Lore MISTAKES in Age of Calamity

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[Music] as much as i enjoy focusing on the positive aspects of the zelda series every so often it can also be fun to do some nitpicking you know to be that guy who points out little mistakes that are ultimately of very little consequence and are only noticed by the hardest of hardcore lore freaks out there and what better victim to choose than hyrule warriors age of calamity because even if i'm wrong about things or you don't agree at the end of the day it's just a spin-off title is the game canon is it not canon who the hell knows at this point i'm still not sure about it but whether it is or isn't canon i think it's safe to say that it probably has little to no consequence for the future of the series yes the story has been written and supervised by members of the original zelda team and it features some of the same voice cast but the story itself takes place in an alternate timeline which seems to have little to no bearings on the events of breath of the wild at the very most we might see counterpart characters from age of calamity make an appearance in breath of the wild too like maybe aster will show up along the way as we don't know what his fate was in breath the wild's timeline either way since we're getting a new story dlc for the game in november today i want to focus on some aspects which didn't make sense to me or are flat-out mistakes or oversights on the part of the story writers for age of calamity now some of these are more subjective than others and some are about as nitpicky as it gets so please don't get on me for it it's just for good fun and if you have your own explanations for some of these don't share them yeah don't share them in the comments below don't hesitate to share your ideas in the comments below with that said here are the biggest lore mistakes in hyrule warriors age of calamity around zora's domain in breath of the wild we can find a number of stone monuments which shed some light on the history of the zora one of these monuments tells the story about how king dorafan did battle with a stray guardian which had somehow managed to get close to zora's domain this story is also mentioned in breath the wild's complementary book creating a champion notice how it says that this happened after the great calamity which makes sense seeing as before the calamity there were no corrupted guardians they were either still buried or under the control of the shika and during the calamity zoro's domain was never reached by the guardians it's only after the calamity was already over that a stray guardian left over from the war wandered into the zora highlands according to the monument the encounter with the guardian is the reason why dorafan has a scar on his forehead a token of his triumph and yet in age of calamity the king of the zora already has the scar when first meeting him in chapter 2 which is long before the calamity even started now i'm sure it's possible to explain this away it is an alternate timeline so maybe he got the scar from one of the monster attacks on the domain it is a bit coincidental that he would get an identical looking scar from a monster but oh well one could also make the claim that due to the influence of aster a corrupted guardian managed to get into zoro's domain earlier but you would think he'd at least mention it like hey um what's up with those guardians you guys are building one of them just came into the domain and tried to freaking kill me aren't they supposed to you know protect us but no he never says anything about it so the more likely scenario is that they simply reuse dorafan's character model from breath to wild and forgot to remove the scar from his texture a simple and understandable oversight but an oversight nonetheless i've had a gripe with this one ever since i first saw it while playing the demo of the game inside the royal ancient tech lab pura and robbie have been studying tarako the little mini guardian who traveled from brethwell's timeline to the timeline of age of calamity according to pura she's been able to extract visual data from the guardian's memory photographs of hyrule castle and town in ruin this is the moment they first discover what will happen in the future giving them the advantage and opportunity to change the outcome the issue is not the fact that terraco has pictures of this happening he is a robot so i can believe that he keeps recordings of his visual observations my problem is how the heck did he manage to get all these different camera angles because remember tereko has laid dormant for at least 10 years stored inside a box in zelda's room as soon as he wakes up he only lingers in this timeline for about a minute or so he crawls out of the box looks out the window and sees that everyone is screwed opens up a time portal almost immediately with a guardian stalker on his heels and is flung inside the portal while being pursued by malice so how the hell did he get all these different camera angles of the destruction you would expect that he only has visual data from his vantage point out the window from zelda's laboratory the first picture makes sense it seems like a shot of castletown from a bird's-eye perspective but then there's shots on the ground from inside castle town with the castle in the background and another one from what seems like as far as the town walls again while facing the castle and according to robbie there should be even more pictures but some of it was fragmented there's no way teriko had enough time to take pictures from these vantage points so what did he hack into the other guardians like he extracted the visual data from a stalker or a sky watcher if so why does he never use this ability in the rest of the story you'd think it would be incredibly helpful to see from the vantage point of ganon's army you can predict their advances their next targets if someone's in trouble heck he could have seen that king rome made it out alive and spared zelda the misery but nope he's just magically able to take pictures from impossible angles without any explanation it's about as convenient as a plot device can get this is a mistake that many people noticed pretty quickly when they first got a chance to play the game's demo it's the second mission in the game so it takes place early on the narrator says that zelda link and impa made their way to a research facility in hatteno this is an obvious mistake in the script the facility they are visiting is the royal ancient tech lab which is not in ateno but rather close to the breach of demise on the other side of the map they somehow mixed up this facility with perez tech lab which is found close to ateno this lab also wouldn't be built until long after the calamity the voice actor for king rome probably already recorded the line and they simply decided to just leave it as it is instead of going back and having to re-record again i'm not entirely sure if this mistake is also present in the japanese version or any of the other languages for that matter if it is or isn't i'm curious to hear about it from you guys out of all mistakes mentioned here today this one is by far the most subjective one i think it's a mistake that they use the tapestry to illustrate the game's story at the beginning as cool as it looks it was meant to depict a battle from 10 000 years ago when the guardians and the divine beasts were first built and the ancient heroes and the sheikah monks of old succeeded in beating calamity ganon no guardians were taken over by ganon as far as we know it was a clean win against the demon king it was only because of this battle that ganon came back with a new plan later and corrupted the mechanical army i mean sure i get it the tapestry is iconic and from an animation standpoint it looks cool to see the picture of ganon starting to move and soar across the screen but from a lore perspective it only makes things unnecessarily confusing the two characters we see here are not the link in zelda from breath of the wild it's a different unknown hero and what we can assume is an earlier incarnation of zelda tereco appearing behind her doesn't make sense story-wise it's as simple as that there is no tapestry of the great calamity from 100 years ago in fact the tapestry we see here is still a bit of a mystery the only thing they change to it is adding an additional champion on top of the four divine beasts which also kinda spoils the fact that riju teba yunobo and saidon will appear in the game imagine if we had no clue at all that this would happen it would probably have made a much bigger impact again from a design perspective i get why they used it it looks pretty it's something people would recognize from breath of the wild but it makes no sense at all when it comes to the pre-established lore this one is a classic example of sacrificing story consistency for gameplay one of the missions in chapter four titled when courage fails sees zelda visiting the spring of courage inside the farron province right smack in the middle of the zonai ruins when they are suddenly ambushed by hordes of monsters trying to take out the princess once and for all as the heroes try to defend themselves and make their way out of the forest one objective involves turning on these ancient water spouts to clear debris blocking the road we can find a broken one lying around early on and zelda comments on it okay cool it works for the mission itself i mean shoot half the objectives in the game involves activating some thingamajigs across the map to advance further so yeah but again from a story perspective it clashes with breath of the wild because where are these ancient water spouts in that game we don't find them anywhere adding things to the world as a way to create objectives is fine but it can sometimes mess with the overall lore could they be destroyed in breath of the wild's timeline i mean sure but i don't really see why that would be the case they seem to be made from the same type of material as the guardians and they can still be seen laying around everywhere so logically speaking some of these ancient super soakers or at least parts of them should still be laying around in breath of the wild as well right finally i have some quick honorable mentions things which didn't make it on the list because they were either too small of an issue or because maybe they do have a clear explanation that doesn't require reaching too far first is the map which has a few small inconsistencies on it like the ruins of certain locations which should still be standing most notable the merida exchange or deja village which is somehow already submerged also for some reason they completely removed the temple of time in eastern abbey instead of making new versions of them on the map which are still intact next is taiflo runes which are shown without the black mist around it i didn't include this one because as far as i'm aware it's never explained when this black mist started forming around these ruins for all we know it didn't happen until after the calamity when it was time to set up the trials for the hero so it could have an easy explanation another one that i wanted to include but ultimately thought whatever is hastu because i get it hestu is a character that a lot of people like so obviously they wanted to include him as a fighter but when you really think about it it doesn't make a whole lot of sense the koroks are supposed to be invisible to almost everyone and all of a sudden everyone can see him including rivali the prick pure of heart my ass paragus what about the monsters how are they able to see hestu if he's supposed to be visible only to those pure of heart from their vantage point are they being beaten up by an invisible force that would be pretty funny but anyway i decided to exclude this one because it's so obviously done to pad out the character roster without any care for the story i mean we get to fight as calamity ganon against calamity ganon yeah totally canon stuff right there the last one is more of a general mistake that is too big to explain in one video and that is simply the overall story direction this isn't really a lore mistake but more so my own personal feelings of disappointment about the story the time travel shenanigans that make it all way more confusing and inconsistent than it needed to be the many way too convenient plot devices the fact that the game was marketed as the prequel to breath of the wild while in reality having very little to do with the actual events from 10 000 years ago etc because of all this i just find it harder and harder to care about this story it doesn't reveal anything new about the lore of breath the wild it doesn't have any impact on breath to wall 2 heck as i said we still don't even know if this game is supposed to be canon or not but even if it is it's so disconnected that it doesn't really matter at the end of the day and judging from the general reaction to the new story dlc of the game it seems like i'm not the only one who feels that way it was a fun game with some amazing cutscenes and cool new characters but that's about it for me now i'm not ruling out that the new story dlc might explain some new stuff we do see a new depiction of the moment terrico awakens which is supposed to take place in breath the wild's timeline maybe it even explains the inconsistency i mentioned earlier about the weird camera angles who knows from what i can gather the story seems to be sort of a prequel to some of age of calamity's events perhaps it shows how aster first came into contact with calamity ganon from the future something which i pointed out in my review of the game was sorely lacking from the game's narrative i think this new story might have something to do with that which robbie mentions inside the royal tech lab namely that there is even more information inside terraco but it's been fragmented the dlc is called guardian of remembrance and it shows glass fragments with imagery on it maybe we'll see what happened after terraco jumped inside the portal and before he ended up at the shika tower in central hyrule which is kind of an unexplained gap the guardian stalker we see awakening here is likely the very same one that found its way up to the tower and into zelda's laboratory to try and stop terrico and ultimately released its malice into the portal so yeah if i had to guess it probably shows what tereko and calamity ganon were up to before link finds terraco during the battle for hyrule field anyway that wraps it up for today a big thanks to all of you for watching to my mods my patreons channel members and to sony valisente korok dance banoon and twilight wolfo thank you all so much for the support i will see you all in the next video this is dawn signing off and have a good one [Music] you
Channel: Monster Maze
Views: 62,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the legend of zelda, zelda, age of calamity, hyrule warriors, breath of the wild, legend of zelda breath of the wild, zelda theory, legend of zelda theory, zelda lore, hyrule warriors age of calamity
Id: SgbPByXPsn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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