Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition - FULL TIER LIST

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Thanks for posting my video here OP, but man am I disappointed looking at this thread.

Boy oh boy, some of these responses. This is part of the reason why I don't enjoy participating in threads like this; even though I encourage discussion in the video and fully state that these are just my opinions and I fully believe that just about every player is going to have their own list which is going to be different, much of what I see here basically amounts to, "This guy is completely wrong, MY opinions are the only correct ones and anyone who disagrees is clueless." The simple fact that so many people are disagreeing in this thread alone should be enough evidence to maybe pack in such a naive viewpoint, but I guess that's how it is.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GamesBrained πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Mentions around the Agitha section that this is a list around their β€œbase kits” so no Hasty Attacks, but also refers to My Fairy skills when talking about YL’s placement. Kind of a weird decision imo.

Also rags on Wizzro and Fire Rod for being too linear, yet puts Midna above Zant and Skull Kid. Many weird choices all-around.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jaykobin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Could we get a text copy of the list for those of us who don't want to sit through a full 39 minute video?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tables61 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Meh, I find Young Link not that good. He's something of a "late game" character seeing as how you need most of his badges and a fairy power which takes forever to get for him to work into the OP range.

Without the fairy you get a character that's crippled in 1v1 fights because if his magic runs out he wont be filling it that fast using his heavy since 1v1 wont give you much to work with. So "kill giant bosses" becomes "run after the special enemies to fill your stuff then come back"

He reminds me of Blood Death Knights in World of Warcraft. If you're surrounded by mobs you become the most OP thing there is. 1v1 though, you quickly fall behind everyone else.

I also consider Volga to be S-tier because you have everything from mass aoe to an infinite stun that breaks the game.

Tier lists are a good "reference point" but every true player knows you always make your own.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bossmantho πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great Fairy in worst tier = ALL MY RAGE!!!

I mean, sure she might deserve it when it comes to ...many situations (WPS), but damn she's awesome and is arguably the strongest raw STR with a 255 Link and her C1 popped (like 2500 STR since she doubles Link's STR from levels). She's great at clearing crowds, so much so that you wish the game's draw distance was larger since she clears them so quick.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/queazy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh boy, where do I start... I'll just go with what sticks to me at this point in time:

Midna should be bottom of B tier at best. Her C3 is soooo good and battles are comfortably won by it alone, but the rest of her moveset is honestly underwhelming (aside from choice uses like C5).

You have extremely underrated Wizzro, especially if we're talking about the DE. C1 handily wins 1v1s for him and his kit otherwise includes a launcher to start up a combo (or you could just regular string instead since that works as well), a practical moving wall for frontal control, the best giant boss killer in the entire game and a usable get-off-me move if his projectiles aren't doing the trick, and a laser that has use as a combo finisher. He is easily in the top 10 with his biggest weakness being extremely poor crowdkilling capabilities.

Volga, Young Link, and Great Swords all belong in the S Tier alongside the Master Sword. Young Link's gimmick makes him fundamentally broken in ways surpassing even the Master Sword, and the other two are jacked up to such extremes even their weaknesses are utterly negligible in the face of the massive strengths they have that compensates or eliminates them. Master Sword has jacked up damage multipliers and sword beams (and longer-ranged spin attack) at full health, Great Swords possesses bar none the best combination of power and safety (being the undisputed safest moveset in the entire game that doesn't need a damage shield), Volga being possessing the best toolset for consistent play, and (as mentioned earlier:)Young Link's gimmick being downright more broken than the Master Sword (and in fact, delivers A tier performance even without the gimmick).

Dominion Rod is C Tier at best. In fact, this is the weapon which I'd peg as the worst Darkness weapon in the game because it's capabilities all around is just so average and nothing about it stands out compared to the rest, even Midna.

Twili Midna is just way too high. She has some extreme long-range attacks, but her slowness limits what combos she can actually do which in turn limits her damage output, she can't charge her C1 at will (well, she can; she just really shouldn't because C1 without full gauge is S-L-O-W). She is also mediocre/bad against Giant Bosses if she doesn't have her C1 fully charged which is bad because she only gets Dodongo, Gohma, and The Imprisoned from full gauge to WPS. Average 1v1, bad giant boss killing, but good crowdclearing and 1vm capabilities is good enough to land her in B tier but not higher.

Ravio is rated much too low. He easily fullfills the requirements for B Rank with his kit: His attack string is extremely good at trapping opponents to pull of his C5 and C1 and C2 are both launchers that helps him towards this end (and I have found good success with the former to launch multiple officers for a C5 ender meaning Ravio is one of a few characters capable of having a combo game against multiple officers at the same time). C3 and C4 are also good for handling multiple officers if you put some distance so that they're all in front of Ravio and can decently clear crowds and rack up KOs. And of course, spamming C4 also helps Ravio against Giant Bosses (if I remember correctly, King Dodongo, Argorok, and Helmaroc King will go from full to WPS with C4 spam while lead-in C5 > C4 spam takes care of Gohma).

King Daphnes, and Marin are overrated, and Ruto is underrated, but Ruto and King Daphnes are the two best Water element users in the game (discounting 4+ weapons). Which one of Ruto or King Daphnes is the best depends on who you ask, but they are around the same tier with the same overall balance with the caveat that Ruto slays Giant Boss Weak Point Gauges with her regular string alone (R6 > Attack String full out) including Ganon and King Daphnes fares notably better in 1v1s because of his kit coupled with a well-designed gimmick. Marin by contrast brings nothing special to the table that gives her an edge over the other two unless you're talking about accessibility (because both Ruto and King Daphnes requires training and an understanding of their movesets and kit). She's got alright 1v1, alright 1vmultiple, alright crowdclearing, and alright boss killing. On top of that, DE (if we're talking about DE) killed her most useful combo tool with an indirect knockback change which further harms her damage output compared to the other two.

Zant and Ghirahim suffered from the same thing as Marin where some of their tools suffer in the DE because of a change in knockback. Unlike Marin, you still managed to underrate them. 1v1 is key to succeeding for the majority of missions in Hyrule Warriors and Ghirahim's 1v1 is nothing short of great, even with the nerfs. The first part of C4 also acts as a frontal crowdclearer and C3 is extremely nice against multiple officers. On top of that, his giant boss killing capabilities with enhanced C4 is great, killing just about anyone not named The Imprisoned or Ganon.

Zant meanwhile got it a bit better. His main way to 1v1 was not affected which means C2 > dodge cancel after head pops out > C5 to full gauge > C1 spin or projectile dependent on your surroundings at the time (are you surrounded by enemies or or are they just in front of you). C3 and C4 was unfortunately affected, but can at least work for getting multiple officers off your back. C6 is still the keep clearer. And of course, C1 aimed so you hit just right shreds of the WPG of any giant boss (though the timing is extremely tight with Ganon). They are still very good picks and comfortable A tier picks.

You've overrated the Hylian Sword. It's in the right tier, but not in the right position, having great 1v1, 1vM, and good crowdclearing + a spamable attack that can win fights with it alone, but has atrocious giant boss killing capabilities and special (only being useful for securing WPSes against Giant Bosses... which admittedly means you more often than not have it available against them). Phantom Arms and Light Sword are both better than it, featuring comparative 1v1 and much better giant boss killing and specials (and Phantom Arms should go higher).

You've severely overrated Sheik. Her damage output is extremely lacking; and while Bolero deserves it's reputation as a massive damage dealer, it takes by far the most amount of time to set up to safely, successfully pull it off against enemies. Her entire status as keeper of the "safest moveset in the entire game" all rides on her water shield; if she doesn't keep that up at all times, she becomes notably less safer and she has one of the weakest specials in the entire game, being only good for crowdkilling and crowdclearing in general. Her lackluster damage output also hampers an otherwise effective 1v1 and with safety being less of an issue in DE, she shouldn't even make top 10 best anymore.

Crossbows too is far too highly placed on your list. Her biggest asset is killing Giant Bosses, but other characters can do that and even more. Take it away, and her weapon is well-balanced leaning towards above average in most fields (1v1, 1vM, crowdclearing), but is nothing special. I agree that it is very fun to use though. Also, the Boots actually have good Giant Boss capabilities in much the same way as Crossbows does, but they can't take every giant boss WPG from full to 0 (and it's main weakness is much like Wizzro where the crowdkilling is bad), but you've overrated it's capabilities.

Epona is actually one of Link's best weapons for killing Giant Bosses. I can't remember the exact specifics, but it involves his C1 (I do however remember the specifics for Ganon: Epona!Link leading in with C5 into another C5 takes Ganon's WPG from full to 0 making it his only consistent option against Ganon.) Aside from that, if you get it's mobility under control, it has some actual solid combos that translate to a decent damage output. Bottom of C would be a good place for it.

You've severely underrated Tingle. He's easily a solid C Tier: C2-1 into C3 or C4 gives him a deceptively higher damage output than you would think, and C3 works well as a multiple officer option as long as you commit to it. You are very right about C1 though; it's garbage and should never be used.

If Midna is B tier, Magic Rod with it's C3 is sure as hell good enough for C tier. It gives it pretty much what it needs to be solid in the categories C5 can't fill.

I have more issues I want to address right now, but I've hit the max limit on Reddit posts, so I'll be doing it in a follow-up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Folt99 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I think Agitha should be a bit higher, and Marin should be in A.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Super_Craig02 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had always been saying that Sheik is the most busted character (besides Master Sword obviously) since day 1, and it's nice to see people agree.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zajice πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can agree with this list, young link is pretty good but not good enough to be in s tier.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/merelyimpossible πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
containing one of the most diverse movesets in a warrior's game Hyrule warriors was truly a legendary entry into this series for many it was their first warrior's game or at least a reason to get back into the series and the level of care and Zelda nostalgia has made it a beloved game for thousands for those players who were creating their formative memories with the series which was new to them it was natural to find themselves not only gravitating toward but also becoming extremely attached to their favorites in this game and as a result it has made it nigh impossible to create a tier list that everyone can be happy with having made guides and more for every single weapon in this game I have seen defenders and detractors for all of them so I just want to say that this video is my tier list it's based on my experiences playing the game and creating my guides I believe that I do have a strong grasp of which characters are over and underwhelming as well as where the values or faults fall with the best and worst of the cast you are 100% welcome to agree or disagree as much as you want and just because I might think that a character you like or dislike is higher or lower than you think doesn't mean that I'm saying that you're wrong as long as we can have a friendly discussion about it I am more than willing to hear your thoughts below anyways I'm going to be talking about the mechanics of these characters as if you were already familiar with them so if you're not sure what I'm referring to in any of these entries I would advise you to jump over to my Hyrule warriors guides playlist so you can check out the individual character guides that you're unsure on alright let's set up this tier list already I'm going to be organizing this list into six tiers ranging from E to S because some Hyrule warriors characters can have more than one move set each play style that they can have is going to be considered separate for example hylians or link is going to be ranked up against opponent though you can't bring both of them into a single battle I may use the words play style character or weapon that pretty interchangeably for the rest of the video so just be aware of that also for the watches out there who have seen my top and bottom 10 weapon videos I made in the past you should know that I have had some pretty significant changes in opinion at since I made those that was almost two years ago by the way so you're not gonna be able to fully predict everything you'll only most be able to alright let's break down what each tier means an e tier character would be considered the worst of the worst and would have to be ineffective at almost all normal tasks in order to be placed here there are actually a few candidates for this spot in the game and if you're savvy to Hyrule warriors I imagine that you're already making your guesses now a D tier character would have to be just a generally ineffective choice a play style which has major flaws which can't really be worked around or a play style that only contains one or two actually effective moves amongst other underwhelming options see tier is basically right in the middle this is where the characters I deem as just ok will go my picks here are generally able to get the job done in almost any situation but are just not effective enough to push them any higher B tier is the good level where a character will go if they are an above-average choice in just about any situation usually their various mechanics combined more smoothly with their overall play style than those in C tier which is usually what pushes them over into this level a tier contains the best characters of the game which are the ones who fulfill all prior requirements and still somehow continue to push their potential the only characters which I'm going to possibly put above this are those and s tier which is only for the borderline or outright broken to get into my S tier is a very hefty requirement so don't expect there to be many in here while the rankings within each tier are not as set in stone there is a definite top middle and bottom rankings for them again this isn't a hundred percent ranking it's more just suggestive grouping for example it would be hard to say which character in the bottom of B tier is better than the others but I could say that a character in the top of beat here is going to be more effective than those at the bottom of it all right that's enough setup let's go ahead and get this thing going we're going to start out with the worst of the worst the e tear starting with a great fairy this might be the only weapon in the game that I haven't seen anyone try to defend and with good reason I think I know it's fun and all but with one of the most unwieldly standard strings in the game as well as combos which kill your time more than they kill enemies often enough links great fairy is ridiculously flawed when you add in the mechanic which can allow you to do more damage when you hit at the cost of making her already big target take even more damage it's easy to say that this probably is going to be your worst option in almost every situation moving over to tingle try as one might it's hard to simply get anything done when playing as the little tyke as the semi-official joke character of the series it is fitting that tingle does little more than happen to hurt others accidentally while he is posturing and posing but as beautiful and perfect of specimen as he might be he does do a poor job at handling just about any situation while he does have one good area damaging attack his c5 just about everything else he can do is disappointing with a useless heavy attack mechanic that actually limits your options as well as slow standard attacks in combos which when fully extended play out more like ineffective cinematics Allah the great fairy tingles only real place is in this spot at the top of a tier at least he's the best of the lowest tier that I could possibly place him with the e tier embarrassments out of the way next up we have the much more populated D tier again while the e tier characters were all sort of barely effective the ones in d tier do have some positives to speak of [Music] starting out dt r we have whiz ro who despite being pretty bad i happen to think is actually quite underrated even though most of his moves are sort of trash his laser beam is decent and can be used to stun walk and unguarded enemy then of course we have his spinning orbs attack something which when used on enemies will usually hit littles nothing but when used on a stunned boss actually turns out to be one of the best boss killing attacks in the game this is Wiz Rose best feature and it does give him at least one useful feature which is what puts him into DT R [Music] next up we have the gate and interesting weapon which is unfortunately defeated by being one of the slowest and most random in the game personally I always just try to end up with our Duroc the dragon as you're summoned boss as her dragon riding attack is excellent but the randomness of whether you're going to get it or not combined with the slow standard attack and other combos really keeps this play style back from setting enemy higher it is certainly entertaining though but that doesn't count for much on this list [Music] tetra is a really strange one like some of the other DT Ren trees she actually has a pretty good move set but is held back by one extremely fatal flaw and that flaw is her pathetic range in a one-on-one fight tetra can be powerful there's no doubt of that however outside of this context her rather wasted heavy attack slot combined with a bad range on most of her attacks makes her another tale of wasted potential especially sad for one of my favorite characters for our sassy princess of the Zora kingdom there is a lot of good here she has a tremendous range and some of her combos can really decimate the enemy especially her area damaging giant tidal wave on the other hand she has some really useless combos which typically failed to hit anything while also eating up a bit too much time oh also enemies can be thrown out of her special attack it's a bit of a bug but it seems to happen to me all the time well I do like her heavy attack waves sniping which can temporarily give her the best range in the game I found the delay between transitioning stances combined with her open hitbox during some of her attacks as well as her slower standard attack string which can make it harder for her to break weak points than it probably should be just end up giving her too many drawbacks [Music] link's magic rod is a really divisive weapon for some it's a fantastic move set whereas for others like myself just see so much missed potential from my perspective there are only a few worthwhile moves on this thing namely the magic axe wings which do have a really great hitbox in the final combo which hits in a very wide area and is actually rather quick and of course it's very long-range special attack which in my opinion is one of the best special attacks in the game on the other hand it's other options are quite poor especially the easily blocked extended flamethrower Epona is a weird one while it is easily one of the most fluid play styles in the game like many of these other high mobility weapons it really suffers in one-on-one as well as at taking down bosses which to me are both just as important as racking up high ko numbers the standard attack string here might be the best thing about this play style as there is very little pause between finishing a string and starting up the next and I do like how all of the area focus designed here goes well with the light element effect which raises your damage as you managed to consecutively attack multiple targets unfortunately for me having only one job where you're good at is just not going to raise you any higher than d tier for having ranked previously as the worst weapon in the game to me Lana's spear here has risen considerably even though this weapon has one of the most Awkward standard strings in the game as well as a few rng based mechanics and her heavy attack in certain combos examining what it does have a little closer can reveal its true value for one both her slingshot and Deku leaf attacks are great combos and even though I don't like the way she swoops around midair after using her leaf her landing heavy attack is an effective clearer which can be set up through her sweeps the balance of good and bad with this weapon make it a definite candidate for D tier but at the very least I'm happy to say that she can sit at the very top of it next up we're going to be jumping in to see tier the okay characters starting out seeds here phi is a character who almost placed in 2d with the very similar links Epona but edged it out due to her ability to fight decently in one-on-ones she has some great combos for this such as her C 3 & 4 which do a great job of piling and damage into very specific locations close to or in front of her as well as always having great area removal while she is lacking in other characteristics most namely in breaking vos weak points and having a c1 which pales in comparison to some of the other buffs out there it all balances out to at least place her as my starting C pick medli will always be a character near and dear to my heart especially in Hyrule warriors as she was the character with whom I launched the all about series and is some sure part of the reason why I'm here talking to you all today it doesn't hurt that she's a cute character with some of the most enjoyable animations with her combos but when making this list I had to set aside my feelings and give her an honest evaluation which puts her right about here in see she does have a good combination of single target attacks and area damage with an aerial combo system which can potentially allow her to attack from near total safety yet nothing that she can do strikes me as particularly amazing or even particularly bad she's really just sort of middle-of-the-road ravio is yet another one of those characters who really rides the line between D and C yet ended up here by virtue of simply lacking one of those big critical flaws that would place him lower there's really not much that I have to say about him he has a simple but effective standard string a good variety of clothes and long-range combos and a c-1 mechanic that seems like another damage dealer but is actually a crowd control button with two options he ends up in lower sea tier simply from his inability to stand out with no great combos which would really accelerate him any further [Music] agatha is definitely not a favorite amongst the player base from what I've witnessed but in truth she's totally fine the thing that you have to keep in mind about her is that even though she has very few moves all of them are quite effective and actually give her a lot of range due to the disjointed hitbox of many of her combos like her close and long range beetles Agatha mainly just has to be positioned correctly in order to let her minions do all the work for her in situations where she doesn't have to be in the thick of the action Agatha can still get a lot of work done without ever putting herself into danger the only downside about her really is that she has a very slow attack speed something which when paired with her low move count they make her just not very engaging for something personally I actually adore her play style and with hasty attacks on her weapon she can overcome this lower speed that becomes truly frightening but the rankings on this list are based on each character's base kit and thus I simply can't put her any higher than this empaths naginata is apparently a boring looking weapon for many which is ironic because it actually contains one of the more unique movesets in the game one that is unfortunately a few tweaks away from really being great though she does have a good standard string and set of combos the irregular pacing of her naginata strikes can make it more difficult than necessary to follow up on things like xposed weak points and personally I just find the timing of transitioning into her c5 to be rather strange even after hours of playing as her the gate mechanic of her c1 is very interesting but it is also very very situational with a short time limit which I find to be just a bit too brief to really get that much value out of it it's not a bad weapon for sure but it's also just not a very good one in the grand scheme of things in my opinion darunia is the definition of a mediocre character some of his combos are fantastic with both his c4 and c6 being great forward area clearers and also we have his rolling c1 attack which if you manage to catch a weak wanted enemy at the right time basically guarantees a weak point smash well these are all great this is then counter balanced by his slow standard attacks with bad pacing at the start as well as his other combos which can feel a bit slow for what they actually accomplish on top of this he unfortunately doesn't have a good boss weak point Draenor either when we put it all together the results are a character which I consider to be about equally balanced between good and bad and from here on out you can bet that everyone is going to be a bit more weighted towards the positives I've always felt that emphysema played is a weapon that at first seems really good especially it's lightly damaging and quick c4 but as other move sets get brought into the game it gradually begins to take more and more of a backseat for many like the others in this tier it doesn't have a very good boss weak point trainer and while it's standard texturing is quite fast and mobile the force slide apart way into it which happens to be right before one of her most powerful attacks takes away from your positioning someone combined with a somewhat useful but overall disappointing c1 I possess it have what it takes to get any higher the boots are a very simple move set and are another candidate for the most average weapon right alongside darunia one thing that makes linkle stand a little bit taller here pun intended is the fact that none of her combos really have any drawbacks they all accomplish what they should dealing focused or area damage in a speedy manner the negatives which keep this weapon from placing any higher mostly stem from her lowish range with it and also the lack of a good boss weak point option this old play style is just so bog-standard for a warrior's game that I'm having trouble thinking of anything to say further so why don't we just move on now this is one moveset that i have softened significantly on however even though the baton sports some really excellent attacks with one of the best see ones in the game if you're able to fully level your tornado as well as a good selection of combos beyond this the biggest flaw on this move set is its lack of movement in the standard string granted with a lot of dodge cancelling you can maneuver Zelda into doling out some intense punishment with this weapon due to enemies who are caught in your initial attacks being bounced around by you until you're finished tacking however I find that unless it was a captain or a general most enemies will just have been long dead this is most definitely a flaw but not one that I think drags the weapon down as heavily as I did previously so I'm gonna say that sea tier is a fine spot for her the spinner is a technically complex weapon whose extra mechanics end up being unnecessary fluff on an overall good moveset here we have a weapon with a widely hitting but surprisingly controllable standard attack string and a selection of combos which are all fast and effective while it is possible to use the c1 and other spinners laying around to set up a thousand IQ trap the amount of time it would take to actually do this ultimately loses to just moving on and continuing to hit kids with your medieval skateboard due to the missed potential of this as well as the lack of a good boss option I had to think for a while whether the spinner was truly beat here or C and ultimately I decided to go with a high C the San Juan is a surprisingly underappreciated weapon and taking a closer look at it has not yet revealed to me why similar to Agatha's parasol this weapon feels like it lacks a bit in complexity but on the other hand it accomplishes all of its jobs very well from a standard attack string which balances its poor range with very wide hits followed by a set of combos which are flashy hard-hitting and have extremely good range the San Juan is way too versatile for me to place it any lower this is not even yet taking into consideration its e1 mechanic which can allow for quick mobile and near unstoppable train rides of death from Toon Link every couple of engagements like many of its peers and CTO the Santa Wan doesn't have a very good boss killer but this is the one weakness and an overall pretty well balanced move set next up we have B tier which is where we're going to start to see some of the strongest characters or weapons in the game [Music] Skol kid is a hard one to place when i first started using him he felt amazing but eventually I had to start thinking whether he was really that great or merely good in the end I decided to go with good he has a very quick and effective standard a texturing which when combined with some of his fantastic combos of which his huge area clearing sea 4 and 5 really stand out yet at the same time he has one of the worst sea ones in the game a slow and effective puppet summoning he is definitely one of my favorite characters to play as but he's ultimately going to land at the start of beats here Zelda's rapier is one of the most average looking but secretly complex weapons in the entire game with generally two versions of all of her combos charged with light or uncharged Zelda has a lot of tools under her belt for a variety of situations she has a fantastic single target area and boss killing tools and I'm especially a fan of her arrow volley charge c4 which is one of the most difficult to land but satisfyingly strong combos in the game normally a character with this much practicality would instantly be rocketed into the highest of tiers but the fact that Zelda is locked into one style the other by her c1 mechanic slows her down quite a bit especially considering that she is unable to dispel any light charges she has other than just burning through them with combos overall it's definitely a very good weapon but it's still a bit aways from the crazy heights that others will reach boat is another option that I never feel gets its just dues possibly just due to the annoying mouth sounds that the king makes with every one of his attacks putting these weird mouth sounds aside his Siwon gives one of the best buffs and the entire game which is the ability to increase his speed and therefore DPS considerably which is then combined with his fantastic standard attack string and widely damaging or very focused combos with these the king has almost everything without a c1 or with a much shorter timer on it he would have certainly been lower tier than this but as is everything he can do makes him a great B tier candidate so what I've been saying about underrated characters in this game goes tenfold froze and not only is he underrated he also has one of the most misunderstood move sets in the game I'm not going to explain to you now how to make him work you could just go to my Zandt guide for that but I will say that once it all clicked for me his well paced and effective standard strikes combined with his combos which feature both standing direct attacks as well as mobile area damaging made him into one of the most flexible characters on the roster although learning how to manage his c1 rampages does take a little bit of thought the reward for your diligence is going to be well worth it the light sword is a very good option in most cases although it undoubtedly loses to its older brother the Hylian sword on its own this is a very well-balanced move set that it's able to do all of the normal stuff 1v1 x' area damage boss slaying etc but it is let down somewhat by its smaller than average attack range two links c1 jumping mechanic is fun to play with although I can't say that it ever led me to any tactical advantages in a fight really just being there to allow him to do air heavy attacks family although this can be a decent way to rack up Kos nothing here is really going to put him any higher than this I think it's clear by now that I have softened on a number of weapons in this list however the Trident is one that I've actually gotten a little bit harder on without a doubt for me this is one of the most satisfying weapons to play as in the game but as much as I enjoy using it the lack of a true boss killer here becomes more and more of an issue especially at this tier level while everything else that it can do is really good this conspicuous absence can land it no other place than here Zelda's Dominion rod and its smashy smashy statues as a move set with a lot of missed potential but even considering this the capabilities that it does have still managed to put it all the way into the upper echelon of weapons at its best Zelda is able to have her statues smash away at foes while she herself smacks the rod and to those around her although her low movement while attacking it usually doesn't make this a very common occurrence still having the disjointed hitbox of the statue especially the hammer statue smash an enemy who isn't anywhere close to hitting you back is an extremely effective tactic combined with a solid set of combos the Dominion rod feels just about right in the middle of beat here [Music] the gauntlets have one of the better a standard attack strings in the game short but sweet the range of the ball that link is swinging around make it very easy to wade into groups of foes and turn them all into powder with only a few strikes although links c1 here is mostly a joke having very little practical usage the rest of his combos all proved to be very useful with his c3 being one of the better single target focused attacks in the game and his c4 also being one of the better area clearance there's just so much that the gauntlets can do with very few drawbacks that I can't help but place them very high in pomona is one of those characters that took a while to grow on me but once I fully understood how she worked most notably how her charge bar mechanic worked she became a true powerhouse like others in this tier she is far from perfect with a C 1 and C 4 which are barely worth it but once discovering that repeating her c5 which is a mobile area damaging hitbox that also charges her buff bar it makes her recharging mechanic a bit of a joke on top of this her c3 attack is one of the best single target attacks in the whole game hitting enemies from both the front and the back essentially negating the blocking that all your foes love to do this is definitely not a character to look down on the book of sorcery is one hell of a weapon with a lot of great options that allow players to take out VIPs clear out armies and destroyed bosses with ease well that doesn't have a lot of combo options every single one that she can do has its own time in place with her c3 and c4 being especially versatile with her c1 mechanic which can make use of the last barrier that Lana left on the battlefield to blast all around it Lana can turn single focused attacks into area clearers without even readying another combo and this is all without mentioning that simply spamming the first part of her c4 combo is able to reduce boss weak points in no time long-range short-range delayed traps delayed hitbox clones Asiya and her scepter have one hell of a toolkit while her standard attack string is good if a bit slow itta Sia's combos which really shine with her ce to being a great spammable area clearer her c3 being one of the best long-range attacks focusing on single targets or bosses and her c5 traps utterly decimating weak points to top this off CS c1 buffs not only her stats but also makes her immune to some statuses such as the redead stuns which other characters with similar buffs like 5 for some reason are still vulnerable to all in all a very dangerous and flexible character here at the top of B tier is where it really starts to kill me to not put some of these in a especially because Marin in particular just has a fantastic move set with a very versatile set of short and long-range damaging combos as well as a standard string that successfully pulls off the mid-range attack strings that links fire rod and mentally Sacred Harp who are apparently trying to go for Marin is truly a force to be reckoned with a fully charged c1 from her works for absolutely every task whether you're trying to decimate single targets a group of foes or a boss this weak point it's only because I decided to set such a high standard for the a tier that Marin and the ones that follow and B are not going to be able to get in Hugo was a bit of a sleeper hit added into the roster very late into the game and at the time I never imagined that he would be as good as he ended up being you go like other beats here characters has a fantastic and well-balanced move set but what really brings it all together is his unique launching mechanic where after every heavy attack you can hold or press the button again to lay out a time trap and one that you can potentially use to limitlessly relaunch your foes the damage on this is even higher than you might think due to the properties of the Lightning element effect as well all in all this is definitely a great choice and a very well-put-together play style to be honest without her c1 to Zelda is a pretty average move set in fact without the ability to perma roll her enemies to death this character is C tier at best having all of the capabilities typical to one of the C's a decent but not great standard string decent but not amazing combos with one or two standouts and a total lack of a boss trainer once her roll cancel roll cancel string was discovered this character became a very different story and I have to admit that being nearly invincible while you steamroll generals around the battlefield while being very silly and a bit cheap is the kind of brokenness that would have some players who loved her likely put her right into s tier I can't do that who ever there are situations where characters can break out of all this rolling and in those situations Tunes Elda's main course of action is just to readjust herself for another cheap roll fest which I feel in the long run neither turns out to be as effective or fast as simply playing as any of the characters than am going to place about her she's definitely a weird entry but this is where I think she should go harboring what might be the most powerful c1 mechanic in the game gear ahem is both an assassin and a duelist able to both fairly fight his battles without gimmicks or if you want you can just use gimmicks and cheese the hell out of them similar to toon Zelda without his special mechanic gear ahem would almost certainly be down a tier as his unbuffed combos and standard strings are really not that amazing but with it he definitely holds steady at the very top of B and in fact could arguably be placed in a ultimately I decided that his cons would hold him back from getting there but there is no doubt that he is always going to be a good option in just about any kind of battle the Hylian sword as to be expected of link starting weapon is one of the easiest weapons to pick up and play with in the game even though it has the longest attack string along with a Master Sword the number of unique combos that it can do is actually quite limited a decision which was probably made to keep it very accessible with only four real combo attacks each one really has to hold its own weight and of course they absolutely do c2 is the best launcher in the game with follow-up attacks that are Swift and easy to pull off c3 is borderline broken with even the weaker Hylian swords version being able to endlessly toy with generals c4 is an excellent area attack and monter doubling as one of the easiest boss weak point trainers in the game only c5 is a bit of a letdown but having a mobile hitbox which pushes your opponent around does give Lynx some crowd controlling capabilities showing that even this one has its own place technically containing some other small additions like different chargeable spending attacks and dodge counters you could say the Hylian sword is easy to learn but hard to master but of course it will get eclipsed very shortly into the game let's just go ahead and move past this one for now to the few weapons that actually do manage to top it in the a tier it's only fitting to start out a tear with the king ganador blades are one of those movesets where every action has you feeling that surge of power and the capabilities of this weapon when put up against the rest of the roster actually has the strength to back it with a straightforward and easy to use standard attack string which not only has good reach and movement but also practically hits all around him the blades fold into some of the most effective combos in the game a special note are his c3 which is a largest single target focused long-range attack his c5 which does the same but for groups and of course his c6 which not only literally slaps but also is one of the largest and most effective crowd clearers around all of this goes alongside his c1 a chargeable area blast that seems like it takes a long time to fill up until you realize that you can simply hold down the heavy attack button before unleashing any of his combos to fill it practically anytime you want the blades are absolutely packed with deadly effective options easily bringing Ganondorf into this bracket yet staying at the bottom of it due only to their slight lack of speed [Music] Lync oh and her crossbow cata take the cake for the most enjoyable move set in the game for me but outside of this they are also backed up with a very well rounded and dangerous move set beside her c1 mechanic which allows for her to have controllable crossbow volleys every couple of attacks due to how fast they charge up she also has incredible combos such as her c3 and c4 which both do a great job at punishing single targets and which are both easily followed up on by one of her bomb throws as well as her c6 which is one of the best and mobile area clearers around of special note is linkle's range when using these due to how they shoot a very good distance in all directions before you even get any combos which can sometimes result in crowds completely disappearing before you even know it often called the lubu of Hyrule warriors alike his nickname sake Volga is one incredibly powerful character similar to linked sword he has surprisingly few combos but like the sword each one absolutely pulls its weight first we have a c1 which is one of the only guaranteed guard breaks in the game followed by his c2 an absurdly fast launcher which has so little lag between it and your next attack that it can be easily spammed out as much as you like next up we have a c3 which is able to toy with generals using the same distance trick that links swords c3 can do and from there we have as c4 which was actually basically copied for school kid likely due to it being one of the fastest and most maneuverable area clearers both a c5 is about the only debatable attack that he has which while it does take a long time to perform and with it also being a bit hard to land does give him some breathing room while also allowing his foes to gather below him so I think I would call it a winner in my book in order to be placed above Volga the following characters need to possess some absurd capabilities and fortunately that's just what we have next Twilight Minda isn't just good or great she is in fact a possible contender for STF she is able to function in close range long range one-on-ones huge crowds and simply due to the sheer number of people that she can injure at any one time she's almost always going to be recharging her ridiculous sea one area blast even faster sometimes than how linkle can charge her crossbows about the only downside that she has is when you try to use her c1 without it being fully charged but learning to not do this is about as simple as learning to just stop extending Zant's combos all the time some of Twila Mendes best options include her c4 where she summons up a gigantic cannon to fire a volley which goes a very long way which also happens to be the largest long-range attack in the game as well as her c6 another moving hitbox area clearer but on this one she gets to ride on an even bigger wolf than it Midna because you know she really needed that if any character benefited the most from the later versions of Hyrule warriors it was young link already a powerhouse when he came to Hyrule warriors his unique ability to turn special charge into magic made him a very powerful but situational warrior having spent a long time experimenting with the my fairy system of Hyrule warriors legends and definitive edition young Lincoln now rockets to the very top of a tier without a doubt without even getting any of the absurd rainbow class skills of the fairy you can very easily get to bronze skills which can be used to fill either his special meter or magic meter to 100% just by feeding your fairy a couple times which ultimately means on the battlefield a young link is going to have more time as the fierce deity and when young link is the fierce deity everything dies oh and I'll also mention here that you could just opt to not use the fierce deity mode and instead use his unique siwon mechanic to constantly fill up your magic and pump out level 3 fairy blasts which can not only clear hundreds of enemies at once as well as putting buffing or draining spells on the battlefield but doing so will also lead to items dropping on the battlefield which will then recharge you which then leads to more fairy blasts and so on and so forth the more you think about younglings capabilities the more ridiculous things start to seem isn't it funny now to think about that he came in the same dlc as twilight midnight and tingle as I mentioned my a tier is a bit of an exclusive club but it's nothing compared to what it takes to get him to s tier these are four move sets which are straight-up broken like it's not even fair that they're in the same list as the rest of these guys and in Hyrule warriors there are only two move sets that I can place at such an extreme level whenever I get started talking about why chic is beyond broken this game I always like to start with the things that she has that other characters simply don't starting off how about we talk about the fact that she has endless water shields making her the best pic for absolutely any battle with strict damage requirements in other words most of them or there's also the fact that she can charge her own special meter from 0 to 100 just by standing around in a field that she can generate for free next it's always fun to talk about some of the tools that were given to her that she didn't need to given her already great move set like the fact that she can avoid 100% of all damage simply by dodge spamming at any time this can allow her to wander right up to danger zones like a stomping in prison without any fear whatsoever oh did I mention she also has the single strongest attack in the entire game and although this firetrap can be troublesome to lambs if you're just not that good at landing it you can also use her exclusive gravity well that she can make which can keep your enemies nice and still as you get it ready if you'd like to hear me talk more at length about how to use Sheik and to show you the extent of how ridiculous she is just watch my recent video how to get good at Sheik where you can get 30 minutes of just that for now I hope I've established my point and we're ready to end this with a move set which by design was built to be the strongest in the game [Music] seriously what else could it be other than the master sword since I've already spoken about how this weapons less powerful version the Hylian sword there's not much left to say about any of the master swords moves other than the fact that they are just uniformly better here the Master Sword is limited only in one its inability to have skills added to it and to the fact that some of its extra attacks don't appear unless link is at full health despite this the Master Sword makes up for all of this through its immense damage stat the highest and the whole game by a wide margin once it has been fully powered on even though you can do things like increase the speed and damage of the Hylian sword through certain skills that you can put on the weapon even without having full hearts the extra attacks that link sneaks into some of the combos with the Master Sword particularly during his c1 nc4 combos have always more than made up for things like that to me personally I really don't like how the Master Sword was built to be the one weapon in this game that's just better than all others because it's supposed to be better but that's the game we got and I have decided that in order to make this tier list complete I can't choose to not include it here at the very top I've said it before and I'll say it again the Master Sword is the actual grand commander for this game and I guess we all just have to deal with that I suppose if we ever get a sequel to Hyrule warriors they could balance it later on well everyone that does it my tier list for Hyrule warriors that finally set in stone for you my opinions on many of these characters have certainly changed as I spent more and more time with the games various releases but now with a 100% completed Hyrule warriors definitive edition behind me I thought it was about time that I went ahead and got this project over with thank you so much for watching me everyone and make sure to leave your own tier lists or reactions to mine in the comments below also be sure to help me deal with YouTube and it's fun algorithms by leaving a like under this video and if you're feeling extra sexy hit that little share button to help my channel grow even more I'd really appreciate it thank you again everyone see you next time [Music]
Channel: Warriors Dojo
Views: 608,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hyrule Warriors, Musou, Dynasty Warriors, Koei-Tecmo, Omega Force, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, 3DS, Hyrule Warriors Legends, Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition, Hyrule Warriors DE, Link, Zelda, Ganon, Ganondorf, Triforce, Toon Link, guide, Twili Midna, Twilight Princess, The Legend of Zelda, Ravio, Link Between Worlds, Sheik, Tier list, Tier, S Tier, A tier, B Tier, C Tier, Ranking
Id: KYRp9vlxYW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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