Size, Distance, and Time in the Universe | Soft-Spoken ASMR (3.5 Hours)

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ShowUpandGlow ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 10 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
think about this we are the culmination of 14 billion years of an unbroken cosmic evolution and if this is true it means that we are the universe trying to understand itself our time and space even possible to imagine on this scale find out hey guys this is rich and welcome to let's find out tonight we're going to be exploring the concept of scale in the universe and we're going to be doing it by looking at our solar system and not just the sizes of the planets in the sun but the truly colossal distances between them and we're taking a long journey this evening so grab a snack or a drink or just relax and get comfortable and hopefully next time you're outside looking at the stars at night you'll be able to better recognize that what you're actually seeing is suns hundreds maybe even thousands of light years away and maybe this will help us have a slightly deeper sense of and appreciation for just how vast this beautiful existence really is [Music] the other day i was trying to sketch out the a slightly more accurate representation of the earth moon system and particularly in regards to using parallax to determine the distance to the moon using trigonometry essentially you just draw a right triangle and you figure out the angles inside it which gives you the side length the concept of parallax though is so often misrepresented yeah mostly just in terms of scale i mean just like any popularizations of space astronomy topics whether it's on the history channel or discovery channel whatever or even other youtube channels and so i was drawing it out just because i personally didn't understand it i was in awe absolutely i was really just uh impressed by how the heck we could know the distance to the moon just by looking at it and using some mathematics and basic math at that not even very you know when i get into calculus and quantum mechanics there relatively basic mathematics just using a right triangle and it's so often misrepresented so if we have the earth there the moon there and then three you know just a a very simple um image of a you know constellation representation of distant distant stars let's see let's get this out let's get our little roller out here so we can make some nice straight lines the concept of parallax is that when you measure from uh you observe the moon i guess we'll go right next to it from one position on earth and then you travel the distance away to another position on earth the moon will look like its apparent position in the sky has changed um and you need something much more distant than the moon to measure the change in position against the fundamental concept is that so from this position right here the moon against the sky would look like this and then from this position over here at the exact same moment mind you so you would have to uh synchronize with someone else you know say this is uh paris france right here and this is greece athens greece maybe the moon over here in greece would look like it's right here and the concept of parallax the fundamental concept is that these stars have to be so far away as to practically be considered infinitely far away and by doing that what that allows us to assume is that the light rays from the stars hitting the earth are essentially parallel and what that allows us to do is the concept the mathematical concept of two parallel lines being transversed i should i should have drew them a little bit further apart but the uh transversal of two parallel lines two lines that are equidistant apart along there the infinite length of them two lines that will never meet um as one maths i joked i got a kick out of parallel lines have so much in common it's a shame they'll never meet it's a shame they'll never meet i thought that was funny um a transverse of two parallel lines so this for our case of parallax would be the rays of light coming from the same star hitting the earth and it's so far away that the rays are considered parallel even from both of these positions and the transverse means that allows us to determine our little triangle and the whole point is here it's to make a right triangle so that we can figure out one of these legs and that would be the distance from the earth to the moon and when we look at these stars from the first position we want to draw a line like we did right past the moon so there's a reference point and that'll be let's say this star right here that star right there let's spell the word right it's going to be our oh boy reference star my little pin was getting caught up there um and we're going to look at that and use that as our standard of a uh or our static background essentially against which the apparent position of the moon has changed so when we look at it the moon from this point uh on the earth right now remember greece will say uh that's france and that's athens now these light rays are essentially parallel from the stars and if we look at the moon from athens our second position we need to read observe and uh recognize how much it has changed position relative to our reference star in this change in position here or we could think of it as right here is what we measure and that allows us through the principle of alternate interior angles created by a transversal of two parallel lines it's a fundamental geometric concept once we know this angle this angle we know is the same because any um any line can be considered if cut in two um its component angles always add up to 180 and then on the other side it makes a full circle so this is 180 and this is the other 180 and with parallel lines if we know that these lines are exactly essentially at the same angle relative to the transversal because these two lines are equidistant at all points then if we know this angle we also know that the interior angle of the other parallel line will be sliced at the same angle as this one was so these angles are the same as these acute angles are the same as these obtuse angles in other words um that gives us this angle here and so the principle this right here is the dangerous part of this example and if it's confusing it's a because i'm probably a bad teacher but b because the concept of scale um i can do a better job on this piece of paper i can use the total length maybe even go diagonally get as much out of the paper as possible um but still this star in this system here the earth moon in a distant star system is so distant relative to the distance between the earth and moon that it's literally unfathomable we it's unimaginable how far away it is um just by some of the uh little background research i've been doing roughly if this was even the nearest start it was proxima centauri and this was an accurate scale you know on this scale of the earth and moon when and this isn't still uh we'll talk about that in a little bit this star would be you know if in other words the distance between the earth the moon was roughly oh i don't know we just so happen to have a ruler here luckily uh we'll just say an inch and a quarter this star proxima centauri would be [Music] i want to say miles away on the order of miles away at least just to give a rough idea and that's the whole point is that these rays are parallel for this the concept of parallax to work and they are practically speaking they're parallel enough that we actually get an accurate distance what distance we've you know since replicated and um verified many many times since uh early renaissance scientists were able to uh try to determine rough distances to the moon with uh telescopes and and quadrants and so that is essentially the concept there and it's once we draw once we know this angle we know to fair precision the distance between france and athens so we know this base side of the triangle and then these two sides right here this is x and this side right here is y that would be the hypotenuse and we know if we can make a right triangle if we happen to measure the moon directly overhead we can do a little math and we can account for the curvature of the earth so you know on a on a closer scale the curvature is going to prevent that baseline from actually being a straight line we can account for the curvature of the earth which we've known since ancient greece and uh i think aristarchus or uratosthenes figured out the curvature of the earth roughly to a great degree of uh accuracy actually we um we can figure out that this we can orient it and situate the experiment so that the two cities and the moon will indeed we can orient it so that the experiment allows that right triangle to be created and honestly even if not it's not really the biggest hang up on this example because there's also trigonometric identities and laws and principles like the law of cosines and signs that you know with which you can determine uh angles and side lengths of triangles even if they aren't right triangles i believe by splitting them into uh right triangles so if you have a non-right triangle i believe essentially you split this triangle into two right triangles so any uh triangle in other words you can always split and then apply the uh the standard sine cosine and tangent identities to it and by knowing this angle right here this is uh if this is our angle we know this side right here this would be the opposite side from this angle and you know tangent might be a good uh trigonometric identity to apply here so tangent is the opposite over the adjacent and so the tangent of any particular angle is always a ratio if we take the tangent of this angle it's going to always give us the same exact ratio of the opposite side over the adjacent side right here this would be the adjacent so um if the distance to the moon from france is our x or our or our adjacent side we'll figure that out right here by essentially saying the adjacent side is going to equal by doing some you know quick math uh manipulation of the equation here um you multiply both sides by adjacent divide both sides by tangent and then you have the opposite is going to equal the tangent of that angle right there so by measuring observing using very basic hundreds of years old um technology to measure things in angles in the sky you get that angle and by two parallel lines you get this angle and we perform the tangent of that angle to get a number which is going to be this and so although we might not know these individual numbers we know the ratio of them because in any right triangle the ratios of specific angles are always going to be the same they're in tables you can look them up tangent of 10 degrees is always going to be the same number and that is just a ratio of the two numbers so whether this side is 5 inches or 5 miles or 500 000 miles in more accurately in the case of the moon um it's about twice as far as the moon actually is we it's just so fascinating that we can use these uh thousands of year old concepts essentially these concepts that were perhaps invented by the egyptians or um continued from even older traditions by the egyptians and refined by the greeks and passed on to the um the arabs in the you know islamic middle ages and then passed on back to uh or or through that route uh from greece to renaissance europe in the late middle ages and early renaissance ages it's just fascinating that this very very old mathematical knowledge can be practically put to use and determined to determine the distance of our moon and how far away it is and so let's see if that is the side that we want to know is x i guess we don't really care about this side we just wanted the angle [Music] these are parallel rays we wanted the angle here so that we can get this transverse the alternate interior angle right here coming from the moon basically the angle that the moon would make or that these two points on earth would make if they converged on the moon we want that angle so that we can get our ratio so x and maybe we'll call this b for baseline so it's just a general identity that tangent of any angle is going to be the opposite over adjacent there's a little uh mnemonics you can use to remember that sohcahtoa is one toa being tangent is the opposite over adjacent so tangent is the opposite of this angle over the adjacent it's going to be b over a opposite over adjacent or sorry b over x in our little use of our variables here so b over x and if we know what b is so this now turns into x or in other words the distance from the france here the earth to the moon is going to equal our what we decided was our opposite b our baseline and we know that because we measured it the distance in our little example here from paris france to athens greece so we know this and we know that tangent tangent is always the same of once we get this angle that angle will give us a real value so distance from paris to athens a real value of tangent of whatever the angle is between um that this star uh the the moon has created in its apparent position change if we look at it relative to this star and how it's moved whatever that angle that it's moved in the sky is what we plug in here and that gives us the distance to the moon which is i think roughly on average because the moon does have an elliptical orbit it's on average about 20 230 to 240 000 miles away miles this i've had these sitting outside the frame the whole time maybe you notice the flicker of the candles but i just wanted to give you a practical small example of parallax with these in just a second this example is great you know it's fascinating that i just wanted to flush that out real quick so that we you understand the basic concept behind being able to use uh an angle that you figured out and we'll get into how you figured that out and the baseline which you can imagine we figure it out that's fairly simple mathematics to account for a curvature of the earth and we can draw a straight line there so we can know these numbers we can know that angle and that baseline and as long as we know that we have a right triangle or as long as we have a triangle who whose side length down here we can at least know we can apply you know again law of cosines or signs different trigonometric identities if it's not exactly a right triangle we can break it up into manageable right triangles and figure it out with just a couple extra steps then we laid out here we can figure out the distance to the moon and that's fascinating to me it's absolutely remarkable it's it's a astounding statement about the ingenuity of the human mind and the intellect and the fact that we've you know since been able to develop radars and lasers and bounce them off the moon to figure out that it takes 1.2 seconds for light to travel there and then another 1.2 or whatever to travel back and we can you know based on the speed of light measure how far that must have been based on how long it took the light to get there at that speed is of course a whole nother ball of wax on the uh impressive achievements of human kind but if we were to more accurately that's let's not burn this but if we were to more accurately make a sketch like i did here and i want to do it because it'll make nice sounds and uh it'll be a little more fun so if we elongate this again it's not going to be anywhere near scale but um if we make our earth a little bit smaller in our moon in the star that we're referencing a little bit further away on this piece of paper we might just be able to get a slightly better understanding of the concept of how oh no i lost my space there the how the enormous distances between bodies and the celestial bodies objects in the universe like planets and stars how these objects and their distances allow us to uh make these assumptions like the rays coming from the stars and actually the sun as i'm going to talk about in just a second are allowed to be parallel because they're so far away so i'm going to pretend our moon is right here and then our star is going to be way out here and this star i'll make it give it a little bit of a dimension it's so far away now even though there were dots in this depiction here if i were see the issue was initially that if i were to make a quick replica of this without any of the lines in the way in our star way disney star if i had our two points on earth right here and i make the hypothetical rays of light coming from this star we can quickly see that the rays of light are clearly not parallel they're coming from the star and that completely nullifies our entire argument about finding that angle and having alternate interior angles equaling each other based on the transversal of two parallel lines and that's always the part i got most hung up on but it was by making this example right here and it's just a little bit just a slightly more accurate depiction of course you know again nowhere near at the reality of it that it makes the example that much more clear and that's all i wanted to do so if we now make our two points between uh paris france and athens greece and then draw our line to the star we can quickly see how this angle right here i don't know just placeholder theta fee i got in trouble for uh the one video what is one like that and one like that anyways i just do it i compromise i make mine out of 45 but either way we quickly see that this angle between the hypothetical rays coming from that star or beams i think is the more accurate term it's much much much smaller and if we were again even on this scale here if this is you know if we say roughly the the earth to moon is three quarters of an inch distant then proxima centauri would still be a mile away let's say now or no actually i know for a fact that um that's false if the at least if the earth and will you'll see how i know this in a little bit if the earth was this size roughly the size of a marble the nearest star would be i think at least 30 maybe 3 000 miles away at least something like that if if not 30 000 miles away so this here is about 12 inches away or maybe 10 we'll say so it's about 10 inches away our hypothetical distant star and this is mind you the four light your way roughly closest star to the earth most stars are thousands hundreds of thousands of times further away in just our galaxy alone than proxima centauri so so the uh more accurate distance imagine this being even a mile away but really it's more like three three thousand to thirty thousand miles away imagine how small this angle would be and that is the more accurate depiction of how these in this example here now these light rays could be parallel which then of course makes the uh trigonometry and our little example here more accurate and i used to think that the that the sun was a lot like this you know typical um radiating beams of light out because the example i was saying was uh even if the earth was here in this example you could still seem like there was a an angle because the sun being a spherical object like all celestial bodies generally are um it's even at the closest let's see even at the you know closest angles so if the sun is like this then more like we zoom in and then we zoom in even more oh man that was bad correct that and then we zoom in even more the misconception i had is that it given that the sun is a sphere as it emits photons each photon is going to be emitted i guess in exactly a um a 90 degree angle or or orthogonal to the surface of the sun from which it emitted it came from and that's actually not true the real the reality of the situation is that photons are emitted in essentially random directions beams of of light um no matter where they emanate from so this same spot you know over time even though multiple photons emit from roughly that same spot even if we zoom in to a microscopic level on you know 20 atoms across directions of light depending on you know of course the sun being a dynamic essentially static not static a a series of billions of nuclear explosions being held at bay and contained within roughly the same volume in space by its own gravity we'll put put it that way so the directions of light of the photons are essentially emitted at random based on whatever particular collision path they took during their 10 000 year journey from the nuclear explosions at the core to the bubbling surface of the corona from which they're emitted and it's all random so anyways if you compile these up you're just gonna have looking close up a very incoherent uh direction among all the photons it looks pretty chaotic down here and then as we zoom out to you know a quarter or half the sun it's still going to be you know very very very random all directions of light and then we continue that pattern you know i'll do the ones orthogonal to the sun but you also got to do ones almost tangential to the sun and then every angle in between so it's just chaotic and the sun is emanating light from every part of it in every direction from it but what we realize is that as we get further and further away from the sun until even to us it's the size of our thumbnail held at arm's length as it is from here on earth 92 million miles away it becomes so far away yeah you know what we'll make it more accurate and of course we know the sun is much about 400 times as wide as the earth it becomes so far away that even though each even the smaller section of sun is emitting photons at random we're so far away that the light hitting us from the sun must necessarily have emanated from the sun towards our direction and that is such a small portion of the sun i think the the biggest takeaway is that it's hard to understand given that so much light we can step outside on a sunny day and just feel the warmth of the photons interacting with our skin we feel the warmth and and the radiation of the heat and the energy it brings with it but to give you an idea of how much actual energy output the sun is emitting we are only receiving if every direction of the sun is emitting this much the same amount we're only receiving the tiniest little fraction almost imperceptibly small of the sun's total energy output and that is necessarily limiting the photons we receive to the photons that no matter where they emanated from on the sun they just happen to hit the earth so it's by the nature i guess what i'm getting at it's by the nature of the the sheer distance away from the sun our sheer distance away from the sun that allows us to define the light rays that we receive and that's not to even mention the uh stars and how much how many hundreds of thousands of times if not millions and billions no actually yeah billions of times further how many billions and trillions of times further the stars are than the sun that's not to even mention that we're receiving such a small infinitely infinitesimal fraction of the sun's light as we get further i guess you have to emphasize my example here in each of these little diagrams progressively zooming further and further out from the sun these are the farthest possible distances um that the on the sun from which between the the photons that also happen to hit the earth and as we zoom further and further out essentially we're pulling the earth in these examples further and further away because if we're this zoomed into the sun the earth must be really close to be right here so in each one successive little uh you know diagram here the earth is further and further away and think about how much other radiation is emitting in the space and never even being captured by our planet let alone the other planets or other stars even you know i mean that's that's how we see galaxies is by the starlight that's left over that has made it out after it's been absorbed by all the gas and different stars and planets within that galaxy and so all we're seeing is the light that and there's plenty of it because it's emitted in all directions very intensely all the time for billions and billions of years and only that little sliver of the sun's light is actually reaching us in that tiny little angle it's for all intents and purposes parallel non-existent a trillionth of a degree whatever you want to call it we can probably measure it much more accurately and actually uh find it i haven't been able to find it though i didn't look too hard but it wasn't readily available information most all websites just agree that even for any scientific experiments you essentially consider the sun's light rays as being parallel to each other so that degree is so small that gives you an idea of how far away we are relative to our sun let alone how far we are away from this distance represents thousands of miles even on these scales right here from stars and that's what i want to continue to address with our small little scale of the um of the planets and put those in proportion and uh discuss the some of the other examples of uh here i told you show you parallax of scale in the universe and in the perspective that uh that it lends us to really think about just how far and consider how far and how small we are and how far apart we are from other planets and stars let alone galaxies like not to even mention galaxies but here right here if we consider this and if we let's see i'll try to hold it right here and so if we look at one spot right there and we move our position over we can see if we hold the moon the red little envelope opener we hold that stationary and we change our position with these candle stars in the background we notice that if we consider they're far enough away where they won't change they'll be in the same position because relative to how far away they are a small shift on earth is inconsequential and the moon is close enough to change its apparent position in the sky so i just want to talk about the reality of true the enormity of scales of the universe and uh specifically the solar system but we'll talk about some other concepts i've ran across too as well dealing with numbers and size and time and distance all that's to say the units that you have to characterize space with are so large that you you cannot visualize them on simple confined human size pieces of paper in astronomically speaking geologically speaking even our lives and our size are so finite and small that it's really worth doing a simple exercise to understand our scale and our the true perspective that would show us show us our actual you know places our positions our status at least along those dimensions in the universe and i don't think those are the primary dimensions or at least not yeah at least not the primary dimensions they're certainly significant but the complexity of our brains and our neural circuitries having hundreds of billions of interconnected neurons are uh are of course the no like like i always mentioned it's not common sense but it it's actually worth noting every time i just mention it a lot they're the most complex natural things that we know of uh in the universe our brains let alone the interconnection of multiple brains of of multiple humans uh communicating that is societies or even tribes um those networks are the most complex things we know about you can think of distance you can think of sorry you have space which of which distance and size are a component and then time of course time the the uh mysterious concept of time that just um until einstein was a uh static concept in the universe and just kept ticking at the same rate throughout the entire universe now we know that it's all relative and time is very distorted in this tension with matter and mass and distance in light time and space are in fact i guess a unified thing whatever that means but i'm really just fascinated by how you know how distorted this object is right here and then you try to draw something a little more accurate and you realize this diagram right here is still wildly distorted wildly like not even close not at all so for the next 45 minutes i guess i want to try to counterbalance the very very typical distortion of at least the solar system we're just going to start with the solar system because i don't think there's enough scientists astronomers that really do it justice because [Music] well i think it's important to recognize and be exposed and learn properly accurate information and uh recognize our um true position at least in space and time in the universe it's such a an amazing thing to think about the the reason it gives us pause and and strikes us with awe to really really fathom our size and not just the size but almost more importantly the distance the massive distances between these astronomical objects i mean really when you think about it you can't even fathom the average human mind that doesn't actually regularly consider uh the true size and scale of you know larger things on earth and distances between cities let alone earth to moon and the distances between the planets and uh even interstellar distances the reason it strikes us with all is because it's us i guess confronting an unknown it's us peering into the abyss and seeing that there are things so enormous and so distant [Music] things that we take for granted you look up and our lives are determined our circadian rhythms are biology is set by the sun in the rotation of the earth and every time the earth rotates such that the sun sun's rays [Music] beam upon us again every morning every day our biologies reset our circadian rhythms are reset and um we take for granted that this object is you know this large as we can see i got a couple diagrams here let's see uh it's the earth moon distance their solar system yeah i guess that was the best most accurate one in there here we go um yeah just look at this that thing that lights up our sky that only looks about you know the size of our thumbnail held at arm's length is this large and this is us right here this little guy right there we're oh what is earth i don't know you know the sun is i just looked it up it's uh 1.4 million kilometers the earth wiki one is the earth i think it's like 8 000 miles across radius six yeah so the earth is not even 13 000 kilometers across diameter and then the sun is 1.4 million 1.4 million so um that means the sun if we do 1.4 divided by so if we're we change 1.4 million into 1.4 then 13 000 would be changed into .013 and the sun is almost 110 times wider than earth it looks even bigger than that in this picture but um it's so massive that we really can't comprehend it you know you think about really just the distance of a mile or two and the brain starts to uh lose its ability to accurately actually think about and and consider how far that would be to do a human action you know man is the measure of all things as aristotle said we really do blissfully ignorantly go about our day so so many of us i mean not all of us but i certainly do have and and do uh a scary amount just takes so much for granted including our small scale our small size in proportion to the [Music] quite literally unimaginable distances that lurk out in the unknown the reaches the cold inhospitable very very inhospitable reaches of space i want to just uh well first i want to um actually when i was thinking about just you know doing this video real quick i uh i forgot i didn't i didn't consciously remember that i had seen this but once i started you know doing some real basic research to scale i remember this on this video it's a beautifully done video okay [Music] um i just want to show you [Music] this guy does uh yeah so if you don't want to you know if you're not trying to just zone out and watch watch my very very uh glacial representation and presentation of this um watch this video at seven minutes and it's a beautiful representation of perspective really just this part here that uh let's see where does he show yeah he shows like this is normally right here is what we are generally shown like most times most all times in fact i feel like most people have not unless you actively search for an accurate depiction of the earth to moon you know which is literally what i had to do for here you see the earth um and you have to go all the way there to the moon earth moon it's actually unimaginable how far the moon is again it looks you know we we have no judge of distance by looking at the moon we don't know its size we don't know its distance by looking at it without using very very clever tricks and in innovative [Music] ideas like parallax to uh be able to engage in its you know the the conjunction of parallax and trigonometry and doing a little bit of math and a lot of traveling um to to figure out the true distance and look what he does here i love i love this such a genius representation look at that that's actually the distance you know it's obviously just a approximation but that's much more accurate than what he uh had previously there and so yeah i guess in my subconscious i my unconscious i was um i've been wanting to kind of just do a little video just you know talking about this for a while now but um see at the very end what he does [Music] using yeah using the earth that same earth he goes out to the desert and recognizes and you know he does the math and realizes that he needs a to accurately portray and present the not only sizes of the planets but the distances between them he needs i think seven miles he said you know to get the full orbits um so when you think of a distance between the sun and a planet that's half its orbit you know so to get twice that which would be the full ellipse you know roughly a circle of the orbit you would need twice that distance so at that scale where the earth is roughly a marble you need i think neptune the furthest planet out neptune is two miles from the sun which is like a four mile orbit let's see there's a visual there's a great little visualization here is that it yeah 1000 feet from the sun to mars and just wanted to show you what the sun would look like if the earth was a marble i think he has it right here yeah there's a better version of it i don't know i highly recommend watching this video it's excellent i don't want to get flagged for copyright usage um yeah it's clever so anyways at the very end he shows the truck driving away from planting and he goes out in the desert and successfully plants the plant planets and lights him up for a display and then does a time lapse capture from a distant mountain where he drives with his actual truck and a light attached neon light attached to the back of the truck [Music] let's see if we can get this and it is uh it's really wonderful to see the accurate perspective of just how far the planets are so let's see okay right yeah here we go okay so we plants neptune the furthest of the eight planets and that's his car driving and he zooms out and you can see it's a two mile direct shot from neptune to the sun to his scaled model of the sun there no sorry three and a half miles that's right because he said he needed seven miles i think total for that and then where was the sun so yeah if uh the earth was the size there we got a good accurate estimation there so this anyways this this is like a tent that's in that's a car it's a whole vehicle and remember the sun the mercury mercury to venus and venus to earth roughly you know very roughly speaking they're about the same distances between them same distances apart and the earth is the size of a marble which means venus is about the same size it's 500 at that scale it's 500 feet away from the sun it's 500 feet away from the sun so i mean roughly that's about here that's about what we have and um the earth would have to be i would need 600 feet to draw an accurate diagram of the earth to the sun right here and i don't have a desk that long or a house that long for that matter or a yard that long that's funny um yeah i need to go about six or seven houses down and use one of their desks and draw a sun about the size of about the size of my desk i guess which is let's see the field of vision it's about four of these distances right here between my hands so uh where did i want to go from there so many people jump to the idea that it's terrifying to think about these distances and you know our small space place and space in the universe how small and exposed we really are but i think that actually um i wrote it right down here to remind me it uh i think it really taps in to our social instincts i mean we're fundamentally we we didn't evolve from herd animals like horses but we we certainly involved in groups and well yes jordan peterson that brought this to my attention that the environment that we evolved in can be more accurately thought of as a social environment than the physical the actual literal uh physical environment of you know whether it's forests and trees surrounded by you know tree snakes and lions that might have you know predators that might have eaten us and the um and then later on the savannas and all that those environments are almost secondary to our perception our our evolved way of looking at the world we actually evolved in a social environment and and what i'm getting at is that recognizing that the earth is such a small priceless small fragile paradisal [Music] blip [Music] you know blue [Music] oasis in you know the desert the vast cold relentlessly hostile depths of space that actually to me that activates that insights that that inspires us to remember our most instinctual uh i guess perspectives of life is that we're social animals and we are fundamentally part of a group that's become so large so dispersed that it's hard to remember that we are a part of it and it's the human species and we're the same way that we get that feeling of camaraderie in that very warm fuzzy safe feeling of being harbored from anxiety by grouping with someone ideologically against another ideology we can on a grander scale remind ourselves by looking at our true place in the cosmos that we are on this oasis together and we can group ourselves in with all of the human race and then on an even broader scale the entire animal kingdom you know that we share the earth with and it's really a beautiful thing i i think that's the biggest i think that's the largest uh i think that's the most profound perspective you can have is to recognize that your your life is larger than you and you weren't created just by a single phenomenon of your your parents procreating you're just one link in a chain of hundreds and thousands and millions of generations of animals that eventually became humans procreating successfully mind you and living long enough at least to procreate again and create a new generation and you're the current link you're the current last most recent link unless you've had kids and uh in which they're the current link and successor to this four billion year old biology that has evolved and adapted and successfully procreated in the what ultimately became social environment that you know apes the the monkeys and eventually the greater apes of which were a part of um that we evolved in so the social group is uh so burrowed and so deep and so unnoticeably [Music] saturated it's so unnoticeably saturated it's it so deeply thoroughly saturates our perspective and perceptions of everything we do then we don't even notice it it's part of the beauty of looking at psychology and astronomy and trying to find a link between the two is because i love understanding more about myself and trying to figure out what it is that makes me so um not terrified but in awe in like a have a sense of reverence you know it's like this weird fusion between a spiritual religious uh experience in a raw scientific uh rational exposure to facts about the universe that it blends and it kind of meets they kind of overlap territory there when you look at the cosmos and our true perspective and our true place in it um yeah i think fundamentally i wrote that our uh [Music] the scale that i want to convey that i will eventually get to in just a minute [Music] i think that the what it boils down to is that it gives us a perspective so grand and so large that the similarities of our circumstance outweigh our differences and that's all that's really what i wanted to get at and very briefly see i wanted to show a couple pictures here let's see downloads okay let's open all these [Music] will it work all right beautiful okay uh some other things briefly that i wanted to point to when we're talking about scale and perception and [Music] things that we things that we encounter that we probably have a skewed distorted perspective about just much like this picture here and the distorted angle of the rays of light actually you know coming from a star and even here you know that's to us that looks accurate it's like oh yeah the earth is so small there that must be about the distance between the earth and the moon no it's uh the moon would more likely be about right here [Music] be about right there and the moon is the size of the united states roughly from new york the east goes to the west coast you know maybe maybe even further it might even be out to about here actually so uh [Music] i want to i want to just draw the sun we're going to find uh roughly a good size i think i'm going to have to draw the earth roughly about that big yeah about that big there so the earth would be about that big about the size of peppercorn and i think i'm gonna go get one too actually so if the earth was the size of a peppercorn the sun would be because if the earth was this big it would be unmanageable for our purposes here and if it was the size of a peppercorn it would be a lot a lot more manageable i think i would be able to maybe tape i'll be able to tape two pages together and we can um actually use this ruler and compass that i bought i want to draw some circles and make some straight lines all right the uh i just really want to emphasize how how often we go through life without recognizing the true scale of things and in the true uh and it works on again like with data information it works with time it works with population size and things like i'm going to talk about only have eight of these but these were actually really interesting to me this guy john f miller 86 says uh 78 percent of americans don't even use twitter so that means 22 percent of americans do 10 of all tweeters create 80 of tweets that's something called a pareto principle a matthew principle a prices law where a small generally a um you can generalize it as the square root of the number of people in a system do half the work roughly and so 10 of tweeters create 80 percent of all of all tweets so you gotta remember that there's a perhaps uh fruitlessly industrious i don't know is that an oxymoron at least busy a bunch of people small subset of users and i am pretty sure this applies to all social media and all social institutions the small loud group who are feverishly working away at their little you know pet projects are the ones who often make the most noise um yeah and i said uh so there's two percent of americans create almost eighty percent of tweets less than two um that's very very very generalizing here but you know roughly that's what that means is that um and i got that because 22 percent of americans use twitter if 78 don't and then 10 of those people and i know this is talking about globally here so um you know maybe we can generalize that 78 and say roughly 80 of people in any given country don't use twitter and i know that would be very uh [Music] um unscientific of me to just make general decisions like that but um you know we're just trying to talk about scale here roughly i just like the perspective two percent of americans create almost eighty percent of tweets two percent of the maybe global population two percent it's amazing it's important because we don't act like that you know we don't act like we're just hearing from two out of every 100 people and then even further what narrowing the data points shows the actual users of twitter i'd say about roughly we could say about 70 percent of all users lie between that 15 and 25 year old range so that's that's most of the people you're hearing from so of that two percent of americans two percent of the population you know online that are creating eighty probably you know 80 of those again that law it's weird how it applies across all scales 80 of those are probably people between 15 and 25 years of age okay this is a historic is a time perspective on time it's it's probably one of the more common uh references to scale across time but that's because it's so impactful that it's only 66 years between 1900 1905 and 19 was it 69 so 1904 1969 something like that um that the wright brothers flew the first extended prolonged i don't know was it more than a minute or 30 seconds or something like that uh flight at kitty hawk north carolina and americans landed a man on the moon a human being went from flying mastering air you know lighter than air flight or not lighter than there mastering the technology to create enough lift to sustain flight off the ground i guess flight is off the ground in 66 years less than 70 years they flew to the moon and let me remind you the distance to the moon where is it right here this is the distance to the moon it's it's not here which is most often depicted yeah you know let's uh [Music] to write that so when you oh come on my wireless keyboard doesn't want to work there we go fell asleep on me i guess that's pretty fitting oh it's so delayed that's annoying that's really nice and you can just have a wired keyboard solar system so look at these images and that's what this uh the other guy from to scale he did at the beginning of his video but uh i don't wanna just record his whole video but yeah look at this all all of these images every single one of them they show again for practical reasons i'm not judging i'm just stating a fact that we and these ones the planets are even on top of each other you aren't shown even this one it deceptively you know looks like it's a little more accurate and earth right next to the moon and then this one even you know it's uh it's crazy how that's that's the standard version of what we think yeah i'm sure everybody understands that they're not that close but they probably have no idea how much further the planets are apart from each other than that so uh anyways to finish where are we here our little romp through twitter the scale scales on represented on twitter um this lady here chloe valderri she went camping for the first time this weekend with friends prior to this i was ignorant of the sisyphean task of collecting enough firewood to burn every day and every night through cold rainy days in order to keep warm imagine our ancestors how petty we sometimes are today yeah yeah it's uh i don't know it's very humbling to uh remember how much work it actually is to survive and that applies to scale because the scale of society allows us to [Music] specialize and have engineers that that aren't just good at building things we have engineers we have nuclear engineers we have electrical we have industrial within any given endeavor infrastructure development we have multiple engineers taking care of multiple components or of uh particular components of that particular endeavor it's just amazing the scale of society and what we're able to accomplish together here uh from 1950 to 2020 last 70 years another 70-year leap was infant mortality around the world and this was deaths per thousand live births and so we have black dark red light red light pink and white the black regions or the really really dark red i don't know it's low resolution i can't really tell um you can see in uh so many parts of the world in 1950 higher than one quarter over one quarter of all births over 250 out of every 1 000 live births died as an infant and now i don't see one nation that has that that high or even anything over you know 100 you know even anything over a tenth of perths so it's just amazing the progress um uber boyo i've uh shouted him out a little bit he's he's an interesting online presence creator he says the 100 year war between england and france is what drove them to becoming organized nations if you can rise to the challenge the stress being placed on modern westerners will shape us into an incredible new force of originality always think optimistic again it's sort of the impetus for making this video or at least me being interested is you know just part of my general uh perspective is the respect for perspective it's a meta perspective i guess the more i read and realize i don't know the more i value multiple perspectives and the more i revere uh and respect people who are able to take a more sophisticated approach to any given problem specifically or especially uh social problems that are always multivariate always more than just one single thing that you can easily point to and say that's bad get rid of it and everything will be perfect you know everything will be so much better everything is complex and has a lot of forces and tensions pulling at it and you remove one another tension might come in to fill the void or the other side of that spectrum might over compensate or overwhelm the system you never know you never know and uh it's uh it's another reason why it's important to have a large perspective and respect and um understand that what we have is not to be taken for granted and we really should have gratitude for what we have something i struggle with all the time um another perspective on time much much larger you know before i do this because this it'll be a nice segue here this guy christopher cons concealis um i think he's an astronomer actually we tend to forget that a million is a huge number if you go back a million days from today the year would be 718 bc everything that has happened since then which is a lot occurred less than a million days ago so everything that's happened since then is pretty much most of civilization has happened a million less than a million days ago and i remember the difference between a million and a billion was uh see if i can wake this up okay was putting it in terms of seconds a million seconds versus a billion seconds um yeah someone said that basically you know a billion is a thousand times my my keyboard stopped working so i gave up on finding that i think it was like a million seconds versus a billion seconds a million seconds is like 20 years ago 20 30 years ago and a billion seconds would be a thousand times that and when you really ask someone like oh how long ago do you think a million seconds would be and then you ask them how long they think a billion seconds would be right after that whatever their answer might be whether it's two years uh in the past and then a billion would be you know maybe 10 years in the past that it's the perception of the closeness in relation of those two values that needs to be corrected because we were surrounded by these large again you know time and space and in complexity um it really really pays to understand the significance between orders of magnitude you know especially with with time and productivity it really pays to recognize that incremental progress can radically change your life and your lifestyle and your you know even your abilities your skills and in your place in life in just a year if you diligently practice that and it really helps to motivate yourself to recognize the veracity the the reality of incremental gains if you just do 10 push-ups a day every day for a year well not only by the first month you'll be easily able to do you know 20 30 push-ups but by the end of the year you'll be doing 100 push-ups very very easily and it doesn't seem like that but if you understand the i guess the concept of exponential growth and by understanding differences between orders of magnitude that helps you understand and really what's the word i'm looking for um really comprehend really wrap your head around you know really take to heart and and truly understand i guess is really the in the truest sense of the word to understand it to to be able to stand under it and grasp [Music] completely what that means to uh to recognize the difference between a million and a billion if you can't do one push-up today you the the visualization the fantasy the idea of you doing 100 push-ups in a row is so out of your realm of imagination your understanding of what could be that you're inhibited from even trying towards that goal and that's my point is uh recognizing the difference between a million and a billion and that a million seconds is about 30 years ago and a billion is a thousand times that it's not a hundred years ago a billion seconds would be if given a million seconds being about 30 years ago a billion seconds would be 30 000 years ago 30 000 years ago and that's the same thing if you think about what a a kilometer is or even let's say 10 kilometers that'll help my point yeah a thousand kilometers is you know it's roughly what 600 miles i think we can somewhat understand that because that's about the distance most humans with a standard car could travel in about um you know i guess six hours something like that on the road on the highway you could travel a thousand kilometers and if we increase that a thousand times that would be a million kilometers so if you think about the time it takes six hours roughly and we increase that thousand times six thousand hours um six thousand divided by 40 hours 150 work weeks that would be the time it takes no no that's let's let's multiply that times uh 150 million that's the distance to the sun from the earth so it would be 22 500 work weeks if we drove you know if we had a really slow spaceship that traveled at the rate that a standard you know highway speed limit is it would take almost 23 000 work weeks to get there to the sun from the earth so uh anyways the um last two i just wanted to show you here was in the same vein the tyrannosaurus rex is actually closer to humans 65 million years ago then the stegosaurus 77 million years before the t-rex the tyrannosaurus rex and i think that's like cleopatra and caesar and jesus are all closer to us in history than they are to the uh builders of the pyramids so to them the pyramids were already older than we perceive uh you know those figures of history jesus and caesar you know i mean even really anybody from uh written history to be from the modern era and then lastly maybe i should have put this in between um the difference you know distinction between wright brothers to the moon and the t-rex to stegosaurus but um the time elapsed between the painting of these ice age horses let's see the chauvet cave over 33 000 years ago in the neo i can't these are all french names the naya nayo i know the x's always ha cave about 15 000 years ago has passed um more time had passed between those two cave paintings than the the more recent one to us which is yeah that's bizarre to think about culture culture had been in stasis with roughly with minimal change that minimal change or maybe even backwards change overall between 30 and 15 000 years ago and then relative to 15 000 years ago to the modern day so my whole point is that it it really is worth considering perspectives uh not about just you know distance in space and scale and of volumes and and sizes of objects but the scale of time and i guess the rate of change of objects too that also falls into it so i may or may not post this as part one but um either way maybe we'll make a big just a really long video out of this but i do think it's an important topic and something that is not addressed nearly enough so i hope it's given you guys some insight or sleep one of the two either of the two is fine with me thanks for watching guys we'll see you next time bye [Music] so now let's uh introduce let's introduce some some items let's get some asmr sounds going on here i have salt with sea salt in it slightly larger kernels in the uh average table salt we have peppercorn grinder here with whole peppercorns in here and i think we're going to make earth the size of a peppercorn to be able to draw this the planets in the sun the sun's kind of the limiting factor because if you take a peppercorn the sun is a thousand times or what 400 times larger so if i stack 400 peppercorns up i think the sun still might be kind of unwieldy but at least we can draw sketch a portion of it at least um i have some tape for the paper taping the paper together specifically to draw in the sun we might might try to obviously we're not going to be able to do the distances i think the sun would have to be the size of a almost invisible it would have to be microscopic or or the um maybe the sun but the planets i think jupiter might have to be this size for the sun for the distance hmm i don't even know i think maybe if jupiter was the size of a period then the distances between maybe earth you know mercury in venus venus in earth might be manageable within this frame but we're not going to be able to do that where so we'll we'll draw the planets to scale and then we will talk we'll talk about we'll talk about human scale objects and distances that the lengths i guess that the planets interplanetary distances would be equivalent analogous too i guess so i have a little little box cutter that's somewhat round a dog tag a dog tag ernie's old dog tag from miami there i have some uh sticky post-it notes that we can i think i might draw the planets and then cut them out so that we can move them move them around at least the inner inner terrestrial rocky planets and very briefly i wanted to take the camera out of the holster real quick my audio's gonna dissipate a little bit but um here's here's the entire desk in case you guys were wondering i got all my extra junk over here the uh the ruler and the compass and the calculator and our thousand space facts book which i'm imminently going to be engaging maybe initiating again that series we're gonna do part two out of probably at least ten parts it's gonna be ten parts so it might be like a 20 hour video that might be uh the worlds i might shoot for the longest asmr video record once i compile all those together we have some there's my earpod case charging starting to get finicky i got a little greenery over there i gotta have this is my window that i have covered up my little lines i got the dogs hanging out down there brief look at the chaos behind me so that's that is waiting to be unboxed anyways um i took the phone off the holder to show you guys last maybe two years ago now i re i sanded down this old desk and put pictures under a layer of epoxy i don't know maybe it's pretentious of me to think that that actually looks cool but i was able to salvage a little bit of young you know that maybe the dissipatory yeah the dissipatory nature of psychology of the mind of the psyche i don't know i just like that a lot um and then this i guess this was one of the original pictures too and it uh i was able to salvage it and i think it looks appropriate because it is representative of ancient thinking and it's being eroded away at the edges if we don't properly and preserve it in respect or intellectual history um i might edit all that out but um i just wanted to show you guys the you know a common representation let's put the light over here i guess a common representation i got that stuck down there of scale is you know different this is four distinct orders of magnitude here and it's just um useful to recognize that we often do see pictures like this side by side and we see these two and we think astronomy and space and we kind of lump them in the same orders of magnitude maybe whereas there are many orders of magnitude different and distinct so we have like a let's just say 50 foot you can see i just love this picture it's a painting of what the uh i don't know if those are statues of i don't know exactly where in egypt that is but it's the sand covered statues of egypt as they were found in the mid and late 1800s and you can see how large the statues are compared to these individuals if that's a six foot man that statue might be 50 feet maybe even larger if we say 50 feet and we remember an order of magnitude is 10 10 x larger or smaller a million the difference between a million and a billion is three orders of magnitude or a thousand ten hundred a thousand then this fifty times a thousand would be fifty thousand feet and that's about you know roughly 10 000 miles no no sorry 50 50 miles so um because in miles roughly 5 000 feet five thousand two hundred and eighty feet so ten miles i guess um and this progression of distance is kind of representative there's a jump you know this picture is probably roughly you know a thousand miles maybe 500 miles so it's uh it's about 50 maybe this picture of the nile from space is about 50 000 times the scale of this and then this picture of the earth earth rise which i really really love i got a little posters hiding up there i'm gonna have to make that more prominent but um that's 200 000 miles it's about 200 times you know maybe uh two hundred thousand miles what would that be if that's 500 miles that'd be 400 times the distance there so it's just interesting the um when you actually understand the perspectives which i certainly don't but i'm on the road to getting a better understanding of it when i look at things i want to try to comprehend more easily and readily true distances when i look at pictures like this and then this is the andromeda galaxy which is 2 million light years away which is many orders of magnitude larger than the earth moon distance i just thought it was um an interesting juxtaposition so i think the best way for me to learn a lot of times is to compare comparative learning uh i don't know i just think comparing things is one of the best ways to learn because everything is relative to other things including words we define words as they become more abstract and less literal like a rock wood tree natural nouns we define words using other words in the relationship to each other and that's what i want to do with this is because we can't directly access the planets other than by looking through a telescope or looking at them as points of light maybe venus and mars look a little brighter than other planets and with the telescope we can start making out um jupiter is uh you know moons it's like looking at things with one eye it's really hard to have a sense of depth okay so here's our bucket we have our scissors we have some pencils probably use a pen or pencil um we'll cut the planets out if we want to and again we have our ruler here stainless steel ruler make some straight lines our compass to make some symmetrical some accurate circles i suppose is there a mustache sticker hiding in there i think there is that's really interesting clam skin to claim your free gift mr ben and we got a calculator and a tape measure like i said okay the distinction between a million and a billion i might have found it i don't think i found it on this website but this article is called how to develop a sense of scale and this might be the most again we understand things much better when it's in terms of human scales and human objects human ideas money is a pretty important human idea in fact it's all another thing i want to get into with bitcoin and um money is a store not a value but a store of energy because it represents work it represents energy and human labor and work so anyways um again it's all about perspective you know bill gates here has 56 billion okay so this article was written a while ago um he has like more like 100 billion oh he just got divorced so i think he might be back to 50. bill gates earns that what that means is that he earns about here and over three thousand dollars per minute fifty dollars a second fifty dollars every second since microsoft was created spending five seconds to pick up a hundred dollars off the floor is literally not a good use of his time think about that not a penny not a quarter not a dollar five ten twenty a fifty dollar bill if he sees a hundred dollar bill on the floor if it takes him three seconds more than two seconds to bend down and pick it up unless he's really looking for the exercise he is not saving money by picking that hundred dollar bill up that's phenomenal i got ernie and gracie in the background by the way in case you're wondering what those sounds are um yeah this uh they point out that apple um and this of course states the article this is an ipod touch maybe it's like 2000 this might even been before the the iphone came out so we see a brilliant marketing strategy apple knows this man is the measure of all things they measure the ipod relative to two very very common everyday items a pencil and a manila envelope where they measure the macbook air in terms of it being able to fit inside a manila envelope which is a very very uh memorable comparison okay and it says we have uh you go to the hairdresser and they if you're not familiar with blade sizes they maybe talk in terms of finger lengths you know and you immediately understand because it's your body things that we're familiar with um okay this was where someone must have tweeted it because i know i didn't get it directly from this website but this is the comparison between a million seconds and a billion seconds that i was looking for a million seconds is 12 days or a short you know vacation so i was off by an order of magnitude there no no by um three three orders of magnitude a thousand um i was thinking of a trillion seconds being 30 000 years ago so a million seconds a million seconds ago was two weeks ago roughly you know the middle of last week a billion seconds ago was 30 years ago i've been alive for roughly a billion seconds that's crazy to think about my entire life is just one billion seconds i'm almost 32 [Music] i actually stopped counting after 30 like not gonna lie i forget whether it's 30 whether i'm turning 32 or 33 this year anyways a trillion seconds a million 12 days billions 30 years a trillion is 30 000 years longer than the entire duration it's three times uh maybe even you know six times depending on whether it's five thousand or um ten thousand years ago that you wanna establish human civilization as but written civilization roughly is six times younger than a trillion seconds ago a sixth so it's only you know about 15 billion seconds i guess no sorry 150 billion seconds roughly wow and then distance the similar effect if we use a millimeter a million millimeters is a kilometer down the street you know about rough roughly about half a mile a billion millimeters is a thousand kilometers roughly 600 miles and a trillion so we go from down the street at a million 600 miles you know along a city that's a long day's car ride on the highway away at a billion and then a trillion millimeters is going around the world 25 times almost as wide as as the sun then it goes into uh other things numbers number of people on earth number of internet pages both which have risen pretty dramatically since this article was written so i wanted to just point that out because the million billion distinction is uh pretty huge okay so and then this maybe i'll just add this at the beginning when i talked about it but um this is actually a someone wrote alexandria although she calls herself to meet her alexandria here um unless her friend maybe her friend was uh demeter alexandria there are a couple of alexandrias she wrote a medium article which is actually worth a look if you actually want to understand just how to um how practical how to practically understand the um derive measure and derive using you know high school advanced high school i guess we just we could say geometry using like the law of sines and um because we're not exactly using a right triangle but you can break other triangles up and either into right triangles or you can use other characteristics of trigonometric identities from minneapolis minnesota in santa fe new mexico she had her friend somewhere i think in new mexico she was in minneapolis and she took a picture of the moon and her friend took a picture of the moon and what they did was leave the camera lens open long enough to expose for the exposure to [Music] i'm pointing to the screen with my finger but um to get the star theta lyrae lyra it's a bright star and we could see the measurement the difference they of course they're able to use modern technology to communicate in time their pictures to be taken within probably at the same time within you know a couple seconds of each other and so what that does is give you um essentially once you understand the the size of the earth at the curvature of the earth the distance between the two locations that the camera was taken at you could see the how the moon appears to have shifted with respect to that what we consider is so far away that it's static it's stationary it's the independent variable in the measurement there and the moon is dependent on where you're measuring it's a lot closer it's the thing that changes and so they um she took a superposition she superimposed the pictures on top of one another and did the math to figure out how many pixels are equal to a certain degree um using some software or something like that she figured out the line between the two locations but um she got an accurate measurement to the moon by uh getting the angles and knowing the distance so she knows one side of that triangle she knows the angles right here and here she was able to figure out the third angle and once you know enough characteristics of any any particular triangle you can always figure out the remaining sides and angle angle lengths side lengths and angles yeah pretty cool so um i just like the idea that that it is actually possible for the layman to understand where we understand you know how we know the distance to the moon i feel like i feel like it's so uh glossed over how it's how we know you know the universe is as big and old and distant and you know energetic stars um all these characteristics about space that we all love to learn about because it really it's it's um a way for us to confront the unknown it's a minor adventure on a small scale but but so often they gloss over how we know this they say we know this this and this you should be amazed wow you know it's uh i think it's it's amazing that 400 years ago these these uh really intelligent really diligent observers of the cosmos of course these people were always princes and and uh you know well well-to-do people if if they weren't geniuses that worked their way up they always had plenty of resources but um i just want to show you here the ancients ancient uh at least in the west in greece they already understood the concept of parallax because they used triangulation a version of parallax to calculate distances to ships and then very practical again probably well i say again i've talked about this before a lot of inventions come out of struggle well no i guess it goes to what i referred when i was referring to uber uber boyle in his tweet was talking about how the the tension of war and warring ideas on a more abstract level creates the impulse to to make new innovations and propel us forward by necessity at a quicker rate than we otherwise might um at least that's been our history and version of utopia might be in the future for us to be able to teach and educate and and raise our young children in such a way that they understand the finitude of life without having to endure the exposure to war and horrific drama like that by teaching them in a very hands-on way about all the mysteries of the universe that we know how we how we know them and then and then once they understand that we can expose them to the mysteries of the universe that we've yet to figure out in that call to adventure that unified solidarity between among humans to have a single or at least a small subset a small group of mysteries to solve and things characteristics about our existence you know we say the universe but really it means our existence we're born and we die and in between them we want to figure out as much as we can we want to peel back the layers of nature as as deep down and as microscopic and as far away and as macroscopic as we can to really understand what the nature of it all is the meaning the purpose the the origin of existence perhaps the final destiny of our existence in the universe here we have a sexton the the word i was searching for earlier there's other astronomical instruments to measure angles but uh sexton is called that because it's a sixth of a circle a quadrant would be a a quarter of a circle and this was one from 1449 at the end of the uh towards the end of the islamic golden age scientific golden age where they the islamic byzan byzantine empire of eastern europe and western asia the middle east was a absolute melting pot a sponge absorb a cultural sponge absorbing ancient information from the west and to east and uh this prince here for more than a thousand years ptolemy's alma almagest was the world's standard authority on star positions it's translated into arabic in ptolemy's work although he was wrong about thinking that it was a geocentric universe the earth being the stationary object around which stars and everything else the sun planets rapidly rotated he was right about a lot of other things and and he made a lot of useful detailed observations that helped us ratchet up our knowledge about the universe as it was transmitted across time and so ulung was the grandson of a mongol conqueror timur uh lived in present-day uzbekistan in 1409 and he turned the city into a respected place of learning so anyways this was his remaining remaining um trenches uh you could see here gouged into a hillside for observations um here this is a diagram i just wanted to show you uh this right here is why it's so hard for it for me when i don't when i'm not diligent enough to actually really thoroughly read descriptions and i'm relying on diagrams this is so distorted that it really makes it hard to understand the principle behind concepts in parallax here is saying that this star looks these large stars here it's really you know much closer than these background stars but you know to us just looking at the sky they're all just on one pers one apparent single distance away one big wall really really far away and in june on one side of the sun in our orbit this star would appear like this and then as we travel on the other side of the orbit it would appear to move with respect to the more distant tiny stars in this diagram but in reality where'd i put that here we go in reality though in reality maybe i can do that actually if we look at this as a triangle this rubber band right here here let me uh give you a better view okay so if i can somehow keep these scissor legs um in the position and this between these legs is one angle one side of the triangle and i sit and i pull this the lines of these two sides as they get longer and longer this angle here is going to get smaller and smaller and smaller so this angle is much smaller than this angle right here and uh just imagine that this is drawn out this uh point right here represented by the uh the flat end little screwdriver is drawn out a thousand times further then these lines would appear to be practically parallel and that's how parallax works that's that's one foundational concept on which parallax is uh is applied okay see i have my little list right here astronomy book rubber band example and then now finally the grand finale that we've all been waiting on um let's go back to our monitor and so we have this website we're going to find out we're going to calculate the radius and we're going to try to get the sun's radius adds see body diameter we're going to make that 12 inches and then the orbit radius if the sun was a foot across one foot across mercury would be 40 feet away venus 77 earth 107 mars 163 jupiter would be 559 feet saturn would be a thousand uranus would be double that neptune would be over triple that and pluto would be quadruple that and this is you know roughly their um these are the average orbits um okay so the body the sun it's 12 inches a foot in diameter mercury would be .04 inches one millimeter okay earth would be 0.1 inches 2.7 millimeters all right all right all right millimeters centimeter so mercury would be about the size of a grain of salt here and then we get the peppercorn out but it's roughly a little bit bigger than that right there that would be that would be about what earth is okay so let's let's do that let's use that and then jupiter is going to be 30 let's say 1.2 inches 30 millimeters saturn is gonna be a little smaller at one inch 25 millimeters and then uranus and neptune are going to be 0.4 and 0.39 inches respectively pluto would be 0.02 inches okay so let's uh let's go ahead and draw on this let's see if we can get this into a let's say yeah i think this is a it's a bitcoin by the way guys now i'm just getting it to bog slammer whammer in 1994. it's an 8 ball special i honestly don't even know where i got this it's uh it's one of those things that's just floating around your drawer for years and years and apparently for me it's been about 30 years almost okay we're gonna uh i think i'm gonna actually dispense with those objects we're gonna we're gonna make a bunch of little circles on our sticky notes cut them out and um see let's see uh jupiter is gonna be an inch yeah so and then we're gonna draw the sun i really wanna uh i mean i guess it's easier to just talk about it but um it's just amazing that you know if the sun was 12 inches across in diameter the mercury would be 40 times this away 40 times this and it would be the size of one of these grains of rice right here salt salt none rice see if i can get one out without breaking it i think mercury would probably even be smaller than that but um yeah roughly that's what mercury would be right there so the sun would be this large that across mercury is that small and you can't really do the masses the actual amount of matter and even the volume that that sphere would take up by looking at simply the diameter so let's set mercury aside for a second there we go we'll put mercury right there the bottom of that right there okay all right so if we got mercury right there um mercury and uh you know in fact all the terrestrial planets are so small that i'm just gonna just uh we'll just cut out we'll draw and cut out the gas giants in fact okay let's open this up okay making a little bit of a mess here oh yeah all right yeah loose whole peppercorns in here got all peppercorns in here okay there's a couple peppercorns a couple planets okay so again mercury venus earth i wonder if i could find small enough peppercorn to represent slightly smaller ah there we go look at that nice that one's a little that's a little guy right there actually that actually works out pretty nice look at that look at that guys okay save that for dinner later if i um did a scale model of the actual solar system here with a working orbit that would give a whole new meaning to the word seasons wouldn't it i'm a dad and i had to i was obligated to make that joke okay all right let's close this up so molly's none the wiser when she cooks later okay so we got our inner uh inner rocky planets terrestrial planets and we're going to have our gas giants which i guess ideally i'd have little balloons because they'd be filled with gas but i don't have balloons so we're gonna use paper two-dimensional roughly two-dimensional paper okay all right so i think uh and just because i haven't really addressed the rest of this little back of the envelope calculations as uh i was trying to say just want to point out real quick the just want to address this and this if the earth moon distance was one inch the distant star would be 30 almost 39 miles away so this uh if we can yeah if we consider a star that's a hundred light years away if the earth and moon are i should have got another grain of salt out for the for the moon because it's roughly the same size as yeah as mercury but yeah the earth moon distance uh if that was one inch in if it was one inch then that would represent 220 000 miles the earth is roughly a 20th so a 20th of an inch would be way way smaller than that for the earth moon distance to only be one inch apart earth if that was the moon that was earth earth would have to be invisible 20th of an inch it would have to be maybe a millimeter actually so i guess half the size of that right there i think you might be able to just knock this in two and make mercury in the moon out of it because that would be more accurate there we go okay there we go all right here we have the the first planet mercury then we have venus slightly smaller but roughly the same size as the earth and then here's the moon okay and then we're gonna figure out how far apart these have to be i already told you but um we're gonna re we're gonna address the earth moon distance i want to make the sun in the planet so at least we'll do the sun and then maybe we'll talk about the earth moon distance and um we'll talk about uh the relation yeah yeah the relation in distance in size to the sun and then we'll go on to the gas giants all right so the sun finally finally we can open up our compass okay let's put that to the side and now let's get to drawing our sun here's our compass i actually do need the little opener after all um okay really really hard plastic so bear with me if i make any sounds that i forget to edit out here we go i think this is an extender here's the compass this uh device here threads you rotate them and they incrementally increase the diameter the distance between the two points oh we got screws falling out here i don't know what this is for just holds this in place okay shoot what is going on what's going on i don't know what those do why is that there okay little bits of lead got a little accessories um i guess those are replacements okay the extension so lead goes in there and this extends to make much much much larger circles okay random mustache that would be about 300 million miles long and then useless paperwork okay well that's quite the guarantee if you're for any reason unhappy with your order no matter how long it's been no matter how long it's been i'm gonna save this to about 20 40. we'll see about this guarantee mr pen we'll see about that all right so uh no i'm just definitely kidding i would never do that okay so back to the website here and i just want to remind you guys that so our sun so if this is that one pixel is the moon our sun let's extend this a little bit some would be this big and our sun yeah it's going to be about twice the size of that so uh and then here let's let's go over a little bit oh i can do miles that's pretty cool blue whales great walls of j ah look at that that's really cool earth's man look at that that's pretty cool 80 yards 100 earths away so miles but yeah a million miles so i could do this for a while mercury is going to be 30 million yeah about 30 million miles away and there we go 35 million venus another 30 million and then earth another another 30 million oh there we go that one so you see the distances and if i zoom in i'm going to make earth let's see let's make earth the size that we're working on here all right so it's still smaller but um let's get our rule around so you might need to make some straight lines and i got these made out of steel i just wanted some metal rulers that wouldn't bend wouldn't bend very easily all right so let's see let's use let's break out the big boy all right man look at this yeah yeah inch to millimeter conversions one inches 25.4 millimeters wow so the closest distance to one millimeter would be one one point one nine millimeters at three sixty fourths of an inch i think that's what i see yeah okay i could be drawing some serious lines with this okay so here's our standard by which we're gonna measure things got millimeters up here inches down here and let's get a piece of paper all right okay so let's say given that the sun where are we at here here we go all right so the sun is 12 let's see all right here's what we're going to do because these peppercorns and the grains of salt here are what we've uh established so they're not going to change so so we can alter the size of the sun based on the size of these i want to measure these uh let's see let's measure the earth let's pretend that's the the actual real real measurement here and actually look this is where this can be pretty useful here assuming we can get close enough i don't know can we can we look at that okay fantastic so i got him close enough to be able to pick it up and then awesome so i know that's the exact you know as accurate as we're gonna get using the compass and then now i look at this you know what we're gonna use millimeters yeah yeah so let's see i'd say i'd say it's uh five and a half all right so it's five and a half millimeters and now we're going to enter that yeah we're going to enter that okay so that's five and a half millimeters is what our earth is let's enter that 5.5 enter nope calculate you filled english and metric boxes okay hold on okay all right so all we have to do here is um mess that up is uh mess around maybe with the sun's diameter until we get 5.5 close 5.5 millimeters let's make let's make it 14 inches oh wrong one there we go 14 inches calculate all right so let's do 20. calculate oh forgot to clear computers or very good rule followers very good rule followers that's why we got to make our rules um 25 um easy to follow when you're programming i guess okay all right so that's that's awesome actually that's pretty cool all right let's make let's make it 24. i think 24 might be right 24 calculate nice nice nice nice all right great um and you might hear molly's mom june's grandma out there watching baby june right now so so there might be some some baby sounds in the background shortly okay all right let's set these aside even further aside there we go got those hanging out there and now we have a in order oh man what was it this one so in order for earth to be five and a half millimeters that would mean the sun's two feet exactly 609 and a half millimeters or two feet 24 inches two of these two of these right here won't even fit in camera that's awesome that's the but that is the diameter so that's actually really perfect because that means that this right here from here to here is going to be the radius of the sun i just think it's so important like i'm um i'm really just doing this pure like really selfishly because i really have always wanted to see i wanna you know visualize and draw out the true scale of the sun myself oh look at that so you can quickly that's such a neat little feature you can press that ernie lay down buddy all right you can press that feature and it loosens it up so you bypass having to wheel if you really want to make quick adjustments that's mr pen i'm going to give it to you i promise i'm not sponsored but i would not mind being sponsored by mr penn i'm impressed okay all right all right all right let's see okay so i gotta i get to attach these real quick like this i'm not really sure there we go okay all right so we got those locked in because we don't want those moving even though these aren't going to be the most accurate measurements ever all right and then this one goes up here all right this one goes through here i believe like that all right i think we're on track here maybe like that then convex side out maybe maybe it doesn't matter i don't know all right so we can't do 12 because this works like you put in the center and you scribe around the center so this distance would be the radius and it doesn't look like we can reach only have about a five and a half diameter radius and that's why i bought this one because me i wanted to i wanted to try to make something similar to a 12-inch radius sun okay how do i do this can i do this without reading the instructions is the question yeah it's the question no i can't hold on richie at least got to try let's see you guys are probably laughing at me now i guess you attached this how does this attach all right maybe i'll take out the lead get the lead out like a classic rock station man that thing is in there that's really in there like swimwear where's my tools here we go let's trying to not break this there we go all right i'm gonna get the right tool for the job okay i know it looks like like this essentially you see let's put the lid in here let's put the lead let's see make sure okay let's check this out see i know this is asmr but it's bordering on being really boring also all right what is this what is going on okay we got a couple more pigs i don't think i needed any of that look at that 24 inches in diameter perfect this is a little bit embarrassing i'm not sure how much of this i'm going to leave in okay this slides along here i know the lid goes in here i just don't get oh maybe this part comes off so what happens hmm and then it goes like this okay man i would have not been able to figure out parallax if i was in ancient greece oh look at that and that little fork right there it's another reason why i just love learning is because you start appreciating things you start appreciating good ideas so much better a little fork it wraps around the inside of this wheel this little bar the screw right there and that screw nut system compresses the plastic right there man that's it's a really cool really cool design i like that a lot okay press it there tight it tighten it down so looks like i didn't have to uh take that out after all tighten this back down and then let's pop this in here right here didn't have to take this fully out either that's okay that's okay all right so we got the screw here and we'll leave it slightly loose there's graham out there telling june now how good of a girl she is oh man i love it she's awesome okay and then let's see yeah like that all right and then we can just adjust this accordingly but the max is 12 inch a 12 inch radius i just heard june squeak that's oh man she's four months old right now it's gonna date this video i hope she gets to watch this i really wonder sometimes how long youtube is gonna be around i wonder if she'll be watching this well she'll probably never watch this but no no kid is generally that much that interested in what their parents do but um i do wonder if like this i'll have it stored on a local drive but i do wonder if it's gonna be on the internet 20 years from now all right it's really okay i guess that's as far in there as i'm going to get that fantastic okay let's measure a 12 inch diameter and get to draw on this sun that we've been waiting three hours for let's max this thing out wow look at that okay to fit on this single sheet of paper we'll tape two pieces together but for now let's just get a rough estimation oh that's almost there let's go all the way out and there we go awesome all right you guys you guys see then can you guys see that so i have from there and there that's half the sun it's gonna be a big big old circle it's gonna be a real big circle okay let's flip it over to a fresh side you know what i'm gonna need that is awesome it's gonna be so massive that's so cool all right is that gonna be let's do let's do oh well we'll start with these two pieces all right let's uh let's do this trying not to get any bubbles i want it as smooth as possible but this is like really hard oh there we go it's all about the angle of grain not going against the grain okay all right maybe we'll keep that right there all right nice well at least that's good enough let's do this okay all right and let's go ahead and tape the corners [Music] all right guys so you know what i actually might do right now to utilize this fisheye lens i'm going to take a risk hope it doesn't screw up the whole video file cool all right i got the whole paper in awesome okay so [Music] here we have our planets free which one was earth earth here mars it's about a two-thirds the size of earth venus is about same size as earth it's a little bit smaller here but if that's earth it's mercury this is the moon all right you want real quick if we know earth is 5.5 millimeters we can let's just do how many earths fit between the earth and the moon right there very common questions 30 earths okay so 5.5 times 30. 15 plus 150 165 i guess okay so if this let's write this out so i'm gonna do mercury right there venus right there and then mars can be twice the distance there so mercury let's go back to all right and that's mercury in this distance is actually about 40 40 40 feet venus earth and let's find out 165 millimeters oh my god that's so that's a centimeter is 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 five okay does that fit right there wow look at that okay so 165 is right there okay it's in in frame just making sure right so 165 is right there it's the moon right there and let's use this extremely straight ruler and draw a line right there knocked mars out of orbit excuse me mars man look at that look at that okay all right guys i this i lost moon for a second the moon okay just gonna draw a circle around it so we can see where the moon is the moon um i was hesitant to do that because it makes it look much larger than it is yeah let's let's not do that i want to try to convey the actual size of the moon relative to the distance away from earth all right there's our moon right there there's grandma getting grandma narrating narrating [Music] all right okay so if that's the earth the venus mercury the earth this is about as accurate as we can make it that right there that little guy is the moon about the size of the united states earth is about 8 000 miles across and if that's 8 000 miles that's 30 earths about 240 thousand miles on average it's in the elliptical orbit but just imagine that before we draw the sun just imagine that being like right there yeah the moon goes here its orbit is about that big and that's earth so every time you look up i want us to remember if anything the earth moon scale i want us to remember to take away the true distance and the moon looks big it looks it's just amazing how large how clear to that it really is when you look at it at night sometimes i genuinely wonder like i've never actually done again this exercise so this is just a personal personal interest of mine that i wanted to explore and elaborate and understand for myself alright so if okay let's do one more little piece of paper you know what we don't have to go through all that we can just do a sticky note let's see right there about right there okay that's gonna really stick that in there okay let's go back out to fisheye lens here and here we go we're going to draw a section of the sun let me open it over the curb here oh my god oh my god look at that in this so that's mercury venus earth and my sweaty bomb just picked up mars and then mars out here and then this let's do it down here is the sun that's the sun so now if earth is 62 millimeters okay so earth is 5.5 lens you know what let me uh it looks like it changed a little bit of course but uh whatever that's fine okay just want to note that that's the center of the sun where all the nuclear fusion is taking place just picked up mercury i think too sorry mercury all right so the uh the hottest star is 18 feet um distances and speeds trying to understand whether it's the radius or diameter yeah the sun's given in the diameter so we're going to assume that it's the diameter 18 feet that's another um diameter that's another nine times the sun and the coolest star is only about three 0.8 inches so that tiny compared to the sun and then a red giant beetlejuice not even the largest red giant so there's stars even larger out there than beetlejuice but beetlejuice which is in the uh it's the top left shoulder of orion i believe is 750 feet on our scale right here 750 feet it's 375 times what our sun is right here sorry if you can hear that that's june she's having a meltdown out there i guess the grandmas are she's giving the grandmas a run the second grandma just showed up so the grandmas would run for their money right now um it's the only way i can get this video done so bear with me there's there's a lot of editing and then a white dwarf very very small generally the core or the remnant after uh superna supernova or red giant sheds its outer atmosphere i believe generally um in a neutron star might be the remnant stellar remnant of a supernova explosion white dwarf is only six millimeters so barely larger than earth so in the white dwarf is a quarter of an inch a quarter of an inch and the sun technically is classified as a dwarf so it gives you an idea of the scale the the magnitude on which dwarves exist versus the red giants for instance they're about you know almost you know five 500 to a thousand times larger it's quite a bit quite a bit the uh speed of light here i thought this was really particularly interesting so five point two five point one six nine inches per second about that so one and a third is about how long it takes one and third light seconds second or one and a third seconds for light to travel from the earth to the moon it's about that fast so my finger is moving at the speed of light just so you guys can see let's zoom in i think it might be closer to them something like that so it's amazing it goes around the earth seven times in a second one two three four i can't move that fast and so if you can imagine my finger moving this fast if i get my finger moving in a straight line that fast for eight straight minutes that would be about eight minutes that would be bbb the distance between the earth and the sun and what that is on our scale here is 215 feet 214 feet eight minutes going then it's like a uh it's like downloading a song from napster in 2001. that low that download time watching that bar the download bar is about how long it takes light to get from this sun 400 times large times larger than the earth 400 times um wider than the earth before we do the volume i just wanted to say that light year light travels about 131 millimeters this far in a second a light year is 25 000 no no sorry 2500 miles so the nearest star roughly about four light years away is 10 000 miles away 10 000 miles that's uh well that's about let's say from to somewhere in asia knowledge you know let's just look up the uh well radius of earth the radius of earth is three so roughly 4 000 miles circumference so if we let's do so earth let's do little fact sheets for all these radius 4 000 miles circumference yes and down here let's do pi r squared is the area two pi r two pi times r or two r is d so pi times the diameter two pi times four thousand miles so pi times eight thousand twenty-five thousand roughly miles so man let me i'd have to go halfway around the earth at this scale to be a um to go from our star if it were this large we have to go 10 000 miles away almost halfway around the earth to get to proxima centauri the nearest star mars the radius of mars see mars radius [Music] two 2100 000 miles so its circumference would be see 42 4200 times 3.14 13 000 we can see the difference 13 200 roughly miles so we can see it's roughly um almost exactly half the circumference in radius all right okay all right before we keep goofing off anymore i just wanted to volume volume volume let's see where is the volume of the sun how many earths fit in the sun 1.3 million earths so the sun is 400 times the diameter of the earth 400 of these little peppercorns would fit in our sun if we actually described it all the way out but it's not 400 times the volume of the earth it's 1.3 million times the volume of the earth so that's a huge distinction earth verse sun so the mass of the sun 330 thousand times the mass of the earth okay so the sun is uh the earth has a um the rocky planets it's rocky earth has an iron mantle i mean um core we have a lot denser elements in it so it's 330 1.3 million of these would fit in our sun but um the earth is the sun is only so it's 100 1.3 million times the volume of the earth but it's only 330 000 times the mass oh no i keep wiping away the moon and the planets okay all right let's uh figure out let's go ahead and figure out the gas giants and place them let's see let's make nice little circles oh look at that i didn't realize that was a hinge okay so so okay all right so the first gas giant jupiter let's see let's see let's see let's go back to our scale of the solar system jupiter is 2.46 inches in diameter 62 we'll say 63 millimeters okay does it fit just fits look at that in diameter okay so let's mark that 63 63 63 in diameter remember diameter so that's the entire planet not just the radius let's mark that stamp it there and do that oh yeah what am i doing as i was telling you guys that so let's mark uh 31 and a half let's see about right there okay so let's do is that gonna fit yeah just gonna fit okay let's draw this let's try a different universe let's do a dry run first okay look at that just fits when i'm posted now that's pretty cool so there's jupiter and then saturn is still very large but uh 50 so let's say 51 millimeters 20 25.5 25.5 just say 25 right there let's make it smaller 25.5 it's getting the light a little better i guess for you guys 25.5 okay fantastic right there and that's saturn but of course saturn's rings go out much further than that then uranus and neptune are considerably smaller about half the size less than half so we have a i guess i'll just measure it from here real quick uranus 20 millimeters in diameter so 10 wow it's actually way smaller than i realized look at that it's a centimeter it's like a centimeter that's amazing so roughly yeah let's get a little more accurate double check yeah that's good enough that's uranus all right commence jokes and then neptune last of the recognized planets is just a little bit smaller than that so we'll just make that just a little bit smaller just about nine millimeters all right all right i don't know where that came from okay so let's get our scissors let's draw neptune let's cut them out all right so there's neptune look at that i did not realize neptune's only that large relative to earth i honestly did not realize it was that small i thought it was as large as uh a lot closer to jupiter and saturn so we got neptune there let's see try to be as accurate as possible here it's like we got a lot of elevation on this planet okay and there's uranus or is this uranus just kidding um much easier to cut by the way much easier to cut saturn look at and that the largest closest and largest of the gas giants the shepherd of the inner plants shepherding with its gravitational field many asteroids comets meteors away from the inner planets okay all right look at that so we have mercury venus earth mars and we got the gas giants jupiter saturn uranus and neptune out there that's really cool this website was created in 1997 and just because there was you know maybe a couple hundred more uh fields that were being calculated the guy actually warned that it might take a lot longer to uh load those calculations testament to the improvement in technology i want to point out that the true distances given that the sizes are accurate here and the only accurate distance is actually the earth to the moon here which is pretty incredible when you think about it so the astronauts made a three-day journey going to the moon that's just so incredible in low earth orbit the iss wouldn't even register on this scale you'd have to maybe make the earth as big as the sun is right here and then maybe low earth orbit would be something like maybe something like that right there well my phone just died okay so you guys can't see that anymore but um maybe like half an inch off the sun mercury would be [Music] at this scale that we have here and i'll just uh superimpose a previous image of this mercury would be 83 feet away from this two foot wide sun venus would be 150 feet away earth just over 200 feet away mars would be [Music] quite a bit further but still manageably understandably close at 330 feet away and jupiter is pretty starting to get pretty far away and a thousand feet uh 1118 feet away and then it's interesting that mars's orbit is about twice the distance from earth as earth is from venus and saturn's twice the distance from jupiter as jupiter is from the sun so it's pretty interesting and then um that this pattern emerges and it has to do with orbital resonances um so many other planets that didn't neatly follow fall into these these distances that are multiples of each other on average um probably would have either gotten swallowed by another planet or booted gravitationally speaking out of the solar system maybe billions of years ago so saturn's 2000 feet away that's half a mile at this point and then uranus is 4 000 miles uh feet on this scale uranus is almost a mile away it's about 80 percent of a mile and then neptune is over a mile almost a mile and a half away neptune would be almost a mile and a half away if our sun was only two feet in diameter inner earth was a peppercorn sitting 200 feet away from the sun so far guys i really hope this was useful for helping you it helped me it really is actually really fun to practice these visualizations and uh you know fleshing out these these concepts specifically if anything else like i said the distance to the moon i think it's really interesting the true distance and proportions of the planet's sizes in the interplanetary distance between us it takes like 20 minutes to get between earth and mars for instance which is uh about a little over 100 feet on our scale here let me know what you thought otherwise i hope you had a good time and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Let's Find Out
Views: 10,729,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, science, history, quiet, sleep, study, relax, educational, facts, informative, intellectual, math, documentary, teaching, professor, lecture, ASMR
Id: lEOu14yx6KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 25sec (12805 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.