of the undead oh it's lovely but we had no time to admire the scenery oh my god step one douse the blazes there's a blaze there's a spotter first attempt didn't go great okay second attempt also not the best but i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready what have you done i said five to myself but third time's a charm am i going sicko mode you have one minute with the power of about five a day coursing through my bloodstream go go go there was no fire i couldn't fight wow get off me you damn dirty slime i'm a golden god okay so you no longer have fire red oh what did you tell them you didn't tell me you went we had the rods and we're almost certainly on track for a world record time it was time to go even faster are you tempted by the call of my rod [Music] on his back there was no land i couldn't traverse i'm taking him off road zeus we're going all-terrain with this bad boy he's going quick oh he's excited i think it smells something wait there fella i go this way after a few more minutes we dug our way into a bastion i hear a hug a snorty hug oh wait what wait what oh my god oh it's too easy when you're built like me sebastian wasn't a friendly place run away run away do you have blocks blocks yeah i got blocks i got blocks so i built as a little safe hole ollie's nether mega beasts done i showered the hogs and gold no no no yeah baby let's go we got four praying that luck was on our side oh what what what oh that's crazy huh i checked my mom's folder and everything you do what could you do zeus was ready to make a speedy getaway but there was one man i couldn't leave behind but you cannot getting my boy never leave a man behind zeus that was our mantra from the very start do you remember when you said that to me coaxed my noble steed to the bastion that's my little man we ride we ride and proudly rode him into the overworld isn't it beautiful this is a wholesome moment i'm glad i'm sharing it with you zeus are you really doing this i'm not doing this zeus we're doing this but alas to be a strider in the oval world is pain do you think he can spit no he can't say bad idea that sweet boy wasn't having a very good time he's on half-heart zeus he's withering away and i feared he wouldn't survive the journey go sleep no he's coming to the village zeus the people need to see him they need to see what i've done jesus christ buddy i'll get you in in a second after all of this if your strider has died i don't know how i'm gonna feel oh he was cowering i think this journey might be too hard for a poor strider man i'm gonna leave him with the fellow animals i left him with the villagers promising i'd return for him soon feed him fungus twice a day he likes cuddles hopefully one of these people can read i'm gonna miss you little man this mission was ours alone very cool ender pearl tricks laser 360. i'm a gamer oh my gosh you made it i've pulled before we arrived at the spot i honestly think it's one in front of you just because of the angle okay pythagoras time will yield down from here i dug straight down no doubt in my mind ah oh my god there's thunder striking a silver fish zeus i think we bloody cracked it free baby i bravely fought off silverfish that was kind of clutch and made my way through the portal this was where i'd make my final stand all right well you know what it's about time for me to leave what it's so easy all you have to do is place a couple of blocks and you put that down and then you bet it's like it's so easy you haven't told me what that means you haven't told me what that means you've got this i believe in you good luck bye uh well this can only go well i can hear you calling for me dragon your wings flapping on the wind once i was just like you a man of end but now i'm here to drink milk and kill dragons and i'm all out of milk oh now you made me make a mess right that's it dragon time to die and with a powerful battle cry went to war oh i didn't know they exploded i didn't play mcc to not be able to do this oh come on fella i dare you i double dare you how do i place the bed how do i place the bed oh no oh i'm very high up spamming i was definitely out of my depth but in my heart i still heard zeus's words number one it's very difficult to teach you anything because you're not willing to learn and i knew i had every one of my old afterlife brethren cheering for me yeah all right yeah get that right there was no way i could lose come on ye terrible beastie i'm gonna take you to bed bath and beyond and with fire causing through my veins i'm nothing like you anymore i'm so much bigger my aim was true i'm like legolas baby my beds were cycles cycle cycle cycle cycle and in the end it all came down to one final strike in its legs come on come on come on yeah baby [Music] i have nothing left i have nothing left oh my god that was stressful i see why people speed right now my precious reward look at my xp damn heads let's go thank you zeus thank you me and my big muscles couldn't have done it without you and now to return home with the spoils of war credits time yeah any bloody rude to skip it wouldn't it after all i've done sit back relax and this was the biggest error i made all day oh this is a bit long isn't it i'm just gonna go get a drink get a little snack i'll be back in a minute still going yeah it's fine gotta clean up the milk anyway it is still going i went to cafe nero and back it's been an hour why won't it stop oh my god there's more credits there's more credits yeah right i'll be back whenever it's done i'm not playing anymore hours passed days turned to night seasons changed all while these credits kept on rolling until eventually finally oh my god is it over it's been a whole day i changed outfits the continuity's ruined but back baby oh sweet goat mountain pal i've missed you that may be the longest cut scene i've ever sat through we're never beating the dragon again i will die of old age but we did it we made it home we got the egg and all it took was a little bit of gaming huh what's that that wasn't there before i would definitely have noticed if that was there before are we in the same place that side looks normal how long was i in that cutscene i would have noticed a huge bridge you know what this is not a problem for now this is a problem for future me i just spent five hours playing the game the sun's going down i gotta get home like a toasty fire put my feet up get this bad boy on the stove maybe a little fry maybe a little scramble a little dragon egg souffle maybe a delicious treat a wondered home egg in hand the same path i always took and sure things seem to look a little bit different path to dawn but i just figured that was all thanks to me my influence so powerful maybe the villagers see me as their son the guy that slayed the dragon they worship me as a deity you can call me dawn anytime eventually i started to close in on where i was pretty sure my house was my beautiful beasts i could smell the salty briny air of the olipellago my sweet megabase i'm home but no megabase waited for me atop the crest hello do you know where my mega base is turns out this wasn't a path to my house and it was completely lost i guess this must just be a village that i missed oh they're pretty kitted out though maybe i'll make this my home away from home well it's turning night i guess i'll take refuge here and i'll figure out whatever's going on tomorrow again this is tomorrow's problem excuse me are you the receptionist you're not on your post second floor bar third floor beds i've only gotta found a tavern it's got a bar i wonder if they've got a brewski oh my sweet patrons and what is that oh my god it's that instrument [Music] i can make that work and i've got an audience it'd be rude not to give him a little show um this is a little original i wrote i killed the dragon so i brought the warden low and now my dear villagers raise [Music] me oh valley of me toss a coin to your ollie or valley you've only [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what hello huh damn how do you know me how did you get on my server am i open no no this is empires i'm i'm sorry what you're on empires huh no no i'm not this is my server i've been here the whole time i just killed the dragon i thought the warden i've done it all i'm not a bird if anything i'm a sick monster slayer is what i am yeah you're like the hero you can sing about it and stuff that'd be so cool you know we could invite you here you can put on performances but the villages it'd be great you put a lot of pressure on me i get a little bit of stage fright i perform for non-animate people i don't know this happens do you need somewhere to go yeah i got a house this wasn't here when i left none of this was here when i left it's not a dawn right i thought i was dope i'm dog the villagers have been calling me dawn because i killed the dragon and i'm really cool no no i'm the princess of dawn that's my theme shoot oh it's really nice well if this isn't my house i don't know where i left my house it was somewhere over here we could go look for it oh that'd be good ollie back together i mean ollie and dawn princess beating dale i don't know you yep i don't know you either jen was acting strange but i decided to play along with a bit who was i to turn away a new friend i didn't really have much other choice look here's the docs right here if you take that boat over there you should be able to take it along the coast thank you milady i'm sure i'll see you and into the abyss i fell oh we the hood where am i why am i in a cage huh what's going on oh this is not a good day oh i don't like feeling trapped like a rat in a cage well this can't be good let's see what the sheriff thinks about this one we are the champions my friends oh oh we are the champions we are the champions no doubt the losers or people come kill the dragon cause we are the champions [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes
Channel: TheOrionSound
Views: 485,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oli, Theorionsound, orionsound, onionsound, the orion sound, empires, empires smp, empires minecraft, minecraft smp, minecraft, oli minecraft, theorionsound empires, theorionsound minecraft, geminitay, fwhip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2022
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