I’m Buying Another Airplane

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hey hey hey welcome back to merge group Mike here it has been a busy Year guys and I am back at the hangar today to show you around and to tell you what we're up to so if you can see it's empty today uh we're doing some cleanup I'll show you around um but also I want to tell you what's going on with the flight school since the last time that you guys were here maybe a year ago a lot has changed and we've gotten some new planes we've gotten some new students and I also want to tell you about our new semester coming up so stay tuned [Applause] before we get started make sure you check out lookupflightschool.com this is my own flight school if you want to learn how to fly an airplane just like you've watched me do I want you to come on down and take your first demo flight whether you're looking to just get your private pilot license or if you want to become an airline pilot we can get you there from zero all the way to commercial rating we fly no modern airplanes with the best glass avionics and all of our students go from zero all the way to commercial pilot within a year so make sure you check out lookupflightschool.com welcome to the hanger guys so last you were here as you see we've done a lot of Renovations here at the hangar and right now we've got some scenarios for the students we've got a bunch of students up right now doing their ground lessons and you see the hangers empty we actually have four airplanes here and right now all three are flying we've got this one down and I'm sure this will be going up soon but let me show you our newest equipment uh that's our new fuel truck it's nothing fancy but it's gonna get the job done uh and really guys the reason why we're making all these Investments is so that we can pass the savings along to the students so with this consider this our fuel truck because we can now fuel our airplanes with normal car gas that saves a lot of money both for your flight training and also it actually helps the engine of the airplane a lot better than what we have now with have gas okay so I'll keep you posted on what's going on with that but first let me tell you about our new semester coming up in July so right now we are 31 students full okay and congrats to all of our students who passed the check rides both for private and instrument and I know we have some students who are now gearing up for the commercial rating which is awesome honestly starting this thing out it was it's quite a bit of work but it's truly joyful when we have students who are just getting the check marks and moving on up because our goal here is not just to train you but we want to build a bridge for you to get into the airlines or into the charter companies and build a career and get paid good money for this skill that you're paying money to earn So speaking of this July we have our new semester coming up and this is for low time Pilots or if you have zero hours okay again the classes are getting full and right now we have 31 students which means everybody is flying if you've ever wanted to become a pilot this is where you can immerse yourself into flying because we fly every single day and so much so you see the planes that we fly one is behind me these are light sport modern airplane they're known as TAA meaning technically Advanced aircraft what this means is in this little birdie you can get your private your instrument and Commercial and then once you graduate we get you into a twin engine and you get your multi-engine rating and soon guys I promise soon another exciting news I want to share with you is that we're getting off full motion flight simulator so right now you can see that it's actually pretty nice outside I'm not going to get out but you can see the brightness so it's a nice day to fly five but guess what they're going to be days where the weather's not going to be cooperating with us and we want to make sure that our students also are still engaged and building that muscle memory so soon enough see that right there about right there is what will have that flight simulator sitting and speaking of our flight simulator is going to be down here so that way the students will have easy access to it and again the great deal about flight simulator and this is not just any flight simulator this is a full motion aatd flight simulators to give you an idea an aatd is more of an Institutional simulator because one it's approved by the FAA and it also allows you as a student or a pilot to log actual hours so those hours that you get in the simulator will not only help you build your muscle skills but also you can log those hours in your logbook so it all works out and we should be getting that simulator hopefully in the next three weeks you'll be the first to know because I'm excited about it and I'm excited for our students uh and we're also thinking about getting a batd simulator as well we've got office spaces here we actually clean out this room here um to put some simulators in so I'll I'll update you on that as well but like I said guys we are gearing up right now for the next semester if you've ever thought about becoming a pilot not just to fly for fun but also if you want to build a career out of it this is actually what we are excited about obviously we welcome everybody who wants to learn how to fly if you're just looking to get your Private Pilot or want to get your instrument or commercial rating we're here for you but we also love our students who start from zero because we we love to hold your hands through the whole process and you'll be flying one of these if you haven't I've covered This Plane many many times on the channel this is a light sport it's a technically Advanced light sport as you can see it's fully loaded with Garmin avionics this is exactly what you would be flying stick and Rudder and you'd have all the amenities as far as learning uh with glass panel and this one also comes with the autopilot generally speaking you may not use the autopilot much in a trained environment but really when you start learning and train for instrument those things will come in handy your autopilot the gtn 650 and so on and so forth but right now as I said our July semester is coming up make sure you get in if you are interested the link is in the description below please reach out if you have any questions also we have uh partners that can help with financing your training and we can get you connected with those I'm leaving my contact information below and also if you're just ready to go I'm going to leave the enrollment link below as well okay make sure you also schedule a demo flight a day like this would be a great day for you to come up we love to take people up for the first time and we would love to show you around so make sure you schedule a demo flight and I can't wait to see you guys take care [Music] thank you
Channel: MojoGrip
Views: 13,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flight achool, flight training, college, comercial pilot, pilot license, airline pilot, pilot, oshkosh, flight simulator, aatd, flight sim
Id: 8aENJjE36Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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