Afterlife: The Ender Rail

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a dubious little creature getting up to mischief this is no good no you've had your episode we don't do episode twos around here fine fine have your episode two you greedy little goblins but it won't be as good as episode one another video bloody greedy guts it's never been done that's crazy though who do you think i am this you like this oh a little bit of sheep new merch new merch you say no no this is just for me welcome back gamer boys to afterlife in last episode i was birthed from the great origin womb as a little endarian wow since then it's been a busy one these last three weeks it's all gone on but to worry not i am a benevolent man i'll fill you in since last time i've faced many perils through the machinations of a cunning rat lady i was dragged into a fight for my life in my birthplace of the end i don't know she took me to my home do you want to be here not really at least the others they were fighting for their lives i spent 10 minutes trapped in a boat you guys doing all right over there i'm going in no that's my mummy stop it she's a lovely woman aside from the trauma of seeing two of my loved ones perish mommy no no i got to do some heartfelt bonding with both my fellow endermen of the end oh this is crazy huh couple of enderman who'd have thought it not me stand with my new beloved server friends stop hitting the eggs not me doing doing it i'm gonna kill you ali i'm actually gonna kill you i'm gonna reach my final farm back up i'm jitter clicking you can't kill me feeling a little bit closer to my afterlife brethren i took last episode's criticisms on both people were a little spooked off by my big bones i get it not everyone likes calcium as much as me i'm a little milky bear but if we want friends to visit we needed a welcoming home and i was keen to oblige the farms now looking all scrunkly a beautiful path teared crops and a lovely little farmer keeping away the crows it's beautiful using all the resources that i fracked from the end we've extended down in the belly of the all i combined the sleek minimalist aesthetics of the end with the beautiful foliage of my human heart to create a sexy amalgam of the two i've got labeled storage i got a full-on crafting station it's like i'm a real minecraft man my parents are probably so proud best thing since my degree i reckon eventually i hope to have all of these filled to the brim with enderman and animals of the surface alike perhaps even a few of my friends could live here i know jimmy he struggles with building this could be his house i even had an exterior decorator to come in merry condo it up make the orb shine so i've read a lot of books on design and feng shui and i've heard that a floral touch helps to make people feel at home helps people feel safe and not scared of my area can you help a guy out okay do you have the saplings no i thought you grew though i thought that was your job what am i paying no idea what am i paying you for i'm getting all stressed i made a tree don't make a tree yet i already did it i made the tree stop it it's happening oh that's ugly okay we tried that one again that one was bad okay i'm sorry i'm sorry a piece we can do better ollie it's okay we're having fun we're bonding there's only grass where are the flowers your biome doesn't want them it just smells grass yeah it's just grass well this is a right let down oh and i still have to pay you no diamonds no i don't pay up many do you hey how did you one three three three i could buy three bones god gave me this entire set of armor so what you've been doing is you've been scamming people no uh-uh here's your three diamonds troll get out of here i want to see you around here again a swindle and a trick i'll never trust a florist again sausage had also completely ignored the height limit that i set in place what on earth do you call this this is not within the height limit speak priest that sausage guy huh sucks right yeah i think so too that's crazy clearly overcompensating with something i decided to go for a more minimalist way to show respect for our fallen brethren so put callum's head on a spike a fitting memorial for our first friend on the server because he was a big man and he did die i think this is exactly how callum would want to be remembered not just a big church for clout we actually care looks good doesn't it sausage looks really nice doesn't it on the negative side i'm still having to face the same old endarian problems water still the bane of my existence a curse on my house and even with a kind gift from fellow water intolerant joel why are you in my crops olly i didn't trample it and do anything what is that mysterious contraption you are holding king this is my umbrella well that looks sick he's duel wielding i don't need to duel the wheel though one will do the job here you go i appreciate you a lot step outside young padawan free of the raid i'm so powerful there you trampled more crops holly i guess excited oh my god we are the same king my arm is more circular than yours shut up joel i've been bullied enough on twitter for this job i don't need this i was still struggling my parade constantly being rained on this is fine i'm fine every time i log in every time have i done something to anger poseidon no probably but i can't stand for this anymore luckily the orb came up with an ingenious idea i could do that oh yes i wouldn't mind doing that no you always know what to say to me oh so i decided to block out the sun and by that i mean i built a lovely little umbrella after this nobody can say that i'm a bad builder again it's huge built out of my original claim i've truly made a landmark to last the generations what's that rain can't get in that's what i thought that's what i thought nobody's ever built such a powerful contraption i have stepped beyond the pale the orb has willed itself so overall going pretty swimmingly for the ender boy the orbs happy i'm happy everyone's happy so now we can begin on the plan at the end of last episode i made a bold claim a claim that only a man with a six-pack and great hair could make that's my goal to gather the endermen and train them train them to be upstanding members of society because that's the way of the all and that right there still the plan to gather the enderman train them so they can frolic wild and free they just need a little push in the right direction the less murdery direction but getting the enderman to the orb is no easy task not only do i have the issue the enderman not the biggest ollie fans but also i've got to somehow figure out how to get them up here a climb that even my real-life friends struggle with catherine catherine there's not a way up that way there's a thing i saw something move and then i have to figure out how to store them in a way that won't get me killed it all seems pretty impossible to someone that isn't me how to tame the enderman a four-step guide to success step one housing the all-bearing birds are already thriving within the belly of the old with high ceilings and good company and incredibly unbreakable glass the endermen should feel right at home in their new life by the all step two transport through days of intense research i've come up with a method of transportation that will fix our accessibility issue a beautiful combination of practicality and art the monorail they work for japan they work for the simpsons they'll work for us anything that comes through the ender portal ends up at spawn so all we have to do is link spawn and the orb and we've got an easy abc pathway to get the boys home step three education not entirely sure how that's gonna work i haven't thought that far ahead yet mostly thinking about the monorail bit we'll figure it out how hard can teaching people be there's so many teachers finally step four freedom we let the little men free into the wild to spread whimsy and joy throughout the great lands of africa and we can sit back relax and enjoy the bountiful rewards of feeling like we've done a good deed it's that easy what could go wrong jesus i'm so sweaty is this how sweaty you get try to do a powerpoint presentation never become a teacher step one already complete however step two it's gonna be a problem a great rail infrastructure not cheap rails not a cheap thing to get and they already spent most of the old resources on decorating however luckily i know just the lady who can help a walking talking villager looking iron farm i'm sure she'll help me out they always help me out eventually i see it i see it by the grace of the old i land hi right this is perfect i'm in need of your goods and services follow the trail okay yeah that's right money you're falling right into our plan yeah money you'll never know what we're doing welcome to my humble abode cool is there trades yeah i'll trade me i'll trade this is a trader he didn't kill this guy right you should kill him i'm not gonna kill him you should kill him if it'll get me across the ocean it's the only way i'll carry you no no he just died damn things just die okay welcome to life okay you just need to stand on where there's torches allah this one from lizzie i'm sorry what the heck i'm in a cave it's not a cage it's a house free real estate people would kill for that more importantly i think this would be the perfect time to sport a goal but i only spawn golems when i'm scared and you're not very scary you're meant to scare me that's how it works the iron farm was in motion ah damn you found me by the way this is good this works okay sick three iron now we do it on repeat oh we get loads of stuff we're gonna be rich jim you have to scare me again zombie noise that's it's doing it it's a flawless system oh god no no i'd be careful if i were you oh he's out jim he's out of the cage that would be your problem and not mine i'm in the cage oh god you are absolutely going to be absolutely going to die he's holding the doorway jeb olly i can't take any more deaths from gollums it's okay we've got a good working relationship going on here jim get back in the hole deb i don't agree to be honest can you at least kill the man good luck enjoy the orb this is not grace of the orbee at all damn sorry ollie you're not sorry you're not sorry i managed to sneak out the back entrance by which point the golem had wandered away bonk bonk bonk get out of here as had our iron farm in total i gained a hefty amount of six iron not exactly a monorail for the history books however as if by fate a message pinged on the discord an iron farm pre-built and ready to go it was a long journey and night was falling but i had a quest and nothing could stop me i hopped on one of my noble seeds i'm in need of your services horse and ventured out into the wilds we're going for a little ride it went really badly oh that's a lot of creepers run run we shouldn't have gone at night so i got on my other noble steep don't want to talk about where your brother's gone just trust me it's not gonna be like last time and headed out again with it slightly more daytime away together we conquered great mountains perilous rivers we even stumble across another role i don't know whose house this is but a fellow friend of the orb is a friend of mine come on boy we're almost there eventually we galloped over the crest arriving at our destination a quaint village but no one was in sight hello dying man where is the mighty owner of this establishment who's there hello what do you want here what do you want you in here i've been right behind you this entire time i am the iron baron wow you're so much bigger than i expected yeah i am very very indian the orb needs you okay what's the orb the orb it's so much more than i could ever describe it's both a force of beauty and grace a coping mechanism for me but also it's a big oh yeah as well i can help with a little copium what do you need there was a villager i was using her as an iron farm but turns out she's not very effective at her job so i've come to you in search of a better iron farm from a better friend uh-huh how much of an investment do i need to put in this endeavor well i'm gonna say uh i hadn't done the math 30 stacks 30 sticks there's a lot of rails flip you're gonna clean me out over here i don't know what to give you mushrooms beautiful mushrooms don't have that how about one of these i like that well sir i will remember this i hope that you live a long and fruitful life thank you i wish you only the best five minutes later my little man cow this is why i shouldn't make any friends well at least we got the iron so much i had so many rails so many rails we've got iron left over whip is now our best ally our favorite friend you may be small but to us you are a man of the old i'm the man of the art i thought i'd taken those off don't judge my gamer gloves there to help me with my cold hands they're not cringe they're stuff arthritis i look like dreams i'm moving on finally i've gathered all that i need to build the greatest rail system the world has ever seen i call it the ender rail what i say and a rail [Music] i hear those things are awfully fast flies as smoothly as a gap is there a chance the track could bend not on your life my pasty friend what about those evil mobs they'll be given pushy jobs i think you might be trying to kill us no milady the orb is with us the orb says it's the only choice throw up your picks and raise your voice once [Applause] a again nobody would have expected it not for me look how long it is you can't even see the ends that's a pun that's a pun the ender rail was complete a work of beauty a work more magnificent than i'd ever done so much amethyst so many rails so much time oh my god this took me like 10 hours please leave a like enderman we'll land here they'll be swept up along the great ender rail we get to the coastal run up to the great orb itself god it looks hot the final stretch is a speedy ascent up the clifftop slide into the loving embrace of our great lord the orb drop down and safely land it works it was i can't believe it works i never expected it to work as if the orb willed itself but for any of this to work i needed someone on the inside someone inside of the end to chevy our boys along give them the little push they need to bring them through into my awaiting arms luckily i knew just who to call them lizzy lizzy lizzy pick up the phone hello you're there ollie lizzy i'm on the other side of the portal do you read me over loud and clear say over over nice the orb is calling upon you the time is finally here the great purpose roger that i need of you a great boon what a boon i need a boon like a bunner like an indian curry no i need a favor when i give the signal i'm gonna need you to start pushing enderman through the pool you want me to push enderman into the void yes and then i'll collect them on my side you need to worry about what happens on my side i got that covered that'll find by you affirmative sick cool glad to have you on board over and out we have our lady on the inside now we got to do is get to the rail and the great purpose can begin and also i need to get out of this hole this is going to take a while oh no i waited at spawn looking to the sky arms outstretched for our new guests lizzy send in the men i'm stepping away i'm scared it didn't go exactly as planned no it died on the roof no once through just walk forwards no no i just wanted off not exactly the flawless plan that i envisaged this way little man come on this way yes we go down through it's working we got another one let's go this right here i've done a silly one this can't be legal out finally after about an hour and a half of lizzie trying her very hardest to convince enderman to go through the portal and me really failing to receive them we had five strong upstanding enderman excited raring a go the boys are all in it was time for the ender rail to make its first and potentially last journey to the all come on boys we're off okay they're coming the boys are coming if i take them a while but they'll get here speed boys speed this is dumb this is the dumbest thing i've done one of them's partially off the track but i think that's fine now remember keep your hands in the cart wear your seatbelt keep your head in at all times nice look up i've done it for you this can only go well please don't die please don't please don't die flawless it's flawless and away i go back go on fella be free and that my friend is a success we did it we did it let's go it is insane that one of my plans worked so well i did it all i did it for you we'd welcomed four unruly endermen into our family which meant we were now at the point that i had the least idea about i'm no teacher i have friends that are teachers but i never had the patience but there is one thing that i do know how to do a top tier training montage hit it i read stories to them and then this giant turned up and he carried me across the ocean and there was a raccoon and a villager it was crazy decorated their little house there you go it's like you're right at home i even played them some over world classics why does it always rain on me come on guys you can relate how we feeling boys you calm down no no you've not but nothing seemed to work what do you want what can i do it's my final straw i whipped out the disc that lizzie had thrown through the portal a disc from the end they stopped screaming boys i've never seen you so calm frederick you've not stopped screaming since you got here hit a thought music the great healer abba was right we've got to test this preferably on someone that's not me and as if the great orbit planned it the perfect test subject happened to be dropping by ollie are you here right on time joey hold on it's very loud down here i'm playing the songs for my new friends okay what happens if i look at them will they attack me hopefully not i'm so little i can fall in there well you've got to be careful you can't be fooled in there really you need me for something i came here for something well i guess we can do a little trade then i need to test whether my boys have truly learned the lessons i've been teaching them what do you need i was just wanting to play a game of hide and seek okay that sounds pretty innocent hide and seek and death actually yeah sounds a lot more joey graceffa to me yeah yeah you'll have 60 seconds to find me right then you get to kill me and darion's quite a peaceful race but i'll happily let my boys give it a try okay i for one have a lot of faith in my boys i believe they've learned frustrated and if not then this is a test that doesn't involve killing me so it all works out for the best ollie get ready in three two one here i come boo if it was me i'd hide in the chickens well it's a good thing i changed my mind on that one 40 seconds left boys have you seen the little man 14 13. i can see the j i can see the child no i see you little man only i had three seconds left not enough for a man as wily as me did i say death i meant you get a bone you can help me with my test come along all you got to do is look them in the eye and get very close i have to look them in the eyes you got to look them in the eyes i'm scared oh he's looking at me hey guys oh no boys back in the minecart you were supposed to have learned oh dear oh no i'm sorry bud i thought it was safe well it'd be rude not to this was a little man he died roy looks pretty bad on us that we have two of these what can we do orb they won't learn oh and now it's raining this is classic pathetic fallacy all over again i decided to do one last thing we gotta go back to where this all started there's gotta be something down there that'll help us figure out how to train these boys down into the belly we go a cold breeze swept through my home as i began the precarious journey down into the abyss i'm sorry hope you've got to go it's chilly i don't know what i hoped to find down there but it was the last hope i had i'm back this is why i don't want kids you're a hassle i don't know how to entertain you without hitting you with an axe however in the deep dark i came across something wondrous oh my god lush cave oh my god lush cave you're the little man dog i gotta get me some of these little men oh my god there's so many of them the shrek's a lot and now you're mine ah there's so many i caught them all i'm the axolotl master baby maybe these axolotls would warm the cockles of my enderman's hearts like a puppy at christmas i gotta get these little guys home but alas this is where our plan went a little bit alright in the excitement to get home i forgot the second rule of minecraft first rule don't dig straight down second rule don't dig straight up oh oh god no no no no no no no no not like this i was so close to the surface oh that i had perished and in darien no longer and as the water filled my lungs i was transformed into my new origin what on earth is that no i'm a freaky fish guy i don't want to be a freaky fish guy what am i supposed to do with this t-shirt now there's no way i die collecting axolotls and become an axolotl there's no way this isn't scriptures well that's the episode i don't want to play anymore so i'm just going to stop hope you enjoyed leave a like subscribe follow the twitch i'll see you next time for some fun fishy answers this is so dumb i'm outta here [Music]
Channel: TheOrionSound
Views: 347,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oli, Theorionsound, orionsound, onionsound, the orion sound, afterlife smp, alsmp, modded minecraft, minecraft smp, oli and lizzie, oli and gem, minecraft, the orb, the enderrail, minecraft 100 hours, modded minecraft 100 hours, 100 hours, oli theorionsound
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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